The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1895, PART THREE, Page 12, Image 12

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The IVow l.nw Cut Down tlio
Hoard or Supervisor
t Seven.
Tha legislature passed an not
mending tlio township organization
law by cuttiug tlio board down to sev
en members, to bo elected by districts.
It will bo tbo duty of tlio prosont
county supervisors to divido tlio
oouuty into seven districts, ench dis
trict to bo as nearly divided ns pos
sible with regular boundary lines mid
in regular and compact form nnd
shape, and each district shall havo ns
fur as possiblo tlio samo number of in
habitants ns nny other district, but
no township shall bo divided by any
such district. In counties having
cities of nioro than 1,000 inhabitants
and more inhabitants than the out
laying district, there shall ho addod
enough contiguous territory to such
city so that tlio inhabitants in such
city and contiguous territory shall
equal tho inhabitants of two of tho
tl'cr districts, nnd whon so divided
nuch district in which such city is
located shall elect two supervisors nt
laruc. and tho balance of tho territory
of tho ceunty shall bo divided so ns
to crento seven districts including
eucli city district.
The counties now governed by
township organization it shall bo tha
duty of tho county clerk to call a
upccinl meeting of tha board of super
visors within twonty days after act
takes effect, and meeting to take
jplaco within ten days after tho call is
issued. At such mooting of the board
it shall at once prococd to divide
tho county into supervisor districts,
as before mentioned, and number the
same. After such division hab bcon
made if there bo moro than ono su
pervisor in tho distriot as bo diyidod
or created, thoy, tho supervisors
within such district, shall oast ballots
as to who of their number shall bo tho
supervisor of suoh district, and tho
one selected shall bo tho supervisor of
iuch district. As soon as tho county
is divided in districts and tho super
visors tro assigned to their respective
districts, tho board shall organizn by
electing ono of their number chair
man. Tho powers of tho township super
visors shall ccaso from and after tho
time whoa tho county is divided into
districts and tho new menbers aro as
igncd to their districts. Tho super
visors scleotcd and appointed as bo
foro mentioned hold their rcspcotiro
offices until the next goncral election
following their selection or appoint
ment. Supervisors aro to be nominated and
clcotcd by districts, and at tho next
general election those elected frotc
tho odd numborcd districts shall hold
thoir offices for ono yoar and thoso
froui tho even numbered districts
jihall hold their offices for two years.
,3o city or double districts tho ballots
phall state which of thosupcrvisors is
'clcotcd I rom tho odd and which from
j4hs even numbered districts.
For tho purposo of ascertaining the
"number of inhabitants iu tho several
supervisor districts, tho board of su
pervisors shall aioortain tho numbor
of votes cast at tho last proccding
general clcctiou held within tho ooun
,iy nnd shall multiply tho number of
jvotcs so cast by five and tho result
Xjhall bo taken as tho whole number
f inhabitants of the county or any
jart thorcof and tho supervisor dis
tricts slull bo divided upon that basis.
Tho town clerk, assessor and justico
'of tho pcaoo shall oonstituto tho town
toard and has authority to npprovo
all towaship official bonds, Tho jus
tice of tho peace shall be ex officio
overseer of tho poor, except iu coun
ties in which poor houses or poor farms
aro established tho euro of tho poor
shall bo under thochargoof the board
of supervisors. The town board blisill
met at least throe times a year and
tsuch other times as tho interest of
the town may demand, Tho several
townships have generally tho samo
powers and authority as havo hereto
fore existed in townships in counties
Undor townchip organization.
The act was passed with tho cmcr
genoy olauso and therefore goes into
Immediate effect.
Ilomeeeekors excursion rates on April
Jd, one lowest tlrst clans sttimlnrd tare
pluB 2.00 for tho round trip, Hates
hull bo 7.00 to nil points In Xuhrmlw,
KuiiHHB, Onlnrudu, South Dakota, V.o
mini; und Utah. . Tickets limited to con
tinuous piiBHUa In each dirootion, tio
ini( pHhU0 to brj;In on (Into of Biile.llnnl
return limit twenty iIqjb from tiato of
ale. A. Co.novuh.
Miss Dora Ward 1b visiting in all
tho rooms this week.
Savoral of tha pupils took examina
tion which they should havo had last
term but wcro absent.
Miss Stono, primary loachor of Mo
Cook, visited tho differont rooms in
ur school Thursday.
Ono week's vacation put away that
tired feeling from tho scholars and
thoy begin anew with firmer purposo,
Tho teachers arc all kept busy mak
ing out report cards for the different
classes. They havo not given any out
as yet.
Miss Graco McCalland of Blooming
ton was with her Bister a few dnys this
week und visited with tho fifth room
Betty's observant powers wero con
centrated on Homo pretty girl in
nnothnr part of the room, hooco the
scarcity of notes. Wilt do better
next week,
Botany is takon up with a viow
conducive to benign scholarship.
Thoy have mado conniucrablo head
way already.
'oology has been added to tho
eleventh grade. Thoy will havo tho
rest of tho term for that study. Now
tho bngs etc., will suffer.
Tho chemistry cluss still continue
to generate offensive odsra around
their neighbors, We hope their ntxt
Bubjoot will be of another sort.
Tho number of scholars now enroll
ed fulls short from tho winter enroll
ment. But tho percentage is higher
than a good many of them, especially
thoso in tho country.
Tho rubicund face of John Potter
was in tho fourth room Tuesday Mr.
Pope being unablo to attend his duties
that morning, John showed tho quali
ties of an efficient teacher in that lino.
Tho firo caused great confusion
among tho scholars Wednesday.
Evcryono thinking in his own mind
that perhaps the bell was sounding
tho firo alarm to his house. Only tho
smaller ones remained at tho school
house. Wednesday was tho mental arith
metic's last rcoitation. Mr. Caster
gavo phco to Miss MoClolland to in
Btruet them in beginning Algebra.
ThiH class starts out well equipped
and promiso to bo great mathemati
cians somo day.
- '
Tho latest results of phnrmnoeutical
science and tho best modern appliances
aro ayailed of in compounding Ayer's
Snrsnpnrilla. Hence, through hnlf-n-oon-tury
in existence ns a medioino, ii is folly
nbroast of the nge in nil that goes to make
it tho standard blood-pnrliler.
Wind)' Iolnt.
Tho peoplo in theso parts havo
finished sowing oats.
Mr. Wooloy has moved onto Mr.
Lightfoot's plaoo.
Tho Maning boys will farm tbo
Small plaso and tho Woita placo.
T. Craig, John Young and Hugh
Craig wont t) Colorado.
Mrs. Blanoh Crafy; went to Missouri
to visit her mothor Mrs. Gates.
Mr. Qeorgo Couch went to Osborno
county this week,
Tho farmers of Jewell county who
applied for aid failed to get any.
James Hcsingcr our township trus
tee is now assessing tho peoplo of
Highland township,
Mrs. Pat Brown is on tho siok list.
Mibs Ella Bradshaw is very siek.
Miss Eliza llushton who has bcon
siok is improving.
Mips Cora Wnstnrr who has boun
sick is now able to go to schocl.
Mrs. Amy Young is ablo to bo up.
Mr, Hoaoh and two of his children
wcro on tho siok list last week.
If you dosiro u luxurious growth of
healthy hair ot u natural color, nature's
crowning ornament ot both Boxes, use
only Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hnlr Ho
nowor. Tho followiiig is tho apportionment
niudo by the county roliot committee of
tho $2,000 eent horo by the state from
tho i!00 0C0 npproprintlon.
Township, No, families, Amt,
Guide Rock 1(! $ (U 00
Uouvor Creok 21) 11G 00
Stillwntor .'it l.'lfi 00
Oak Crook fiO '.'00 00
(iuilteld 'JO hO 00
Pleasant Hill 1R 102 00
Ulin Creok Ill) lfti 00
Potednm ID 7(1 00
112 00
Red Cloud 45 180 00
llatin :u mo 03
(llonwootl 21 10 0)
Walnut Cieok 21 l)ti O'J
Iuuvulo 27 108 00
Ciithorton 24 00 00
Harmony flu 1, 111 00
Totul COO eoooco
(Under this head we Invito tlio ministry of
tho city to contribute freely of any and nil
church news of Interest to their various organ
zatlons.) M, K. citunoit,
Miss Clnra Kellogg will load tho
League dovototional mooting Sabbath
nt 7 o'clock.
Tho good work of Mrs. Ilatim is moro
dourly soon in tho Epworth Longuo.
Tho E. L. lueotings nre us good ns
many eormons, und bottor than many
You will tnko your hnt oil to tho Ep-
worthiuns whon you hear Doctor Kritt's
It wns'tho "nriny lifo" of tho soldier
Hint mtvo our country.
Thoro is n very etrong und brothorly
bond holding tho old ooldiors firmly to
gother. Doctor Uritt's "Army Lifo'1 wna reul
und his looturo Saturday night will bo
But for tho "Army Lifo," about which
Dr. Dritt will tnlk Suturdny night, there
would bo no such "Homo Life" ns wo
aro now enjoying.
Tho "Army Lifo" und tho "Stnrs nnd
StripcB" nre closely connected.
Doctor Dritt kindly donates his ser
vices to tho Leuguo. Donuto your fit-
teon cents to tho enmo cuuso und help
Whon Uobt. Mclntyro was horo ho
talked to u fow; now, thnt Dr. llritt is
to bo hero Suturdny night, let ua till
turn out nnd hour him.
Ono good looturo nnd tw good ser
mons from L. P. Dritt, D. D.,will put ua
ull undor obligations to one of Nebras
ka's best known ministers.
J. II. Dnum wnnts to see n lnrgo Sun-
duy school noxt Sabbuth nt .1 o'clock.
Tho Eaetor sorvicoa will bo interesting
noxt Sabbath ut II o'clock.
You ought to boo L. P. Albright's pro-
grnm for tho next Leuguo entertain
The Indies' aid society mot at the real
donco of Mrs. L. P. Albright on Friday
Choir prnctico Friday ovening nt 8
Tho Chnpol Sunday school will moot
with tho 1st church Sunduy school in
Eustor servico next Sabbath at throo
Wo think the church will look liko n
llowor gnrdon noxt Sabbath.
Easter will be bsorved at the Congrega
tional churoh by u spooial sermon nnd
exercises iu tho morning and tin Easter
concur, by the Sunday school iu the
The Congregntionnl churoh was repre
sented nt tho llopublican Vnlloy Asso
ciation held nt McCook Tuesday nnd
Wednesday by Pnstor Spelmnn, Mrs.D.J.
Jndiion nnd Mrs. J. C. Warner.
Tho Eustor program for tho morning
services ut tho Congrogutionul church
noxt Sundny will be us follows:
Organ Voluntary.
Anthem "Tho Joyous Morn."
"Gloriu Putri."
Scripture Lesson.
Chunt "Lords Prayor"
Organ Voluntary,
Anthem "The Riaon Redeemor"
In tho evening the sabbath school will
givo un otistor concort oxorcise ussistcd
by the choir and malo quartet. Every
ono invitod.
An Easter sermoa nt the Christian
church Sunday morning.
Altu Hmelsor lends tho young people's
prayer meeting nt 7; subject, "Risen
with Christ." From what?
The following program will be render
ed at the Christina ohuroh Sunday night
by tho Y. P. 8. C. E:
Scripture Heading Geo. Merliart
Anthem choir
Uurl'ledKO Trlx Mirer
Holo I.lllluHmlth
V. 1', Work 0.0, Hell
Trlo....Ohinch and Nolllo .Sherman Urncel'ort
Taper Jennie noil
Near My Home .Male Quartet
Heading Daisy Hum t
Srcctlii? to ITIy Old l'atroiix ami
Huving ncceptod tho farm ugoncy for
tho Old Continental Insurance Co., in
Wobstor und adjoining counties, am pro
parod to furnish liberal und rolittblo in
surunco on tho moat fuvorublo terms,
10-3m J. II. Smith, Agont
Tho list ot letters romuining ut the
pist ofllco uncalled for up to April
11th., IK).'):
Curtis, Muy Vun Loon X
Tho ubovo lotteiB will bo sent to tho
doud lotter office April 25, 189.'). If not
cnlled for. FiW.nk Cowiien, Postmnstor,
Pure Itluh HI od is rssentinl to good
health, because tho blood Is tho vital fluid
which supplies ill the organs with lifo,
Hood's Haraapu ilia is the great blood
Hood's Pills lire purely vogotnble, harm
leas, edootive, do not grip or pain.
Out! OatNl!
Go to Roby's for outB, ho hue all you
Keep Your dlrli nt Homo.
No groater peril than that of allowing
young girls to bo out at unreasonable
hours of tho night, of permitting girls
just out ot thoir teens to promenado
alono or in couples in nny part of tho
town uttor nightfall, could possibly bo
conceived, bocuuso it oubjocts them to
possiblo insults nnd innuendoes from
which ovory right minded parent should
strivo to shiold them. Thoro is neithor
prudery nor ulToction in striving to shiold
girls from tho taint of the etroots uftor
tho tawn is ahrowded in darknoss, bo
cuuso it is then thnt snuros uro sot for
tho innocent und allurements Haunted
for tho wtiy wurd. To wurn pnrenta not
to subject thoir girls to such enticomonta
is certuinly doing thoin u good service,
but tho trouble in thnt mothers who
need to bo advised in thia wuy novor nc
cept tho advico howovcr honestly it muy
bo given nnd woll meant it may bo iu
tho tender. Peoplo who observe tho
condition of tho sidownlks duy night
from 0 to 9 o'clock cannot fail to notico
tho lnrgo numbor of girls just in thoir
toons, wandering listlessly ulong, or in
twos, throes nnd fours, tulking loud nnd
lnughing morrily ns they puas ulong.
Thoro nro men (?) who raguitl it u good
joko to flirt with such innocents who for
got thnt in Rticli tin net they tire sowing
vllo seed und beginning work that pol
lutes bodies und breaks hearts. Keep
your young girls nt homo, mothers, if
you ronlly wunt to oscnpo regret und re
morse. Ex.
Tor Kent.
Tho A. A. Popo rosldenco in tho west
part ot tho city. Must bo rented soon.
A. II. Carpentor.
Red Cloud, Nkh , March .10.
James J. II. Gimiour & Son, Murblo
hond, Mass.
Gektb: In behulf of James A. Gar
field post, No. 80. G. A. It., Rod Cloud,
also, E. A. Rurnsides Post, No. 70, ot
Rladon, nnd T. O. Howe post, No. l.'JS, of
Guido Rock, Nobraskn, und ull other
comrades of Wobator county, Nebruskn,
I desiro to express to you their appre
ciation und sincere thanks for your very
goncrotiB olfor und gift ot gardon seeds,
for ninety six "soldiers families" of thia
county roceivod thia duy, with oxpreaa
prepaid. I hnvo distributed tho samo
with the requost that each ono rccoiving
samo innko over his Jsignnturo n report
ot result ot planting und thnt in the
future they stand by you as u eood man.
I urn yourB very truly,
H. E. Pond,
Commnndor Garfield Post, No. 80, und
president Old Soldior's Robot Or
ganization of Wobstor county, Nob.
1 urn now roady to do nil klnda ot dross
making. Prices reasonable. Three
blocka weat of Minor'a storo. Mrs. F. P.
Hudloy. t f
Don't forgot thut I um proparcd to
carry passengors to ull parts of the city.
Leave orders at the Holland House.
Lloyd Cuaiiill.
IiiHurtmcu Agency.
Roprosents tho following compnnios.
Soe card in this paper. Farm propeity.
olovntors, und nil kinds ot morcuntilo
Risks, insured in reliublo companies ut
lowest rates.
For rntoR un tnrmn wrltn nr rnll nnd
seo nio. Oflico over Mizor's grocery
m m
Pie INiint ItootN.
I hnvo for salo nt my placo un excel
lent variety ot pio plnnt roots.
Kl-2w I. II. Loudlow.
RcRolullona of Hcspeel.
Tho following resolutions woro udopt
od by Cowlon lodgo, No. 248, A. O. U. W.
nt thoir regular mooting Murch 30, 1895,
und ordered printed:
Whereas, It bus pleased Almighty
God to call from labor to root, Mrs. Fan
nie A. Scott, wifo of our Mustor Work
mun. Wintleld Scott; Thorefore, bo it
Resolved, thut wo, tho mombera ot tbo
Cowloa lodgo, No. 218, A. O. U. W ox
tend to Uro. Scott our heartfelt sym
pathy in thia, his grout nllliction;
Resolved, thnt u copy of this roaolu
tion bo hundod to Dro. Scott, und u copy
ulso tiled with tho recorder of thia lodgo.
T. R. Halt,. )
C. P. Mktcalk, Com.
A. L. Hildiiktii, )
Kiimluy School Convention.
Webster county's nnnuul Sundny
school convention will be hold inCowlos
Thursday und Friduy, April 18 nnd 10,
1805. Everybody is invited nnd nil pus
tors in tho county, Sunday-school super
intendents und workors uro ourneatly re
quested to bo present. Dy order ot
Home Seekers Excursion.
March Gth und April 2nd tho Missouri
Kansas nud Texas Ry. will soil tickets to
ull points in Texas nt greatly reducod
rutes. For further information apply to
your local tickot ugont or address u. A.
McNutt Dp. A. 1(H4 Union Ave, Station
A Kansas City, Mo,
. 1 .
For Sale.
A spnn of four year old mules for siilo
for cash or on time. Gko. Winton.
Seed Corn.
Choico, sorted, yellow seed Corn for
sale by A. L. Hildroth, Cowlea, Nob.; or,
O. C. Tool, Red Cloud.
Feed Xotice.
Horoatter William Richardson will
toed all teams at the ruto ot 10 conts for
bay. Darn oust ot Hollund House,
Charley Bmohow of Colby, KaisnB, is
in the olty
Laugh and grow fat nt tho opera
house April 22nd.
City news on pngo twelve nnd other
uterostlng mattor
Mrs. 1J. J, Myers is visiting in Falls
City, Neb., this woek.
Ex-Congresinnu MoKolghun nnd C.
Wieuer returned homo from UwtngA
thl weak.
One of our grocorymou who ndvortifen
libornlly iu this paper sold n lluu bill f
good iu Ijebnnon this week, It pays to
Hon. T, Q. Wildor Ims asioclntod him
self In tho ngrloulturnl business with II C
Scott. This will muko n strong Arm nnd
wo extend cougrntulntlons.
A.H.KnleyhnB purclmstd tho oldKirby
hotel building nud will divido tho build,
ingfl nnd move them on to somo of his
vnoaut Iota for renting purposes.
W. B.Hoby hns purohased five our loads
of hay of Joseph Hunter nenr Guide
Rook. This is fnnoy low bottom hay.
Mr. Hoby is fortunate in securing Jthis
ehnrloy MoConkoy living north of tlio
city weDt through thejbnttlo of Chickn-
mnngu, and snys tho story thnt hns been
running through this paper ia absolutely
A, 0. Derg is homo from Hnstings. Vo
r jports Hint Superintendent Dnmerell ot
the Insane Hospital ns getting nlong
niaeiy.nndieems to bo nu old hand nt tho
A ludy by the name of Mrs. It. L. Davis
arrived in Red Cloud this morning from
Kansns, with four little children She ex
peoted to meejt her hufbuid here but
could not Und him. It was understood
between them that ho would meet her hero
The man had been here up to Thursday,
but no traoe of him can be fnund up to
tlmoof going to prosa.
On Wednesday nftornooa an nlnrm of
tiro was sounded nnd on investigntion it
was proved to be in the barn owned byD,
M. Piatt, situated on the west end of his
residence proporty. Tho fire department
responded very promptly nnd although
tho fire had enveloped the building be
fore the alarm was given tho boya had it
under control in a few minutes and saved
the f rnme as well aa the dwelling. It is
not known how the Are oconrred ns the
family woro away from homo at tho time.
' m '
StipervliorH' Proceeding.
Tho county board of supervisor met
in special session at tho court hoimo
Tuesday. April 9, at 1 p. m.
Tho chair appointed a committco
consisting of Best, Watt and McCoy
to snttlo with tho county treasurer, and
same committee to ascertain how much
Funds could bo obtained to ourchaso
seed and feed for destitute farmers.
Said Committee reported as fallows:
Amount levied - 111,323 92
Amount issued f,3f)6 49
C. D, Robinson, deputy county treas
urcr, read beforo tho board tho follow
in? report:
County Ben. fund imlmml Jim. 1. '03. , 20
Amount collected 370H 00
Total rtll2 -jo
Amount paid H1V2 i
""Iniico .tiai24
Bridge fund on linud Jan. 1, 'ft', rm qq
Amount collected $ 770 CO
Totnl airun i
Amount paid $ SCO HI
isninnco j-oj
ltoml fnnd on hnnd Jan. 1,'itt fjf j.,
Amount collectotl 5440 no
Total 4(iU3
Katlrond fund on hand ,-. ,
Amount collected jyio 00
Total S.1922 S
Dalnnco -irtm
Amount paid
Outstonalnu brlddo fund warrnnts. ... 1769 28
OutntntidliiK Koneral fund warrants..,. s.W2 8 1
Tho committee on ofllciul bonds rec-
ommonded tho acceptation of the fol-
luwiuK- iiubb rtrnncir, u 11 u u Ko 02.
J C Walter O II R D No 30, Josopli
Henry O II R D No 40; Jucob Mondle
buum town colloctor, Potsdam townshin.
Tho bond ot W 13 Guthrie ot Stifc
wntor was approved.
On motion tho treusuror was instruct
ed to notify each aunervinnr whnn
money is ready with which to purchase
seed nnd feod,
Tho resolution wbb passed allowing
tho supervisee $1.50 per dny whilo dis
tributing nld to tho furmors.
A resolution wua paaaod permitting
each supervisor to exorciso his own
judgment in tho distributing ot aid, but
to bo in harmony with Sou 1, in Roliof
Bill No 531.
Tho county treasuror was instructed
to boII ut once tho 3,000 which wns up
propriuted for feod nnd sood, und dis-
trllmf A ilia mnnnv nrntrtflA1 r,m ln
County troosurer was instructed to
oiiiuruu uiiiiuuuuu 111 nixes in 1110 caso 01
L. Duum und othor Himilnr cases.
Take Warning.
Wo call your uttontion nnd convinco
you of tho fnct thut you gat only 12 ozs
in n loaf of brend by not getting your
broad of mo, Vou will get ono pound,
10 ozb in ovory lout nt tho City Bukory,
Jos. Hekbuiiokk,
mi ... .. i ,
Market Report.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Corn ,,
Stock hogs
-' 003 00
3 00
r nt cows
Chickens lb
Turkeys , . lb
Bailed Hay por ton 10
Freight Train on the Buffalo, Rochester
t Plttttmrg Itllrod Rnns Into ft
I Waihout Engineer and Fireman Ro-gV
ported Killed In Vermont.
Bradford, Pa., April 10. A west
bound freight train on tho Buffalo,
Rochester & Pltteburg railroad, while
running at a moderato rate of speed
near Bykes, a small station betv?en
DubolB nnd Punxsutawncy, this morn
Irs rnn Into a washout. The tracks) run
alongside the Clarion river at this point
for some distance. The fog wns so denao
thnt Enulneer Taylor did not see the
washout until he ran Into It. The en
tire train wua dumped Into tho rag(ng
torrent.jtfjuglneer Taylor and Fireman
Chase, Whether with Hrukemnn Mc
Clelland are burled under the wreck.
All wires ure down.
Engineer and Fireman sillied.
St. Johnabury, Vt April 10. A ser
ious wreck Is reported on the Passump
sine railway, near Smttnvtlle, caused?
by a bowlder on the track. The en
Slneer and fireman aro reported killed.
ltoclij Ford, an Kngllth Colony of New
Mesloo, Dritroyed by Vlaroot.
Albuquerque. N. M., April to. Rocky
Ford, tho Encilsh colony settlement on
tho Hid Pecos, established by tho West
ern Homestead and Irrigation company
of Chicago, was Octroyed by fire du,r
Ing tho flerb windstorm that passed
over this section Friday night. The firs
originated Ip a b.arn belonging t tiMr
buck Bros, and was ettusod by a spar!
from the blacksmith chop, hJ In tbJrWi
seconds the bufiainv was enveloped 19
flames and In less tkari a minute tha
blaoksmtth shop and other strucjurtf
wore doomsd. The fire spread rayldj
ana me wnoie qarop, nsir a ao
houses, was oonaumed. Ftvt horses
longing to Starbuck Bros, pertsbfd In"
the names. The men worked bar! to
stay the Hames and urn of thm had
their hair s,nd whllksrl a'lrjfed. but he
high wlftd was atfalntt tbem. and' now
Rocky rord Is only barren waste ot
burned and charred timbers.
Colombian Imargent Flu to Keleai
Frlaoners Is Vrntrat4.
New Tork, Aprtl to, A special to the "
Herald trora Panarta, Columbia. IUM;
"Advl6os from Cartigena attlrttl U pW
tho previous reports of tho itfijkt at
the rebels at Santander and BoVVoa.
The government, however, suJtertd
heavy loss In ftftoh rJl A nlan In ot.
tack the barracks of Cartagena and re-
ease an political prisoners ana over
throw the government was discovered
to time and frtiatrntpfl Klnv mtnman
prominent In society were Implicated In
tne piot. rney rurnished the rebels wltb
arms, money, and uniforms."
tie Thinks an International Conference
Would Accomplish Nothing.
Washington. April 10. Senator Pottl
grew of South Dakota, accompantU
his wife, will leave Wednesday forJgyf
rope, expecting to be absent until rmy.
Tho senator Is still of tho opinion that
tho proposed International monetary
conference will accomplish nothing, be-
CHuee tho attitude of England will be
opposed to a change. He said: "I think
It a mlstnko for tho United States to
hnvo manifested nny desiro for such a
meeting. 1 nm one of those who be
lieve there Is n big advantage to be
Kalned by the United States In Inaugu
rating n policy ot free coinage of silver
nlone, nnd I fear the effect of the con
ference, If one be held, will be to dull
Intercut In the question, and thus In
jure the cause here."
And peoplo who have Organs nhould
nuvo mem cieaneti anil re
paired, bocuupo
And to havo good music, you miiBt keep
juu, insulin in kuuii HiiHpu. x'ersons
wnntinR this kind of work dono r
will do well to see me Bnd
get my prices.
Or neighboring towns will have their
worit promptly nttended to by ad
dressing mo at Rod Cloud. Neb.
Satisfaction guaronteed in all caseB.
Wm. Tulleys.
Application for License.
Ttffif 1rA Iu tmtfihi nlir.ti tl,.i n ...i.i..
by thirty or more retl.ient freeholders or the
list wnrdof the city of Iter! Clmirl. Nebriwko.
Udl.lcltv council of said city, to NeiSoii oii
ii. fm Hie sale of limit. mTrltnnus and vliioiis
1 miioM. on lot r, lilocii si. (orlKlnal town) mow
city of ilcl Cloml, Nebraska. the (TrVt ward
of the city of Ited Cloud, tliRt action "ill t,e
taken on sulci lietltlen, by the nm rand cltT
council, op the first day of'iMy, ml o" at the
,lr. wfiri" ;"iV'f, 'iT co,u,i?11 Hwe.?fisr.
ls's. ted C1,u0' ""ka, -March 15th,
W. V. West,
City clerk.
Application lor Ucciinc.
Notice Is hereby ulvon that a petition, slcned
by thirty or more, reslileui freehold ri of tho
Irst ward nf the c ly of Ited I'liiiid NMimsL.
ihs be.n lllejl In my olllc" I , l 'city f e
Clmid, prayliiKtiut a license he K anted bv
;ald city council tt said city, to John roinlckv
for the salo of malt, spirituous hiid viimiis
fluted at Ited Cloud, Nedusk.,,1 March 15,
w. r. wkst,
iity ilerk.
Apiillcullon lor l.i........ .
Wlllilua'i VtiSS , ? ,. 'W. i WwH "? L.
lay rf M,Vr ims L"m, Plli'nell on the lit1
oo;l .f.eeaf e'r ' wr J.'." f ,,cTl,',W1'Jto
ttmmmSmmmru ii iinwi4niiHi
limit iiTnMitffVBttK r?