The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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; f,
Beyond Description
Suffering With
"I hereby certify that for seven years I
Wu troubled with ray knee. I uicd pre
scriptions and
liniments but all
to no piirpoHc.
The trouble kept
showing worso
and the joints
begin to enlarge.
My knee becamo
'almost stiff and
- pained me so I
'could not rest
day and night, I
ihid touso
v. li..,.ll..t v nil"--" " "i-
BA llH.. ..t
Mr'otniburRh, Neli. tcnitwouldpeom
as If I would hnvo to havo my leg ampu
tated ns tho pain bccamoalmostuncndur
ablo. I suffered beyond description. Fi
nally, hearing of Hood's Harsnpnrliln I
concluded to try It. After I had taken
one bottlo I felt much better Biid nftcr
taking several bottles can truthfully say
I am well,
My Knoo Has Boon Curod
and that I can walk and go around as well
as any one of my age. I am 03 years old
and work my farm, and my ability to do
ao I attribute to the beneficial effects of
Hood's Harsoparllla. I advlso all who are
afflicted with rheumatism in any form to
take Hood's Bnrsapiirlllii." EzitA Bkn
BDIGT, Btromsburgli, Nebraska.
U nod's 8ar8a
K l..,, parilla
Be sure to get
Hnnrl'c PJllc easy to buy, easy to take,
nooa s irisis casy in cUcct. ao.
i ii3'o;:!M, vti:s.
Tiik leptiblicnti party hooiiih to lio
the iicci'iHlfiici nil over tho country.
Anotrr twenty-six flourishing Nebras
ka towtiH voted Tuesday to doiiwny with
Biiloon license.
A iiKAiirirui. ilinpliiy of rhetoric mill
oratory was iimilo in tlio senate Tuesday,
in tlio effort to oIioobo tlio llornl emblem
for NobniHka. Tim chooon emblem in
"Tho Golden Kod."
Tub country continues to go repulili
cnn. Kvery city iintl every villngo in tho
United States wont repuliliuiin Tuesday.
Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Lincoln,
and liostHof ntlierti.
Tiik Hustingti Nolirankati pawed
peacefully nwny last wook. Tho No
tiriihloui was extensively ijuntoil, and
generally considered quite substantial
Thoro in now an opening fur n daily in
In the defeat of O. II. Potter for mayor
the republicans upon whoso ticket liu
wiiH nominated have no Ioph cotitldouco
or respect, for him. FShoulil lie hao
been elected there is no doubt of his
ability or intontion to givo iih ii good
mlminintiatlon, anil at some future time
lio will ngnin be recognized fora position
of prominence in the republican conven
tion in thin city
Two Rod Cloud editors are congratu
lating themselves ovor tho fact that in
Tiiewday'ri election tlioy ouch had n ro
publican relativo who got to tho front
in goot. Hlmpe. Ilro. Warren of tho
Argun Ih a cousin of Major elect Gra
ham of Lineolu who won such a gloriouH
victory, iiml Tiik riiiKr editor will con
gratulate Iih cmiHin Robert MoKisson,
who wan I'U'i'tod repiiblicmi mayor of
Cleveland, Ohio, by 7000 plurality.
Robert ih tho youngest mayor over eloot
cd mayor of Cleveland.
Tiik governor has been votoing several
important billn that the republican logis
luturo luiB passed and as a coiipequenco
tho boys passed tho bills over Gov. Hoi
comb's veto. It is all right for the
governor to voto if ho fools disposed but
it does not seem proper that ho should
put IiIb judgment against the outiro
legislature.- Tho present legislature has
passed Rovoral very important bills and
much good work has boon accomplished.
Thoy have retrenched expenses all along
tho lino. During tho session Webster
county's delegation Messrs McKeoby,
McNitt and Wilder have beou progress.
ivo workers.
Tlio Xew Mayor.
M. R. Bentloy, the muyor-elect of Rod
Cloud, while not tho candidato of the
republican party in this city, prides
himself on being a life-long and ardent
supporter of republican principles and
the ropubhean party. His father boforo
him was u stalwart ropublican, and tho
onthuBlasm of tho father in political
matters transf UBed to the Bon, who hi s
kept up tho good work ulong that lino.
Mr. Hontloy came to Red Cloud about
21 yours, ago, from Iowa, and has, dur
ing that period, been closely identified
with the interest) of Red Cloud, und is
today one of our shrewdest business
men, aud heuvily interested in Red
Cloud enterprises und reulty. Ho has
inudo a success ot his own business, and
we beliovo ho will make an able exocu
tivo olllcer of our city, Mr. Uentley
started in life a poor boy, but, by hard
knocks aud frugal industry, bo has sue
cocded in gathering around him much
of the world's goods, und if ho adminis
ters the interests of tho city as well as
ho has his own business, Red Cloud will
bo ably handled during his administra
tion. Wo therefore make our bow to
Mayor Bontley und wiBh him success.
lit j Ti
(fe 1
C -Sf Hk?
IK or V. IJntcrtaliimcnt.
On Inst Saturday night the daughters
of veterans, composing Mary Seam Me-
Henry Tent, reorganized und Installed
their oflicerp, Hiipplemonting tho ufTair
with n very pleunnnt entcrtainmont,
luncheon and speech-making. At u
proper time, Mm. Oortrudo Diokerson
teok charge of tho meeting an inBtulling
olllcer and, after the ritualistic formB of
tho order, installed tlio folllowing newly
elected ofllccm of tho lent for tho onsu-
Ing year, viz:
Free., Hello Kpanoglcj
H. V., Edith llrown;
,T. V., Doriidroat;
Chaplin, Allu Siiiolscr;
Soc, Mubol Howard;
Troaa , Hertlm Talbot j
1. (J,, Jessie MoKeighan;
O., Blanch CuiiiniiiigR;
MiiHiclan, Hlancho Sellars;
Trualoo, Gortlo Diokerson.
After tho installation, boiiio very ex
cellent niUBic wiir furniHhcd by Messrs.
Thad McNittund Ilnraco Hpnnoglc, aftor
which Hon. W. A. McKoighanaddresBod
tho audlonco in bin usual plcaoant man
tier, placing IiIh Hiibjuct on interesting
oventa of lato war.
Rov. J. A. Maxlleld, who was jiIbo ono
of tho boys who woro tho blue, was called
on and enthused the audience with top
ion touching on tho Htirrlng times of
01 (11.
Earl Pond delivered a most interesting
parody on Harbara Fritchio that called
down tho house in uproarous Inughtor,
whllo Harry Pond, our vonorablo wator
commissioner, gave Holto () Myth "a
bin" in the eye."
Our reporter Hlaid until supper was
Rprend and then Hlaid until it wiib lln
ished, and then roltictantly turned homi
ward, vowing that ho would always stay
aa Ioiilt as there was anything to cat if
ho couldn't stay any longer.
Suocinl Medina ol' llio Super.
To tho Members of tho Hoard of Super
visors of Webster County, Nobraskn:
You aro hereby called to meot "nt tho
county dork's ofllco Tuesday, April 9th,
1895, at 10 a. in. for tho purposo of tak
ing necesBitry stops to procuro seed and
feed with county funds, asset forth in n
certain bill passod by tho Negielaturo of
tlio State of Nebraska, to audit claims
and act on olllcial IioihIh.
skai. L. II. Eoiit, County Clork,
Hy W. II. Paiikkk, Doputy.
ItcSoliilloiiM or Kcspccl.
Whereas, Comrade II. Pulmer of Jas.
A. Gartlold Pont htm fought life's battle,
and weary of its bunions, has laid them
down, mid now sleeps in poaco on tho
placid bosom of the silent sea that casts
no wave. Therefore, bo it
Resolved, Tliiit.TaR. A. Garfield Post
No o() has lost, in tho doatli of Comrade
Palmer, n beloved and ueoful mombor
from ita rankp, and extends to tho family
its sincere sympathy, in this, their sad
hour of titlliotlon.
W. A. McKeioiian,
D, Jay Juiwon,
O. C. Hkm..
ciiuiicii oti:s.
(Under this liemt we lnltu tlio ministry of
ilmrlty to eontrllmtii ficoly ot any anil all
climcli news of Interest to their various organ-
Tho regular preparatory lecture and
quarterly meeting will be hold this af
tomoon at tho Congregational church at
Pastor Spelman attondod tho ordina
tion sorviceB of Rov. Samuol Williams
Wednesday nt Riverton, and delivorod
tho chnrgo to tho people.
Next Sunday morning is communion
and reception of mombers. Lot all bo
Mrs, Wm. Dickson led tho prayer
mooting Wednesday night. Mrs. J. C.
Wamor nnil Mrs. R. M. Martin woro
elected delegates to the mooting of the
Ropublican Valloy Association hold
Tuesday und Wednesday at McCook.
m. i: ciiuiicii.
Tho Epworth League is arranging
with Rov. L. T. Hritt, D. D to dolivor
his famous lecture about Easier times.
Don't fail to hear him. You will regret
it if you do.
MisR Clara Kollngg wiib elected secre
tary ot tho Epworth Loaguo ut tho last
business meoting. She will muko tho
work a pleasure
Miss Edith llrown conducted tho de
votional mooting last Sabbath ovoning
to the satisfaction of all.
Sunday school Easter service nt 3 p.
m. on Uastor day. J. A. Baum ia work
ing for a bright service.
Hastings District Ministerial Associa
tion moot at Superior May 7, 8 und 9.
Rov. Hear bo n und his poople will givo
tho association u warm wolcome,
The oyo ot the M. E. Pastor is out
looking over tho Held carefully to tlnd u
suitable porson to tuko tho place of Miss
Mabol Day In tho Junior League work,
sho huving gono out ot the city to teach
Miss Dora Ward is giving faithful at
tention to Junior League work, und is
thoreforo succeeding.
Tho subject ot tho sermon ut tho
Christian church Sunday morning is
"Christ tho Mediator," evening is "The
Way ot Llf o."
Lillle Smith leads tho Endeavor moot
ing at 6:30, subject "Things to boConse-
Tho Christion Endoavor will occupy
Sunday evening, April 14th, with u pro
gram, -
Exposition Notes.
Tho Forestry exhibit at the Cotton
Htatos and International exhibition will
uo very complete.
Tho forest resources will be shown,
asido fnm mnps and charts, and othor
graphic illustrations, as to thoir amount
and distribution, by a soriesot twenty
monographic displays, showing each ono
of tho economically important trco flpo.
cies which form tho bulk of tho lumber
production of tho South, Hero will bo
seen, in monster frames, niaclo of tho
trees themselves, a full description of
tlio tree, in its foliago mid fruit, its tim
ber, itfl range of distribution, nnd all in
formation desirable regarding tho naturo
of tho wood and its application in tho
Among othor nttructivo foaturcs of
tho exhibit of the United States Fish
Commission at tho Cotton States and
International Exposition tho scientific
investigations of tlio commission will
Uo illustrated by casts of fish nnd othor
animals from life, nnd by collections of
sponges, oysters and other shell llsh,
crabs, lobsters and shrimps, corals, sou
lilies, sea pens and numorous othor
materials brought up in tho dredging
nnd trawling apparatus by tho vobsoIb
of tho Commission. Tho apparatus
UBed in tho collection of these objects
will also bo shown, ns woll as tho com
plicated Instruments accessory to tho
work of deop sea and inland investiga
tion. Tho committco on promotion for the
woman's dopartmont of the Exposition
havo arranged a sorics of musicales in
Now York City, this way 11 is pro
posed to raiso funds with which to pre
paro a creditablo exhibit of woman's
work for tho metropolis.
In a lettor discussing public questions
Col. A. K. McCluro, the veteran editor
ot tho Philadelphia Times, who is on n
southorn tour, commonds tho Cotton
States and International Exposition as
"I hopo Florida will make an earnest
and united effort to aid tho Atlanta
Exposition. It should bo n landmark
in tho history of southern progress, und
every state sooth ot tho Potomac should
nialto common cuubo in the great work.
Groat Ihib boon tho advancomont of the
southorn states during the last dozen
years. You have hardly reached tho be
ginning of the southern development
und the Atlantic exposition should bo
mndo tho most successful illustration ot
industrial possibilities and achievements
in its reconstructed stato."
Mr. T. C. DoLcon, who was in Atlanta
the pust week, Iiub beon appointed by
tho mnyor of Mobilo as tho representa
tive of that city at tho Birmingham
convention to provide nn exhibit for
Alabama at tho Cotton States and Inter
nntionul Exposition.
Mr. DeLeon has beon intorviowod by
tho Atlanta Constitution on tho subject
of n Carnival for the Exposition, and
the idoa hue been endorsed by tho Ex
position Executive Cwnimitteo.
Mr. Charles J. Foster, n distinguished
mechanical ongincor, who installed tho
machinery at tho world's fair, has beon
ongaged to do tho same work for the
Cotton States and International Exposi
tion. Ho begins work at onco.
Spaco has boon granted to tho Van
Winklo company of Atlanta to erect and
operato a cotton seed oil mill.
Sheriff Calloway, a famous connois
seur In barbecues, has applied for a con
cession to run a barbecue at the Cotton
States and International Exposition.
Tho barbecuo is u favorito institution
in Georgia, and tho concession will
doubtless bo granted. ShorilT Calloway,
who holds that ofllco in Elbort county,
is quite a character in Georgia, nnd may
bo described physically, as an enlarged
edition of Joel Chandlor Harris. Ho
maintains that tho truo cuisino ot tho
barbecue is u lost art, und ho only lives
to keep it from oblivion. Tho secrets of
tho chelT aro to bo willed to his son.
An nddrosB to tho colored people of
tho south hiiB beon issuod by the colorod
commissioners of tho Cotton Statos and
International Exposition, sotting forth
tho nature and purpose ot tho colored
oxhlbit, and intondod to stir up interest
and onthusiaBin among tho nogroos.
Tho address is signed by the full com
mittco ot colorod commissioners, and
will bo widely circulated umong tho ne
groes of tho south.
In adding Sousa's band to tho list ot
tho great musical attractions to bo giv
en during the term ot the Cotton States
and International Exposition, the man
agement has secured, for tho charm ot
tho visitors, what is probably tho finest
musical organization of its kind on earth.
Beginning with the 18th of Novombcr,
Sousa's band will furnish tho music for
tho vast auditorium of tho Exposition,
until the close ot tho grout Exposition,
on tho 31st day of Dcecomber. During
this timo, millions of people will listen
to this famous organization, and it will
materially play its part umong tho
pleasurogivlng features of tho Exposi
tion, Oor better haWes say they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It is used in moro than half
the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds,
Iowa. This shows the esteem in which
that remedy is held where It has been
sold for yeara nnd Is well known.
Mothers have learned that there is uoth
lug so good for colds, croup aud whoop
ing cough, that it cares these ailments
quickly aud pormnnontly, and that it Is
pleasiuit and sate for ohilJreu to tnke.
25 and CO cent bottles for sale by Deyo
& Qrico Druggist,
city Election.
Tuesday's election was fraught with
nothicg of blood-curdling Importance.
Somo enthusiasm was exhibited in tho
contest for tho mayoralty, but, us a rule,
men walked quietly to tho Australian
stalls nnd deposited thoir ballots with
out udo. Tho republican tickot was
ovorwholmingly victorious excepting tho
hoad, Mr. Potter being defeated by 12
Mayor-elect Bontley was serenaded by
tho band election night, und responded
with u bright brlet speech, and some ex
hitarating refreshments. Tho othor suc
cessful candidates wore iiIbo smoked out
by the band, and ouch in turn treated
the boys white. Following is tho olllcial
count, showing tho majorities:
lot 21
ward wnnl Tot' I MnJ.
Ma von
Clias. II. Potter,... 57 OS 15.-)
M. It. Bontley (ill 74 107 12
W. F. West 8!l 115 Ilia 08
O. C. Tcel O'j 01 lilO
G.W.Dow 70 07 170 JW
F. G. IMiikesleo.... 05 70 111
C.S.Bennett 122 15U 277
D. S. Groat 81 M
T. .I.Ward 07
It. B. Fulton 100 :)7
D. J. Myers 00
School Bo.m
C. B. Crono 121 M0 207
Henry Cook 127 151 278
J. S. Gilliam s 100 '.'ill
A wondoring rofugoo from ovory whore,
driving n dilapidated team of horses
hitched to ii prairie schoonor that had
seen tho sands of many countries, ilrovo
into Red Cloud Wednesday and anchor
od oil Coble's island. Tho crow compos
ing, mun and wife, como on shore und
spying n handsome crib of sood corn on
Mr. Goble's promises cullod on that
gentleman for onough golden grain to
drown tho present hunger of his trans
parent outfit. The genorous Goblo sup
plied tho wunderor with n sulllcioncy of
that coroal and then asked him whero
he was was from. "No whore," was tho
rejoinder. How old aro you? "About
fifty years." Haven't you uny homo
asked the genial questioner? In very
sad tones, vorging oi tho excruciuting
the man roplicd; "Oh, no! my fathor
and mothor nro doad," and thon in tones
of pity Ilnrry wanted to know why his
futhor didn't udopt tho poor orphans,
nnd tho ex-nldorman fainted. It wub
too much for his strong norves oven to
see u man of such tendor years left to
tho cold raorcios of an uncharitable
world, nnd it tho fellow hnd not sudden
ly driven nway Fred would havo adopt
ed the whole shooting-match.
Private Money to Loan.
On good furmB for 1, 2, 3, 1 or 5 yeora
timo ut roaeonablo rates. Monoy al wuys
roady, ono mortgage, and no commission.
Write to Geo. W. Barker, Erie, I'onn.
no 1-tf
Lets go into Cot-
ting's storo und get
meoEof tho wall paper
eh is soiling so cheap.
1 am now ready to do nil kinds of drese
making. Prices rcasonablo. Three
blocks west of Miner's store Mrs. F. P.
Hadloy. 1 1
Don't forgot that 1 am proparcd to
cany paBsengors to all parts of the city.
Leavo orders nt tho Holland House.
Lloyd Ciiauii.i..
11 AN. MJIlAriWIT.
IiiMirniit'c tKi'iicy.
Roprcsents the following companies.
Soo card in this paper. Farm property,
elevators, and nil kinds of mercantile
Risks, insured in reliable companion at
lowest rates.
For rates an tonus writo or call and
hoo mo. Ofiico ovor Mizor's grocery
storo, Rod Cloud, Neb.
Pic Plant ItootN.
I havo for salo at my placo nn excel
lent variety of pio plant roots.
13-2w I. H.Loudlow.
Tor Kent.
Tho A. A. Pope residenco in tho wost
part of tho city. Must bo rented soon.
A. II. Carpenter.
A Good Clianeu to Get Work.
I desiro to trudo a work team of horses
for u good farm hand for tho coming
season of 1895. Apply to
E. B. Smith,
8tf Red Cloud.
Home Seekers Excursion.
March Sth and April 2nd the Missouri
Kansas and Texas Ry. will sell tickets to
ull points in Texas at greatly reduced
rates. For furthor information apply to
your local tickot ngont or address U. A.
MoNutt Dp. A. 10H Union Ave, Station
A Kansas City, Mo.
. .
For Sale.
A span of four year old mules for sale
for cash or on time. Gko. Winton.
Heed Corn.
Choico, sorted, yellow Beod Corn for
sale by A. L. Hildrolh, Cowles, Neb.j or,
O. C! Tool, Kod Cloud.
Feed Notice.
llorcutter William Richardson will
feed all teams at tho rato of 10 cents for
hay. Ham oust of Holland House.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WorM'i Fair lllgheit Medal and Diploma.
S5 Here We Are
Again !
p ww p mw w
Wc have got our prices clown
and are going to give you an
opportunity to take advantage
of them.
On Saturday,
April 13th,
g: 1 Solid Copper Tea Kettle for 85c 3
2 1 3-qt. Coffee Pot, - " 20c 3
1 JOqtTin Pai', - - 20c 3
1 12-qt Tin Pail,
1 1-gal Galv Iron
1 14-qt Galv. Iron
All our goods are llrst quulity and will stnnd good
weur. Our bulk seeds aro going fast. If you want
to plant any garden, buy your seeds now and buy
thorn right.
We are in the market with
beat at the cheapest price.
H A. Mokhart & Son. 3s
Special iVIillingy
Saturday, April 13th,
My goods aro all now; just rocoivod from tho wholesalo houso. You will find
special bargains in those goods.
Ladies' Leghorn Hats at 50 cents each.
Children's Lace Straw Hats at 25 cents.
Como in nnd seo our stock. Nothing will
First door south of Nution oflice, in
Mrs. J. A.
gmmmmm w m m m mmmmm jj?k
H Hard Times Pi ices on Shoes 35
. Ladies Fine Dongola Oxford Ties $100 ZZm
S Ladies' Fino Dongola Button Shoos 1 00
2j Gent's Oil Crain Congresa Plow Shoos 00 g
S. Gent's Oil Grain Congress Plow Shoes,. . .. 1 fifi ZZZ
51 Gent's Oil Grain Congress Plow Shoos,. . .. 1 0 J2
2-. Ask to bco my fino lino of J
Z Baby Siioch, ihcl'inctit Line Clone Around Here. Jj
Treasurers Salo for Toxea.
By virtue ot a distress warrant direct
od to mo from tho treasurer of Webster
county, Nebraska, for taxes for tho years
1891, 1892. 1893 nnd 1891 against J. L.
Warrington ot Webstor county, Nebras
ka, as dofondant for tho sum ot twelvo
and sorenty-oight hundredths dollars
and costs at seven and no hundredths
dollura and accruing costB I havo levied
upon the following goods and chattels
taken us the property of said defendant,
to satUfy said taxes to wit: 1 mowor, 1
hay rake, 1 corn planter, 1 riding culti
vator, one hay raok, and will offer tho
samo for salo to tho highest biddor for
cash in hund on the Gth duy of April,
1895, nt tho corner ot 1th Avenue and
Webster streets, Kod Cloud, Nebraska,
at tho hour of ono o'clock p. m. ot wild
day, when and whoro duo uttendunco
will be givon by tho undorsigned.
Dutod, March t!l, 189j.
J. S. Wiiitk,
By S. W. For., County Troasuror.
ypecial Doputy Treasurer.
will sell
Oil Can
tell hotter than to boo thorn yourselves.
Moon block.
Legal IV'etlce.
Notice Is heiehy Riven that under and liv vir
tue ot an order ? Mile Istued from tlio otllce ot
C. H. tJrone. clrk of the dUtrlct cou.-t ot tlio
tenth Judicial district, wlUiln and for Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decreo In an action
Pending therein, wherein Itoso II. 3. DuiiIkmio
and W. F. It. Mills, receiver of the HmuTlton
Loan aiid Trust Company, are plaintiffs, and
iiKatnst (leoriifl K. Watsou. Oliver l". Davli anil
avi. bis wife, i:iiarlo t.. Stoslilnr and
-Meeliler. II. Davli and Mlnnln
!! ''avis, mid tbo American KxcIiaiiRO National
llank, ilofendnnts, I shall Oder for salo at pub
lic vendue, to tho Mi-hcst biddor for cash In
l',aHlU.Ht,,,i" door ot tho courthouse, at
Kod Cloud, In sal.l Webster county. Nebraska,
(thatboliiK tho bulldlni; when-Ill the last term
ol said com t was holilvn) on tho
llh day or April, A. D. 1895,
at ono o'clock p. in. of said day. tlio followliw
duscilurd pioiicrty, to-wlt Tho cut liuif of
tho northwest quarter, tho wost hair of tho
nnithi'iiit quarter, the west halt of tho south
wet qui'rtcr, tlm norlluust qu.irlor of tho
southwest (iiMUd. uml tho northwest quarter
of llui southeast quaitar of section tlilrly-four
HI,) In township one (I.) north of raiiRo eleven
(110 west nt tno Cth l M all In Webster coun
ty, Nebraska.
u,'leii iiiiii.t my hand this I3th day of Kebru-
Case & MoNl.t, riM' S85 "
S !
S Jk
z -