The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1895, Image 1

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All Home Print.
PulilUlictl Weekly.
Subicrlllnn, $1 Per Annum,
Iiivarlnblf In .Idvnnce
If notimUl In ikU.uicc, after tills date March
18, 18W, the irlce will be J 1.25.
Entered at tlio I'ost Olflco In lied Cloud, Net).
4 hs mull nmttcrnf thu nt cowl class
U. & RI. It. K. Time Table.
ec, Local FrdKlit. I.v r. n. in.
16, riMsriiRer. 10:i5 " A r 10:00 a. m
04, Fast Freight. " lul5. m." l:U0p,m
112, Mixed Train, I.v J'.':30 a, in. Ar 12.03 p. in
uoiNu vi:st
6.1, Fb FreluM, I.v IlilRn.m. Ar IO:3Sn. in
141, Mixed Train, " lu.reip. in. " 11:3.-. a. m
IS, Passenger, " 8:10 p. in. " 8:30 p. in
Look out for seven wet Sundays; it
rained Easter.
II. A. Simpson of Blue Hill was in
this city Friday.
t Mrs. A. 1'. Johnson has gone to
Illinois on a visit.
W. C. Moore of Swnnton is lookinc
after his interest in this city.
W. A. Sherwood of Itcd Cloud was
seen on our strcotH Thursday.
The bank of Bladen is still in the
hands of bank examiner Clinc.
Anothor soaker Monday afternoon.
How easy it rnins in Nebraska.
Mrn. I). P. Kimiuol is visiting
friends at Swantou and vicinity,
Hcv. Hummel is spending a few
da.8 with his family near Red Cloud.
'ili'its Bowers of Campbell was the
guost of Mrs. Horn the fore part of
tho week.
A number of farmers in this vicin
ity aro sub-soiling this spring as an
S. J. Whittcn of Edgar was attend
ing to some businoss in this city tho
latter part oi last week.
Charloy Morrey left Tuesday even
ing ior his former homo in tho western
part of this state where he has secur
ed employment
H. 0. Phillip picsidont of the
Lincoln land sito Co. ot Lincoln was
in this city Wednesday surveying oil
moro lots to the town site
ii. C. Uartman was attending to
some legal business at tho county
soat the foro part of tho week F.
Toothacro has ohargo of his business
during his absence.
Mrs. James Tooloy rcooivod $2000
from tho grand lodge of tho A. 0. U.
W. in payment of the bonificiary held
by her husband who died some thrco
jrcekB ago. Mr. Tooloy had provided
well for his family and this is a duty
every man owos to his loved ones, oyon
If a man must dio to win, as dio wo
must and as this is true let us win for
our loved ones tho comforts that $2000
can buy when wo arc no moro. Join
tho A. 0. U. W.
There to moro Catarrh iu this sootlon
of the country thnn nil othor diseases put
together, and until tho last few yenrs wns
nupposed to be Inournble. For a great
many yonrH doctors pronouncod it n local
discaso and prescribed local remedies and
by conBtnuUy failing to cure with looal
treatment, pronouncod it inonrablo.
Holenco has proven catarrh to bo a con
Btitntlonnl disease and thorofore rehires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only eonstitutton
al euro on the markot. It is taken inter
nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea
"jpooafnl. It acts directly on tho blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Thoy offor one hundred dollars for any
onso it fails to mire, Send for circulars
ar.fl testimonials. Address,
1?. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
CirSold by Druggists, ir,
Fall whoat that was drilled is look
ing fine,
ft, Maimer and wife wero visiting
at Joe Haughts last Sunday.
Easter services wcro hold at Eckley
' Sunday, the program was good,
It. S, Denny has set out 90 apple
Joo Haught thinks ho can afford to
smoke all tho time now since tho poor
in the township got $4.00 apiece,
M. M. Wilson of Bluo Hill was vis
iting his daughter Mrs. L. D. Wells
last week and attended chureh at
Eckley last Sunday.
John Parish of Shenandoah, la.
has been in tho neighborhood a few
days on business and pleasure.
Grace West, Miss Dillon of Guide
Rock, Grace Tcel and Harry Bates
and wife of Cowlcs attended Easter
services at Eckley last Sunday.
J. II. Mcarns of Guido Rock passed
through here last week on his way
heme from lloscinont whero he had
been to visit his father who ho reports
quite sick. Simpson.
A Vtilnunlu Find.
After years of study an libor, there has
nt last been discovered n sure mid never
fallidg remedy, It has been tested on
patients, who havodispaired of over being
cured, tho results have boon, inovsry case
wonderful, droit's Ithouinntisin Cure is
unequalcd as n positive remedy in all
cases of Chronic and Acute Inllammntory
Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica,
Neuralgia, Dysmeunrrhoen nnd nil kind
red nffootions. It is nlson valuable Wood
Purifier, being especially useful in Ecemn
l'sorinsis, Hcrofula, all Glandular Enlarge
ment nnd diensesof tho liver nnd kidnejs.
It is absolutely free from all narcotic.
Sovero uttaoks tiro reliuved iu from one
to three dayH and n positivo euro effected
iu from tho to eighteen dajH. O. L. Cot
ting lied Cloud, Neb. Ill-tin
State IMne.
E.istcr has enmc and gone and no
one seems to bo any the worso for
caster eggs,
Surely everybody docs rejoice in
this rainy weather.
Last Saturday and Sunday was
Wcslyan Methodist Quarterly meet
ing. Rev. Howard conducted the meet
ing. Elcvon members of the Quaker
church joined tho Methodists.
Grandma Watt has returned to her
homo in Guido Rock, Wo arc glad
she is well again.
John Fagan haB returned from
Missouri where he has been spending
tho winter.
John Fishburn sold a team of
horses last wcok.
Geo. Turner Jr. has been setting
out forost and fruit trees.
Undo Robert Morris had a big
enstor dinner. Evcryono had a good
time No hard times in this vicinity.
Aunt Rachel Bales has como back
from Lawrence.
(Most of tho fruit trees aro in bloom.
School was out at district 33 Friday,
J. B. Wiscoarvcr was buying cattle
last week.
Rev. Bean was transacting business
in Cowlcs Monday.
Charley Smelserof Rivorton was in
our locality Tuesday.
Mrs. Bean was visiting at O. E.
Ilainoy's ono day last week.
Joo Albright of Red Cloud was in
our locality last weok.
Galen Lewis was transacting busi
ness in Campboll Saturday.
Prof, Castor was in our community
on business Saturday.
Guss Brenglcdson was attending
court at Red Cloud first of tho wook.
Frank Sedilck has eommenced to
plant corn,
Wado Koontz haB returned from
his visit through Illinois and Indiana.
Mr. Chaplin had a new windmill
put up on his farm Wednesday.
Tom Andorson and wifo woro pleas
ant visitors at Julius Nelson's Thurs
day, Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Red Cloud, Webster County,
The county surveyor was doing
somo surveying in our locality last
Emory nnd Everett Bean, with
their families, were callers at Mr.
Miohacl's Sunday.
Sunday school was organized at
New Virgin'u Sunday with tho fol
lowing officers: Supt., Clarence Wil
son; A?st. Supt.. Claude Duval; Sec
retary, Miss Adelle Wilson; Trcas.,
Miss Lambrecht, All aro invited to
meet next Sunday at two o'clock.
IMetiMint Dale.
Prayer meeting last Sunday night
was well attended.
There will bo prayer meeting at
Mr. VnnDyke's Thursday night.
Misses Loru and Lacy Dcokcr and
Vickie Ilaskins aro attending school
at Penny creek.
Wo aro glad to sco Miss Mary
Mountfurd homo onco mure.
Mrs. ltoscneran s health is improv
ing very faht.
When a htraggler goes through Mr.
Bcnuchamp's burn yntd nnd ho says
halt, they know enough to stop for
they say his gun is I undid.
Mr. Leigh's aic putting up quite n
nice milk house.
Mr. Guthrie's aro fencing t!io front
yard with a web wiru fence and aro
fencing the Harden hog tight.
Mr. Simms came to his appoint
ment but was nnablo to fill it.
Mr Haskin's wheat on the breaking
looks very nice.
Our better hnltes say they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It to used lit more thnn half
tho homes in heeds. Sims llros., Leeds,
Iowa. This shows tho esteem in which
thnt remedy to hold whero it hns been
sold for years nnd to well known
Mothers hnve lenrned that there to noth
ing so good for colds, croup nnd whoop
ing cough, Unit it cures these ailments
quickly nnd permanently, nnd thnt it is
pleasnut and safe for children to tuko.
'J,r and .r0 cent bottles for sale by Deyo
LUrico Druggist.
I'rairle Sem.
Fanners are looking happy sinec
the rains.
The small grain is looking fine.
Edith Bailoy visited her friend
Bcssio Hilton Friday and Saturday.
Rov. J. T. Milncr is quite sick with
Rev. Hummcl's mooting still con
tinues. Thcro has been over eighty
converted and sixty havo joined tho
church. Mr. Hummel says that tho
meetings will net closo until there aro
ono hundred converts.
Reuben Banks wants to trado a cow
foar horse.
Thcro was a Sunday-sohool organiz
ed at Plainvicw last Sunday.
Mrs W. W. Ilogato is not very well
this spring. Jimmy.
Those who never rend tho ndvorttoo
ments in thoir newspaper miss more thnn
they presume. Jonathan Kentoon, of
Bolan, Worth Co,, Iown, who hnd beon
troubled with rheumatism in his back,
arms nnd shoulders, read an item in his
paper about how n prominent German
citizens of Ft' Madison has been cured.
He procured tho same medicine, and to
use his own words; "It cured me right
up." Ho also says: A neighbor and his
wife were both slok in bed with rheuma
tism. Their boy wbb over to my house
and said they wore so bad that ho had to
do tho cooking. I told him of Chamber
lain's Fain Balm and how it had ourod
me, ho procured a bottle of it and it cured
them np in a week, 00 cent bottles for
sale by Deyo & Qrice.
A very plcaBant party was enjoyed
at tho homo of Harrison Wallor last
Wednesday evoning.
Emory Waller baa gone to farming
baring rented J. W. Waller's farm
east of town.
Neb., Friday, April J
T Real spent Sunday with friends
in town.
On Account of the thrctitencd storm
the caster exercises at tho M. E.
church were postponed until next
Sunday evening.
G. A. Harris has started his huck
ster wagnn again this spring. IHb
vory efficient and courteous clerk J.
E. Harris ib running it. H. G.
Kocnoy having taken his position in
the store.
The Congregational church has un
dergone somo ycry tuuoh needed im
provements in tho way of a new bell
tower, which makes it look very nice,
Earl Paul came homo tho (ith, foi
the summer. He thinks tho climate
is much moro healthful hero than at
Grand Island
A social wns given at tho Congre
gational church last Tuesday ovening
by tho Ladies' Aid sooicty.
Milliard Nelson of Gardcnvalo at
tended Christian Endeavor servleo at
Cowlcs Sunday evoning.
Doctors Paul and Harris were down
to Red Cloud on business last Satur
day. Dell Tcel departed for Iudianola
Thursday to help his father C. A.
Tcel, put in his crop. Ho will be
missed very much by the young peo
ple. Miss Mablo Wright, ono of Web
ster county's most successful teachers
returned from What Cheer, Iowa, lust
Crit Turner and son of Los Angeles
California have been visiting with his
brother M. J. Turner and wifo for the
last week.
Ben Turner nnd wife of Omaha
visited over Sunday with relatives re
turning homo Monday accompanied
by his brother Chit.
T. E. Pcnntnan and wifo of Red
Cloud woro visiting at Capt. Jno,
Blaine's Sunday.
Glen Bailey of Donver, our former
agent was shaking hands with his
many friends hero Saturday. Ho ex
pects to remain scvoral days visiting
friends and relatives,
Two of our roost prominent citizens
got into a discussion over politics
ono night last week and it might havo
terminated quito seriously if friends
had not intorfcrcd. Moral: Littlo
boys should not tell everything they
hear. Bloomestein.
Crooked Creek.
Easter was duly observed
Small grain of all kind is looking
Wm. Harris was in Red Cloud Sat
urday, Chas. Tenn&nt spent Sunday at
Wm. Holsworth and wifo from Bla
den were visiting at their parents Sun
day. Tho wind Friday did considerable
damago to out buildings,
Died, Mrs. James Buckler who has
been sick for tho past fow months
diad at her homo Saturday, April 13.
The funeral services woro hold at hr
homo and wero conducted by Rev.
Mattox, Sho lcavos a husband, sov
oral children and a host of friends to
mourn her loss.
Penny Creek.
Mr. Aubushon has began planting
Mclva VanDyko is unable to at
tend Bobool.
Isaao Growcll so ems to be quite
busy in his blaoksmith shop,
E. W. Anderson is chopping wood
for Mr. Stroup.
Myrtle Anderson is working for
Mr. Horton'e.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powter
WerM'e Fair Hlghcjt MUal and Dlplteu.
9, 1895
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Mrs. Aubushon has been on the
aiok list but is bettor now.
Rev. Ilaskins filled his npointment
Inst Sunday but tho attendance was
very small on account of tho storm.
Mooting noxt Sunday nt Penny
Mr. Growell's lost ono of thoir cows
last week,
Prayer meeting at Mr. Aubushon's
last Thursday evening.
U. No.
A million I'rleml.
A friend in need is n friend indeed nnd
not lens than ono million people have
found just n friend in Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, coughs
nnd colds, If you have never used this
Great Cough medicine one trial will con-
vlnco you that it has wonderful curative
powers in nil discaseH of tho throal, chost
nnd lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to
do all that to olaimed or money will bo
refunded. Trial bottles free lit C. h.
Cotting's drugstore. I.nrgu bottles f.Oc.
nnd $1.00.
Mr. Mnuntford nnd funily havo
been quito hick with tho grippo but
all are better except Mr. Mountfoad.
Elder HaHkins preached at Mt.
Hopo last Sabbath and will preach
there ngnin in four weeks.
Elder Slater will preach at Mt.
Hopn nixt Sunday morning at 11
o'clock and his daughter in tho even
ing nt 7 o'clock. Everybody is invit
ed. Elder Slator hns solicited and dis
tributed two carloads of aid for Smith
Miss Mary Mountford is homo again
Henry Graham was iu theso parts
Sunday he sajs school at North
Branch will closed in about nix weeks.
Miss Emma Barrett is homo this
Mr. S. C. Johnson was iu Red Cloud
Saturday on business,
If you want to find a Kansas man
on Saturday go to Red Cloud.
Tour HIk Sneeeasee.
Having tho need merit to more than
make good nil the advertising claimed
for them tho following four remedies
havo reached a phenominnl salo Dr
King's Now Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds each bottle guaranteed
Electric Dittors tho grent remedy for
liver, stomuoh and kidneys, Bueklen's
Arnica salvo thu best in the world nnd
Dr. King's New Life pills which nro n
perfect pill, All thoso romedles nro guar
anteed to do just whnt to claimed for
them nudtho dealer whoes name to attach
ed herewith will bo glad to tell you moro
of them. Sold only nt C, L. Cotting's
Crop Indication.
"In Foburary of tho present year
tho World-Herald published an article
of mino on 'Forecasting tho Seasons,'
in whioh I vonturcd to predict that
tho summor of 1895 will resemble
that of 1884, with its abundant crops,
with tho exception of a danger. point
to the fruit crop in this latitude dur
ing April and May, whioh we may
oscapo through tho provalenco of rain
or clouds during tho fow days of dan
ger in thoso months. When looking
over somo old charts tho last week I
found one drawn by mo, dated in Feb
ruary, 1884, giving tho forecasts of
I that summer as a good year for crops.
That year and its big orops nave
since become history, Venus passed
Vol. 23 No. 16
between the orth mid the sun in July
1881, while the prcsont year it will
pass us in September. Iu 18'J2 Venus
pained us again in July. This br mght
tho rainy months in M, Juno and
July during thoso bountiful jenrs.
while should tho same nnuligy hold
the present season, nnd I seu no rensan
why it should not, tho miiiy months
will bo iu June, July nnd August.
As Venus is now rapidly npprnnching
tho earth wo nrn nlroady fi'oPug its
inllucnon with the advai.cin reason.
That beautiful planet is well mimed
tho 'friend to mankind,' bucaii&u v. lien
near tho garth in thu growing fencons
It always brings us blessings, fruit
and flowers. If it fails this vonr it
will bo contrary to its nojulh for
"A further examination of theso old
charts brought mo ono dated in Febru
ary, 1S81, with its forecast for that
summer. It was dismal wiili its pro
diction of short crops. That j ii r tl o
eurth passed through the mids ol tho
intciiFo solar anergics to diivo Nep
tune, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars uround
the sun, while Coggm's comet bluzed
in tho skj always nu uncertain fac
tor in meteorology and nsironnmy.
,In the summer of 181)0 and 1804 tho
oirth again passed through the solar
Cncrgv controlling Jupltr and Mars,
It wns an era of hut a iuds an i famine."
"Rut enough of these di mi iters.
Unless n big, comet comes the prpsont
soason to upset all known calculations
there is no known reason why this
should not be a ear of bountiful 'crop tho danger to fiuit uotud, which
wo may escape Ttio farmer should
sco to it that his corn and other crops
nro planted jut as souu as tho ground
is iu condition. Thcro should bo no
lato planted corn an j whero this year.
In that thoro is danger. After the
19th of September tho earth will enter
a cool region in spaco, and a Killing
frost early in October may work irre
parable damago to tho unfortunato
who is lato putting in his orops this
spring. Gen. E. F. Test in World
Herald. Tho man who looks through cobwebs
will boo spiders ovorywhoro.
Tho devil smiles when ho moots a
Christian with n, long face.
God's plans ure mudo for otornlty, not
for the prosont moment,
St. Paul noor buckslid whon ho enmo
to u poor boarding house.
Many people doludo thomsolves into
thinking tunt laziness: is poor hoalth.
Not to train up boya proporly 1b to
holp tho burkeopor.
! Delicate
iremaie Keouiaiur.i
Every Ingredient possesses superb
Tonic properties, and exerts a wonder
ful lnfluenco In toning up and streDgtn
enlng her system by driving through
.i.n nnnnn nVmnnAi nil lmnurltlea.
Health and strength aro guaranteed to
result from Its uso.
Mr wlf, who wm bedridden for JchUlnX
month!. W Ullni IIBAIirilLD'H !
Kioui.ATiiii for two monttn.iiftvunu wen,
j.M. JOHNSON, Melt ern, Ark.
Bold by eil Draf fliu el MM per bettle.
iMDnnO'S REIUUTOR C8 AtfMh. to
h, ft, y JwrHUy - ,7JffiyyE?r
Ifetf yj;ieM'i'j ly