The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 03, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Acts like a poultice, drawing
out fever and pain, and rcinv.g.
orating the entire Female Sys
tem. It removes all obstructions
and creates a healthy, natural
flow of all secretions.
It is the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied right to the diseased
parts. Don't tahe internal rem
edies for Female weakness, com
mon sense requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
and permanent cure.
"Orange Blossom" is a sure,
painless cure for falling and
dropsy of the womb, profuse,
difficult, irregular menses, leu
corrhoco, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal
low complexion.
'Orange Blossom" is apastile
easily used at any time. Every
lady can treat herself with it.
Mailed to any address on rc
ceiptofSi.Dr. J. A.McGill&Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, III.
Tor Sitti lij '. I.. 'ollliiu Kil
xi:v Avi:itTi.Nr.:or.vis.
f If a A M
'T-iv ' v i iriJTi " - i'i it ini rr win.
Kf.r.. . -? I a-. V.iiln t i llrtt-rt firrtttat
" "IsftA lia' to VoutMul Color,
t 3.1 1 i n -i i.n r 1111.1117. k
1 t .'! I'M IU. .1 j
I f J'rt-jtf r'Bii .f ac i
tit (.."lili.
t ' , 1A In U..1T Mill.
y r.-r f i.. lor Com,
t'j' i.. .'. UJ i 1. V.
C4up ivuir Jv- r m tn
III tills iilitl iiiljnlnltii! ('.unities lor
Our Journey Around the World.
Aliran'ni'U Ihhik l lti. I'iiiiu'Ih K. r l.n !..
J'ri'H (if tli" I'nlii'ii oc nf liilstl.m l'ir!ciiiir.
Tliu licit'v l in.iki' ninc) 'er ulteieil tn
nil ulni Nvnit tuiitllalilo Hnri. A fci" .jiuiit
In Mil Mi'inin I'iiti earn Mmi aiimntli. His.
tanec ntiliiiiiliuticc. for wo I'.n 1'iclnlit. illin
Credit. I'n-iiiliiiii C(i"i-, I'riMi uutllt. iiml l.x
clUSiM! lcirllnn. rnriKiitli'iilnis write t(
A. it. Win lltlnli'ii A '
Ilurlloril, Conn
Tedloai I'riieria of Urlnclng th
to th Light nf Hay.
'llio diamond Is ono of tho thlnH
which tho public novur tiros of hearing
about, timl is over anxious to soo, dis
cuss niiil above all, to possess: but
fow have any ldou of tho tedious ami
laborious process by which tho proeiotw
com is inlnwl ami brought to tho liht
of day. sujs llit St. l.onU (Jlobo-Dom-ocraU
All t-ntnini'i's to tho initio aio
carofitllv u'tianli'tl, ami onlv tho writ-
tun penult of tho uiauaor will cirtblo
a i-.itoito tUwcond tho hiiiro shaft
whtrh pii'fn tho working hrl, say
1 .lion feet bolow. In tho tunnels of
tin1 tulno, which aro about sown foot
high, tho minors aro hanl at work
drilling hoU'i l;i tho iulainant ground
willi a largo crowbar, which tlu-v u-o
with both hands. After making six
holes each, which tako throo hours,
or six or longer, according to tho
hardnos of tho strata they aro work
ing in, tlioy are allowed to retiro to
their honius in tho compound and rest
for tho remainder of tho day. Iyna
inlti' cartridges aro placed in tho
drilled holes and discharged, and tho
bluo ground which has lieon dislodged
Is vhowli'il into trucks, ouch of which
hold ii ton, run along the level and
taken up tho shaft. It is carried in
largo lumps, as hard as granite, to
"the I'oors,'' where it is spread out
and loft front three to six months to
bo pulveried hv tho Mill, air and rain,
a steam harrow being run oor It
from tiino to time to assist the process
of disintegration. In duo time it is
taken to tho washing machine, tho
work of which is to sift out all tho
light deposit, called "tailings," in
which no diamonds are round, ami to
clean tho 'ground," which is then
placed In a hopper, and carried by
revolving buckets to the top of an
elevator, when it Is dropped into a
cylindrical pan. As tho pan is rotated
water is thrown on its contents and
the mass U chipped and sliced try iron
knives, tho light until overturning in
tho center ami tho heavy deposit con
taining the diamonds passing into a
pulaliug receiver, from which it is
graded into three different tded sieves.
Water is then pumped through tho
bottom and tho light dopoiit is forced
over tho top, tho heavier substance
falling through tho stoves. It is then
parsed b menus of uilves into tubs
and tho important work of searching
for dhimoudn is commenced. Four
times do tho searchers examine every
particle of the material and so care
fully and thoroughly Is their work dono
that It is said that a half karat dia
mond might bo mixed with u couple
of hundred-weight of earth in
tlio hopper at tho upper end of tho
blfting inachino with perfect assurance
that it wouhl ultimately come Into tho
hands of the sorters.
SotnMlmc Called Wright's IM-
cnc Ir. llatliuairs ati'f'luru.
In t lie course of a recant lecture t
the Surgical Hotel Dr. Murtuian said:
"Catarrh of the Kidneys is a von
coninio'i disease, growing more anil
more common each scar. The sjmp
totus arc tnin in tho buck, s,am
liig!-ocolorcd mine, containing ii'.lut
men iiml vnrious sediment.; nausea,
and sometimes vomiting; juiHiuc-s ol
tlio face and feet; dropsey of tho legs,
shortness of Ii and general weak
ties, p.illor and drynens of the skin,
chilly feelings, alternating with fever
and sleeplessness.
"A tciiHpconful of IVrii-na should
he taken hcloro each meal' between
meals, and nt bed time, and enough
Mau-a-liu at night to produce otic
niittiral notion of the bowlcs each day.
When the disease is of long'Standiug
heated lVrii-na should bo applied to
the hnck in addition to the ,ihoc
treatment, and the diet consist prin
cipally of milk and dry toast. Avoid
liiUors anil tobacco."
The Peru mi lrug Manufacturing
('o. of Colutnbii-, Uhio, are oiT-ring
True, post-paid two medical books, on
on citirrh mid cttarrhal diseases, the
other on sprite.' medicines and spring
diseases. Theo bunks contain ,the
very latest and most reliable on these
important suhjictr.
l'or free book on cancer address Dr.
llartmiiu, Columbus, Ohio.
CClilclicMrr'o I"ii;ll'i lilnmoml Itrnnil.
Vv Orlulmilnit'tOnly Criniliic. A
.y-tN nan. alum, r liUa. laoita fj
LS5..i ' llmr I in I jr.l mil. It u.flallloV
rv.77'ilf lf 1 'Ii ' III Inn TllLo t
V,V-Jn''lliir. II f lKimnu nhiim V
itMUH .rx 'u hm i ,iriiki.i,prwnjr.
In ttami-i f. r J irlteulv. l.".ilmf)lUI anl
jlrllif l.uilll"." mint r Irrillir'l
1..ll. Ifl.tllltl I UIT.uI.ImH IMI Hll'CT
tJolJlJ all Lww i n.,kl.u. ulli.Ji-.. I"i
I There were 3,134.934 Tackagcsof J
Hums' Kootukkr sold m 1694.
which made iSTS.TaSBlons,
or 33.494i70O glassc9, sufli-
cicnt to (;ivc every man, wo.
tuau and child in the United
States, five glasses each did
youKctyourshorc? Be sure
mid get some this year.
'A 33 cest paekaro main 5 (alltOf.
fcjU tiirjvLcif.
DM-kh flAH f
the rnis.E. Hints co., ruu.
fHfioifs Bitmio-seisig.
Riilnnillil cnrnllvi'iii'cr. for 'i'noiior81ck Itnilli 1 iluuutiilli. hltsl'Ifftll'iiH,
,sih'IhI ur iniif nil Niuniluin. uln fur Itlinu-
lllllllillll. Illllll. IMUI1U) wiMiruii., ... ... '
l'l",ln. Ann'mtii, AntMotn for AJcolmllo
iln.l iithiir fii-wsM. i'rlii", 10, liuudutJcouln. nU
I Dl S. Western Avenue CHICACtt
nrotlioorUlmil'md only ntKSCII.Bnfowiil ro
llntilo euro on tlm nmrlirt. I'nco fl.Wj scut b;
uuil, (Jonumo mild o:ily liy
For Hide by Doyo & Ciricc, Hod Cloud
llrtiilstiiil I'mlll Itiillin.
Paul l.acrolx, a IVonch writer and
bibliophile, was at one tiino seriously
out oMioalth.and took rofugo in Italy.
Ho had taken lodgings in Home, when,
one day, tho proprietor of tlio house
mounted tho stairs, rapped at the
door, and cauio in. I.aeroix was just
then in a coughing pu-'ovjiin. "Mg
nor," began tlio householder, "who is
responsible for ,ou.J" "What do you
mean?" asked tho astonished Ironeh
mau. "If you should die, who would
nay the espouses?" "I hope not to
die yot awhile, " roplicd I.aeroix; "be
sides I am not ambitious. A modest
burial would suit mo." "l!ut who
will pay mo?"" Why man, I pray you
myself ovory week." " lam
speaking of this bod. this arm-chair,
this table, this carpet everything in
the chamber, r.vorything will have
to bo burned after tho deatli of a con
sumptive." "My dear sir," sird l.a
crolx, "I am not rich enough to die in
liomo, I will go to Naples." Tho
next ilny, indeed, ho sot out for
Southern Italy. Hut ho lived for
many years to tell tho story of his
banishment from tho holy city.
NoiU'C to Tcni'licr.
Notico is hereby given that 1 will
cxamino all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
touoliorfl oftho public sohools of this
couuty, at Hod Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examination will ho hold
on tho Friday proceeding tho ttd Sat
urday of caoh month.
The standing desired for 2d and
3d grade certificates is tho same no
grado below ill per cent., average ou
per cent ; for first grado ccrtifioato
no grado bolow 80 por cent., average
flO per cent, iti all branches required
by law.
D. .M IhiNTKU.CJountv Supt.
Ilrr I.iiat UMltit ri.llli!lml With.
A Maino woman recently expressed
soino queer wishes on hor deathbed.
She lived In Konuobunk and was well-
to-do. she did not liko tho parson,
bo she directed tliat he should not tako
nny part in hor funeral, and ho did
not. In place of prnj or and scriptures,
essays written by her sister and hor
brother were rend by hor sister's hus
band, and that constituted tho service.
Then ho had a dislike for tho soxton,
and stipulated that she should not bo
drawn to tho coim-tory by his horo.
Tho hoiii'so was not his property, and
slio did not object to taking her last
rido in that. Her wishes in this re
spect wore folio wen, another horse
and driver were secured for tho trip
to tho tomb. I.owlitou dournal.
I iintiin it In I Ires.
The (iiostlon to what oxtont tho
pneumatic tiro, so familiar on bicy
cles, will h.j adopted on the wheels of
other vehicles is one of considerable
interest. According to a London
soiontlllc journal for cabs and
broughams in I'ngl'.sh cities, tho rub
ber tiro, with an iron hoop otitsido, la
steadily growing in favor, and thous
ands of thorn aro soon. Since, ovon
on the smooth wood and asphalt pave
ments of London, tho rider knows at
once whether his hansom has elastic
or rigid tiros, tho contrast must bo
still more marked on macadamized
roads or streets paved with granite
or cobble-stones.
J. K. Ilanis was absent from the
l'itideavor Sunday evening on account
of sickness.
John Storey, .lav Host and Will
Divis were in Blue Hill lat week.
Some, bold, had boys succeeded in
shearing most nil the hair oil of Geo.
Harris' bird dog Siturday night.
M. A. Good is thinking somn of
organizing an Odd 1'ellows Lodge
here this fall.
1). 11. Carpont'T was hauling oiT
hogs lor Mr. Latt i last week.
Lew Fuller is thinking ol going to
Wyoming after school is over,
Seine of Geo. Craifords stock stray
ed oil last week and were gone for
several days. Ho finaly found them
with one of his neighbor's "Iltird."
Polly Hall has a new "cog" wheel.
G. G lIo t sold a line hog Saturday
for L'l cents jut pound.
It is rumored that Henry Kcoue
is soon to he married, as he has just
completed a find residence on liN
farm north of A in hoy.
M. N. Nelson and Ar-ih TJorcn wore
at church Sutnl.i.s evening.
M. A. Good aii.l Mips Mnblc Wright
attended the ji.iivy at Hob Posts Fri
day evening.
One of our j citing men was quite
badlr hurl fiotu running into a barb
wire fenco Saturday, as a result Mayor
Brown has oidend nil wiro fences re
moved from wi Inn tho city limits.
Fred Hurd has been herding cattle
for Mr, Hlankny for tho last two weeks.
We aro glad to sso so many of tho
boys in lino Sunday night.
iM. N. Nelson is going to ML Hopo
next Sunday,
YA Storey has applied for a patent
on a Luggy hat rack.
Some of our local sports went fish
ing last Sunday.
ulay Bell Waller was out riding
last Saturday.
Mr. Nelson and G, A. Latta have in
about ten acres of onions.
IMilrh Mnjr lfiio Iiml smn t'linnrellon
' till Una lcl.
"A detective sees a clew in all sorts
of apparently trivial things, and will
run it down until he has satlslicd him
self one way or tho other,'' said a
loi al "dentil to a group of listeners. "I
remember when .Miles Ou'le, the no
torious counterfeiter, wii free the last
time, and I'liiis coin wu- found in
circulation all through the Ohio valley,
two of I'licle Sam's slenthhiMittds nc
tua'ly tni".tli:ut('d " ghost nlnry. Tho
htnrji came from .letlerou co.inty,
liuliiiiiu. A npi'Ctei' calf was s,.,.n in
the lonesome hollows to the north of
the coiuit,.
ll the farmers vlthiit a doen
miles had paid the hollow it visit, and
waited patiently for hours to sen the
friskj fiiiii'-li'Lg'il rhost come gambol
ing down the hillside ulld go lloatillg
oer the rough, ro -isy creek bed that
was ut the bottom of tho hollow. They
were never disappointed. Promptly
at !' o'clock tho ghost made Its ap
pearance, aliiny carried guns unit
lircd at the specter us it lloated b,.
When the smoke disappeared the
ghost was gone also. This was kept
up for nmnlhs. and the strange up
iarit!on became quite notorious
thioiirh the papers. The story was
in this way brought to the notice of
the I'liited Mates secret service do
teotlws at Cincinnati.
"They put several things together.
Miles Ogle was free, ltous com was
in circulation In the West. The ghost
inusi certainly be a blind Tho
scheme was about such a one us would
emanate from the wily counterfeiter.
Two of tlio detectives who made lheo
deductions and re-enforced with t. re
arms and ammunition started very
secretly for the ghost's lair, and on
the lirst favorable night they went to
the grew some hollow. They saw the
ghost. It danced around with such a
surprising abandon of purpo-o that
the two detect hes were surprised.
They tired shot, lifter shot at the spec
ter, but not a shot had anyellect.
The olil farmer will tell you that
when tho two detectives came into
tho homo shortly afterward they were
white and breathless. That may have
been due to the lough walk, and it
may have not. The next morning
they made a thorough search through
tlio' hills, but could lllld nothing to
explain the m story. They left the
same day for Cincinnati. Miles Ogle
was captured on a shanty-boat on the
Ohio river, between Louisville and
Madison, shortly after. As everybody
knows, ho is now serving a sentence In
tho Columbus, Ohio, penitentiary."
Rub a dud quo,
Thhee maids at thctud.
All using Santa Glaus soar
Millions dothe3amb.
Sold everywhere. Made only by
C-'-PJa aT ll --- ... PHI'".""""S
Sonic ol ths farmers aiu
planting corn.
Mrs. Ilorton's son is visttit-g with
her this week.
''. II. Perry has been planting corn
for W. Barrett.
1'r'nr. Stefiiu is going to work at
1 mi viili.
The lipworth League at Mt, Hope
has been discontinued l'or a Tew weeks.
The dance at the store was a suc
cess and everyone had a good time,
F. L. Smith had r.uu of his horses
badly cut on a wire fence last week.
Tho- Mountford hoys have been put
ting in corn on Win, Barrett's farm
this wrck.
11. v. .1. T. Stones preached at Mt.
Hope last Sunday,
Tlio preaching point at Mt. Hope
seems to he left by the M. K. church
as no preacher bus been appointed for
that place.
Miss Mm in a Barrett has returned to
lied Cloud. ClllNTZliUU.
4iiA.s. M;iiArr.iT.
Insiii-iintti Agency.
Itcpresi'iitR the following companies.
See card in tins paper. Farm property,
clcvatom, and all kinds of mercantile
ItisltH, insured in reliable companies at
lowest rateii.
For iiilcH an tonus write or cull anil
see me, Ollloo over Mizor'a gioccry
store, lied Cloud, Neb.
N''l 4'orii.
Choice, ported, jellow need Corn for
fiilu by A. Ii. Ilildroth, Cowlon, Nob.; or,
(J. C. Tool, Bed Cloud.
TlT CUHlHli.1 !MpiSE JAILS- ""E
Bl Ilcst Counti syrup. Tiuu-s ClouJ. Uo wm
fH In Ohio, snlil liy ilrmts'latu C
A Cirout .Mini,
Tho rosldont was showing tho visi
tor tho sights of the town, when tlioy
passed a distinguished-looking citizen.
"Did you notico that man wo just
passod?" asked the rosldont.
"That lino-looking ono?"
"Yes. Woll, ho can draw his check
for $1,000,(100.
Tho visitor turned around to get a
Iwttor look at such a rarity.
"Can ho got It cashed r" ho asked
Nino wntor companies supply London
with wator.
Captain Bweonuy, U. S. A., Mail Dlogo.
Cal. wiys: "Hhiloh's Catarrh Remedy is
tho first modluiiiM I havu ovur found that
would do inn any good." 1'riou fiUo. For
ealo by U. h. Lotting.
Tho Chinese endure ehuugo of clitnato
hotter than any othor raco.
A new, complete and tip to-dato Hand
book of information, covering nearly
200 cities, townH and ro-tort", contained
in tho ourront issuo of tliu Rund-MrNally
Guide, fn.OO per year, -tOo. per copy KiO
Adams Street, Chicago.
"Orangu IlloBBom" is a paiuWsn care
for all dlHonsea pecalUr to woram, Bld
by C. L. Cotting.
Whisky was first maao in Ireland by
an English monk.
A president pniu in the back indioates
tronblo In tlio Kidney. To Btay thu pro
grefs of disonse, use Dr, J. II, MoLaan's
I.Ivor & Kidney Halm.
Gormany roporta '28'.) suicidea among
school childron during tho last iix years,
riMsllillltliit III the i:i'iit oT Att:'x liy
it Mini lln I'linc.
l'periinents at Sliooburvness have
shown that mi Armstrong shell can
be thrown '.,l7ii ,ards about live
mid one-third miles says a writer in
Temple liar. It is therefore abso
lutely clear that If all the licet were
temporarilv uhuiil. cither on somu
special mission or dispeised by a
Sturm, hostile ironclads taking up a
position within four miles of the east
ward of Kuropu point might witli im
punity hond shot and shell into the
outlying parts of the fortress ami
cause much ili.struction of life and
property. On the other hand,
the governor of the fortress
would not bo idle, ami tlio ex
periences of the late civil war In
America hae abundantly proved that
tho cannon in fortresses, if they
striken ship of war with their pro
jectiles, even at long range, may do
considerable mischief; while, on tliu
other hand, many shot and shell may
strike a fort and only do trii Ing dain
ago. It is practically Impossible to
throw shot or shullovci thehiL'h part
of tho rock, near Spain, and the
cannon ensconced in tho unliiiie rock
galleries, with their royal artillery
gun detachments, would bo absolutely
safe. I'.ven If tlio neutral ground be
tween (ilbr.iltar and Spain wore occu
pied by a hostile foe, comparatively
little damage would bo tlio result.
During tlio writer's stay tit (libraltar
It was considered desirable to try the
experiment of tiring upward from tliu
plain on tho Spanish side into the gal
leries, dummies being placed to repre
sent the necessary gun detachments.
A regiment several hundred strong
was accoidingly placed in position and
supplied with ball cartridges. Tho
range, however, was unknown, and
tho lire being directo I upward it wan
fully an hour b -fore any of tho dum
mies wore hit, after the o ondlt-ire
of much ammunition. In actual war
faro, of cour.-u, tho British rlllo sharp
shooters must have picked out their
foes by llring downward from tlio gal
leries. lUunb-proof barracks and hos
pitals aro potent factors against tho
horrors of bombardment, and there Is
little doubt that there is ample room
nt diliraltar for some amendment on
thin head.
,ll lllailtllllllll llllMt.
Ill tho barren country of Western
Australia, where men are madly Hock
ing in search of gold, tho teinpora
turo is said to be li'O in the shade
and no adequate water supply. There
is such a boom in tho price of claims
that only rich iiiun can buy them, and
numerous rich inou are there endur
ing all the hardships with the hopo of
growing richer,
lit r Kiiiim-IkiIki..
Mr, Aniccdo Do you know any
thing of the gamoluws, Miss Kennard?
Miss Kennard Oh, yes, Mr. Ani
ccdo. Mr. Anleodo What, for instance
Miss Kennard You should novor
trump your partnor's uco. Truth.
l'drsauis who syinpn'.hi.o with tho allliot
ud will rejoice with L. K. Carr of l'J3.r.
Harrison Htreet, Kansas City. Ho is an
old sulTcrer from inllammiitory rliuuma
ism, but has not heretoforo been troubl
ed hi this olimatu. Last winter ho went
up to Wisconsin, and in coiiRcqiiouoo him
hud another attack. "It camo upon mu
again ver aoatii and sovi-re," ho said.
"My joints swelled mill liccmnu inflnmuil;
soro to touch or almost to look at. Upon
tho iirgimt rt'iiucHt of my inother-iii-law
I tried Ulinmberlain's Fain Halm to re
duce the swelling and ense the pain, mid
to my agreuabln surprise it did both. I
have used three fifty cent bottles and be
lieve it to be tliu Uut-st thing for rluiumn
tism, pains niiil swelllvgs ixtntt. l'or
sale by Dejo A- tlrioo.
Jill Kelso was transacting business
in A in hoy Stturday.
Ktuory Bean and family were guests
of K. Thomas Sunday,
Miss Barber closed a very success
ful bchool at district M Inst Friday.
Mr. Barkloy and family of lied
Cloud was in our vicinity Sunday.
Quito a few of our churoh going
pef.ple attended meeting at North
Star Sunday.
Conly Wilson roturncd from Fre
mont lust wick where ho has been
attending school.
Nearly all tho winter wheat is kill
ed and tho ground is being proparcd
for corn. Dom Pkduo.
BYcmI Xotit'C.
Hereafter William ItichnrdHon will
feed all teaniH ut the rate of 10 ccntti for
hay. Hani east of Holland House.
Out! Oali!!
(!o to Kob)'ti for oabi, ho hat) all you
TuUo Warning.
We call )our attention and convinco
you of the fact that )ou got only 12 oza
in a loar or lircail liy not gutting your
bread of mo. You will got one pound,
It! oH in ovory loaf at the City Bakery.
,1ns. IlKitiiuicciF.u.
I i n i i i
arc'llnu to My Old I'alrous ami
Having accepted tho farm agency for
tho Old Continental Insurance Co., in
Webster and adjoining counties, am pro
parnd to furnish liberal and reliable in
surance on the most favorable tonus,
10-atu .). H. Smith, Agent.
' ' '
I am now ready to do all kinds of dresa
making. Prices reasonable. Three
bloclsH west of Miner's iitoro. Mrs. F. l
II ad Icy. tf
Don't forgot that I am prepared to
ciiiin patiKougorH to all parts of the city.
Leave ordern al the Holland House.
hi -
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Hkd Cloud,
Will take a limited number of eattlo
topasturu on the CJoblo ranch eight
'iiiles south-west of Bed Cloud, l'lonty
of shade and water. Cattle, Sl'.lt);
horses, WOO, for tho season. Apply to
X. L. I). Smith, ut tlio raneii.
Will attend sales ut reitHimiitilo figures
faction Koarittilis'il,
Tho Celebrated Registered l'ercheron
-""- aaaH aaaaaaWaaaH
f" aH ''rv- HrVaaaB
PeoploaatliO percent moro broad when
tho weather is cold than when it is mild.
Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, niinttnnooga. Tenn
sas, "rihilnh's Vitaher 'Saved my Life,
I ciiiiHldor it the best remedy for a de
bilitated system I ever lined." For Dys-
opsin, liivur or Kidney troutim it exoew.
icu 7r. ots. tor sale liy cj. u. uoiiiug.
Thoro aro soven inillionairo editors in
Now York,
K. H. Fulton, tiro am) lightning Insur
ance, Western White Hronzo, monu
monta and eomotory roods. Oillce with
Traders Lumber Co.
Hhlloli'fl ours is fold on n gnarnntoe. It
onres liiclnlfiit coiiHtltiation. It Ib! tlet
brat Uotigli cjuro. uuty on cent a uoso, i.ouuou nisi wcoiv lor fci.uso.
A Vilii,itil N)i.iior.
Twenty-three shares of JjlO each,
7 iald in tho (iraphlo and Dally
nowsnaper company, wero sold in
quietly, and tho resident appeared to W cts,, CO ots., nnd fil.cO, Bold by C. h Is equal to a littl over 17 per share
feel hurt. I t-'otting. or a inciniuin, say, of 07U per cent.
J, W. Wegemunn bus ro-oponed his
photopruph gallery sinco tho lire, and is
now getting nut the handsomest cabinot
picturoB at W.00 per dozon. Mr. Wego-
inann does oxcullont work und his busi
ness is increasing rapidly. 12-tC
For snlo or ront A livery and feed
barn. Apply to D. J. Myers, Bed Cloud,
Do You Want I'nstiiru.
It so eeo J. K. Hiiies of Amboy, on tho
old Hall farm. Running water nnd
plonty of shudo, Address Red Cloud
post oillce. NJ-'-Jt
Will make tliu seinon of 10115 at Syl
vester Day's Feed Barn, Rod
Cloud, every day in
tlio wjek.
O.VF.NCIIAQFA is a full h'nod.
registered dopple cr.iy I'rrcliirou Nor
man, No. lli,f)04, weigha kIjoui 1,11(10
pounds, is a lino looking, well built
borne, and is six oars old. Ho has
no superior in horse flesh,
TIK.M) 7 In limirc.
DIClv FKlUllS.Hroom.
A.l.l.rA TninpTTa
For a
an lioncat opinion, write to
Rrnnini iniwer nn an iiuncai "iM,'"",i"'":
IIINNil: en., who Imvo hurt nearly MflTytHir'
iaiiM'i.B. .
ia i
emorlvneu liilha imtent tulne. Coiamanlr-
tloiwMrlctlrtsinriilFiillKl. A lliniillioouorin.
Curium lim eanruiinnii I'nlriilH i onil linw to ob
tain tliem Dent rreo. Also m rHmiiniuu ui kui.
IcbI anil i.ilfiiUI1alHMil.ii im'iiI flee. .,..
1'ali'iiti tiUon lliroiitli Miinn ft Co. recelj
peclil notico in tliu S"r Irnlllli' A.ini'l Irnn. nJ
iIiiib iiro hruuulit wlUoly Lotnra die putillc wltlu
out rout Id Ilia Inventor. Thin reli'iiilld inir.
larceat rlrcnlntion nt nny fcclenttttc work In tuu
wnrlil. Kin year. 1 jiiie.i' imi.'i'JBCih Jrco.
Ilullitlnij'aliijrair. HrBlo
roiilea, 'i.t ceiila Kvery luiiulur eont llns beau.
tllul iilsteii. In colora, anil ilitittrruiin of new
liouaea. Willi iilnna. enatiUliKtiullilora to Mmw tliu
latent iteaicna iiml Kucuru inntriu U. Auilieta