The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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i- -
2 4
y n It floats
......................... ...... ......... j.. .................
Weather Iltiltelln.
ICopwlKliteri, lc'A by V T. Hustor.1
St. iToskpii, Mo, May 10. My
last bulletin Kiivc forecasts of tl'C
Btorin wiivi' to cms the continent
from 15 to 1U and will reach
the Pacific eoant about May
20, cronH the western mountain
country by elu'e. of 121st, the great
central valleys from -2nd to 24th
and the eastern states about the 25th.
This disturbance will seem to prom
ise rain but will generally britif dis
appointment and will make the drouth
more rctcic except in a few localities.
Warm wave will cross tho west of
Rockies country about the 20th. the
great central valley 121 at and eastern
states 12th. Cool wave will cross
west of itnekics country about 23d,
great central valley 25th and eastern
Matri 27th
Most people have noticed that be
fore a btorin springs often ovetllow to
a greater extent than usual. Lakes
alfo ebb and flow like llio ocean but
not at the sinie time, not from the
same came. The great salt springs
in Saline enunty,Mi.'souri the bottoms
of which hare never been found, ebb
and How it regularly, sometimes dis
charging larger volumes than at other
Altlious-h tlits- t-prings are very
salt no one inspects that they ar aon-
nectrd with the ocean and none wou'd
claim that the ocean tides or wet and
dry weather could Iuy.i anything to do
with the ri.'c and fill of their wi-tr.
In largo portions of Texas tho ris
and i.ill of the watns are peculiar.
U. C. Smith say: '-We are 1,000
feet nbovo Galveston, and drill
through liiii'Moii" from 100 to 200
feet thick where we icieh water that
ri-cs within live to eight feet of tho
surface. Sonie vV.- ovi'ihV.v.
"We nro now hiving lot winds
frem the nnrli and ni wells have
fallen thirty feet in ten linurc. Cool
winds fio'ii th" nine dirneiion do not
aff"ct on r wtlls Mill wii.ils '" m imp
soi.'Ii hung tli' .( i- ' imie. il
he ." t in two liutiis '"
The loutitaitih that lcd tle springs
and wells luti't be Itislicr than the 1 t
tor and tlu-refote the ocean waters cm-
not iitieet them. JJ it wliut is Hie
caue f tlic-e ebbs and 11 wh of lake,
springs and sirlerin well.?
Tho high and low barometers ro
tho eaiie. The iiinnsphrrc in tins
preparation for the work of mathe
matical and mechanical thinking. It
docs not tit men for dcnlinir with great
ideas and ernat principles."
tiMtMnrr-) Where
I'njchlc llittul Wiih
Well Ktnbllhil.
.!.. I..... t tl.l., ..111....! )ltlf..
he orthodox scientists, without ,.,. ,..,, from ,m(. , ,lin,.. 11( ,.,.,-.
rudder or eoiupiiHs, have so long bti
Blood Poison
Drivon Out of tho System by
tho Uso of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"Kor live vcars. I was a tri-eat oi
Htiiiercr from a most iierMtciit
lilonil (liseiise, none of tho various of
ineilieiiies I tooU lieing of any d
help whatever. Hoping that ol
change of climate would henellt I
me. I went to Cuba, to Flniiiln, g!
anil then to Saratoga SpringH, o
where I remained Nome, tiino 21
drinking tho waters. Wit all was g
no use. At last, being advisetl 0
liv several friends to try Ayei's o
Siirsiipitrilhi, 1 hegau taking it, g
iiml verv noon lavoralile reMilts gj
wero in'unifi'Nt. To-day I eon- o!
Hider nivsell' u perfectly healthy o!
man, with a good njipetiti) ami gi
not the least trace ol my former 5
i-oiiiiilaiiit. To all in v friends, o
iiml especiallv onng men like ol
mv.self. I recommend Acr'.sS'ar- g
wijiarilla, if in need of a perfectly ol
roliahlo lilinul-iiiirillor. .losi: of
Ic'.iwlimm ni'Miir ntnr Motel O
. i."i mi liu I'"r-,r;:- -- -
ctor it. e w est. nn. resr
K'll'llil. IM'J t-ni, J .. n.-ji
(leuee, :5.VJ V. Kith St., Now York.
Ayer's ss Sarsaparilla
Admitted tor Exhibition.
high weighs moro than it does in the
lows and the former depresses while
the latter lifts the water.
When tho low barometer is ap
proaching, its center, faraway, covers
tho lakes and other waters that con
stitute the fountains from which the
springs and artesian wells are fed.
Whoi tho low barometer is over
these likes aid other fountains their
waters rise because the pressure is
less and this affects fur nwav springs
and artesian welli causing them to
When a low barometer covers the
upper Mississippi valley and the great
lukes Texas tins warm north winds
At tho sumo time the Ohio valley will
have warm south wind-. The water
in Lake Superior will riso and in
tin springs and aitesiiui wells if
Texas, lower Mississippi and Ohio
valleys will fall.
As this general low barometer pusses
eastward the hih barrmctcr takes its
place over the great lakes, the winds
in Texas continue from northward but
change to cool and the waters in the
spring's and artesian wells begin to
riso because the air ptrsNur' of the
country from whence come tho artesian
and spring waters increases hy seventy
pounds or more to the Mtiatti loot of
In thcOhio valley and eastern states
the wind changes limn timtli in smith
the weathir cools and thiispiiug and
artesian waters come luck t their
Generally on the approach of my
storm wave dates the water of lakes,
springs and artesian wells will be de
pressed and as the cool wave dates
come in these waters will rise again to
their normals.
Sago, chief of the Iowa weather
bureau, is Irving to mako farmers be
lieve that civilization uf laud incroascs
rainfall. Experienced agriculturists,
especially those who wero pioneeis in
breaking tho prairie sod of this
country, will not readily swallow that
cup of Sage tea Has the Suuc oi
Iowa the right, theory ? Suppose that
all the tim'ier of every desaription in
this country was destroyed, all the
lakes,marshes, utu. drained and all the
soil turned to plow land. When the
rains come the water would im
mediately go into tho soil and there
could be no evaporation to supply the
storms with moisture. The plow lands
would all be coma hotbeds and the heat
rising from them would dissipato the
mointure being conveyed from the
Gulf of Mexico, as we find to be true
of the western arid plains where an
abundance of moisture is pasting over
toward the northwest. The farmers
of Iowa, in effect, are advisod by
their state weathei burnati Sage to de
stroy their groves and cultivate the
soil in order to get moro rain. There
is a drouth plant growing on the
western arid plains, callod the sage
bush, whoso foliago is one of the
most obstinato tangled textures
known to botanists and it can live
without wator. Because of its name
and peculiarities the farmers of Iowa
should present their weather bureau
chief with one of these plants.
Below nro extracts from an article
written by Grant Allen, one of the
world's greatest authors, and publish
ed in tho "New Scionco Review" ol
London England: "Herbert Spaicer
was never, in any dircetion, orthodox
yet no man is going to produce so
lasting and effect upon the thought of
the future, Darwin was not a pro
fessor. Gooth was a "mere amateur."
The man who sees a thins a fow years
in fiont of his contemporaries may
live to eonvineo them of the truth of
his vision but tho man who sees things
a century in tront, like Erasmus
Darwin, can only hope for scorn and
pity, At the present time it is physics
that stand most in tho way of the
systematic thinker. We have arrived
at a point where tho beliefs of saietifio
men aro wholly unsatisfactory. Wo
havo established and endowed an in
fulliblo and unassailable scientific
priesthood. A strict mathematicul
I training is not in its self the best
at sea, lost and bewildered in the
jungle of their own false theories. that
the discovery of a now substance in
the form of h yas will bo . a savior
to n lo-t world. They call it union
and the accounts of their experiments
wi'h it indicate that it is close -ikin to
the ether oi spice. Orthodox scient
icts admit tout this newest and latest
discovery will require a reformation
in their theory. Heterodox scientists
however, are elsted for the new discov
ory justifies their hclcredoxy.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
lloincPcelfcrH o.vcurfiion rnteaon April
M, one lowest tirst clans standard fare
plus $200 for tho round trip. Miui
mum rates nhiill Ihj 17.00 to till pointu In
NebraiUii, Kiinsap, Colorndoy South Da
Until, WjomiiiK iiml Utah. Tickota lim
itod to continuum paiuugo in each di
rection, (ioini! imBflugo to begin on (lute
of Palo, tlnnl return limit twenty iIbjo
from ditto ofnlo A.
A S.n.OIIO t'lilrkrit.
Attorney John I'onVy ennnot help
lielnu funny. !! was born that way,
iiml tins temnlni'il so i-ver since. Mr.
Cnffey has to In- funny, nnil, In
li-w of tlmt fait It Is imt suniilsliiK
Unit he should be so In u tt'tltlin for
ilumiiKcs llls-fl estiTiliiy iiKiilnst the
Cincinnati Stieet Itiillwny company on
behalf of Jennie i' Murray, snys the
Kmiulrer. The petition set foith that
when Mis. Mm ray hail been to innikct
on the Kith of last mouth un unlucky
day she hulled n ear on Fifth and
l'ltim streets in the hand taWed as n
ImlllnK hIkii she bud n ouuk chicken
The ear was stopped, and she pit on It,
only (lve persous beltu; uboanl The
chicken w.ih on her lap. She paid hei
fare. Afterward the conductor told her
the chicken could not tide In the ear
and It was a ease of chicken net off or
she and chicken together. She tefuxed
to comply, and finally u police otlleer
wan called, and told her the chicken
must be i hi t on the fiont platform or
she must uet off tin' ear with It The
h'KH of the fowl wele not tied! she
would not put It on the platform. Then
she must ill- them and put It out. She
objected because the fowl would freeze,
nnd that would be cruel, the tunpeiii
tin i- belim about y.eio. The conductor,
however. Insisted, and timil'v, by foice,
put her and the chicken of,' the car.
She says she was ouleiiy. belilK seated
with the chicken on her lit p; the chicken'
was (inlet and did n it at any time make
any noise or disturbance or become a
nuisance; and Dually It Is alleged that
"at no time did the chicken conduct It
self In a maimer dUTctcnt fiom that
quiet manner, of wlileh the conductor
was aware at the time he collected
plaintiff's fare." Ilccatisc of all this
she wants K.noa damages.
tulnly the latest Is ery letimi liable. A
minister bus twin dauKhteis, 1:' jcutx
or nKi'f nnd the other day. when they
ueie nt dinner, our of them Jumped up
mid said that a dug had bitten her lee,
Just abovii the ankle. As thcie was not
n ili'K' In tin mom, or In the house, tho
statement cauied , little amusement
An hour later her twin sister went out.
and strmiKC to say, a lielKhbot'8 iIok
tilt her In exactly the same place wbete
her sister had complained of beltm bit
ten nt dinner. Aftcrwanl both nil In tuf
feied pain, mid the one not bitten woittd
even cry out In her sleep and say that
she had been bitten by u dot;. In fact
they both suffered alike mid when the
real victim's pain decreased the otliri
was equally fortunate A very Hltnllai
case Is lepoitcd from llaslc, only that
the twins wete boys, llele, If one fell
sick, the doctor's services weie requited
for the other as wll; but perhaps thetc
would be a reduced into of charKiM
adopted to suit such a unique ease.
Further, we are told that If one beKiiii
to have a pain In the head the other
would presently feel the like, white If
one wiih asleep or sad, the other could
not nold up his head or be nieny This
was a "double" with a VeiiKeanee; but,
ns the sympathy hebl jnnid In ninny
other thlims. It Is to b hoped that there
was mote Joy than sonovv In appear
mice, too, they Krcw up so much alike
that It was very dllllcult Indeed for their
Intimate aequalutmicKS to dlstlui;ulsti
between thvlil.
Are You Fortified?
When you nro in rt low Hlato of health, nml on (ho vorgo of
illliesa, thoro in no uouvisUtm-tit in llio world liko
Scott's Emulsion
to rrfdorn Htrcngtli. ScoH'h Emulsion nourishon, idrcngtli.
inn, jiroiiHiicH urn milking of solid
UohIi, ohtioheH tho blood and Ioiich up
lllll wllolo MHtctll,
For Oouglis, Golds, Soro Throat, Bronchitis,
Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Anaimia,
Loss of Flesh, Thin Uabics, Weak Children, and
all conditions or Wasting.
Ihn only the genuine! It lnci our tnulo
itiutk on sitiwtMoorsif wniifr.
Stiui for ftimfUtt i'ii .S'v Kmuttiviu J'A'Kfi,
All Druggists. BO oonts and SI.
all nit'
Soott A Bowno, N. Y.
Hun' tn ltlmiln I! Iipicttr.
Nice mnnneis me Invaluable. The
charm of politeness cannot be overesti
mated. True etiquette Is Inboin. It Is
tarely acquired In mature life. Old men
and women who try to become Kcntle
men and ladles some sad lessona
to li'iiiu. Only born Kentlcnicn and Ken
tlewomen reallxe tin Importance of
Kood manneis at home on all occasions.
Hoys and Kills itarcd In a family where
company manners pievall all the time,
and where each Is considerate of all the
others' fcclltiBH and thlnka of his com
fort last, will never outKtow them.
Palpitation of the Heart
Shortness of Breath, Swelling
of L.CK& and Feet.
"For about four years I was troulv
lcd with palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath and Rwellln of
tho lce,s and feet. At times I would
faint. I wtis treated hy tho best phy
sicians in Savannah, Ua., with no re
lief. 1 then tried various .Sprint's
without henellt. Finally, 1 tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. Iit
iKijinnimj to title thunlfdt better! 1
continued taking them and I am now
in hotter health than for many years.
.Since my recovery 1 have gained llfty
pounds in weight, i nopu tins state
ment may bo of value to bomu poor
E. n. BUTTON. Ways Station. Oa.
I)r. Miles Iteart Curols sold on n posltWo
piiaranteo that the llrst bottle will lionuUU
All ilruKBlstH sell Itatd, 0 btittles fur M, or
It will bohi-nt. jireiialil, on receipt of prlco
by tho Or. Allied Moiilcal Co., LlLUart, luU.
Look at the beautiiul display in our
store windows and you will see
at once
Prices on ill Pier arc Not I !
But Way Down !
Don't fail to examine our stock and prices
011 UKAir x
Ordsrs Ordromptly flllod. Tour pntronrtRO soHoltod
(J re at "Value
lilltlv Iflouuy
Wgi':kly News
T k HnM
or tho World
For u Trlfl e.
I ra Title,
Tnlil nf Hhltllir.
Jolin O. Whlttler was greatly loved
by HtrntiKCiH, wlm imt only calleil on
him. but thriftily InflHteil on nutting
up with him all nlKht. "Thee hiin n
Idea," Kiild bin HlHter, "how much th
Oreenleaf hpendH trying to lone thctie
people In the Htreetn. Hometlmca ho
comes home and miyn: 'Well, (.Inter, I
had hard work to lone him, hut I h ivo
lost him. Hut I can never lose a her. The
women are more pertinacious than the
men: don't then llnd them so, Maria?' "
Cko Dr. Mllei' Nrnvr. I'laotkiis for SPINAL
WKAKNKHS. All ariitft.'Ut wll 'em for V
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great In leav
tatog power as tho Royal,
Micriir Mile.
Hy i 1 1 do of an exivutlon illrecleil tmue fi inn
tliu illslrli't court (if We stel count, Nrlir.lska.
una Jiiilini'lit iilitiiliicil by iliuiiiii-iii intlmi nf
illiti let i-nurt of WVIittercniiiitt, Ni'liml(ii on
Hit 1 in Ii ilny of .lul, imit, le f.unrol TlnmiiM
Itan an I'lalutlir, ami HKiilnst Hie Calmer' &
Mt-reli mts I V( 1 1 vc Cimianv nt ili'ti'iiuain. tnr
t liu Mini of iiiiu tlliiiis.imlaiiilrlulit) two ilnlmri
ninl cents, anil insts tnteil at "e tint
l.ns ami M'Wiity cent', li'i'oi ami iumiiiiiu
costs, I have liu led upon ln fullmiiiiK reil
estate tnkeuiiH tlioiirnpt'ltyiit nhIiI ilfti'nil.llit
t0R4tsf siilil jmluilli'Ut tn-ult. I.nt tweiitiniiii
CM) In til ck tlilrty oticCll) In tlm inhtliial tnuu
now clly of lU-il t'liniU, Webster county, .Ne
braska Anil ulllotlci the iiiinu for s:ilrlo liii' lilhe't
bl!dr,lircitli In lianit, cntlni I'.'tliiluv oLiime
A. I)., IH'Jt, In Irani of the eiisl ilnoi oi ho
court House at lied tjiouii, w b'js'i r riiniiiy, Ne
braska, tl'iit brlliK Die lillilillnu wlirlelli lhn
lust term of com t uas the luiurof nne
o'clock p ,in. or salil ilny, when ami whero line
atleniUnce will lie cUt-n Lv the iiinliMvcnnl.
Untod Iteil I'louil, Nfliraskn.M.iy nth, is i.'i
.1. W. IUiM'iiK .ihurlll.
lAMKg -McNknv. Atty. for 1'inliitltl.
G. F. Stapleton,
nukci u upcclally or ItcpalrliiK
ItiiKKlfi atul :arrliisei.
HorRO-Blioonig and Ilnw Work prompt-
ly attended to, and tnkca
paiiiH Hliouing
Trottiug mid Running Horace,
And all work oxpactod ot a tlrat
clasa Smith.
Miop South of llio l.uiiiiilry.
Tho O. K. Shop,
Kcil 4'IoimI, Nchrufdiu.
I K've my pornoiial attention to my
patronc. Firt-elaHrt HiiavinK imd hair
ciutinc a Hpeoiiilty.
UTUI11SUN & 111 ATT,
ToiiMtrliil ArlUlx,
Firat-olsHH lmrlirn and IIihi oIiihh work
guaranteed (five men call
pkASB & .MoNITT,
Moon Hwuk, - KKI) CLOUD, NEB.
CollectioiiH promntly attended to, and
cnrrntipondenee Holicited.
rit. J.S. K MM II,
Ukd Cloud. Nkiiiiakka
Over THjIor'a l'lirtillnre More.
Kxtntcts ti'i'lli Hllhnut uiln.
Clown Hint limine Mork a ipeclalH.
Vori'f lulu Inlay, ami till klmls ot Kohl nillnk's.
Makes yold ami uibbi-r plNtc anil cointilimtlon
All work Kuxratiteeit to be II rut-claim.
a twenty piiKn journal, in Hie lending Itpuhlienn family paper ot tho UnlteiT
States. It in u NATIONAL FAMILV l'Al'EH, and Kives nil the general news ot
the United States. 1 1 ives tho evpnts of foroien lanilH in a nutbliell. Its "AG
UIOUIiTlJUAL"depiiitinei)t has i:o mjierior in tho country. Ita "MAHKET
Kri'OUTS" nro reeoKtiiud initlmrity. Separutn (lepurtnients for "THE FAMI
Its "HOME and SOCIETY" euluiniiH commnnd tho ndmiratiun of wivea and
dniiuliterH. ItH general political iiowb, editorials und diaituBBions aro cemprehen
nive, briliiant and exhaiiBtive.
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enuhleBtiB to oiTer this Hplondid journal and TUB
iTho regular eucscription for the two papers is 12.00.)
ay-A(lilreBH all orders to THE CHIEF, Hod Cloud, Nehraeka.
Write your uumo nnl adttreiN oa a poilal card, aend It to Go.
W, Iteol, Hoomi a, TrllMinu lluildliitf, Xtv York, and lamplu
copy or tiii: m:vt vokk vi:lujv tuikune win be
mailed lo you.
Dont forget the sale of Sweat Pads May 1 1
On aturdy Itlay 1 1, wo will ell you pair of puda for tOc.
Or a hliiKlo llarnvRN 1'orit 7S,
Or a lluhl Double llarucii Tor Hi I.OO.
Special Sale on Whips.
I will Mell you llirt'u whlpa Tor tlArla or one Tor ftt'la. TIicno
prlcea only law! one day.
OumprliiK lu-olce of Lap DuxterM nre line. We wlU ylve
Nomeipeelal prlcia on DimlerN Ma(urdii), JTIuy 1 1.
TvIbiiiiIiik ii'.td llepalrliiK on abort uollee.
.1. O. lU'TLER, Ueil Cloud, hr.
lierllTa Kale.
Hy virtue of an execution illrccteil to me frmn
the district court of W'eintcrc'iiiiity, Nohr., en a
Jmli.'mi'iitobt.iliicii before Samiid rt iistico
romt nf Wi'bslercniuitv, Nebraska, on tlicZntli
(Uy of Dccriiibrr. Isir., In bivnrof llaiiiier
National bank, nf Nuw York city, .Y.,ii
pl.ilntltf, ami iiKHlnat Ocoruo it (,'lianoy nsile
ieinlant, for the sum ot onu liumlieil ntul lintv
two ilolhun ami fuity clulit cent'. (Ml.- (i) unil
cixts tHxeil at y.'.'.K'i aint acernllik' costs wlilcli
milil Juiluiaelit was nil llio 31st day n Ueccintivr
Ik'X', Iraiiscrliitcil to Ihe ilhlrlot court of vli.
stel oiainty, Nebraska havo leMeit upon lhn
folioulnu real estaiti taken as tliu pioirity of
Slllil lll'felliUIlt, IIIB,lllfy h.lMJUilelllelll tn;wll.
Lots tbliticn li:i) fturteen (14) tlftcen (15)
sixteen (10) eevellleetl (IT) ami (18) or block onu
(l) IjiDiio's mlilltiou lolheciu of Iteil (,'louil,
Neliiuska. Hvnresents
Ami will offer Hie same forsiltothe hltfliest ' (iennaii IiisiiranciiCo, I'leepnrt, III.
bMlilcr, foi cioib In hand, en the r.'lluu- , Hoyal iiimiiiiih;-Cn , I,Ih-i'hmiI, miuIiuhI.
.liino A. I) li-a'i, In liontof tlieehKt ilonrot lhn 1 1 on to Kim Iiisiu.iui'e Cii.,nf Oiiiahii. Nvbr.
coiiil Iiiiiisii III aahl Wtliitci cnillity, that be- I'liicnlx AssiiraiieiiCn, nf lniilon, l!iiu,
liii.' tho lii.llilliii: uhercln tin last trm ut coiui To Mancliesier I'lin AksMiuicoCo ot imulaml,
whs belli, hi the hour of one o'clni k p. ni.iif llrltish Aineilca Xsjuraiico Co. Toronto, Can,
sum niiy, uneii uiri niieio ouu ititi'iiiiriiicu win ' Malum iicm-im1 miiiu i un mssii.oi ., v
I W. T UMiKYS, M. D.
IfoniiropHtlili! PbyMti'lan,
Red L'loud, IMehrtuKH.
()IIIrenii,iHlle Vim National flank.
U. S.KxHinliiliii! Nirk'rnn.
Cliroiile iIIshhscs treated liv mall.
liiaiiraueo Aeeney,
N r n-f' .' . i )
If you (loultjget tho
BuckoyQ.goods, the
unio faiMivator or
the Studebakcr or Chaitt'r Oak wtigon o buggy, for
they are the best made. Full line of a'jnltural bur
I dements and repairs always on hand.
Jas Peterson, Red Cloud Neb.
be t'Ueii In the iinili'iliini'il,
n.itu.i sin iiay in .Ma ivr,-
i. v. iii'Nt iifc , Sheriff,
Jami'.s Me.NKNV, 1'l.iititm'f Atly.
'I'll,' Weikin in liiiihliiiK miii l.iiuii Association
nl l.llicnlii, N'nluiuk t.
Ollico over Mizcr'a Store,
Hr.u Ci.ol'), - Nkiikasua
Chicago Lumber Yard,)
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cements