TBJ ;' -v .-, vki WT-rfi9-tV' ft THE KJSD CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1895. 8 SDR.KILMEP'5 K5 o THREAT KDNEUIVERa2 Wfl Fain in I he IBack Joints or hip", "cillincnt In initio llltobrlek-dust IreU-'t calls or letcnt Ion, rheumatism. Kidney Complaint Dlutictcs, drop")', scanty or high colored urlnu. Urinary Troubles tinging Foieuitlonaw hen voltllmc, distress pros auro lit the part., urut In til Irrltutloti, stricture. Disordered Liver Bloat or dark circles under tho eyes, tonguo contcil, constipation, yellowish eyeballs. AtDriiusUtH, u()'niitannd $1.00 alio. "Innllilf' Outdo In lliAllh" frvp-CunnlUUon (re. Un. KlI.MUIt &l CO., IIINOIIAMTON, N. V. A Tcxiin HmiK. 0 inniii'v, O money, thy praliei I Mne, Thou in t my rounder, my Kod. nud my king! Tls Inr thee I prtiich. 'IM for thee I pray, Ami iniiku cwllectiniitwlcecry IjrU'iiuny. 1 have cHiidlcs mid nil sorts of dresses to buy, Fur I wlili nu to know lh:tt 1 think my rlmrrli high -I don't mean of structure, of steeple, or wall, Hut en hlcli Hint tha herd doesn't roach It nt nil, I Imvo poor In my district who need some re- I preach to their poverty, I par for their Brief. 1 xend tnr box round to tliuin murniiiK and iilttht. And I hope they'll rciiioniticr the poor wid ow's mile. I Rather my kntmludiro from wisdom's rctt I fee. And tho whole or my trinity In pounds and l's; roiimls, shillings und pence are nil that I era vo From iiiv lli.it step on earth to thu edge of my Riiive. Mv p.iv may hit hundteilsor thousands u) car; Double It. treble It, Mill I Hill licit' With mv box, or my bin;, cnllostltiR your Inass, I'll not do like .lesus dld-rldo on an tits. I'll hao cat rl,iKfs,hnrrs, servants and nil; I'll nut take n a foot, like I'eter nud I '.ml; I'll not (In likc.lnlui, llwiini Incust and honey, Ho out with our pluses and down with your imi'iey. Money Is my creed and I won't pray without It. And Hie hc.icnsuro closed against nil who doubt it, 1'or this is the essence of the present religion, Coitio to chin eh leKiilnr and bd plucked llku a pigeon. Fools sometimes ask wiiat I do wlln my monr Thei might as w.'ll ask wh.it tires do with hone) -I annuel them all with n wink and n mm, Thieit-ihliiis to mysell and the r.uii.iluder to tied. And when I am dead and burled to Hcst, riaen ii box on my gue-'tls my latest lo- ipiusl Tk.u trUiidsiiro all know, who eoiuu for le lleclloii. That I can't rent In peace without a collection. Horofiiln, null rheum, and r.!l diseases of iho lilooil, dyspepsia, headache, kiiluoy nud liver complaints, and u.itnrrh, are nred by Hood's Sursapnrllla thu great blood purifier. Hood's 1'ills euro juutidice, biliousness, tick headache, constipation nud nil liver ills. Mill Open. Editok Ciiiki: It hiiH boon reported that my hotel was closed. Ah such is not trim I wish to itifonn my customers tb rough your columns that 1 urn huro to ttay. Neither do 1 have to borrow money to run it. I think it tjiiito likely the Hunks house will bo rnniiiii fur hov irnl joars yet. Very Kosp'y, II. Hanks, Proprietor Hunks HonBO, liivorton, Nob. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., Hnti Dit'io. Va. says; ".Shiloh's Catarrh Iteuiedy is tho IUhi medicine I linvu ever found that would do ma any good." Trice JiOo. l'or talo by C. L. Cutting. Tho list of letters remaining at tho pent olllco uncalled for up to April 'JHtli., U'.r, Andrews W. L. Woods J. C. Tho above lottors will bo wont to tho doatl letter olllco May ., I8IC1. It not called fur. Fisaxk Cowdkn, Postmaster "Half a span of angry steel" will pro duce no more fatal results than a uegleot-. ed cold or conuh. For all throat nnd long diseises, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best remedy. It is invaluable in ease of croup, whooping cough, bron chitis, and a grippe. The aneient HgyptiatiB used wooden rollers to move their hugh stouo blocks. Karl's Clover Hoot will purify your blood u!"3- your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your skin lear a ubeii. i.T.0., .'.iic.,nml?l.uO Sold by C j Cot ting. A small dubt produces a debtor, a largo one, au enemy. Those who never read the advertise aonts In their uuwspnpur miss more than they presume. Jonathan Kenison, of Ulnu, Worth Co,, Iown, who hnd beon troubled with rheumatism in his bnck, arms nud shoulders, rend an item hi his paper about how a prominent Germnn citizens of Vt' Madison has been cured, II a proenred the samo mwdicliiu, nud to oso his own words: "It cured mo right p." lie also says: A neighbor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheuma tism. Their boy was over to my house and said they wore so bad thnt ho had to do the cookiug. I told him of Chamber lain's l'aln Dalin nud how it had cured me, he procured a bottle of it and it cured them np in a week, 0 cent bottlos for sale by Deyo & Orlce, Lack of phjeical exercise haa a UndenJ cy to juako school children short sighted, rv Ohllimry. Died, April 2, 1895, nfterafihnrt UIucbb Willie, only Ron of A. H. ami Mary Spraeher, aged 13 years. His whole life having been spent in tliis vtuinii) anil was known of many and beloved b all. When at tho ago of twolvo years he Imubiiio converted in tho M. 13. church ut I'ukloy, uniting with tho sumo. Hi character was above reproach, at homo as an obedient son and loving brother over thought fill and mindful in tho in torcflts of homo and welfare of those around him. At school ho was diligent and energetic and always found at tho head of his class. Ho was a general fa vorite among hispchoolmates and looked upon by all as having the promise of a bright future career. Ho was a regular attendant at Sunday school and an attentive scholar. Ho was iiIpo an activo niombor of Kckloy Kpwerth League Ho loavoa many friends to mourn his lose, and tho family relatives linvo tho slncoro Byrapathy of tho entlro community. Alei p In .Irmis, blessod lep, From which liono ever w.iko to wcop; A culm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the lust of foe. Fnre.M-11, for tho present, farewell, Thu Ioiik looked for Rliry In near, The Jos f that morn who ran tell. When Jesus our Lord shall nppinr. RcsoIiiIIoiih or lleupcct. Resolutions of tho Fickloy Epworth Lcaguo on tho death of Willie Sprachor. WitKitKAH, Doath for tho llrst time sinco tho organization of our Kpworth Lcaguo has enterod among us in tho re moval of Willio Sprachor our doarly bo loved brother, who wns always roady to do his part, conscientious in all things, thoroforo bo it, Resolved, That wo miss him socially for his kind and loving manner won the tho hearts of all with whom he associat ed, and Resolved, that in tho sudden removal in hiB early youth of ono who gave bright promise of a life of usefulness, we are admonished of tho uncertainty of life and of tho groat need on our part of oven tho youngest to propuro for doath and eternity. Resolved, That wo fiPoingthofihortnoHH of time and tho cortainty of doath, ro double our onermed in tho cauHo of the muster, knowing that night soon comoth when ir man can work. Resolved, Thi't wo Undor our heart felt sympathy to tho sorely bereaved parents and sisters and other relatives of our dear young friends, praying that the "(joil of Consolation" may speak peace to their hearts in this their hour of darkness nnd sorrow, comforting them with the hopo of reunion with their loved one in that land where there shall be no parting and where sorrow and sadness lleo away, Resolved, That this bo printed in the county papers, and a copy sent to the family. Mrnii: unit, I JAMI-.H H. UlSF.r.NlIAUllI Colli. Una Vanim:, ) Ciiiiirnutoctl -'ur!. We niitlinri.u our ndvertised druggist to cell Dr. King's Now Diocovury for con- sumption, coughs nud colds upon this condition, If you are ulTlicted with a cough cold or ntiy lung throat or chcid trouble nud will use this remedy as dir ected giving it n fair trial nnd experience no lieuullt, on may return the bottle nnd Imvo tho motiey Jefuuded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Or. King's New Discovery could bo relied on. It never disappoints. Trirl bottles free at C. b. Cutting's drugstore. Regular s!zu.rOonud $100. Ohliunry. Elizabeth Miller was born in St. Jos eph county, Indiana, duly 'Si, ISM, and died at Cowles, Nebraska, April III, lS'.Ki, aged sixty jears, eight months and sov onteon du)s. Hho wiih united in mar riage to .lames A. Huckels September li'J. IS.'iII. She leaves her husband aud three children to mourn hor loss. Over the liver she beckons to me, t.r hived one whoeinseil to the farthei tide. The ulc.uu of hi'i'Miimy robes I see hut hei Milee Is Inst In the tl.isldui; tide. SliofiiiMseil in thu iiiniuliig bright, wo av not (lie ancels wliii met her there, TtiDKHtes nt ilmelty we eiiuld imt nee, over the I her in unit her is uniting tonne. We hear tlie dip nf the golden o.irs und catch agle.iuutf tnnstumy sail. And lew they hae p.issed tram our y varolii,: heal l. We onlj know that their b:u k no more nriy s.ill with us o'er life's stoi my st-a. Yet Koiuewhi'ie I knew she Is watching and walling for me. n. u. "Don't Tobacco Spll or Smoke Your Life Away." Tho truthful, startling title of a book about No to-bac, tho only harmless, guar anteed tobttcco-habit cure. If you want to quit and can't, uso "No-to-bau." Unices up nicotinized nurves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive euro or money refunded. Sold by C. L. Cutting. Hook at druggists, or mnilod free. Address Tho Sterling lloniedy Co., Chicago olllce, 15 Handolph St', Now York, 10 Spruce St. Market lienor!. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat Corn ., Oats... Kyo... i4x.. liogH,, t ro W) 35 CO 1 23 t :i no i oo - oo: oo ;i oo 10 7 90 Ib ii lb 7 Stock hogs.... i" at cowb lluttor .. Kkkb.... l'utatoea, Chickens Turkeys Uuiled Hay por tonlO Hurl's clover root, tho groat blood puri tier gives freshness nnd clearness to the complexion nnd cares oonstipntion, L'fi eta,, r.Oots., 91.00. Hold by 0. L, Cotting. Pitcher's Cattorla. ChlldrnCryfor WANTS THE ISLAND. BRITAIN AND THE NICARAGUA CANAL. tlie, tension of Corn Island by Nlen raRun Would lle Knglund the Com maud or tho t'nnnt I.lttio Itopubllo Looks for No iv Allies. Mnnngun, N'Ipiuiikuh, April 21. The firltlsli Koverntnent lias ugnln mndo proposals, It lias leaked out, for uctiulr Ing Corn Island, near thu eaatern ter minus of the proposed ship oiuml. It Is believed Nicaragua'! new minister of foreign affairs, Malus, favors this eehome. IJut It Is feared such a step would bring on thu long-threatened involution and might provoke n protest from the United States government. It has ulso lici'ti suggested tccuntly that the money Indemnity demanded by KnlanU bu raised by learln Corn Island either to the United Status cov ernment or to an American syndicate which has already bosun negotiations for the Island. Cnblo dlnpatohvs from London mention rumors that Great Britain will refuse to nccept Nicara gua's proposition to submit nit the dis putes between the two countries to arbitration. Dut these reports can not bn. verified here. Tho government claims to have no Information upon the subjeot. Administration ofllclals assert a peaceful settlement of the difficulty will be made soon. Knglund, accord- Injr to rumor, has nssured the United Htutqs no action will be taken by her that Will affect the interests of Ameri can citizens here or of other foreign residents, und thnt she wilt only de clare passive blockade ugaliut this country. ''$ VTE WILL NOT UKLI'. Cnlteil States flovernment Can Not Sup port Nicaragua. San Joie, Costa Hlca, April 24. Un oondremed rumors are circulating here that tho American government has no tified Nlcaiaguii's government that it can get no help from the United States, and that It has committed a wrong act In expelling Consular Agent Hutch. Nicaragua must mnke the best nettle tnent It can with England, for even If Hatch has done till hu Is charged with, Nicaragua should have preferred a com plaint formally against him to his gov ernment. In such a ease the KngHsh government would either linvo with drawn Hntch from Dluerlelds or have punished him. Hut In no case had Nic aragua tho right to expel him or any othur consular agent. These reports orlglnato In telegrams received here by leading ofllclals from Washington. For eign residents say England would never bombard Oreytuwn, us most of this In terests there are foreign. I.lttio Iiepublla Seeldng NrT Allies. Colon, Colombia. April 21. Nleuragua Is seeking allies. It Is understood here. She Is preparing In eery other possi ble way, It Is said, to resist Ureal llrlt nln's demands, contained In the recent ultimatum, for punitive damages for the banishing of r.iltlsli subjects from the Mosquito coast and for damages to the property of those and othur sub jects. Incited to Knwilt. Port Llmon, Costa. Hlca. April t1. Illuetlolds advices report that tho in dlnns In Mosquito are being Incited to rise against Nicaragua, being promised nld from .Jamaica, if they will agree to reinstate Chief Clarence. Vcneiuvla Kettles with Italy. Caracas. April 21. Venezuela IllS agreed to pay $100,000 to Italy for the loss sustained and damage done tp Italian property duilng the lale clviJ war In Veneaueln. DANDITS SHOT TO DEATH. Velli lino Mnrlmvo.s and Mnurti'ln Itlvolo, Kieeutcil In Military Stylr. Guadlajara, Mexico, April 21. Tho execution of the famous bandits Fell clauo Marlavos and Maurlclo Rivera arly yesterday morning attracted wtdo attention. Hopo of reprieve by Presi dent Ola, was held by the lawyers and friends of the condemned until tho night before the execution, when, tho time of limitation having expired, the prlsoivrs were told to prepare for death nt sunrise. At G o'clock Sub-Lieut. Jose Llencart arrived with an escort of twenty gendurmes from the state forces and two minutes later tiled out with tho pilsoners, who affectionately embraced their spiritual comforters. On the taking leavo of the priests tho two bandits were placed in n kneeling posture on the north side of the prison nnd at the word of command were pierced with bullets from the double file of police, who tired In unison. The two men dropped lifeless, each falling toward the other, after which finishing shots were given in the chest and bialrt of the already dead men. Marlavos nnd Hlvera were among the most des perate outlaws and bandits who ever operated In the west coast country. WARSHIPS AT NICARAO.UA. Itrlllnh Vessel llnter C'orlnlo Harbor (Internment In a Qiiiimbiry. New York, Aiull 21. The Herald cor respondent In Coilnto, Nicaragua, wires that the llrltlsh licet entered that port yesterday. It consisted of the llnyal Aithur, the Wild Swan nnd the Satel lite. The fact that the ships loft Pana ma under sealed orders caused much speculation about tlulr destination. The government hns taken no steps nor ar rlvod ut any detllntu plan of action In case of blockade or bombardment. Americans having Interest hero say It Is time the Hutted States stepped In to keep the ports open to American ves sels. Trawluri Mako a Gbaitlr Catrlu Lowestoft, Eng., April 21. A trawiet brought to this placu several nrtlclea taken from the body of a woman which rns brought np from the deep In the trawler's net. They proved to belong to Miss Kmma Schlegel, tho sister of Eugene Schlegel, one of the surviving passongors of the North German Lloyd leamshlp Elbo, Mr. Schlegel is a torn Our of the Junior partner of tho Arm of Dhlen St Hchlegsl, dealers in paints and oils, of No. 5 North William street. Hew York, and was on a pleasure trip U Maw Tor when tfca aeoUUnt oc turret The body of aftt tehleawl was 1 racedinltted to the sea. ENLISTS 1,000 PAPERS. Crunadn Agalnat Free Sitter Started In New York. New York, April 21. An lmportnnt erusado against the free coinage of sil ver will bo Inaugurated In tho metropo lis this week. It will cover every sec tion of the country, and It will not only aim to give an expose of the fallacies of the advocates of free silver, but will also advance the ethics of sound money. This movement, while It will bo separate from tho Memphis convention, will have tho same aim, and Its pur poses will be to educate the public for the money questions that are bound to figure In tho presidential election next year. A series of editorial articles will appenr regularly In at least u thousand newspnpers all over tho country beginning this welt attacking the free silver advocates. The latter have become decidedly ag gressive In the west, particularly In Illi nois nnd Michigan, so that tho mono tnetalllBtB of the metropolis believe that a destructive rather than u constructive campaign should be waged nt once. Tho head and center of the metropolitan movement Is the Reform club of New York, which numbers among Its mem bers nearly a thousand of the most rep resentative men of the metropolis nnd twice as many more who are scattered all over the union. Tho club hns been working quietly for aomo months past, but now that all Indications point to a presidential campaign next year In which the leading Issue will be the free coinage of silver they feel that an ag gressive crusade Is necessary. TROUBLE AMONQ MINERS. Convention at Pltttburg Decide! to Hold Oat for CO-Cnt lute. Pittsburg, Pa., April 23. The miners' Convention adjourned yesterday after being In session all day. It wns expect ed that the operators would agree to a conference, but In this the miners were disappointed. Tho attondanco was much larger than Saturday, and the river mines, which have been working at the CD-cent rate, were well represented. All the delegates from up the river brought with them consider able money, which was divided among the Idle strikers. A resolution to hold out for the 69-ocnt rate was Introduced and according to the press committee was carried unanimously. The con vention then adjourned. It was sug gested to one of the delegates that the action of the convention was possibly a mistake, when the delegate replied: "We waited all day for n conferenco with the operators and they thought they would Ignore us. We will now give them a chance to make good their bluff of starting their mines ut the CO cent rate. There are more men work ing at the CD-cent rate than Is general ly supposed, Wo might Just as well starve In Idleness as In working." Henry Kloorshelm says he will begin operating the Nottingham mine, on tho Wheeling division of the Hultlmore & Ohio, this morning, and hns sixty men ready to go to work. As the situation now stands there probably will bo trouble throughout the district and plenty of work for deputy bherlffs. SPAIN WILL PROTEST. Cuban Itobels too Aftlio In the United blnteH to Suit Her. Madrid, April 21. At a conference be tween the pi t-mler, Seller C.inovas Del Castillo, nnd the minister of the colon ies, Sfiior Caslellnno, the reception ac corded Sunday last In New York lo Carlos M. de Cespedes. son of the llrst president of the Cuban provisional le publle, who arrived there on the steam er La Champagne from Havre, was dis cussed nnd It was decided to call tho attention of the United States, as a friendly nation to the woik of the scp aiatUtu within the United States. Jacksonville, Kin., April 23. Mankel do Martel, who was connected with tho Lugondn when the yacht was seized at Fcniamlliiu by United States authori ties and found to be loaded with arms for Cuba, has been In Jacksonville a week, hiding at the home of Mr. ltau, piesldent of the new Cuban club. A moM!incnt Is on foot under Mnrtel's guidance to send a filibustering expedi tion from some point in Florida. It Ib said that arms have already arrived hecretly at Kcruandlnsi and that Martel Is going to New Yolk to proeuie a ship. Martel asserts that the Insurgent cause is gaining strength every day. He said the press report of Maceo's suicide wua a mistake. Missouri I.eglslntiiro Convenes. Jefferson City, Mo April 21. The (eglslaturo convened In extraordinary esslon at noon In response to tho proclamation Issued a few weeks ago by Governor Stone, In which he exoo rlnted the lobby and declared thut the llmu had come when It should be defi nitely determined whether the people or tho lobby should rule In Missouri, THE MARKETS. CHICAGO. Cattle Common to prlme.$l,73 G6.G0 Hogs Spring grndos 3.25 5.30 Sheep Kulr to chulco.... 2.75 W&.00 Wheat No. 2 red 65VbU Mft Corn No. 2 41 (p .45 Oats 28ViU .23 Itye No. 2 55 Uuttcr Choice croamery.. 7 0 .20 Kggs 11 Vj Potatoes Per bu 63 G .73 HUFFALO. Wheat-No. 2 C2HO .C2& Corn No. 2 yellow DO Q .61 Dats-N'o. 1 white 34 if .35 PUOIUA. Itye No. 2 CI Corn No. 3 whtto 44 Oats No. 2 white 30 ST. LOUIS. battle 2.00 Hogs 4.70 Wheat No. 2 rod 67 .G4H 0 .45 0 .31 06.25 5.20 0 .D8 Corn No, 2 Oats No. 2 MILWAUKEE, Wheat No, 2 spring .42H0 i .29 .30 .CO 0 .COH .43 0 .44 .29 0 ,30 02V4 .SOU Corn .no. 3 Dats No. 2 white. .. a a t Barley No. Hyc No, 1 , KANSAS CITY. Cattle 1.40 0 6.40 Hogs 4.70 0S.OS Iheep 3.25 08.00 NEW YORK. rVheat No. 2 red 61HO .Hi pom No. S 61 Q .61H Pals S3K0 Butter MM TOLEDO, ffkaat wo. , f ssj ,; Bar Vfr. I BlM -. M Mts Na. t nkte tlVt for Infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You Know ti,t . Ilatcman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine f Do Yon, Know that opium and morphine, ore Btuixifylng narcotic iolsons f Do Yon Know that In most countries druggists arc not jicrmlttcd to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons t Do Yon Know that you should not permit any mcdlclno to bo given your child unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed t Do Yon Know that Castoria Is a purely TcgcUblo preparation, and that a list of Its Ingredients Is published with crery bottle r Do Yon Know that Castoria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Titcber. That It has been In uso for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is cow sold than of all other remedies for children combined f Do Yon Know that the Tatcnt Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, hsvo Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to uto tho word " Castoria" and Its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison ofTenfo t Do Yon Know that ono of tho reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to bo absolutely barmleasT Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria aro furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a doso t Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may havo unbroken rest t Well, tbeae things are worth knowing. They are facts. The fae-ajjnile abjrnatnre of ayff&o& Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Grecllnu lo My Old Put runs and Frk'iiilN, Having accepted tho farm aency for tho OKI Continental Insurance Co., in Wobfitor and adjoining- counties, am pro parod to furnish liberal ami reliable in surance, on thu most favorable tortus, 10-!5m J. II. Smith, Agent. -! ! I am now ready to do all kinds or dress malting. Prices reasonable. Three blocks west of Miner's store Mrs. V. P. lladloy. t f Don't forgot that 1 am prepared to cany passoiiKors to all parts of tho city. Leavo orders at tho Holland Iloubo. Li.ovn CiiAint.i.. I'll AS. .M'ltAl'IMT. limtii'Uiu'u .tucitcy. Represents tho following compnuies. See card in this paper. Farm property, elevators, and all kinds of mercantile Ilislts, insured in reliable companies at lowest rates. For rates an terms write or call ami see me. Olllco fiver Mizur'ri grocery store, Ued Cloud, Neb. M:cl Corn. Choico, sorted, yellow seed Corn for sale by A. L. Hildroth, Cowles, Xol.; or, O. C. Tcol, lied Cloud. I-Vcd Xolit'u. Uorearter William lfiuhiirdson will feed all teams at the ratu of. 10 cents for liny. Barn oast of Holland Hoiibu. Oats'. Oaf-!! Go to Koby's for outs, ho has all you want. Tukt; Wiiriilnu. Wo call your attention aud convince you of the fact that joti get only l'J ozh in a loaf of bread by not getting your bread of mo. Vou will et one pound, It! ozs in every loaf at the City liakury . Jos. 1 1 1 . u i ii-1: 1 1 1 ; u . II. 11. Fulton, lire and lightning: insur ance, Western Whito Hronze, monti nionts and ccmotery i;oods. Seed oats and choico upland prairie hay. Olllco with Traders Lumber Co. J. V. Wegeuiann has re-opened his photopruph Kullery since the lire, anil is now netting out tho handsomest cabinet pictures at f.'l.OO per dozen. Mr. Weo maun does excellent work and his busi ness is increasing rapidly. 12-tt - For salo or ront A livery and feed barn. Apply to I J. J. Myers, Ued Cloud, I You Want I'liilurc. If so seo J. 13, Hines of Amboy, on tho old Dull farm. Ku lining water and plonty of Bhutto, Address lied Cloud post olllce. . 10 'Jt M mmmwMmmwsM Sfirofula m Miss Delia Stevens, of Uoston, Mass.. !Wril n. imvu Binujo m..v.v. ,wiu hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried imrimw rmnnilles. and mnnv rcllnblo 'physicians, butnono relieved mo. After! rtttiKinco Dumcaui ?g lam now woll. I um very grateiui (to you, as I feel mni iv saveu rno from a life of untold asenv. and shall -gltako pleasuro 1c speakinR only words 53(of nralBO for tho wonderful medicine, SJjand in rccommenaing i; to au. 6ur6(l 3Treatlia autlMlin matted RSWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, QA. la on ewery wrapper. Siitulay Scliool Cwnvt-ntloii. The Webster county Sunday school convention was held in Cowles April lrl and 11), it was not as well attended as in lS'JJ, but was pleasant nnd prof itable to thoc Sunday school worker who were pre.sint. The following sub jeets were, ably discussed, viz: "Object of Sunday school convention." "Model superintendent." "'Authority for Suns day schools." "Mumc, its character and quantity-" "Who might lobe in the Sunday school and how to get them there." The following ollicers were elected for the ensuing ycat: President, L.JT'. Albright, lied Ciuud, icb. Vice presi dent. Mrs Truman, Ued Cloud. Nebras ka. Secretary. Mrs. Fawcet. Cowles Nob, Treasutcr, .Mrs Cloud, Neb. HrnkcueUl-.d coM.Mirrr.K ox pumiitAM. V. II. Fiiln.ii. lied Cloud, Neb Miss Chloe I'uller, (nwles, Neb. MrsC. C Cox, Amboy, Nub. , , Mrs. Ida ll.ijes (itiido Hock. Neb. W. A. Ungate. Prairie Gem. Neb. KXKCLTIVi: rOKJUTTKK. J. S. White Keil Cloud, Neb. 0. A. Ilaiiis, Cowles, Neb. 1. Frisbie, Amboy, Neb Miss Savage, Cowles. Neb. It. B, Fulton, Hed Clntid, Neb. Mits. Wi.vnutri. Secretary. f Shilnh's cure, the great Cough nnd Croupe cure i- in ureal demand. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses only 25c- Children love it. Sold by C. L. Cotting. Irvcoralioii Day. In ncconlanci! with the call of Com mander Pond, tho Decoration Dny com mittcu met in Ii in oH'icq last Monday afternoon. The intorest in the occasion was manifested by a good attendance. O, C Bell was chairman. At this meet' ing it was decided that llov, Mnsficld of this city should bo invited to preaoh the memorial sermon on Sunday pro cccdmg Decoration Day at tho opera house, and 13 ,T. O'Ncil of Pawcco City will bo the speaker of thoday on Thurs day the JiOth, which service will also be hold at the opera house. V L. P. Albright will Intro chargo of tho music which insures its success. It, 1$. Fulton was appointed committee- on' decorating graves. Tho ladies ortho W. H. C. wrro appointed committee on flowers with Messrs. Bell, Kiser and Knight as assistants. It. B. Fulton was soleotcd asjmnrslial of tho day with power to select tmoh aids as lie chose. v Both tho S, of V. and jurcnile bands of this city will bo invited to particii pato in the exorcises. All churches, all sociotics nnd all cit izens of Itcd Cloud and vicinity aro earnestly invited to attend tho memor ial and Decoration Day exercises at tho opera house, and to aid in any way they can to mako the exercises a grand success, and to surpass any thing of tfco past. Tho D. of V'h, tl.o V. It. C. and S. of V, will all assist in mnking this a day long to bo remembered by tho friends of our heroes, Tho day will probably bo closed with an entertainment at tho opora house by the W. It. C. befitting thoday, musical, htcrory, etc Of that you will boar later. i i "Orange Blossom" la a palnle cor far all diseases peonlier to woman. Soli by O. L. Cotting, tri