The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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fi's a
To know that your clothes
are right in every way; to
know that they fit; that they
will wear, and that you are
getting the lowest of low
To wear
to wear
$. . St &X.
them 1j
tho beat
Ready-Taltored Clothing
The shrewdest men in this
locality buy at our store.
They're buying more than
ever this spring. Sec our
beautiful new stock and
You'll Know
This is also
the Case
with Shoes,
the Selz.
If you want
Hat or Cap
come and see
our display.
were never as
Shirt Departmet
offers you
real bargains in
make and fit.
Wilson Bros. Shirts
are known
all over the U. S.
We offer a genuine
French Balbriggan
at Fifty Cents
per garment
and guarantee them
to outwear any other
at the same price.
j t;ninm..
T'siiys wwn?'rr. .ui
Established 1883.
I , .--. .r-j'
Aim . fliu'Ayiuliiil
A. ClIoiMKH, Kilttor.
;.AltOY 'I AIT, A in. Iocal IMItor.
So TriMli.
Dut butter goods, cheaper than over.
For spring wo have,
Men' I'V. calf congress hand sowed
uortli 35 3.1 75
Men's cnlf congress, hand eoweil
worth Ji 3 00
Mens' genuino Kangaroo congress
mid luce, worth 31 3 00
Tho abovo nro tho boat Roods in our
stock hut wo hiivo iiIbo,
Men's bun" congress ntul Inco for., 31 2T,
Men's hutr congreeB ami Inco for. . 1 CO
Men's cnlf coiiLTt'Bfl antl laco for. . U CO
A full lino of working bIiocb.
Theso prlcen nro about ono third
cheaper than othor donlors nak.
In liulicB bIiocb correspondingly low
priceH exist.
Wotnens hnnil sowed, turned, but
ton, worth 3.V0 '2 !H)
Women's hand sewed, cloth top,
button shoes, worth 3:1.50 2 IK)
Tho best $'.2.50 bIiocb in tho market.
Fho best 31.50 shoes iu tho market.
Tho best lino of cheap and houvy goods.
Sct'k no further for tho beat place to
purchtiKo jour footwoar.
Hl.AKESl.EK it KaI.KV.
pUKD E. MoKEKBY, M. 1.
IMiyNlt'laii anil Siiryeon,
City and country culls promptly ans
wered. Moon Hlock. Uki Cloud.
tJITV m:ws.
Chrm FiiEsIer was on our atreota Sat
urday. lion. Randolph McNitt Sundnyed at
Hilly Schultz of Rivorton whb in tho
city Tuesday.
MrB. Uoyer of McCook visited rela
tives hero this week.
Mr. and Mrs. V. H.Soliday of McCook
Sundnyed in this city.
C. F Cutbor anil wifo returned home
from Lincoln Saturday night.
Sntnuel Arnold, living north of Illuo
Hill, was in the city this week.
Mrs. J. H. Komsborg came homo from a
visit to Lincoln Saturday night.
i'rof. Caster is visiting iu Missouri
and othor points during vacation.
Miss Addio Keigle is spending a wook's
vacation with relatives in this city.
Mih'B Sarah Hnnsen is visiting for n
few days with friunds in Holoit, Kan.
Water ! Water ! is tho cry. Givo us
wator that tho hogB don't root in and
Hon. T. O. Wilder was in tho city
Sunday, roturning to Lincoln Monday
Mifs Pearl Ludlow is visiting with
tho family of Ed Sheuror nenr Inavnlo
this week.
MiFR Stella Duckor and brother Will
returned to tho etnto university in Lin
coln Tuesday.
Al GaluBhn and Fred Hlakelee, wore
in Lincoln this wcok, lobying for eonio
important bill.
Prof. JenkitiB holped furnish the mu
sic for an aristocratic ball in McCook
Monday night.
Tho Misses .Tossio McKoighan and
Mnttio Ablo visited Miss Rotta Abie's
school in Guido Rock Wednesday.
Mrs. L. II. Fort loft Saturday for Lin
coln to bo with hor husbnnd until his
health permits him to roturn homo.
Mrs. G. E. McKooby, accompanied by
Miss Trix Mior, aro visiting in Lincoln
and watching the closing hours of tho
Amos Cowdon, who is occupying a lu
crative clorkship in a pronunont Koar
noy hotel, wns greeting friends in this
city this week.
Mm. Woolen, sister of J. O. Lindloy
nccnmpnnied by Miss Ida Hamison, both
of Mankato, Kansas, aro visiting in tho
city this week.
Miss liesaio Norton, who has taught
tho Ploasant Dulo school so popularly in
Lino township, returned to her homo
in Carloton Monday.
Thousands of fruit and forest trees at
tho North liruncli nursery, ono mile
south-east of North Branch, Kansas, 15
miles south-east of Rod Cloud, Nob.
The Dillon Nursery Co.
Died, April 2 Mrs. J. W.McCrackin ut
hor home at Womor. She loaves a hus
band, three sons and one daughter to
mourn her loas. Tho funori'l occurred
Wednesday and wns conducted by Rev.
Slntor of Smith Centor.
Grand- ma Gather and MIhb' Rotta
Ayro departed Tuesday morning for an
oxtonded visit with relatives and frionds
In Winchester, Vn. They go via St.
Louis and will, considering tho boauti
f ul weathor, enjoy tho trip uh well ns tho
James Wilson, agod 00, an old huntor
nnd trappor, diod at tho residence of Si
las Finchor in this city Snturday, and
tho funeral services wore conducted by
Row Mattox nt that placo tho following
day. Wo was quite woll known hero
and had grown chitdron in Plattsmouth
and Rivorton, whoro ho mado his homo,
onus ,vn r.N.
OHay by tho halo or ton at Roby's.
Z Fretdi garden Feeds in hulk nt I'"'
C Hnniniccks nnd croquet at Cotthm's
Seward Garborwnsln Franklin TluirtT
Choice onion tots at Roby's, 15 cts por
Coin's Financial School nt Cotting's
for '25 contB,
See Ross nnd Rife if you want your
garden plowed.
Mips McClelland spends vncation with
frionds in llloomington.
Mayor elect Hentloy left Thursday
morning for Ileatrico and Lincoln,
Lincoln mixed paint is made especially
for this clininto. Sold by Cotting.
Joseph Wolty of Lebanon, Kansas, Is
sojourning in Red Cloud for his health.
M. W. Downor who wns formerly in
business here, is in the city on business,
Tho drouth seems to nllVet Iowa, Illi
nois, nnd ninny of tho other states just
A. Waulllo and wifo of Hladon wero
guests of H. E. Pond nnd wifo this
F. II. Gerlnch, a prominent farmer of
Roseninnt, wnB doing business in Red
Cloud this week.
Martin Shea of St. Josoph, .Mo., is
visiting in tho city tho guest of our
townsman P. W. Shon.
Tho state has apportioned 320(K)of tho
$200,000 relief fund to Wobstur county.
It will boon tap shortly.
Frank St root, who hns boon sick for
four or llvo weeks, hnB sufllciently re
covered to bo nblo to bo up again.
Mrs. Lucy McCullow who has beon
visiting John G. Pottor left Tuesday for
her homo in Salt Lako City, Utah.
Dennis Finn is a great tumbler wo
don't mean by that that ho 1b a goblot
but that ho can fall olT a box ensier than
A. A. Popo is erecting what indicates
a very line dwelling. It will bo an or
naiiient to Red Cloud and the west sldo
of tho city.
This is tho most roninrkablo epring
over known, on nccount of thero being
so little wind. It is also roninrkablo for
its lnck of mnisturo.
Tho A. O. U. W. lodgo of Hub city is
limiting arrangements to procuro 2000
bushels of corn for mombors of that
lodgo in this vicinity.
A lettor from Otto Stocke, who now
resides in Iowa, sayB that ho is still in
terested in tho welfnro of hisold friends
in Lino township and wishos them pros
perity. Chas. Turner, accompanied by his
grandfather, returned from Texas
Wednesday night. Grandpa Tumor is
enjoying good health, although over 80
yoars old.
Tho city council should pass an ordi
nance making it an olTonso to pilo rub
bish in tho streets. It has become n
general nuisance nnd many times fright
ens teams. Abato tho nuisance.
Tho Guide Rock Signal says: "Spring
is surely at hand. Red Cloud has re
organized hor bnso ball club, and is
breathing doflnnco nt Hluo Hill." Vory
truo, Hro. Nowmoyor, and remember wo
aro hard hitters, too.
Row Geo. Hummel is conducting n
poworful revival at Plninviow school
houso in tho north part of tho county.
Tho houso ib crowded nlghtlj'. and peo
ple quit work nt 1 o'clock and go ton
miles to attend tho mcotlng. Suroly
Row Humtnol is a powor.
And now tho nico young man with
monoy in his pocket hies himaolf to tho
sparkling waters of the placid Republi
can, with his Bummer girl, for tho avow
ed purpose of piscatorial sport. They
return, fatigued in body nnd soul, and
the pretty littlo fishy still playfully
glides up and down tho rillling waters,
undisturbed by tho "loquacious" olTorte
of tho would-be anglers.
C. S. Morcditli of Clinton. Illinois wns
out riding with Frauk Taylor Tue&daj.
and had a lively timo. While crossing
tho rivor bridgo ono end of thoneckjoko
camo down and au tho toani struck a
lightning gait, Mr. Meredith rolled out
of the buggy and rolled several yards in
tho sand without sorious injury how
ever. Frauk held to the lines and ntop-
pod tho team after a milo run.
Tho threo-year-old child of Andy Ar
torbun, living (lye miles southwest of
Blue Hill, was fatally burned Wednes
day last. The patents wore out doing
their evening chores and when thoy ro
turnod, being attracted by the scroams
of tho child, they found tho littlo girl in
llunios and a cradlo, in which was an in
fant, all ablaze. Tho wholo room was
aflro. Tho child Lizzlo diod yesterday
after suffering untold agony. Hluo Hill
Correspondonco to Stato Journal.
Hnrvoy Palmor, n well known cltizon
living at tho narrowo near Inavnle, diod
at his homo Tuesday. Tho funeral aor-
vices wero conduotod by Rev. Maxlield,
and tho body intorrod in tho Red Cloud
couiotery Wednesday, under the auspices
of tho Garfield Post, of which ho waoan
honored niembor. Mr. Palmer, in life,
was a substantial farmer, an honored
citlzun, and held in high chtoom by all.
Ho wan 75 years old at tho time of his
domino, and had lived in Webster county
2;i years.
iiitinr m:.vrio..
John Shiroy is in tho city this week.
W. II. Giwits and wife roturned to tho
city Wednesday.
Chop corn or oats and bran by tho 100
lbs, or ton nt Robj's.
Rv. Hrltt, a noted Methodist divine,
will bo in Red Cloud on Eastur.
Vern lllshop is at IiIboUI stand ngnln
in Mier's popular grocery store.
April 1st came, and the small boy and
girl put in tho day in April fooling.
For Sale Home grown, listed seed
corn, Ca) cents per bushel. F. E. (loblo.
Work on tho Farmers canal at Hay
artl is to commonco In the oarly spring.
For sale or ront A livery and food
barn. Apply to I). J. Myers, Red Cloud,
Tho Holland House is tlio best hotel
iu tho city and U doing a nice business
theau days.
Rouioiiibur the grand opening of mil
linery goods at Mrs. J. A. Richardson's
ou the lllth.
Go to W. II. Roby, ono door wt of
tho post otllce for fair dealing, )ou get
the worth of your money thero.
They say that Al Ault. ia a pretty
shrewd fellow, but it is rumored that he
bought a dead hog tho other day.
Tho Hon Ton bakery has tho llnest
lino of choice caudles over brought to
Red Cloud at prices that will sell tho
A letter from John ilhuhiison to
William ParkeSBiijs that John is pros-
poring nicely in his now homo in Mis
souri. Found A gold ring, marked insido
with "CI. II. llrown, 55th 111. Vols."
Owner can got ring by paying for this
Tako jour wagon work to Staploton
Ho forges all irons for buggiosout of tho
best Norway iron, uses no malleable iron
in repairing buggiou.
When jour piano needs tuning, call
on Prof. Jenkins, who is now prepared
to do this work in n satisfactory man
ner. Rooiiih over First Nnt'l Hank
J. 11. Wright haB roturned from Mis
souri, whoro he wns culled to seo his
mother who wns not oxpoctod to livo at
that tune, but who bus sinco conva
lesced. II. II. Fulton, tiro and lightning insur
ance, Westorn White llronzo, monu
uiontH and cometory goods. Sood oats
and choice upland prairio hay. Olllco
with Traders Lumber Co.
"Oh, promiso mo," tho mnidon sang
(A tear was in her oyo),
hat when you ijot a suit of clothes,
"H.,S. &M.h you'll Duy."
Ho promised, nnd was last scon look
ing for Wiener's storo.
J. W. Wegomaiin haB ro-oponed his
photopraph gallery sinco tho flro, nnd is
now getting out tho handsomest cabinet
pictures at $.1.00 por dozen. Mr. Wego
mann does excellent work and his busi
ness is increasing rapidly. 12-tt
Wobstor county should not forgot that
wo aro going to havo a fair, and that it
ought to bo a hummer. Every mun
woman and child should muko stronu
ous etTorts to assist in making it tho
best ever held, by commencing now and
proparing something for exhibition.
Shea A Twrnure Brcs., last woek ro
coived an onormous quantity of sugar
boot scod from Washington which they
wero requcstod to givo froe to any and
all persons who would plant and tend a
small boot crop. Tho amount of sood
is suflicient to plant several hundrod
acres and tho most of tho sood is already
distributed Pooplo getting seed should
by ml nienns plant it overy bit, and tako
good care of tho crop.
Leon E. Lester nnd Arvilln M. Hon
nott, both of Hartford, Conn., wero mnr-
ricd Wodnesdny, Mnrch 27, at Chatham,
N. Y., by tho Row II. R. Lunoy, rector
of St. Luke's Episcopal church. Mr.
Lestor is a machinist at I'rntt & Whit
noy Co's. Miss Honnott is formerly of
Rutland, Vt. Thoy will make thoir
homo at No. 7, Oak streot. 'Iho groom
is a son of tho lato Milton Lester, form
erly of Hartford ami I nnvnl. Neb., and
has many young friends iu Red Cloud,
who wish him prosperity.
man by tho namo of Smith, from
Nuvada, Mo camo to town roiiio days
since, and wim supposed to bo a horco
trader. Later ho was followed by his
wife, and ho then routed n farm known
as tho Hubbel place, oast of town.
While preparing to movo onto tho placo,
ho wont into tho barn whero his vicious
stallion was tiod nnd attempted to load
that animal out. The stallion made a
furious charge on Smith, triod to swal
low ono of his arms, and suocoedod in
crushing ono of those members fearful
ly, and doubtless would havo killed him
had it not boon for Mr. Nesbeit, who
camo to his rescue and knockod the
animal down with a club. Urs. Heck
nnd Moranvillo uttondod tho injurod
man, who is now improving.
Tho list of lettors romaining nt the olllco uncallod for up to April
lth., lfc'JT)!
Anderson Win. Crooks J. W.
Jackson S. J.
Tho above lettors will bo sent to tho
doadlottornnico April 18, lb'J.". If not
called for. Cowdi.n, Postmastor.
...1 ! '
All kinds or rowing dono at Mrs. F. P.
Hadloy's. Tlueo blocks west of Miner's
Btore, t f
Don't Overlook !
Bio st bo tlio tio.s that bind
Tho pooplo to my store,
Thoy nro so good wo find
We'll advertise for more.
Sinco by this means thoy camo,
AVo need to hold thorn thero
And strive to make our name,
Familiar every where.
The ties that will bind
The highest price
11) can Tomatoes
2 " Corn, -
3 " Pie Peach
1 lb best Jap Tea. -1
set knives and forks
1 gal. best Sorghum, - 35 per gal
1 " Syrup, - - 30 per gal
2 doz good oranges - - 25c
25 lbs dandy Raisins for - $1.00
Best Beans, 7 lbs for - - 25c
I Finest -
: In the
fresl $reab, pies, Cas, S3
gS and Fancy Pastry .
The i:iuitloii.
Tho city election has como and roiio,
and tho result ia known to our readers
beforo Tiik Ciunr 1b issued. Tho now
major and council, wo feel suro, will
Htrivo to mako tho incoming mucipal
year ono that our citizens will havo
roason to bo proud of if thoy work in
unison. Tho mayor-elect, Mr. M. It.
Hentloy has many interests lu Itod
Cloud, besides boing a man of oxtrnor
dinary business qualification, while tho
council is composed of business men
such as It. 11. Fulton, It. M. Martin, D.
L. Groat nnd Kd Pulsipher. There Ib
no roason why Hod Cloud should not bo
conduotod on business principles of a
llboral nature. Whilo Red Cloud can
not regain prosperity at a single bound,
wo havo groat hopes for tho coming yoar.
Wo want a good business administration
and we boliovo wo will got it. Thoro aro
many enterprises that will havo to bo
taken up, and among those thnt aro
moat needed, is good city water. Thous
ands of dollars havo been spont during
the last few years in holes in tho ground
in tho vain hopo that a good Bupply of
wator could bo secured where no wator
oxlflted. Now, lot tho now council tako
tho dilemma by tho horns and givo us
docont wator, ami thoroby innko it an
object for people to tnko tho water. Tho
idea of pumping mud nnd corruption at
a concidorablo daily expenso for tho peo
ple to drink nnd culling it water, ia pie
poaterous. Tho idea of a 10,000 wator
for produce.
per can, -
f tyftizer.
Candies 1
Us !
l-aley & CBniftbell.
system being used to pump second-clasa
wator. Think of it! Tho wator is pu
trid, and will sooner or lator impregnato
tho city with disouse if not looked after
Hooks, books, books, bookr, books,
books, books, books, books, books, books,
bookfl, books, books, bonks, books, books.
The above may seem like a great many
books, but our subscribers should ro
mouther that wo havo 100 now hooka
which wo are going to givo away with.
Tiik Ciiikk to now subscribers, and to
those who renow or pay up. Seo thm,
and gut the best paper in tho county
with a good bttok.
a warded
Highest Honors-World' Fair:
puie Grape Cream of Tai tar Powder. Fre
-fivii Ammonia, Alum or any oilier jdulterar
..i zzzxxj;z