The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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i .
During Which lln I.iiini liimti Tiling
Not IntiM'ilril I'nr I'nlillwitliin, lint Ik
AlilP to hny 7 lint Kwrythlnj; Will tlf
All Hlulit Soon On tint lliriiinii lux.
Utrlrlit, Hf), liy IMcirW Nyu.
Probably next to Mr. Cleveland him
self Secretary D.tniil H. I.aunmt ii tlu
HtrotiH',st iivldunin ami tliu brightest ex
ntiiplo now Ilvinn of what may bo tlo'iu
liynn ambitious American boy Lament
1h tlin fnvorltii in tliu present cabinet not
onlv of those who Know him nencially,
but ot tlm pii'ti'luiit liimsulf.
Willi nil due topoot to tliu present
secretary of tho treasury, I think liu ii
n jneater lelMator litiaiicfur Why
vo should think in this republic that a
man who r:n make u nooil speech can
tlii'iolivu hliiim a- a warrior or a finan
cier 1 do not know, Kmineiieo of one
kind is not tliu oviiloneo ot mcatnoss in
a totally ilill'orcnt illroctlnii, and that is
whero wo niaku a peat bi mistake in
: Y
1 'fV L
1 pi' f il A il v.tAi
national nunirs I'.dnar A. I'oo wrote
fioino wonderful pinmis, but us a busi
ness man bo did not resemble Kussoll
Sao in any way
Wo often find n bright editor sold out
by tho Hhorill bceaiihu it Ih very differ
ont writing comments on current events
from preparing dividends for htoek
holders. Mr Lament is it sound headed, cool man who could nor, mi tho spur
of tho moment Wilton sonnet that The
Century Maaino would givoovirifs
for, and yet hu a nuM successful
minister. Ho also tnrus down his vvmo
fjlnss, and that is a unod tiling to do in
these ilayi- of "overwork."
"Overwork" is netting iilinuntlicr too
canimoii among cieiil nan ovuvvoi;
of tliu ijiowltr it would bo called if
found in tho low r walks of life.
It icipiitos a good deal of genuine
courage sometimes lor a man who is
called genial to go tlnotigli a four hour
dinner and m.iko a humoious nod spar
kling speech on npolliunris. I!ut it can
Im done so 1 am told and has been
1 made a visit at tho White IIou-o
not long ugo. iiinl though I am not at
llburty to lopcat full.v thu conversation
between Mr. Cleveland and myself I
can truly say that times will bo easier
awl better inside of a few weeks.
With a cud from tliu secretary of
war I dropped in on timet my Tluubor
one pleasant aftei noon with no decigm
on tho piosldout, fur it was cabinet day,
' and you will never catch mo breaking
up a cabinet meeting with tho condition
that national nffaus aro now in.
Mr. Tlinrber iH a very busy mail in a
try"K pl.iee, but tho mtmngii to k'eep
(ood natured and pio.servei tho peace
pretty well between tho entcrpiismg
press and thu administration.
One of Ins experience:, if 1 havo not
told it before, may bear tolling here, for
it shows ono phase of Ins lifo as a body
guard to tho president of a (4re.1t Demo
cratic nation.
A very attractive and geutlo manner
ed woman called to seo thuptesident on
an important matter, but ho was very
busy, and tliu secretary said it would bo
out of tliu question.
So shu laid her cao in e.tenso boforo
Mr. Thurbur in order that hu misfit
present it to tho piesident. The matter
involved a good deal of detail, and tho
secretary saw at unco that ho could not
trust Iiih momoiy with it. So ho
lier to be kind enough to wiito out the
oaso as clearly and succinctly as pus.Mblu
ior his convenience.
"Hut could vou not roineinber it your
Bolf, Mr Thurhen1" she inquired, with
big. blue, appealing, elublliku eyes.
"No, ni.ulaui, " said he. "With the
volumo ot other matters and tho
variety r-t widely dilTeteut atlairs that 1
am obliged to keen in mind from day to
day 1 am sure that 1 could not rel upon
myself to retain nil the-o details. It
would bo a physical impossibility."
"bo you could not keep tho matter In
mind without a written memorandum?"
ho asked.
"No, I nm quite suro 1 could not. "
"Woll, then, "said rIiu as hho drew
horsolf up to lior full height, "all I've
got to iy is that vou'vu got a d d
poor memory I'
1 With this terse remark bIio turned
(ho blinding glaru of a big diamond 011
tho uHtonibhed secretary nud Uo.ited
away liko n beautiful dream.
While wo wore talking tho cabinet
filed out, nud tho president, with ill
concealed delight, asked me to como in.
Do does his work in a large, baro look
ing room at tho hack of thoWliitu House,
on thoKCCoud tloor, overlooking tho park
mid monument.
As wo talked ho toyed with tho waste
papor basket, twinging it to and fio by
tho eaiswhilo four urtlv lu-ails,
etill warm and wet with clotted blood
in tho clustering hair, tolled about mid
bumped ngaiiist each other inside.
(Tho ubo'vu ia a figure ot epeouh, of
courso, for, m n matter of fact, there
was nothing in tho baskot whatovor ex
cept a torn noto from n Now York pub
llHber asking tho president to wrlto an
nrticlo for his holiday number 011 "Ad
vnntngeH and Disadvantages of Unit
That Has Ueen Spat Upon.")
"I nni glad to sco you, Nye," flniri
tho president, "for I know that you
don't want nnythlng. You don't know
how wclcomo tho friend is tlico day
whoso cup of happiness Is full and who
doeH not yearn for anything. Would
you mind looking through tho koyhole
of that door a minute tp seu if any one
has his eyoor ear against it on tho othei
"Certainly not," wilil I, going to thb
door and cursorily glancing tlnough tin
koyhnlo as hu bade mu do.
"Woll," wild lie, dropping his voice
to a whisper, "I wanted to way a word
to you privately. You mu a Kafomau tc
intrust with a confidence, I know, foi
oven though you writu for tho press you
would not betray me, I know, and even
if you did no ono would boliovo what
you said.
"I havo been wanting to toll koiiio
0110 for a longtime this little truth that
is eating my lifo slowly away. 1 could
not tell it to liiembLr.s of thu cabinet
very well, for each of them has his own
personal troubles to worry over. I can
not even toll my wife, for nho, too, has
her household mattera to think of, but
1 wanted to tell somo kind friend, who
would not run light to thu telephone
with it, that I fear congress i.s conceal
ing something from me I
"I do not know what it in, but I know
it Ih something. Whenever 1 11111 across
congiess suddenly it stops what it was
speaking about and looks out of thu
window for quite a .spell mid seems to
bo cerebrating. Of course that is all as
sumed, for congiess novor cerebrates.
Now, no 0110 can uudeistaud how un
happy all this makes mo unless ho has
been president hiui'-elf and had a con-
gus's on his hands that dues nut yield
him its full confidence.
"Thu first sign I noticed of rcservo
was when congress was out till after 1!3
o'clock ono night and did not tell mo
where it had been. Tho next morning
it could nut look mu in thu faeu. I fear
that it is leading a double life.
"What would you do if you woro in
my placo?
"Of course souiu of thu things con
grois does gets into Thu Congressional
lieenrd, but that is only a blind, for
suiely what wu seu in Thu Itecoid could
not take up one-fourth of its time.
"Now and then congrcs.s passes an
act autlioii.lng tho building of a
bridge perhaps and sends it down heru
fur my signature, but that is only to
mislead mu mid maku mu think that 1
havo its confidence mid am allowed to
come in on thu ginuiid lloor.
"Formerly congress used to como
right up to mu ami look mu straight in
the eyo mid allow mu to smell of its
breath, and there was uh-olutu confi
dence between us, but now thu moment
1 go up tluro to listen to tliu conversa
tion both houses go into executive ses
sion, mid 1 havo to go out and sit on
thu doorstep. It has bei 11 so all winter.
"No ono can fully syinp.ithUo with
me, fur no one umliist.mds thu case.
Snuiu ask mo if I intend to call mi extra
session. What should I call mi etr.i
session for when congress is so letieent
anil taciturn when in my society?
"Of course 1 feid hurt mid grieved,
for when a congiess will not givu tho
president its confidence ami coined in
lato of nights and takes off its bouts to
go up staiis one feels that it must como
to a bad end."
Witli that tho president wiped away
a big hut tear. As 1 c.imu away his head
was bowed Horrowtully on his desk, and
citizen to mako of bin particular busi
ness nn honorablo bucccss. Tho incoino
tax punishes him for thin and encourages
him to do exactly what Ananias did.
And tn go still further with tho simile
bo is HUpposed to report thu incoino of
bis wlfo Sapphira. Sapphirn is not 11
citizen. Sho has 110 right", mid tho col
lector has no authority to question her
about her incoino; but I, for instance,
Rtill carrying out this idea, will bo re
quired to report my wifo'H income, mid
if our united incomes should hoover tho
to Knd th
China Agree
Iondon, April 17. A dtepntch to th
Times from ShnnKhal nays U llunn
Chnng'n non-ln-lavv telegraphs that 11
peace convention wnn plgneil at Shim
onosekl Monday by tho plenipotentiaries
of China and Japan. Following lire the
terms of tho convention:
1 The Independence of Corea.
. 2. Thnt Jnpan letnltis the places she
has conquered.
3. That .Tnnnn slinll nloi nlnlti tin
Btlpulated amount I must pay a tax oil territory of the I,lao ilwr.
XI- '- '-aXy-.--
I xs fc-S y
1 """ "" &ikS
S 1 1 n a ft on iujjA
(iOISCl TllllOttOlI A 11VNK.
a llvo green l'otom.iofrog that tho pres
ident had in his pocket to fish with aft
er 1 o'clock had escaped mid had, after
a cold pluugo in the inkstand, quietly
vetoed a bill relativo to tho collection
of tho income tax.
1 liko Washington, as wo say in North
Carolina, right much. I havo had no
leisuro for loneliness or ennui. Tho
man who can bo ouutiiod in Washington
must bo an abnormal anthropoid. Hero
you s-oo everybody. Tho pooplo Bond
their statesmen hero ami then 0111110 hero
to seo how thoy nro behaving them
selves. Thus wo havo tho opportunity
of meeting tho eminent mid those who
Hindu them so.
Hero wo find tho blade, thou tho oar
and after that tho full com in tho ear.
Tho root and branch of govoriiniont nro
hero, and if yon keep your oyo out you
will also find tho foliage tho ver
dauoy, bo to fipenk. It conies to Bcok ap
pointment or appropriation mid somo
tiiuea blows out tho gas.
I nni interested in politics only ns
ovory citizen tho head of a family should
bo, I approhond. As a taxpayer of
course Iain interested. I ntn emphatic
ally down on tho incoino tax, as every
man is who has any principle or inter
est. When wo got whero wo must tax en
terprise and iuiposu u lino upon business
intelligeneu by taing a laudiblo ambi
tion mid exempting mid lowmdiug mis
management, wu need thu aid and com
mispiation of other nations. It is, tho
. praiseworthy uuibitiaii of every good
it, so my wlfo is not only disfranchised,
but thu fact is emphasized by making mo
a detective, mid 1 must not only pay a
tax 011 my efforts to cam more than
$:t,500 per year, but I must go through
my wife's pockets ufter sho has retired,
no matter how dilllcult it may bo to as
certain whoro those pockets aro and how
to get into them, in order to ascertain
what she got for her butter and eggs
during tho current year, ami if I fail to
do this mid to add it to my own income
I am a traitor to my country.
Whntover future generations may
say of our intelligence and statesman
ship I know not, but 1 am positive that
their remarks regarding the incoino tax
will ho entirely unfavorable
1 mu also required to report tho in
coino of minor children and to go
through their littlu toy banks whilo they
aro asleep.
I was a postmaster once, and I point
to that era of prosperity with pride. 1
hold the olllco hut four years, and yet it
was a period of uninterrupted pence mid
comfort. Wheat was .l a bushel anil
hay 20 per ton. Hverybody had em
ployment, and dress sleeves did nut io
quire crinoline to hold them in shape.
There were no stiike-1, mid poor people
did not study Holsaite.
My officii was linsed out thoroughly
every spring, and I have never lepeated
a word outside of my family which I
read on any of the postal cards passing
through my hands. I regarded tho olllco
as a solemn trust, and 1 never failed to
put back tho illustrated papers mid
magazines into their wrappers after I
hail glanced over them. (Sood white oak
and hiokory wood sold for $t per cord,
mid wo wcro at peace with all the na
tions of tho earth. Letters loft uncalled
for for the required time weru advertised
in my own paper, and patrons of thu
office who sull'ered fiom drought had
their stamps licked for them without a
Only onco I had congressional ambi
tions and that was temporary. I visit
ed Wyoming at tho time of her admis
sion to tho Union as n state, and the
legislature offered to make mu a senator
if 1 would become a citizen, and 1 was
tempted to do ir, fur it was a great hon
or, but I iommbered how close the air
is 111 the senate chamber ami how many
interruptions 1 would havo while doing
literary work and while other senators
were speaking and when I needed ab
solute quiet, so 1 iIi'C'IiiikI the si at. He-side-,
too, tlie salaiy is only .i,ii()0 per
year, and 1 would have to make cam
paign speeelus every fall without any
box olllco lecnipts. I would have to givo
a large patt of my salary to various
chui itiis, and little red babies would bo
named after me, each of whom would
havo to receive a silver mug. The pa
pers at homo would attack mo every
time 1 failed to vote, and even harder
perhaps when I did vote. My business
at homo would go to the dogs, mid if I
tailed of a ro-i lection I would bo mad
and sick at heart. My boys would grow
up to think the government ought to pro
vide for them and tho railio.uls givo
them p.issei My wife would need a
now drcs, and wo would feel hurt if
wu did not get ns much attention as the
senators troiu Now York mid Massachu
setts. I would have to bring my team
horo to Washington, where feed is high,
nud tho importers would bo all the time
asking 1110 what was done during tho
exeeutivu sessions and they would roast
mu and rako up old personalities if i ro
fused to tell them, mid tho seiiato would
despise 1110 if did not refuse, and thero
you are.
On tho whole, I decided to remain
free as a bird, free to cat with my
knife, free to oxpress my opinions, free
to ride on the liorM) cars, freo to attend
whichever chinch I chose, freo to criti
cise legislation, freo to go to sleep in
tho press gallery and freu to writu as I
am now writing.
Yesterday I leceived advanco sheets
of a new poetic volumo which will soon
nstonisli tho world. It is by a rising
poet, who asks 1110 to mention tlm book
casually in tho p.ipor, so that tho pub
lic may bo prepared for it and not fool
away its money on other literary trash
prior to tho of this work.
In a frank oiitbuint of pootio passion
the poet writes on tho title pago as fol
lows: If nil tho poems I Imvn written
Was plli il tu-i tin r la 11 pile,
Ami with ti 1 i.uli 1 It was littrn,
Vim csiuIiIm 11 thu thu fur 'ja mill).
If nil tlic i:ilil that 1 li io uotti 11
Tor all tlii'P1" 111s I h ivo vv rnti,
It wuulil nut hurt thu deblt'xt kittru
To pour it uuilti 11 down hi r throat.
Tho book teems with such beautiful
figments of tho brain as this mid will
mark mi era in tho literary history of
tho Unitod States. I was about to say
that it Hounds tho tocsin of a literary
revolution, but perhaps 1 should say tho
mititoxiuo instead.
i. That the Island of Knrmosa
ceded permanently to Jnpan.
B. The payment of an Indemnity
$100,000,000 nnd
G. An offenslvo nnd defensive filll"n
There wns no information '' i'.m
on the mibjeet at the Jnp'in-i 1- it
last night. Tlie olllelal to wh mi Hi
patch was shown wns Irn-llii' '. 1 -the
report that a trmty of s -i. I
been i'l;;ncd. nn 111 Mew of tl t 1 ir n
pro.ieh of the termination nf tie m
fstlee como action win i.i-ul n' ' i.
up to a late hour mthtng hml 1. ti
celved nt the IckiiMoii to co 1 1 1 t
Btatimi-nts mntPtnnd In th 'i . .
A ills-patch fr mi Shanghai
proclamiitli.n 1 ir'ng tli m ;
mime has been Uned, dr ; i'
empire ns llnlshed, nnd asi
uniiblo to govern any InniM', .: '
theollleluls he ti listed are ei , 1
proclamation has caused gr .it 1
nient, and thete fire fl;rus uf 1
The document, hoivivir. Im miIiI ii
the vvotk of the hvm t 'iclell"s.
KhlmrinnseM. April If..'.:
once yesteulay of peace eomitii 1
lasted llvo hour.i. All tlieelivojs .itt
oil the inciting i-xp,t the VI
Miami. It Is believed tho emit 1
was a final ou. Ii Is cald ti.e c i..
pit ulpiitentfatfeH ale pi 1 put in,; tu :
turn to their homej.
livbKYl 00AK
i 11 1 IS
! . -.- .fr- -r- N
-"?" " " " iyMg Mm k m m A. W W t i
Itrirnnl for I k 1 1 ' 1 1 .rnitre.
Montgomery. Ala.. Apifl IT A
fcnillt of a re i t of nxninlm 1- 1:
Ctov Oates ih Inied nnt tl-r. 1,
of prohato JuiIkm nf tl.I count v The
governor has nlsn offereil a leu-ml nf
J400 for tho appiehi of K. c. Ilan
(lulph, the absconding Judge.
kMD Ha.
ol Imitation trade
murks anil lahcls.
is tlie whole story
tv &
in pacKages.
Costs no more than other package sod 1 never spoils
flour universally acknowledged purest in the world.
Made only by CHURCH & CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere.
Writ for Arm ami Hummer lltmk ttf valit.thlo i.Ve;ies ';;;.
WW WW !' W WW-w11-wv-v V
9vnvr wvwi
lllilC" Ii'H "VV 111 Nol lie Impeii'lini.
St. I'aul, Minn.. April 17. 1..110 last
nlglit the house by a vote of 13 to h'i
decided tiKnlnut thu lmpeaehment of
Judge Kinnk Ives of tlie rourteentli
Judicial district.
I will ifiuKu 'id per cunt discount on
Boots and Shoes.
r tiff
u m m
Now is tlie timo to gt IIAUDWAl? K and
TIN W ARK clicnp. I am clofsing tlicm
out. 'JO per cent reduction on CUTLERY
for ii short """
I have a Bargain Rack !
On which articles of all lines will ho
t'.miwi at less than cost.
Judgment !
l?rom every lohacco chevver i vvnntwl
tU to tho incriti of
Livery and Feed Barn.
rirNt'HiixM lii every detail. Lot of room, lirlyhl haled liny
anil n nrictj il urnin. ev rl and swlti Iioinci eii: lie oeeurcd
for eily or country drives at reasonable priee.
All gooil jinlfjcs of chcvviii"; tobacco
have thus far been unnnimuut in jiro
noiincini! it the best in oiuilitv. tho
mo-it ileliciotm in flavor, tho best in
everyway. It's Lnnllnrd's.
"Ask the dcilcr for it.
10 wesr Av.vr street,
Regular graduato
nuthorlzod hy tho
otnte, and concod
otl to bo tlio loail
ln and moat suc
cessful Specialist
Nervous Debility
With It Many (iloomy Symptom. Cuml.
Lost Vitality
I'erlectly and Ptrmaoeatly Rtttortd.
Cured tor Lifo Without Mercury.
Urinary Diseases
Quickly Relieved and Thoroughly Cured.
aammmmm m m m m mmmmmmK
Hard Times Pi ices on Shoes 3
Ijtlien' Fine Donotn Oxford Tiot $1
L:ulie' Kmo Donola Hutton Shoes 1
Griit's Oil ('rain Congress 1'low Simon 1
Geut'ri Oil Grain Congress l'low Shoes,. .. . ."ifi
Gcnt'i Oil Grain Congress 1'lovr SIiooh 1 fil)
Ask to sco my lino lino of
A (5 rent llnby.
Adoring Granilmothor -Isn't ho n
lovely child?
Calm Visitor Yos; ho's a nioo baby.
Adorint,' Grnndinotlior And sointol
liRentl Ho just lies thero nil day and
breathes and breathes and breathes.
"Has Mr. Stnyluto regular oveniiib's
for calling here?"
"Yes. Why?"
"I'vu oftofj.vvojidcred whero ho rail
ed when I refuse to poo him Tuesdays
and Fridays." Chicago Intel Ocean.
Is Dr. II. J. Whlttlcr Invar
iably successful! llecausolio
makes no iiromlKi' that bo
cannot f ulllll. Avoid cheap
cure-alls anil unskilled pbysfcliins, and consult
Dr. Wlifttlor In jwrson or by letter (lvlns
symptorab) and receive tho candid opinion of n
physician of lonK iin)rliiu, uniiuntlimoil
kill uml hIitIIiii; Inti'Brlty.
BlKI)lClNi:s from our own laboratory fur
nished at hiniill cost and shipped onywhoro
becuro from olisurvatlon.
Tlti:.VT)Ii:NT iifiiT sent C.O.I).
Oftlco hours-9 to I and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12.
Pmri,lr I'''" Health uml Kini'Wiirlin
LlLllU6l fiirOtu.-.miiiiii-i to iirejuiy.
Call or nddri'is la htrlot rnntlilenro
IO West Ninth Street, Konaaa Cite, MO.
ST"" Ualiy Snoex, IhelMiiest Line Cloe Around Slere.
Building Material, Etc.
The Jeweler !
3 f.
ijiI I