The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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$1.00 Bottlo
Tnta (Iheat Conn II Cuke cromntlv eurrt
Where (Ul othcra full. Coueht, Croup. 8ora
Throat, Hoaracneai, whooping Cough and
flathma. For Comumptlon It has no rlralt
lias cured thousand!, end Will cure you If
taken In time 8old by Dnnrglsta on a guar,
ante. For a Lnrao Hack or Cheit, usa
Havo you cuuuThr, This remedy la guaran.
tod to cure you. l'rlocWcta. Iajactortrea.
For Mile bjr C L C'ottlng Druggist
The Book of
"The Fair."
By II. II. Hancrc-H, "Tho lllktorlau."
A work of Ono Thousand Imporinl Folio
pugos, twelve by sixteen inches,
printed on the llnoat onamolod
paper, on tho Miolilo prose, ub ex
hibited in Machinery Hall. This
work contains
Twenty-five Parts
Forty Pages Each.
Thoro will bo over 2,000 SUPERIJ PIC
tures of all sizes up to a full page.
A chapter on
Pairs ot the Past
From tho Crystal Palace of 18."2 to the
Paris Exposition of 1839. The
Exposition was hut for a moment
while tho hook is tor all time, and
Should be in
Every Home
Sold by subscription only, on easy pay.
monta of (!'$ cents a day. For
further particulars apply to
Drtiffist &JooT;scIlcr
. s5T.Kcnt for thin company.
''lie O. It. Shop,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
I givo my pergonal attention to my
patrons. Kirst-nlnas shaving and hair
caltint,' a sptcialty.
Totisorial ArllNlN,
4th Avr.Nui:, Ki:i Ci.oun, Nkiuiahka
First-chin barbers and lirst-elasa work
guaranteed (Jive me a call
Moon Block, - IIED CLOUD, NEH.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence! solicited.
ill. J. S.
ltEI) Cl.OUD, - Nf.hkaska.
Over TiijInr'M IMiriiHuro More.
Kxtracts tcilli witlmut p.iln.
Crown suiil l.riilno work u specialty. . ,
J'orcel.lln lnl.ij.aml nil Kinds (it koM IUIHhm.
Makes '.'olil ami i libber plates and combination
1 work Ktiiiraiiti'i'il to be llrst-class.
II oi iputlile IMijlclnii,
lied Cloud, Nebraska.
omro opposite first National Hunk.
U. S.KxiiinluiiiK Million.
I'lirnnii ilWeaM'i treated liv mall.
Insurance Agency,
Jtepri'ionts ,. ,. .
Herman liwiraace ( , I'reepnrt, III.
ltoyal nisii.aii''( o , Liverpool, KiiKhimt.
Ilonu' I'lro liiMir.ini'u Co., of iimaha, Neur.
I'llii'liK Asiiir.inee Co. nf Loiulou, I.HK. ,
To MancliettiM nio AsiNianeoCo. oi laiuUtm.
llrltlih Ainellea AiMiliiueo Co. Toronto, Call.
Mutual lleviM' I'liml l.llo Assii.ol N. . , ,
Tim Workman liutlilmu ami I.01111 Association
ot Lincoln, Ni'ta iika.
Ollli'o over Mizora Storo.
Ukd Cloud, - Nkhkaska
('Milieu l-a lllniuoml tlrun.l.
Orltfinul nml Only (irnuwir
rct aJwai niUblv, udiii hi
I iniiralut fi.p thlrkff i nl.ttiti tlirt
tn.m.i lira h, l in lit il tOJ liflJ writing
ttif aill lih I lu rlLUm TltLu
lu.ntun.timit Attain AL llfUifrtlH. or BCTli If.
it ni In . hfftu ti.itmtruut aiiliififiii
In aumrt fur I artI;uUri, tciiiruonUlt ul
Mtfll. f fop LuillisMtfrttrr. by rtlurn
r Mali. I0.1MIO rttimooUli , tm iMprr.
octl Drurriui. 1'hlUtlt.. ,
G. F. Stapleton,
RfakCN n apcclally or Itcpalrlng
BiikkIch and Ciirrlogei.
IIorBO-Blioonig and Wow Work prompt
ly attended to, and takes
pains shooing
Trotting and Running HorseB,
And all work zpaoted of a first
elaaa Smith.
hop South ef tke Lnnndrr
m, if iFviA
m i-i
I 14
The New SyMcm Under Which
Towimhlpa will he Operated.
(Homo lloll xo, ft! )
l'or an act to provide for township or
ganizition, to divide counties undir
township orgmiizatiuii into supervisor
distrtuts, to define the tight., powers
and liabilities of towns, tho duties
and compensation of tliu officers
thereof, and to provide for the elec
tion of town officers, and for tliu elec
tion of supervisors and the term of
office of the supervisors to ho elected
and chosen in tho several supervisor
districts into which the cwtinty is to
bo divided when governed by town
ship organization, introduced by E.
0. Burns of Dodtto county.
January S, 1895, read first tiuio and
ordered to second reading; January
9, 1895, read second time and referred
to tho committee on County Scats,
County Boundaries and Township Or
ganizations, Bo it Enacted by tho Legislature
of tho Stato of Nebraska:
Sko. 1. At any general election
that may bo held in the several coun
tii s in the state, tho qualified voter
in any county may voto for or against
township organization in such county.
Sec. 2, Tho county commission
ers, on petition of fifty or more legal
voters of the county, shall cause to be
submitted to tho voters of tho county
tho question of township organization
under this act, by ballot, to be written
or printed, or partly written or partly
printed thereon, "for township organ
ization," or, "against township organ
ization, the votes to be counted, can
vassed, and returned in like manner
as votes fur county officer.
Sec. 3. If it shall appear by the
returns of said clcotion that a major
ity of the legal voters of such county
voting at such election aro for town
ship organization, then tho county so
voting for its adoption shall bo gov
erned by and subject to the provisions
of this act. on and after tho meeting
of tho supervisors of tho county as
hereinafter provided.
Sec. !. On the second Tuesday
after such election adopting township
organization in any county the county
commissioners of the county shall
meet at the county scat of such coun
ty and shall forthwith, and within
not more than three da)s from and af
ter the day of meuting, divide
such county into five districts to he
known as supervisor districts; such
districts to ho divided as near as pos
sible with regular boundary lines and
in regular and compact form and
shape, and each district shall as near
as possible have the same number of
inhabitants as any other district; hut
no township shall be divided by any
Ktich district; Provided that in coun
ties having cities or over ono thous
and inhabitants, and mora inhabitants
than the average outlying districts,
tho county commissioners shall add
enough contiguous territory to such
city so that the inhabitants in such
city and contiguous territory shall
equal tho inhabitants of two of the
other districts, and when so divided
such district in which such city is lo
cated shall elect two supervisors, to
ho olected at large within such dis
trict: Provided further that if a
county is divided with such a city
district then and in such event tho
balance of tho territory shall only bo
divided into throo districts, and Htich
city district shall rcocivo a double
number as hereinafter provided.
Sko. fj. When tho county has been
divided as in tho prcocding section
provided, tho county commissioners
shall at once, upon such division, pro
ceed to number such districts from
otic to five and they shall, in caso of a
oity district as contemplated in tho
preceding sootion, give such city dis
trict two numbers, ono odd and ono
even number.
Sec. 0. In the evont any city hav
ing ono thousand inhabitants or moro
shall havo enough inhabitants to form
ono supervisor district then such city
shall constitute ono district, or in
case tho number of inhabitants is
less than tho number in tho other dis
tricts then so much contiguous terri
tory shall bo added to such oity to
givo it suffioiont inhabitants for ono
supervisor district. Villages may bo
onumeratod with goncral districts,
counting all tht inhabitants therein
The World's Fair Tests
sMkow4 no Mclag powdtr
:m w r grmt la JmW
. .fonf power m the ttoyagc,
as being within tho district wherein
such town or village Is situated.
Sec. 7. Tho county commission
ers of any such county having adopt
ed township organization shall each
bo assigned to the supervisor district
in which he may reside, or if two re
side in one district then the one re
siding nearest the center of such dis
tiiot shall ho the supervisor of such
district and thu other shall be the su
pel visor for tho district nearest to his
residence, and tho three shall forth
with, appoint two supervisors to fill
tho vacancies in tho other two super
visors' districts, ond the newly ap
pointed supervisors shall duly qualify
and file their oath of office and bond
with tho county judge within ten days
after suoh appointment. Any vacan
cy shall bo filled by appointment by
tho remaining supervisors.
Sec. 8. After tho coutity commis
sioners shall have divided tho county
into distriots and shall have appointed
supervisors for tho district vacancies
and shall havo transacted tho other
necessary county business, they shall
adjourn to tho second Tuesday in De
cember following tho election adopt
ing township organization, at which
time they shall meet, and the newly
appointed supervisors shall, after
their bonds aro duly approved, meet
with them, and they shall at onoo or
ganize by electing ono of the Gve
supervisors as chairman, who shall ap
point all tho noccssary committees,
and from and after such meeting and
organization the powers of the com
missioners shall cease and tho board
so organized shall have all the powers
and perform all and singular tho du
ties performed by county boards as
contemplated by law.
Sec. 9. When the board of super
visors shall have been organized as
stated in tho preceding sections they
shall at once divide tho coutity into
townships by making such townships
conform ns near as practicable to
townships according to government
survey. When county lines are not
in accordance with government town
ships, so as to cause fractional town
ships, such fractious may bo annexed
to an adjoining township, when the
number of inhabitants or tho amount
of territory in such fractions shall not
ho sufficient for a separate township.
When any government township
shall have too few inhabitants
for a separate oiganization. then such
township may also be added to an ad
joining township, or tho some may be
divided between two ar more town
ships for the time being, and when
creeks or rivers so divide government
townships so as to make it inconven
ient for transacting town business,
then such erek or ricr may be made
the boundary line and tho fractions
formed, if any, may bo disposed of as
other fractional townships heretofore
Sec. 10. The hoard of supervisors
shall also at the meeting mentioned in
the preceding section designate the
natuo af each township, and may
chaimo the namo of any town at
any other meeting of such hoard upon
a petition of a majority of the voters
of such town.
Sec. 11. Tho county cleric shall
record in a hook kept for that pur
pose tho names nnd boundaries oi
each town as designated by tho county
board, and shall forthwith forward an
abstract thereof to the nuditor of pub
lic accounts of this stato, who shall
Hiako a record of the same.
Sec. 112, Tho hoard of supervisors
shall also at tho meeting at which
they shall fix and namo tho several
townships, appoint for each township
sonic suitable person, being an elector
within tho township, as justico of
the peace, and also for each township
soma suitable person, being an elector
within tho township, ns assessor,
which person so appointed, shall on
or before tho January meeting follow
ing, take tho oath of ofiico and filo a
bond, ns provided by Section 19 of
Chapter 10, ontitlcd: Bonds and Oaths
Official; and which bond shall bo ap
proved by tho board as provided by
law, in caso suou person, or any ono
of thorn, shall neglect or rcfuso to qual
ify, tho county board shall at suoh
January meeting appoint another or
others, as tho caso may bo, who shall
qualify as abovo stated, and suoh por
Bons so appointed shall hold suoh
offioo until their suioessor shall bo
duly oliotcd and qualified as provided
by law.
Sic. 13., The oounty clerk shall
also on or btfore the third Tuesday in
Deetsber following the Uoftioi tf
township organization, appoint for
each township somo suitable person,
being nu elector within I lie township
for wich ho is appointed, ns town
clerk. Such person so appointed
shall on or before the first T.iesdny in
January next emuing takn the oith
of office and give bond as provided by
the sretion and chapter referred to in
the preceding section, and thu county
board shall approve hiicIi bond at
their January meeting or shall meet
nnd approve all bonds given to fill
vacancies provided for in this nnd the
preceding seetion before tho first day
of April next mining. In the event
the person appointed shall fail or re
fine to qualify by the time named
aboyc, the county eleik shall name
somo other pcrsau possessing the
qualifications mentioned in this sec
tion. Tho pemou so appointed and
qualified shall hold their office until
their succcscors are duly elected and
to up continued
(All Interested In till law linlil rut It out nml
alt. It Mill t.ikenboiiftiiur Iniiii'i to com
plete It.)
A Viilinihle I'liid.
After years of study an 1 hor, there has
nt last been discovered n saro niul never
fnilidg remedy, It has been teated on
patient, who havudUpalred of over behiK
anted, the results have tieeti, in evsry cant)
wonderful. GrotTV Khcmnatism Cure Is
utieiiiinleil as a positive round)' in all
eases of Chronic and Acute lnllainiiiatory
Hhutnnatiiin, (Soul, I.tinihago, Solution,
Neuralgia, Dysmunorrhoea nnd nil kind
red nlfeetinns. It Is alnoa vnlniihlo Illnod
l'urillur, heitiK especially UHof nl in Kezema
lVoriiiKlH, Scrofula, all (lliitnlnlar ImlarKu
mint and dlenHesof the liver nnd kldiinjs.
It is absolutely freo from all narcotics.
Severe uttackH nro relieved in from ono
to three ilaH and a positive uuro effected
in from tho to eiuhtoeu days. (J. li.Cot-
tliK lied Cloud, Neti. Ill tin
HotnesenkerH excursion ratenon April
2.'!tl, one lowest lirst ehis standard fare
plus 6200 for tho round trip. Mini
mum rates shnll lie 67,00 to all points in
Nebraska, Kuusas, Colorado, South Da
lwtii, Wyoming uiul Utah. Tickets lim
ited to continuous pnsHiigo in each di
rection, (mini; passage to lie-in on ilato
of sale, tliinl return limit twenty iIiijh
from ilato ofalo. A. Conovki:,
Dr. Price's Crcnm Making Powder
Wor'd's Fair Mistiest Award.
CrooUid Creek
Mr. Hams lost a valuable cow
(.'has. Tcunant was on tho sick
last week.
Somo of the fanners around here
havo gone to planting corn.
Mr. Copland was attending court
last week.
Mr. Harris was hauling hay from
Bed Cloud Saturday.
EiiiniPtt Teiinant supports n new
Ed Dickson was helping Clarence
.Jones move Satutday.
Miss Hunter and Mrs. Tennant were
visiting at Mr. Wallin's Saturday.
Henry llanis called at Mr. Gurnoy's
Mr. Fare is winking for Mr. Hols
working t'lis season.
Eu.mett Tcunant is building a new
bugiry shed.
A certain man who does not live n
thousand miles from here camo home
tho other night with a little to much
bug juice
Heart Disease 30 Yrs!
" .
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. W.McKinscy, postmaster of
Kokomo, Ind., and :i bravo cx-sohller,
says: "1 had been severely troubled
with heart disease ever since leaving
tho army at the close of the late war.
I was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. I could not
sleep on my left side, and had pain
around my heart. I becamo so ill
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention was called to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try It Tho first bottles
made a decided Improvement in my
condition, nnd 11 vo bottles have com
plctely cured me." ((
O. W. McKINSEY, P. M., Kokomo, Ind
Dr. MIIm IToart Onre to sold on . poattlra
runranuio that tho Srat bottle will bopeflt.
AlldroKKlMaiiellltatll, 6 bottle for IB. o
.MnBALOU ear b Da, MIIm Pais
tuts, "Oat ctit a doso." At all dnutlsta.
On the steering-head of every Columbia bicy
cle of this year's make that name-plate appears.
It is unique, handsome, and indicates much
satisfaction and highest enjoyment to the rider.
No other bicycle has ever equalled a Columbia.
No other bicycle ever shall equal a Columbia.
The greatest bicycle factory in the world says so.
New Price $ 1 QQ
(i j M vv
HARTFORD Bicycles, next best, $80 60.
$50 (or Boys' and Qlrls' sizes.
An Art
of Mono anion
trheelM freo Hi
any Columbia
Agouey, or tvill
bo mailed (or
two a-coal
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Piioi'itiinoits ok
oisnr IJKAY MHjEl
Ordora Ordromptry flllod.
IMllle money
ft if li Wl Trill,
n twenty pngo journal, is tho lcudinc Republican family paper of tho Unltec
States. It inn NATIONAL KAMI I A' I'AI'EI!, and guts nil tho general nuwHot
tho United States. 1 1 pves tho events of foreign lnnilii in a nutshell. lis "AG
KlCUIi'UIAL"(lepiiitment Iiiihi'o mipciinr in tho country ItH "MAUKET
KEI'OKTH" iiru HM'iiKiiiy.iJil nuthnrity. Separato departments for "THE I'WMI
Its "HOME nml SOCIETY" coIuuiiih I'limmnnil tho mlmiriitiou of wives and
dniightms. ItBgniienil political news, editoiinls and dlsoubhloim nro comprehen
sive, brilliant nml exhaustive.
A SPECIAL CONTRACT unubles uh to olTur this splendid journal uud THE
cash i. aivax:i:.
(Tho regular Bucscription for tho two paporo is 82.00.)
rSTAddreflH nil orders to THE CHIEF,
Write your iiiiiiih nnd nddreHi on n poHlal enrd, eud II lo Geo.
W Hen!, ICoom ti, Tribune Itiuldliitf, Xew York, and Multiple
copy or tiii: m:t voitit wixili.v thiiiij.m: win io
mulled lo joii.
.............................................................. ..............i
&& ! 4-S4&-
Lost, Strayed and Stolen.
hnve toil money liy not ttnyinu your Harness,
Saddles ItrldlCN, Whip nnd Ilullor from J. .
f Strayed
from I lie pnlli of economy by not liuylHg your
CttllurN and Sweat Pad from J. O. Butler.
it uolilcii opportunity from you by not buying
your HariiesH Goods or J. O. llutler.
He U strictly In tho Hiirnesa Biz tliU spring. Ho
will ncII you it pulr or luda Tor SOc, or a Team Hur.
rcin for. !M, In fact, everything In III line at bed rock
prlcca. Trimming and repairing on abort Notice.
New Vor
Sn I'ranclHco
"Sour pntromiKO nolicitod
Of I Ih World
I'or a Till I e.
I tod Cloud, Nobrnskn.
5"43 - - - - - - - - 5: - )j