The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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'i iiJJiiiijm.M .aruragga
Acts like a poultice, drawing
out fever and pain, and reinvifj
orating the entire Female Sys
tem. It removes all obstructions
and created a healthy, natural
flow of oil secretions.
It is the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied tight to the diseased
parts. Don't take internal rem
edies for Female weakness, com
mon sense requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
and permanent cure.
"Orange Blossom" is a sure,
painless euro for falling and
dropsy of the womb, profuse,
difficult, irregular menses, lcu
corrheca, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal
low complexion.
"Orange Blossom" is apastile
easily used at any time. Every
lady can trct herself with it.
MaiUd to any address on re
ceipt of S: . Dr. j. A. McGill & Co.
4 Jfiaus, Chicago, 111.
I'r SiiU- 1 tfiim Iti'tl
ni: m5;'!i!.z:!S!i:vrs.
1 . ,1 .V
.1 1
1 j 1
t j4iiusiiij ,
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.1 1 t Ml. I
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lit ruK(rn(M( r v 11 i
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I It ' . tfc
Wii-iN X JtllJU ! HOOK KillM'l,
111 fiii .nut ailjolnliu 1 unties Inr
Our Journey Around tlio World.
Alirill'liiv 1 1. I I!' I'ln u'W '. I like.
I'lci of tli I "He I "iii1 "I I InMlilli 1 icilini.
The lies! li 1 i-1" in ik. iiiiiin ) 1 er nlli'li il I"
nil wlm w it ii I'll' . u.r . u I Vtii'lit
ill lllll M '111 ill "' ' IHI II lliulltll Ills
t ini'o no In ill nil1' 1 11 m ' 1 I iei,lit. dhti
L'u'illr 1 1 i' in 1 1 ' 1 mull, mill l.x
flus e 11 1' '' i I 'i' i' hi 'i-, uil't'lo
. O l iirlliliiulmi A 'i ,
tu linril, 4 01111
Chlih'Mrr, 1 ucll.h lllnmonil Urnm).
.-Ws Orljilnui' nnil tvy Oi nntur. A
WiU Oi J'MiiHmI im I , tin Otill!,eV
V' . i rt t I ruleti,or wr-1 l
JV I i 3 ! t (rtrif tl ,r l itlmotiltll li I
t3 "111 tit I r r I lull " mini r, ty riiur
M till lMt(i(l t tiHdinH iMji;ri
CV14 1 Kit ItAit IMU1.J,11.
riicre were 3,13 J,93t Packages of II
II11U.S' Hootiii:i;u bold 111 1894,
which mailc 15,675,735 gallons,
or 313,49,700 glasses, suffi
cient to kic every man, wo.
tiuin ami child in the United
States, fic glasses each did
yougclyourslinrc? Be sure
nnd get sonic this year.
A K ctii rncki'i naVrt 5 talloaf.
Till. UllM.r.HIUE.S K).. I'hllfc
, ib. e. c.'tt ; :::r-r a;t ::.r.7 ir.:A:i!E:ir
is H.ilil nnil r i.inii'v wr'i'ii triinrmiti i, li)
riiitliorizid HU'tiii ii 'j, t i in Wcnlc Mi'iuorj,
Ijcich of lit mi i I",' ui'l'mur' l,nl Mmilmihl.
OiilrkiiiKH. Nil hi l.n .-; I ,il Drinui . Lack of
( onhilonr i 1 1' l uiiili; nil Driiliix.
Jjomnt I'mi t ihi Hi i pi iiii()r''iiiiNiiiillur
ox, CIII1-.I' I i'vi -. fi in, mitlifiil I'
i;xcoiiiiV(i I in i'f iiiliicin llpniiii or l.ltilnr.
wlnrli leu In In .'I!- ij t i-iiini tlmi, Iiiwiiul)
nnil Dealli. I'v i.m l,l .1 In x, t.ix fur '-witfi
ritlon (.T ir n'c tmiri "r' fiiinliiif.i t.VTe:t's
Lire: rill: mi" Hn k II uilmtin, llihiiiinnorH,
llvir'on I limit SuirSii i icli. Djhiii'I hiii unci
fouatiliutii i. UL L Ml I.J ls!tulouli bv
For Bill" hy I)imiA (liiec, 11m1 Cloud
$500 Howard!
WHwllI in llipnlioiercwnrtl furnnycue
T.herComi I iiiii I)yhirp'ii, Sick llenihclic. In.
rilKCstlon (. iii-.iipatitit or Coftlclles wecanticn
cure wllh WcstN Wifftalilr I,ler Tills, wlicu
the directions nrcMrictly compiled with. They
nre purely Vi"ct iblo nnd tievir Inll toplvecjt
Isfaction SuirC el l.nrRC lwict, as cents,
HcnireorcuiinU'iTc tiillimlallDiis The (sen.
nine manut-HtiircilutilitiyTUK JOHN C.WliSI
Sold lj Ir) o tV iirl'() ICimI ;ioiul
Nollt'u to 'a'ciu'liur.
Notice ih Iieroby pven that 1 will
oxaniinr n'.l j'pnun who may desire
to offor ehoniholvM us candiiiutcs for
teachers oltlio public schools of this
county, at Hod Cloud on tho third
Hnturdny of ciuli iimtith.
Special cxiiiniii.itioiH will ho held
t on tho 1'ndiij jiroccediny tho ',) bat
urday of lmi-Ii month.
The (itiinlmn dorircd for 2d and
3d riadn crrtit'u'utus h iho hiuiic no
gradu IilIhw 7o per onnt., avi'rufre 80
per ecu'; for fn.t vado eertitloivto
no pnidi l)u!nT K) n r cent,, dvcrao
JIG tier eMit. in all litiiiiclics required
by law,
I). 51. Hunter, County Supt.
1 ill ""i
'fl NEW
ltd Wiinteil a Clunk) bill, Aliu, tie Cum
loo I.Htc.
,.r,"T' 'muuKiiuuiiun'iimrai
I nrtl' rll IF ! .arA - m 1 n.Ax. t
" -....v, ... , ,,,-, r,iU
Saturday foicnooii with n
ook on his face, "you had fouic wim-
in cloaks hero ln-t October fur -JIB "
"lo, wo (lid, replied tho lloorwall;
"My olo woman wanted one, but I
told iicr to hold on. About tho fust of
December tl.nn sauio okuUs was only
"Yes; marked down to li."
".My olu woman wanted to buy then,
but 1 told her to hold on. About tho
fut, o' January them cloaks went down
to 11, didn't they?"
" Ve. Wo marked them down again. "
".My olo woman couldn't baldly Maud
Mill, but 1 told her to wait, and they'd
bo lower. About twownksago 1 ..iv
'em in tho winder marked down to s?7. "
"Yes. Wo wero willing to Kicrillco
rather than carry tlnu over."
"1 had to Kit n ropo mound tho olo
Woman to hold her, but I knowed what ' i
I was about. 1 Iero'rf your $."i. "
"That what?"
"That wo haven't nMne,lo cloak left!"
Tho old man looked at him, tinned
white ami red mid swallowed a lump in
Ins throat, and nil ho h.iid us ho went
out was:
"Wail, by thunder!" Detroit Free
Tlu '('iinlrwrit Crciilnrr."
Ho c.imo holm, tho other niejit tired
from :i bu-y day's work, and his wifo
waited till bo bad i;ot his overcoat oil
and and sat down.
"Did yoiiKot tbatpiecoof hilk Inked
you to briiiK up tonight?" hho asked,
teeiiif, bo bad not laid it before her.
"Ye", dear; I lelt it out there in tho
"Did vou f,-ct thopiiib?"
"Yes dear."
"And tho ribbon?"
"And Hobbio's (.hoes?"
"And tho whiskbrooin?"
"And a wick for tho kitchen lamp?"
"And homo matches?"
"Yts; they nro with tho other bun
dles." "And did vou tuo tho man about tho
"Yes; it will bo up on Monday."
"And tho man to i-eo tho ijr.ito in tho
dining room?"
"Yes; bo's coining nsfoon as ho can."
"Did you seo Mr-. Smith about tho
yowine; cockty meeting?"
"tshe Miid hho'd come."
"And and oh, yes, did yon act n
now Miovol for tho kitchen htovo?"
"N-niio," ho hesitated. "I foryot
"What!" hho cried. "What did you
do that for? You know wo needed that
Miovol, and I told you about it tho very thine; when you wont down town
this innniii)!,'. I do thiol: men uro tho
most foigitful and eaiolessost cieatures
that over lived. " And hho Hopped out
to sen about bupper. Philadelphia
Too DniTllrijc.
It was a Miiall piceo of glass about tho
sioof a pea, butwasMit likon diamond,
and adoined tho wbito hhirt bo.iom ot a
young man who was tiding on n Wood
waul nvenuo ear.
At Hagg Mreot threo pretty girls got
into tho ear, mid tho young mail began
posing. Then tho sauciest of tho thico
girlN Kiid to her conipauioiis:
"Doesn't tho light dazlo you?"
"I I'hould say k)," was the answer.
"Tho cais ought to bo piovided for Mich
an emergency." And Mio hold a hand
kerchief up to her eyes
"Fortunately 1 hao my smoked glass
es with mo," said another, and taking
out n pair of snow blinders hho deliber
ately adjusted thorn to her bright op
tics. "Has any ono heard that tho Kohi
noor has been Molen?" MiggoMud ouo of
tho tiio prisontly.
Ilut tho unfortunato owner of tho sol
itairo had heard enough. Ho bounded
from tho car, nnd now when ho goes out
ho leaves tho gum at homo. Detroit
Frco 1'iess,
"wnaiior; i ' , i.,, I .
"I'm- n cloak with n .10 bust, black (7V.V fff 11 V-'
cloth, horn buttons.twopockets. Yiiu'e ,JwJ.SiC " f M 7fri "
marked 'om down to 5, of comc, I iifJii'mC X'iJ L, M'ltkf'
rather than carry 'em over. I hain't iii i ItWrVT -V' $'J$ Y- "f '
(mart as some, but when I kin nio a 'SvsC ''Cjw'Ji f
ftr.ilRlit i?lo Mil 1 'in itfjlit" I -ji&VVfcvK WvJL Iv
"My dear Mr," npli.d the WJ t4l 'U
iloorwalkir as bo returned tho bill, "I'm ? 'As T'Vv'Wi,
horry to mtorn, ou"- 4&m 2i J&'M1
.1. ..V . ,. WW ,.. .w .V.,...,, I,,. JklllJl,,
How ho over escaped nlivo it is no
Hinploymont Agent You did not I)art of tho ohronlolLr'n businoss to ox
stay long in that last placo. " , Phil".
Domestic Oi eudn't hhtand thot Ti,lH iH ,)0 luteetivo talc Detroit
woman's iusnltiu an vulgar language," Fro ress.
"In what way?" Mor irm.r,.
"She hays 'Fill tho coal hod' instid ! ..j Bnpp0S(, ynM wnnt tho ,a, llI10
of lao, will yehcon.ljwe ud to roplon. enBrav0(i inH,l0 Hir?" haid tho jeweler,
ish tho anthracite vase?'"-Now York rftor Tilliughast had selected an ui
''C0K,' gogomoutring
Iff I 'KV kvK
Mil r y a
She What does It mean when a mnn
threatnisto commit hiiicidobccauso yon
rutuse hiin.'
Tho Widower It menus ho prnfors
thuiofriKcrntortotholryiugp.111. Lifo. I
KKI) CLOUD Otlli'JK, FRIDAY, APRIL 520, 1805.
An lniplrmtton.
At Oeorfio Cable's home, in North
fttntirnil. M'twu tlinrn u'iu IttlnK it 1ni
- -
Mo colobratioii that of hiiown sih
,laiiliter, wlicn-u iuloiit lnnircil bor !.
ther's onlv imblHicd vitk-s:
Tll( n;,nmil , t , ,hir ,,
The iimrri".t nttin frnft,
Without it Hliti h uf rlKKlht; on.
wciKiiiiLi iiiiii inn in. irri:iL'ii iii nil niin
1 1 jki-il and looked and I tuuliod.
ItfpiiiiuW ixtriiiKotlmtKhiiHliimlitroran
,llls tli d xliirniN w.iti r
An I inn imr tin ii-, rlclit In my room,
iJy daiiithti r, oil, my tl.uiuliti rl
I'liiladelphia Kecord.
No ('Ionian
i . .
i i
I U'SSil
v""' J
Mrs Fusty You don't seem to ba
veiy fond of h-peiuling your evenings nt
Fussy Just what my mother said
when I was courting jou. Heribner's
rorri.iitliii; tho WialhiT.
Ho was inclined to bo humorous but
hoinetinios iiiiwim. Ho had forgotten to
go homo to supper, and ho knew what
was in htmo tor him when ho should
linally get theie, so jift to bo plea-ant
mid entertaining bo got homo niiiiiatuin
Hags at n toy htoro and put them into
his pocket.
"John Henry!" eclaiuud his wifo as
ho entered tho boiisn. "1 i,houlil think
you'd bo ashiini'd of your.solf to Heat
your wifo with so little consideration. "
Ho slowly unrolled his littlo package
of Hags took out n square red ouo with
a black square in tho center nud' listen
ed it to tho mantel.
"What's that?" hho demanded sharp
ly. "Storm signal," ho teplied pleasantly.
Shu drew husolf up haughtily. Uneo
or tw ico sho seemed on t bo point of speak
ing, but controlled her-olf and linally
turned coldly away. Ho nieicly took
down tho led Hag and leplaeed it with
n white ouo with n black center.
"Cold wave," bo said.
There was u moment's silence, and
ho saw that her fu lings wero hurt.
"You're erii'l," sho said nt lust.
"You May away from dinner and then
you couio homo ju-t. to uiaku fun of
me. 1 I"
Ho put up n blue Hag.
"llain or snow. " said he.
"Why do jou want to bo so mean?"
hho a-ked tuaifully. "Why can't you bo
tho dear, kind man you iibod to bu? I
won't bo cioss again."
Ho put u)i a v. bito Hag.
"Fair weather, " ho said, "andnlsna
Hag of truce. 1 capitulate to tears. "
And tho whit Hag Hunted tho entire
evening. Chicago l'ost.
TI.o Hom; nnd tho Thorn,
Sho was no lunger n losobud.
Indeed sho was in full bloom and had
been so through i.ovcral Masons.
Dot sho had money, and ho loved
How often men do that way I
Oh, money, thou art a honoy!
So as timo woro ou and hho fjrow no
younger his heart thrnhhul moio mid
more, until hu stilled its throbbing by
proposing to her.
Ho was ho suro of her, nt her timo of
life, that anything but n prompt accept
ance never occurred to him.
What was his intense, nay painful,
surpuso, then, to hear her say she was
very much obliged to him for his kind
ness but really hho must decline.
"Oh, why, why?" ho pleaded in
hoartbrokon tones.
"Uecauso I do not lovo yon, " hho an-
I "Hut you can learn to lovo me," ho
said coaxingly.
"I think not," sho persisted.
I "Oh, yes, you can," hu exclaimed,
, grabbing at her lily white baud. "Ono
' 1U luiviif Inr, nlil fit lt irn fnii I'tiniu M
"Oh, no," replied tho careful young
j man; "just put inside, 'To my heart's
i own troasnro, ' or 'Tho star of my
lifo!' " Lifo.
A Nun Utile,
Rnlo for ascertaining n woman's ago:
To half of a feinalo enemy's positive
knowledge add tho square root of hor
own statement. To this result ndd a
quartor of tho estimate of n ma-ciiliuo
ndmirer, and then giiesa. New York
"So you still boliovo In thu Darwin
ian theory, do you?"
"Of courso 1 do. What is tho spring
hoiwolenning mania but a survival of
i tho times when wo wero birds?" Cin
i ciimati Tiibuuo.
Often Oriiiied,
".She has bun jiltid hl tinus. No
w'ouder sho has no heart."
"Vc, constant dropping will wear
bw.iy a htono." uctiott TrJuuno.
iii iiiiu.
r. L ' '!
r t
1 Trniitln Itin r.lrinriilii.
Tlirro is n roat dilfereneo between
cotiraHonuil foollmrdiiicho, butnomopeo
lilo do not scum to bo awaro of it. "I
lin't hca't of n thunderstorm, nomoro'n
tho majority o' folks, s'fur's 1 know,"
paid MlH Mini Jenkiii", "but, I deehiro
to man, It does rilo mo up to lio over to
Cousin John's when theio's asliarp nlt-b
1 phower. John's korryin's on uro enough
to put n body into lldets."
"Does ho lea o windows open mi hnvo
drafts playin round?" asktd Miss Polly
"Draftsl" echoed MUs Mira. "That
house is one mess o' drafts from ouo end
to another. Hut that ain't what I'm re
ferriti to. I ain't p.utial to belli stived
np in n eloo loom s'lotig as there's n
roll o' thunder to bo heard with an ear
trumpet, as you know."
"Yes, Mliy, I know you'ro jest as
bravo ns n lion," said Miss Folly meek-
"No; t nint," returned Miss Mini.
"If I was I cal'lato I shouldn't mind
John's (loin's. Hut whllo there was a
fearful shower goin ou then) last week ho
called to mo to comoout to tho kitchen,
an when I got theiu he stood right in
the window with tho can in knife that
ho'iflieeii u-sharpeiiiu up ior dinner in
bis baud.
" 'Look, Miry!' says he, ketchin mo
by the aim an p'intiu over toward tho
west. 'There, look at thatl' s.ivs ho as
thorn comotwojaggedy streaks o' light
nin, p'ltitin 'em out with tho earviu
knife. 'Ain't that wonderful?'
" 'Yes' says I, drawin oil from him,
'it is wonderful, but,' says I, 'if you
think I'mn-goin to stand heio with you,
John Fullet, an help you beckon upthat
ligbtuiii with ucarviu kuifoyou'vo mis
took your woman I'
"An I should altis say the same, "
concluded Mi-s Mini, with gloat deci
sion, "for toolish skieisis ouo thing, an
temptiii tho eh incuts is another, accord
in to my mind "Youth's Companion.
All lliri'lliwit Iti'iiion.
Tho two wives wero discussing tho
pecuniary peculiarities of their respect
ive husbands, mid they coincided with
great unanimity until they readied tho
point of their own relation to tho purso
".My husband never gives mo n cent
of nionoy unless ho giowls about my ex
travagance," said one.
"Mino does tho sanio thing, "nttoMod
tho other.
"Hut I get oven with him," nnd hor
face showed tho color of satisfaction.
"How do you over do it?"
"I go through his trousers pockets
when lio is asleep."
"tioodness gracious!" exclaimed tho
other. "I wouldn't do that for any
thing." "Why not? Haven't wo a right to tho
money as well as they have?"
"Yes, but I wouldn't go into my hus
band's trousers pockets tor it."
"I'd like to know why?" ipiitu indig
nant nt tho uppan nt reproof.
"Hocauso," blushed tho other, "ho
carries his money in his vest." Dotioit
Frco Press.
A Cold
Sl SlftlngA
"I think that Ilighllvois tho stingiest
mnn over created."
"Ho was n ccntly sick and fell Into a
trance. His fi lends supposed ho was
dead ami put him into n coillu. Ho re
turned to life, however."
"Well, now bo's biought an nction
against the undertaker bee.ui'-o hu won't
tako thu coillu back "Tit-Hits.
Ans.illi'il ,y it Wiitko l' nr.
"James," said his wife, with a sud
den siiapieion, "I sco n liair a whito
"No, no!" ho gapcd.
"On your coat collar. "
"Is that nil?" said .T.iuior. "How you
frightontd niol I thought you meant
you saw it in my head "Chicago
Tin lr Aiiiiisi'iiirni.
May I wonder what tho 111011 do at
tho club.
l'.unelia From what Jack says, I
Rtiohs they play with tho kitty most of
tho time. Hai lent Lifo.
Cji lutotry.
I oft( u drift on fimej 'h wondrous utri nm
I'.'ir out Into tho vikMries of u dream
And wmdi rwlmt llnumili 11U hail lit en llku
II.11I tluo tlm lilKe.
Think or Mb Hi 1 tor (nil up l,y tlm hid
Tlwht to the sit 11 of Htroiic . hllli k' v heol j
And Dad vl'-ticin seori IiIiik out of Troy
IU hind his lmy.
Bui ArlHlntlo Willi a Iiiiuijh 1 iii luelc
"I'( rluiti tini;" on n four lap,
And Swr.iteH n pi d illni,- fur his llfu
I'rom hush irp vilfu.
It Alrxmidi r had n uhi el would hn
Havo cut so v hln 11 mh nth In lilntory ?
Or bjn nt hu outh, lll.u inoikru royul sons,
In i'i utury rum)
Just fancy .lullus (If jou will)
A-ooistliin' down tho ('iipltolean hill,
Or CKopitrt tuiirlnn h tho Nllu
In rojal ntjli
Cm your im isilnntlnn dwell on Cain
OjcIIiik thu world in niito of wind and rain?
Or on jour niutlii 1 V.u il iii, m,t Jiht;
In Mooiiu rs drisM dV
It RPCins to tit tt if the host 11 raco
Had had soiim hpi lj man to in,iln thu pacti
'Tttould not li m lal.i a f. rtv juirs to roach
Thu ir uniHt pi 11 h.
The world w mt uilli tuit then, hut vvhats
Thcydldli'l havo the lill(i, tin hv On nods.
Ii'u Kods nilo ns (thu climiKu 1 lathtr JiIojj,
Wu'vo K"t thu hiku
y siiis
7 --L :
ftQ'.'&A,, ft ,,,l,n fl,,ln sP-.'n', iTiiiM-s, cramps,
hU' f v '' ( I llstMSl'11 1 r ' " ,K '. ' I,t,N wouiuls,
uln and intl.imiii.ttion, and cures ijuuMy. I-ull dirtiuii-, with cadi
bottle, l-oi wlo c-vcrywliuv. Priu-, 25c, 50,. atul 5i.oo p.-r bottle.
'loin Oliliihuiiia.
I).u Km roit. I thought would
unto vou a fn line .ilnnit thr snip.
W e live cightei do wo-t of Alva
n a cattle ciuinin. There aio pus
lines on evoi mile of us Smue ol
them have item Inrl In Hill nillcs nl
feneo imuiid (In m and havo from
1.IIII0 to 100(1 head ofc.ittlein I In in
Thcv live in them winter and siiuiiuer
and sell (lie Moris in .lime for fill! to
i'M n bend without nn feid ( eept
griicH. The main eri'p heio is K illir
torn nnd Miln nui.e, for leod. We
cm raise coin, vln:it and b.iilev.
Tho com is up and looks splendid.
Thr wheal in I mm six t ) cicht inches
high I'olntiicn and g.ndens nro look
ing line. The n.isiiircs me as gieeu
ns in the summer lime and hones mid
cuttle look lino. There nro still thou
siinds of notes of good hum I a ml heie
iv ilh limber and water. The h ive
sevcinl kinds of limber, w.tlnul, cot
lonwood, olio, cidnr, huckbcri, mid
miillierry. Wehavo had the windiest her jou ever saw mid tho cow
bnvs s,ij it ik tho worst they f ver saw.
Wo have mi school or church )ct hut
wo aio trino; to build tins summer.
T. W. Ucas.
Will tntto a limited number of cattle
tojliiisturo on the (ioble ranch eight
nilcHhouth-west of lied Cloud. Plenty
of Hhado nnd water. Cattle, 8l'oi);
horses, 6-00, for tho season. Appl) to
X. Ii. I). Smith, at tho raueii.
li cnK ifXh
r rr" -r" i -
'fJniittcd nt tho
V ci" ('c? '
Why Was It Ajn-'-i Mrs'ipmiii "in of the t'
iniiiiliL'i of similar piepn niuns nniuifie-
t'ircd tluoiul t the i.uil'l, "n ,o i nij
liieilicliie of Ihu Mini ailliiitt.'il at tlm
Wiulil'4 Pair, ( lilcu'ii" And whs was it
tint. Ill spllo of Hie united efforts of the
iniiiiiracturi'is of other pi miall in. Ih"
ilei'lHlnii of the World's Tilr Din et ns was
nut ruvirniil'.'
AcconlliiE to Klmj r, "Artteloa :
that oio In any w ly daiiffiiroua or oH
ottonsivo, also patont snocliclnos, o
nostrums, and oinptrienl propara- ?
tions, whoso lni;roiltonta nro con- o
coalod, will not ho ndrnlttoil to tho o
Exposition," unl. theri fnro "
rrnuir it'i s iis ii irill i Is imt a Q
intent inc. lietu tiut.i iiiMtiiini, midiioi J'l
a si'i'iet q
'niti-Its iiroiiiie'o' Ind liniMn.'lu "'
conceal when iiicstiouiil as tu tlm fur- o-
inula fimii whieh It N . t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I o I. Oj
.'emit it Is all tli il l! Is e' ilmed to he q
-a Compim id Coin eiuialed I'xlrail of Oj
Si n-s ipirllh, and In i m n i use woii'i i
thu liidoisei t of th s m iI lliipmuill oS
coiiniilttee, i illi'd ftri-i li.-i fir imn. Oi
upon tho in uiiifiicturi! I proJuits ef tin. S
tntiro v.orl ' q
Admlttod for Exhibition
vtthoQt lay InUrnu
ntdiieiDfl, nni
Uf. feMm&. Itth. !1
iiruttloDi on tt fwxi
'fcftjwlV dm, ia .ItTAVlntr
i ik in el fir. whit aod htftltb
flnll by dructliU, or wnl t f Ottll tut & dtl A4Jri Pfc.
WAIVIiil OtP UlMtijBll( t. ;VU( UW(4ll(iU ih
HnM ontrlulit, no rent, no rniullr. Adapted
to Cltr, V IIIhkb or Oiiuntrj'.
Iinmii. mmoii. iitfira nn loltlri,
1 In erery
iiiimn, lioii,uinmn ioillrn OruuUwtcoQTea-
ifiiuuHii 1 Imw! hfllleron imrth,
,t uenu miikit frtiiu " tit DAO prr day.
Onu in a pl lencrt moan u hsIh uinlltlia
niiluhhorii. 1 Inn Intruu!ntH( no torf, work.
niiiuhliorii. I inilntruiii'ntii(uotorf, work.
unrvthiim, nngrilUtuncn. Oomp el. rmulffur
iiwwlinil.l Oiin lw pump lir uiiy on..
nmor nut ct nnliir no riulrlnrf. lunti n Ufa
llm )urri,iitl A muiiHjr miiki r. Writ.
W P, Harrison & Co., Clerk 10,Columbu, a
fffffffffffl tH
m m
ijfffffffffk t ..jf
tfffffffffffffW t THfffV
'- Vmfhi
I nfl .tUlitSrtrttft AU tlbt lAltS. , KJ
KM I!C5' ' """ ' ttjrun. 'Iumi jllooil, Uc "?!
I Ivl In tmm hiiM hy ilrurcliiu Wi
relieved ami mred by usiny
Dr. J. H. McLean's
Volcanic Oil Liniment.
v.trimisili .'.isisot ilnnn w uiunutls.
It is e.lsv to .HM'k'. ri'luv. il i.n...
M.iny l.ulicn have used our machines
tvvcntv to thirty ye.irs in theirl. mill) work,
mid .ire still using thu iii.iclihiui
wo fiiruisbctl llicni it l'eiior.ition ago.
Many of our tuacliincs li.ivc run moru
than tueiity jciin without u pairs, other
tli.ui neulfes. With pioper cue they
never wear out, and holdout need tepair.
Wo have built hewing iii.iLhincs for
more than forty j oars and have constantly
improved them. Wo build our machines
on honor, and they arc recognized every
where an tho most nicuralily filled and
liinly finished sewing machines in the
world. Our latest, tiio "No. o," is the
result of our long oxpeiienco. In com
petition with the leading machine; of thu
worm, it leceivcil tho Cir.uul 1'iicnt tins
l'aris Imposition of 1880, as tho best,
other in.ichiuo-t receiving only rompli
mentary medals ofgold, ',il erand bronze.
The Ciiatul I 'tiro was what all soucjit for,
and our machine was nvrmled it.
.Send for our illustrated catalogue. Wo
want dealers; in all unoccupied territory,
S. l. Cozad. t.
ssT-Cs, .fmi Jv,-A'rRwi
'l lie Sweetest Music c
r,v2 roipiiros u
washDiirn, Mandolin,
liaiijo or ZUIicr.
Tliry on tin, product of the l,.iipct
jjj l',iliiin.siiitliew nlil .iiiilaiu
fr0 ii'i.ipi.illcd fur tuncur liulsli. btiidtu
fj t L IIUKi I T,
V iS: I Icily, ChiciRO,
ic r a It i mini ( at iIokiio (1 1.1 I )
y) .nt im n pnilrailsi f tiiiivti ail 's
fjj iislilnirns .ire sold h all luiit uuss
"f Mime Dl ill rs
VsV'"'' SiftVx .-
IJb'f OYVi
r h. winfkei',
IU:i) Cr.otju, . Nkiikahica.
Will attend sales nt namiii!iin ilKiirfs. .Sutl
laulluiiyimriiiiU'eil. r j ! k' tWMj
Kor &
rriiiniit iiniiver nnil im Imiirst onlninii.
Ill I NN iV CO.. wim ImvnliMil neiirlvillt)' jenrs'
I'lIK'rlinco Intlie P'lteiit bulni s. I'liniliiunlriv
run tu
iionniiiriiiijrniiiiiiietitiiii. A llniiilliniik or In.
Inriunlliin uiikhiiiiiiu I'iiIi'iiIn iimt how to ob
lulu tlieiii eiit trie. Alsoiirntnli'L'uuuf luoiliun
It'll nnil nclemillu liookHM'iil lne.
I'lllnllt J fill i It -....I. lliiiit, t fs uknlall
lit f itik-tl IKIlfllK'l t'1141111 (V II Il'll'iyil
n Unl notice In thu Sielllllle Aliiri leiili. unil
Hum urn liroiiulit vrlilely Ix'tnrii iliu luililluwltn-
oik ni.t to tin. Inventor. 'IIiIh nliiiilld inner.
IkhimiI wi . klv
IcttdnHj- llluKt ruli'O. Im liy r.r tho
lurt'i'it iiriiihitioii or nny ecu iillllo work Initio
iiiiiiioii or niiy ecu tunic Men
il ) enr. hiilniiln i ile wnt tl
niiiiu. i?,j ii jenr. Miniinn n eii'8 deni iris'.
IIiiIIiIIiib Killlloii, nioiithlr. .f(ln jenr. Sinsla
lenr. hiinwiln if iili'N iutit troe.
edplni, 'i.T rinln 1 rery iiiiuil er (oiitiiliix biuu-
tlllll lilulei. In colurK. mill liholnumliliH of lie
JlllllM'., Wit II lllllllH, I'llllhllllK l.ullili rs (u hIiiiw tho
lutenl ileflmiM nnil mm urn eontriilH, Aihlreiii
A1U.S.M & CO., .Nl.1V Voilli, :ilil IIIIOAIIWAT.
The Celebrated Hogislcrud I'etohcron
Will make iho season of lOHS it Sjfl-
vcBtor Dav's Feed llarn, Rod
Cloud, (very day in
tho wctl..
ON'KNUH 0UA is n full b'ood
.-.. ,v. v ' ' .
re"islei oil ilom 'i. i i t I' lelnrrni NnT'
rP0lslll 1 CU Oi'l'l .( 1. 1 .1 V 1 1 1 'I' run .i"T
mnn Tn 1 Ml I
.'""", 1I'. J.n
bruit 1.IHI0
pnumlrt, is ii lino jr. )")!' iniilt
liorse, mid ' " ''" "''I. He has
no pupmii'i i i li i il 'b,
TJU: w7 l Siisuri'.
Ill '
! m