2 rii THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1895. H ) I i Tou.Hiiir oiu.AX.vrio.v The Nw iynlrw Under Wlilch Townlilp will l perilled. (Il' Itoll K,! ) AMKNDMKNTX TC IIOIJHK ItOI.I. NO. fifi. Amendment to section 4. In line four of Motion four, nay seven for fiyo. Amendment to ".action fivo. In linf 15 of Hcctiou fi, instead ol the word firr insert BCTtn. After the word "provided" in line 14, section 4, initrrt tho following: Provided further, that if any such city hati mote than tho requisite in habitant for two diatriotn, then and In such vunt Auflicicnt outlying terri tory may he ndded to Midi city to nakc three districts. Tho supervisors in such city districts sli!l all ho elec ted at Urge, and tho batanco of that territory outside of such ity districts nhnll he divided so ns to oreato seven district) including such city districts. In section 4, lino 13, strike out tho words "h double numbers." and insert , in liu thereof tho word 'cumber." To sontion o, aftor tho wrd "two" at the end of line :i, add tho words "or more." In lino 5, section 7, strike out the i word "two" in both place when it precedes the word supervisors and in ncrt "four." In line 5, section 8, striko out the word "five" and iuscrt the word "seven." After "reiuiro" in linu I, section (i2- Provided, however, that notices or such ninctiug shall bo posted in thrco conspicuous places at least 10 days beforo such meeting. (Strike out nil of section 7(5, LiHc -l. Tho electors of each town nil nil have power at their annual town meetings to elect such town officers as tuny be required to ho ohnscti to direct the institution and defenso of puit- at law or eruity in which such town may bo a party in interest; to direct uoh sum to bo raised in such town for tho support and maintenance of roads nml bridges, or for any other purpocs provided by law as they may dceui nsc&isary; to take measures nd givo directions for tho excreiso of their corporate power; to impose pen alties upon pursons ollondini: against any such regulations, and to make rule, regulations and bjr-laws neces sary to carry into effect the powers herein granted. Sko. 127. It shall bo tho duty of tho town clerk to cause all by-laws, rules, ami regulations of tho town, within twenty days niter thoir adop tion, to hn published by posting in thrco public places in tho town or by inserting one in any newspaper pub lished in tho count); but all such by laws, rules and regulations, shall take effect and be in force from tho date of their adoption, unless otherwise di rected by the electors of tho town. Sko 128. Special town meetings hhall ho held when tho uiessor, town clerk, and justioo of the peace, or any two of them, together with at least twelve freeholders of tho town, shall jo writing file ui tho oflico of tho town clerk a statement that a special meeting is ncccesary to tho interests of tho town, setting forth tho object of the meeting, and tho town clerk, or in his absence tho assessor, shall post up notices in five of tho most public places of the town, giving at least ten day' botico of such special meeting, sotting forth the objects of the meet ing as contained in tho placo whero tho last annual town meeting was held; but in case such placo mav be found incouvenient. tho meeting may adjourn to the nearest convenient place; Provided, That not less than one-third of the tlcctors of a town shall constitute a quorum for the transaction cf business ai any special town meeting. Sko. l!i. Tho electors at spcuial town meoting', when properly conven ed, shall have lull power to fill any vacancies in any of tho town offices when the same shall not already havo been filled by appointment, to provide for raising money for repairing high ways or buildings, or ropairing bridges in cascof emergency, and to direct tho repairing or building thereof; to uct upon any subject within the power of tho electors at any annual town meeting which was postponed at tho proceeding annual town meeting, for want of time, to be considered at a future special town meeting, but opeoial town meeting shall have no, power to eel upea any lubjeot mi mbraced in the statement of t.'-.e io tice calling the same. Ski. 30. Tho electors present at any time between the hours of nine and ten o'clock in tho tho forenoon of tho day on which thero is an annual or a special town meeting shall be oallnd to ordor by tho ( town olerk if prcsont; if not proscnt, then tho votcrn may raleot by aeolamation one of their number chairman; they shall then proceed to dlioono ono of thoir number te aet m moderator of such town meeting. Skc. 31. Before tho moderator of any town meeting -flhall enter upon the duties of his oflico, ho shall take an oth faithfully and impartially to disehargo tho duties of such office, sueh oath to be administered by the town clerk or other proper offioor. Sec. 32. Tho town olerk last be foro elected or appointed shall bo the clctk of the town meeting, and shall keep faithfully minutes of its pro ceedings, in which ho filiall enter at length every order or dirostion and all rules and regulation! mado by such meeting, and the saino shall be signed by himself and tho moderator. Sr.c. 33. If the town clork bo ah sent, then some other suiteblo person shall bo chosen by the elootors present and shall act as clerk of tho meeting. Sko. 31. All questions upon mo tions mado at town meetings shall bo determined by a majority of tho elec tors voting, and tho presiding offiocr shall ascertain and declare the result of the votes upon each uchtion. Sko. :i."i. When the result of any vote shall, upon such declaration, ho questioned by one or more of tho elec tors present, tho moderator shall make tho vote certain by causing tho voters to rise and be counted or by dividing oil. Skc. 3ft. No person shall bo a voter at any town meeting unless he shall bo qualified to vote at general elections, and has been for tho last ten days a resident of tho town where in ho shall offer to vote, Sko. 37. If any person offering to vote at any election, or upon any question arising at such town meeting shall be challenged as an unqualified voter, and tho presiding office shall proceed therefore in like mannir as the judges of general elections arc required to do, adapting tho oath to the circumstances of the town meet ing, and the laws in forco in regard to falno swearing and illegal voting nt general elections shall apply to false swoaring and illegal voting at town meetings. Sko. 33. Town meetings shall bo kept open from tho lime of opening in tho morning until six o'clock in the afternoon, unless a majority of tho voters present vote to adjourn at an earlier hour, if the business before the meeting shall havo been concluded. Sko. 3ft. The minutes of tho pro ceedings of every town meeting, sub scribed by the moderator and clerk of such meeting, shall bo filed in the ollico of the town clerk within ten days after such town meeting Skc. 40. Every person chosen or appointed to the office of town clerk, assessor, town treasurer, or overseer of highways, before ho enters upon the duties of his office, and within ten dajs after he shall bo notified of his election or appointment, shall tako aud subscribe bctore somo au thorized person an oath or affirmation to faithfully and inipirtially perform tho duties of his office as prescribed by law, and shall caus a certificate ot tho samo to bo filed in tho otlloe of tho city olerk. Sko. 41. If any person chosen or appointed to any or either of tho town offices shall neglect to take or pre scribe such oath, -nd cause a certifi cate thereof to bo filed as abeve re quired, such neglect shall bo deemed to ba a refusal to serve. Skc. 42, All town officers, except justices of the penco aad constablo shall hold their offices for one your, and until their successors are qualified. Skc. 43. It shall bo tho duty of every person retiring from a town office to deliver to his suooossor in oflico all tho records, books, papers, moneys, and property belonging to such oflico hold by him. Sko 44. Tho town treasurer of enoh town shall givo bond to tho town in tho sum of $5,000,0.00, or doublo tho amount of monoy that may come into his hands, to bo fixed by the town board. Whenever it shall be ascertained that suoh bond has been forfeited, Buit in the name of sueh towa oa said bond may bo brought bj any resident freeholder of suoh town. (Soe also Sec. 19, Chapt. 10). Sko. 45. Tho town clerk t-hall prosccuto in the name of his town, or otherwi-o as may bo necccssary, for all ponalties given by law to suoh town or for its use, and for which no other officer is especially directed to prosecute; and no person shall bo dis qualified from being a juror in a suit by or against a town by reason of his being an inhabitant of suoh town. Skc, 4(5. Tho justioc of the pcaoc of each town shall bo ex offico over seer of tho poor. In counties in which poor houses or farms are estab lished tho caro of tho poor shall be under the ehargo of the board ot su pervisors as provided by law. Sko. 47. The town clork of cash town in the stato shall have tho cus tody of all the records, books, and papers of the town and shall tilo all oortifiates of oaths and othor papers required by law to bo filed in his offico and shall havo power to administer the oath of offico to all town officers; and it is hereby made tho duty of tho town clerk to administer all oaths which may be required in tho tran saction of any township business in the town whero he may bo clerk; pro vided, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to deprive any other person qualified by law from admin istering said oaths. Sko 4S. Tho town clerk shall transenbo in tho book of records of his town the minutes of tho proceed ings of every town meeting held there in, and he shall ontcr in his book every order or direetion, and all rules and regulations of any such town meeting. t Sko. 41). The town clerk shall within ten (10) daj-9 nfter any town ship meeting at which any action wis had for raising money deliver to the county clerk a certified copy or copies of all entries of votes for tho raUing of such money, and it shall be tho duty of tho county clerk to lay all such matters before the board of sup crvisors at their next meeting. Sr.o. .r0. Certified copies of all papers filed in the oflico of th-J town clerk, and the books of record, shall be evidence in all courts in like man ner as the original. Skc. 51. In each town the town clerk,, the assessor, and the justice of tho peace shall constitute the town board and such town board shall ex amino tho accounts of tho overseers of highways for moneys recoivcil and disbursed by them, and shall requiro all officers to account to such boiwd for any and all such moneys received and disbursed by suoh offioors in their official capacity, and such board shall examine and audit all charges and claims against the town, and tho com pensation of all town officers. In case of tho absence of either or any of said officers, or their failure to attend any meeting of tho board tho two attend ing may appoint any qualified elector to act with them in the piacc of tho absentee, and the appointoo shall act only for such meeting in the placo of suoh abscotcc as a member of such board. Src M. Thcboird shall at the town clerk's office for tho purpoie of examining and auditing the town ac counts thrco times in each year as follows; On tho Tuesday next proceed ing the annual town meeting, and on tho Tuesday next prcceedmg each of tho regular meetings of tho board of supervisors of tho county, and at suoh other times as the interest of tho town may required. Sko. 53. Tho accounts so audited, and those rejected, if any, shall bo dtlivered with tho certificates of tho auditors, or a majority of them, to the town clerk, to be by him kept on file for tho inspection of all porsons, they shall also bo produced by the town clork at the next annual town meeting, and shall ho there publicly read by him. Sko 51. Ordors for tho paymont of monoy shall bo drawn on the town treasurer, and signed by tho town olork, and shall bo countersigned by the justice of tho peace. All claims and charges against tho town, duly auuueu ami allowed by tlio town board, shall bo paid by ordor so drawn. No order shall bo drawn on tho town treasurer in excess of soventy-fivo per ccut of tho amouut of taxes levid for the ourrent year on tho proporty of said town subject to bo oxpended by said town, unless tho money is in the treasury oi said town to pay tho order so drawn on presentation. When any order drawn as aforesaid is pre sented to the town treasurer for pay ment, ana is not paid for want of funds, tho town troasurcr shall endorse on said order, presented and not paid for want of fund-, shall note in a book of registration, to bo kept by him for that purpose tho fact of tho presentation and non-payment of said ordor, and said order shall -draw inter est at seven per ecnt per annum from tho dato of -presentation until thero aro suffinicnt funds in the hands ol said treasurer to piiy tho same, aftor paying all orders drawn against such tax levy prcsontcd prior thereto, and said orders shall bo paid in order of their presentation and registration. Tho money received by the town treasurer as the tax loviod in any year shall bo applied first in payment of the orders drawn aginst snid levy, and such levy shall bo deemed speifi- eally appropriated, so fat as tho sumo may bo lawfully expended by said tewn, to the payment of the orders draws against said levy. (Amended 1885, chap. 42 ) to nr continukk (All Internttd In ttili lawaatiM eut It tut and ante It. It will Uke about four It'iiat t cm plft It.) ot more than i.vi years in the manufacture of tobacco enables us to produce the. very best article possible Consumers of tobacco de rive the benefit of this ex-l perience, and in using the 'celebrated Lorillard's are assured of the highest quality. 'Tis a rich, last iue and delicious chew. Its LORILLARD'S Sold Everywhere. OLDEST ahd ORIGINAL Dr.WHITTIEI 10 WEST NINTH STREET, (NEAR JUNCTION.) KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Regular graducto authorized by tho stato, and conced ed to be the load ing and most suc cessful Specialist In BLOOD. NERV. 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WATCH EXAMINER; The City Bakery Ilnvo constantly en hum! th largest vuriety of i 5 !i , Bid, u S3 IN THE The highest grade of niuterial tued, of the tlnest quality, and euperier perfec tion ef wcrkauaosuip, Buy your geode ( eueceeeful heuee. cr Joseph Herburger, Proprietor, ff V MEANS D olun?bi& $ioo 80,SO. Hartf or4s --50. HAttOM ITOMiei Boston new Yorli Chicago San Prancltc Provltlencc Buffalo 01) 00 (JO r: iii) l.hie Close Around Bterc. " D1EDKPICH. 2- akd goal Vance, The Jeweler ! BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA and Restaurant CO Pies and Buns ; S5 ItlAKKlVr. to CO m fc ' N U