The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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J? goods v Clin
buy, Til K LOWLST lMIU'KSjou can
got. are iit nil that i nocesoarj in pur
chasing Hoots and Shoes.
Many of ji.ii I,. -no tried the nhnvo plan
ami u mis noi aiwujs given joii tho sat.
iBfadion v'i do-irod. Von may havo
spent niou thmi tin- din"ereneo that
it would have cost for a letter iimllty of
goodB at a little higher price in repairs
mado not once hut mauj times until jou
throw them aside in disgust. Don't
nllow yoursoir to m fooled ALL THF,
TIMH. Wo take pleasure in dealing in
and SIIOF.S, and tho complaints wo
havo are fow and far between, and aro
instantly made satisfactory to jou when
mndo. Will joii not try us this jour
und save a portion of your phoo hill by
dealing with ns : Wo await jour do
cision. i a ICm.i-v.
piU-M) i:. McKh'KIiV, M. I).
IMij!iIiiii ntnl siii(..(ih,
City and countrj calls promptly uns
worod. Mhos Kim k. Hi i) Cloid.
Sprircg Outfit
A71H cost lcs money nt
our .storo than ever
before In the hlbtory of our
Bigger Values This Year
Better Goods This Year
Larger Stock This Year
To wear
to wear
g. s. m.
them is
tho best
Ready-Tailored Clothing
XATo Imvo determined to
undersell everybody
else. Trices "Win Tlio Too
plo and Tho People aro com
icy Ucrc for tUelr goods.. .
From start to finish wo aro
The uptodate
I "2( ) Pry i"" , 3Y
Seed Potatoes!
Eflllf 0isl5;
Eli!:, to $1.00,
Bit's, $100.
iMrjti:s:',r,i:!iii iiiuiakke:t
-i rrv M'.u's.
Of couipo tlioj need thotlrcinnn liravo
Jo feed the engine's Maine,
lint what's tl.KiiHoof a ilinini cur
If tl i conductor hoards tho train?
K !. lturr wan up from Guide Kook
1. W. llilcr was down from Hastings
last Friday.
Illaiich Slicrcr was visiting in Inavalo
I.W. !.-. 1.... I
mil r I luuv.
('litis Fabler was in attendance at
court tlii week.
Isaiao Ileal returned homo on Wed
nesdnj ovening.
T. W, Kelley of Chester was on our
streets last Week,
A complete now line nf wall paper at
Tajlnr'sat bottom pricca
F. .1. I.ionberger of Humboldt spent
hut Sunday in led Cloud.
If uti iloii't KCi I'njlor's wall
before bujing jou v.-ill iiiips it
Chits. IIum-Iiiiw of Colby, Kansas, re
turnud homo tho HthI of tho woek.
Lincoln iniM'il paint is made especially
for this climate b'old b) Cotting.
Tho mother of .1. A. Kiioklosof Cowlos
was buried in I fed Cloud lust Sunday.
D. M. Smith of Concordia, Kaunas,
made a trip to lied Cloud the llrst of tho
bid work of all Itiuilti done al this
ollice in lirst class s'jlo mid for a very
low llgure.
W. II. Ludlow A- Sons are cleaning up
the brick janl prepaiatory to starting
to iiiulcu brick.
Mi". 1 1 ill of lied CI Hid, him been here
visiting bur sister, Mrs. Hose, this week.
Fiitnklin Sentinel.
Funning i going foiward in an ener
getic manner in Webster county and wo
look for a hnuntefiil crop.
It is time now to havo vour orenn
cleaned or repaired, and if ou want it
well done. see Win. W. Tullojs.
Dr. Damerell and wifeaio in Illinois,
where they were called bj tho periouB
illness of Mrs. DarneroU's hister.
Organs cleaned and lepaired in n
workinandiko manner, lie sure and heo
Wm, Tultejs fur this kind of work.
Fied Iiajl of Itiiir ( l.ik was in tho city
this week visiting with his brothur,
Charles Kajl, tho popular toiiburial ar
tist of this city,
i'o careful, when having jour oigan
cleaned, to got someone that knows how
to clean it. Seo Win. Tullojs and jou
will ho satiBtied.
S. K. Coad, of lied Cloud, represent
ing tho Wheeler .v. WiImiii sowing ma
chine uoinp.iuy, was a caller Wednesday.
I'V.inklin Sontinel.
Sir Knight Wilhsof the Ivnigtita Tem
plar dosiro to thank Miss Sarah Conover
and Mrs. L. II. I'ort for llowers donated
for boiiiets on Kaster Sunday.
Do not forget that our books aro an
excellent feature as a premium to 'I'm.
Ciur.i-. Como in and put down jour
name, givo uh a dollar and get a book.
Tho i'ed Cloud lienovoient society
will meet with Mrs. Kifn Thursday aft
ernoon, April 'J."itli. 'J'ho president
would like to meet all of tho diioctorsat
this mooting.
Thousands of fruit and forest trees at
tho North Ilranch nursery, one mile
south-oast of North liranch, Kansas, 15
miles south east of lied Cloud, Nob,
Tho Dillon Nursery L'o.
Now biejclcs aro entering tho city
dailj.anda number aro on tho road.
Tho bojs ato having tho track tl.scd up
in tip top shape, and aro preparing to
havo a lino time this summor,
WalturCurrannrrived in town Wednos
day from Donvor, whoro ho bus boon
employed in a drug-storo for Bonio
time- past. Walter has many friendB in
II. C. who aro glad to seo him back.
Or. Uritt's lecture on "Army Hxper
ien.W before tho Epworth league Sat
urday night, wan one of the boBt lectures
that has been produced in Ucd Cloud,
although a very small crowd was present
owing to other attractions in tho city.
Several of tho neighbors of Uladen
camp, Modem Woodmen of America,
visited tho lied Cloud camp Wednesday
ovoning, and saw John Iiiinchey, our os
titnnblo shonir stand on ins head and do
sevoral other things too numorous to
The continued story, "Chickainauga,"
which has been running in Tn Ciiikf
ends this week. It has been followed to
tho tlnal scene and spoken so highly of
by such n largo number that wo will
probably havo unothor ono to intoroat
our readers booh. Watch for it.
Charley Arnold has roturnod from
Oklahoma, and says ho would not live in
that godforsakon country under any
consideration, Ho says there is not u
thing Hint recommends tho country. It
Ib wild and full of toughs of all inscrip
tions. Ho will bring his family back to
Hod Cloud to live.
"A man who Hvcb over in tlio northwest
part of town wont into Ills cowstablo the
othor night and by mistake mixed tho
goutle kino up n nice mash in a bo.v full
of saw dust instoad of bran, l'ho cow
tnorely supposed tho hard times was tho
caUBo of the economy, meekly ato her
suppor ami tho man novor discovered
IiIb mistako until tho next morning whon
ho milked hia cow and bho let down half
a gallon of turpentine, a quart of elioo
pegs and a bundle of lath."
MajWLij aj.1 tusLusrxr
c:s:n:r Jir.vnox.
Hay by tho bale or ton at Kobj's.
Krcc-li garden herds in bulk at !' ' '
Choice onion Fots at Kobj's, 1.1 c i
I). McCallum was up from Ouido Kick
Postmaster Cowden wafl in lllue Hill
this week.
.1. II. Calloway was down from Has.
tings Friday.
II. Humbert of Kearney was in the
city last week.
Night Watch Miller has been on the
sick list this week.
C. S. Owen of (lentryville, Mo., was in
HimI Cloud Monday.
Mrs Carlinuhoiiso is visiting in Hea
ver City this week.
Tho Hon Ton presents a very neat up
pearance these days.
urn viriee nils ronton uiciiouso lately
occupied bv M. Finch.
II...I n.!.... I . .. ...
i . I,. I'opeof Mine Hill was in this
burg ono day this week.
K. W. 1,'of.s ami Mel Sherman were in
(initio Hock this week.
Millie Hnjd entertained her little
friends Tuesday evening.
A. D. Hnnney was down from lllue
Hill the llrst of Iho week.
H. II. Ftihlte and Win. Harritt were
on our streets Wednesday.
(!. W. Wiight of Hutchison, Kansis,
was in Hod Cloud this week.
The Kelicf corps will givo an enter
tainment in the near future.
John Harrett of Hlue Hill was doing
business in led Cloud this week.
Mrs. draco (Juigley of Hastings is vis
iting frieml-J in tho city this week.
Judge Dtilfy of tho county court was
admitted to the bar on Wednesday.
Jos. Ii'eese and L. Dragooof Hosemont
township were in town Wednesday.
II. O. Hill. J. II. Crarv and (,'. M. W..r
ner were up from (Juido Hock Wednos
H. S. Hroudllt and I. W. Crary of
(iiiide Hock were on our streets this
II. V. Siixtnn of Lawrence, Knnpas.
was on our streets tho latter part of last
J. II.Morey, ono of Hastings' promi
nent legal lights, was in Ked Cloud Sat
urday. C. L. Iloll'inan and W, J. Jones of
Hlue Hill were in Hod Cloud ono day
this week.
Mrs. H. MeCluro of Hivorton was vis
iting with W. W. Wright and family
this week.
The heavy rain of this week was a
valuable adjunct to our agiicultural
"deest ricks."
The Miaes Lillio and Nannie Truman
departed Monday for a visit with their
father in Iowa.
John Harkley found a blnck buckskin
glove S', size. Owner can have it by
appljing tu him.
J. A. Hamilton, ono of Klndon's enter
prising oitis-ot.p, was in this neck o' tho
Kov. Huinmell united at Hlainviow,
April 10th, Mr. Floron Iljko to Mies
Jjouissi Kcjiulds.
C W. Hiiinbard ami A. Shairr or
Lebanon. Kansas, Sundajed in Hod
Cloud this week.
The pump at tho wator works got out
or order this week and Commissioner
l'oiul put in tho day repairing it.
i'otcr Nelson, who has been sojourn
ing in this city tor some time, has ac
cepted a position on W. N. Hichardson'a
ranch, near Inavalo,
Miss Oraco cMCIelland, sistor or Miss
Tilla McClelland has returned to her
homo in Hloomington. She made many
rrionds while in lied Cloud.
Hev. G. W. Ilummell was in Hed
Cloud this week. Ho reports about
eighty converts at his revival meetings
at Hlainviow, and a continued interest
or great strength etill manirest.
Tho rollowing gentlemen will rnmi
sugar boots this jear. Anthony Sohnu"
or, l.'M acres; Mr. Hathijan, 7 acres; Ceo.
Valentine, 2 acres: Hlias Coblo I acres;
Mr. Wiliuot, 1 acres; Wm. Foster, 'J
acres; Jos. Ktibiek, -JO acrep, making 171
acres of beets that havo been contracted
for by tho factories of Grand Island aud
Tho following gentlemon woro regis
tered at tho hotels Monday: A. M. Wal-
tors, Hlue Hill; M. A. Hartigan, Hast
ings; J. Logan, Alma; A. 11. Kidd, Hon
trice; II. L. Hopkins, Cowies; II, I). Km.
for, Lincoln; M. H. Heeso, Lincoln; 0. 11.
Dntllet, Omaha. Tuesday: S. A, Potior,
Kearney; R. S. Hibbs, Heatrico; J. H.
Caroy, Guide Hock. Wednesday: K. K.
ForriB. Hustings; F. A. Swoey, Hlue
Hill, A. M. SimorBon, HIuo Mill.
Laura Hedge and Nollio Maurcr, who
live it tho country about ono anil ono
hnlf miles, while returning homo from
school on Monday in thuir buggy met
with what might havo boon a serious
ncoidont. Thoy woro driving along noar
Charloy Gurnej's when a cow standing
along tho mail started and slipped down
Beating tho horse which ran awaj,
throwing tho girls out and demolishing
tho vohielo. The buggy passed over
Miss Nollio but fortunately neither or
the girls woro injured any more than
being badly frightened.
om ,m i:im.
There was a girl in our town,
Tho wheels her head did ohoke;
Sho'd speak sogoltlarneil awful fast
) on coulilu t seo a spoke.
Wall paper at Tajlor's.
The nicest lino of curtains at Tay
lor's. Satisfaction guaranteed at Tennatifs
Call and see Tajlor's carpets before
House and lmrii for lent. Inquire at
this ollice or of Win. Fngels, tf
Mr. Ilennett has tinned his family
in tho Dr. Tullojs' duelling.
H. J. Solomon of Hidden was in alien
ilaneti upon court this week.
A. (ialushii went to Lincoln this week
to assist in auditing the A. O. V. W.
Judge Heidi was presiding over the
district court this week with his usual
Mrs Woods mid children of MeCook
are visiting with .). O. Lindley and fam
ily this week.
M. W. Fuller or Campbell was in tied
'loud Saturday bujing nurseij stock
from P.. II. Smith.
Sheriir Hunchey sajn he can tell a
"Im. saw" when ho seen it whirling
forty miles u minute.
Co to W. II. Hobj. one door wet of
the po-it ollice Tor rair dealing, jou get
the worth of jour money theie.
.1. K. Sanborn and wife, who hao
been visiting at ihirerent points through
out the state, relumed to Ked Cloud on
Mrs. Sadie Wilson and little son re
turned homo to Heatrico Tuesdnj, after
a pleasant visit of two weeks with rela
tives in this uity.
IM Hojco or South Hark. Colorado
and Frank Kojco of Lebanon, Ivansa
were visiting their sister, Mrs. Charlej
(iilham this week.
Take jour wagon work to Stapleton
lie forges all irons for buggiesoiit of the
best Norway iron, uses no ina'leablo iron
in repairing buggies.
W. 11. Ciwits returned to Hed Cloud
Monthly evening, and wo soon expect to
hear tho poppety.pop of the pop corn
poppin in the popper on the corner.
When jour piano needs tuning, call
on 1'iof. JenkiiiP. who is now nrenaied
to do this wink in a ratihfaetory man
ner. Looms over First Nat'l Hank
Miss Maggio lleaphy, niece or A. J.
TonilinBon, who was called bore by tho
sickness ot Mrs. Tomliiison, returned to
her home in Hlooinington, Illinois, last
Don't Torget tlio "kid bund" willgivo
a sociable tonight. People should turn
nut and help the bojs along. They aro
making lino progress ami in a short
time will bo in line shape.
Prof. Jenkins made another trip to
MeCook Monday to help furnish tho
musio Tor a ball given at that place Mou
day evening. Ho returned Tuesday,
bringing with mm a lino now biejelo
and a happy smile.
Charley Potter who has boon in Lin
coln Jor Rami) time under special treat
ment lor some internal trouble nrrived
homo on Wednesday ovening, much im
proved, and with careful treatment will
soon regain his old time vigor.
H. L. Davis, who was niotitioned last
wtok as having injsteriously disap
peared, got uneasy about not having
heard from his family and started over
land after them. Ho telegraphed his
wife that ho was at Hloomington and all
wiib serene.
Dr. F. K. McKeoby was in Nebraska
City tho roro part or the iveok to attend
a meeting or tlio board or trustees or
tlio Institution tor the Klind, or which
ho is a member, Fred is a rising joung
plijsician, and is building up a lucrative
patronage tor liimseir in this city.
A fellow the other day, who don't live
in Kentucky, sent his Ked Cloud girl a
picture, w heroin ho was dressed in a big
fur overcoat with a big gun on his
shoulder and tho following legend in
ditod on tho bottom or the photograph:
"Tis 1, bo not afraid." Ho looked sav
age, but it was only at llrst glance.
Tho Holt last week accused .lorry
O'Connor of ootti'.-g liro to a lot or rub
bisli noar tho jail. Wo aro informed by
Charley Kobinson and Sheriir Hunchey
that Undo Jerry did not light tho
match that caused tho combustion that
burned tho leaves that Jorrv i,t
that they did it with their little matches
anil were very careful that it did not sot
tiro to the wiro fence near by. Further
deponont sayeth not and that defend,
ants hero rest their caso.
Morris Stern Is u great horticulturist
and llorist, besides an oxpert gardoner.
Last rail ho carefully covered up a vvtiolo
lot of cherry sprouts, thinking thoy
woro strawberry plants, anil this week
whon ho thought all danger of rroBt was
over ho proceeded to uncover them eo
that tho vines might rocoivo tho bono
llcial inlluenco or Old Sol to onorgizo tho
plant into a quicker production or tho
delicious berry. Ho was working hard
at the supposed vines when some follow
discovered that tlioj woro chorrj sprouts
and Morris is now very mute. Straw
berries have gone down with him.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
r.f.n n t r n
t nuwiK Kuyui wining t'owdcr
j, , superior to all others,
s., -'V'J.
1( (. linking iuviltr
1 do, pliiiii irlnss nobli-ts
1 d( plain glas TiiiiiUhn
1(5 lbs lies! caixiiKMiivd prunes
I 'J lliy best, rnisin-Hiivtl r,,(
drop plums - . " .
l'J His )nsl rnisiu-iquvd plums
itiMiinniiHt wi:iiavi:.
I lomc ciuvd liains, j)(.. b
Homo nurd shoulders, pel
llonu' cured break
Nome cured l.qrd
Wo guarantee the
the city. Give them
M win oiwc you one pound Japan ico lor 25 corns.
Tins ?cn ccrr.oi dg bcai in mc ciiy for so corns
(Jive, no a trial on it and be convinced that vou
are getting the best goods at bottom prices!
JUSI LISTEN 10 Ikhfll IliC
aiv oiilyn few .samples and fell
which way the wind is Mowing
and gives us a warning of the
beautiful rain.
Serves the cleanest and best meal
in the city.
Summer is here, do not heat up
your house when you can buy
?32 pound loaves of bread for $1.
Cakes 40c. Doughnuts, cook
ies and buns 3 doz for 25c.
Delivered at
ZZ morning.
kciiooi, oti:s.
The Gorman class, with tho exception
of two members, is united again, ami
peace Hows within its walls. The
board's decision compelled this action
on thoirpart, togother with the persist
out olTorts of tho suporintondont.
Wednesday a little hostility was shown
between one cf the toachors and the
sonior grade, perhaps ono might havo
boon wrong, but tho question of a part
for tho whole would bo a good point for
The grammar class is vory near thro'
its hook, treating at present on ungram
mntical sontonccs.
Tho VirgilinriB aro on tlioir third book
with throe moro to complete boforo tho
ond of school.
Already the olovonth grade is on tho
threshold of soniorship.
Anothor visit trom tho lowor rooms
would bo very accoptablo for wo know
it would bo something good.
A gonoral quiet rents over tlio school
as only two havo been sont in tho ofllco
for correction, und that for minor of
fonses. Tho tenth and olovonth grades nre
making rapid progress in botany. This
Bpr ng is favorable to the Btudy which
gives thoin an advantago over their pro.
decoseors. Tim tlVf.lffll irrmlii l.. I (!,,.: I1..l
-. ,....,w ,,i. ,uifi uinv
clnsa ineoting Tuesday, and chuso black
and yollow us their cluss color. A motto
f.qsl b;l(.n
above to be the best in the
a trial and juo will no
PCOPIC Say 01 AY 20C COffEE.
your door every 3
has not boon decided upon. Any ono in
German would bo very suggestive.
Tho boginning class in algebra is in
It has been a long time sinco tho ban
nor graced any or tho walls in tho north
Tho list or letters remaining at tho
post ofllco uncalled for up to April
18th., lti.js
Growold, Mrs. Iljotad, Inga
Merrit, If.
Tho above letters will bo sent to tho
doad letter ollice May '2, 180.1. If not
called for. Fit.v.VK Cowdkn. Postmaster.
Highest Honors World's Faki
warn i
A puic Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. FrN
Crorn Ammonia, Alumor any other idulterar