The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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A. C. IIo-oikii, Kdltor.
I.Aliov Tait. A vt. Icnl Kdltor.
i:iitokiai noti:s.
Tiik prospects for a crop was nowr
hotter in the world than just now in
WebBtcr counlv.
Tun improvement in businehB nmttcrfl
tho nation ovur seems to bo on tho up
ward tendency. Wo hopo Unit it will
continue to do ho.
Tiik democratic party in now hard nt
work trjlng to strnddlo tho free silver
question. That party never wos nlilu to
copo intelligently with any greut quos
tion that was of moment to the people.
Tho people have become decidedly tired
of democratic misrule.
Tin: Hritiuh have withdruwn from
Corinto, tho Nicurnguan govurnmont
having decided to accupt in moditlcd
terms, a more ronBonnblo ultimatum.
Our government Iiur acted very unwise
ly in allowing the British to humiliato
Nicaraguana tor ho Rmiill a cuuho.
Iliitul Concert.
Our pcoplo should not fail to bo pres
out Hnturdny nignt at tho band concert
in the court Iioubo ard, and iiIbo to par
take of tho dolicioufl ico cream and cake
which will bo Borved during tho evening.
Tho band boaare making 11 atronuous
effort to reach a high standard in
musical excellence and should be Riven
all possible oneouriigempnt. Their ox
ponBea nro noarly ?Co per month and
tiiHiw untortulnincnta ure for the pur
pofio of raising tiio money and at tho
Biimo time givo their patrons tho benetlt
thereof. Following is tho program for
Saturday night:
Overture IlLiy
Duel (for two Clnrliuti)
"Two Uttlo lltillntiilic,"
"Wilt nnil the driiy,"
"Onward Mnrcli."
March i'uy
Overture Oa'tiy
Sclioltiaclio Voelkr
"Frolic of tliesjlplu'
Dcicrlptlvo Overture ....l'trwl
"Force In the Forest."
(Juattctt.... Clark, Cotting, Jenkins, Dlckcrsou
"Who Stole de Ham."
March I.1U-
Recoption at Deyo it Grlco's.
Tho reception at Dejo it Grico'a only
costs Re.
Paper Hanging by Hadloy it Robinson.
Sco them.
Judo Sapp and mother wero in Cowlea
this wook.
Don't fail to attend the reception at
Dejo it 0 rice's.
U. W. Childa' is a hand mado Havana
lilted fie cigar. Try one.
Ed Brown camo in today. A O. W.
Child's cigar is juet his size.
Smoko O. W. Childa high grado 5c
cigar. Do) o & Grico carry them.
Cal Kenady of McCook was visiting
his parents this week in this city.
Tho water main broko Sunday and as
u CHnscquenco tho water woe shut oil.
Hob I'ottersiosa 0. W. Child's and
an easy chair Is all tho Heaven uo
euros for.
All members of the Dogroo of Honor
aro requested to meet at tho hall May 12
at 'J:.'to p. tu. Mus. J. O. IIi'tlkk, Ro
corder. (j. 1 Halo of Inavale, who had his
John for a jour or moro an
omnlovo of this olllce and latterly an
employe of tho Nation ofllce has leaned
that paper from its ownerfl and will
horciifterrun it. Mr. Walsh Is an ablo
and aggressive fellow and will no doubt
tnako of tho Nation u good paper and
worthy of tho cause which it espouBos.
Wo hope "Jack" will make a auceess of
his venture and that his party will give
him their unqualified support. lie ban
increased tho size of tho nation, and his
initial number shows mm to lie n
"spring chickon" in tho nowapupor business.
It was over Hum. A good and faith
ful citien during the great contllct of
'(51 5, in tho person of S. C. Johnson, of
Judson, left homo and friends and took
up arum to preserve bin country. Ho
wiifldlauhled and unfitted for life's work.
Ho applied under republican rule mid
secured a pension of i'2, partially ado-
A crowd of our bicyclists took n journ
ey down tho road Sunday and of courso
tho ehorilT wunt along to Beo that tho
bou kept straight, but John wont for a
good timo and couldn't keop straight
very long. Ho and his wheel performed
various acrobatic feats to amuse the
bojB. Tho llrst thirg was when he rodo
down a steep hill, at tho foot of which
was a bridge, and right hero is where
John diBplnjed a great deal of nerve.
Grasping tho handles tightly, ho braced
himself and rodo directly toward tho
railing of that bridge, when ono quiver
of a mupclo or tho smallest unsteady
novo would have turned tho wheel six
inches farther north and thrown rider
and machine down a stcop embankment
thirty or forty feet high. Hut tho rail
ing was a little higher than John had
anticipated and tho wheel refused to
mount it, mi, when they struck tho
bridge, tho wheel Btopped for a minuto
and John nimbly turned n somer-Bault
over tho handlebar, when tho boys wore
quute for his sustenance. This week ho
received word from Hoke Smith that he nuniriBod to Bee tho wheel do tho same,
was not half as disabled an ho lot on to ,, , full nHtrido John's frame. This did-
be and Unit hm pension would bo re
duced to $G per month. Simpl) another
outrage perpetrated on tho old holdier
because ho helped to preserve tho union.
Fousevornl jours, when tho memory
of man can hardly runuoth back, tho
alTairs of Red Cloud have been run on a
mismanaged iiiihis. iiiaiisio nn un
methods liavo not been as thorough as
they should have been. The business
of tho city bus just been run for the
municipal jear that tho olllcors were
elected for and no improvement, except
tho water works, has been mado witli
that great, motive in hand of endurance,
and the improvements should be pcriim
neut. What Red Cloud needs is a line
of improvements commenced that will
bo of lasting honetlt not only for this
yoar but for years to come. Temporary
improvements aro usulesH anil fairly ex
travagant. Tho present council should
make their improvements with an idea
of permanency, if they only mako ono
That's business.
TiiKiir. seems to ho a desire in some
quarters to censure Chairman Hntlniiin
of the board of supervisors and County
Clork Fort for not signing tho throe
thousand dollar warrant for tho purpose
of buying seed and feed. Especially is
this so in tho north part of the county.
Thoso two gentlomon aro blameless as
tho Dost resolution did not state what
fund tho warrant was to bo drawn on,
and hb tho law especially provides that
tho warrant must bo drawn on tho sur
plus of several funds, tl.o gentlemen in
question could do nothing else but ro
fuBo to sign it and obey the law. It is
onsy to blainu ollicials for lack of duty
whon ono is not acquainted with tho
facts in tho case. Tho blamo should ho
placed where it belongs and not on tho
gentlemen named.
Tiik Ciiikf'h reporter in traveling ovor
tho eastern and southeastern part of tho
county this week limit) the farmers
busily engaged planting corn. Surely
tho click of the corn planter Is hoard in
tho land. Some tields of corn planted
earlior aro looking lino. Thoro is u good
stand, and present indications aro that
there will bo a good crop. Although we
have heard of many Holds of wheat
that huvo been planted to corn, there
aro sovorul lino Holds of whoat. Mr.
Robt. White farming T. K, Haul's place
has about seventy acres of as tlno whoat
as one could wish to eoe. Oats aro
growing nicely. Furniora ure doing
their part in putting their ground in
fchaj to givo tho grain u chance to
grow. Pasture is unusually good. Tho
ground having had u rest last year and
is dou.g tho best that can bo done to
supply btjck with early foed. Every
fruit treo M':mn to have somo fruit on it.
An abundance of fruit is to bo expected
this season.
If You are week (in J worn out, or huvo
that tired feeling Hood's KarHupnrllla is
jmc the medicine to rcstoroyour sttongth
and givo you a good appotlto. Hood's
mnkes pure blood.
For a illiinur pill and general family
cathartic wo confidently recommend
Hood's l'illa.
n't suit John and ho wanted to try it
over, but tho boB coudn't wait; to John
journojod on, none tho worse for his en
counter. In one man's yard, whore the
ho)s wero repairing a wheel, John moun
ted when ready to start. There was a
large tree in front of him, and ho started
on one hide oi mo tree, men uo conclud
ed to go tho other side, but before ho
got by it lie changed his mind again.
Wo don't know whether he was going to
climb tho trco or go through it. Ho
stopped. Dont know why ho got on his
wheel any way; thoro was a barb wire
fence around the place, but ho was proh
ably going to jump that. Theso wero
only a few of his many feats, and when
wo struck good roads John mado him
self hard tc catch. Ho struck a 2:10
'gait," aud kept it up for sovoral miles,
which was quite a surprise to the bos.
Hu set u hot puce all tho way coming
home, whore ho arrivod all O. K.
Last Monday evAiing witnessed a very
pleasant surprise party at tho homo of
Rev. O. II, Spellman. The party was in
honor of Mrs. Spollman's sistor, Miss
Nottio M. Hostwick, tho day being hor
seventeenth birthday. It was brought
to a successful termination with the aid
of Rev. Spollman's Sunday school class
and n few invited guests. Tho surprise
was a completo success as might have
been seen by tho rapid changes of coun
tenance with which Miss Hostwick was
atTectod whon tho company ontercd tho
house. The evening was spout in play
ing crockinolo and other games, not for
getting tho old standby "drop the bund
korchief." Refreshments, consisting of
ico cream and cako, woro sorved at a
late hour, after which the class departed
all having had a pleasant time, and
wishing Miss Hostwick many happy ro
turnH of tho day. Miss Hostwick re
coivod several appropriate gifts which
Will cause her to remember tho day for
house burned down Bomo timo ago, has
just erected a sod house by tho kindly
aid of his neighbors and has moved
into it. J
H. F. Mizor is getting to bo very phil
anthropic, und in these days of 91 in tho
shade, dispenses ico water to his pat
rons, and to all pedestrians who pass
his grocery omporiumjfree.
Charley Gurney is preparing for the
races. His nag that propels tho lacteal
vehicle attempted to runaway on Thurs
day, but Charloy's strong nrm finally
held tho old fellow down to regulation
On last evening May 9th nt tho resi
dence of Rev. Geo.W. Hummel, Mr.Chas.
Turner was united in tho holy bonds of
matrimony to MiBS Myrtlo Cummings,
Mr. Humiuol ofllciating. TiikCiiiki' ox
tends congratulations.
Miss Mnbollo I'rutsman's elocutionary
entertainment at tho Congregational
church on Thursday evening was a very
pleasant ulTair and appreciated by all
present. Tho audionco was not as largo
as tho character of her entertainment
should deserve
Tho list of letters remaining at the
post odico Juncalled for up to May
lith., ltltt:
Oscar Kelfer.
The above letters will bo sent to the
dead letter olllce May 23. 18!."i. If not
called for. Fkank Cowdkn, Postmaster.
Attorney Geo. Harkor left today for
Eiie, Pit, whero ho goes to perfect ar
rangements for removing to Red Cloud
with his family. Mr. Hurker left Red
Cloud one ear lino to better Ins con-
condition in tho east, but it only took
twelve months to provo to him that ho
had mado a mistake, and consequently
ho will roturn to Nobruaka as soon as
DoltiKH or the City Dad.
The oity conncil met in an ndjosrned
session on Wednesday evening. Mayor
Uentley in the chair and Aids. Fulton,
Martin, Qroat aud l'olstpher in their re
spective places. 1 hejlobby in the coanoil
chnmber was filled to sntiety with inter
ested citizen?, ho wend their way thith
erward to see and hear matters discussed
by thu city Solons. The mayor called
the attention of the body to several im
portant subject for consideration; tho
committeo on water reportedndversely to
the present location of the water howo
and works, Bald that tho house was
placed in a depression and that all drain
ago flowed to that point. The mayor ap
pointed Uen.Jas. Oilham, city attorney;
a petition for appointment of nightwatch
was presented and the mayor (.decided
not to appoint nt present; Messrs 1'oIhIc
ky, Lougton nnd Htorn asked tho council
to deter their applications for licouso at
a rcdacod rate until thoy could amend
the same, the council did so and as a con
sequence the town will uo dry for a fow
days. Other matters of deep import
wero taken up And discussed and placed
with the proper committees, Tho coun
cil decided to use rigid economy In all
things, during the year. Several bills
were allowed after which tho council in
structed the city clerk to tnke inventory
of all city property and report At next
meeting the amount and condition of
same; Mayor itentley appointed Fulton
and Oroat to investigate tho claim of tho
Electric Light Co. vs city; clerk gave es
timate of expenses far the ensuing year as
Salary, Board $ MO
Water and Street Commissioner. . . . COO
Huglneer'ssnlary 000
Intereston water bond lfiOO
Interest on electric light bond !'",0
l'oorfund '-'00
Maintain electric light l'-MS
Miscellaneous loOO
(Urder this head we Inilte thominMryof
die city to cnntriliute freely of any and all
church news of lnteret to their various organ-
Subject of sermon nt tho church of
Christ Sunday morning, "Lessons from
I'otor'o Kxperionco." Evonlng, "Salva
tion of Young People," tho second ser
mon in the series to joung people.
M. K. C'llt'UCIt,
The meoting of nil the young pcoplo's
Bocioti,os last Sabbath evoning wob a de
lightful success. Not n moment of timo
was lost.
Plans nre boing worked which wo
trust will increase the attendance of all
the Sunday schools in the city.
J. A. Uaum pns bring tho childron in.
Ho can euro for moro in his school.
Tho rain Sabbath nfternoon wot some
of tho juniors in great slinpo, but it will
mako them grow.
Just a littlo effort on tho part of
many Epworthians will greatly aid Mrs.
Rauru just now while school tlutiea
must bo attended to. Help just n littlo.
Tho subject of tho sermon on next
Sabbath morning will boon missions.
Choir meeting on Friday night as
Next Sabbath ovoning in tho place of
tho sermon tho league will follow tho
program provided by Doctor Scholl.
Mrs. Martin nnd MissMable Saunders
will conduct tho devotional meeting at
i o clock.
Mis Christie Weideman has been
elected first vice president and will take
charge when Miss Mablo Saunders goes
east on a visit.
Tho class meetings uro growing in in
terest and numbtirH. All invited.
Total !408
On motion C.3. Hcuuett was allowed
$40 per month for servico as street com
missioner and city survoyor foratenn
not to exceed three months.
Itiu'klcii' Arnica Milvc.
The best salve i the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt rheum, fover
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chillblains,
corns, nnd all skin eruptions, and posi
tivoly cores piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Trice 2fi cents per
box. Forsale byCotting. tf
Feoplo should realize that the only
truo and permanent euro for their
condition Is to bo found in bavin
Pure Blood
Because tho health of ovcry organ an1
tissue of tho body dopenda upon the
purity of tho blood. The whole world
knows tho standard blood purlUor Is
And thoroforo It is tho only true and
rellablo medicine for norvoui people.
It makes tho blood pure and healthy,
and thus euros nervousness, makes
tho nerves Arm and strong, gives sweet
sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite,
perfect digestion. It does all this, and
cares Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheum
and all other blood diseases, because tt
Makes A
Pure Blood
Results provo every word wo have
said. Thousands of voluntary testi
monials fully establish tho fact that
Be Sure
to Get Hood's
Inspirations That
Come to
May or May Not
Jnrk Tar.
Garden plants of all kindB nt tho low
est prices at tho brick urd north of
town. Isaac Ludlow.
"I suffered with headaches and
could not slicn. I took Hood's Sarsa
parilla nnd tho headacho vanished."
Mus. J. J. Gallky, Columbus, Neb.
Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills, coaUlp.
Uon, blllouiiies', sick, Imllucstlon.'JSo.
Ice Crcain.
Any ono wishing Ico Crenm mado to
ordor call on tho City Hakery, at TOcents
per, gallon all llavors,' I will furnish you
absolutely, tho best Ico Croam in the
city. Job. Horburgor.
llair Rate.
May 21st and June 11th Tho Missouri,
Kansas & Texas Railway Co, will sell
tickets at ono tare fur tho round trip, to
points in Texas, Lake Charles, La, and
Eddy and Koawell, N. M. , tickots good
returning twenty daa from date of sale.
For further information address G. A.
McNutt, 1014 Union Ave, Kansas City
Mo, .
Medical Scientist! Having m Jelly Tlaas
with KnclUh Aristocracy.
The KnBllsh public nppeara at this
many yoars. Thoso present woro Jessie
Kullogg, May Sanborn, Mattio Abol,
Jessie MoKoighan, Kmoline Warren,
Gortio Knloy, Myrtlo Kaloy, Edith
Palmer, Ettu Hughes, Holen Roby,
Walter Warron, Will Kollogg, Edgar
Cotting, Dennis SchalTnitt, Homor Kin
sol, Frank Goblo, Roscoo Gather.
9100 Howard, 9100.
The readers of this paper will bo please
to learn that thoro is at least onodroaded
disease that soieuoo has been able to cure
in nil its stages and that is catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
care now known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's catarrh cure is taken internally,
acting on tho system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by budding np the
constitution nnd assisting nature iu do
ing its work. Tho proprietors have so
muoh faith in its curative powers, that
thoy offer ono hundred dollars for any
onso thnt it fails to euro. Send for list of
Testimonials. Address, F. J. OHHNHY
A; CO., Toledo, 0.
l$T8old by Druggists, 7fio.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking I'owder
A Pure flrspe Crcain of Tartar I'owder.
moment to be under the spell of n
bacllllc spectre which disturbs severely
the peace of mind of the Well-to-do.
With the advent of the epidemic of
grip tho doctors rolled upon oysters nnd
champaBiiu as a mitigating remedy.
Just at thnt time It wns reported that
typhoid fever was a possible sequence
to inciuiKence In the llrst. In conse
quence the bivalve wns avoided, with
a correspondlns Increase In the dose of
clinnipngne. Following close on the
heels of this theory came the discovery
thnt death lurked In watercress, Dr.
Verdon, the medical olllcer of the health
board of Lambeth, stated olllclully.
nfter an Inspection of the vailous water
cress farms nbout London, that the
plant was contaminated with sewaue
water and consequently dangerous to
the health of the people of Loudon,
who consumed all the Lambeth crop
On top of this It was announced that
brend was positively dangerous unless
baked at a temperature of 100 deft, cen
tigrade. Ah no one could be positive
that this particular deirreo of heat was
employed In tho brand which he con
sumed, all bread waa looked upon with
suspicion. To add to this burden of
uncertainty, bacteriologists uttered a
note of warning ngulnst the contami
nating possibilities of the common house
fly. It was clearly demonstrated by
these Investigators, that. In default of
any other explanation, the fly must bo
held responsible for the spread of dis
ease. There Is at least one advantage
In tho acute Interest of people In the
bacllllc theory, and that Ih the closer
attention which Is now given to care
In the preparation of food.
much In evidence In tho kltch
tels. There aro many of these In New
York, where every person who hns any
thing to do with tho cooking, preparing,
or serving of nllments Is required be
fore he enters tho kitchen to wash his
hnnds thoroughly with antiseptic soap
and to dry them on a sepainto towel.
Cure Is taken thnt this process shall be
repented at Intervals dm lug tho day,
clean towels being provided for each
(Mobile Alabama l.e;lit-r.)
Yestorday, at noon, there win a protty
home wedding at the attractive residence
of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gardnor,
tho parents of tho bride, at tho south-we-t
corner of Monterey street and
Dauphin way, tho iinppy contracting
parties boing Mr. Ciiarlea L. C. Marsh
and Miss Vashti Gardnor. Tho young
couplo wero united in tho holy bnnds in
tho prcsonco of a number of their f rionds
and relatives, tho coromony boing per
formed by Rev. O. C, McGeheo, of the
Governmeutstri.ot Methodist Church,
according to tho simplo but impressive
form preecribod by tho Mcthodfet
Episcopal Church. South. Tho epacious
double parlors had been tastefully doco
ratod by loving hands for tho occasion
with llowora and evorgreens, nnd these,
added to tho many handsomo paintings
which adorned tho walls, tho artistic
creations of Mrs. Gardner's talont, gavo
a most ploasing und pictureBquo elTect
to tho surroundings. At tho hour named
tho bridal party entered the parlors, the
bridegroom with his mother upon his
arm, the brido leaning upon the nrm of
her fathor und tho brido's mother accom
panied oy little Miss Marsh. Taking
position at the north end of the rooms,
the guests standing, tho eolemn cere
mony which mado thom husband and
wife was porformed, and thon tho young
couple woro oxtonded the good wiahea
and congratulations of their friends.
Tho many friends of Miss Vashti in this
city oxtond to hor tho most hoarty con
gratulntionB on tho ovent and wish hor
a lifo of much happiness.
The stuffy. Kloomy forecastle Is not
tin; home of the sailor. Tho deck, the
lookout, the crow's nest Is where he
lives, nnd the bronze of Ida cheeks comes
from the toucli of sun, free winds and
sprny. Kolllng waves of blue and n
bounding ship, or one that cleaves
swiftly ilark waves gemmed with In
candescence while the clear night
heavens aro gemmed with stars, Is the
playground of the sailor: and tho bat
tle with the elements, when tho cry of
death is heard In the tempest and the
sea Is mourning and moaning In blnck
nnd white, and the ship Is creaking,
tossing and groaning, makes his work
day 1 II of n wild excitement and un
canny Interest. Once a sailor, with a
love of the sea, one's view of things
must change. The dollar Is not then
the mightiest force on earth, for most
of life is pasted where the dollar has
no power. Nature alone is king. The
world of a man Is seen in n different
light, perhaps u truer nnd perhaps a
false one: for all human changes and
movements seem petty things. Cities
nre toys; governments creations of n
day, to rise or fall while the great sen
rolls unchanged, and the winds sweep
nt their own free will neross It. And
the stars will gleam on, though a thou
sand Homes should burn; and never a
sigh of humanity Is brought on the
breeze, never a note of laughter breaks
the htlllness. This comes to seem the
true environment, when life Is close to
the heart of careless, plttlless nature:
and days In port appear but ii peep
behind the scenes of a sad or merry
play. One mny spend his recess then in
gambling, drinking or loving, for soon
the mighty nnd solemn life will begin
again, when man Is face to face with
his Creator on the bosom of the mighty
deep; where gold Is worthless nnd only
tho love and mercy of an Infinite power
prevails. And the kingship of the Indi
vidual must bo impressively felt In co
existence with the divinity above It.
You ought to have scon Doc Fort
throw awny hia Missouri mersckaum to
get n G. W. Childs.
Dr. Robort Mclntyro, whoso lecture at
tho opera Iioubo in tho early wintor on
"Huttonod Up Pooplo" creatod a uni
versal desiro for his roturn, lias been en
gaged to dolivor two lectures in this
city. On Tuesday evening Mny 14, at
at tho opera Iioubo hall ho will dolivor
his famous lecture on "Tho Sunny Sido
of Soldier Lifo." On Wednesday oven
ing, Mny 16, ho will lecturo on "Wyan
dotto CavernB." To thoso who have
listonod to Dr. Mclntyro any comment
would aeera superfluous. He is unques
tionably the most popular platform lee
turor in tho west und is tho peer of any
in our country. Sam Jones deciaroa him
to be tho moBt popular orator in Amer
ica. The first looturo has beon pro
nounced by many tho crowning olTort of
the orator'a lifo. Tho eecond ia porhapa
tho most rhetorical lecture to be heard
from any platform. Moro than two
hundred tickots have alreidy beon en
gugod. Hard times prices of admission
have beon arranged. Rcsorved eonta for
rn,i i. ,.,... lthor lecturo 35c. for both 50c. Gen-
chens of ho-1 oral udmission 2T)c. Tickots on snlo at
Doyo & Grices.
"Orango lllosson" the common sonso
Female Remedy, drnws out pain aud sore.
ness. Sold by K. h. Cotting.
High Frlces Now Atkrd for Ma
May no Met.
The large lncrensc In tho price of
meats will, of course, affect more
seriously people with moderate Incomes.
This need not be thu case did such
know how to nvall themselves of tho
lnfcilor cuts. There aro half n dozen
nutritious white soups which may be
made solely of vegetables and In which
the yolks of eggs lienten up In water
and ndded at the last moment, take the
place of meat. Dishes In which Inferior
cuts may be used are most numerous.
In the marmlte, for example, the cheap
est portions of beef nnd mutton mny
bo employed. To concoct this, fry In
an uptight earthern pot some salt pork.
When the fat has all been extracted,
pour It off nnd removo all sediments
which may have been precipitated. He
turn the fat to the pot, then add In
alternate luyera meat, onions, carrots,
turnips, and potatoes cut In slices. Al
most cover this with salt, se.U tho ltd
of the pot with pasted paper, uo that
no steam may escape, then place In n
hot oven and allow to cook for six hours
at least. The meat and vegetables arc
then removed, nnd-the gravy which re
mains put In a sauco pan w;th n can of
evaporated cream. Season with salt und
pepper and a pinch of sugar. When it
comes to a boll thicken with a littlo
corn starch mixed In cold water. In tho
meantime beat up the yolks of three or
four eggs In cold water, u teaspoonful
to each yolk. Stir In theso while tho
sauce Is hot, but not boiling, pour over
the meat and vegetables and serve.
The cheapest portions of veal may be
made Into a most palatable dish with
even less trouble. Fry pieces or veal
In a little butter until brown on both
sides, turning frequently. Then ndd
water, so us not to (inltu cover tho meat.
Cover and allow to simmer for two
hours. To the gravy which will lesult
add precisely the same Ingiedlents as
In thu sauce for thu marmlte. In these,
Last Saturday Misn Dora Zedikerot
Lincoln closed a vory successful torm of
school in district 19. Miss Zedikcr has
beon attonding tho statu University for
tho paBt fow j oars nnd beforo complet
ing her cnurdo there thought sho would
try teaching. Sho wan very ably assisted
in the enu rtniiiuient by her sister MisB
Lotio 7.0 likor who is a teacher in tho
Franklin Academy.
Tho tirst number on thu program wns
an organ duot by Mary Mohlor aud tho
toachor which was plajed very nicely.
A pantomino representing ono of tho
old nursory rhyine-t "The bachelor who
livod by himself" wiib acted out. August
Vondorfecket took the part of tho bach
olor, and showed tho peculiar ijualitiea
of a bacholor by selecting tho girl with
a rolling p n. Tho rejected girls wero
of courso very tliMippointeil in not being fc
the "luckey one," but forgiving like.thoy
holped tho chosen one to get away in
grnnd Btylo. The girls plneit their
parts well. The. bachelor proved hff
to bo quite an actor. KL
The recitation. 'EntortnininjliiSPB
ters Heau," by Clara AileHdeerves spec
ial mention. Clara is certainly right ut
homo on tho htugo. Sho is graceful and
mnkos a vory plo.ising appearance.
Katio Earner deserves prair.o in tho
manner in which sho recited "That
Hirod Girl."
Katio Ailes rendered "Tho Young
Gray Head" in a vory pleasing manner.
Tho dialogue "tho Man of Nervo" wbb
well plajod by tho teacher Frank
Amack und Chan. Ailea. Tho teacher
in playing her part won the hearts of tho
audienco as well as "Tho mail of Nervo"
Frank playod his purt well as usual, he
nover fails. Tho people oxpocted Charley
to do woll and thoy woro not disappoint
ed. Misa Lotio Zediker rocited "Lnska
Tom's Littlo Star" und "Tho Mudman."
LaBka ia quite tragic, Miba Zodikor ib
certainly uo utrangor to tragedy. She
recited aa if sho had really boon a par
ticipant in the scene. Tom's littlo Stnr
is u mixturo of comedy and tragody. It
is a vory hnrd piece to recite, requiring
bo many changes of voice. Tho mad
man wus quito a 6oll just as overy one
oxpocted him to commit suicide, they
wero informed that ho was going to
ahuvo. Miss Z is a graduate under 11.
Graham, ono of tho bost elocutionists of
Chicago. Shu certainly has good tal
enta and they huvo boon well brought 4
out. Tho vocal duot by tho MisBca Zed
ikor waa appreciated very much by tho
audionco, as was shown by tho encore.
Mies D. Zodikor plujcd two instru
mental piecca and sang a solo. Sho ia
one of the moat popular inuslciiinn in
University circle of Lincoln. Wo woro
sorry thnt a piano could not bo obtained
for tho ocendion.
Tho rccitatioiiB by Robert Mohlor,
Agnea Earner, Norn Thornton and Lot
tio Emertou and Lizzie Earner woro all
Tho entortainmont wnau grout auccosa
Wo havootijojod Miss Z'astay with ub
vory much and rogret that Bhe hua-to
loavo. Sho has proven herself to bo a
very ofllciont and well qualified teacher.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
As tho strougth of a building deponda
upon tho solidity of its foundation, so
health depends upon the condition of tho
blood. To expel impurities nnd cnuso the
vital tluid to becomu vigorous and lifo-
giving, Ayer's Harsapnrilla is tho must
powerful and effeotivo luedioino in use.
A. O. IT. W. Attention.
You aro requested to meet in our hall
011 Sunday, May 12th, at 2;!!0 p. in. for
tho purpose of observing A. O. U. W.
Sundav. Survicim will bo held in 111?
S?l"V..?.V'e".S..i""","r..!1",l ", Congregational conducted by
Hro. K, L. Ely,
2t A. G u,ubii., Rccoider;"
discriminating palate account for the
difference between bucccss and fullure.