The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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! J
swobi: cumulation 1,300.
A.f. lltHMFIl, Killtor.
..Aiiovl'Air. At Im'hI IMItnr.
i:irriti.ti, xoti:s.
TiiKitK Hfoiim to lio a nlight improve
men t in the tinit'H.
, Tho price of Iiokh anil cattle !h t ill tin
tho upward tenileiiey.
Tin: wlilnky trimt Iiiih turned nut tn
bo ii great big rotten ootieorii.
Tin: IlimtitigH Dally Ueptibliean anil
tho HiiHtingH Dally .Vebriihlian liao
i,r.t.i"A wt'iiiH to lit) tlm coining liny
pmdiiut of thin pnullun of Nebraska.
', There will be a largo ai'reago Bowed tlila
f-oiipun in WulmtiT county.
Kciiosi.m: took a I ifc jump, and
v' the excitement in tho IViinajlviinlii nil
HuIiIb became evteiiHlve. Tho price wont
down a nnti'li or two tliiH week.
TiinlorhiiiH riiirin ho far thin month
gives tho farming eotiiiiinnity great nut
ibfaction. liver thing intlicatoH a pitm
peroiiH year and a bounteous crop.
Tin: free wilvor advneateH hold a very
interesting convention in Dotivor thin
work and took great paina to ait tlown
on Ilro. drover with it Hiekening thud.
Tinui'Y ) earn ago A u il I Itli, Ahraham
Lincoln wiih iiFHiiwHinateil ut tho Old
Kuril Thoatro in Washington. lttlot-H
not Bi'i'in puMiiltlt' that timu Hhoultl My
with hiic'i rapiditv.
Jam. W. SVott. fo'intl"rof the. Chicago
llorald. died in New Voile thin week
vory nu ldcnly of iippop!-v. Mr. Scott
wart ouit of the liraiuifiit cditora iiiiioiik
tho met i ;. il 1 1 it ii pii'hH.
Tin: .lapuu-Cliiiit'Jo war la now about
over, as the two oountrii'H havo nettled
thoir tliiriMi'iict'p. Ah wan to lt) ovpectetl
Japan got everything tdin asked for, ho
nidcH flOo.iiiMi.nnO iuilimuity.
Jiisi'.i'ii (!i:M m- tlio tlt'uiocratic
world'a fair t'ommiHriioncr for Nebraska,
will have to dig up noveral huntlrod dol
lars of niihupciil money that housed do
ing the world'a fair in it rather roekleiis
President C'evclnnd ndvifiea tho tleni
ocratic party to go clow on tho free hiker
liicHtioii. Wo don't wonder at it hum
much iih he Iiiih had bin cutlera 111 led
with tlio jellow metal for talking that
kind of rot.
A.N cirort in being made to have the
income ta eao reheaid in the miprcmo
court of the United StuteH. The courtV
llrnt whack at the bill cut it in two and
lot out the very fellowa that, tho bill wan
intended to make pay their tnxce.
Hon. William U. .Momiiso.Nof lllinoin
attrihutoH the depression in bimineBH to
tlio Piker notation going on over the
world, lie thinks the iiatioim of the
oarth aio hackwanl about adopting fioe
Biivoron account of Hngland'ri opposition
to it. Do we have to ante Hngland'a ad
vice when wo desire to tlo anything in
thin country t (iueHu not.
Wiivt a and Hpeotncle to think over.
In Kantian, a prohibition state, wo no
tico that that old drama of '-Ten Nights
in a llur Koom" in being played for the
benefit of Kiiiihiiiw. Illiud tior forty rod
bug juice iiitiHt have had a terrible ef
fect upon tl e deniennof tho Jayhawkor
Btate who imbibe of it too freely and
without considering what it may bring
them to ere hfe'n fitful fever in over.
It in a remarkable fact that tho repub
lican innvHpuporH of tho tlfth "conRrega
tional" dintrict are about tho only ones
in tho ntato not in favor of tho froo sil
ver coinage. What 1 tho mattor boyn?
Cnldorhead low no patronage to iIIb
peiino. Smith Center I'ioneor.
Tho KaiiBiiH peoplo are wondorful peo
plo, anyhow, but to have their eongrea
nional diHtrictn tlubbed "congregational"
diatrictB in inieleading. it not real funny,
Tin:editnrnof the Wed Cloud Ciiiki
nuil tho Argun are each priding hinmelf
that tho coiwin of one wan elected may
or of Lincoln nnd or the other the mayor
of Cleveland. Ohio. Wo onco hud a
cousin (fourth i who camo near being
elected prewdent of thin great United
Staten, but that don't iucrenfe our
uhniieea any nor givo tin any tirimtigo.
Snporior Sun.
Voti wiiBii't on to your job llro. Now
ineyor if you had liven you would have
borrowed ouough money of him before
election to got oven with him if ho
wasn't elected.
Tin: rainfall in Lincoln has been scan
ty comparod with tho downpour in tho
central part of tho ntato. Tlio precipi
tutiou for tho twonty-four liourB onding
nt 7 o'clock won .'Jl in Lincoln, .11 in
Oninhn, moro thnn an inch at Aurorn
and Illuo Hill, nnd moro than half nn
inch at Haetingp, Tecumsoh and lied
Cloud. Tho rainfall wan woll distribut
ed and camo in such n way that all of
tho moiHturo wont down deep into tho
ground. Tho whole business uspoct has
boen chiuifjod by tho copious rains that
hnvo fallon all ovor the stato in tho past
two wook. Stato Journal.
Tin: list of applicants for positions on
tho board of transportation will furnish
tin approximate idea as to why stato of
llcors yet seo troubles ahead and woar a
weary look an they movo along in tho
course of thoir daily labor. 'Iho follow-
lug is not a complnto liht of tho appli
cants for BfcretarieB of tho board of
transportation, and tho names were only
noted down in a demiltorv wav leaving
1 tho liat HUblect to revision. Hero it 1b:
C. If. Morrill, Lincoln; T. J. I'ickott, jr.,
Afllilnntl; L. W. Gilcrist, Wahoo;.T.C.
Klliott. Weflt Point; W. K. Wright, Lin
coln; C. N, Crandall, Lincoln; W, A.
HorgBtres'bor, Nelson; J. 1-3. Ilouro,
Omaha, P. Schwenke, Oinaha; K. M
JenkliiH, Alexandria; I). K Triinkoy, Ued
Cloud: T.J. Ward. Red Cloud: 1). C.
I Howard, Kearne); W. K. Ilarber, driitid
Maud; 11. A Hodge, tionoa; N. S. Por
ter, Ponca; II. K. llrtiBh, Holdrego; V. L.
Hawthorn, Wahoo; II. II. Dorsey, Lin
coln; T. W. Cole, XolBon; (!. K. Tarbox.
Callaway;.). W. auholiulil,Vulpnriso; J.
Wefclloy Tucker. Valentine; A. H. To.ld,
Pluttfltnmilli; J. W. Kurroll, OrlcanB; J.
IS. Hou'iirth, Cozad; T. S. ClarkKon,
Omah'i; J. ). Van (lilder, Omaha.
Tho OuBUWillianiBon ciibo rccupiod
the attention of tho dintrict court for
several thiyn thin week and was the
cause of much innocent amusement for
the npectatorH. Thin in a case that re
Hiiltn from a prior cane whore one Anion
(SiiBt watered one Sarah Williamn that
ho could name for 1'J()0 the winner in a
certain foot race that they woro to ar
rnt)K hi Lino township one day hint
summer. Ctiist hint tho raco and kick
ed over the traces, and wauted and not
Vack Mome of the amount wiiKored, but
there wanone unjo tliat wan niinun amino
tho Biiil wan commenced in it lower
court and appealed to the district court.
It wan fun for the spectatorR if it wan
expennivo to tho purlieu in tiie Bint
On Wednesday afternoon the case was
submitted to tho jury after sotno heavy
urcuiucntn of the couiibcI lasting for
about two bourn. During tho last act
the defendant, Mm. Williamson, aroho
and objected to one of hor attorneys do
fendinu her further, but Jiibo lieall
properly allowed tho attorney to com
plete the case inasmuch an he had spent
bin time for several montliH in preparing
tlio case for trial. Finally the instruc
tioim were k'iven to the jury and they
woro sent to tho jury room and aftor a
Hhort deliberation they returned a ver
dict for Anion Oust of Sl.TUO. Tho no
tions of the defendant caused reat ap
plause "in the Kalloricn" antl Judo
lieall ortlered tho room cleared if the oc
cupant h didn't ecasn their hilarioiiB con
duct. Jan. McNeny wan for Anion Glint
and J. M Challln and J. K. Klotchcr for
Mrs. WilliaiiiBou.
- -
IliiNlvr Svrvli'CN.
ICanter wan duly observed in Iletl
Cloud by all tho churchen in an appro
pi into manner.
M. K. ClIl'KC'll.
Tho nervicen of the M. 10. church took
place at .'I p. in. ami a very large crowd
wan present They embraced recitations
HiiiKiuu;. bible selections, selections
hcariiii; on lOanter from other sourceH
etc, etc., which wore very nice
ly tendered by all who took part 'in tho
exercisoH, the little folks doitifj exceed
ingly well, Tho church was handsomely
decorated for the ovont.
rilltl-iTIVN I'lll'KCII.
At tho Christian church an excellent
programme wan furnished to a large au
dience who gathered to witnesH the ser
vices at the church in the evening. Here
as well an at the other churchen tho ser
vices were appropriate to Kimler. Songs,
solos, recitations, readings, etc., com
posed the ovoniug'n entertainment which
all enjoyed.
A very beautiful and impressive
oanter service wan listened to by a large
audience at tho Congregational church
last Sunday night. Tho lion ho was pro
fusely decorated with ferns, liilios ami
other houso plants and tho program,
which wiib well arranged, wan executed
to perfection, there being not u single
hesitancy in any part. Tho quartots
and duotn were especially good and tho
talk by liev. Spellman was vory interest
ing and instructive. No one present
could fail to bo impressed with tho im
portance of tho occasion.
Mrs. Hli.aboth Buckles, wife of James
llucklos, died on Saturday morning litBt
at her home near Cowles, after an illness
of Bovoral months, iigod (50 years, '.)
mouths anil It due. Mrs. Duckies was
bom in St. Joseph, county, Indiana, antl
ban boon a resident of Wobntor county
thirteen jears, having moved hero with
her husband and family from the Indiana
homo in 188"J. Three children survivo
hor, Mrs. liobt. Harrin, Jumos K. Buck
les, and a son in Colorado. Tho f tinoral
BorviceH were conducted on Suuday Inst
by liev. Muttox at the Christian church,
CowIob. of which church she was a mem
ber, nntl tho romniiiB laid to rest in tho
Hod Cloud cemetery.
--- -"Don't
Tuluu'co Spit or Smoke
Your I.I fo Away."
Tho truthful, startling titlo of u book
about Notodmc, tho only harmless, guar
anteed tobacco-habit euro. If you wnnt
to quit and can't, uso "No-to-bno."
Hracea up nicotinizod nervos, eliminates
nicotine poisons, inalteH weak men gain
strength, weight and vigor. Positive
euro or money refunded. Sold by C. L.
Hook at druggists, or mailed froo.
Address Tho Storling lieuiedy Co.,
Chicago olllee, m liandolph Sf, Now
York, 10 Spruce St.
Hngland has twenty-two certitlod lady
sanitary inspectoni.
i:asti:k i:itvi(ji:s.
Sir KnlKlit ii. '. Hrltt, I. . De
livered a DNeotirNe to tlio
KnlKlitN Templar.
On last Sunday morning Master was
duly observed by tho monibero of Cy
reno Cominandry, No. II, K. T.. of this
city. AlKh.'io the KnightB iniinbering
about twenty assembled at their asylum
and marched in a body in full dress to
the M. Ii. Church, whero Dr. Hritt, an
eminent Methodist divine, and a former
chaplin of tho grand coinniandry of Ne
braska, delivered a vory lino address.
Tho church was elaborately decorated
with beautiful Mowers and the audience
being vory large, neemetl to entlniBo tho
speaker with xcal, ami for a half hour
ho dwelt upon biblical Biibjocln, and
subjects that pertained to the ritualistic
observance of tho ordor in terms that
wore eloquent and decidedly interesting
to all present. Tho doctor is a vory
pleasant spenker and delivers his ser
mons in such nn easy manner that at
onco captivates bin audience and makes
tliotn feel when ho ban Mulshed like
voting a resolution to havo him continue
on Indefinitely. It was a vory protty
service and one of the best that the
Knight Tomplarfl havo over hold in Hod
Cloud. Tin: Cini'.r hopes to havo tho
pleasuro of listening to tho celebrated
divino again, antl wo beliovo tho name to
bo the sentiment of all present. Tho
singing for tho occasion was extremely
appropriate antl beautiful ami was fur
nished by n double quartet competed
of the following lied Cloud singers: L
P. Albright, John Dickorson, C. C, Cow
thin. Vic Kulton, Mrs. Mnxlield, Miss
Lois Pope, Mrs. J. A. (taunt and Mits
lllanchu Cummiuga. Mrs. Heal, organ
ist. Upon tho whole it wan an excellent
service anil highly appreciated by all
Photos at $'2..1U per dozen iitTeniinut'n
I'lcl Guilford of CowleH wiib on our
streets this week.
Chop corn or oats mid bran by tho 100
lbs. or ton at Kolis.
C. II. Smith of Guide Iiock was a Red
Cloud visitor this week.
Might tons of millet hay for sale. J no.
I'arner, box .728, Iietl Cloud.
K. II. Jones antl wife leave this week
for an extended visit in Kreiuont.
Kor Sale Home grown, listed seed
corn, (io cents per bushel. K, K. Goble.
Mrs. C. J. Pope will npend tho summer
in Lincoln anil leaves for that city this
las. Glass has accepted a position in
Nemaha count j, Kansas and will move
to that county.
Miss Mauil Nowburg of Denver, Colo
rado, is tho guest of Mrs. T. W. Thorn
burg thin week.
Mrs. Mary Albright antl Mm. S. D.
Andrown were visiting at I. Krisbio'a in
A m boy this weelc.
W. H. Cramer an extensive farmer of
Catherton was in lied Cloud on court
business this week.
Mil Hurr is up from Jerico, in tho
state of Missouri, this week looking as
fat anil saucy as ever.
Dr. L. II. Hock, secretary of tho board
of pension oxaininors, was called to Su
perior today to innko a special e.xamina
tmn. Tin: CimiK and family aro indobted to
a quartet of young ladies for one of tho
llnest serenades of the season, Como
again girls.
Herman Kichard Miller, late of Ger
many, him become a citizen by natural
ization, una will henceforth bo a good
The llrm of Hankell & Hosworth ship
ped twonty-four carloads of eggfl from
their various houses in Nebraska and
Kansas liiBt weok.
A. O. U. W. Sunday will bo May 12,
and will bo observed at tho Congrega
tional church at.'l p. in. Rev. E. L. MIy
will preach the sonnon.
Thooyo. ItH diseases and tioatmont.
M. S. Mvans, M. I)., eye, ear and throat
specialist, Lazarus Hlock, Columbus, O.
Ilufus MikBch, agont, lied Cloud, Nob.
Tho World-Herald of Sunday said
that Hon. liandolph McNitt had been
appointed recoiverof tho Hhiden bank,
but if bo tho Btateniont lacks confirm
ation. Don't forgot tho kid band social to
night, and reineniber that tho boyn aro
deserving of a ilrbt clasn patronago by
the peoplo. Masoniu hall is tho plnco
and tonight is the time.
Speaking of artists, nn oxchnngo snys
it tnkos a rich man to draw a chock, a
protty girl to draw attontion, a horse to
drnw a cart, a porus plastor to draw tho
skin, a toper to draw it cork, and a froo
lunch to draw a crowd.
Tabor A mnck departed this life April
11, 18t).", at his home in Gnrlleld town
ship at tho ago of 07 jours, 1 months and
10 days, nfter n week's illnoss. Ho was
born antl raised in Kranklin county, Ind.,
and movod to this placo elovon years
ago. Ho loavos five eons, A wifo and
daughter havo proceeded him only a
short time. Kimoral Borvices at tho Ash
Creek church Thursday, conducted by
Mldor Mattox, of tho Christian church,
after which his roinains were laid to rest
in tho Martin comotery by the sido of
his wifo mid daughter.
Arlington, Neb.
Has No Equal
Hood's Sarsaparllla For tho Blood
and Stomach.
"I'tako pleasure in recommending
Hood's SarsapnrlllA for any nllmcnt ot tho
stomach or dlgeatlvo organ, nlno nn a
blood purifier; In net, for tliexo trouble
I think Hood's Hnrsnparllln has no equal.
I havo just finished a course of nix bottles
nnd It hits dono me n wonderful amount
ot good. I am especially pleased with tho
benefit I have derived from It for an nll
mcnt of the apltial column, which canned
Hjirlckllng Herniation nil ovor my hoity.
ily wifo thought 1 would hnvo a stroke
g tsared'
of paralysis, but I nm
entirely cured by
Hood's Bnrsnpnrllla, f
and gladly recommend It. I enn truly
Bay I consider It tlio best medicine." J.
a. ItLKBHlNO, Arlington, Nebrnska.
Hrrlc Dilfc nnt harmoniously Willi
A1UUU S rillb Hootl'aaamrmrllla. i5c.
CIH'EtCH XO'fl'I'.S.
(1'iMler tills licitil we Unite Hie niliiUtr) ir
the city to conn Unite fieely ut ,ui ami all
i-linrcli news nf Inten'st to their v.irlntit ur.m
.atlens.) CIIKIHTIAN t'lltlif II.
'KooIb and foolery'' a humorous lec
ture ut tho opera houso Monday night,
April ," by Prof. Simpson MIy A. M.
Laugh und grow fat, at tho leeturo
Monday night on "Kools and Koolory"
in tho opora Iioubo.
Kun is hotter than physic. Kun! fun!
fun! nt tho opera lioiif-o Monday night.
General admission l."i cents. Reserve
Beats 2.1 cents nt the usual iilaco. This
is a grand lecture and should bo patron
i.od by evoryono. Vou will miss a rare
treat if you fail to attend,
-MKTiionisr i iai:t ii.
M. Rifo will conduct tho Mpworth
lenguo dovotional meeting at seven
o'clock next Sabbath.
L. P. Albright knows how to put in
good music just at tho right time.
Let all tho Junior leaguers be out at I
p. m.
Tho Sundny school Mantor service wiib
in ovory respect a faithful ellort to show
our love for him who so clearly declared
his lovo for tho children.
Rev. Maxllolil will preach at the
chapol Kriday evening ot this week,
On account of the glorious rain there
wiib no service at tho chapol on Monday
Somo Bay the cquimitteo did their
work woll in providing tho program for
Master services.
Thoso who appreciate tho boautiful
appreciate the tasty decorations made
by tho ladies for Master.
Doctor Hritt made good his record as
an interesting spoakor antl gavo as near
ly perfect satirfactiou as could bo ex
pected. Tno Sir Knights seem to appreciate
tlio wolcoino bo cordially accorded them.
Tho sermon last Sabbath ovoning was
not too good for tho fow who hoard it
but should havo been heard bv the mul
titudes. Honry Ward Ueeeher once informed a
man who enmo to him complaining of
gloomy nnd despondent feelings, that
what ho most needed was n good onthnr
tlo, meoniug of course such a medicine, as
Ayor's Cathartio pills, overy doso being
Do You Want I'uot lire.
If bo seo J. M. Hines of Amboy, on tho
old Hall farm. Running water mid
plenty of shado. Address Red Cloud
post oillco. Ki-iit
- -
Wo do not uso cotolino or anv other
kind of line, but pure and healthful in
gredients in our broadstulis or pastry.
Kai.f.y & Ca.MI'IIKI.I..
Ilui-kluii'M Arnlrii Salve.
The best fialvo in the world for outs,
bruises, sores, Uleors, Salt rheum, fovor
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chillblaiiis,
corns, antl all skin eruptions, nnd posi
tivoly onres piles, or no pny required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded, l'rice 25 cents per
bo. Forsale by Cotting. tf
All kinds of sowing dono at Mrs. P. P.
Hadloy's. Threo blocks west of Miner's
storo. t f
Sooner or lator prido is suro to stop on
It will bo nn agreeable surprise to per
sons subject to attacks of bilious colio to
learn that prompt relief mny bo had by
tnking Climnborlnln's Colio, Cholorr. and
DiarrhiDii Remedy. In many instances
tho attack mny be prevented by taking
this remedy as soon as the first symptom
of the disenso appear. '.'! and W) cent
bottleB for sale by Deyo itOrloo druggist.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure drape Cream ol Tartar Powder.
OurOffer ! I
A coinplcto linij of Stiilioncry Hix
Paiwr for 10c, 20c, 30c, Hfi, -10(5
50c. All the Latest Sty ley.
A largo
J Heath tt Milligan's Mixed
Y The bust in the world.
our colors.
t'l k
According to predictions this is going to be awarm 5
2 sununer. 'ou want to prepare for it by 5
getting tl c 3
.OH .11
These are the best hot weather goods
in which you can invest.
comi; ix axi si:i: tiiii.
For our special sale we will give the
public a first class
Remember we make it an object for
people to trade with us. Be
sure and get our prices on every
thine in oui
assortment of Wall Tn- k
ii'i- which we sit 'ii .'it oc, we, iu (
l'J.Je, lfic, KSc, 20c, 2.r)C, J50c, &
-I0e, ,r)0c, and Tfic. ocr r
double roll. It will pay yuti (
tn .sec our Hue. i
& Grice,
-mm 6
i ""Am
lor 3 cum
A. Mobhart & Son. 3
--.. MA. t-