The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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    TllM UUP CLOUD 01HUF, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 181)5.
. -.-M--cMjtt-t.jiacjiai3iiTmwiiiMf JlJKjrtrga81rn.-TtiTtvfj-:i.i.J.Miu
Acts like a poultice, drawinc
out fever and pain, and rcinvig.
orating the entire Female Sys
tem. It removes all obstructions
and creates a healthy, natural
flow of all secretions.
It is the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied right to the diseased
parts. Don't take internal rem
edies for Female weakness, com
mon sense requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
and permanent cure.
"Orange Blossom" is a sure,
painless cure for falling and
dropsy of the womb, profuse,
difficult, irregular menses, leu
corrhcea, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal
low complexion.
"Orange Blossom" is apastile
easily used at any time. Every
lady can treat herself with it.
Mailed to any address on re
ceiptofSi.Dr.J. A.McGill&Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
I'op Mule lj . D-. ollliij; Itfil
xv.w Aitvi:tt'rtsE:K!:viv
, H m , r '.". I' pull -i .
Sr 5-SM
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lfl 1.1117',, l)
flnra iU . "
WANTED ! i,!;!iww,7;
in tlil- aiiil .u'joiiilin: it .Hi". In
t'f.W TKIIti:
luiott v(;i.Nt.
Chlflirf.trr'M Dtumoiiil llraint
v Orijilnul nnl Only fit tnilrr.
iV ti.k. lirur-lil fir VHuhftita 1 nHf tut
L. " -! L. hi,.... Jt..... .t I.. If. .1 1.11I 1. tila1liA
t;PVr nlr.( With lilt! tlMmn 'I ilUo
JJf t (141(111 for (afttCUliif, liitilluDlll Kb I
B ttriur l.ill,MiiM(r lrtlurii
.Mull. I',(MM rrMKitomnlt S i M.-r
Chit iMfilrrCbuiiiculCotiMutKaiMiStiiiiirtt
rrriivn'iti 1 irni iiiwi rti'iuniit vt wn i tp.
l lj aa LUll llluLUtl,
I'btiua. iv
Init flilp frum our r.-inr ut
VIHIHNIH iri'"l ' M.p n.
wlicru lur 1 tiiii.inuti p ; uiy
tltflllt tHltll "II - ll t...i - itli
li;i::ir 1 1 hi 1. in
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1 . kllil'l I IM'HI.I (Ml
I 1 1. M - ' I I ' .
I II . . . ' ' .1. ll
$ ..
I There were 3, 134,934 Packages of
Inur.s kootukkr sola in 109.,
which made 15,675,735 gallons,
or 3'3i494i7o glasses, suffi
cient to give every man, wo.
man and child in the United
States, five glasses each did
yougctyoursharc? Be sure
und get some thi3 year.
A 3) cent rackcr tati'i I fllloal.
1 " in. ftn remct
1 tt. tho ct it jj
1 U'inry')r
- v tf tint cr
t r r iKnousined
til DlJlP
Inn atu U, tiU a inUrrUyi
l'veltlipricxltllitiifi illotorontuct
any fncrfaldi.uw !.:- thociiflbf
. Aifticria
ii a 1 ai witlidnnorrhii-iaiirtHlftt, wojuarui
it THl mr i'f ' Hi". ikuju i"Ua
W W JtlLl0l6llUi.'OUatUitJ.
For Hide- by T)vyn& Clriei', llcil Cloud
LAPSES no yuo know
nro llio original nitd only 1:II1".NC1I, nnfoauilnv
linlilucuro 1111 tli uuirkut. t'rlco f l.WJj ucut bf
uiuil. UuDUinoMiMouly by
Mold hy Ii)o fc4.ric; IC:I Cloud
Xollt'u to 'I'citflifi.
Kotieo is hcroby fivun that I will
osatninu nil persons who may dc.tiro
to oiler tliouiKclves as eaudidates for
tcachcrii oft he public schools oi' tin a
county, at Red Cloud on t.ho third
Saturday of each month.
Speoial cxaminatioiH will bo
on tho l'ntlay jirot'ot'ding tlio lid
unlay oi' each month.
' Tho Mantling dc-ired for 2d
lid L'lade eiTiilicitttri is tho same
grade below 711 pur cent., avcraf fill
per cent; for fiit crude certificate
no grudii below 80 per ci'iit., nvcrugu
!)0 per emit, in all bianohos required
by law.
"'' L). .M. 11 u.nteh, County Supt.
Ill tlili iiihI .u'joiiilin: r ii.IIi"Iiii
Our Journey Around tho World !
A lir.iu' lien I s In !! t I'm s l". ' l.uKc. '
I'll'- III' III I llllixl (M- Ml I l.t -t lltll I II ll .1 HI
Till' lU'lt I ll I' "! I" 111 ik. Ill"' ) rti'l ollelell III
:ill wliu w -lit pi tlmli'i- i r . i u l neiu I
III tllld uliir i in :i ri -I " i tin. itli. In ,
tltlli'f in) III .linn- fir v i I i-i,lit. I. lie'
CU'ilil. I'ihiii .hi " s. I f. tit it uii'l I:
t'llH to fliiinr I'm pi"l. hi .i, ml . In
A. It in tiling A Co ,
llii.'tliiiil, nun
How the Land I'lrutin of tli Woit luillea
Manage to V.Un Out mi Kxlntrttrr A Up
crptlon at thn Lrtii-rV llo.pltnl 'lhc
Life of a N&mru Due.
(Copyright, lbV, by IMcar V7. Nyo.l
Is tiii: Uaiiamas.
I Possibly to thoso who limy nt times
I yearn with n ureat bin; yo.un to bo it
Fresh Air child, and sook it salubriotix
clinio uloiif tliu palm infested borders
of tho summer sens thesu lines may
lirovo ueful und instructive.
Tho first tourist to touch at tlies
shores and seek much needed rest nnd
chungo of Buenowns Christopher Coltini
bus. It is btraiiKu that this reat navi
fator, who attained unbounded advert H
lug by his trip, should havo been in dan
ger of iniprinoiiinont and deatli becausi
his theory rej-ardiiiK tho rotundity oi
tho oarth was regarded as contrary ti
IN 1111'. Tlinl'irs.
tho rolip;io:i of Ins tlnio, but such wa
tho e.'f-o. Now it i (jtiito orthodox to
boliovo in thi t'atfh'rt rotundity, and wo
can seo liy this that oven religious bo
lief is a matter of growth.
Tho natives of theso ilnnds wero, m
Columbus found thoui, noticeablo for
"their swoctiieos t.f ti-mpi r and goodness
of disposition." Th- y al-o bolioved in
0110 Supronio 15( k, and yet tho Span
iards actually depopulated thoo ihlamh
by coiivertim: tln-in to their buliof. Not
0110 of tho orixiu'tl natives or their de
scendants is Hiippo.-ed to livo hero now.
There aro a piod many divoree-i, formal
nud informal, in this country, tho caui-es
boin "nniisupportaiid inlldelity. '' lam
greatly pained to know that infidelity is
so couimou here. With t-'o much ood
litlilu teachiiiK as thero has been iu this
country tho prusuiico of infidelity as
sliown by tho divorco trials is perfectly
After tho Spaniards had depopulated
tho Hahamas mid other western islands
tho buccaneers fallowed. Theo gents
started iu with it few duotits nnd
canoes, valued at if T'l. :r, ami soon cap
tured tho SpanMis-hippinf,' by a htroihin
worthy of a bi'tter eaii-e. Thcso bueea
neers know tho n cfs m well that tlioy
could board it Sp.mi-h vessel, loot tho
cargo, hold tho jin-om n for ransom and
bo out of tho way lieloro any 0110 could
get nt thoni with lnrgu boats or licavy
armed forces.
A good deal tho 1.111110 custom is now
prevalent among tho laud pirates of
Cuba and tho Vt Indies. A Cuban
bandit, after graduating at college, or
ganizes a little athletic team and starts
out for tho lulls. Tho party hangs about
in tho deep di filisof the mountain conn
try, whero it can hwoup down on tho
tourist. Then it MirpiKes thuui, takes
their ear bobs and watches, sells thorn
to tho pawn people of Havana and holds
tho nioro likoly ones for ransom.
Notice is sent into town to inquiring
friouds its follows: "Wo havu your pa
hero witli us. Would you liko to have
him coiuo homo and rattle round iu tho
bosom of his family? i'leaso sond 2,fi00
Spanish dollars by an attraotivo un
armed porhon, ami wo will rotum him.
Otherwise wo shall repeat this notice
with inclosuros. "
Tho family hurries ab nit and soils tho
piano at a sacrifice, but (..tiinot quito
got tho money on time. A second lotter
comes from tho chief, written 011 tho
linost kind of papeturic, with boauti
fill monogram ami crost, and roads as
"Wo aro pained to send this second
"So is your pa.
"Wo inclose liis ear. You will recog
nizo it by tho wart. Other selections
from him will bo made from time tn
tinio. Threo thousand dollars will now
bo required, though lie isnotsovaluabl
as ho was. As wo remit to you install
ments of your pa from timo to timo v
rcalizo that wo aro cutting down lu
valuo, especially when wobogln to work
on him in thorough earuost. l'leaso do
not mako it necessary for us to rosort to
vital matters, as tho weather is getting
warm, and your pa might bo hold at tho
(load letter ofllco. in tho interest of those
who havotho best interests of tho resur
rection nt heart wo urgo that you will
not encourage us to soatter your pa any
moro than ueces-ary.
"In closing allow mo to mibscriho
myself, vory tiuceroly, your most obedi
ent servant,
"RiCAitno ComuAno Mauuuo,
"Chief Anthropologist."
Now Providence, tho island on which
Nassau is situated, contains 85 squaro
milos of geology and eight initios. There
is no soil,
Tho trouble is that tho farmers mo
nopolize all tho soil personally, nnd thu
mb vegetation, if thu agriculturist her
would divide up with tho farm and let
tho crops havo what dirt ho does not ac
tually need to make himself hualthy,
things would prosper hero.
Tho island has a good stono founda
tion for farms, but requires tho soil,
which seems to bo walking about thu
BtrottJ of Nusau bugging for drinks.
v, - - Jjf
There aro 1 1 hoi-ecs on this island, a
I'ottago organ, two cases of Milwaukee
beer and 18 of common leprosy. I took
n look at threo of the lepers, but did n ''.
shako hands.
Nothing i-i moro annoying to n
known man liko myself than to fit .
a reception in tho leprosy hospital t) at
where you havo been standing shaki.ig
hands there is a pilo of fingers on tho
floor which havo been left by admiring
This kind of leprosy is not contagions.
I say this so that tho reader need havo
no tears about reading this article. It
will not bo apt to convey tho disease.
I was teudeied a leceptiou by tho
Lepers' hospital at Nassau, but I shrank
from it. Leprosy is inherited, but not
contagious. It ti.tsses from father to son
and takes t lie place of real estate. Those
whodouotcaio to inherit tho limestone
pavement hero may inherit tho leprosy
and the right of piscary iu tho Atlantic
ocean. A cocoautit and a turtle will
keep a family hero over a week.
Tho United States consilium hero is
worth :$:i,000, and you get tho New
York holiday magazines 011 tho Fourth
of.Tuly. Tho consul hero is Mr. McLean,
a very pleasant olllcial who has held his
place niuo years. Ho must bo a very
competent ollleer, or else nobody in thu
Unit oil States cares to como hero for four
years. Mr. McLean was sent hero for 13
years, but ho gets nearly threo years'
good timo for not having tried to escapr'.
1 might liko to spend a honeymoon
hero or recover from gout, but otherwiso
I would not hanker for this mad, mad
life, which ennsiMs mostly of walking
from tho Imtid down to tho dock, whero
you spit thoughtfully into tho beautiful
water and return to tho hotel again.
Tills is ti'tfiil, but it does not improvo
one inti ll dually. If I had a brand new
bride and feared that sumo one morn at
tractive than I wo will just sup
pose this lor tho sako of argument
might win her from me, if 1 mingled
too much iu Saratoga, I would bring
her heie, whero 1 would have no rival.
I would l.i ep tho money and return
tickets in my own possession and threat
en to leave her hero if she smiled oil an
other. Hut, thanks to tho fatal gift of beauty,
I do not havo to do that I My chief dif
ficulty now consists iu keeping thu
moths from scorching their beautiful
wings in tho bright glare of my mas
ivo smile. Tliero nro (ir0,000 mother
less, houseless dogs here, nnd thoso who
havo mothen refer to them with shame'
Ob, oh, n!i" Tho lifo of a Nassau dog
is tho bleak, t thing on earth I
No home! Nohairl No parents' lovol
No teeth!
Nothing but hunger, hot weather anil
a split stick on his tail.
1 never saw anything moro unhappy
than tho dogs here. Iu Constautiuopl"
tho dog ha- no future. IIu has not been
emancipated, but ho is not molested.
Hero thu only exorciso one lias consists
iu kicking a pathway through tho dog
undergrowth and worthless uigucr bum
population. Tliero is hero a dog in tho
air most of the time. I've got quit" a
football knto from ovorkicking lnyclf.
Hvery one who comes hero is apt to over
kick himsi !f.
(This is p. ritlago. )
I met a l.t. rary youth tho other day
who wanted to chat. Uisctissing people
of note, of whom ho seemed to bo well
informed, ho said casually, "Hy tho
way, .lulia Hawthorne lias n plantation
somewhere lu :u in thcso ihlanils I be
lieve." "Yes," l, "I think sho has. Sho
and .Alary Ann Crawford own 0110 to
gether and gum sponti cako, rubber
erasers and t iituiso shell souvenir spoons
for tho New York market."
A new bridu and groom, with now
trunks, now clothes, now gloves, new
valises, now umbrellas and new every
thing iu the traveling line, as brides and
grooms ahva.Vrt have, aro hero with us.
Ho is fresh as a dew laden daisy. How
ho got so far away from limno without
any one, to take caro of him I do not
know. Ycsti rday ho got gay nt dinner
and thought ho would order something
in tho shape of a beverage. Ho looked
over tho list of wiius and mineral wa
ters for some time ami then decided to
tako a bottlo of I5etheda water, but tho
waiter said they were out of Ilethcsda
water. So tho young m.iu compromised
by ordering a bottlo of llunj.tdi water.
I asked him afterward how ho liked it,
and ho said ho thought that a tasto for
Hunjudi water must bo acquired.
Thero has been some investigation and
official inquiry regarding tho cause of
our shipwreck and so far no good reason
given for thu terrible loss and frightful
V is
i'u TKaru
rsr -j
risk of human lifo. At the bottom of it
all 110 doubt is the measly price paid to
masters of ships 011 this line.
Coming up the coast on tho trip be
fore ours tho steamer suddenly found
horsolf on" Damegat with tho light on
her starboard instead of her poit bowl
1 11 other words, sho was swiftly sail
ing for Dtiluth and iu a few moments
would havo been in tho middle of n
cornfield had not tho man on watch no
ticed the light iu timo.
I am told that tho captain of a steam
er on tills lino gets :?OTi pnr month. That
would bo all right for tho driver of a
,4?i?- fr
if trill
bobtail ttveet car, but whero 0110 has
half n mil I ion worth of property nud n
hundred lives iu his charge foTi per
mouth is not sufficient remuneration.
Such i matt must know how to navigate
a ship just as well as tho master of au
Atlantic liner. Ho must know that tho
earth is round, liko a ball, and slightly
depressed at tho poles; also that tho
earth is composed of laud and water,
nud that sho revolves upon her axle
trees onco iu 31 hours, and that mid
way between the poles thero is an imag
inary lino called tho equator. All these
things ho can hardly know positively at
(05 per month.
Ho may orr at times on n salary liko
that. Ho might get nil thu track a little,
as did a young man hero in tho treasury
department the other day.
Speaking of elocutionary training nnd
its advantages, ho said, "1 tell you,
there's nothing liko a good elocutionary
training to give 11 man a lino resinous
tone of voice."
"Yes," said another clerk, "it must
holp tho pitch. "
1 need hardly add that tho man is a
Tar Ileol.
lll KlKMV llllll.
Washington, hearing that tho colored
sentinels could not bo trusted, went out
0110 night to ascertain if thu report was
correct. Tho countersign was "Cam
bridge," and tho general, disguised, its
ho thought, by a largo ovuicoat, ap
proached a colored sentry.
"Who goes there?" cried thosentinel.
I "A friend," replied Washington.
"Friend, advance unarmed und give
tho countersign, "said thocolored man.
Washington canto up and said, "Uo.
bury." , "No, sah," was tho response.
I "Medford, " said Washington.
"No, mill," returned tho colored sol
dier. "Charleston," said Washington.
1 Tho colored man immediately ex
claimed, "1 toll you, Massa Washing
ton, no man go by hero 'out ho say
Caiubridgol" Youth's Companion.
I IIU I.lttln Si'liemr.
Urown Toll you, old man, I havo a
sohonio now that absolutely roqttires no
capital and is a sure winner every timo.
1 am going to get rich.
Haker You wouldn't lot n follow iu,
would you?
Drown Well, seuing that It Is you, I
will lot you iu for $5.
linker Oh, well, if 5 is not much to
risk on n good thiugl Hero it is, nud
now tell mo what your scheme is.
Drown That's it.
liakcr What's it?
Drown That is. Haven't I jut made
n five nut of it? !o thou and do like
wise Cincinnati Tribune.
In Wlliliit ClilniK".
Mr. Eugcuu Field onco iu London
took Mrs. Humphry Ward iu to dinner.
Mrs. Ward was monumental and im
passive, and several courses passed in a
decent and orderly silence. Finally she
turned to Mr. Field and said:
"Toll us of Chicago, of your habits
and customs. I havo never known any
0110 who lived there."
And Mr. Field replied, beginning
thus, "Well, Mrs. Ward, when 1 was
caught, I was living in it tree. " Chap
Judge What mado you htriko tho
Prisoner Why, wowcro riding down
town, and ho had thonervoto ask 1110 if
I didn't think that tho weatiier was
that kind that mado a man feel as
thougli ho was alivo. Syracuse Post.
Ituiuxnro of tlio Illino Mukoiiiu.
"I congratulate you on your engago
niout to tho giantess," said tlio ossified
man, "but it will cost you it great deal
to keep her in dresses, won't it?"
"Yes," sighed tlio dwarf, "sho comes
high, but l'vo got to havu her." Chi
cago Tribune.
Critic Has that painting of yours,
"At Work in tho Fields." lecelved uuy
favorable comments?
Artist A lather seedy looking man
stopped to look at it today, and iiu said
it mado him tired. Philadelphia Dec
ord. Del! mil.
It was asked about an iudilTcrcut
football player what place ho occupied
in the field was ho 11 full back or a
half hack?
"No," was tho reply; "ho was a
drawback. " Doston Pot.
A Itl'llUHll.
Sanford I'm sorry, old man, that
Anglior has gnnu for your new play so.
Morton Oh, that's nothing. I don't
pay any attention to what ho says. Ho
simply writes what ho picks up in the
lobby. London .ludy.
A Oiii'hIIiiii of Ouiiiitlty,
Chineso Kmperur (nervously) What
Official Japan is now anxious for
Kmpcror (gloomily) Y-o-s, but how
big a piece? Tit-Dits.
Ntrui Ic liy Tlirm.
Absontiniuded Professor (who has
been snowballed by naughty boys on tho
hillside) I must send n communication
to thu academy regarding tho plienomo
iially largo suowllakos this whiter.
Fliegendu Hlatter.
Willi thn .Inker.
"Who was tho wisest of tlio wlur"
Tim teacluT unU'hI. nnd tlicu
I!l stupid pupil In oli- rved
With ilurco nud threattnliii; ken.
A llttln fellow Mi-ill Ills lilillil-
" 'Thus Noah, sir," ho explained.
"Whjt ' " 'Ciiu-e," hu iinswerul pp nipt
nud clear,
"Ho went in It ritned."
Huston IluiiiM.
yi j'
CL 'riAC
Try it, and you will agree with the thousand" who say it
is the "pmiULlsSS KbW.linY" for curing ailments of the l.ivei,
Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright'
Disease. For sale everywhere at $1.00 per bottle.
ArrMni; nt tlio I'olnt WIiito 1'ropiianU
With l'iniiTfiiiry.
Tho brown eyed girl's eyes wero
spaikliug ami her cheeks wero aglow
when sho met tho blue eyed girl oil Jef
ferson avenue. Their greeting was elVu
sive, as girl gteetings always am when
they nio 011 any soit. of good terms with
each other, ami they walked along to
gether for two or linen minutes before
they began to talk about thu men.
"Well," exclaimed tho brown eyed
girl, "all I've got to say is that if any
man in tho whole statu of Michigan
wero to ask mo to marry him now I
would reject him with paralysing
"Oil, Kutli, "responded tho bluu eyed
girl anxiously, "why do you say that?
Von didn't talk that way yesterday."
"I'erhap.s 1 didn't, " said tlio brown
eyed girl, "lint possibly matters havo
changed in a day."
"I'm awfully sorry to hear you talk
so, dear," said tho blue eyed girl, al
most pathetically.
"Why, I'd liko to know?" wns tlio
defiant inquiry.
"liecaiiM", dear, It isn't a bit liko
you, and I was so hopeful you and
Frank would ngreo and bo happy."
"Well?" ami tho brown eyed girl's
eyes glowed lieicoly.
"Wasn't hu up to seo you last night?"
asked tho blue oyed girl with a tono of
fear in iier voice.
"Yes, ho was," admitted tho brown
eyed girl.
"And nfter that do you say what yon
do about men?" and tho bluu eyed girl's
eyes gruw moist.
Sho was an awfully good girl, with
real old fogy notions about luvo and
rapture and all that sort of thing.
"Indeed 1 do," retorted the brown
eyed girl, "and why shouldn't I?"
"Decause, dear, it sounds cold nnd
cruel and heartless, as 110 woman should
bo. Love is tlio greatest thing iu tlio
world, nud unno can happily ignore iter
treat it as a material feeling. What did
Frank do or say that you should talk so
dilTerontly from your sentiments of yes
terday?" Thu brown eyed girl rippled over witli
a laugh.
"You dear, stupid thing," sho ux
claimed. "lie proposed to me, and I ac
cepted him. You would hardly under
those cit ctimstaiices expect mo to accept
a proposal of marriage, would you? I'd
accept Frank again if ho wero to ask
me, but that is scarculy necessary, I
Then tho bluo eyed girl pinched tho
brown eyed girl's arm and said sho was
a horrid wretch for fooling her that
way. Detroit Free Press.
Sick and Nervous
Vou may bo oaslly und quickly curod
by talcintf
Ayers Pills
" I lmvc been u victim of torn- o
bin headaches, and hao never
i'liiiud nin thing to relievo them 0
so iiuieklviis Aers Pills. Siuco o
I began taking this medicine, the oi
iiiiacKs nave necouio less nnii z
lesn frequent, until, nt present, o!
mouths nave passeii much 1 o
have had one."-C'. F. Xi.WJlAN,
lmg.spur, Vu. g
"Having used Aycr's Pills with 0
great .success lonlyspepsiu, from o
which I .suffered tor years, I re-
solved never to be without thorn
in my household. They nro in- o
deed effective." Mrs. Sat.mi: o
.Moimiis, vs, Willow .st Phlla- g
ilelphia, Pa. o
"I nlwnvs use Ayor's Pills, and o
think them excellent." Mrs. CI. o
I W I'l'Pllf- .Ifliil.'vtlll l'ltl O
Ayer's Pills
Received Highest Awards o
...... ,4. . .11. II. l...lll.l(lll. 1111, ,11, ,,,,,, mill, ,,,, I
Kf tUlltd VTntKt All tUt IAIU. Ri
Iwl UMt Couk'li nynip. Toxica Uml. Uro tl
tl In tiniii. Sold hytlnik'L'lala jg
WHY ? Because your Liver atul Kidneys
are out of order. For years ami years
housewives all over the country have
used with best results
Dr. J. H. McLean's
Liver B Kidney Balm.
,--:................ ......... j
ReRiilar fuaduat
outliorlJoU by tha
state, and conoerl
od to lio tho lnd
ItiK and moat uo
connful Oneolallat
Nervous Debility
With It Many tlloomy Symptom Curti,
Lost Vitality
I'crttrtly nnd lrmanently Htitortd.
Cured for Life Without Mcrtury.
Urinary Diseases
Quickly Kcllcvnl una laorougaly Cured,
is Dr. K. J. Whlttfor fnvur
lulify successful? llecnusoha
lnaUi'.s mt iroinli'S thath
oiinniit fiiltlll. Avoid ohcnp
cure-iills mill utislsllleit pliyslclnus, uml consult
Dr. Wlilttler In person ur liy letter (Ktvtnit
symtitoms) unit receive tlio otuidlil opinion of n
physician nt litiitf eierlene, uiuiueslluuecl
kill uml Hterlini; Integrity.
Mi:i)l('IM:s from our own laboratory for
ntslieil nt small cost ami shipped anywhora
secure) from innervation.
TKKATMUNT utr sent C. 0. 1).
OMcc hour) 0 to -I ami 7 to 8. Butulny 10 to IX
Oi iS-rl-v J T' Health uml r.inrft')ncl
LlUIUCl forOetK. luniiH-to ,ireiy.
Cull or address In ntrlrtronllilunco
10) Waat Ninth Stroet, Kansaa City, I
ji'iiin'i-iMe.' .11W1.-1:
I will stand in) jack ut Cowles, Mon
duy nnd Tuesday and in lied Cloud, at
Dny'H burn, Wednesday, Thursday, Pri
day and Saturday. t'lios. Kmkiii.
lll-l t.
Kkd (Jt.OUI), Xkiikabka.
Will attend wales ut rHiiinmitilt' llinnes. Satis
faction t;imraiit'-cd.
rrmnnt answer urn! nil linnert iiplnloii. write to
HI II S N iV (Ml., who linvii IiihI nearly llfly jcaiV
uin'rli-ncw In llm intent liuilneap. (iiiiiiiiuiilca.
ttuimrirlrtlyroiillili'iitliit. A IliuiiUiiiiiUof In.
lonuiillon diK-.r inrikT I'iiIi'IUh uml lie to ol
oOl llii'in Kfiit free. Alnnn cnlnlotfuuuf lueUiui.
Icul ami Micnllllu lok.i ai'iit fri e.
I'lili'titn liikun IhroiiKli Miinn k Co. rocclva
iiecliil iiotlculiitlio Si'lenllllr .niei I inn. mid
tints am tiroiinlit wldeljr butnnilliu pnliUc wltn-
out cnt to thu Inventor. Thin plenitlil tiapar,
InKtled wei'klv. rliutinllvllltlHtrntisl.liiihliv fur tho
lKtied weekly, rIeiiunllirlllUKtrntisl.him hy fur tho
inrvent iireiihiliou of any bclcnllllo work Iu tho
Inrvent iireiiliilion of any bclcnllllo work In
world. ,'i a year, hainiiln copied split Ire".
......1.I..W ..... ...... . llllll.. ...J . . .. ...... .'...n.v
rojilea, i.'l cenla livery iniinwr contains beau
tiful pliile". In rolor, nml iiliiiiiruih of now
iouoh. with nlnua, enuhllnu liui liters In alio tha
aleat iteali:iia iimt an urn contract. Adilrcaa '
A1U.NN & CO.. .Nl.W VuilK, Ulil lilliiAIJWAY.
iiiiiminv i.'Niinn, inoniniy, j-ia c
...up Ulnffln
..fiLKT f A