btoSPF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1895. 2 jsirgfamCTiinW.riieija.iLg HUliMHIJ.J A aBaeaBaaBBBBEaaaaanaflaei H u U O vt ui " - I s- 8 ii! - -3 - 5 B it WMm M .1 M h s;.itg Sfa -3' H, tl 10 I S li!':i!3i hi .v ri - aaw III UI I CO I iff, 1 n w" Sf V. -S 8 mSJS- R u s u " " K . S M - H " m b 8 g . 2 j - .a M a rf at " 2 3 3 & - P B S s -s 5 o .g .s a M O t a si a at U 5 u a j, -s at .. P. X 5 w 0 u ' -s o?5, ixdI I' ' a 5s; a.v k - .H 3 m zz: a'tti ff ft n la VM TOWNSUII ROANIZATION. .zed by luw, five, cunt foi inch i nuiiireu wom, ir KUiyini: mij n- Tlia itcw System Under Which Towiuhlas will hm pernled. ( ,.) 3 s x 2. a c S - d c b. 3L-h; a-sa-c-o ., - o - fc. w in Esf ass ogjaS " 1 g 2-3 o &-S S - a JB " -S a o ar-3 2 f p its S n3Mi aZ3Z2&&i OLDEST and omtilNAL ir ugnwriH not 0 WEST NINTH STREET, (Nan JUNCTION.) KANSAS CITY, 9 MISSOURI. RoRulnr sraduato Dtithorlocl by the ann. nnrl rnnrnrl rffiV-l'Sl'.v cd to bo the lend. , Jem Inn unci moot buo .Jv f,Lj' conBful Gpoclallet JlTftfC,;? I ,n BLOOD, NERV. . I.T. . r i i! -y s JSE1 v AMCNDMENTH TC H0U8E ROLL NO. 66. Amendment t occtien 4. In line four of taction four, say iovon for Amendment to noction fir. In lint 2 f section 5, insUad of th word Gvt insert Keren. After th word "provided" in line 14, lection 4, insert tha ftlUwing: L'raTided furthtr, that if any such city ban mara than tha rcquisita in habitants far twa dittriotB, then and in such avant sufDciont ontljing terri tory may ba added to teh city to make thrco districts. Tha svperviaors i fluclt city districts shall all be elec ted at larga, and tha balanco of that territory outside of such city districts shall bo divided so as to create seven district including such city districts. In section 4, lino 13, fltriko eut the words "a double numbers." and insert in liau thereof tho ward "number." To seelion 5, after the ward "two" at tbo end af line 3, add tbo wards "er mora." In line 5, section 7, striko out the word "two" in bath places when it precedes the ward supervisors and in sort "four." In line 5, stctian 8, strike out tba ward "five" and insert the word "levon." After "roquiro" in lino 4, section 52: Previdtd, hewevcr, that notices of such meeting shall be posted in three censnieuetH places at least 10 days beforo such meeting. Siriko out all of section 76, :ca & "7-v .!. OUS ondURINAnY niorincn. . - . - A.iJ Nen'ous Debility With It.i Many Gloomy Symptom Cured. Lost Vitality Ptrtidly aoJ Permanently Ratortd. Syphilis Cured for Lllo Without Mercury, Urinary Diseases QtilcKly Kclltvcd and Thoroughly Cured. V r 1h Dr. II. J. Wlitttlcr tnvnr- W oV lablyRucccsifut? Uccausohc ' J makes mi iriiiiilin tlinthi' U 'j;vr.SgaJ3 rmmnt fulllll. AvoUU'hra euro-alH nnil tnakUlcl jihyHlclani, nnrt onnstilt Ur. Wlilitiir In ix;rMiii or by lutt'-r (k-lUnc symiitnmt) nad vecohc tlio camllil opinion o; n phjlci.m of Ihiik ifMrli'iir, uuijuvctloiiL'tl nklll mill Htcrlliifr luti'rlty. Bti:i)lCt:.T.s rrom our own lahoratory fur nlsliott tit hnnll cost anil hliscil anywhere Bocuro fpi:n observation. TltJ'.ATUKNT nrnr font C.O.I). m CONSULTATION. (la La UK'IHAKT AKAUTIU. On'.eo liours 0 to I ami 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to 11 C,,;-;,-JTo JlmlOi tnl i:tuiTi;ini'li' UiUO) tor (I 'tx.4(uiiiiii-l iirriM)-. Call or iiJ.lrcs3 In Mrlrt cnnililcnco DR. W. J. WC-SITTEER, IP V03t tl'ntn Gtroot. Kansas City, M0 ivC.v s.jj:.-.i csiw. a "..- . v.. y rv.T v-.N-i'-irt "--crrv uiv '- Vri' i"u y Sec. 5T. Tho board shall require all accounts presented to bo verified by affidavit, setting forth that the sumo are correct and just and unpaid. Sec. rti. Said board shall make a certificate to be signed by a majority of saiil board, specifying tho value of tbo claim and to when the amount is allowed, and shall causo such certifi cate ta bo delivered ta the town elcrk nf said town, to be by him kept on file for the inspection of all pcrsans, and a certified HUunicnt shall be made by him at one delivered to the county clerk, who shall lay such state ment or statements by liiui received from tho several town elerks before tlio board of supervisors of the coun ty at their regular annual meeting. Sec 57. Tho following shall be diMiiied town charges, to-wit: Tbo compensation ot town officers for ser vices rendervd their respective towns, contingont expenses necest-arily in- cnrrnl for tho use and benefit of the town, tho mnnc8 authorized by tin voto of tho town meeting for any town purposes, and every sum directed b law to be r.ised for town purposes. Sec. 5S. The monejs necessary to defray thy town charges of each town shall be levied on the taxable proporij in such town, in tho manner pre- hcriuru uy law lor ruising revenue morale oi taxes tor town purposes -hall not sxeced: for roads, two mllc on each dollar of the valuation; for bridges, two mills on cacti dollar of tho valuation; tor all other purposes three mills on each dollar of the val uation. And it tho electors at the mnual twn meeting fail to voto a tax to pay the tawn charges hercinbe loro specified, or the town board fail to certify up to the county board the amount of tax voted, if nny, by u own meo'ing, tl en tlio county board rhall have the power and it kIii.1I b. tho duty of such board to levy upon tho taxable property in said town a tax sufficient to pay all such town charges. (Amended 1SS5, Chapter 1'-'.) Sec. 51). Tho followiug town offi cers bhall ho entitled to compensation as follows; Town treasurer, three per centum of tho nmoui.t collected by him as tuxex, excepting on sohuol taxes ho shall receive one percontum; tho town clerk, town assessor and jue ttco of tho peace each shall receive lil r i. i . ..ii i COPYRIGHT? kV uwur mr eauu uj actually anu cam I oiitain a iutpnti r. necessarily cmpioveu in attendinc to M.-. --"L- -i -c ---.-"' - - :."-. - - MUNNifct:o..wbi)hvbiiiii)cari;tirtyruri' i town business, This shall not apply xpcrlcno In tho tent bulm. Comtuuiilra. . , , .... Arr&.A!i."n!!bb0o0J,afoK it0 a9aul,80r8 fecs for Il8'lnK PrP" Vba?cH?&oTOrrueo,oeth,' whioh f0fi '" b governed by exis wS2MT&t&!&&tf&i&X ting law gavcrnin5 assessors' fees UM ro brvuubt widely before the public wltb. d -ji.i.i i .. gyfiMJysiJSfMtt l r.0T,d!d' l,'at i0 lown olerk ,haH r- WRff ItSmSSS .nnT.,au.r!th,1C0,?e ,e09 for tho following services gM!&iry&!P&S& u,,d not a P d'u: For ""ving no- KSi.,(?fe itSSL' .Sibtni1. .S'fo1':.','' of alectlon as required by law, SmSFl t&V&fAr. twenty-five (25) aents each; filing p.. pern, ten (10) cents each; posting no tices as required by law, twenty-fiv (25) cents each; for reoording any or der or instrument of writing autfcar ord in his office and certifying th same, ten cents fr each one huiidix words, to be paid by the person applv ing for the same; and for cnpjinir 1 laws, for posting or pulil'c itn-i. li ecnts for each ono hundred words. Sec. 60. Tho members of the town board shall bo entitled to two dollars per day each for their services whilf actually engaged in their duties as such board. Sec. 61. No justico of the peanr or town officer shall be entitled to any foo or compensation from any indi vidual elected or chosen to a town of fice for administering to him the oath of office. Sec. 62. When any controversy or causo of action shall exist between any towns of this state, or between any town and individual or corpora tion, proceedings may be bad or suits brought, either at law or in tquity, for tho purpose of trying and finally settling such controversies. In nil such suits and proceedings the town shall sua and bo sued by its corpora tion name, except when town officers shall be authorized by law to sue in their names of office for tho benefit of tho town. Sec. 63. In nil legal proceedings against the town by name, the firxt process and all other writs or proceed ings required to bo served xhall be served an the towH clerk of tho town, and whenever any suit or proceedings shall be commenced ngainst tho town, it shall bo tho duty of the town clerk to attend to the defense thereof, and lay before the electors of the town, at the first town mcoting, a full state inent of such suit or proceeding foi their consideration and direction. t- If you are posted on Chewing Tobaccos you know that Is much the best. - It's made by LORILLARD. ,i TO lit continued (All IntorrMril In Mili hwitaotiHI cut It out ami It. It will t.ike atieut teur Usuei t cem plete It.) Person who sympit'hlan with the nftliot ed will rejoico with D. K. Carr of 1L3.P Harrison street, Kansas City. Hb is an aid HiifTrror from intliitmnntury rlieiiinn ism, luit has not liiTutofoni lieuii trunlil ed in this climate. Last winter l;u went up to Wisconsin, tinil in consequence has had another attack. "It came upon me ngain very acute and s-evere," he said. ''.My joints hwcIIimI mid became inflamed; sore to touch or utmost to look at. Upon the urgent request of my I tried Chamberlain's l'.tiu It ilm lo re duce the swelling mid eto the puiti. ntld to my nureealile snrpris- it did liotli. I have used three llfty cent tiottlrH mid lie lieve it to be the nest tiling for rheuma tism, imlns and sweilivvs extact. For i sale by Dujo & Orieo. The ever-increasing popular ity of Climax Plug can only be attributed to its high quali ty, delicious flavor, and satisfy ing substance three features which all judges of Chewing. Tobacco know to be essential.) Many men ask for. a certain brand of tobacco through force of habit, without stopping to think whether there is anything better to be had for the same price. If you want the best, ask ifor Climax Plug. Ha Sheriff Sale. Ilv virtue of an execution directed to mi from the district court of Welisiorr unity. Netir., mi a JinlLiii-iit obtained liefore Samuel West Justliv eoiirt af Webiter couutv, Nebraska. on ilmsiilli ilav of December. IS'ri. In furor nf aner National bank, of New Ymk Cil), .n.Y.mb pl.ilntlll, Htid nitiilnst ieon.'i II Cbniiev lis te-lam-tnnt. for tin- sum of one luimlieil ami t'.r'y lo (tollaiK ami fitvelubt eetit (li: ttu ntul cots tHxcnl at 9!M unit an ruliii; enst whieii mbl Judgment was u tbe 31t il o ! Hcci tuber 18W, transcrlteil to tlicill-trict emir' of Wrh-t-l county, Nebraska have l vimI nmn tin rol'owlm; real estule taken as lie proierlv oi Slllcl (Icb'lHlttlt, 'MR.ltlsfl s.ll-IJ.Iil llll'Mt ti;l'! Lots tblrteen (IS) foiirtein i!4l ll'leen (!.".) sixteen (IS) reveiileen I IT) ami Mm nf lil.ick mi" (I) l.almc's Hilillllon to lb eil n( llcil bunl, Nebraska Anil will otter the Mime forsil inlle-lilirliest b'llilrr, foi c.'isb In banil. n tlu I'.'tb o.i- ( lime A. I.. 1"''". In front nr lb-e,t ilo rnttbe eourr hnusii in Mid t litei e-uiil., ibat In--Ini: the bi.lblliii: w-bcreiii t'i- liii t.rnini euuit was liebl, nt the limit- of tun- oVIih k In. ef sabl il.iv, when tin I wb"ii ittie iiiti'inUiii'e will beulvcli Ik i llliilerl)!iied. D.itelstlnl.iv (it M.i Be- .1. W. lli'M-ni:,slierir. Jamks Mi'Nknv, I'latutlll't Attl. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Slicrlir Sulr. fly Nil Inent an execution illrc'teil tont' from tbo district emit of Welter en ntv.Nebr.'.ska. una Jiulimieiit Hbtalneil by tbn s on - l.i- intl"ii ( illstilet eoiiit nf Weli.ter eoiintt. "i"'rsK.i mi Ibe loth ilnv nf hil. tsni. p f.ier f Tli ItMin as pbilutlfT, an t nudnsl 1 he I'liiui!' fi Merchants Until. Iin: Cum. ,inv k ilt fi-n. ler tlie Mini of mi" tli'Mis mil ii it eicb' i iitnl cents, and iots mvcl t ' ve !! - lars and Mentv eent- iSTC) ami m-'-nt iik costs, I liae levlei) mmii tb fiitlimlm.- r nl estate tiken ns the prnpertv nl s till ilel.tiilaut ta n.itlsfv sabl ImliMiifUt to wit. I . t teiitniiia (2) In bl ck tbitiv omcit) in the Ik "''i '""" I now ell) of lied I'lmit', Welmier incut e I br.isk.i Anil v ill oiler tbe siiini- fri-.:iipto Hie blL'hrt ' bldd-r, in liauit, entbt 1 Jtli lu nt line A. .. Irtil, III front lit the e! llnm n Ibf euisrt lmu-e at lied t'!o id, We'i- tr I'n m . Se-br.l-k.l, ll'nt belliu llie liiillttlim ullel M I lie l.ft term nf t'litiil mis belli at ill lion- I w 'I'lock p in of said ibi. uIihii anil uh r - at'enilaiice will liepixen ! tbe mute : e.l, D.iled Keil flniul. Nebr.isl-ii M iv Mb. . .1. . I. tr M lift - v ,tf Jamks McNb.vv, Att for I' m in PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard ItED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. ....................................................... .................. .. E. G. MORANVILLE, Livery and Feed Barn. FlrNt-clas In every dcluil. I.oIh or rin, brigtit haled hay and a variety t uraln. .tew rlys and ttuil't lies cat ba kccurctl Tor city r eatiulry drive at reasonabl price. NOEITM tr IIOZLAjVI mouse. c- Gn& iv:. .lr.3 a gS 4Washbnrn Xjt (uiiiar, Mandolin, $ Bitnio or Zither. 23 Lxi T'u nr I he pr dm t of the I arscst VU? tiv" .1 1 ... t . i jiii tin-v iM ,iml, tie stt f.;i t ,;.i ,liril lot tuncut luusli. fcciutj (r I j on . Hcaly, Chicago, fe lur t Ilcuitllul Cnt.iloRiiu H'lttl ) VQ t n in. 114 poi traits id ninety nitists. rB Wnslibuins i ntc sold by all lust cian &&&2&kz& Dii re ITCHING PILES ' ABSOLDTMI.T OUSBfl. OINTMEIIT nj Bi'i uan-Moutam Intra. ,hla aal VKOZS?2lJP "'.'", wa,i '" rt"eJlf "hriS M"J, "' form oad pralraa; AAAAAAAA . ofMabh-Mf an 1S A NK-MOl" Uff..DM, auu ux W iu. fiual ; Hn. H Itx oad pratra4al aWl Cliu-i.i.1 r' ii.. , mn m . ji, rERHYRQVAL IVELLS Wj'CTX. rlalnl Only Hciuiliir. A NkjJ(WS's'.;irjii.lli Kill .3 1 .. In.ri.l ,U?J EV --iYjJlf. inkl tl! ,u liiioYk' Tj JJ ksvniiotlipr. .Vh.r a.i . ra. ,i. ,r,fu. V Nn.H,fi tmtiatHjs . U l U ). rr.rnllc .?.."!In,,.,'''' .''." " .UI1M4IU1. at. i " llrllcr I ai.tlra." Is Mir l n lui n ',, !ll. le.llllOT ilijor .1. ,,mt l, I hl.l,,kaal...lf,.. ,..JI ' I. .,11 L 7."."---'-- iimvu,jjh,,ii.ii .lUII..-, BaV JarraJ11TiVnH3-ffc HW CURES WMtHf ill ItSf lillS. lOUKO CJtup. TalU( UUoO. UK In tlma. Sold tr druExlitt f Highest Quality of All. Qohimbia Bicycles The Standard for All. Have you feasted your eyes upon the beauty and grace of the 189 J Columbias? Have you tested and compared them with all other makes? Only by such testing can you know how fully the Columbia justifies its proud title of the "Standard for the World." $J aa Hartford Bicycles, next-best in quality, sell for 80 and 60; J0 for boys' and girls' sizes. POPE MFG. CO. Coaral Office. Pact.rlM, HARTFORD, Conn. ran oh arcn i-a 1 Boston. Sao Francisco, New" York, Providence, Chicago, Buffalo. 'AN ART CATALOOUE of these famous wheels free at amy Columbia Agency, or will be nulled for two 2-cent stamps. fftftlttttttttlll ttt o rlv THAT PLATE 5l i S MEAN9 Qi & BICYCLE jagST" Mmmmmm m m m w mmmmminK HENRY DIEDEMCH, 3 Hard Times Pi ices on Shoes 3 Ladies' Fine Potif-ola Oxford Ties $1 00 Lad'iV T ne )onj;oln Hutton Shoes 1 00 Gent'H Oil Cram Congress Plow Slim e 1 00 GmuV Oil Giain Congress Plow Slmri,.... 1 ff Gem's Oil Grain Congress Plow Shnc, r)(j ,hk to mc in line line of Q2 lialij NnavN, (lie l'incM Line rs.u Aroimd 3! ere. J HEKYDIEDFPICH. 3 mmimum m .u ui m mitmmvz ijn f3 J- BaaaaaaaaaaPaaaaaaaaaPaSataaHTlLaaaaaaaaaaaa TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS IN M AN c Al Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOtfT Nk Vance, The Jeweler ! RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA .... .....,.............yi B. & M. WATCH EXAMINER; eaaBajaVaaaaaaa,aiaaaBjaiaatj The City Bakery and Restaurant Has the most complete lilo of Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies, Firit clnea in every respect, Call and get my prices bufore buying. It will pay you. 34 loaves of bread $1. Meals and lunches at all houri. Ice Gream axt& ysters in. Soas&n . Joseph Herburger, Proprietor. N J