The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE KED CLOUD CHlUtf, FJRTDAY, MAY 10, 1895.
Acts like a poultice, drawing
4ut fever and pain, and rcinvig-
,. , ,
Ibrtf (the entire Female Sys
tem It removes all obstructions
, and creates a healthy, natural
low of all secretions.
It Ja the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied right to the diseased
parts. Don't take internal rem
edies for Female weakness, com
mon fcnsc requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
i vand permanent cure.
1 Orange Blossom" is a Mire,
F painless cure for falling and
urvpy ui uii; wuuiu, pruiusc,
difficult, irregular menses, leu-
jCorrhcea, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal-
$ :'iWan5c Blossom" is a pastile
easily used at any time. Every
lady can treat herself with it.
! Mailed to any address on re-
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
Fr jiuic iiy i. ij. ihiiiik hcq
jJ A llAltNrS .v fi i ,V1 I', lot It -I V
4 k rirl.erwGin irhnl1 It uriHIi. iru tmh,
WnULuier, lli'ili.ty. Itiiltjutl n, l'jiu.lakclntliiK. Suit
fillNDErCOS"3il. T- -ivc-i-ft'rrorr".
WAFTED ! ftoKufflSfVi:
III tills ittiit iiiljoliiltiK ciitintlt'i lor
Our Journey Around the World.
A liratl' lii'W Immik In -. Kitiiuls '''. '"I.ll kt,
I'ri-i f tli I nlli'il 'oo ufi I'll JtiiMir.
Tin' ltt"t t li in- ! I' ninlu' 1'ivi ullvlril ti
all win) unlit lilnlltillili" worK. A uuml Apt'llt
III thin tr-ltilt imii imiii slut .tiiiiiiitli. Ills
Uiir" mi liliiiliaiicc fur i l',i 1'icllit. i;ht-
t'rvillt. rti'iiiliitii Cuiili-i, I ri-i' iiutllt. Mini v.x
ring u iiarrltur I'm pinloul 11 1. url't'to
A. II Wiirllitimlim A Ii ,
- Ilurlloiil, 4:01111
Pennyroyal palls
I ,JV Original Anil Only Gcrtntne. A
TrYvX sari, aJwaj niliti. utrit atk aQTV
non,t Hrni-I iti Itcil Mil '.M tiifUlUaA7
,.... ..ilM iih Mm rlhi-m ' uLo BT
nunltirr. itfuwtlanttau9 intuitu V
In kimnia f r ft.Mt'uUr it utmonUl aril
P'llellir T.rr I utlli ," in tttttr. hf n (urn
Mull. 10,000 Ir-llmMilil iNf M;ff
I'klnliiiliivl .ivtHli ill I'lV. Muillliin hi imn.
HI4 bj ail LksU luo.kHU. I'liUudu.l'
iiiiiliiiil"iilliii,w" i,,,,iiijiliii!ii
rhcrc were 3 , 134,934 Packages of
Hikes' Kootiii:i:r sold in 1S94,
which liitule 15,675,735 gallons,
or 3'3.494,7oo glasses, sufli- ,
event to give every man, wo
man and child in the United
(States, five glasses each did
yougctyoursharc? Be sure
and get some this year.
A 15 cent pvkin nikri 5 llUou.
tiil cms. E.t'inxs co., mi.
Solil mitrlKlit, tin rfnt. no roTnltj, Ailnpted
tol'itj. MlhwooMIouiiiry Nt-mtccl In vr
licimii,alioii,iitnrnii'l much lirutecontn'
,,.n. .. ...i.l !,. u.ll lu. Itfl . I.tll.
ActtitiiuiUi from To850pertlir.
Orto in fi rnnlclnnr) inmiiH ft mi In to all Ho
nal.ikitmpj Vlmi ItwlrittiiAiitii. nr tnvrf. WOT IS
luiywlittru, nny iliHann. OampUtn. tfHvXf fur
UM III1 hill If 'I WU IKJ IPUl Ui IIJ lll ""
nfr out of onlnr no rspainnic iimw iiu
ti..1u u. n.nii.ti.,1 A ifinnnv mukHf. Writs
44 III" mil ,iliii"l , .. ,.. ... "- . - .
W P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus. 0.
Iti tfU FtM4ll
EIHAtit & Inlarmal
hneaiciDe, ssii h-
t twn(L4in. &ii
limnilnni mi vh faa
-h ! dam 4.4., lamtrinv
- bWIk IAB kft.AlA AMlt kAllK
(HI , 4n,Mllu. .1 Mnl bf Ball (or M til. A14n Dt,
i4illio l 'I'ciielici'i.
Notino ib lioroliy jiiven that 1 will
etiiniino all pernoiiH who inuy desire
to offer thcmuslvPH us cuididatcs for
tckuliorn oftho jiulilio hcJiOoI of this
cotuty, lit Hcd Cloud on the third
Saturday of o.iclt month.
Special t'XfiiuiniitiniH wiH !m hold
hn tdo Kridny jirwi'i'i'ding tlio bat
urday of cnoli uiontli.
The BtanduiK duMrcd for 2d ond
3d grade oerlilinatoH is tho hauie no
grade Ldow 7(1 pr cent., average 80
per ecritj for first grade certifionto
no grado bolow 80 nor cent,, averago
JIO per ceut. in all branches required
by law.
D. M. Hiintrr ('nnntv Supt.
iiRj'. , MAtW OALOAM 1
aaVSTCC. "PSfjlrunmi n ' uiiii: pi.1!, 1
BRSir siiVfyfr Tatlu to i.a.or- 0-K7
fKMyi, -.ijh-l -Ia.r to li Vijluful CIMi-r-r
KJXVX e-Al&lI Curve r i'ii'-wH hair '1.1115. B
CwBv ;?" ' i. ,r)-!'A'lilvill'"f ;",
Kf Lr-.JT
BBs Tsjan
u , , -
KfJJaMXeriprTM44iioud. DmBJ
! toll, aold by dniMUU. BJ
I'rom filiolilnn HIInHOiirl.
KntTon Giiikv: The wenther is
rpiitc pleasant. Mr. Green learned
lust evi'tihig of some old frirnds near
Sin Idon sonio of them were iny old
snlioultnatcf, he has gone to call on
tliein. An advent lmly camping near
m cnne culled on tnc, lia'. a pleasant
visit. A rent cstata agent called thin
afurnoon, several others also have
callrd on us. Wednesday, November
14, a short distance from where w.
are outuped wo have found a family by
the niinio of Caldwell from Cora, Kan ,
formerly from Denton county, Iowa,
our old home, they left Smith count)
four years ago, came to Morris ctunty,
Kans., staid there two years then
moved here, he sa)s he does not think
it as pretty a country as Kansas but
taking everything into consideration
ho can live hero much better than
there. They aro Ycry kind, thoy are
holiness peotdo perhaps sttnc of the
friends will remember them, they in
vitcd tho pcoplo that aro camped near
us to spend tho cvoning at thoir home.
spent a very pleasant evening. How
thankful I am for finding suoh pleas
ant friends in camp.
Friday, November 1G. It is quite
cold and windy to today. We arc not
far enough south and cast to escape
all of the wind. 1 haro found some
dear Uaptist friends just a few steps
from our camping place. The Baptist
people have n liouso of worship about
two and a half miles from camp.
Anna says "mamma I wonder if I am
not dreaming" she is 30 well please.
Corn was good here this year, never
have had an entire failure but it is
almost always dry through July and
August, nil kinds of vegetable do well.
Monday, November 1!). Spent Sun
day with .Mr. Caldwell and family had
a very pleasant day. Alico does not
feel homesick hIiicc coming in camp
(ho has two such nice little playmates
Mary and Virgic l'icrcc. Mrs. Cald
well showed mo hor canned fruct she
had eight dozen one and a half quart
gallon jars of different kinds of fruit.
There is a groat deal of different kinds
of wild fruit here. In tho timber we
have Ash, Cottonwood, Black Walnut
Sycvmorc, Maple, Kim, Iliebory, Bex
Kldcc, Wild'f'hcrry, Birch and several
different kinds of Oak. Several ol
tho neighbors called tnis evening and
spent the evening in singing. Gcorgi
went with Mr. Gentry today to daliorn
some cattle. Mr. Gentry hes a patent
derific for dehorning. Tho soil hero
in tho timber is very snndy, the wells
are very low on account ot dry weath
er, we got our water frtc a spring
near here. The birds aro winging so
swoot today. I suppose it seems odd
to tio people to see us in camp as we
arc near tho public road, it seems odd
to tnc but hope to find a home soon.
Wcdnoeday November 21. It has
been a lovely duy, spent the afternoon
with Mrs. 1'iereo oho told ice of and
showed mo souil red ochor that is
found horc that can bo pulverized and
mixed with linseed oil for painting,
making gooli paint. Mr. Gentry or
grandpa as the children call him, is
spending tho evening with us, ho
comes nearly every evening and wo
all enjoy his visits. He has been
telling us that two years ago he had
an applo trco that was so (ell of fruit
it filled a wagon with sideboardi on,
ho also told ue of potatoes ho raised
four years ago, ono vino having twenty
three potatoes hanging to it come of
them weighing two pounds, ho says
he has never failed to raise plenty of
potatoes. Mr. Green finds lots of
good republican friends and is well
pleased with tho country and people
so far. Fred has been in and said ho
had 18 aercs of oorn to husk. Alico
and Mrs. L'icrco'e children arc having
urand times today playing on tho
rooks and among the trees. Wo liavo
good fires at night but sometimes our
chimney docs not draw very woll es
pecially nhea I want to bako some
Saturday November 24. This is a
beautiful day. Mr. Green, Mr. Gentry
George and myself went to Sheldon
today and met two of my old school
mates also Klmcr Chatfin. Mr.
Chaflin lives about five miles from our
camping place.
Mrs. H. A, Grkin.
IiiMuriiHco Agency.
Represents tho following compnnios.
See card in this paper. Farm property,
elovatore, and all kinds ot morcantito
RiBks, insured ia reliable companies at
lowaat ratei.
For rates an termi writ or call and
soa me. Ofllco over Mizer's grocery
stor, Ked Cloud, Nob.
Bather than I.lio In llm t'onntrjr
Commit! Arson.
Tin' wife of Dr. Aurlert, of Ilreznlles, I
was recently arrnlKiieil lioforo tin Jury
of the driinrtmont of nun-et-l.olr on u
charge of arson. Tin accused wan n
native of l'urlH ami was tnurrk'il to the
phynlclnn In 183. hut was ho averse to
living In the country that she did every
thing In her power to pet simile her hus
band to change his resilience. To ac
complish her purpose she wrote fnlsc
and anonymous letters addressed to
him nnd to herself, itceuslng hernelf of
Inlhlellty, hoping In this way to amuse
the conviction In her husband that the
people of Hrezallon had commenced n
systematic course of persecution
against htm. When all else hud fulled,
she notified him In n final letter, without
signature, dated Kept. 'J4, 1VJI, that u
terrible ieenge was about to be eon
mimmatcd, nnd the following night
while her husband was In bed set the
to an adjoining burn The tire was soon
extinguished nnd evidence nf arson ills
covered. Mine. Aueleit, hnweer, suc
ceeded In directing suspicion to a cousin
of her hushund, named I.eleu, who, In
consequence of the disgrace, committed
suicide. Last December Mme I.eleu
ascertained thnt Mine. Auclert hud con
fessed her crime to her husband and to
n married couple named tilatlgny The
Investigation confirmed the guilt of the
accused, and the hitter thereupon made
an open confession to the examining
Justice of having written the anony
mous lottetH nnd having set lire to the
barn In order to Induce her husband ti
leave lirezalles, The verdict, In con
Iderntlnn of the ameliorating elieutn
stances, was a sentence of five years In
prison. Mine. Auclert fainted on ie
reiving sentence, and had to be hoi no
from the coin troom.
Kffortt to Mnko an Armed I'm nip
Eur opi Impoverish tho People.
It Is perhaps no exaggeration to say
that the amount of bard cash now ie
served by tbe vatlous governments In
view of ii possible nutbie.'ik nf war ex
ceeds rather than falli sboit of ir0,0()0.
000, which would not under any circum
stances be pni ted with, even for the
most temporary object. It does not ie
Millie much Investigation to pioc that
the outcome of this must ho anything
tut beneficial, sayn Cluimhcts Jotitual
The miser who boards his (-old Injuns
others as well us himself, Just us a land
owner who dellbeiutel) pet mltx Ids
broad ucies to lie waste Is Indicting a
blow upon the community which might
lle and thrive upon the piodttce of tin
noil Knr the gi eater pint of the lust
twenty yearn flist one nation nnd then
nnother has played the part of the
miser, and laid a greedy bold upon
treasure which should have been al
lowed to circulate and increase many
fold tile wealth of those through whine
bands it passed. Nor could tills have
happened at a mote unfortunate time;
for while the output of silver Inci eased
by leaps and bounds, that of gold fell
away rapidly. The gigantic elfin ts made
to conveit I hit ope into an aimed camp
have lmjxiM'i Ishi'd tile people, not meie
ly by tlMtiauillug their labor, which
would hnvo been mute profitably em
ployed in tilling tin ground and tend
ing ttie 711111 or the loom, hut by heap
ing upon them mi almost unbearable
burden of taxation, which they are so
much the less alile to meet While tills
state or things continues and these war
rliests are beliiR milled to, there can be
little 1jo; of any telluf.
1'ersiMi who sympa'hio with the aiTliot
ed will rejofco with D. K. Carr of 120r.
Harririnn strcot, Kansas City. Ho is an
old HtiflVrer from inllammatory rlionma
ism, hot has not herutoforo be on troubl
ed in thin climate. Last winter ho went
np to Wisconsin, nnd in connfqiiouco tins
had another attack. "It came, upon me
again very acutu and severe," he said,
"My joints swelled and hecamu inflinned;
Boro to touch or almost to look at. Upon
the urgent reiniest ot my mother-in-law
I tried Chainherlftiu's Pniu Halm to re
dtieotltii welllti(,' aud uaso the pain, and
to my ncreimlilo surpriso it did both. I
hare used three llfty cent bottles aud be
liovo it to he tho finest tiling for rlinama
tiiiui, pains nnd swullivs oxttct. For
sale by Duyo & Oriae.
ft. 13, Fulton, tiro and lightning insur
nnoe, Wostorn White IJronzo, tnonu
monts and comotory ijoods, Oflico with
TrndorcLumbor Co.
For sale or ront A livory and feed
barn. Apply to D. J. Myers, Hed Cloud,
A new, complete nnd up to-dato Haud
book of information, covering nearly
,00 cities, towns nnd resorts, contained
in tho enrront issue of tho Raud-MoNnliy
Oaide. .'1.00 per year, 10c. per copy 1CB
Adams (street, tJliiciijjo.
Ttiku Warnlni;.
Wo call your nttontion nnd convinco
you of the fact that you got only 12 ozs
in a loaf of broad by not Retting your
bread of mo. Vou will got one, pound,
10 ozs in every loaf at tho City Hakory.
J 0-. IlKKUUKtiKlt.
- 'I '
Greeting t my Olil I'atroiis and
HavinR aocoptod tho fur in ngoncy for
tho Old Continental lLBurunco Co., in
Wobstor and adjoining counties, urn pro
parod to furnish liberal nnd reliable in
euranco on tho most favorable tortus,
10.3m J. II, Smith, Agent.
" i 4 n m in
1 am now roady to do nil kinds of dress
making. Prices reasonable Three
blocks west of Minor's storo. Mrs. F. P.
IluJloy. tf
ii ! i
Don't forget that I am propurod to
carry passengers to all parts of the city.
Loavo orders at tho Holland House
Wlir n Hiliy wa.s sick, wn gavo her Cftstorfa.
Wlira t.lie wt Clilld, blie crlcil for Costori.
When Klin became 511, kIio clung to Contoria.
Wlua lib bd Cbliilrta, a(rttheai tTawterU.
Often the 4'ne of 1'itiiilljr Trouble tit
DiirII.Ii 1 1 ii mi'.
lhigland Is the only country In the
vorld where the nobility are In the liablt
)f entailing their Jewels Home of the
freat houses of the ailstociaey, such
is that of Ou cntllsh, whose head Is the
Duke of Dcvnnshlie; that of Iteiitlnck,
A'hnsc head la the duke of I'mttanil
mil that of Lenox, whose chief Is the
Ollke of Richmond, possess mipetb col
ectloivs of gems, almost priceless in
fulue, and which have been In the fami
lies for hundreds of years.
They cannot tie sold or delivered from
.he head of the house, and even If they
ire pledged for tonus, the pet son with
a horn they are pledged Is forced by
aw to return them to the estate, even
without payment of his loan, on the
Jeath of the peer or peeress who offered
.hem as security for money advanced
Moreover, like the entailed landed prop
erty, tho heirloom Jewels do not remain
,1th the widow, but pass lmmedlatel
.o the successor to the title.
When young lird Dudley mart led
die erstwhile shop girl, lUchel Ourney.
k few years ago. his still beautiful and
roung-lonklng mother, the widowed bint to surrender to her
Juughtcr-ln-luw most of the nmgnlil
ent and world-famed Jewels with which
4he had delighted to adorn her comely
seruon dining the twenty-five years of
ner nun rled life. Of cotirsn Jewelry thus
lltalled cannot be seized Tor UciH, nun
thus It Is that these collections of gems
have remained Intact and ever-lnei eas
ing throughout the course of years.
The Inauguration of the new fashion
5f divorce has led to a good many com
plications of ii legal character In con
nection with this practice of entailing
family Jewels. Foimerly ill voice was
4o costly and dllllcult to obtain that
the question did not arise. Hut now
that invoices ate so custntniiiy among
Hie nobility there ate constant conflicts
arising In connection with the family
jewels, the wife as a rule putting foith
iveiy effort to retain them
It was only the other day that an
action of this kind took place In Lon
don, the wife, who had the divorce pro
nounced In her favor, and who bad been
assigned the guaidlinislilp of the chil
dren, Insisting that, Inasmuch as she
retained her name, her title, and her
ihlldlen, she bad likewise the light to
retain pnsseslnn or the family Jewels
until her urn should iuuii This, how-
ver. tho Judge lefused to admit, anil
declined that the Jewels must lie re
turned ii tbe husband, the illvotee ter
minating not only her man luge obliga
tions, but also her lights to shine in
the piopeity of her husband's family.
"jiiiire Mii) In lie Norf."
Noticing thnt my watch did not agree
with tin- clocks In the court-house tower
.mil the chinch steeple. I asked the dil
uted man who was dilvlng us mound
what hind of time they had In Savan
nah, "We has two Ida's o' time, hyar,
sail, de time an' de Mediter
ranean time. I'be what?" "lie time
dat de kynts comes In an' goes out by,
sab, and de Meilltelianettn time, sab,
which nm de city time, de same as de
nun " "We call It meridian time up
north," Is suggested. "I leckon dat may
be so, sail, do no'then folks inn a trifle
nimie iii what dey call tings; tley have
quare ways, sab, tley shorely do."
vannali Cor. Chicago Kecnril.
lr. Ili'i'i hrr lile It t'l1
The North Ameilcini Itevlew, Severn!
yeais ago, engaged Dr. Khedd to write
nn itrtlih' fiiMiilHK the doctrine of the
eteinnl punishment of the wicked, and
also engaged Henry Ward lteeclier to
answer It It was agreed that the pi oof
sheets of Dr Shedd's article should be
sent to Mr. lleevhi-r befote tliey were
published. They wen- aceoidlngly sent
to him while be was on a lecturing tour
In the west. He lead the article with
cine, and then teleginphed from Den
ver. "Cancel engagement, Khedd is too
much for me. I half believe in eternal
punishment now myself. t!et Homebody
else." No one else could In' got, and the
article lias remained unanswered.
Louisville Western lteenrder.
Onlil friioi tlm JMiiiiii.
If meteoilc stones (aerolites) corne
from the moon, ns many well-known
scientists believe, there In a gold mlim
somewheie on hpr suiface that would
pay to work. Diamonds, several kinds
of minerals and a score or more of
chemicals have been found In tho con
stituent parts of "moonstones," but sli
ver has never been found, nnd gold but
once, The gotd-beinlng nerolin here
reten eil to was found by II. W Turner
of the California Division nf Mining,
near Cave City. Calaverus county, In
the above named state.
A (loud l'ontucrlpt.
A clergyman who left a notice hi his
church to be read by the preacher who
filled ills pulpit, neglected to denote,
cat ef ally a pilvute poHtsctlpt, and the
congregation were surprised to hear the
utronger wind up by saying: "Vou will
please come to dine with me after serv
ice." The Tall jMiiiiutnliifcr.
A hanging was once averted In Hall
County, tills state, In a thrilling and
unexpected manner A mini was mtir
deittl for Ills money, It was thought,
lln dlnippeaied and after u long scinch
only a skeleton was found There were
clieumstnnci'S pointing to another man
as the peipettator of the awful deed.
The clue was taken up and one by one
the links In the chain of convicting evi
dence were dlseoveied. lie was placed
on tilal, convicted and sentenced. Tho
day for the hanging came, People by
thousands came to see a human being
swung off Into eternity. The black cap
wnH placed over the victim's face and In
five minutes the tragedy would have
been over. Just then a tall mountaineer
who had been atti acted to the hanging
along with the eiowd Htcpped upon tho
scaffold and n brief colloquy between
hhn and the sheilff ensued. Tho tall
mountaineer was the man who had
disappeared and whose death was
about to b" avenged by the law. At
lanta Constitution.
They Drink Nn Cold Witter.
The Chinese aie hardly ever seen to
drink cold water. Not that they drink
It on the sly, hut that they prefer it
boiling hot and mixed with a little teu.
There Is a good and sulllclent reason for
this preference, for thu cities, towns nnd
villages In thu Klnweiy Land me kept
In such a dirty state that tiie wells,
rivers and other source of supply can
not escape being mora or Um 4eiMtle4.
It Is only fulr to the "heathen Chinee"
to add that, as a rule, he d links llttl
Into.Nicntlni; ll'iuur
mj.ns i.w.oe i mi a ttiiivri 'i''i j 'i m.
1 a I -
Sold everywhere.
The N. K. Fairbank
tllioituw .liilin'K lllnngiitpil Snillo.
John Jacob, a Choctaw chief, hud a
close shave In tbe Indian teirltoiy a
few days ago. He was sentenced to be
nhot, was brought out, had taken off
his shoi'4, mid painted the spot over his
heart for his oNccutloner to aim at, and
had taken his seat awaiting rnr the
sheilfT to pull the tilgger. when a horse
man galloped up with a reprieve, giant
Ing him a hearing before the supienii!
court. Then John .laeob put on his
nhoes. rubbed off that paint and smiled
a smile that could be seen four miles
way. There Is a dime novel and n had
Bowery uiaina In tins.
A Valuable Tlml.
After U'lirti of study an h hor, Microtias
at lat been iUhcomtiiI a ssro and never
falling rcinidy, It litis been tested on
patients, who liavediiipaired of ever being
cured, the rtsults have, been, in every cane J
wonderful. (Irofl's ltheamatism Cure Is
iiuiiuiilid as a punitive remedy in all
canes of Chronic and Acute liilliimmnlor
Klii'UiuutiMii, (iout, Lumbiigo, Heiu'.U'M.
Ni'tirnlgi i, Djsineiiorrlioea and nil Mail
red iilli'ctlon-i. It is nli-ou vahuible lllood
1'iirltlnr, being epeninlly usef ill in Dcemii
lVorilihlH, Uerofithi, all (llaudtiliir I'lilarge
inent and dieasi-sof the Iher and kidunjs.
It is absolutely free from all narcotic.
Severn attacks are relieved in from ono
to three ilajs and a pn-dtivii euro effect wl
in from iHo to elglilecu days. (1. L, Cut
ting Hid Cloud, Neb. LI 4m
Detroit Tribune: Sho was woeping
"If I had only dreamed," sho moaund
"that you married mo for gold! Why
was I left to discover it only when it
was to late?"
Her husband turned upon her with
u sneer.
"Vou ought to know," h niliil
"that a contract nlwas means gold un
less other money is specified."
Hhlloh's rura in Hold on a guarantee. It
oures incipient constipation. It lnj tin
best Coiiuli Cure. Only una cent, a do,
'.Ti ots r,() cts aud Sl.flO. Hold by C. t
lYcri XolU-c.
Herciifttr William Richardson will
feed all teams at tho rate of 10 cents for
hay. llitru east of Holland House.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
TI10 Celebrated Registered IVtclieron
Will make tho scaonn of 109.1 at S1-
vester Dav's Feed Ham, Hed
Cloud, every day in
the week.
ONKXCIIAQl'A is a full blood
registered ilopplo gray I'srchr ron Nor
man, No. 12,fi04, weighs about 1,000
pouudh, is u line looking, well built
horse, und is six years old. Ho lias
no superior in horse flesh,
Ti:it!TIK.7 I4 Insure.
Kmmiit inawnr ami nn nonet opinion, write to
I II N N A: CO., who Imre bad nearlr tlttr ye"'
eipcrlenco In the I'Utcnt tu.lnoM. Cnmraunlra
tlomilrlilly conltJentliil. A llttinlliooUof In.
Jornmtlmi ronrormtiK l'nlrnt and linw to ob
tain tbrm tunt fru. Also a catalogue ot mechan
ical and nclnntltto looka rent free.
1'atvnta taken Ibroush Alunn A Co. reoalre
pwialnotlcalnthe Hrlenllflc Anierirnn, and
lima are brought widely before the public, with
out coat to the Inrentor. Thla apltndld paper.
Iiaued weekly, elegantly lllnatrated, baa by far the
lariieit circulation of any aclentlOe work In the
world, as a year, bampla coim tent Ira.
alMlu aWltloav ajooUly. tlMa year. StMU
4a4aa, tlB awta. fevary auaiVat wtalii baaa
Ural atetaa, la aohm. and photoaraaM of aaw
Boaaae, with alaaa. enabllna lulldert fa abow the
wi wiiy pinaH viiBwnna vuiiwvr IflUUW
1 dftalirna and 4iMiri rontramrtat. Addri
tawv.i (i
...a... r'.i.v" .. - i ... ..".t;; ...- "-r .
van a tu sihvr sukki jui iiiiuadwat-
-"-v W-'lteJMi
the satisfaction
obtained from
ordinary soap
nnd only half the expense
nnd bother. That's why
thousands of thoughtful, g
thrifty women use Santa
Clans Soap. They have
learned by practical, thorough
tests that for washday or every
day nse there is no soap in the
world that nearly equals
Made only by
Company, Chicago.
Indianapolis Journal Kite- No, Mr.
Hlunnderio. I cannot entertain our pro
posal. Tint truth is I am engaged to
marry jour father.
Ho- why, I he old idiol'
uv ui
M.iny Indies have used our machines
twenty to thirty years in their family work,
nnd aro still using tho original machines
we furnished them a generation ngo.
Many of our machines liavu run more
than twenty jc.irs without repairs, other
than needles. With proper care they
nccr wear out, ntul seldom need repair.
We have built sewing tnndiinos for
more than forty years and have constantly
improved them. We build our machines
on honor, and they tiro rccognicd every
where as the most accurately lilted nnd
finely finished sewing machines in the
world. Our latest, the "N'o. 9," is the
result of our long experience. In com
petition with the leading machines of the
world, it received the Gram! I'rizcntthe
I'nns Imposition of 1889, ns the best,
other machines receiving only compli
mentary medals of gold, s,il cr and bronze.
The Grand Vtn was what all sought for,
and our machine wis awarded ii.
Send for our i'hstratcd ritalogt" We
want ilealcrj in all unoccupied territory,
S. E. Cnz-id, Acft.
'Uirtlsii I Hactrdinit r'MptrU for th fcrnlnf ywr.
Won I J t)rt it hop to dtuU turlatt jrrar'i wl vf Att
moiora, or, nl , c Atrf dwt in tAc aif. tlt ttetmtf
fitur tin I iJ rttry tmtyfti uimtimUU thai nritt. tiiHjf
commuting th Un ti$t ITX IUTK bOLD ABUIT
Wadanot kttrliiufe thit fiftjroot record fnllrtllo our f
furlt, but la th tufHtrferlty ! Id gwAt ttncb IttU Siiie
lilkiiu k Dvii L'rb.n, III , Yrttwitf 14, Hi "
O in im t 1 Ht louht inl put op AtrnietfrKn, 3, tnt
out of Hi ftrt ftftjr which you navdet h4 Ittiitciu. ti.nif
thit titut wi h -oM tout
In our 1 m a I ttrntory Ii nprtwntM tht tilitory ef th Airmotef
Ituur. 7ht biitory It oq
mi in AtTiiiMur vontpsoy irgawt DrfUlliinaf 19 lot prflfi.
. Ibrt bv n but frv
unDfoifri irturapa
Ana rrom u a rmotor
ithrlfi'ltilU put op
nouih HltD which to
how th inflult m 1
Atrrnotor la dttiin.
flniih (ill rthtniied
ta our ttfiitory jii
I eon pi rt
pflorycf tk
iUr romit4w
lion), n 1 tility to run
whin ftll othtrt fttAnd
and dtt lTa)tli watrke
Id I fgr wftol of win.
W ihoulJ htv told mort,
. ikii rtfion wu wu
tn tit) Airmoter id
lupph! with wlod Mwrr
iirtl. It btlni out vttt milt
to Chit, audi had tut
run Ltn in taiu irouad
rr wn iwtif ex in)
ri'iif wn angwn ana
trongtti wioamui
pAiiiM, ail rfina oatd
wimin 00 ntii ot u
ruciitu woours Ann
OTIIRH LttATisrie-
TUHT niiriiJi WITH
you htv durtUaf Ih put
ttoui ytar'i rttord by
you tiptct to doubl your
com I nit it ir Count 011 ut
yr mrjitiet tnypr
bout cuh.lf, ttid that
tut ytr outo th
fur our cor t ion of il. fr
tb anLbttr rtv r itood fanbtr a
t t wit and in fact iluii to day. t.
ot all romMtJtori la rco
fiaJlM A UaUtjiiT, Nucs. Ill
ltVTtf J, IQ Sri
Thantit Atrmotorad. will U ot pimps. Wo iball offirfot
$7.50 a $15
tin.. r torn cini!. All dlr hulJ katt It or tut Kl M
toullitllutiIcr, ill ItraiolorBtn will Kara II. TrawNk
tollowlnj will aptr our adt.nlMimnt ot iItuIm4 iMI
Itiki at H rinu ri nlloD. Thiy ntitbtr ihrlak. !, luta
aornaawiUrtwiaUil. Aarmotor Co.t Cataata.
Bid Cloud,
TTIU attend sales at reasonable figures. Batl
1 B 4W
i lu
i Wmm
it 'lli wt"i Jt' yW
HLJ&'taM.lLX'a.'U'A4rtrrU. .JhUJ ,JMlaU
lacuou Kuamuweu,