The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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' Just Like
ftim&fno son
a five Boltor
"IXT'nEN wc sell you ono ot
vv our now Overcoats or
Sultu. Wo s-ivo you from
one-third to one-half In the
price (Hid givo you double
value 1 quality.
To wear
to wear
g. . Si X.
them is
the best
Ready-Tailored Clothing
Come and look ati
Our Straight front Hacks
Our Round Cornered Sacks
Our Cutaway Frocks
Our Nobby Overcoats
Our Troupers in
Stripes and Mixtures
The finest goods ever otlered at
Such Little
Our Boys'
and Children's
J? l r4r)
i miinimu
buy, THi: LOWEST PRICES jou can
got, nro not nil that in nocoseury in pur
chasing Hoots ami Shoes.
Many of jou have tried tho iibovo jilan
nml it lias not alwajs given jou tbo sat
isfaction j on dcureil. You may Imvo
(pent more tluiti tho difference that
it would have cost for a bettor quality ot
goods at a littln higher price in repairs
made not once but many times until jou
threw them aside in disgust. Don't
allow jourolf to bo fool.-il ALL THE
TIME. Wo take pleasure m dealing in
ami SHOES, ainl tho complaints wo
have arc few ami far between, nml aro
iiibtautly niailo satisfactory to jou when
made, Will jou not try uh this year
nml cave a portion of your shoe bill by
dealing with us? Wo await jour de
cision. Km.kv.
pilEI) E. McKEEllV, M. I).
I'lijllnii nml Mii'ui'on,
City ami country ciiIIh promptly ans
wered. MllON lil.OlU, III 1) C'l.Oll).
it!ti::r .liuva'iox.
John Winters bur-gone to 1 1 iint ieinp.
Ki'iul Diyo anil (iiicei dinpluy ml thin
Dr. MoKerby returned homo from
Omaha hist Saturday.
Mittf Lillio linker of l!luo Hill ro
turned homo Saturday.
W. A. anil MUs llerlhu Adams of
Lebanon,, wero Unit Cloud visit
orH Saturday.
Thi' lit t lo friends of Ailair Galunhu
gave him a nico Biirpriso party on lust
Fridaj night.
Mrs. S. liasles returned from llol
drego Wednesday, accompanied by her
bo n anil daughter.
Win. Murray and Albert Ducker of
Shr-rwnod. Kansas, wero on our streets
one day this week.
Mrs. linden, sister of Mrs. H. F.
Spokestleld, arrived in tho city Wednes
day evening from Jacksonville, III
llulpli I'opu lias resigned Iiih position
uh teacher in tho south waul t-chool and
Mrs. !. A. Puuui Iiiih taken his place.
Wo hope that our correspondents in
their rush after crops will not forgot to
Hcud in their loiters as often as pchsiblo.
Arthur llowanl s raiiiiliar phi, was
observed on our stnets this week while
ho was visiting his parents anil friends.
C. E. Conrad and wife of liluo Hill
woro tin' quests of llev. Mattox during:
lust week. Ho returned homeSatiirday.
Will Kellogg returned this week after
an absence of two jours in Ohio, bo
changed in appearance that his friends
scarcelj know him.
Andy I leans is one of our industrious
farmers, lie has already prepared the
ground fr 100 acres of corn, llo nas
faith in Xobruiku.
Funnels should not let tho ground go
untitled this peapon for there is sure to
bo a big crop if nn effort is niailo to got
seed in the ground.
Geo. W. Darker, formerly of this city
but more recently a prominent citizen
and attorney cf Erie, I'onusjlvnnia is in
Hod Cloud on bun'mess.
Deputy Treasurer Ilobinson and Clin.
Landma-er aro now astride now wheels
and enjojing tho exhilarating exercise
of l)icycling thcFo lino dajs.
Doyd Lotner of Otto is n hunter of
no small repute. Ho brought in six wolf
scalps on Monday that ho had killed and
secured fcG for them, llo was lucky.
Quito a littlo knock down and drng
out occurred over in Ciarflold township
Saturday. Tho victim became u littlo
too fresh in his talk to n lady us it Is al
leged and tho enraged huBbnnd puni
moiled him, it is said.
Tho daughters of yotorans will givo a
Mny baskotsocinl in tho WilliauiB build
ing on tho corner, Wednesday evening,
May 1st. Suppor, ico cream und cake
will bosorveil. Supper 10c. Everjbody
couio and have a good time.
Tho othar day a young lady was so
unfortunato us to Iofo hor gold watch
und chain on tho titreot. After consul
crablo search up and down streot und in
various stores sho had visited, tho lost
nrticlo was finally found lodged in her
L. V. Albright,.!. S. Whito and Row
Jas. K. Maxllold woro in Cowles Friday
nttonding tho county Sunday school
convention. Mr. Albright was eloctod
president, Mrs. Truman, vico president,
Mrp. Drakcstiold, treasuror, und Mrs. .
L, Fuwcott, socrotary.
Tho residenco of J. P. Hale, near Ina
vnlo, burned to tho ground Inst Friday
ovening, consuming tho onliro contents.
It was a bad blow to Mr. Halo as ho did
not savo a thing in it in tho shape
of furniture Mr. Hulo waB tho
usscssor of Inavale and had just tluishod
his work, and tho books woro in tho
house und wero burned also, so that ho
will Imvo to go ovor Ilia work itgaln.
Sho: "Strango how clothes effect ono.
1 can't wear a Bailor hut without gutting
Ho: "Yes, ovory tiino I put on nn "H.,
S. it M." suit I fool niysolf u perfect gen
tloiunn." Sho: "Tl ut's truly wondorful. In an
cient tiu " t would have bcon called a
iniraclo." Tho brand of clothing is bold
by Wioucr tho Clothier.
Lincoln mixed paints at Cuttings.
Joo Williams was in tho city Wcdm
It. L. Tinker was in tho city this
Jo Warner returned from Lincoln last
Al Oalueliii is in Lincoln this week on
busiuei - p.
John Fulton of lliverton was in lted
Cloud Monday.
I'M Smith is having a big sale on apple
and shade tries.
(!. M. Warner and family of liuido
Itock wero in town 4'uesduy.
The depot platform is being newly
planked, which is a good thing.
A good huut-o and lots in Hed Cloud
to trade for land.- C. W. Kulov.
Dlsulphiilii of caibon for killing
prairie dogs. Sold by Cutting
E F. Highland of Denver Is slinking
hands witli old friends in the city this
Dr. Dainerell is back from Uliiiomnud
made lied Cloud a call tho lirst of the
Mrs. Woods and children returned to
I heir homo in McCook on Wednesday
Mrs. C. J. Pope departed Saturday for
Lincoln, where i hu intends to spend tho
John W.Smith of Thajer. Missouri,
was in l!"d Cloud this week, looking
after land to trade.
Miss Cora (Surlier, who is teaching
leliool in Stipetior, spent Sunday at her
home north of this city.
Of course these urn hard times but
Win. Tuliejs is eleaning and repairing
organs at hard time prices.
Charley (Surlier, who is at presont en
gaged in biipiiief in Emboli, Kansas, was
on our streets edui'Hilay.
L. P. Albright has been electi-il drum
major of the S. of V. band, and tho bojs
are now kept on tho march.
Mih. Roberts of Atlantic, Iowa, an old
friend of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clialllu of
this city who was visiting hero returned
home this week.
Mr. Duck of Franklin, tho restaurant
man, was down this week making ar
rangements with Kaley &, Campbell to
furnish him with bread.
Sheriff Uimcliey is now tho possessor
of a new bicjele, and if anyone goes to
leave the country suddenly John will
make them hard to catch.
Notwithstanding tho largo slaughter
in llsh during the dry spell lust season,
anglers aro having excellent Ppnrt, and
nur markets are kept well supplied.
Chain Evan, who has boon located at
Naponee for some time past, stopped in
tile city a few iIiim this week while un
route to Datavia, III., where ho may en
gage in biimni't-H.
Mrs. E. A. Dtieker of this city was
elected ice piesideut of thoM. E. homo
iMHsionnry soeietj of the Hastings dis
trict at tlieiraiinual meeting in Hastings
during the past week.
Charley Siuolsnr bus routed his meat
market in ISivortoii to Frank Lindsey of
this city. Tun Ciiiit hopes Frank will
do well in Diverion us ho is u tino fellow
and an excellent butcher.
Van Deiipon returned q'ueiulay even
ing from Mipsnuri, whero ho hns been
sojourning for the past jear. Van said
a pei Hon might get stuck in tho soil, but
he wasn't apt to get stuck on it.
Delajs mo dangerous. This applies
to organs as well uo everything else.
Don't wait but have tho organ tended
to at once. Win. Tulioys guurantees
satisfaction in all such work done by
Fruit prospects in this vicinity could
not look more hopeful than at present.
Jos. (iarher has a lino largo orchard
north of the city winch will give him a
vast amount of fruit if it escapes tho
Many people do not know that there
is a law against throwing rubbish in tho
streot, and some, who do know, deposit
all their tin cans, baled hay wires, brok
en glass, etc, in tho contor of tho streot.
Such people should bo warned,
Tho Ladies Aid socioty of tho Congro
gational church will givo on old fash
ioned ilium social at tho homo of J. G
Warner, Friday evening, April i!0. to
which everybody is most cordially invit
ed. Tlie male quartet will furnish us
with some of their excellent music and
refreshments will bo sorved during tho
Tin: CuiF.r has mode arrangements so
that it can give away "Coin's Financial
School" to any of its subscribers who
desire a first cius trcntiso on froo silvor.
by oithor subscribing or paying up for
Tin: CniEr. Don't forgot that wu nlso
givo away a lino lino of cloth bound books
Unit beautiful Dream City of tho great
world's fair hiBtory, or "Coin's Financial
School" froo with ouch renewal or now
subscriber or all threo for Sl.SiO. Send in
or comu in und got thorn.
LiiBt Friday It, E. Popo novorcd his
connection with tho south ward school,
giving a picnic to his room on Saturduy.
Tho pupils assembled ntthoBchoolnouso
in tho forenoon, wero fukon in a buy
ruck to Mr. C. II. Smith's park whero
they put up a tent, took dinnor therein,
onjojed lino boating on tho pond had u
very enjoyablo tiino thoro und coming
homit-withowt any uccident except ono
girl losing a cout and having to go back
half a mile after it, reached homo at 7
It. m.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others
Drv Goods
You can
save money
by taking advantage
of our
Special Bargains.
Km Kai Striped Silks in llvo yard
niut lengths, elegant pultwrns,
special price "He per yard This
silk is usually retailed at ," and
C0c. See them us they aro a raro
Ilabtitui Silk, extra wide
Silk Stripo Wool Cliullies, spocial
prico "lc.
Cream, with blue, red and pink
stripes, the best goods, special
prico 8,'jC
Dress Goods
Manchester Plisse. in elegnnt put
orns, special prico lOJ-jc.
Tuppah Silk 13c per yard.
UO pur cent discount on Wool
Dress Goods.
Special bargain in Darnaby Ging
hams at 1") jo.
Carpets . .
Union Extra Super Ingruin Car
pet, special price .'I'.'c.
Extra Super Ingrain Carpet, spe
cial prico 1"J;C. This is usually
tho C.")c grade."
All wool Extra Super Ingrain
Carpet, special prico fiUc. Tin's is
tho 7.")0 grade.
Summer and Spring
For MiBses und Children lit but
gain prices.
Children's llibbed SIoovoIcbb Vests
Misses' short Bleovo Itibbcd Voatn
at 10c.
Children's Itibbcd Vests, with
sleoves, button fronts, 1-jC.
Children's short sleovo Pulbrig
gan Vests, very nico, at I'Jc.
Childron'sBoainless Dutton WaistB
lit 15c. Would hu good value at
tlTic. 'This is a splendid articlu for
summer wear.
Ladies' Sleeveless Vests at 5, 10,
1(S, IB and '--"jo that aro bargains.
Our Men's Dalbriggan Shirts and
Drawers at -Ic, or Ifiu per suit, is
tho best bargain wo have over
Men's Whito Drill Druwors nt 2.'c,
usually bold at."(ic.
.VI Table Oil Cloth 12Jo.
18o Fcathor Ticking l'Jc.
l'ic Straw Ticking 7o.
Yard wido LL Unbloachod MuhIiii
lc por yard.
Turky lted Tublo Damask Ir.c.
Do Lalno Finish Illack and Whito
Calicoes Tic.
India Linens 5, 7. 8, Id and 12'c.
Mon's Hoamlesa Socks at T), u and
Spocial bargains in
utf,8, 10, 'l)'i und 15c.
Como and seo us. Wo can mako
it wortli jour while.
-.I -" " v-
ONCE Ml 10
Solid Pack Tomatoep, per can ci
Host Corn, per can ()(!
HOlbs Post Itaisiun JI oo
-5ll)H St crown raisins l oo
.'libs fancy evaporated apricots '.7i
Sllbs fancy o vuporated Poaches 'J,"i
Sllbs fancy evaporated I'ears ilTi
Sllbs fancy evaporated Plums 'Si
iTjIIih lino Turkey Prunes 1 i;0
Kilbs line rnUin cured Prunes I 00
5 '...lbs best loose roast Coffee t 00
fill) A rbiickles Coffee 1 ()
f.lbs Lion Coffee I 00
r.lbs XXXX coffeo 1 oo
Mi's Mokasku Coffeo 1 00
Dent Juva Dlend Tea, per lb 1T
Dest Mexican and Santos Coffee, per lb.... 118
llest Mocha and Java, no belter in tho city. .'ISi
r00 pails of Jelly, per pail 10
Clothes Pins, 10 dozen for OS?
Wo have no time or epaco
prices, but como and
1 will have more help
have to wait so long, AM) ;i:t
I-, arA!rmmrBCiCTiffliiMPgj3l)ag?Jg?yTara wniw
Serves the cleanest and best meal 5
in the city. m
Summer is here, do not heat up 3
your house when you can buy 3
32 pound loaves of bread for $1. 25
Cakes 40c. Doughnuts, cook- 25
ies and buns 3 doz for 25c. 25
Delivered at your door every 3
morning. 5
Undor tho ausplceB of tho Ladies' Aid
society, Adoliu It. Luso of the Doston
school of expression, will givo un ontor
tuiuing und instructive dramatic ro
cital at tho M. E. Churcli in this city
Tliiiisday ovoning, May 'Jd, lb0.".
Tho voung ladies of St. Agnes guild
guvo un iiiitertiiinuiont at Muh'ic Hall
Wednesday evening that was well at
tended and proved very enjoyable. Tho
principal attraction of tho evening was
Miss Adelia I!. Liibo, tho noted elocu
tionist. Mihs Luso rendered a number
of very dilllcult recitations and other se
lections in a most masterful and pleas
ing manner, and much to the delight of
hor largo audienco. Sho is an elocu
tionist of n very high order, and ono
whom it itf gratifjing and instructive to
listen to, Morrill Wieo.
.,11 -
olli'i; to Sunday Sclioolx.
Tho oillcoru of the Wobstor county
Sunday School association desiro to
know tho number of Subbath schools
now in operation, of whatsoever denom
ination, und muko spocial request that
jou forward tho poatolllco address and
namo of otllcors to tho prosidont, L. P.
Albright ut Hod Cloud, Nobr., or Mrs.
E. L Fuwcott, sucrotury, at Cowles,
XobriiBku, ut onco
Tho Cangrcgutionul Christian En
deuvor society lias ongaged Misa Mabol
Prutsiiiuu of Doano collego at Croto, to
givo an elocutionary reading within a
few weeks, Miss Paiitsumn is teacher
of elocution at Doano und will Uo sure
to pleiibo uny auuiouco. i urtuor un-
'nouncomtnUnext week.
to givo you further
see mo before buying.
no that you will not
my iicic;i:s.
f )Jizer,
Ije grocer.
"Kaley & CaiijpbelL 55
Third AniilvvrNiiry.
On Saturday ovoning, May 11th, 1803,
tho S. of V. baud will celebrate its third
anniversary by giving a grand free con
cert in tho court houso park. An ox
collont program will bo rendered, and re
freshments, in tlie shape of ico cream,
cako, etc., will bo proparod. Tho musi
cal part is entirely free and everybody ia
invited to uttond. Tho proceeds will bo
used to erect it band stand for concert
work, ltufreshmonts loc,
Go to W. D. Itoby, ono door wost of
tho post olllco for fair dealing, you get
ho worth ot your monoy thoro.
Highest Honors World' Fair;
A nuie Granc Cream of Tartar Powder. FfH
J from Ammonii, Alum or any other tduMmali
4P YBAK3 in 1ANVA.