THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1895. tt . 1 Coughs and Colds, Soro Throat, Ihoitehitm, Wcnk Lungs, General Debility ami oil foniiH of Hiimciution aro Hpeedily cured by Scott's Emulsion ConBtimplivi'H iilwnyH find (,'rcnt rcliof by taking it, and consumption in often cured. No other nourishment, restores ntrenyth ho quickly and elVectively. Weak Babies and Thin Children tiro nmdu hlrony and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other forms of food seem to do them no good whatever. Tho only griniiho Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon colortd wrapper. IJefuso cheap substilutesl StH.Jorf.imfiM i' Scott's limtthion. Fll-'. Soott & Bowno, U. Y. All Druggists. SO conts and SI. Tli Itrrnrtlnr of Mm, A momlierof tho chmnbur of tlcpu ties, uiiicli given to long speeches, ono day found another I c j i u t y conversing in tho lobby with a man whoso face OUTLAWS A CENTURY AGO. the (EH The City Bakery and Restaurant Q ' Havo constantly on hum! the , v ' nnlinn nrnnH n'.An ntiH flimr. , OO 05 units, diguu, raa mm urn o 2 cr IN Tin: .11 A Itli IT. S5 (A The highnt griul f material ueod, of tli llncHt ipiulity, nnd superior pcricc tion of werlttntitiihip. Buy your goods of u sueee.iful houeo. c p 05 (Ircene't lUnilltll Htlll it Terror In Mnttntrtlrn of Pennsylvania. In I860 tho district attornoy of Lan caster county was trying a man named Heomod familiar to him, but whom ho (ireono for burglary, and ho stated could not rotnombor. Ho fancied tho that tho prisoner bolongcd to a futnl- limn must bo an intruding journalist, ly that had been criminals and luw- I'orilon mo," lio suid to tho other brnakors sinco tho revolution, and man, "but whom havo wo hero?" that tho records of tho courts of both "Allow mo to Introduce to you," Chester and Lancaster counties show answered tho deputy, "tho man who that Indictments had been found lias written more falsehoods and against men of that family us early ns stupidity than any other man living." 107'J. In 17!)() tho I'ennsylvanla (in Indeed!'' said tho great man; "then ' votto warned travelers on tho stato my suspicion was correct that ho la a road near tho gap, in Lancaster conn journalist?" "Not at all; ho Is tho ty, that thoy were liable to bo tit olllciai stenographer of tho chamber." tacked by "(Jreono's banditti," mid Argonaut. (irccuo being a giant negro of tho most desperate character. A few years after ho and his party attacked Not night. Some time ago a man wont to visit . nuahurg wagoners and ireeno iriun i wihj v., mi mum o . a mini- WIH slloti UIR.astol. .,,.., f (l ro, "' """ i""'""'' -'"'' cent duto announce tho capture of It Ik II MIIIW I tir llllt vein tho visitor thou I 4i it i i . t i on i Ms WHn,U(1 mmierous charges of "Is that clock right. Jock?" he I ....t.u...... ,,,i ,..i. l,,,., i...i...i I I.. I....1 1 ... l" "' w ...,, v......m llllll, for over a year. His associates were lot very edifying iSmu (;,.ccm,t 0I10 of the most desperato ightit about timu ot tlu, Welsh mountain outlaws, who Jose ph TIcrburger, Proprietor. &ACRIFMCJ2 8 A ,12 -OF N ursery ComprWIiig all Variclli'N of .oods APPLE TREES. . Two UIimU 'rnl Applet. i:iniN aiMl Soil Muplu Miiulu Tree. TIicku I !! are I'roin Hirer l I'oar year oll and aro Hml-vluN trct'M. Van can ;el joar vlio'cu for ft cent per Irce, Teriincnili, Tlivy uhinI lie miI, tt b. SMI Tl-I, Keel Cloud. asked of tho inmate, .lock gazed at him for a miuuto or ho in Heechless amaement, then, laying his hand compassionately on his shoulder, said: ".Man, dao yo think it will bo hero if it was right?" Household Words. Hnmnthlni; Tlint 4'hnnrml Hint Up. Mrs. Peeked- You seem unusually cheerful to-day, Henry. Were tho services at church more than onlln arilv edifying'.' Mr. N. l'ocked The minister preached a very satisfying sermon. Mrs. 1'. Indeed? From what text? Mr. N l --Thoro shall lie neither marrying nor giving in marriage in heaven. Tliornugliljr (Jimlldeil. A woman wrote In favor of her hus band, saying ho was specially woll qualitlcd to Ih a janitor in a school, "because ho had a sister who was married to a gentleman whose father had been a teacher." It floats FORTY MILLION CAKES YEARLY. TMB PnOCTtn 1 OAMBLC CO, CINTI. WORD BUILDING CONTEST. 6 PRIZES. SiipervUoiV I'rocccdlngi. CLAIMS SliprllT Itunclii1)', scrviccH iiml Hiiiiliis.. " " liiNirilliiK irlitii'rs.... ' iitU'tiriiiiir Ixmnl 11 " CllllKlf iliwino It. T. I'ottor ciuii.of liiMitilly ennu.... ('. II. Crcmo psfttr- nzzizssam&Hff&xsszvma u nw IJ'.V rs.-if. o'o. CO'S. . A'latiy Eyes. Wj fr& ninrv; $?YE-METER Johnston's k ... .. i....... i.iiiii.wi li !? 1(1X11 LI. fliroii"li ('uliiitwire ? .... .. jj- iiimi proi'raHiianiioii. a yoar iiuiii irauiti yon f in Hit IcuhI, consult u ont'c. Vt! have oat; o!" al Eye-meter," With which to test our eyen, thereliy insuring nccuraey. ; 1 ' . ICv U I PI 1141 IS d w. M J . ""' '-, v - v v f B V -v x . v XXNMi .$.'J in . .10 ri . 2 oo .. II I'D :t no . n ; " n ri ('. II. Cromi misIhki, clmuiiitf otc S M 1'. A, Mclllui'M lilltllOKIUpllH fl'.'lll(,Mlllll(ll'(l 1 r.D Dr. McKccliv, feus for humility com Ill I't llnnilolpli McNItt lilt, fi'i-1 :i mi V. II. ll(Mii.hnMir Juror -MO .lolm router cliMiiihiK clerks nlllcii :l id J. H. White ciisliiithiiticnl !1 Ml J.S. WlllfJ S(Ml .lolm T..liiTi pi IHU rliiu PMi.'i W. ( .lout's oil iiml supp'li's 3 hi I). M. Il'iiilcr htiitlomirymiil poitiiKo iIk'i I.. II. Kurt poKtiiu. iiml fxpr.nt zi .',:. Itdhriiv ltifn di.ijliih' in '.'i Wilcox .V LcMlllnm printltiK V f.n W. (.'. (lilhiiin for lixlitii.' oiiuIici-h K in APii'it Kmt m'cviii IM U10 A II llITnuii 7 m A W ens '2U : Wbi Iiimi il 1 A II ."iiiiu'Iht IT I'. .) Klliiltlirr '.'8 (Hi A Mi't'.ill li Ml ltd l.-ls 4 01 it'Jiitst ;m OKclillll r. Ml .ll'WlUt 7 IH W M Crakill 0 su liuiifs liri'oinlU'lil usi WOl.iilnl ski Allien Koit r: A (' IliiiiiiHr '.'3 im 81 si d .1 W.irren HMD " in r,'i .MisO Tiiiiii.iii 4il s.'i WII1i'0x& Mi'Mllliiii WV5 S ili'i'kwllli cr 1111 tass 1(11 MihO II Tiillicin 3-1 ID taken and are now in jail &erving out long terms. Hero is a striking instance of tho vitality of crime. For live generations tho (iivenes havo Iwon per -intent out laws, living in a wealthy and thickly bottled community. The women and men are described In tho I'lilladulohin I 1 lines as ngiit in color, all tall, pow- criui anil comely In appearance. Something is duo to tholr surround ings. Tho mountain borders on tho IVquoa, tho most fertile valley in tho Htato, and tho farmers tiro Menuonltes, who aro opposed to applying to tho courts for redress. Perhaps with moro vigorous neighbors these out laws would huvo boon driven away. Tho family has not increased in num ber within the last llfty years, but has maintained Its physique and snvago independence. In iMit) there were seven of the men and ono woman in the jails of Lancaster and Lebanon. With ono exception, none of them has ever been convicted of willful murder. In l-S'.'S a pedlar named Alhurty disappeared in tho vicinity of tho Welsh mountain, and a long time after a pile of bleached bones found in a ravine was Identilled as his remains. a rouiiu 11010 in me skuu luiiieaieit how ho lost his Hfo. .Ilia (ireeno was arrested but the evidence was not siif llcieiit to convict aiiil ho wn-. rcloa-cd. About ls:H) a man named Scott drove cattle over the pike, mostly from Virginia. Ho was a powerful man and re.-oluto in character. Ho had sold his cattle in Philadelphia, and was returning to his home in Mauphiu couiitv, and was halted by a man just at nightfall near New Holland. Ho drew his heavy holster pistol and pulled tho trigger. It Mi.ipped. Ho then struck tho robber with the butt, breaking the stock mil laying tho man out on tho pike. N'o't then roilo on. The robber was Ktibo (ireen, .llin's brother. His skull was frac tured, and ho died and was buried 011 tho mountain before tho oillcers could taku It En t. GRAND PRIZE-FINEST CHICKERING PIANO.... $750.00 2d Prize Sidebar buggy 150.00 3d Prize Pneumatic Tire Bicycle 85.00 4th Prize A Diamond Ring 75.00 5th Prize A Moline Farm Wagon 60.00 5 PRIZES-TOTAL VALUE ."SUMO Tho ntiov prizes nre offered to thoMo who construct or form tho largest niim bnr of words out of tho letters found In, tho prlna word R-E-P-TJ-T-A-T-I-O-N UMD13R TIIIiSE HULiaS: First The first prlw will be won by tho largest list, the second prize by tho next larKMt list und so on to the fifth. ftecond Tho list of words must lw wrlt tru in Ink plainly, must bi nlphubetlc ally nrrnnged, numbered, signed by the contestant nnd sent In beforo Mity 20, when tho contest closes. Third Words useil must be Knell)! .nd must bo found In the dictionary. If two words Aro spclltsl Hllkf only one enn do iiseu. winrevinuons, oiisoivti words nnd mimes of persons or places nre nlderi'd. barred. Lists purposely utuffed not con- Fifth Hneh contestant must become a subscriber to the Omaha Weekly World Herald for one yrnrf and must send hi dollar to pay for his subscription with hla list of words. Sixth livery contestant whose list con tains ns many ns thirty words, whether hi wins a prlzo or not. will receive a port folio containing liandsomn photo engraved copies of sixteen famous palntlmrs ,lzo of each picture 10x12 Inchei, with his tory of the pulntliiK. Seventh In cao two or more prize win ning IIsjh contain tho same number of words the one that Is received will be irlvon preference. niKhth-I'rlzes will bo awarded anl shipped to winners within ten days after tho contest closes. Fourth The samo lottcr must not lo used twlco In one word, except the letter T, which may be used twice In any word, as It appears twlco In the prlzo word. Tho Omaha "VVcokly World-Hoi-ald is tho groat freo silvor coinago family paper of tho northwest Its editor is Hon W .1 Bryan tho champion or silver, who has just retired from non gross. It is published in two parts, ono of eight pages on Tues day, and tho other of four pages on Friday of each week, henco it is almost as good as a daily for news. Its agricultural pao edited by G W. Hervoy, its literary department, its house hold articles and its short stories make it a welcome visitor in. any household. Subscription price $1. 00 per year. Addross WORLD-HERALD, Omaha, Nob. -.SPEC,RKN.0TE T0 9l SUDSCRirtERS You can obtain thh Jl.iroHntnnOnr. Dollar Ilnim. yost.iiie p.Ud, by rriiewliutnim for one)rsr Ifjmli Niilcriplion does not explru for feM-ral is ks or months jel, m-ih! In jour renewal and (lie iktu on juur paper will Lo tut forward TlIKmntentsof tho art series of lcws nlKne nferred tooun'iits of a selec tlun of hixty Kouu pliotoeraphlo ripriiiluetiiins of the Coliiinbfaii i:- I'osltii mills Inclinable m well a3 artbtlcallj beauth'ul. 5is.itV .- r ,7 wkKifrm OLD SUBSCRIBERS NON-SUBSCRIBERS itlai-ry This li'louirliotly. Mu, Kditoh. I stained a hluo silk dross with lemon juioi; what will rrHtoro tho coloi? I am making lots of money sollitii: tlu1 t'liinax Dish Washer. Iluvo not miido less than $10 any day 1 woiki'd. Kvory family wants u Dish Washer, and pay $ quickly when they sea t lie dishes washed and dried perfectly in one minute, lon orally srlll at every houso. It is easy sellint; what evory family wants to buy. I sell as many washers as my brother and ho is an old salesman. I will .sell $:i,000 this year. Uy ail dre.ssiiii;.!. II. Nolen, GO W. Third Ave., Columbus, Oliio, anyone ein Lct piirtioiilath about the Washer and can do ns well as 1 am doiu. Talk about hard times; you can soon pay off a tuortni1, when making $10 a ihy, if you only work; and whj won't jiooplo try, when they have such yooil opportunities. iMACGIKU. A .liili-l shut. You huvo till noticed tlio growing tonduney of tho hist-of-tho-contiiry yoiilli to ho mmiiliir in Hi-, linguistic intoivour.-o with tlio young Indies of his iiciiuuliituiice. Ono pliiisti of tin' callow Idiocy Is tlio bivevy salutation, regardless of siirroiindings, which members of tho gonus iinugiuo savors of soiiiutlilng liUc intclli.'ctiial bril lianey. Soiiietlinc-. fortumitoly, a honslblc girl is mado the target of sticli niontal thfts and Mm returns them to tho m'iiiIit with good clTect. An Instance of this oc curred in a follow cable car during tlio ruin 'I'licMlay. 'i'licro was u domura little brown-eycil maiden sitting Miugglod up in on" corner ami nil the other seats were occupied, when n niackintO'lied mid goloshed ropreoiittitlvo of tho gilded youth hopped on and in. Ill- faeu beamed with pleastuo when ho espied .Mir-s Itrown ICye.-. "Aw." ho said, with vulgar loud ness, "This h, good weather for ducks, mid I seo vou aro uaturallv out In It."' The self-suti.slled sinllo Insplro.l by Ills sally lied as sho replied: "And it's good for zi!M, too, and I seo you uiv aNo uu joying it." The other passengers tlttored up provlngly. Washington Post. vfVri, (BSvSlyl jfcf 8& EXsT W d The Sweetest Music dn reiiuircs a !i s Washburn Cutitar, Aianiloliti, I1III1III III .1LI1LM. -j-- -- -.. Tlicv or" l he pt iduct of tlio I.arcct Vjjf MusiliI l',. I iii a m tin' u ild iildmu rX. lit,, i,i,.ill. ,1 fur 1 1 mi, fir fin KM. Si n.ll.i tiyv ,--....,- w. .....rf... WWI.U .W ifc i. !" i iimi m iHiMmiiib,,,..-,..,, , ,u,;ukc,Si r; tmasters, and u beginning has becu OS" Lyon & Mealy, Chicago, (i ilo with eight Miops in various partd ,fhk (r a ,,.aa, fi cataloKuis (Tlvi I ) ho city. If tho plan .succeeds, it will vv j .m .in . p.,nr,i,i i f i,.nt art . -,. . CORRESPONDENCE FROM ARENTS INVITED. SHOULD TARE UPTHI OrrCN AT ONCLi Outfit, cnnWliiK of camplo of hook and atmiilo paper, si'iu ou receipt of '.ac tu pay cost ol wrapiiia,'iiullliig and iirepijuicut. rK VOLMME OCUtV.1 CD I'arls' Voor Vnstiiniro 1'itrllltli . Paris has only (! branch postofilces, and many of the.-e aro bo crowded in tho middle of tho day that much timo is wnsted in getting a letter registered or a money order taken out or cashed. Stamps Indeed can be bought of nearly all tobacconi-ts, but their postofiico business is confined to this. Tho au thorities havo resolved to try the ling lish plan of appointing shopkeepers as post mad ,,c il,., ,.i(.- ir tin, i , . , . , .. i. ..,i.. T . Ttfl Wnsliliiirns.iu sunl bj all lust i.asJ be carried out on a larger t-eale. Lorn zJ j)us e i)C,,.rj. don Tiinesr Siinht-ikliis Tor Neektlei. Jtibt soveral shinies removed from tho chameleon fad is tlio idea of wearing Minkeslrins for neckties, but the fashion it, growing in 15altiinorc It promises to become quite tho proper enper to bo teen in an iiiiinueuluto morning suit of tho latest London cut, with the tanned cuti clo of a !l foot reptilo neatly tied around the Fiiowy "choker" collar, or whatever other stylo of linen neckwear huppenu t Lo tho rage. Philadelphia Ledger. tf ('lilfirti r' I'lielUh IMumoli,! llrnnii. rCNNYROYAL PILLS .mj iiritfirihi iiimi miy iiriiuiiir. AVtA5Ni.nriiiilli. Kill Mil . ' mrlalllo CV ?X,tX"t '"'' ' 'lii' A t miitf In r. OUR PREMIUM OFFER FPFFTO EVERY PERSON SENDING. In their subscription or renewal for The Chief will get it free. Dr. Price's Crenm Baking Powder World's Fair Award. Tho duyn aro never long enough for tho man whose heart Ih in Ida work. A iiresiHtunt pniu in the back ludiuntcs trouble in tho Kidney. To stay tlio pro gress of ilineuiu', use. Dr. J, II. Mo Loan's Liver & Kidney liiilm, .lust i u" lilni. duo lnornlng u bankor utopped into bis olllce and mo-t elfiHlvoly greeted Ills bookkeeper, who had i-ntorcd hW Bcrvlco just twenty-llvo year-, bofuro, and ut the samo timo handed him u closed envelope, with tho remark. "This is to serve you ns u memento of the pro-out occasion." Tlio grate ful recipient did not venturo at tirst to open tho onvclopo, until encour aged to do m) by u nod and Miiile from his employer. And what do you think it contained.' I ho Iianuer s photograph that and nothing more. The honk keoper was dumb. "What do you think of IP" bis principal Inquired. "It Is ju-t like you," was the reply. Youth's Companion. I PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS SIXTY-FOUR PLATES. Slzo of page, 11 by I3ti Indies. Elaborate Cover In Gold ana Colors, Highly Unamclcd Paper. WORTH $1.00. You have won tho love- of others whon you prove that you lovo thorn. Hlilloh's euro is nold ou n gimtnntoe. It ourt'A incipient constipation. It isj tho lirst Couh Cure, Only one cent a dose, IT) ets., CO cts,, and $1.00, Bold by C. L L-ottlug. Nino troubles out of ton wiU'run whon you look them squarely in tho face. - Children Cry for Pitcher's Cat toria. A i oiling sioiiui'i'. A little steamer of 100 tons Is at present, according to press dispatches, being constructed at Argontouil ac cording to tho invention of M. lla.on, which consists In rolling tho ship over tho water instead of forcing it through us at present. To this end a number of enormous copper cylinders aro llxcd to tho vessol, tho speed attained do jHjiiding on tho speed of tho niutal cylinders, and It is coin pitted that thlrty-ono knots an hour can bo easi ly made. .Ml tin) Siime. "That fool eoinp. sot up my urtiulo on woman's garb as woman's 'grao,' " complained thu unmurrlud odltor. It all amounts to tho samo thlnff," wild tho married editor, gazing sadly into tho cavernous depths of hla empty pocketboolc. 'm:.vm: tiii: iii.oii. Puril'y Hie SjsUni of t'liliirreul Inipiirilli's nnd in' Is I'ei'liiin. Spring time is uiu-t luvorablc to tins cure of ("iironie t'.iturrli. Hun ilrcds of letters are received, testify ing to extraordinary cures. Wm. iMandel ol Sleepy Nye, Minn., wiites; "1 hac been troubled with chronic catarrh lor thirty-five years and hud tried nearly every catarrh euro known, until by iiesidcut I was advised bv n friend to give Pe-ru-na u trial. In one weik from the timo 1 took the first ilo-o I began to feel liko a new man. I kept on using it for somo time and 1 am entirely cured. 1 have nosy niptoiiis ol chronic catarrh whatever. I am 71 years of ago and am Mire l'e-rii-ua is the best medicine I ever used and 'would not bo without it iu tho houio for au thing." The l'e-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company of Culuinbus, Ohio, aro offering; free, post-paid, two medical bonks, ono on catarrh and' catarrhal diseases, tho other on sdring, medi cines and spring, diseases. These hooks contain tho very latest and most reliable information ou these important subjects. For free book on cancer address Dr. Ilartman, Columbus, Ohio. The World's Fair Tests showed ao baking powder so pare or so great in leav talag power as tho Royal, f ) la "ii' li- -VhMn-i Hold Ij all Uiai I' Jfcjl) Ji'TI fn, ftlr "Kl lMHMS.,1 , i - niiw - t In I Will If. 'nib mil ritiint IMlr. . . 'MttilHlir I'l.Ilmlu., Tu. mrg i.ii MyCMLD.iJ w k Mi iiiM t.frit.irt. Tb !:! 1 1 HUbUii.hrr. W .iif.Mith Ulli for fatdll iliwuc MilQUU. liri rniif an I it'ift ihm hout wutijj Hie tititlt Vou I ut(Mlii ui'oti th mtctiin1k' ibttrtu iiriht iMi.ttiifi ii,het. mil he fful or Nu n.-t titigt r (innoltfilhti tiorcloihinf. - ur( mm. Kh p, ilurahi vtrrAutfi ctr uunfrrc. i Utk .. J, Cttluriiliu, O MMMIAKKlMtN.t TO, PITCHING PILES SWAYNE'tX: ' AnnoLDTiii.T oossb. uiniiTKilf Int.... ,t,., ui U.wMTto .untlna. I a man, farm and prolri4 blrM)l.r,.bMirb.lh.l.niiir. oilbdiimn.orD.,i'LU4itiiu, PILES! Xv'c' o. 'f'Jh' "The" Watch. For tlniekeoping and durability nothing beatB the seventeen jeweled Dr.ruKit IIami'dkx AVatcii. CALLOXpFNAIAN and nxainino them. Also his lino of Jtnvolry, Diiunomls, Spi'ctai'los, Clocks riateit amlsollil slli'niiri', soiuenir spoons, lu'ii lliaiiilli'itknues ami fotks. e.uMui,' sets! calllliiffanl eases, lion lion lioxes unit other iijiTfirie. A lino llnnof siiectaeles and "y.i lllnssesw llli, steel, nickel tillver iiml I'olil (ranu-s, .Special ami earLhil at teiitlon PMlrl to lltlln III.. ,.jn. My HMU of Vi I -IiiiiiI watclics la .piltu lame! 1 wllfrun tlu'mort ut less tliantliclr actual wortli. i'"-""" PfllruiB jour watch, clock ntut Jewelry re- uYiaUu'r,toniret'"lrwu,'t? ""U ym,r ula KoM THUS. I'll.V.nVN"