The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Just Like
ftan&tno you
a five ollac
VlTnEN wo sell you ono of
vv our new Overcoats or
Suits. Wo savo you from
one-third to one-half In the
price and give you double
value In quality.
Sri I 1 1 I .
buy, TUB LOWKST PRICKS you can
got, aro not all that Ih noceBeiiry in pur
chasing Hoots and Shoes.
Many of you have tried tho above jilan
and it has not always given you tho sat
isfaction you dedred. Von tuny havo
spent nioro than tho difference that
it, would have cost for a bolter quality of
goods ut a little higher jirlco in repairs
uiado not onco but many times until you
throw them aside in disgust. Don't
allow yourself to bo fooled ALL THK
T1MK. Wo take pleasure in dealing in
and SI10KS, and tho complaints wo
havo aro fow and fat between, and aro
instantly niado satisfactory to you when
inudo. Will jou not try us this year
and savo a portion of your shoo hill by
dealing with us ! Wo await your do
ciBion. Hlakksi.kb it Kalkv.
on IKS A.l l,MS.
pilEI) E. McKKKBY, M. D.
IIi Nlcluti ami .surgeon,
City and country ciiIIb promptly ans
wered. Moon Ui.ock. Rki Cloud.
Hllli:i' MBINTIOX.
To wear
to wear
it. $. & 33X.
them Is
tho best
Ready-Tailored Clothing
Come and look at
Our Straight front Sacks
Our Round Cornered Sacks
Our Cutaway Frocks
Our Nobby Overcoats
Our Trousers In
Stripes and Mixtures
Tho finest goods ever offered at
Such Little
Our Boys'
and Children's
never before
to all.
WI10 to ttiN.lnhn Wlllfox, p a,
That tft,ilr full 11 pnet,
Wlut l)h h column full r.irh week,
Tliat IikKih in aick In itn it.
Or ilocx lie iiic the mighty ulie.iry,
Ami 1 nin put tor liU rli)inr.i,
And the itsile Jnkciliu ulunji bat,
Ann) lithlii'l Hip timer.'
Oil, no, III) nil,lt l lint tlmt,
It's JuM IIii(h In" let'K
Anil iinv thin- lie wutiM 11 rliMiii1,
lie luiil Mulls thr ulicuft.
Ilie wliueli nrr In lilt, mj son,
IlUt tl I tit I III') III'MT liri-.
1 i'cp in.' null iiiiiu nli' tint hiiIi,
'I lu-y sniiuil Jut like 11 "lire."
-Tliw Now l)rll.
Wall pupt-r at Taylor's.
Tho nicest lino of curtains at Tay
lor's. Miss Mablo Day Sunday-oil in Guido
Miss Lottie Reiglo is homo from
Call and Bi-o Taylor's carpots before
Soveral now awnings havo boon put
up this week.
Farmers aro very busy potting in their
crops thoso timed.
Tho hardest rain of tho season foil
Sunday nfturnoon.
II. L. Davidson, son-in-law of J. A.
Tulleys is in tho city.
W. H. Roby v Son nro agents for tho
Champion machines.
Attornpy Challin and wifo woro visit
ing in Ouido Rock Sunday.
John Fulton of Riverton was treading
Red Cloud soil Inst Saturday.
A good house and Iota in Hod Cloud
to trade for land. C. W. Kuloy.
Minn Maud Newbiirg is visiting at tho
homo of Mrs. T. W. Tliornburg.
Mil Shorman wus in tho eastern part
of tho state on business last weuk.
You ought to got next to a (1. V
Childs' cigar. They aro out of sight.
Tho thermometer Iiiih been out of
sight for soveral days thin woelc at both
Miss Mabul Saunders expects to leave
on thu 20th for an extended visit in Min
nesota. A very large number of gentlemen
havo applied for tho HUperintondency of
our public schools.
A heavy shower of rain Sunday glad
dened the herutu of tho peoplo with its
refreshing inoittuie.
Uaso ball fover is raging hero as bad
as usual. No telling when that and the
bioyulo fover will Etop.
Tho property holders should paint
their houses and improve tho appear
ance of things generally.
W. II. Roby has two cars of choice
corn for feed or seed for .r.'l cents per
bushel by tho wagon load.
Lloyd Crabill, tho dtreot car magnate,
is painting his house and tixing up his
residonco otherwise in nico stylo.
Mrs. A. II. Hndell and BiBter. Mablo
Nye, expect to leave this week for an
extended visit in the old "Huy Stnto."
Charley Turner has been holping out
at tho light house tins week while Elec
trician Street has been on tho sick lift.
Tho city council meotings aro as
largely attendeil thi'Ho days us uro tho
Jos. Sparks was on our streets Satur
day. Chas. Mehagan was in the city this
I'rof. Caster returned from Liucoln
Friday ovening.
Win. Irons of Inavale is visiting his
paronts in Iowa.
Seward Clarber was in Franklin tho
tlrst of tho weok.
Gecrgo Hall of Akron, Colorado, was
in tho city this week.
S. S. Warren of Hluncliurd, Iowa, was
in the city last week.
W. II. Clapper of Kiverton whs a Rod
Cloud visitor Sunday.
Mrs. C. H. Crone returned from bar
visit to Lincoln Monday.
Isaac Shepherdson of Rivet-ton wns in
tho ctty ono day this week.
G. W, Cherringlon r Council UlufTu
was in Red Cloud hint Saturday.
T. G. Uarton of Western, Missouri,
was in Red Cloud tho linn of the week.
Mts. II. D. Rannoy returned Wednes
day f rnn n visit to her daughter in Kiverton.
Joe Dandurand and littlo girl re
turned to their homo in Aurorn, Kansas,
Mr. Luco and wifo of Republican City
were vifiting D F. McFarland and fam
ily Sunday.
Mr. Wm.Josslyn and children of Or
leans were tho guests of Miss P. D. Yoi-
sor Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Rogers and children nnd
Mrs. L. II Fort visited in Guide Rock
O. J. and C. E. Sattley living on the
Gates farm, havo tinished plauting 250
acres of corn.
A display of arms occurred on tho
street Saturday between two farmers.
No blood spilled.
Fred Mauror camo home from Lin- Visions 01 wio leg.s.auvo oou.oa or mo
fcolfl Monday ovening, where ho has been '8tuto
1 .. . . S it.. .1 . 1 . 1 1 ..
win jay, me laiomou ex-ouuoroi xno
Nance County Journal, was in tho city
uttonding school
O. C. Bell looks hko well the mis
chief sinco he got his whiskers amputat
ed, so the boys say.
Rev. Hummel nnd Rev. Mnxfiold at
tended tho district ministerial associa
tion in Superior this week.
A little girl in town when asked why
she had stuffed nails down tho pump re
plied that thoy woro only old rusty ones.
The band stand that our Rod Cloud
band- has erected on wheels, is just the
thing and will bo much moro conven
ient when playing on the stroet.
Lew Hummel nnd his father havo sot
nut .'1,000 sweet potato plants and will as
fast as possible put out 15,000 moro.
They are going to see what can ba done
in this country in that line.
Mrs. D. F. Parker, who haH beon vis
iting hor pnronts. Mr. T. C. Hnukor and
wifo, has returned to hor home in Utah,
and from thoro Mr. Parker and wife will
take up their residence in California.
L. D. Oatmnn'n son Roy waB out in
a buckbonrd driving tho fnmily horso
Saturday, when tho nng got frightened
and throwing the boy out camo up Web
stor street rapidly. Noithor boy or rig
wbb injurod. J
Cako walk at Bontloy'a hall Thursday
ovoning, Mny ICth, for bonoflt of tho
Congregational church. Admission 10c,
All nro cordially invited. This will be a
very interesting ovont us it is something
now and something that has never oc
curred in this city. Go and boo the
"cako walk,"
Aftor three years of stondy labor as
music teacher in this city, Miss Josie
Igou departed last Saturday for Wash
ington, Iowa, whero sho was was hastily
summoned by hor sister. 8ho will prob.
ubly bo gono two or threo weoks, return
ing in time to tako up hor work at tho
closo of tho school.
(The following pnrtics nttonded tho
ball gamo nt Blue Hill Tuesday: Homor
Shorwood, Walter Shorwood, W. W.
Wright, Chas. Kohlnson, Ed Smith, W.
M. Campbell, D. O. Jonkins nnd Frank
Cowden on bicycles. Nobo RobinBon,
ifnl.t. Mnrtln. Ernest Moranville, T. W.
Thornhurg, Nate Piatt, Douglas Cuthor
by carnage. J
this weok in tho interests of tho State
Public prosperity is no doubt cortain
now as traveling men nro becoming
thicker and thicker in lied Cloud. A
good sign.
Tnko your wogon work to Stapleton
Ho forges all irons for buggiesoutot the
best Norway iron, usos no mulleablo iron
in repairing buggies.
The flro limit should be established
at onco. Tho old rookeries that now
adorn our public thoroughfares will
soon pass into innocuous dcBuotudo, and
stately brick structures should tako
tboir places.
Grand locturo on Odd Fellowship at
the opera house in Red Cloud, Nebr.,
Wednesday evening, May 20, 181)5, by
Past Grand Master E. J. O'Noil. All
are cordially invitod. Scats free. By
order of committee, tt
Frank Richardson, whilo riding on
tho Red Cloud blcyclo track, collided
with Stownrt Albright and completely
mashed his wheel last Monday night.
All the dream of pomp and glory of tho
cyclist faded in ono brief moment.
Mr. Alvin Pope, teacher of tho fourth
room ontertninod his pupils with a pic
nic at Gov. Gurbor'sgrovo last Saturduy
All day tno merry laughter or tno pupils
rang through tho woods; games, base
ball, swings, etc., woro tho genoral ordor
of amusements.
Wo hopo tho city council will mnko
arrangements to commenco tho sowor
through Webster street soon, as that is
an absoluto necessity. Substantial im
provements of that kind nro necessary,
and that kind is tho only kind that
should bo muds.
What aro tho munngors of tho Web
ster County Agricultural society doing
about holding 11 fair this year? It sooins
to tho Groat Family Weokly that ar
rangements ought to bo computed at
onco in that direction. People ought to
havo a littlo time to arrange exhibits.
J. C Warner is in Lincoln this vck.
Ed Pulsipher was in Hastings this
w eok.
J. O. Lindley was on the aick list this
Dr. G. E. MeKeoky returned home
C. W. Knley looks well behind a G.W.
Cliilds cigar.
Call on W. B. Roby for corn at tho.
same old price.
W. II. Davis of Shlcltloy was in this
burg yesterday.
W. E. Reid of Woedtunn wns in tho
city WedneBilay.
Horace Spanoglo left this week for
Scandia, Kaunas.
W. R. Evans was up from Abilone,
Kansas last week,
No other country has such baautiful
weather as Nebraska.
I). C. Everett of Beatrico was in tho
city ono day this week.
Glaus and John Rose of Rosemont
wero in town Thurnlny.
W. II. Fort ofGlenwood, Illinois, was
in Red Cloud this week.
A complete new line of wall naner at
Taylor's at bottom prices.
Eight tons of millet hay for sale. Jno
Earner, box ,'28, Red Cloud.
C. E. Grady of Kishwaukee, Illinois,
wns in Red Cloud this week.
Miss Willn Gather returned homo
from Lincoln Friday ovening.
Mr. Fred Fraso is limine again after
an nbacncu of several months.
If you don't see Taylor's wall paper
Iteforo buying you will iiiibu it.
J. A. Hundley of Burlington, Iowa,
was on our streets 0110 day this week.
Miss Lottie Reiglo returned Tuesday
from a visit with her sinter in Hebron.
W. Hobart f Rivorton, sonindaw of
H. D. Ranney was in the city this week.
Chap, Ray I, our popular tonsorial ar
tist, wiib in Burr Oak ono dav this week.
Mrs. J. C. Warner was visiting her
daughter in Hastings the tlrst of tho
Dr Robt. Damerell, superintendent
of tho insimo asylum at Hastings, is in
tho city.
"Pap" Rust is in Atwood, Kiuibiis, this
week, looking after some of his land in
terests at that place.
Geo. Barker and father inlaw, Mr.
Smith, have made arrangements to re
turn to Red Cloud to live.
Charley Potter has so far recovered
that ho occasionally appears on the
streets. Wo aro pleased to nolo his to
covery. Tho young peoplo of tho various
church societies will meet onco in two
months jointly for mutual improvement.
A good idea.
We do not use cotolinn or any other
kind of line, but puro and healthful in
gredients in our breadatuirn or pastry.
Kai.kv A Camimiki.i..
Tho A. O. U. W. hoys should not for
got that noxt Sunday, the 12th, is A. O.
U. W. day, and that Bro. Ely will preach
tho sortnon attho Congregational church
in tho afternoon.
Tho bicycle track has boon fixed up
in nico shapo nnd attracts largo audi
ences in tho ovoningB, to seo tho riders
spin round the curves, and poBHibly
watching for tho collisions which often
Thursday ovoning tho S. of V. band
elected the following ofllcers for tho en
suing year: II. J. Clark, presidont; C.
C. Cowden, vico president; Chas. Kuloy,
secrotury; O. C. Boll, treuuurer und bus
incas manager.
J. II. Wegmnnn had his hands severely
burned the othor day, tho rosult of an
accident with his Hash light,. When
turning tho ilntuo on", ho turned tho
lover the wrong way, causing tho oil to
How bo freely as to drop into his hand,
Ncla Longtin, a celebrated horeo
trader of Red Cloud; Joo McClelland, a
professional bicyclist of Kalamazoo,
Michigan; and John Polnicky, a noted
physician of Philadelphia wero regis
tered ut the Gardner house Wednesday.
Tho band boyn will colobrato thoir
third anniversary witli u grand social
Saturduy ovoning in thu court houno
park. Muh'io and other attractions aro
on tho program. Miss Mabollo F. PrutB
mnn, tho celebrated elocutionist of tho
Croto univoralty, will bo prosont nnd
tako part. Evorybody should bo pres
ent. Rev. Robt. Mclntyro, the colobrated
lecturer who is to bo hero next Tuesday
und Wednesday is ono of tho most elo
quent men in the United States, and to
listen to him is a treat of n life timo.
Tho reserved seats will bo ! for singlo
night und 50o for both nights when tho
tickets urepurchusod for both nights ut
tho enmo timo.
At tho last tneoting of the Nebraska
Band union held in Lincoln, Mr. O. C.
Boll of this city was choson us vico
presidont. Tho union consists of thirty
nine buudB witli n total membership of
over fiOO. Mr. Bell was also placed on
tno committee for locating tho noxt
stato reunion, which occurs tills fall.
He is the right man in tho right placo
and will bo a promlnont actor in tho
J fleers,
It Will Pav You
To call mid get my
your uomls when in
incus biiforo buying
tin; city. You will
tlnd my goods first-class in every respect
and at prices that all can buy.
I uni Bivlng you flvo wents n sack on all grades, and
there are no goods in the city that aro equal in
quality. Parties hnva been tr)ing to get Hoinetblng
to eotnpelo with Uipfo goods, but havo fidlod. They
are tiilldiu: of lower prices, but got my pricea bfore
buying. You aro all aware that I will meet comj o
titiou at all times, und mostly go ono bettor.
Next week I will have a line of bargains
on hand for you atrainand J
-j ---.-,,
oony (o come in and gel some of thorn
bol'ore they are till gone.
Shoulder, "
Lard, in any quantity,
best in the city, 12cperlb
" 10c per lb
Dried Beef . . . .
Koneless Ham, &e.
Huu-iiru of mi' Hroiilur Hint will Itc luiforo
you. Coiiiu ami nvv mu Urol.
JFitIicst .JViYe for li'oItwc.
Xfy Qrocer.
Serves the cleanest and best meal
in the city.
Summer is here, do not heat up
your house when you can buy
. 32 pound loaves of bread for $1.
Cakes 40c. Doughnuts, cook
ies and buns 3 doz for 25c.
Delivered at
'Kaley & Caitlpbell. 2
ii.,..,..sQ. i tlm liitLst fad. Hut wo. Thoeyo. Its diseases and treatment.
do not nave to liypnoti.e our customers B. S. Hvans. M. I), eye, ear and throat
to make them buy goods of us. They , apoenilist, Luzaru lJlock, Columbus, O.
t i. o, i.v.. n Lrooa thlm? anv- ""'"8 Miksch, agont, Red Cloud, INou.
way, and they save their money by trad
ing witli us. Don't forgot our salo to
morrow becauso thoro is somethiug that
you need. Wo have lots of things that
you need this wrrm weather and among
them is the Reliable Oiwohuo tovo and
the Ciurnoy Hofrigerator tho only cloan
nhlo, Alwuya come to headquarters for
nil your supplies. Headquarters aro at
A.Morhart &, Son's.
Third AiinlviTMiry.
On Saturday evening, May 11th, 1807.
tho S. of V. band will celebrate its third
anniversary by giving a grand free con
cert in the court houso park. An ex
cellent program will be rendered, and re
freshments, in the shape of ice cream,
cake, etc., will be prepared. Tho musi
cal part is entirely freo and overybody 1b
invited to attend. Tho proceeds will bo
used to erect a band stand for concert
work. Refreshments lOc.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder . imbinesB of the board of tho stato
j superior to all others, ,
Tho other day, wo uro told, that ono of -
our uldormon whilo coming through the
narrows west of tho city thought he woe
going to bo hold up by tho fcstlvo road
iiRent. Quickly he drew a trusty der
ringer and driving with tho other hand
urged his steed to greater exertion in his
hurry to got out of danger, when to his
astonishment ho discovered tiro sourco
of his fear to bo nn owl which wus pip
ing his lay "hoot-oot" which our good ul
dormun thought was "Htop or I'll shoot."
Ho hud two ludioa with him and us ho
omorged from tho dofllo he was quietly
seen replacing tho revolver, oaying in nn
under voice "who'rt afraid?" Tho ludleo
casually smiled und said but vory littlo
uxcopt in relation to the depressing ut
mosphoro. Ono of tho ludies breuthod
tho joko to a frlond and our "noEor" wns
Immodiatoly informed.
Highest Honors Wodd' FalfbV.
A puie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fru
f;nm Ammonia, Alum or any other fdulterantv