The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 03, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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,mc-(,cat KIDNEUIVERtss $&
The Spring Tonic
Hakes thin, pule, people well and strung
I.n Grippe
Clitic the bod after ffittH of tills trylnif cp.
icnili! utiil icatoros lost vlitor and ltullty.
Impure lllood
Eczema, scrofula, malaria, pimples, blotches.
General Wcnkncift
ConMlttitlott nil nin ilnwn, loss of nmbltfon
ami iipin-tlto, nervoume-ei, tired ami ".hi-plewi.
At DrugglM 5 erntu Mnd f 1.00 Slxe.
"InniHil"' (luUlo to Health"!iullUon free.
Dll. KlLMKIl k CO., HtMlllAMTON, N. Y.
SCHOOL xoti:s.
Kcliool odiIr on May tlio 3lsl.
Prof. CuBtor left for Lincoln Thursday
Tlio Gorman clues is roviowing for ox
ntniniition. Tho spring fovor soonie to afToct Botuo
of tho pupils.
Tho Cuosar clues hnvo nonrly complet
ed thoir book.
The beginning gcotnolry clues is
making rapid progress.
WodnoBilny morning Miss Cora Gur
bor visited tho lifth room.
Tho nngul of sloop prossod hard on
Bomo of tho pupils all day Wednesday.
Tho beginning nlgobra clans nro hav
ing n thorough drill in multiplication.
William lIolTolbowor for n short time
taught tho fourth room last Wednesday.
Somn of tho botany claBs are very
zealous having as many as .10 ppodtnoiir
Mies McCall'H room won tho bannoi
this week. Not a tardy or absont por
eon occurred.
On Monday morning tho clock" was
found to be missing from its usual place
but upon inquiry tho clock had boon
taken down for repair.
Harry Hallonbeck of tho cliisi of V2
was viBiting his old school-unites, Wed
nesday. Uo linn beon in tho lumbei
business since leaving school three yearn
Monday tho senior grade were sent
home there to write on their orutiuiitt
Amnjoiity of tho cluss have
completed that work. The lime foi
commencoinent iB fiiHt drawing nigh.
A gum chower aUonls hoiiio interest
to an observer as ho watches tho j iw
enrneBtly trying to ninstiuato the pliablt
matter. Could tho eye penetrate to that
mind wo off times wonder what is con
tuined therein.
MoBilauies Pond .ud West represent
ing the Uelief CVps weie in the fonrtli
room Thuri-day. Their aim is to intro
(luce the national salute in all theHchoo U
Somnthing like thiB would enthuse tin
growing generation with more patrio
Itiilph Pope bid the high hchool a
farewell Wednesday morning, thence hi
take tho train for tho naval aontlt'inv
Ralph has formed some deep ties whiie
in hchool and takes with him tho best
wishes of all tho pupils who will nlivavs
remember him ub an agreeable, elllcie'nt
nnd manly voting man.
Died, at Tuna Creek, Pa., April 2.M,
1S9.", Mis. Julin Kddy of Inavale, Xoln
tlulia A. Cook was born May ll, IS'ti
ory near the spot where sho died. Vn
married to Philw l-'.ddy May 'JO, 1MH
Moved with her husband to Inavale u,
tho spring of 'si whero sho has sine,
lived and made many warm friends wli..
will sadly miss her. Heing in fnuinu
health sho hoped to renew it in tin
scones of her childhood whither hIk
wont hiBt fall. She leaven a lnmbaiM
one boh and tluee daughters. V. .
Kddy of Inavale, Neb ; Mrs. l- II. I,uv
rence, Itasca, HI; Mrs. Rouo Sargent.
Hddv stone, Out; Mrri. Alex tJoir.n.
Ilonoeje Kails, X. y . j, w;t, i,r U'
band, two oisters and a Wither, except
ing !ier rod, were with her in her I in"
&$CfSD J CuulJ l .r,,lk'f'
UtUajJBBM bleMe.iJJiNC.ise,
Tin ..,' l''J hunJreJs
ll,M,ars ln ,NVj va" remedies &
t an J physkl.ins, n me of winch Jul me
tott IM,wni...lsc.meotf'8
nn J my hair nun out, civing mc"
perfectly bal J. then went to k" S
5 H.'plng to be cureJ by thi celebrated &
yiniiinem, but vm s, , n b.MWK
c, - sJlku, ....j ucuvj io Y
i in- elicit vv.isi
(.oinii hi j pi re
I'.icr.i ur iik hit
lrstb t'le.
nJ by the time I hij!
I l It I Hlii. .t ..... I t
" .n i w .,
Wr "ej ly S S s
h n the tt.'rii.ri'iiowniijj
t li t hpritii' l,., i i ,, ... .
. .
rWAl. s. ir0W,-
Dltpntn Ilrturrn tlm (linrrnmrnt ARfnl
mill Hiu riniirnoy Ooiupiuijr Iteatlim
n tMliniix Tlio 'I'roiililii In North Ila
render. Neb., Mny l.-Slinrlff Mullln
oiKMily ilcrlnred yeslerduy If u nlimlo
white uettler win murdrrcit by In.llnn
police while resisting eviction bofuro
the courts Bcttlvd the Winnebago re
(irvatlon nmtter It meant annihilation
of the WliincbiiROM, He said he hud
luttern from liumlndH of mun all over
Thurston county and evun from other
counties who volunteered their serv
Icon to imslHt In wiping out every Indian
on tho reservation If u Mingle white tat
tler wui killed. Hhcrlff Mullln added
that If Cupt. Duck persisted In forcing
trouble btfore the courtH nttld the
ubjeet ho wouhJ take a posst Qf suf,
ftnt humorloal strength to Invade tho
Bgducy and ho would arrest Cpt. neck.
tie hirllt iprBtd th btltif that
Cpt ptck would not dare attempt an
othtr ffiovtment with any hope of sue
com onUti by ttia aid of troopi.
Tht rWunnl of Federal Judges Dundy
and ftlner at Lincoln to grant a man
datory laJunoUon requiting the Unants
of the Floumoy Live Stock nnd Real
Bitate Company to vacate the Indian
land they claim on the Winnebago
reitfvatlon hat brought tho dliputo to
a climax. Agent Beck at ottoe an
nounced his Intention of continuing
eviction Of thoie tenanta who hold by
vtrtue of leaani effected with the In
dlau without the'eonaent and sanction
of tfie igtnt. Tbi' Win doubtleia lead
to blobdahed, a the people of Thurston
county are divided Into factions over
the trouble existing between the Indian
agent and tfce Flouraoy company, and
feeling has been running high up thera
for some time.
Under Holdings of the federal Judges
the order Issued last March by Judga
Sanborn of the northern dlotrlct was
continued In forco untft further orders I
of the court. This simply forbade tho
Flournoy company and those who hold
upon irimtlar leases from making any
caw leases. Tho ones now hfiu by tho
Flournoy Company will expire January
1, 1R9R. It has beep held by one of tho
federal courts that tho sanction of tho
agent 1b necessary to the validity of a
Uauo made by an Indian of his land.
Under this ruling Agent Heck proposes
to proceed with the evictions. . t,
moors MEEDKD.
Alt the North Dakota Trouble Cani4
by Italf-nrerdi.
Devil's Lake. N. D.. Mny 1. After
sifting Information from nil avallablo
sources hero, there seems no doubt that
tho eerlous stnt of affairs nt Turtles
Mountain Is mostly If not entirely
cauatd by Canadian hnIf-bropdj. Tho
pietext Is Indian claims to n large tract
of lunil In the Devll'n Lake district of
which the United States hao assumed
title but to whrch It Is Hncrally con
ceded the Indians had certain treaty
Animlenti Indiana ami half-breeds
peeiii satlHlled to uwalt the delibera
tions of the United States commission
eis In fettlliiK the question, but the Oil
tiudlau hnlf-brieds, wheBe claim Is de
nied and seems to lie without equity,
peislst In nice! tint,' claim, illbturbliiH
Nttlers, exciting American hiilf-breeds,
committing ttmbr depredations, ami
going even to the extent of burning
houses. In thetr own dlxlrlct, creating
shlftlcness and disrespect of law They
use the puiu bloods us cat's paws no as
to give the affair the appeal ance of Jus
tle to tho Indians. Theie ran be nc
doubt as to the exlstenee of the deplor
able state of i iff ii Irs nnd the neees.slty
of prompt and vigorous action. Mnr
shnl I'ronan Intends to lay the matter
before Jtuli;u Thomas and request an
order for the use of the mllltla, hh the
lircumstniiees clearly Indicate n situ
ation with which ilvll authority Is un
able to eop"
Internal Itrtrniin ('iiniinllonrr' iuei
Wn Innllj.
Washington. May 1. The commis
sioner of Internal revenue now practic
ally admits that all his estimates of
the product of the Income tax were
mure guesswork, and that Instead of
JSO.OOO.OOO, which rns the oiiglnul fl it
mi e. later reduced by SO pt cent, tho
United Slatt. um sen reel ruallr.e $10,
000.000 from this H.mtce. t.nst werk ho
said that 10 per cent of those liable to
In tnx had fulled to mul;e returns, now
he thlnke thnt 2f per cent of such people
hn failed to comply with the teiina
Gf the act. but the commissioner has no
moans of knowing how noir hli latest
gllehS W to the truth.
fecrMnry Carlisle estimated that the
month nf April would show it eompara
tln purity hutwieu iverlpls and dls
burs.Mn. nts nnd .t the figures for tho
month which closes to-Ci. will ileinou
rtrat.' that theie las bim a detlcit of
between eight nnd nine millions.
To imitit r
Htnton Kit'
1 Hum ' Mli'lilcm
r Mich.. Mnv 1
Woilt will conn.-. nc in May en one of
tne iniKist eutetpiires undertaken In
this part of the htate for rlfteten years.
Tho plan Is to build a dam one mile
IMi th ..f lie-e whit I will glvo n fall of
twenty fmt mrr the 1'09 fuet nf main
dam. there being 1,400 feet of dam ap
ing the dam Is the nltiublo power to
be attained, which will be lined for tlee
tile llgl t. li.tit. anil power puipoes,
nlK.i fur furnishing power to manufne
toile tl'at will be located near the dam.
The i-oti!iiny nlll capitalize in a few
das under the utate laws at 51.00U.OUO.
witn itwt.owjiHid-tui stock.
1 ItTi'f 'IrMml nifiro on Irnl.inil,
1 Sjdney, N. S. V., May 1. Advices
leeeUod heru fum New Ireland, a tie
jiendeney of the (ierman colony In
Noitifin Ntw OuliK-a, say several II
lupe have beun depopulntctl owing to
the fieiee tribat warfare which hav.t
btell waged theie. Women and chll
dien h.B been meivllewly bulcheieU,
Vetttuaater KI1U a Cliorlmv Indian.
Tails. Tex,, April SO.At Ownt, I. T.,
t.nty-twp n iUu north of lioie, n
flrunVm 'hetnv Indian endeavored
t.i j '..I , i i x i ti. t r
C i . i i
t i .
Onr Intrrt Iinprrllr.l In Nlrnragna
Hitter Wnrda for Onr Unvornment.
Washington, Mny 1. Tho two
weeks' armistice asked by Nicaragua
and obtained through the good olllccs
of the United StnteH Is to nil Intents a
dead letter. The delay was grunted on
the condition that Nicaragua would
ngreo to pay the Indemnity before tho
expiration of the two weeks. That gov
ernment did not make the pledge, and
theie the mutter rests. It Is not a ques
tion of cash, for NieaiiiKiia has been
offend the money from at least thine
different Botuees, vU. .
1. A London syndicate.
2. Merchants and citizens of Nicara
gua. 3. The Nicaragua Canal company.
The stnte depaitment has no explana
tion to offer as to the motives that may
ba Influencing Nicaragua, but It can bo
stated frunkly that the administration
Is very muoh dlsgustud with the com
plexion affairs are taking. Not the least
disturbing feature of the complication
ta the discovery that Nicaragua has
been and Is still figuring with London
capitalists to be released from a na
tional debt of about $400,000 cash bonus
In the national treasury to start with
on a new ora of financiering. That this
Is outtlng an important figure In the
matter Is recognised, nnd it goes n long
way to show thut, however much tho
Nloarnguans and English may be out
wardly "scrapping," relations under
the surface are of a character that may,
lead to a sudden settlement of the dls
puto upon terms to tho decided disad
vantage of the United States In a com
mercial and political senso.
three Vrtiola Ordered to rroceed to
Forts In Nlraragiia,
Washington, May L Some sudden
and unexpected orders Issued to United
States nuval vessels late yesterday
caused a sensation for a time until tho
Import of the order was explained. The
Alert, which has been stationed for a
month or more at Panama watching
theprogresn of the revolutionary move
ment in Colombia, was ordered to pro
ceed at once to Snn Juan del Rur, tho
nearest cable port to Corinto, Nicar
agua. Tho Italclgh, now on her way
from Kingston, Jamaica, to Key West
and expected to arrive at the latter
place any moment, will find awaiting
her orders to go at once to dreytown,
tho eastorn terminus of theproposcd
Nicaragua canul. Tho Montgomery,
now at Mobile, will follow the Atlanta
May 7 with tho Nicaragua!! canal com
mission uboard. The Monterey will also
bo there. She Is not expected to touch
nt ftorlnto, and as sho Is now beyond
the reach of orders by wire she will
probably be allowed to relieve the Alert
nt Panama, whence she can be ordeied
back to Nicaragua If trouble arises In
the future.
Secretary Herbert snyn the move
ments of the ships have absolutely
nothing to do with the present occu
pation of Corinto by the British, that
being a matter to be settled between
the Nlcnruguitns nnd the Iltltlsh. Tho
real purpose of the orders was to gunrd
Amerlcnn Interests In Nicaragua against
the consequences of a possible revolu
tion which may lesult from the dis
turbed condition of the country.
iiitti:k woitns nm ch.
Nlriiriigunii Stiitcminin Actimcn Onr Oov
eminent of Treachery.
Managua, Nlraragun, May L A.
lending Nicaragua statesman In an In
terview said.
"Our government has lecelved no of
ficial advices from Washington, by
which wv guther that the American
have turned their backs upon us and
refuse to succor us In the hour of trial.
The English have ut least pluck In their
favor. They have the luunleuct! to defy
thiough us the entlie Amerlcnn conti
nent, while the United Status can never
Justlfj Its weakness of netlon, which
will i emalu a blot upon the nation's his
tory. Weak iiinl small as our nation Is,
we have shown more courage than the
United Stntea, which encouraged us,
only to desert us nt the hiHt moment."
In concluding he said that ho would
have prefer! etl to see the much-vaunt-etl
Monroe doctrine tile u more dignified
death. At a late hour last evening Pres
ident Zelajn lecelved a telegiain from
Washington stating thut Clreat Hrltalu
would withdraw her ships from Coilnto
and give Nicaragua fifteen days in
which to pay the $75,000 smart money If
such n piopnsltlon would he accepted by
Nicaragua. l'icsldeiit 5lna at onco
held nn audience with b's principal ntl
vlsers, anil a reply wta probubly bo
made within a few houis.
Ilnttle Near I.n .Ingiiui Wiih Won li)
Negro Inmirgrnts.
Santiago, Cuba. April 3, via Key
West, 1'Ia . May 1. The first really
Important of the present in
miricctlon In Cuba was that which took
place Kundn at Ramon tie las Jaguas.
The Insurgents were ull black, many
of them oni' ed at tlio mines. They
numbered nl ut live hundred. A Span
ish detnchnMiit of 200 soldiers wa. unt
to the mines ml enmped nt Juruguultn.
Finding all i tit t the co-nmnnder left
fifty soldiers under Lloc. RenJ'untn
Ciallfffo. and with the test stnrted with
a guide for Ramon do las .laguas. Near
the latter place the tro.ips were at
tueked from ambush. A number of
Spulllaitls were Killed orvvountlod.
Tenui'KHi (ioirruoralilp.
Nashville, Tenn., Mny 1. The two
houses of the legislature met In Joint
convention lo-tlny to consider the con
test for the govet not ship between Peter
Tin my, den..., the present Ini urn
bent, and Henry Clay Hvans, republi
can. A lesolutlon providing for the up
poliituient of u committee to report ruUs
governing the convention was adopted.
The inport of the Investigating com
mlttee. which favois seutlng Tin ney,
was then tend. The lepmt Is signed b
the fccvou duiiocintlc iiiimbeia of the
committee. The minority leport Is
signed by the live republlenn members
of the lominlttee.
Shi uteri Win Their fitrl!e.
St. Louis. Mo., May 1. The strike
c.f the garment is at an end.
It was for bftter quarters, nut for an
Increase 'f vvuges, nntl a n.uir.factory
agreement has been drown tin and
elRiod by tho clothing manufacturers
(11 (I t'l V 1 I J. 'IV ' t" ',' 1 ,i T, I
t. ( I
f k
Daches of Marlhornugh Wctla 1rt
Wlllluin Ilereifnnt.
London, May 1. The Duchess ol
Marlborough and Lord William Heres
ford were united In marlnge at 1 o'clock
this afternoon In St. (leorge's Hplscopal
Church, Hanover Square. Only n few
Intimate friends of tho two families
Were blden to attend the services and
t-adt hertcsford.
these wero the only ones In attendance
save a few members of the American
colony In London. This was the third
marriage of the brldo, tho duohess, who
Is well-known In America. Her first
husband was Wlllam Hammersley, a
New York merchant, who at his death
left his widow n fortune of soveral mil
lions. This, by Judicious investments,
she largely Increased. A few yoars ago
she became the wife of the Duko of
Marlborough and thus allied herself
with one of the oldest peerages In Great
Wage to He UUcussed by the Amal
gamated AMncintlnn.
rittsburg. May L Tho annual con
vention of tl e Amalgamated Associa
tion ofjrnn d Steel Workera will bo
held In C' nd In two weeks, and it
will be tl ' t Important session since
1882. Tl inlzatlon Is stronger now
thun it i .., .itnc and It covers a larger
This year the great question, ns usual,
will be a i vision of the wsi-jo ""ale,
so as to secure a' restoration tho
wages lost during the busln-" nres
slon. Since tho summer tho
wages of the iron uml steel v. -ra
hnve beon going down. The puddling
rate fell from $ti.50 to U per ton nnd even
that rate has been cut In many places,
notably in Pittsburg Tho voluntary
reduction of 10 per cent lit the tonnage
rates for finishers was followed last
year by a further reduction of 10 per
cent nnd in the Toungstown district
the nnhhero took another cut of 15 per
The only workers who escnped were
the r.heet mill hands, The tin plate
woi Kits coinptomlsml with n reduction
of 1"W per cent nnd 15 per cent, one
half what was demanded by the mnnu
factuicis. Tho demand for a wage re
storation will likely cover all depart
ment of mill work, ul'h the possible ex
ception of the tin plate branch.
Union Men light ullli Tick Handle.
Marquette. Mich., May 1. The open
ing of navigation here yesterday was
tho slgnnl for a fierce and decisive con
test between the local ore trimmers nnd
outsiders bi ought down fiom Ishpem
Ing and NegnuiiK1 by the three men who
pay they hnve contiacts with tho Ves
sel Owners' association to ttlm boats
lieie. The Pontine in rived light for ore
nt 6:50 p. m. nnd twenty minutes later
tho riot was on. Sheilff Uroad had
hworn In ten of the newcomers and
prmd them with bnsehall hats. Tho
union men loosened the handles of tlnir
picks. Tho crash of clubs upon skulls
filled tho ntr for a few minutes, nnd tho
Imported men took to their heels and
run. The Marquette Miles have been
permitted to leave tho armory, a do
tal! of eight men being kept on guard
there, hovvover.
Albuquerque, N. M Mny 1. When
fi. M. Folsom. now of Chicago, tho
banker who Is charged with wrecking
the Albuquerque National bank and tho
New Mexico Savings Hank and Trust
Co,, stopped from a passenger train
last nlijht from the east Deputy Unit
ed State. Mnisliitl Knight placed him
under nrrtst on ludlotments lecently
found heie by the United States grand
Jury. Folsom was tried and convicted
last year and sentenced to tho teirl
torlal penitentiary for five years, but
owing to the persistent efforts of law
yers he hns never served his sentence.
Folsom will hnve no trouble to give n
Cnttlc Common to pilinc.$2.IO ((7.00
Hogs Spring guides 4.25 O0.S0
Sheen Kali' to choice 2.76 00. 00
Wheat No. 1! led 02 Up ,0i
Cent No. 'i 15 tf .10
Oats 2S'.b'J .S
Rye No. 'J 55
Mutter Choice eienmcry.. 7 Q ."0
iv-u IlIA
ii, ," ...... ... j
Potaloea Per bu 03 0.72
Wheat No. 2 01 (ft .CO
(Vim No. 2 yellow 51 & .62
Oats No. 1 white 31 .35
Rye No. 2 53?; M
Coin No. II white 10 .W-i
U.UH No. 2 white 30 .31
(Utle 3-00 TlG 00
Hugs 1-70 M.r. i."
Wheat No. 2 red CO tv .01
Corn No. 2 1 if .
O.tts-No. 2 i'JrP .30
Wheat No. 2 spilng 03 fi) .01
Coin-No. 3 s.47 U .4S
Oats No. 2 white 29 W .30
Hut ley No. 2 52-4
Kje No. 1 C5u
Cattle -"10 ITO.OO
lIcgH... , .... -1.70 JT5.S5
Shoep a'50 ff0.&0
Wheat No. !! rI C7 d .CS
Corn-No. 8 WO .r.3'4
Oats J40
Lulter 8 Q -MV
'I o . o.
v V'.
What is
Costoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nntl Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless r-mustituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor Oil
It is Pleasant. Its trnarantco is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Costoria destroys Worms nnd allays
feverishnoss. Costoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Costoria relieves
teething tronblcs. cares constipation and flatulency
Costoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy' and natural sleep. Cos
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend
" Castorl. Is on excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. 0. C. Osaooo,
Lowell, Mam.
" Costoria Is the bent remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the duy is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of thetr children, and um Castoria la
stead of the Tariousquock nostrums which aro
destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
gents down their throats, thereby sending
tbem to prematura graTM."
Dm. J. F. Kixcbxuk,
Conway, Ark.
Tk Ctattmr Gozapmay, Tl
Strmign ltit'lilent of tlu Malt.
A lady In HoHton wrote Home letters
tmd scaled them, na Is her custom, with
a. Moorish coin having a tiny hook In
Its back. Her correspondents nil knew
this peculiar seal and how highly It Is
prizetl from Its antiquity nnd the stylish
form It takes In the wax. Called Mitl
flenly from the room, these letters were
$oou after postetl by a servant In the
neatest box, and not till then did the
owner of the rare coin miss It from the
table. The room vvns seal died and the
tnnltl dispatched to nwnlt the letter col
lector on his next round. Hut he declined
uotlilni; had been seen of any such mm I
and then the search bean Indoors
iiKaln but with no better luck. A few
days after the lady tecelved n letter
from Camilla, fettled with the famlllnf
Mooilsh hieroglyphics! The mystefj
was soon explained, for on opening the
envelope It was learned that this heavy
seal hail stuck to the letter sent from
HoHton nnd nnssliiir thromili mi manv
hands hail aril veil Intact to the gieat
astonishment of the recipient. Uoston
A I'lirmi'ii Who Went 1'Ulilnt;.
A reputnble farmer fiom Hanks coun
ty was la Atlanta recently, and spying
n counter full of llsh fiom .Savannah
related Ills experience of n few days
back. He said that he went out on n
fishing tilp. but finding that the tinny
tribe weie prone to nibble too much,
lie got hold of a big, tough bait, anil
putting It on his hook stuck the pole
In the ground nnd went up to the creek
to sleep off the effects of his corn
liquor, nnd when he leturned he saw
Ills pole bobbing fuilmisly, and think
ing that he had caught a twenty pound
eel. he hurried forward and. grabbing
the polo, gave a mighty Jerk. 'Hang
ing on to the hook was one of the
blnmetlest, biggest wild ducks you over
seed," said the fanner. Atlanta Con
Htltutlon. Cold That Kill mill fold That Curr.
In Kngland severe cold generally kills
n good many people; in ui rtniu pints of
Korth America cold still inure Severe
Ruts new life Into them. It requires no
.tigumentatlon t slmw that theie must
be n definite lein-oll for this The chief
reason Is that t'nglMi cold H mostly
(lump, while in Ninth America It Is
mostly dry. There Is the gic.itcst dif
ference In the woi Id bow eon dry nlr
nnd damp air. The foimer Is usually
nlr pure nnd simple, possessing a full
quantity of ogen nnd often chaiged
highly with ozone The latter consists
of nlr mixed with the vapor of water.
"When the f (inner nlr. fully oxygenated,
is breathed. It Mlniulntes mote power
fully than cliiinipngne The latter, less
oxygenated and ehaiged with the vapor
of water, not only does not stimulate, It
depresses. Public Opinion.
A olilld vvns onred of cronp by a iIoho or
two of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. A neigh
bor's child d ed of the same drenil iIIpciro
while the father was getting naily to call
tho doctor. This shows the nrccWMty of
having Ayor's Cherry Peotoral always at
Prosperity Is a blessing to the good, a
ctireo to tlio evil,
aro HH'onleen reyistoroil pouts
of WeMeyniiB nml Mothodists.
Olfcr Yon n ,
iM'ni:iv w I ch
INSUk'IJA Safety
nf l. no to mom
cr and Child.
Robj Ccnfinsnier.t of It3 Pain, H3rfcrar,Jl!:k.
Mwvlfo iir.l 3101111 IP' riMV" bo
fori I ittti of l r am t-tiii. kIh en' i..,t
Milk r frond tll'Si,- I'UVn 'i'il l
lollt letl .it Hi" t ill iciil Inn. i' miIi ilni'iut
III IP -!'. h l ii" o..lut utii ri iiJ.ii. . U' r
lutiuiji ni r ii Id.
J, I, .lullNJioN, F.ufiiull, Alt.
Sent by Mail or Kxyrtv ', on n . I t of
iirlic, ifl.eO iicr tiolll, liju.i "'1 j iiuiU-
; . i in .
i :
" Castoria Is so well adopted to children thai
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me."
11. A. AacnsR, M. D
ill So. Oxford Bt., Drooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians In tho children's depart
ment bare spoken highly of thetr experi
ence In their outside practlco with Castoria,
and although wo only hare among our
medical supplies what Is known as regular
products, yet wo are free to confess that tba
merits of Castoria has won us to took with
faror upon It."
Ukitso Uosrrrix. and Dtsmsurr,
Boston, 1
Jolsm C. 8KRIt, JYe.,
Msmj Street, New York City,
I'llClip ISlltCN.
On May 21th, .Tune 7th nnd 10th
July .')rd and lDth, August 'Jnd und 23d
ticltotnon salo to Hot Springs, South
Dakota and at rate of ono faro for tho T
round trip $1000 from Red Cloud,
Tickets limited for return to thirty daja
rotn ditto of salo. A. Conovku.
There are 100 deor forests in the High
lands of Scotland.
A complete new linn of wnll paper at
'f nvlor'satb ottoni prices.
Might tons of millet liny for salo. Jno
Karner, box .".23, Heel Cloud.
If jott don't Fee Tajlor's wall paper
before liujiiig ou will mips it.
Wo do not use uotoliue or tiny other
kind of line, but pure nnd healthful V(L4
gredients in our breadotuirs or past??. "
K.VI.KVit C.VMl'lll.I.I..
Swot potatodH, cntilmgo anil tomato
plants for wile by V. V. Htal, three
tnilati south of Co'.v lu, Neb. Ill
Don't Toltiifco Sjiit or Smoke
Voiir C'ioAnay,"
Tho trutlifiii, startling title or n hook
about Xo-to liae, the only harmless, guar
anteed tobacco habit cure. If jmt want
to tjuit uml can't, uso Xo-to-huo."
Unices uji nicotiiii.etl nerves, eliminates
nicotine poisons, makes weak nion gain
strength, weight ami vigor. Positive
cure or tuon . ref untied. Sold by C. L.
Hook at druj-'gistp. or mailed freo.
Addicts The Slotting- Hemedy Co,,
Chiuago otllee, Io Handolph St', Xow
Vork, 10 Sintice St.
f.Okt. g
Sunday, April '', u pair of gold bow
oyo glaspcB. The Under will bo reward
od by leaving them at Cutting's drug
store. n.urlicl E.eport.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat 3 no
Corn 50
Oats ys
He CO x
Flax 125
Hogs 3 50 1 00
Stock hogs 00:i oo
i' nt cowb ;j oo
Huttor 7
K?K8 10
Potatoes i 00
Cliicltens lb 4
Turkejs lb 7
IJnilutl Hay pur tonlO
Lt'SJtl .Nolh'c.
Notice Is herein kIm n tli.,1 ltj virtue of a
chattel inoit.ii'e. il.i'i'd mi the liliilavnf Vprll,
1M). ami dill) tl'inl ii.i ri't'oul a In ilioolllieof
llli' eouiilj oltlK of Wil ,. i eoillil), Nrbr.uka,
on tlio fi'li iliiv "I Apt ii ij, uml cxeciiled by
I. A .Mason, of the nmnj o Millt, state of
Imv.i, tilth I'liriitM I xi h.uirfH IlinU et said
villls (oiinti. I"ii, in Mt'iire tin' ii.ivmeat of
tho nan et lliinn llniiilieii liullii'4, pujalilu
siv months iiiier Hi. i ,in ilieriiif, mid upon
wlilt'h llier l ii" ilueilie uin ul ste( ll Hun
ilit'daiiil lui-nlv n ,. jioll.iit, ulilcliH.ililiuort
tt'itte, tiiKitlitT i.i li t.iu imte whleli the :une sc
nut",, un-. Hun ohm, i.y s.iiil I .irliK'U V.s
i iliainre ll.mli -. .1.1. i i,.lui.vtl, uKUiei. trails
felled and iMivcifil Mine, A. l. Wf.irln, who .
inn iiowilieouni i .mil linlilertli' reiif. Default
h.ivlna beiii m fit- in t'u) jijjiiieut ot
k.uiI hum, I win n tUo proe
eitj tht'ri'liiilesirlliiil, lo-wit, Duo uraln ele
vator, -le ah ni' ciitN fmi in tlilnv feet, and
t'ai'iii'ltv ul i j.-t i niih(. ami pltimio on
tile lltflit nf ll nf tin) Missouri ,
lllwi i mil' my, ea,t ol the depot at
llllllli'lioil,. . l,,Mi lllitl, NelH.iskll. It bu
'UK tlio sam n,,r mil, li. Kt .1 l, said 1. A,
via-tin lulu .ti J. , l .r-ii i 1 1 io will ho
a' l''-l)lit' ."mien nt sil'l ir nt (Jiililn
llt'i'K, ehtfr i Mills , Nil.iu-ltu, nntlio'Jith
iIhv ul Mil, if.-.--, ,u t 'ii i., ii, in. of sulil
il.D ,
ln.tod lit K '. -I, i., j , i, . ,
Pitcher's Castoria
FhrcvfpoK, a
r .