The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 03, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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It strengthens and builds up the enfeebled system, creates
a good appetite and promotes digestion, clears the complexion and
restores the body to perfect health.
Sold by all Druggists at $1.00 per bottle.
The Book of
"The Fair."
Uy II. II. Bancrotl, 'The lilbtorlao."
A work of Ono Thousand Imperial Folio
pages, twelve by sixteen inches,
printed on tho tlnest onamolod
paper, on tho Miolilo press, as ox
hibitcd in Machinery Hall. This
work contains
Twenty-five Parts
Forty Pages Each.
Thero will bo over 2,000 SUPER1J Pic
tures of nil sien up to a full page
A chapter on
Pairs oi the Past
From tho Crsstiil Palnco of 18.2 to tho
Paris Bvponition of 1S30. Tho
Exposition was but for a inomont
wlulo tho book is for nil timo, and
Should be in
Every Home
Sold by subscription only, on easy pay.
tuonts of OK cunts a day. For
further particulars apply to
C Tj cutting,
Dni quint V SinokseUer
& ttL fir Mittf
"Vs . i.. ............... ...............
:ss 'Aitis.
SiiAS. HAi'li
The O. Ii. Miop,
Bed Cloud, - .NuliniNkti.
I give my poriounl attention to my
patron. Firt-olmw xhuving and hair
cutting n specialty.
Tntixorlitl AriMs
lth Avfnuf, - Iti.u Ct.nuii, Nkiiiuhka
FirM-ehi harb'Tri nml llrst ulass work
guaranteed Cih mo a call
ASE & McXlTl',
MoonHukk, - ItEU CLOUD, NEB.
Collections pinmptly attended to, nnd
correspondence Hoheited.
rlt. J.S. BMIBU,
- Over Til) liir'w IMi mil uro More.
"xtrncts ti'ctli without p.iln.
Crown ami limine work u ppfclaHy.
1'orCL'l.llli llil.l). .mil nil Mntl of uolil (llllllCi.
Maki's gold ami riltilivl- pl.ites and combination
All work Kiiaraiiteeil to lm flrst-cl.iss.
W. TUIjLKYS, m. d.
lIonii'oiattilc I'll) hlclnii,
Red Cloud, - .Vcbramui.
Ofllco opposite first National lluuk,
U. H.Kaiiilnl:iK Mitut m.
Cliroulc cIIsimoi'm ire, licit liv mall.
Insurance Agency,
(iuriiun Ci , 1'ri'cpnrt. 111. minium'" Co , l.lvi rpiml, Kimluml,
llonut 1'lrn Insurance Co., nf Omaha, Xttir.
1'lnriiK AKiur.UM'i'Cii, nt I.iiiiiIiiii, l.lik'.
To .M.mclii'ilt'i lire AvtM.iiuoi n. ol r.nuluml.
Ilrltish Ami'iii'.i Assurance) Co. I opinio, Can,
Miilu il lli'siMMi I'miil l.lfo N. Y.
Tim Workman IiiiiIiIiiik ami l.uim Association
ot Lincoln, N'llir.islm
Ollicti over Mizor's Storo,
Rkd Cloud, - Nkiirarka
Ohlelir.trrV I'nrclUli IMamonil llrnnil.
SB iflv llrlrlnul nml Only (piuilnp.
"jSS s&.r. .lasts pill.lili. i.nn. kik
llrutfirl.l f. r fktiki.t.rM An4fialk IH i
m lllrml In It, il an I f.vll niUlllo'
jtioir. rlfl wltli I lut. rllNni 'lake.
Vnu ntlivr. .Aji.if mu.roul .l.bfflfu.
fluman t ttmtiittMt At ITUtigUli. cr -n I4r.
In .timia fr rtl'uUri tr.llinoolal. nl
"IMIiY 1 ll,."inlrr li nlurn
Mall. Sim. Jjr'r
t?hl.i(.ti4 MfuilrulLu.. luilltttiii Niiuur.
$tU tr HI Luc.l Uruciliu. 1'hlUiliki l'r.
G. F. Stapleton,
NakCH u upeelnlty or Ilepalrlng
Bungle nnd Carriage!.
Horfle-Bhoonig and Plow Work prompt
ly attended to, and ttkes
poins shooing
Trotting and Running HorseB,
Ani all work eiMoUd f first
cIbm Smith.
hop South of the Laundry.
4U v KJ
ye a
Fickle appetite, tired feeling, stomach
sickness and weakness can be
promptly remedied by using
Dr. J. H. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial
iP Blood Purifier.
Th New 8 stem Under Which
Townships will ho Operated.
(HOIHt HollNt.fti.)
Atncndmsnt to section 4. In line
four of bootion four, say seven for
Amendment to section fivo, In
line '2 of section 0, instead oi tho
word live insert semii.
After tho word "provided" in Hue
14, section 4, insert tho following:
Provided further, that if any such
city has more than the requisite in
habitants for two districts, then and
in audi event sufficient outlying terri
tory may bo added to such city to
make three districts. The supervisors
in such city districts shall all be elec
ted at large, and the balanco of that
territory outside of such city districts
shall be divided so as to creato seven
districts including such city districK
In section 4, line IH, Ktriku out the
words "a double number," nnd insert
in lieu thereof the word "number."
To section ii, after tho word "two"
at tho end of lino 1), add tho words
"or more."
In line ", section 7, strike out the
word "two in both places when it
precedes the word supervisors and in
sert "four."
In line 5, section S, s'riko out the
word "fivu" and iiisert tho word
After "rcijuiro" in lino 4. section
-: Provided, however, that notice
of hucli meeting shall he posted in
three conspicuous plates at least 10
days before such meeting.
Strike uut all of section 70.
Sec 14. The cout.ty clerk shall at
least twenty dajs belore the second
Tuesday in April, designate somo cen
tral and convenient place in each town
for holding tho lirst town meeting.
Sec. 15. Tho county clerk shall
thereupon make out notices stating
the timo (which shall bo the first
Tuesday in April thereafter) and place
for holding the town UiCcling.
Such notice shall bo poitcd
by tho shotilf in some public
placo in said town at least uT
trcn days bifore holding of the meet
ing. She. 10. Tho first town Hireling
shall be conducted in tho manner us
other town meetings hereinafter pro
vided for.
Sec. 17. Tho corporate namo of
each town shall bo tho town of (name
of town) and all nets dono by tho town
and all actions by or against tho town
shall bo in its corporate name.
Sec. 18. At tho first town meeting
held as provided in section 14 of this
act, tho qualified electors of caoh
town shall olect by ballot from thoir
own number, ono town treasurer, one
constable, ono ovcrseor of toads in
in each road district within tho town
ship, thrco judgis of election, and
two clerks of cleolion, all of whom
shall duly qualify as provided by law
and shall hold thoir offices until their
successors shall bo duly elected and
qualified. The bonds of tho ofiiecrs
mentioned in this section shall bo ap
proved by tho town board.
Sec. 11). Tho town olork, tho town
assessor, and the justice of tho pcaco
shall bo and constituto tho town
board, and shall within twenty ('JO)
days after tho first meeting meet and
approve all official bonds.
Sec. 20. All township offices pro
vided for by appointmont, as provided
for in preceding sections, shall bo
filled at the next general election, held
in Noreaber following suth appoint
mtnt, and thereafter the officers eleot-
The World's Fair Testa
'akow0 mm bsklog powder
mo pan r great la hr
talag power ma the RoymL
d "hull qualify and aosunie their re
spective i fiicoa as provided by law in
respect to thono offices.
Sec. 21 Kvi-ry town shall havo
corporate capacity to exercise the
powers granted thereto, or necessarily
implied, and no others. It ahull have
power: First to suo and bo surd.
Second to acquire, by purchase, gift,
or to devifp. nnd to hold property,
both real and personal, for the uc of
its inhabitants, and again to soil and
contoy ilia samo. Third to make all
such contrmts ns may bo necessary in
the fxcrciso of the powers of the
Sec. 22. Tho electors presrnt at
the annual town mcoling shall have
power: First to malo all orders for
sale, conveyance, regulation or use of
tho corporate properly of alio town
that may bo doomed conducive to tho
interests f tho inhabitant!. Second
to take all necessary measures and
give directions for tho excrciso of
their corporate powers. Third to
provide for tho institution, defonso or
disposition of suits at law or in equity
in which tho town is interested,
Fourth, to take such action as shall
induco tho planting and cultivation of
trees along the highways in suoh
towns, and to protect and preserve
trees standing along or on highways.
Fifth to construct and Keep in repair
publio wells and to regulate tho use
thereof, Sixth to prevent tho ex
posure or deposit of offensive or injur
ious substances within the limits of
the town. Seventh to make suoh by
laws, rules and regulations as miy be
ilcemcd necessary to carry into effect
the powers herein granted, and to im
pose such fines and penalties, not ex
ceeding f20,000 for one offense, as
shall be deemed proper, except when
a fine or penally is already allowed b)
law, such fine or penalty to be im
posed by any justice of tho peace ol
the town w litre tho offense is commit
ted. Kiglith to direct tho raising
the monc by taxation for tho follow
ing purpose: 1st. For constructing
or repairing roads and budges within
the town to the extent allowed by law.
2nd. For prosecution or defence ol
mils by or againt tho town
or in which it is interested.
.'M. For any other purpose required
by law. 4th. For tho purpose ol
ijiKiuing or lopniring bridges over
streams dividing .saul town from any
other town. nth. For the support of
the poor within tho town; Provided,
that when the county hoard of any
county shall havo established a poor
houfo under a in statute law ol this
state, the support of tho poor shall bo
provided for by tho county board, and
no taxes for thai purpose shall be
voted by the electors at town meetings
except sufficient to provide temporary
relief. Oth. For tho compensation
of town officers at tho rato allowed b
law, and when no rato is fixed for such
amount as tho electors may direct,
Ninth to guard against tho destruc
tion of property in said town by
prairie fire. Tenth to restrain, regu
late, or prohibit tho running at large
of cattle, horses, mules, asses, swiuo,
sheep and goats, and determine when
such animals may go at largo, if nt all;
Provided, that all votes thereupon
shall bo by ballot. Elovonth to
authorizo tho distraining, impounding
and salo of cattle, horses, mules, asses,
sheep goats and swine for penalties
incurred and costs of proceedings;
Provided, that tho owner of such ani
mals shall have tho right to redeem
tho same from tho purchaser thereof
at any timo within ono month from
tho day of sale, by paying thonmaunt
of tho purchaser's bid, with roanon
ablo cost for their keeping, and inter
est at the rate of seven per ocnt por
Sec. 23. In oaso any town in any
county whoroin township organization
has boon or may bo adopted shall ref uso
or ncglcot to organizo and elect town
officers at tho timo fixed by law, it
shall bo tho duty of tho board of sup
ervisors of tho county, upon tho affi
davit of any freeholder, resident of
said town, filed in tho oflico of tho
county clerk, setting forth tho faots,
to proceed at any regular or special
meeting oi mo ooaru anu appoint
necessary town officers for suoh town,
and tho persons so appointed shall
hold their respective offices until oth
ers aro chosen or appointed in their
places, and shall havo tho samo power
and bs subject to tho samo duties and
penalties as if they had been duly
chosen by the vleottrs of the towi.
Sec. 24. Whenever it shall be
made to appear to the board of super-
vissrs that tho tewn ofnorra appointrd
by them or by any preceding bourd,
as provided in ttio foregoing oeetion,
havo failed to qualify an required by
law, so that such (own cannot btenmo
organiied, tin board f supervisors
may annex sueh town to am adjoining
tawn, and the samo town so annexed
shall thereafter form and constitute a
part ef such adjoining tnwa,
Sec 2f, Tim oifzena of tho sev
eral towns of tke slate, qualified by
the constitution to voto at general
election, shall assemble and hold an
nual town mertinss at their respective
towns on the first Tticsda) in April,
at such place in such town as the elec
tors thereof nt thoir annual town
meetings shall from lima to time ap
point, And notices of the time and
plaoo of holding such meeting, after
tho first meeting, shall bo given by
tho town clerk by posting up written
or printed notices in three of the
most public plaecs in said town, at
least ten days prior to sad meeting,
to nr continued
(All lntarrnttd in this law shulil cut It sut and
naval!. It lll take about fSMrlsuss U csa
plots It.)
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
Homeseekerfl oxcuraion rates on April
23d , ono lowest llrst class standard taro
plus 12.00 for tho round trip. Miui
mum ratea hIiiiII bo 17.00 to all points in
Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, South Da
ktttu, Wyoming ami Utah. Ttcknto lim
ited to continuous passage In ouch di
rection, (Joint" pnssngo to begin on date
ot Pale, tlnnl return limit twenty i1iib
from duto ofalo. A. Conovku.
When rtnliy mm sick, wo trnvn her Castorla,
Wlirn slio ilh a Clillil, ilio crliil for Costorla.
When si hi Ihtuiiiu MI-w, hhn clntu; to CiiMorta.
Whca bUo had ChlMrvu, hlio gu e Uivin CuMorln.
Com planting is the order of tho
Oats and other crops nro needing
Will Orr made a trip to Hastings
this week.
Prof Drc-bach of Guide Hock at
tended church at l'cklcy limt Sunday.
Mr. Ilaydcn Irom near Guide Hock
was visitiim at Mr. Anderson's Sun
day. Ueeso Thompson Ins put about .'10
of horhes in the pasture on the .lohn
Thompson place.
Dave Kishcl and Mary Crozier spent
last Sunday at Mr. Hcndrix's at
l'raino Gem.
Miss Klla Van Wort of Guido Rock
attended churoh at Koklcy last Sun
day in company with Itev. Soymour
and wife.
Mr. Tiirmans from Guido Hock
were visiting at Mr. Ogilvie's InF-t
Tho young people gathered nt Will
Crozier's ono night last week nnd nto
ioo cream and had a good timo gener
ally. Mr". II. K. Atkinson of Mcrna,
Custer county, is visiting her mother
Mrs. .Julia Wells and other relatives.
Chronic Nervousness
Could Not Sleep, Nervous
Gentlemen: I havo been taking
your Restorative Ncrvlno for lliupasd
three months and I cannot say
enough in Its It has
Saved fly Life,
for I had almost given up hope of
ever being well again. I was a
clironlohtiirerer from nervousness nnd
could not bleep. I was also troubled
with nervous headache, ami had tried
doctors in vain, until I used your
Nervine. Yours truly,
Mlfe. M. WOOD, ltlngwood, 111.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles' Nsrvlnn b sold on a nosltlv
BuarlntM that, thn Int Imtllit will luinnflt.
II aruiguu Mil Haiti, 0 DOltlM lot SO. Of
on racfipt oi prita
HKAr)AOnEeurelfnintnutsry Dr.Mllsa
VAiiiViUM. "Onoccntadcse." At druggists.
' " ' i i ii a rPiJ
niul nil women who nro nursing ImbioH, tlorivo almost incon
ceivable lioncfilH from tho nourishing properties of
Scotfs Emulsion
-mHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw m----
This is tho most nourishing food known to science. It en
riclioa tho mother's milk and givoH lior strength. It also
makes babies fat nnd gives inoro nourishment to growing
children than nil tho rout of tho food they ont.
Scott's Emulsion has boon proscribed by physicians for
hvtnty years for Rickots, Marasmus, Wasting Diseases of Children,
Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, Emaciation and Consumption.
Sen J or famfhlet en Salt's Kmultitn. A7iA'.
oott A owno, N. Y. All Druggists). BO cents and SI.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
I'llOr-ltlKTORH OK
Orders Ordromptly flllod.
Utile Money
ft ii 11 Wli Ii,
a twentv piigo journal, 1h the Iciulint; litiiHicftu fiiiinlj piiici of (ho Uuitec
States. It inn NATIONAL FAMILY PAI'Ci;, mid giwiiuli HmKi'iieial now Hot
tho United States It k1m-h the om'IiIh of foiripi li'inlt. in a nnthlu'll. lis "ACS
KICUL'IUKAL" department him ro Hiipoiioi in tin- eoiiiitrj Hk "MAUKKT
UKl'OKTS" iiio N'l'iigtuyud nuthnrity. Sepnii In di iniitineiitH foi "TIII2 FAMI
Its"ll()ML nud SOUIl'.TY" eoliiinim t'oiiiinimil tlm tit i mil nt ion of mch and
daugliters. Its general political news, editorials and diseiiHsioMH mo fnmprohon
Hive, briliimit mid exhaustive.
A SIM'.Cl A L CONTRACT eiiahleH im to oiler this uplemlid jourual mul TUB
C1I1F.F for
(Tho ngular suepcription for the two papers ia ?'2 00.)
H-AddrcRH all orders to TUB CIIH:F, Red t'loiitl. NebniHlia.
Writ" jour muni) mid uddi-4'Hs on u initial viiril, ( -il it li 4di.
Itt'Kl, Itooiii U, Trlhiinc liniltllUK, ,fv Yor.i, nml xiiniplo
copy ' 'rat: m:v voitii u'j:i:jiLV tui2sij i: uiii iu
iniillcd lo joii. u
The City Bakery
Havo eonntantly an hand thv
largest variety ol
Cokes, Bread,
l. I'llt:
Tho hif,'litRt grade of material nerd, of
the tlnept quality, and pupsriar psrfrc
tion af workaianship. Ituy your foods
cf a auccsBstul lioiiue.
Joseph Hcrburgiir, ropriclor.
In their subscription or renewal for The Chief
will get it free.
C'oniprlhliiK till ViirLillcH of
Two KlmU Crab Apple., IMms nnd Hut'l ItEnple hliiiilc True.
TIicnu Ii'ccn lira 1'roiu three l I'nur years old anil aro UrM-elan
Irci'N. You fan yet jour flio'co i'or 5 vciiIn pur free, 'E'crniseaili,
Tlivy iiiiiNt bo sold,
E. B. SMITH, Red Cloud.
Your pntronturo BOlloltod
ri;r """
Wkkki.y jNks
Of tlu World
I'or aTrlllu.
and Restaurant
Pies ml Bis