t THE BED CLOUD CHIEF,, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1895. 8 t - W tn I PV tf K 'J-sxitoL y .i ", ' A-nL 1 frL Oo tkCghcat KIDNEY. LIVERS BiM.R KlsCiaiii.it ism I.timlmvn, pain In Joints r buck, In Ick ihut In urine, fitipiniUiilK hrltntloii. liilliuiiiniitlon, fjrincl, iikenitlou or entiuih or tho bladder. fiPism'tfci'cri Liver IllllDii'iii'-, liniiliiclif, ItullKCstlnit or Kout. V..MB-ltOOT InvlKonitw, curt kidney dlMutiliiiis llrlnlit' illswuo, urinary troubles. Illllllll'C lllootl Fcrofuli., iiiiilurln.Ki'iHTrtlwciikniiH or ilcblllty. ftwni-ltottiiilliUui quickly n rundown count Itiitlon nml tniikiw tho weukstroiig-. At JlMiuRiste SO ctuta and 9 1.00 Slzo. "Itrrtlltlt UulJ to UrAlth" frco- CouulUllon free. am. Kii.uur A Co.. DiNniiAMTON. N. Y. CURSED BY A BEGGAR. ftehl'iiti of ii C'lilniRO Mtilinrli Kscltetl Orrr I'luritril. Tho ri'uldi-ntn of tliu village of Han CtIiIkc, ii Hiniill Htutlon on the banks of lie ciitiul on tht Alton nillruiul, lira Oonshlcrnbly excited over n mysterious ,)prnon who oVcorntoH tholr front doors with the following Inscription, which iIh written In u bold luind upon n piece of wrupplng pnper: "May the curse of Gml AtmlKhty fnll upon you. May you have all kinds of tuiil luck, nml nmy you die a starving druth." The first to discover the plurnnl won Jacob Marks, the village sexton, who liven In the hollow. He started to leave IiIh home shortly before C o'clock to toll the chut eh bell, an Ih customary every morning at (1 o'clock. He started to close the door when he saw the piece of pa per pinned to the tloor In a prominent place so that nny person passing thu sexton's domicile could see It. IMer In the day John Connors, a laborer. Bald that ho found a piece of paper tacked to his door with the curse writ ten on It. Other complaints followed. It was learned that a young man, rep resenting himself to 1h (leaf and dumb, canvassed the villain and asked for elms. The pollre attribute the mys terious papeis to him. In nil place wheip he was refused aid the circular was placed upon the door. ART OF FRYING FISH. Tlm ,!) Uh Mnltiuil I rrohahly tkt Kent Aflnr All. The nit of fryliiK llsh in olive oil ivm Impaited to western nations by the Jews. They found In the Italians and Trench teeeptlve pupils; but In the Kng llsh they encounteied mi obstinate alh Klutice to laid, which has never wav ered In favor of any other medium. As our culinary tiadltlons are iletlved largely from the Kngllsh, lard or tlie fat of salt pork for frylni; Is almost universally used In thu United States. The Miperlor merit of oil In this form of co king Is found In Uh limpidity and freedom from foreign inntteis, .More over, the results obtained lire more cer tain, and yet even American women, who Ih'e near waters, salt or fresh, where llsh abound, Invariably employ unit poi It In fry Ing. None can excel them In the.i.se of this medium, partlculaily those or the mhiUi.hUIi' of Long Island. Although when they fry eels they never coat tlu mi with bread numbs or Hour, the llsh merge from the v.m Maky and crisp and of even tint. Should any una fancy tins easy of accomplishment, he or she ban only to attempt It to Mnd how likely Is t ital failure. The .lews excel In frying in. much on account of the mi nute nttt'i'tlon which they give to the piepni'iitiii'i of the tlsh before they place them In the boiling oil as from the use of that medium, SMiilciitH on a Lark. At a ! tit "students' evening" nt the Cnmedk l'arlslennv, l'arls, the pu lills of the IJeole ilea lle.vux Arts Hocked in full fotce to the dainty little theater where hole J'ullcr now dances, leaving hurdly a spuie stall In the house for the occupation of the ordinary play goer. Their enthusiastic admiration of tho serpentine dance shewed Itself In many wonderful ways, wild choruses followed by n tlmhut or n kind of Red Indian war dance, with halls and sticks for scalps and tonmhawl.H, and the l)urdn of the last students'' song aa u war whoop, being onu of the most start ling as well as the most amusing. ' Ser pentines" weie In great requirl, but the most 'tasteful demonstration on the part of the students was their spontan eous or itlon to I.olc Fuller Mfhen alio appeared, and wuh greeted with -a 'flhowor of 1iouitietH nml violent, which fell no thick and nst that the .stage was carpeted with them In an i'nstnnt. A delegation of the students prevented I.0I0 Fuller with n handsome and unique gift an album, to which each student had contributed a sketch In pen nnd Ink, pencil, or water c Jlors, und fomc with n llternry turn of : olnd, also verses In her honor Queen. s FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. 5 THE cures CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER ivv BLOOI BY JIA1N AND. WIND. CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE DONE BY STORMS. TIip We I nnd fiontli Suffer Norrrlj ItPinnrkiilili) I'all of Hall In N- lirunlot nnd Kuniin (leiienil Drouth Ilrokvn, Omaha, Neb., May S. Not plnco 1S52 ins Omiiliu been visited by so severe u hall storm as that which prevailed from D 15 to D.il yesterday afternoon, Heavy clouds, borne by a cool wind, came ui from the southeast, nnd after dropping rain for a few minutes the black cloud began to ptcclpltate hall. It came In three showers, with short dntermlpslotis, thestones getting heavier all tho while. Thu bombardment of roofs was tcriltlc, but because the wind was not strong the mat and south sides of buildings, save In this southern part of the city, were comparatively ifrco from harm. Skylights In every jduco suffered seri ously. The. brunt of the eturm passed over the e (in tern nnd middle portion of tho city. People -on 'tho street easily found shelter from 'the petting, but It was a hnl matter 'to get hone under cover. Hundreds of them were driven upon the sidewalks and into the doors of stores and offieo buildings, and while the fury of tho storm was at Its height the business streets woro bordered by carriages nnd 'vehicles of all sorts occu pying the sidewalks with tho horses In Hhelter, Reports by wiro Indicate the storm wns general Ita the state, doing much dauis- Cjrlnno In Wisconsin. Stevens lu!nt, Wis., May 8. A cy clone passed over the southeastern part of town last night nnd swept along far a mllu, tearing up trees nnd overturn ing outbuildings. Two or three Indies of rain fell tn as many hours. Milwaukee, Wis., May 8. The Revere Tain storm caused n serious cnys-tn In tho big Intercepting sewer or tunnel which runs through Washington ave nue. Sixty fcot of tho street from gut ter to gutter is washed nway. Tho holo Is twenty feot deep. The tunnel was tilled with the dirt of tho street nnd the cntlre'pewerage system of the west ern nnd northern parts of tho city has been rendered useless. The heavy rain caused thousands of dollars' damage In those sections of tho city, an the wnter bncked up In tho sewers flooding; the cellars. Mukwonngo, Wis., Mny 8. The storm Inst night wns unprecedented In this section of tho country. One thousand window lights were broken by hail in the vlllnge. Residents of the town of Vernon report alt crops cut to tho grortnd. Fruit trees wero In blossom nnd they nro now mined. Drowned In Kantii dominant. Tlerlngton, Knn., Mny 8. Hcrlngton was visited by ti cloudburst Sunday night. The town nnd surrounding ful cloudburst. The town wns deluged and water Hooded tho stores nnd In rag ing torrents from swollen streams swept everything before It. Small buildings were overturned. Crops nnd fruit in the storm nica, which was four miles In breadth by seven long, wero destroyed. No lives are reported lost. Although n bnrn In which some men country was Hooded. I.Itne creek, which has been dry for a year, was converted into a raging torrent, and iiouses, horses, cattle nnd hogs were swept down stream. John Williams' house was carried away and the family nnr rowly escaped drowning. The Iioufo of Samuel Me.Manus was alsocarrled nwny nnd wrecked by striking n bridge. Mc- Manus escaped, but Mrs. Me.Manus was drowned. Her body was found lodged in n tree in thu park south of town. Kmporla, Kan , May S, A terrific fall of hall occurn'd here last evening, which has probably Injured the frutt crop considerably. Hut little wind ac companied the hall. The heaviest rain of the season followed, which was much needed. Orypa In general will be gieat ly Improved. Drouth llroken In Initl.inn, Hlkhnrt. lad., May S. Tho llrst rain, with n single exception, that has visit ed this section of northern Indiana since last fall fell heavily here yester day, lnstlng nearly nn hour. The con dition of crops wns becoming critical, nnd the livers hero nre as low ns they usually nro In August. Such n condi tion Is not known to have existed hero before in tlfty years. Whent was badly scorched up to tho time of this rainfall. Cleveland, Ohio, May 7. Tho long continued drouth which hns prevailed liroughout northern Ohio was broken yesterday by heavy showers. Tho mouth Just closed wns the dryest In thirty years In this section of tho state, there being practically no rain during tho entire month. Clnadburit In the Month. Chattanooga, Term., May 8. Dayton. Tenn., was visited yesteiday by n fear had taken refuge was blown away. Houston, Texns, Mav 8.A regular waterspout fell la enstern Texas Sun day. Miles of fencing were washed away at Nuuogdoches. A bridge on Ilonlta Itayou was carried away. Kn ormous damage has been done. There nro several bad washouu on the Ar kansas Pass road, and city railway travol la temporarily suspended. Sev eral bridges nnd miles of .fences have been swept awuy. To Supprri the Hindi Blag Hong Kong, May 8. rive thousnnd troops have started from Canton for tho Island of Formosa, in order toiuupprrss tho nnttelpatrd opposition to the Ulnck Flaps to the occupation of that Island by the Japanese aorordlng to the terms ' of the treaty of peace between China 1 and Japan. Many of the troops i-e un- ' relluhlo und liable .to Join the illack Flags. Situation at ffeMnargan. I Shenojgan, Wis., May 8. The strike situation Is more serlouB than at any tlm during tho trlUe. Tho strikers have decided to close every factory In the city except ono and endeavor to keep thfun closed until tho demands of tho dissatisfied men nre granted. The men out yeateiday were prnctlcslly forced out by strikers. No violence wns used, but by threats nnd Insinuations they intlmldattd the men nnd the lat ter deemed It he.f to quit. Mayor Horn hns air.inged a confennee with a com mittee of the utMlt.-rs nnd majjufict vrvrs to take place ti-moicow moin'.ig, v I. -: a fcetiicwtjt may be uu-ie ROYALTY IN A WRECK. Irtug ami IJurrn of Itnly on a Trnlo "nml lump the Truck, jlome, May 8. King Humbert nnd Queen Mnrgbeilte thin morning had n narrow escape from death. They wero on their way by mil in n special train from Floioncu to this city, attended by '- KINO HUMBKIIT. their milte. Suddenly, near Inclsa lake, thero was a violent shock. One of tho carriages was dernllcd and everybody on board tho train received more or less serious concussions. An 'Obstruction of Borne description, It QUEEN MAnGHEniTE. appears, either fell across the trnck or wii3 placed thero by evil-minded per sons. Severn! members of tho royal suite sustained slight injuries but the king nnd queen escaped with nothing more serious than a bad shaking up. "NOW FOIl KOYI'TIAN QUESTION. Franco Says Itnmln Mam Itender HerTlco In Nile DUtrlct. Tnrls, Mny 8. The press, generally wpenklng, Is satisfied with the course Japan hns adopted In regard to the re monstrances of the powers ns to the terms of tho treaty of pence with China. Naturally, however, there ure n few dissenting voices, The Lnnterne, for Instance, says: "We shall be the dupes of Russia unless tho agreement of the three powers also applies to n bettle inent of thu Egyptian question and Rus sia returns on the banks of the Nile tho Bervlco shu has Just received from us." .Iiipun'a Course Aiilnudcil, "London, May 8, A dispatch to tho Times from Paris says that Japan has surpassed the hopes of the friends of pince and even the conditions nrranged by ItUHala, Krance and Germany. Llko every power who knows Its own mind, Japan Is prompt In her resolutions and dov-s not seem to desire to prolong tho controversy by tho adoption of half meafuircH. Xlie riiolrni In ItunMn. London. May 8. A dlspntch to the Times from Odessa says that advices from the cholera Infected dlsttlcts show that the eplderr Is seriously Increas ing. Unless measures are Immediately taken the disease Is likely to spread throughout Russia and reach thu rest of Europe. fJermnn Field Sliirilml Dead. Tterlin, Mny h. Field Marshal Gen eral von Tape, formerly mllltnry gov ernor of Ilerlln. Is dead. DULL MONDAY. Little UuiiOh'hn Trnnmirteil In the T.egls Utnre nt Kprlngllelil, III. Sprlngneld. 111., May 8. The nttend nnco wns very light nt yesterday's ses sion. A half hour was devoted to read ing bits n second time nnd ndvnnclng them on the calendar. Senntor Herry, in tho nbsence of Lieut. -Oov. Hill, pre sided. Thofce In attendance were Sen ntors Hunt, Sawyer, Harding nnd LIU tier. Senntor Harding introduced, nt tho request of Senator D. A. Campbell, a bill amending tho law In relation to fra ternal societies. The measure Is sanc tioned by forty-three socletlrti, repre senting n total membership of 300,000. It was mad' n speclnl order for this morning on second reading. The House conveued nt C o'clock in the afternoon with sixty members pres ent. Petitions favoring the passage of the Merrlam bill rennallriL- Ihn uptM nn. .ntlng tho Catholic lllshop of Chicago a corparauon sole were presented by Mer rlam, Jhnson of Fulton, Kttzmlller, Dudley, Daugherty and Dunham. Tho House advanced to second reading nil the Houso blls on the calendar on tho order of Mrst reading. Mr. Hnwley moved to suspend tho rules to take up Benato bills on Mrst reading. Mr. Kltz mlllej objected. Mr. Ferns raised the point, of order of no quorum. The point of rder was sustained and the Houso adjourntd to 10 o'clock this morning. Returns to Ktuutl III Trlnl. Snn Francisco, Cal., May 7. Jacob II. Sharpc, who several years ago stolo 111,000 from the estate of J, W. Shnnler, of which he was administrator and Med, yesterday surrendered to the authori ties. Otllcers have been seeking htm ever slncu hts disappearance. His bondsmen, who Jind qualified in the sum Of $12,000, made good to that nmoiint th money stolen fmm the estate. lilt' Condition Ih Hitler. Washington, .May 7 Representative. Hlt of Illinois win reports! better thin morning. Hecretury Uietdmrn's condl. turn also contlne to iniptove. fU FURNACE MEN QUIT. lllg Strike Among Workmen at the I ilnoti Steel Work. Chicago, May 8. Tho strike which was begun jesterday nt the Illinois Steel company's works In South Chlcngc by 100 ynrdtnen quitting work, spread this morning and 1,200 men In the blaal furnace department went out. Two furnaces huvu already shut down nnd thu strikers claim that the othei four will suspend by night. Tho men left their work quietly in little squads nnd thero have been no violent demon, stratlons. The strlkets suy they uro not receiving living wages. They assert Hint two years ngo they received J2.10 for tho snme work which now only pays them $1.00. It Is futther claimed by the blast furnace men that enough hands nre not employed to divide tho work fairly. The 100 yardmen who quit work demanded n raise from $1 to $1.25 per day. Tho company offered $1.10. but the men declined It and quit work. It is though this offer of a raise mnde to the yardmen Inspired other departments to hope for better wages and straight way the switchmen asked that their wages be raised from $1.(0 to $2 per day. This the company refused. It Is believed that should the switchmen and firemen quit work the company would be compelled to shut down the entire works, throwing out of employment be tween 1.500 and 2,000 men. MOLIBT WORKS SHOT DOWN. Trouble Kxtends to the Mills There aad Man Step Oat. Jollet, HI., May 8. The works of the Illinois Steel company's plant stand idle, 1,500 men being forced out of work by the refusal of 300 or 400 of tho out sldo workmen and firemen to oontlnue Without an advance In pay. Yesterday afternoon laborers, firemen and greas ers, to the number of about 300, quit work, necessitating the shutting down of all parts of tho works except the rod mill, whloh was c ised at midnight ow ing to a difference with the firemen. Everything Is idle now except one blast furnace. The grievance of the men Is understood to be dissatisfaction with the wages paid. Many of them aro re ceiving $1.10 a day. They nre nsklng for a Increase to $1.60, and the demands of others are commensurately large. The works will probably remain closed for some little time. Unlet at Focahontas. Pocahontas, Vs., May 8. Thero Is no mining. The soldiers nre having a quiet reception and are mingling freely with the people. They say they enmo hero under a misapprehension, the belief that trouble would occur. The miner's convention will assemble today. No ar rests were mudu last night, and all the men who were charged with violations of tho pence havo been discharged. Cap tain Martin of the Fnrmvlllo compnny Is ofllccr of tho day. The rallwny com pany Is doing practically nothing nnd no shipments of coal arc making. niot at Iludion, N. T. Hudson, N. Y May 8. A riot has broken out In the brickyard of WnlBh Brothers, seven miles above this city, nnd tho sher' of Columbia county has been called upon to quell the disturb ance. Last evening the body of James McQulrc, a deck hand on a brick barge, loading nt Walsh Rrothers' dock, was found In the river. Then: Is a belief that McGuIre was thrown into tho water by tho Infuriated Italians, all of whom wero drunk yesterday, nnd demanded nn increase of wages. McGuIre lived in Newburgh. Wunt Inrreaaeil l'ny. Ishpemlng, Mich., May 8. Thu min ers In tho different workings have pro bented requests for Increased pay, and a strike will follow refusal to grant their request. A definite unswer Is ex pected from the mine owners this k. SInjr Cminn n llevolt. Tokio, Japan, May 8. Japan aban dons nil Manchuria. Even the whole Peninsula of Lino Tung, including Tn llenwan nnd Port Arthur, Is to bo given up. It Is doubtful whether thero will bo nny incrense in the cash Indemnity. The facts are being kept secret here, but when the truth becomes known a unlversnl public revulsion Is certnln. Tho present Ministry Is assuredly doomed. Tho government is anxiously guarding the foreign envoys. Tho dip lomatic situation la unparalleled. Thu ratification of the treaty by China Is still deferred, but it is promised. Alenmign Mnkes a Had Impression. Rio do Janeiro, May 8. Tho messngo of President Monies nt the opening of the Congress Saturday has produced n bad lmuresslon. 'I'lin mernhnrH nt tlin diplomatic body will probably protest iikiiuimi certain statements contained in the message. LATEST MARKET REPORTS. CHICAGO. Cattle Common to prlme.$2.40 7.00 Hogs Spring grades 4.25 6.30 Sheep Fair choice .... 2.7C 8.00 Wheat No. icd 63 .64 Corn No. 2 48H .49H Oats 2S',i3 .28H Rye No. 2 55 Eggs ll'i Potatoes Per bu 63 .72 HUFFALO. Wheat No. 2 65 & ,6T i Corn-No. 2 yellow 53K0 .64 Oats No. 1 white 34 & .35 I PEORIA. Rye No. 2 63 & .65 Corn No. 3 whlto 47H0 .48 Oats No. 2 white Sl0 .31 , ST. LOUIS. Cattlo 3.00 06.90 Hogs 4.70 5.85 Wheat No. 2 red 64 O .65 Corn No, 2 46 Oats No. 2..,' 290 ,30 MILWAUKEE. Wheat No. 2 spring 64 J .65 Corn No. 3 48 .48 Oats No. 2 white 29 & .80 Barley No. 2 6240 .(2 Rye No. 56ft KANSAS CITY. Cattle 2.40 O6.00 Hogs 4.70 4.85 Sheep 3.50 Qt.iO NEW YORK. Wheat-No. 2 red 68Wft .C8H Corn No. 2 66 .56?, Oats SS'J Butter , S & .19 TOLEDO. Wheat C7 Corn No. 3 mled t9 ft .!!); Outs-No 2 mi.l ;a o .son for Infants T H1RTY years' onscrvntlon millions of personsfpormlt It in nnqnnstlonably tho host remedy for Infants nnd Children tho world hns over known. It Is harmless. Cull droa like It. It elves them health. It will savo their lives. In it Mothers have something whloh Is ahsolntely safe and practically perfect as a child's Medicine. Castor! destroy Worses. Castorla allay Feverishnees. Castorist prevents vondtJng; Soar Card. Castorla pares Diarrhea and Wind Colio. Castorla relieves Teething Tronbles. Castorla onres Constipation nnd FlatnleHCT. Castorla nentralises the effects of carhonlo acid gas or polsonows atr. Castorla doee not contain morphine, oplom, or other narcotic property. Castorla assimilates the food, regnlatea the stomach and towels, giving healthy and natnral sleep. Castorla la pnt np In one-slae bottles only. It Is not sold In talk. Pont allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise) that It is "Inst aa good" and "will answer every purpose." See that yon get C-A-S-TQ-R-IA. The fao-slmlle algnatnre of Children Cry for MRS. S. R. MCBRIDE has .ju.vr itiX'Eivr, ANOTHER INVOICI OF HANDSOME SHE WILL Cheap Kates. On Mny 21th, .luno 7th and 10th July ,'lrd nntl liHh.AuRUBt 2nd nnd 2nd tickotn on onto to Hot Springs, South Dakota and nt rato of ono fnro for tho round trip $1(5.00 from Red Cloud, rickets limited for return to thirty diijs rom ditto of sale. A. UoNovr.H. Mill open. Eiiitoi: Ciiikp: It lias been reported that my liotol was closed. A a such is not truo I wish to inform my ctiBtomora through your columns that I nm hero to stay. Xuitlier do I liuve to borrow money to run it. I think it qtiito likely tho Ranks Iiouro will ho running for blv. ernl joiub jet. Very Uusp'y, II. Hanks, Proprietor Hanks Houso, Hivorton, Noli, "Don't Tolmcoo Spit or Smoke Your lilf'u Away." Tho truthful, startling title of it book about Nn-tO'bnc, tho only lini'mless, guar anteed tobacco-habit euro. If you wnnt to quit nnd can't, tino "No-to-bac." Ilrucea up nicotinized nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gnin fitrongtb, weight und vigor, l'ositive euro or money refundod. Sold by C. L. Cotting. Hook nt druggists, or mailed freo. Address Tho Sterling Remody Co,, Chicago olllce, -15 Randolph St', Now York, 10 Spruco St. i ires i market llcport. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat 9 Co Corn fiO W fl3 e eeee etee eeee eeeeeee I vVO eeee eeee eeee eeee see eeee (Jv Flftx 1 2Ti Hogs n no i oo Stock hogs a oo.'l 00 Fnt cowb 3CU IfUllGr eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee U ERR 7 Potatoes 90 Chickens lb !'. Turkeys lb 7 Railed Hay per tonlO miousands of Women! SUFFER UNTOLD MISERIES. BRADFIELD'S FETTLE REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC Bj Arousing to Health; Action all herOrgans.5 It causes health to bloom, nnd joy to reign throughout thu frame :... it Never Foils to Regulate ...? 'Mmlfolinilii'iuiiiiulprirontmpntnf loml'i . Inu iilimloliiiis tin i'o rt'iirit. without loMimit.. Alter inllin tlirt'ii Imttli.i or llltADh IKI.D'.S J ' I l:.MAI. 1 lli:illlI,A'l'i)U uliociindoliuruniiS rcuukim.',uillKintf ami minium:." ii p. in i i iinimciBuii, niu. 'l)!IU)l'Ii:i.l Itn.n.UOIt l) Atlanta, (In. Ecld ty dtucgUti at SI.C0 ptr bottlo. and Children. of Cnntorla with tho patronage of us to speak of It without guessing. Cvtf " is on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castorla. :iiukiiii:k. r1 (JIIKlsn,Nriiiii,.iH,.rM,.,.4siinilavntl. 'a v Jinn. '' '" "'"' Y S C KjMlllor ((NHltKCA'l ION : ClumTi-ScrvlcHsatlO: nm ' v 'iVIWr.1 7.'s." p "l: S1,"l'l.v 'ch(wilntit:3 lorn at 4 i in AII.IIKMlIMM'lMiri'li -l.ns.Mcetlnii nt 10 at im !" !,!,'ii,',Kinii3'ii in anil :-m p. m. HiiiiiIiij.i;Iiimi1 at it aoa. in hinlor iWdo a. l. ii. l.imiirth ..iiKiii'iitO.Ki p. m. Prayer !nHiiliirnnrlli of lii I'lmii'li ku Bl,,;i:,!a,,ry'"""1 s""" QAlIIOI.IC'ciiuiPli .s.Tlci-ttytiiipolutment. nAITISrciiiiri'li-Vo rouiilsr Mi'rvlcen. sun-' r3ft'.m " 'K' ,!,u)ilt """'' II V ! U nt C'.'iVv :,'l""1'" s,'l",", ilt 3 1' "' uvefy Sun- mm'ii:tii:.s. J () U W-i:.icli alti-riniteTiieilHy cvcnliiR. I) OK ll-lli'il Cliiial I.oi!(,'t No, . aii it vv n r 'u '.1, ,V? "' a 1,""",1 '' ir .i.,vV uIiVk in ( l hull Alliin-lmltiiltoiittetid. ''.lii'u-'iit U"li!" s" ,SG: I0 ''"VwyJIon. OmlMM,'1""11"1 t l-thlM li,1""'.'?"'1 M,lK; N' CTS. Mntlern Woodmen u ot Aim rle.t itlt..rnati Wdliiea.lHv evonioa rAl.l.J'.r IxhIui; Nob, I'mteriml Order of 1' innnihct"rs "rsl "'"' "llri1 Moiidar of e rrt. each rjllAHi i'Y l-oiip No ra a i' ami a M each v rlilav KMMiliiif on r hpforo tlm full moon. ji!ihg!tri!ymi;M,'i,'UAM'tit')ro CVU?rNi'viSVl'iK.',,'''lc'ry N U illu'r"toTburs. C'h'P'i i( ,Ml'ifr Kiiitcrn htnr No 47 meets reil, -v!m? ''U,"",k ,lf,l;r""1 '"OOii.-Mrs! rjAill'li:i.n I'nit NoSiMi A It Moiiiluv vm " IIIU oil or t.etore tlm full inl,n """y em GK""" N" " 'wMaU I J SifnV'KV r'"n' No M' s ot v T"ojlay eve- S,,Jf,,i?l:V"i..l!S" of tlm OAK tiiii imy UVBIUIIg , JJ lil) t I.Oi)) 1 onni'il No IH LoyalMiitlo Un. ninB,on ' A,,M'r,,,a llr!,t anJ tlilii Friday ew- l'Utii Police. Vntlpfl In iwtr, fn l i. .. . inu umilt) vlt-lK of Webster count V. NVhruBliii V"'""" .'".'"yf April, iwtt. MeCSHSkiS! nT ., .. '"I-.?.. ."" WMtfJ. .. MHh. state o'f Mill, county, joVi nti&Mj&S: ieVredaml U.ll I V ,"a .TwS'rli Wti nm now Hi n m..i- ...,.1 1...1.1'. ... 1 "'."i who I.Jii. lieea inadu ' n t .o'TaJineWof said nm, tlifrehirti I will se thn nrnn . eity therein .lenfrll.ed. to-iM fine ISSliPrtST . .huh, iiijiu, li.-nii nils en, mill p timtu nn iind-itoeKViaXV-euu, :lN,ritU rUffi".! VrV.ill.3S jjWoUiuy.vnr'viiZ'IJila!!! Diteilllnu ',. .1 1 . AJ- "lUItIN,