The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 17, 1895, Image 1

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All Home Print.
, w- i H you don't get the Buckeye goods, tliu
" Ohio cultivator or the Studebiiker or
Charter Oak wagou or buggy, for they are the best made.
Full line of agricultural implements and repairs always on
Jas Peterson, Red Cloud Neb.
IMiMUlicd Weekly.
ubHerlilloii, 1 Per Annum
Inviirlubl)' In Advmicn
If not paid In ntlvnnrc, after this dale March
18, IsW. tliu irlcu Mill tiu J1.25.
Entered lit tl'ii I'oat (Mice In lteil Cloud, Nob.
hi nuill iniittcror the Fecund class
U. &. n. It. It. Time Table.
W,J il KielRht. I.v C n.111.
10 -lt'iiL'cr, " io:(iTi " Ar 10:00 a. m
. . riuliillt. " 1 ,3S p. III. " l;lli, III
, dorNt; .south
H.', rliied Traill, I.v ja :) a. in. Ar l'J:05 p. in vi:sr
6i, Fast IVklit, I.v Ihlfin. in. Ar 10:35 a. in
HI, Mlxi'il TimIii, ' I'.'iinp. in. " 11:35a. in
13, 1'lisst-iici'i, " K:lii. in. " M:.'M)p, in
y. lilllill,
Mr.HuckK'.j nur assessor was around
on Tuesday.
Mr. Palmer is setting out an orch
ard of 500 up; lo trrrs.
James Mcintosh killed two wolves
the other da .
Wni. Crubill and wife wore visiting
at J. Wilsnu't the iir-t of the week.
Miss Johnson of Kearney is visit
ing at Olo NcNon's this wick.
Clnrk Lockhurt was planting corn
for II. Mioliutil ilio first of the week.
Mrs. Wisccarvcr and Mrs. Bean
were the guests of Mrs. Thomas last
Itev. Blackwcll will preach next
Sunday at New Virginia at clovon
Ned Oncil from near Conies was
in our locality tho first of tho week on
Miss Cora Holmes of Red Cloud is
visiting at Arthur Wilsons'.
J, Bean, J. B, Wisncarver, and fam
ilies visited Everett Bean Sunday.
Crooked Creek.
Chas ToHtiant spent Sunday at
Mrs. Hoval is on tliu sick list this
Dr. McKceby was in our neighbor
hood this week.
Fred Maurer returned homo from
Lincoln last week.
Walter Holsworth was visiting in
Bladon last week,
Archie Martin attended ohuroh in
Red Cloud Sunday.
Beit Tennant, wife and Mrs Wcid
man were visiting at Mrs. Tennant's
' School in Dist. 27 will close next
Tho frost last week did consider
able damago to small grain and gar
dens. Last Saturday ovoning Miss Minnie
Rohor entertained a number of her
young f(riends at her homo and after
games of all kinds until a late hour
tluy all departed to their several
homes -more than plcnscd with the
fun nf the evening.
hrfvsS&nm.. "H
Stale Line,
Mr. Thompson and his sister were
visiting friends near North Branch
last Sunday
Sunday night was temperance meet
ing at North Branch.
Miss Eva Hodson and Hilda How
ard were on tho sick list last week
but both aro able to attend school
this week.
Miss Elsie amd hulu Justico were
visiting near North Branoh Monday
and Tuesday.
Mr. Forbes of Burr Oak will preach
the B.ioeulaureate sermou at the
North Branch academy Sunday.
Tho academy will have oral examin
ation. Cotno everyone and hear it,
Graduation exercises evening of
May 24th, at North Branch acadomy.
i I...
$100 Iteward, $100.
Tho renders of this pnper will bo please
to learn that thuro Is tit least ono dreaded
dinensu that sciouco has been nbleto euro
in nil its stages and that is catarrh.
Iinll'H Cntnrrh Cure is tho only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity.
Cntnrrh being u constitutional disease
requires u constitutional treatment
Iinll'H catarrh care is taken internally'
noting on tho system, thereby destroying
tliu foundation of the disease, and giving
tho patient strength by building up tho
constitution and assisting nature in do
ing itH work. Tho proprietors havo so
much faith in its ourntivo powers, that
thoy offer ono hundred dollars for any
enso that it fails to auro. Send for list of
Testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY
& CO., Tolodo, 0.
GSTHoId by Druggists, 7Go.
Graco Teal of Cowlcs attended
church last Sunday at Kcklcy.
Will Crozior started on the cream
routo Monday,
Mrs, Schuman of Guido Rock was
visiting at her son's, Goo. Mottc, last
Grant Gtregor and family wero vis
iting at Joo Haught's last Sunday.
Mr. E, Dclaney of Otoo county is
in tho cauntry on business and stop
ped with Dave Fishel over Sunday.
Alee Monia took dinner at 1). II.
Robinsons Sunday, of courso ho wont
to see tho old gentleman.
L D. Wells has been making bis
rounds assessing, and by tho way Ddl
makes a very good assessor if ho is
pop. Simpson.
Tho "weathor still continues dry.
Things will soon begin to suffer if wo
dont havo rain.
Tho frost last Friday night did con
siderable damago to fruit and potatoes.
Rev. Raskins preached at Mt. Hope
last Sunday. IIo will preach there
again thrco wooks from Sunday.
Mr. Lowis will preach at Mt. IIopo
next Sunday.
S 1). Mountford and wile and Mr.
Red Cloud, Webster County,
Corbctt attended the A. 0. U. W
nicotinic at Red Cloud Inst Sunday.
Miss Emma Barrett was visiting at
Mr. Kralic's last Saturday and Sun
day. Mrs. Strohni of Bed Cloud was vis
iting with Miss Mary Mountford Inst
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Frill of Bel Cloud has been
visiting her son August Frill and wife
the past few days.
There was a party at Mr. Frill's last
Tuesday evening.
Mr. McCrackon has oreotcd a mon
ument at his wifo's grave in Mt. Hope
cemetery. Jav Hawkeii.
Two I.lveM Saved.
Mrs, Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City,
III. was told by tior doctor sho had Con
sumption and that there was no liopo for
her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Dis
covery completely cured her nnd alio says
it saved her life. Mr. Tlios. Eggors. III!)
Florida St. San Frnuoisoo. suffered from
a dreadful cold, approaching Consumpt
ion, tried without result everything else
thun bought on bottle of Dr. King's Now
Discovery and in two weeks was cured.
Vo is naturally thankful. It is such re.
suits, of which theso nro samples, that
prove tho wonderful elllcneyof this modi
cine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bot
tles at C. L. Cotting's Drug Store.
Regulr-r size f.Oo. nnd $100.
IMeuMint Dale.
Most ever) ono is done listing.
Bev. Haskins preached at Fcnn y
crock Sunday night to a largo audi
There will bo no Sunday-school
Sunday on account of quarterly moot
ing. Mr. Boauchainp was tho guest of E.
Cooper's last Sunday.
The Van Dyko boys havo returned
homo from Russcl jounty where thoy
wcro hording.
Several frosts struck this placo and
did muoh damago to gardens.
Mrs. G. A. Willi" and Miss Anna
Baker of Bed Cloud wcro guests of
J. W. Baker's last week.
Bissio Malloo spent Sunduy in
Mrs. J. W. Saladon is quito sick
G. M. Warner called at Ainboy
Delia Aucihicr and Daisy Frisbio
spent Sunday at W. V. Deal's.
Mr. Buohana of Lincoln is tho
guest of G. W. Baker this week.
Mrs. A. Carpenter is visiting with
her brother and family this wock.
Gcorgio Frase and somo of his
companions went fishing Saturday
and Gcorgo foil in and had to bo pull
ed out.
For whooping cough Chamberlain's
Cough Remody is excellont. Dy using it
freely tho diseaso is deprived of all dan
gerous consequences. Thoro U no dan
ger in giving tho romedy to babies, as it
oontaius nothing injurious.. 'JK and CO
oent bottles for salo by Doyo & Qrice,
F. W. McLaughlin has a brand
now dog. It is a pug for instance
Mr. Martin of Blue Hill was tran
sacting business in this city Thurs
day. Davo Byrno was attonding to some
business in Hastings Thursday of last
Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosby of Camp
bell wero visiting friends in this city
QA. Cuuffman has gone to Illinois to
attend tho funoral of his father who
died last Saturday,
Mr. Crosby of Wisconsin was re
newing acquaintoneos with old friends
of this city last Friday,
Miss Pearl Shottcnkirk of Bluo
Hill was among friends in this oity
tho fore part of the week,
Mrs, Hill who lias boon visiting
Neil, Friday, May
her mother Mrs J. Snow rctured to
hor homo at Loomis Friday.
A heavy frost visited this section
last Thursday and Friday night doing
considerable damage in streaks.
A. M. Walters and Mr Simpson of
Bluo Hill was looking after business
in this vicinity lust Wednesday,
Mrs. Wi'lls who has been working
in (his city for several months return
cd to her homo at Hartwoll Wednes
day. Mrs. A. P. Johnson returned ono
day last week after a month's visit
with her fatlior and mother in Illi
nois. Miss Arnold and Miss iTith oloscd
school early Monduy afternoon and
drove over to our neighboring oity
Bluo Hill.
Among tho Indies of this city who
wero interested in tho game of ball at
Bluo Hill Wednesday wero Mcsdamcs
L. E Spence, James Burden. C. A,
Easterly nnd J, C. Hnrtiunn.
A good soaking rain would be very
acceptable in this vicinity and it
would encourago a great many pcoplo
who aro about ready to givo up and
start out on tho road to find a country
as thoy say whero it rains but my
friends you nro making a mistake
stick to your farms and you will be
the winner in tho end.
A lady nt Tooloys Lb., was slok with
bilious colic when M. C. Tislor, n promi
nent merchaut of tho town gavo her n
bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera
and Diarrhoeu Remedy. IIo says she
was well in forty minutes nftor taking
tht flrnt dose. For solo by Doyo fc Orico
W. A. Davis our popular II, & M.
agent leaves Tuesday for Biakcman,
Kas., whero ho expects to reside in
tho future. Wo are very sorry to havo
him go as ho has always proved him
self to bo a first olass business man,
Dr. Hall and Dr. Scott attended tho
memorial services of tho A. 0. U. W.
at Red Cloud last Sunday,
Miss Ivy Bcllo Albright of Red
Cloud spent Sunday in Cowles tho
guest of Miss Mabello Waller.
Prof. Tooloy's school-oluldren aro
going to have a pionio tho last day
of school which will bo a weok from
Henry Koonoj is boarding at tho
Zoolopolitan while holping in Mr
Harris' storo during bis absoucc.
Tho social that was to bo held at
tho Congregational ohuroh last Friday
was postponed on acoount of tho
Tho frost Friday and Saturday
nights killed most of tho fruit around
Prof. Hoight lato of Vassar, attend
ed M. E. quartorly meeting at Wil
low Creek Center Sunday.
Last Monday tho lawsuit botween
II. C. Errctt and tho B. & M. was
tried in Judgo Gilford's court. Wo
failed to got to town in timo to hoar
tho verdict but if wo novor como back
"Tho tnulo's yours."
Albort Boner rodo oyer to Bluo Hill
Sunday on his bioyclo rcoontly pur
chased of Thomas Jefferson Bealo.
Ho expects to commonco training for
tho traok. Although wo never rodo a
"bike" wo prophesy for Albort a most
successful oaroer on tho traok,
C, E. Paul mado a flying trip to
Gardonvalo Monday foronoon on a
railroad velooipode,
Jay Korkcr Best celebrated bis
ninth birthday Sunday,
Edward Paul has oommonced plow
ing corn, Ed is a rustler and if it
only rains enough to insure a crop
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
17, 1895
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
somo of you old tunids will bo right
in it.
A fow of tho looal sports ot this
oity nnd surrounding villages, worn
out by tho arduous duties of tho past
weok, assembled in tliu grovu Sunday
afternoon and indulged in a fow pleas
ures of this Hint nl world. Thoy were
all over to ohuroh in tho evening
looking much refreshed in mind and
Polly got a little too loud down to
Harris' Saturday night and J. E. had
to call him down, What a pity thiw
is not it ti incorporated village, so that
h to nl I boys would havo to bo at home
by nine o'clock.
M. J. Turner has started his pop
factory again this summer.
E. L. Fawcctt bus shipped in some
300 head of oattlo which ho is
pnsturing on the Gilbort ranch.
Tho many frioudn of M, Nelson
will bo Borry to hear that ho is going
to Iowa soon to tako chargo of his
father's business.
Tom Bealo is iu the patont right
A would bo young society man of
Ainboy was hoard to tuako a brilliant
remark about somo young pcoplo of
our villingo. Wo know who you nro
and if necessary will tnuko your name
appear in print.
M. A. Good and wife attended the
entertainment Tuesday night.
Dr. Paul has becu slightly under
tho weather tor tho lust few days.
Blackwood and Bessie attended the
ico cream sooiablo on tho 7th inst.
J. P. Sprinklo had a valuable colt
cut in tho wiro lat week.
Harry Hopkins wears a falso face
no more.
Undo Lou and his little niece wcro
at Christian endeavor meeting Sunday
Miss Graco Hildrcth returned to
her homo at Exetor last week after a
visit of scvoral months with her
brother Mr. A. L. Hildrcth. Sho
made many warm friends whilo hero
who aro sorry to havo her go. Among
them is Timeelips.
Purify tho blood; strengthen tho body.
Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial
and Blood Purifier best spring tonic.
i .
Gurdon plunts of ull kinds nt tho low
est prices at tho brick yurd north ot
town. Isuao Ludlow.
"Orango DIobsoii" the common sonso
Female Remedy, draws out pain and sore,
ness. Sold by E, L. Cotting.
Tho huughty und fenrloss emporor do
forrod muUicg his mark till tho oloso ot
tho war. Ho signod tho troaty ot peace.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., Han Diego.
Cal. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is
tho first inedioiue I have over found that
would do me any good." l'rico COo, For
sale by C. L. Cotting.
Bismark hopes to live to bo 100 years
old. His stock ot etoinors was substan
tially IncrouBod at tho last annivorsury,
Omaha chortully yiolda tho hall record
to Rocheetor, N, Y., whore 250,000 pan
es of gluBB woro shuttered last Suturduy.
Still Open.
Editok Ciiikk: It has beon reported
thut my hotol was closed, Ab buoU 1b
not truo I wish to inform my customers
through your columns that I am horo to
Btnv. Noither do I havo to borrow
monoy to run it. I think it quito likely
tho HnnkB Iioubo will bo running for sov
oral yonra yot. Vory Kcsp'y,
II. Banks.
Propriotor Bunks House, IUverton, Neb
Vol. 23 No. 20
SOUTH WAItl ni:ws.
Mr. Judd'rt lino putch of corn wn
frost bitton,
Jucob JeiiHon in working nighto in tho
round house.
Johnny Holcomb was visiting in south
wnrd Sunday.
fioo. Clossen bus built n nico kitchen
onto his house,
Mr. and Mrs. Uutlcdgo lituo company
from Missouri.
Engineer Voreon is sporting n now
horso nnd buggy.
Mr. Kinuudo and wifo wero visiting in
theso ptirto this week.
I-Vunkio Lotilto is still vory poorly nnd
is growing vory wuk.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilonior BiivIcb havo gone
to Kuirbury to visit for n fow dnH.
Kicbtird Loo bus boon quito sick for a
fow days, but in nulo to ho out tigain.
Frank Kolfo him purclutpcd a lino .Tor
soy cow from Kouduiitstor McFurlanil.
Mr, Shepherd nnd Mr. Clark aro still
on tho road whon they tiro not fishing.
Thoro does not neoin to tin quito so
many dogH dying Intoly in tho south
Mr. W. S. Lonko und Mrs.' Fisher
father und siBtor of MrH. Willis, nro hero
on n visit.
(Jnorgo Ilonnor in working an tho sec
tion, and Mr. Chumborland is in tho
coul shod.
Engineer Katmneyor Iiiib a horse thut
gotR ovor tho ground about us fiiBt lis
any of them,
Mr. Dilloy, tho popular B. & M. eating
Iioubo muntigor, is to bo found at his
old stand whero you cun got a tlrflt-class
Engineor Harris is Btuiling ognin, us
his wifo und boh hnvo returned from
their visit to Republican City und Mo
Cook. Earnest Welch and wifo uro still run
ning tho roBtiturant near tho depot. If
you happen down that wuy, cull in und
get a good lunch.
Links and Pins.
Bhlloh's eure is cold on n guntnutoe. It
cures incipient constipation. It iaj the
brat Cough Core. Only one cent a dose.
'25 eta,, M) ota and fl.OO, Hold by O. L
Cheap ItuteN.
On May 24th, Juno 7th and 19th
July 3rd and 19th, August 2nd and 23d
tickoteon buIo to Hot SpringB, South
Dakota and at rnto of ono faro for tho
round trip 10.00 from Rod Cloud,
Tickets limited for return to thirty days
rom dato of ealo. A. Conovkk.
"Don't Tobuceo Spit or Snioko
Your IJI'o Away."
Tho truthful, atartling title of a book
about No-to-bac, tho only harmless, guar
antood tobucco-hoblt euro. If you want
to quit nnd cun't, ubo "No-to-bac."
Braces up nicotinizod norvos, eliminates
nicotine poisons, makes weak mou guin
strength, woight und vigor. Positive
euro or money rof undod. Sold by C. L.
Book ut druggists, or mailed free.
Addreea Tho Sterling Remody Co.,
Chicago office, 45 Randolph St', Now
York, 10 Spruco St.
market Report.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat ....9.
Rye -
1 23
3 23 4 00
V JttX eeeeeteeeeeeee
e i
1 10f(D ee e e i e mm e e e e e e e
Stock hoge
Fat cows
IntiitiAa ..a..
Chickonfl'. Ab
WnrUnva 10 O
Bulled Hay portonlO
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair lllzhcst Medal and Diploma.