The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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A,(!, llotMPli. Ktlltor.
I.uioyTaii. Aim !'1 Kdllor.
Aniinit day W,,H observed hero by
qtilto a litro numlior of people in vnri
oiifl wnyu.
M. L. 1'oauint Superior hue iiBRoclut-
ctl himself with S. 11. Nowinoyor in tho
Sun of that phieo. Tho now firm will
tunlto ii strong toiitn. 'J'iii.CJiiiki wIbIiuh
thorn prosperity.
Ir tlio price of cuttle, Iioh, liorscH and
all kinds of inorchiindiBo hIioiiUI hhiko
hif,'hor, ami continno to do ho for a few
montliHlliu Amonunti pooplo would noon
forgot tho hard tiiiu-M and llio country
would bottlo down to itn usual paco.
On pntfo three of thiH iBnuo wo com
tnonco tho publication of tho now law
(rovcrniiiK township organization and
rt'KulatinK tho election of supervisor.
Tho law ifl very voluininoiiH and for that
rouflon wo Hhall ptibliHh it in sections, bo
if you ilosiro to save It cut it out and
panto it in your Hcrap book. Tho law
will not becoino oporativo until August
"ThcRO bo troublesome titnoB'' indcod.
Tlio govornmont Booms to havo itn bunds
full looking aftor tho interests of tho
groat republic in keeping othor nations
from encroaching upon our righto ana
nation and upon tho rightB of our citi
zens. She in making tho Kiifrllsh lion
keep her cIiiuh oil" of Nicaragua; oho in
engaged in giving Miss Spain to under
stand hIio mtist keep her handa olT of
Amorican merchantmen; bIio Ib warning
Franco that nho must oxplain why eho
arrested an American and eontnnccd her
to twenty jenrs imprisonment, bcBidea
taking a lively turn in international af
fairs tho globe over,
A rr.vv ilajs ago tho the board of su
porviHors mot and voted to uso threo
thoUBand ilollarH of county funds to
liolp tho pooplo buy Bt'od and feed, but
through an overnight tlio warrant was
not ordered drawn on any particular
fund and Chairman Hoirman could not
eign it and as a coiiHeiiuenco uiiIohb the
board moots again tho funds cannot bo
used. Supervisor llcHt wan tho movor
of tho resolution which readH as follows:
"1 move your honorable body that you
iBBUo warrants to tho amount of ?:i,00(i
to purchase Hoetl and feed for needy far
mers within tho county and appoint a
committee to look after tho hiiiuc It. C.
Host." On motion tho resolution was
carried and we copy it verbatim. Tho
necessary enacting ulaiico leaves tho
farmers out and tho error whh not dis
covered until Clerk Fort saw it upon his
arrival home from Lincoln.
On last Saturday four :oung ladies of
Rod Cloud secured a team, equipped
themselves with linking tackle and bait
und hied themselves away to tho mossy
banks of tho llopublicuii whore they
wont with deep intent on hooking out
ovory last llsh that glided silently but
swiftly through the beautiful watera of
that famous river. They drovo anil
drove and tin al ly made a landing above
tho dam, yes dam, and after llshing for
eovon hoars without cessation ciiuuht
one little minnow, above tho dam,
and that was with a groat etTort. It
wns with a merry ncream that tho four
pulled the little waj furor out, and very
proudly, and with majestic steps thoy
curried him to tho bugy, fastened him
to tho line, and then commenced tho
homeward journey arriving three hours
later, and when they struck Webster
otreot tho inhabitant of tho deep bluo
waters looked like it horring or a fish
worm, and our reporter was unablo to
distinguish but soon aftor fell into ro-
Little IW1I0 In thu limnk.
Four Kills i-iiiulit hint on o hook,
AllllKtHlllllllKIIII Mill KOMOM Hlltlll,
1 lirow lilm Im.KlloiiK on tlio I.iiiM.
The Kid Kami.
For about a year tho joimg boys of
tliia city have been practicing and
training for tho purpose of developing
their talents in the line of band imiBiu.
It ie quite remarkable how fast thoy
havo progressed in tho uhort poriod of
twolvo months. Kecuntly they procured
tho valuable services of Prof. Jenkins,
tho talented leader of tho S. of V. band,
of this city to instruct them, and how
well they have succeeded under his tu
torship, it is onlv neocsBsry to say that
thoy aro able to play spl endidly upon
tho streets as well as clsowhore and
wotdd do credit to many older peo
ple, Tho following aro tho names of the
boys who havo becomo full llodgod mom
berB of tho "Kid Hand," and tho kind of
instrument each plays:
Nuto Piatt, tuba.
Max Mizor, baritone.
Bon McFarland, 1st tenor.
Gcorgo GriiToth, -d tenor,
Loonard Smith, let alto.
Churley Fort, !M ulto.
Ernest Drown, solo C Hat cornot.
JVjIl UoatB, 1st H flat, cornot.
Douglas Gather, 2d ll Hat cornet."
.Edwurd Cook, E Hat cornot.
llorbert Cook, 11 Hat clariuot.
Karl Pond, suaro drum.
Albert Wright, bass drum.
On last Friday night thoy gavo a
eociul and entertainment at which timo
thoy gavo an exhibition of their skill
which was highly appreciated by all
ittusjc luviug pi'oplo. Tan Ciur.r hopes
thoy will continue to learn as rapidly in
tlio future us thoy have in tho past.
J. C. Hnrtmun waB n lied Cloud viei.
tor Monday. Marion KntorprJBo,
Attorney Fletcher was attondlnj? to
legal business at Hed CMoud this week.
Franklin Hontlnol.
1'. IF. Hnllor and 11. Kiohondlller wero
at lied Cloud this week attending court.
Uhidon KntcrprJBo.
Mr. Albright, tho Hod Cloud jowlor,
wiib hurt) thiB wook looking up a location
for a jowolry and repair Btoro. liluo
Hill Leader.
John Strntton of Hod Cloud, a cousin
of tho Stratton boja of thiH place, visit
oil with tho lattor ovor Sunday. Uluo
Hill Loader.
Tho Hod Cloud (Nob.) Cmep publish
od a woll patronized and handsome
twolvo page Easter numdor of that roll
ublo family journal. Smith County
Tlio Hed Cloud Uiimi' iBBiiod a twolve
pngo paper last week well Hllod with ads
and news. Tho business men of Hed
Cloud are hustlers and Tiik Chikk edi
tor is a good ono. Frunkliu Sentinel.
According to tho Hook of geoso tho
Hed Cloud Ciiikp had represented last
week, tho geese up there lly backward.
Superior Sun.
Our Superior brother must havo boon
loaded when ho looked on our Hock of
geoso. Thoy woro going Bouth.
Tho Kastor number of the Hed Cloud
Ciiikp had tho appearance of quito a
metropolitan shoot. There woro twolvo
pages tilled witli news and homo adver
tisements which made a very good show
ing for Hed Cloud. Pap Ilosiner is all
right when it conies to getting out a
good paper Hidden Enterprise.
An Ohio girl recently oent her photo
graph to her best fellow and wrapped it
in a newspaper on which was printed
the advertisement of a stove linn. A
portion of tho print adhered to tho pho
tograph and tho young man wiib vory
much surprised to see staring him in
tho face, in bold pica typo, tho following
words: "Seo the name on tho leg." Ex,
Thoro is no use talking, tho Hed
Cloud llro boys can't bo beat when it
comes to getting to a tiro and doing
etlieiont work. Ciiikp.
They ought to rub up against the
Superior boys once. Thoy would meet
their equals. Superior Sun.
And you ned not fear, Hod Cloud
tlremen have no equals in Superior or
elsowhero as volunteer llromon llro. Sun.
"Have you onsorved," said a merchant
to a customer, "tho handsome advertise
ment I have just had painted on a fence
between Hod Cloud and 1 uavalo?'' "No"
icplied the ciiBtomer. "but if you will
Rend tlio fence to my house I will try
to read the aiiotincoment. I read the
papers and I haven't time to g round
reading bill boards." And tho merchant
scratched his head.
"Susan," said farmer Pumpkin, of
Kansas, "we'll have ter take tho lid ollln
them two jack rabbits or tliej'll bile too
much." "I'm most skoart to," answered
his wife "Thoro ain't nothin' to be
skeard of." "I don't know 'bout that,
the legislature's inailo that auti-gamblin'
law bo strict that thoj'd hev the perlico
down on ub of knowed wo was openiu' a
pot with a pair uv jacks."
To bo hypnotized is tho fad of tho
present day but thoro are othor psychol
ogical elfects not leis remarkable, for
instance: waiter are tiphotized, lovers
aro lipnotied, criminals shipnotized,
poker players aro chipnotized, Chintse
aro whipnotizod, frivolous pooplo aro
llipnotizod, u great many pooplo aro grip
notized, coupons are clipnotized, drink
ors are nipuotized, bathers aro stripun
tizod, and so on as far as you please.
Reproeontutivo Hoe, of Furnas county
is entitled to a seat away up in "Iliildy
row" for turning up tho foctlights
brightly on tho logisiaturo nnd introduo
ing a lueaBiiro, which will become a law
about August llrst, dirocting tho sovoral
county treasurers of tho state to invest
up to llfty per cent of tho county sink
ing fund monies in county, city, town
ship and fechoot district warrants, and to
pay par for tho samo. This will entirely
do away with warrant ahavers, and will
bo economy for tho county as well as tho
individual. For instance u school teach
er is being (.ought by a district. Tho
llrst question that is asked "is your
district in sliapo to pay cash, if not what
aro your warrantB worth?" Districts
that are behind are forced to pay mora
than if thoy wero able to pay cash, and
tho teacher must necessarily discount
his warrants. Alma News Hoportor.
There is more Catarrh iu this sootiou
of tho country than all othor diaonBes put
together, nnd until the Inst few yonrs was
supposed to be inournblo. Vot a great
many years doctors prononnood it a local
dlaeiiHO nnd prescribed local remedis nnd
by oonstnn'ly fniling to euro with local
treatment, pronounced it incurable,
Science lias proven catarrh to be a con
stitutional disown and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. llnU'sCutnrrh
Cure, manufactured by F.. J. Chtnoy ,fc
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only aonstltution
nl oure on tho mnrkot. It is takvu iuter
unlly In doses from 10 drops to n ten
spooHful. It (tots directly on tho blood
ami mucons surfaces of tlio system.
Thoy offer one hundred dollnrs for any
enno It fails to cure, Send for circulars
and testimonial. Address,
T. J. CUKNKV ,V CO., Toledo, O.
J3TSo!d by Druggists, 70.
E. Hrognet was up from Norton this
Editor Warron wns In Lincoln this
Photos nt $2.50 por dozon ntTonnnnt's
Will Parkes is building nn addition to
his dwelling.
II. J. Heed of Hobron spent last Sun
day in tho city.
J. A. Cling of Mlndon was on our
Btrcota Thursday.
O. P. llollenborger of Imperial wns in
tho city Tuesday.
Minn Mynta Clontry of Hobron wan in
Hod Cloud Tuesday.
J. W. Hustor of Hamilton, Mo., wns in
this burg Thursday.
Chop corn or oats nnd brnn by tho 100
lbs. or ton nt Roby's.
F. II, Paddon was up from Suporior
the llrst of tho wook.
Will Whito of Who Hill wiib visiting
his parentH this week.
(1 W. Hutlor of Cambridge, this stato,
wan in tho city this wook.
C. O. Southorland of Holstoin, Nob,,
was in tho city this wook.
A complolo now lino of wall pnpor nt
Tnylor'sntb ottom prices .
T,. D. Moimorof Imporial wns among
Hod Cloud visitors Monday.
Eight tons of millet hay for sale. Jno
F.arnor, box .",23, Hed Cloud.
If you don't boo Taylor's wall paper
before buying you will miss it.
Do not forgot our premiums, Now is
the timo to subscribe or pay up.
Row J. K. Maxfleld was visiting his
brothor at Dorchester tills wook.
A. II. Clinpin of McCook was iu tho
city tho lattor part of last weok.
O. M. Pearson of Olatho, Kansas, was
in Hod Cloud ono day this wook.
Lincoln mixed pnint is made especially
for this cliniato. Sold by Cotting.
.7. W. Smith of Thayer, Mo., mado a
trip to Hed Cloud tlio llrst of tho week.
For Salo Homo grown, listed seed
corn, C0 conts por bushel. F. E. Coble.
D. Tj. Wshop, ono of Franklin's enter
prising grocerymon, wns in Hed Cloud
Miss Dolly Shepardson and Miss John
son of Hiverton wero in Hed Cloud last
V. S. Henderson wnpcnlied to Shubort
this weok on acconnt of tho illnesB of
his mother.
II Hayes of Jowcll county, Kansas,
old friend of D. ,7. Mjers, was iu Hed
Cloud this week.
C'omrndo Saundors has leased tho
Webster Street livery barn and will run
it as a feed barn.
O. C. Tool and family aro visiting in
I ndianola where thoy will remain for
two or three months.
A largo number of Hed Cloud people
picnicked at Amboy this week. A grand
timo was had and tho little llsh sutlercd.
Row Simpson Ely dolivered his tectum
on "Fools and Foolory" at tho opera
house Monday ovoning to a fair audi
ence. Wo do not uso cotolino or any other
kind of lino, but pure and healthful in
gredients in our broadstulTs or pastry.
K.M.KV it Camimikll.
J. A. Tulleys wan in Omnhn this week
attending tho grand Knights Templar
conimandry session of which ho is Right
Imminent Grand Commander.
Tho oyo. Its diseases and treatmont
E. S. liVitns, M. D., oyo, ear and throat
specialist, Lazarus Wook, ColumbtiB, O
HufiiB Mikech, agont, Hed Cloud, Neb.
I. S. Drummond, Into editor of tho
Hurr Oak Horald wiib in Hod Cloud this
weelc. Ho wants to lenso a print shop
and will bo glad to havo any ono wishing
to do bo to nddroes him at Norton,
Tho band boys want a band stand
from which thoy can give tho Saturday
ovoning concortB. Why not build a neat
stand at tho junction of Fourth avenue
and Wolmter streets? Tho people
siiouiti oncourago uio ooys in tiielr of-
Tho Mason nnd Hamlin and tlio Estoy
organs aro considered tho best organs
made, but tho best of thorn should bo
cleaned twice n year in ordor that tho
tone may be cloar. Win. Tulleys is do
ing this kind of work at prices that aro
in tlio reacn or ovoryono.
Frank Smith, ono of our enterprising
Cnrlleld farmers wns Bitting down on
tho opera houso stairs Suturday, think
ing over many important subjects and
talking with tho boys, when a thunder
crash camo, and Frank jumped at least
forty foot, so Judco l'ortor enys. On ex
animation it was found that a yard of
nlastor had fallen and that ho had es
enped in tho nick 'o timo iu order toBtivo
liimsclt Injury.
Tho man arrested for singing "Sweet
Mario" at tho corner of WobBtor Btroot
yes t onlay was allowed his froodom whon
it was found that ho woro n suit of
"II., S, A M." clothes. When .asked by
our reporter how a 'man so thor
oughly up to date as to wear
this iuiiko of clothing coultl so
far forgot hiniBolf as to elng "Swoot
Marie," ho renlied that tho clothes bo
lonued to liia brother, who bought thorn
of wiener hut that ho und liut them
on that niorniiiL', havim; detorminod to
make one last desperate struggle to bo a
I gentleman.
The Only
Great and thoroughly re
liable building-up medicine,
nerve tonic, vitalizer and
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
It has won its hold upon the
hearts of the people by its
own absolute intrinsic merit.
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story:
Hood's Cures
Even when all other prepar
ations and prescriptions fail.
"I used Hood's Sarsnparllla last
winter when I had a bad cold nnd
hcadacho spells for seven days. It did
mo good. My father was tnken with
rheumatism in his nrm and ho took
ono bottlo, nftcr which tho pains left
his nrm." Gustavk Stone, drcsham,
Hrvrwl'c Dllle are tastclMi, tnllil, vffpc
niMKl S 1 IMS tiro. All ilniKKlitj. 13c
Wall paper at Tajlor's.
Hay by tho balo or ton at Roby's.
Fresh garden seeds in bulk at Roby's
Choico onion sets nt Roby's, 15 ctB por
Tho nicest lino of curtains at Tay
lor's. Satisfaction guaranteed at Tennnnt's
Call and fco Taylor's carpets before
Houso and barn for rent. Inquire nt
this olllco or of Win. Engols, tf
Don't take any bod 'h Bay bo for or
against it but come and seo for yourself
thatCotting is selling wall paper chonper
than any one else.
Take your wagon work to Stapleton
Ho forges all irons for buggiesout of tho
best Norway iron, uses no mn'leablo iron
in repairing buggies.
When jour piano needs tuning, call
on Prof. Jenkins, who is now prepared
to do this work iu a satisfactory man
nor. Rooms over First Nat'l Hank
Thousands of fruit and forest trees at
tho North Hrauch nursery, ono mile
south-east of North Hrauch, Kansas, 15
mi lee south-east of Hed Cloud, Neb.
Tho Dillon Nursery Co.
"Coin's Financial School" a treatise
on free silver nt a ratio of 10 to 1, is bo
ing pitched into by eastern papers hot
and heavy and being as loudly lauded
by western papers, is tho book of tho
hour. You can get it and read It for
yoursolf, free or ehitrgo, by subscribing
for TiiKCmr.r. It !b wortli reading
whether jou beliovo that way or not.
The ladies' of tho Red Cloud Ilonovo
lent society met at Mm, E. Hifo's ThuiB.
day and authorized tho following report
for tho bonellt of tho public.
Money received from churches
and othor sources $2191
Expondod for coal, grocerios,
shoes, etc 20 28
Also have distributed 11.10 garmonts,
Mas. (!. W. Dow Secretary.
In addition to tlio ubova Mrs. Carrio
Shorwood, tho custodian of tho Princess
Honnio oxponded thofollowingnniounts.
For shoes 3 7 00
Groceries 17 15
Tlio auxiliary Bocioty of tho agricul
tural society met at Mm. Ooo. J. War
ren's last Thursday. Tho following
ollicors woro elected:
Mis Mollio Ferris, President'
Mrs. C. W. Kaloy, Vico Presidont.
Mrs. Carrio Shorwood, Secrotnry.
Mrs. Harry Sowtor, Asst. Secrotnry.
Mrs. W. 11. Roby, Supt. Toxtilu Dopt.
MoBdames, McKooby and Winters,
Mrs. T. C. Hackor, Supt. Flowors and
Mrs. L. II. Fort, Assistant.
Mrs. O. W. Lindsey, Supt. of Arts.
Mrs. F. V. Taylor, Assistant.
Mm. O. J. Warren, Culinury Dopt.
Mrs. C. J. Piatt, Assistant,
Swoot potatoos, cabbago and tomato
plnnta for sulo by W. V. Ileal, threo
miles south of Cowlos, Neb. 3t
Itiicklcn'tf Amlou Sulve.
The best Bidvo in the world for outs,
bruises, sores, Ulcers, Suit rhoum. fover
sores, tetter, ohnppod hands, chillblaius,
corns, and all skin eruptions, nnd posi
tlvely enres piles, or no pay requirod. It
is guaranteed to give p'erfoot satisfaction
or money refundod. l'rlce 25 coats por
box, 1'orsule by Cotting. tt
All kinds of sowing dono at Mrs. F. P.
Hndley's. Threo blocks west of Miner's
storo. t f
Dr. Price's Cream Halting Powder
A Pure drape Cream ol Tartar Powder.
Just Received
A Large
i Heath & Milliaan's
I Mixed
. . . Paints
Jjj Consisting of House Paints,
jh Barn Paints, Carriage and
Si! Wagon Paints, Floor Paints
& and colors in Oil ,.,
Tlithc celebrated kooiIm arc tho lel in the
world. XV v hIno carry a complete line of
Oils, Lead, Putty,
Glass and . . .
Aall Paper.
i) Givo us a call. Wo can
it X- -J.j --.
VV" '
lcoco. I
-" " V V.
; According to predictions this is going to bo awarm
ZZ summer. You want to prepare for ' it by
friffum1 ii
""'""b "
J- These are the best hot weather goods
2 in which you can invest.
5J coin: in axi si:r hum.
For our special sale we will o-Jve the 3
public a
Remember we make it an object for
people to trade with us. Be
sure and get our prices on every
thing in out line.
H A. Moehart & Son. H
Shipment of
please you.
& Grice.
first class
1 1 cents per pound. 1
5 rlv