THE KED CLOUD Oil IMF, FRIDAYMPRI L 5, 1805. n.f A Jmmmm vic7isxi ' Palpitation of the Heart Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Legs and Feet. "For about, four years I was troulh led with palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath and swelling of the legs i and feet. At times 1 would faint. 1 was treated by the best nhy Blclans In Savannah, Ga,, with no re lief. 1 then tried various .Springs without benetlt. Finally, I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also hla Nerve ami Liver Pills. After bajtnnimj to title than Ifdt better! I continued taking them and I am now In better health than formany years. Since my recovery I have gained llfty pounds in weight. I hope this state ment may be of value to tomo twor sufferer. ' E. M. SUTTON. Ways Station. 0.i. Dr. MIIoo ncrt Oaro Isrold on a podtlvo cunnuiteotliattlmtirst Lottie will Vnellt. All druggists boll 11 in il, o bottles for,., or It will liubimt. prepaid, on receipt of prlco by tbu Dr. &Iile. iJcdicul Co , ElLuart, lad. " A ttxrrr'vr Nr.UKAT.G1A cured by Dr Miles' P.MS rit.t.s. "Onoci'tit ii ilcri-" At all iImueIiIh. OLDEST and ORIGINAL Dr.WHITTIEI 10 WES I'MNI II STREET, (IILAK jUIKTlON.) KANSAS CITY, 9 MISSOURI. Regular Rradunto -authorized by tho state,, and concod od to bo tho load ins and most suc cessful Specialist It) BLOOD, NERV. OU8 and URINARY DISEASES. Nervous; Debility Willi 111 Many Uloutny Symptom Cured. Lost Vitality Ptrltctly and I'crmjotolly Rettortd. Syphilis Curt J lor I. lie Without Mercury. Urinary Diseases Quickly Ktllvvtd and thoroughly Cured. W 71 ' Wr- H ,T' Wnltt,cr Invar- A j"j labl uccessful? Hecnuso he t " " wnUci 110 pramlm- that lie 'TTnSKCHbMa rniiniit fiilllll. Avoid cheap cii T.1H nn.l i-t.lledphyr.Icinns, nnd consult Ur. W' in porun or lv lett'.T (Klrln; symptom or." r.-rchn the candid opinion of n physician of Ion;; eiperleiive, untjuciitlouud nklll and Ntcrllni; liitrurlty. MKD1CIN1N tiom our cvu laboratory fur ntshul ni -in-ll cost and shipped anywhero sccuro f'omol t nation TKi:ArMr.M' neer cent C.U.I). EDSTC CONSULTATION. rlaCi. URINARY ANALYSIS. Office bourn 9 to I and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to U. .;J.Ti Ilonllli mid lltnerKenrle VlUiUci fm-Wi. -iliunpt-tinirip.iy. Call or a .dress In Mrlrt confidence) DR. H. J. WHITTIER, 10 West Ninth Stieot. Kanaoa city, Mo. BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA Notice 10 Tcucliers. Notico is hereby givon that 1 will examine all persons who may desire to oiler themselves as candidates for teachers oftho publio schools of this couuty, at Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of each month. Special examinations will bo held on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat urday of each month. The standing desired for 2d and Hd grade cortiGoatcs is tho same no grado bolow 70 por conl., average 80 per cent; for first grade certificate no grado bolow 80 por cent., avorago DO por oont. in all branches required by law. ' P. M. HfJNTKU. County Supt. gM-IEIglISMIIItltKl HI CDMSWHlRt AU EISE f AILS. B B Bett Cough Hjrrup. TMtea iluod. UmH B n tlma. Bold by druiaiUliL 1 kfi Jltl ft I B W J Jrf THE MANGO TRICK. A SclontWt rlrnvor Itniv tho YoRlili Work Their (iroutcat V. iimlnr. A French scientist, M. Kugonncau, has pist discovered how to make a plant grow from a seed in thirty min utes as much as It would under ordi nary circumstances In as many days, Miys tho Cincinnati Knqulror. Here tofore nature ha- shared this secret with tho Yoghls of India tilono, nnd the methods pursued by those clover magicians in performing this trick havo often been describe.!. They plant a -eed hi tho earth and cover it with u cloth. In a few moment) the cloth begins to bo pushed upward by the growing plant, which in a short time attaint tho height of several feet. Various theories htuo been advanced an to tho modus operandi of this mil acle. ono of tho latest being that tho spectators are all hypnotized by tho magician. During his travels In India M. llug onneau saw the trick performed fro quently, and noticed that tho Hindoos always iml)edded tho seed in soil which they brought with thorn especial ly prepared for that purpose At last ho learned that they obtained this earth from ant hills. N'ow, as ovory ono knows who has Inadvertantly eaten one of those Industrious insects, ants contain a largo proportion of formic acid, with which in time tho soil of their habitations Incomes charged. This acid has the power of quickly dissolving tho integument surrounding n teed and of greatly stimulating the growth of tho genii within. After a llttlo oxporimonting with this acid tho learned Frenchman was able to duplicate perfectly tho Hindoo trick, ills further researches havo led him to bellevo that this discovery may bo profitably applied to agricul ture ity infusing ants la boiling water acid as strong as vinegar can bo obtained. M. Itagouueau has achieved the best results and most per fect growth by Using earth moistened with a solution of .0,000 parts of water and ono of aeid. NAUTCU CIKLS OF TANJORE. Wonderful rnirnr of 1'e.rMin itlon Itrtnlt liiK 1'roiu Inliorl'ed Inttlnct. Tlio serpent dance, winding through a sinuous miwo of gliding measures, appoars almost a transformation or reincarnation of the performer into tho cobra, which she represents, says All tho Year Hound. Instincts inherited from bygone generations of Nauteh dancers combine with close observa tion of naturo to produco miraculous results. Tho Nauteh girl lives to please, and labors for that end with tho suc cess which attends tho unwearied pur suit of ono ab-orblng oDjoct. Universal tnlluenco and fascination still belong to her. though in a narrower range than of old. and the dancer of Tanjore, who concentrates tho whole forco of her genius upon the requirements of her art. diners as much from tho ordinary Nautcn girl of India as a masterpiece of l'apliael from tho sign board which swings loforo tho rustle inn. Kvery feature of tho mobile face collects tho pa-sing sentiment of tho moment In tho drama delineated with consummate skill; tho dark eyes Hash with fury, Jill with tears, or molt with tenderness, according to tho exigencies of tho varying situation, ami in tho nervous energy which throbs and palpitates through every vein and liber of tho elastic and ox quisitoly proportioned frame, tho tide of life seems to ylow through tho veil of llesh liko some mystic I'amo burn ing in a crystal lump. Tho Nauteh girls form a distinct casta, and jeal ously retain their immemorial rights and privileges. They oxcroiso their own laws and custoiiis with tho inde pendence of control gained by a wider experience of life than that permitted to their Indian sistors. tlnldicuvii to th llensl wider. Mrs. Will .1. Chalmers, daughter of tho lato Allan Pinkorton, and herself a notablo ilgure in Chicago, In Vost Sido society at least, lias lately added to her rotlnuo of domestics a woll tralncd English butler, who, boing a Into Importation, was unaware of tho existence of tho navol orango. Tho othor day Mrs. Chalmers ordered a box of this fruit to bo sent homo. During dinner, a few intimates loing present, tho lady of tho houso, sur prised that tho oranges did not mako their appearance, inquired of tho but ler what had bocomo of thorn. "Hlf you ploaso, num," said tho butler, "I 'ad to send 'om back. Hovorv ono of thoso oranges 'nd 'olos in 'em." Argonaut. Iniriirtnr In Old Cloven. Liverpool boasts a woman who can earn a good living by reading charac ter from old gloves. This curious oc cupation is called "inankology," and all ono has to do who wlslios to glvo a trial is to dispatch a pair of cast-off gloves, together with a fow postage stamps, to tho enterprising "manl cologlst," who will forward In turn a full and particular account of tho sender's character, disposition, and "prospects In life," as disclosed by tho gloves. MnUtnro nnd Temperature. A cublo foot of air at tho tompor nturo of ?ero (Fahr.) can contain only 0.6 of a grain of water vapor; at S12 degrees it can bold '.'.1:1 grains; at 05 it can contain (1.8 grains, and at 1)8 it can bold 18.1)0 grains of moisturo in suspension. Those llguros go to show that suuunoi' air can hold at least nine times tho quantity of datnp noss that nir can whon rcducod to tho temperature of freezing. UhIiik llio Water. Govorness I gavo you a glass of water to wot your spongo in, Llttlo Hoy I'm using it. (iovcrnjss Hut you aro spitting on tho spongo, Llttlo Hoy Yos'm. I drank tlw water eo's to have it handy. INCOMES FROM THE SLUMS. Where Home of the Crmrltnbln (let tho Wrnltii Thry tllvn. Tho "Inconsistencies of tho Illch'' would make an interesting chapter wore it not for tho fact that In all justlco It should bo followed by ono on tho "Inconsistencies of the Poor," and then a wider judgment would end by elnsslng them under tho "Inconsisten cies ot Human Naturo." Thorn Is. howover, n certain typ of charitably disposed rich women that havo this trait so largely in ono respect that it invites attention. A woiunu of this class Is taught from childhood tho duty of giving a tithe to tho poor. She is good and takes pleasure In tho duty, lieligiously she apportions each year sums of money to help the needy and improve tho vicious. Sim Is very devout; attends faithfully to every church duty, sits Sunday in her lux urious pew, anil Is moved to deepest sympathy by appeals on behalf of suf fering humanity, and gives freoly when tho t linn comes. If such a woman were told that she Is In a measure the cause of much that slie endeavors to alleviate by money sho would not understand. Yet she is, nnd if some day sho would visit personally some of tho real estate from which is derived tho Income which keens her in ease her o,es would open to many things, it Is a notorious fact that many of tho wealthy clnss are totally unacquainted wiui men- possessions, which iney leave entirely in mo nanus oi agents whoso business it Is to make tho most money possible out of them. Most of the houses ill certain neighborhoods' pass through many hands until by a series of subletting they reach tho miserable creatures who pay for a small space within. So one of tho potent factors in "shun" making waxes and grows strong. Some time ago one who had gone down to live among the poor and miserable-, hoping by personal contact to better their condition, found near tho tiny house which ho had taken a most deplorable state of n unit's, says the Chicago Time. A narrow alley way contained live small iiou-es of tlireo rooms each, each loom IHng occupied by one family. Fifteen fam ilies wero thus crowded into this nar row space. Ono hydrant did duty for the whole crowd, and here .otuig and old, male and female, performed what ablutions they felt moved to indulge In. Tho one nuthouse was In such a terrible condition that tho stranger feared disaster when the warm weath er should come. He found out that tho property was owned by a woman of wealth, and paid lior a por.-onal visit. Ho described to her tho terrible conditions, of which sho know nothing, as sho never interfered with such business, sho said. Sho was purundod, howover, to visit tho place and was shocked into bod for two days by what sho caw there. Workmen wero speedily sent anil tli condition of one little slum was materially bettered. If houio more of this personal inspection could bo brought about many more dark spots would bo brightened. Ire'isnrn Trine In mi At tie. A short time ago a young woman of Modford, while rummaging In her ' father's attic, came across an old roti I culo in which I hero wero half a doon I old stamps. Tho reticule had been there since ISii'J, and, thinking that tho stumps might be valuable from thoir age, sho took them to her father and asked him to in (iiire into their value. Last week, to her surprlso, tier fattier told her that for her in terest in tho stamps ho would pay her faro to Washington and hack, and her expenses for a two weeks' visit there. This sounds llko a very liberal oiler, but it is probably not so much so as it seems. Tho expenses of such a trip might bo about SoU, whllo tho stamps are worth about is'JO. Thoy are the .'1-ccnt pink, of tho issue of Ihlil, and aro valued in tho now cata logue, which is just coming out. at !sl.ri each. In tho old cataloguo thoy wero offered at s?.r, but thoy havo bo como so raro that tho prlco has boon put up. Although they could proba bly not bo sold to a dealer for thnt prlco, thoy aro BUfllciently valuable to mako It a lucky find. lioston Tran script. .invr tin. Only Correct Nnmn. Jew refers to tho religion which tho Tows profess. Hobrow refers to a language which thoy no longor speak, and has consequently no mcnnlng nt tho present tlmo. Isrnollto rofors to a nation which thoy at ono tlmo formed, and it bus at present no sig nification oxcopt when reforonco is made to tho anciont nation. Tho down nro a religious community, nnd thnt is all that soparatos them, or rathor distinguishes tliom from their follow eltboiiH. Tho .lows do not call thorn solvos Hobrows. A fow who do not know any hotter may call themsolves so, but thoy aro wrong. Thoso who know what is right call themselves .Jews, and that Is tho only correct namo. Jewish Tidings. A Mr.iiico I (inple. North Carolina's strango pooplo of tho swamps havo counterparts In tho mysterious raco of so-called Indians in Southorn Delaware. Thoy nro a swarthy pooplo, with some strong traits of tho rodmon, though thoro nro contradictory stories as to their ori gin. Thoy aro fully- clvilled, how ovor, and follow tho ordinary occupa tions of tho region to which thoy aro nattves.though thoy mluglo llttlo with tho whites and rofuso to associato witli tho nogroos. A ISrulnjr Youth. Mr. llichmunn I don't demand that my daughter shall marry wealth, but I do insist that tho man sho mnrrlos shall havo brains enough to got along in tho world. Young Sllmpurso Well, I think I'vo shown protty good judgmont in solocting a fathor-in-law, don't you? Now York Wookly. (llnilntona'i rortrnlti Rnpprmd. Constantinople, March 27. The Bui tnn hns ordered thnt no sale or rxhlbt tltlon of portrait of Mr. Gladstone or Prof. Hrlce, president of tlit llrlllih Hoard of Trade, be prohibited In Uon ntnutluople. Copies which have been Fent to the Armenian cleruy have been relied us coming under the clnnMflcu tloa of "seclltloun llteruture." TO CLOSE BEFORE EASTER InilUittliHK Tlmt the llirinun Itrlrhfttaic Will soon lie lllMohrd. London. Mfirch 27. Tho correspond ent of the Dully News nt llorlln tele KrnpliH thnt he believes It to be almost coitnln that the Kovcrnnient will nelio the llrst ptetext to dissolve the relch fctui: befote Muster A riliptitfli to the Standard snys thnt nt I he lunch nt Fileiltlcljprulic Prince IJImnnrck In teply to n icninrk that Hrrr Hlchert hud wished to partake In the ovation to him, Prince DUmarck Kald that lie liiul never Klven up the hope of tcK.tlnlni; Ilerr Illchert'B ftlend Blilp He wns of the opinion that tliliiKH ww to plensanter In the rolehslnK In lg-17 thiin In the recent parliament llo un derstood Heir von Lcvetr.ow'.s reniou for icslffnliiR and apptoved his nctlun. Her von I.eer.ou', he declnted, hud fotiKht for yenrs against adveiae clr Mltlistanrey TIuihii who never read the ndvertho moats lu their newspaper mies mom tliiiu tl.oy roKiinu, Jonathan Kenlson, ot liolnu, Worth Co., Iown, who hud been troubled with rliimmntUm In his Imot, nnns nnd .lioni.lors read nn item In his paper nbout how n prominent Gerinnu clti7ens of FfMiidlflon luiB been cured Ho procured the same medicine, nlid to use his own words. "It ciind mo right up." Ilunlsonny: A noiglibor mid hln wife Were both nick in bed with rlieumii tisni. Their boy wns over to my house and snld they wero so bad tlmt ho had to do the cooking. I told him of Chamber lniuV I'm I n balm nnd how it Im.l cured me, he. procured ,i bottle of It mid it can d tlit m up in n week. ,() cent lottlts for siilu by Dejo ,t (Irlcn. liookkceiini: i" first mentioned Italy about 1C09 in Knrl'H Clover Hoot will purify your blood clear jour complexion, icgidate ) oar bouelii nnd malm your skin Imtr hi a bull. i!r.o.,r.Ue.,nnd8l.OOHoldlyO L Cot ting. - StiimpH for murking goedu were in mo in Koine before the Christian era. "Orango UIophoui'' Ib etifo nnd lirrmUss in n Flux Ket'd Poultice. Any lady can aseit hi'Mtlf. Sold by C. L. Cotttu,'. Women can bo tho devil'a bust friend or his worst enemy. Kvery business man should have, t in lil.i olllce; it in an iiivnluablo cnmpaiiiou "The Uiuid-MuNtill) Hatlwav (iuldo." lluckiaglinm's Dyo for tho whisUern Is tho best, haiidioHt, safest, surest, eltniiost, most economical and sutisfnelory djo ever invented. Il is thu geiitlumnii'H fa vorite. The devil soon runs fiotu the man lie can't discourage. I recommend Chamberl.iiu's Pain Halm for rheumatism, lame hack, spinhis nnd Bwollingp, Thoro ij no better liniment made. I have hdiiI om r 100 iiiittlta of it this jenr and all wero pleased who used it. J. 1 Piersmi, druggist, South Chica go, III. It is for snlo by Deo A. drier. Seme Australian rnilwaH have wom en station masters. Bhiloh's cure, tho great Cough nnd Croupe euro is in ureal dnmaiid. Pocket sis'!! contains twenty flv ilium only LTio. Children love it. Sold by C, h. Cotting. AYERS Cherry Pectoral SAVED HIS LIFE So snys Mr. T. M. Rood, a highly rospoctod Merchant of Mld- dlotown, III., of a Young Man who was supposed to bo in Consumption. "One of in my customers, somn ad a sou who find nil o o years ago, li t lie HVtnntoms of consumption. o Tho usual medicines iitlnrdcd him no relief, ami he steadily tailed until Im was unable to leave his lied, ills mother applied to me for somo remedy and 1 recom mended Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Tho young man took it according to directions, mid soon began to improve until ho became well and strong." T. M. Ki:ki, Mid dletown, III. "Somo timo ago, I caught a severe cold, mv throat, mill bint's o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o wero badly iiulumcd, and I haifn g n tt'w vimiiii iv l oil ji' tlmt I was a victim of consump tion, and my Irienils had little hope of recovery. Hut 1 bought a bottlo of Ayer'H Cherry Pectoral, took It, and was entirely cured. No doubt. It saved my life." I. Jones, Umerts Cove, Tenii, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S PAIR o o o o o o o o o o o o o o POOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQl 0 Lost Energy, lv' I-tc-Ultj- nppotito, tirotl feeling, tolnacll ' ' ilil'Kf sickness ami wealness can be jjJWjL-jjl promptly reinedied by using MJ 1 3j; C ur. Ra4 I S!H I l ys'llhW WW? It strengthens and builds up the enfeebled system, creates u good appetite and promotes digestion, dears the complexion and restores the body to perfect health. Sold by all Druggists at $1.00 per bottle. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. I'lie City Bakery O Have constantly on hand tho largest variety of Cakes, Bread, Pies id Ins i tiii: rriAiirr. The highest gnulo of nuiterial lined, of tho llnest quality, and superior perfec tion of workmanship, liny jour goodH of a successful house. "cS CD 2 Joscpli Ilcrburer, Projwictor. SA CitiFiCJH SA IjJJ OK " Comprising all Vurlctlcs of APPLE TREES. Two Minis 4'rah Apples, I'.Iiiin ami Soil .llnplc Sluule Trcci. These I pecs ni-c I'roin iliicc lo lour jcars old anil aro llrnt-chuH Ircci. Von can net your clio'ct: Tor .' cciiIh per tree, TcrntHciiftli, Thcj iniisl Itu old, E. B. SMITH, Red Cloud. ZSiSafZSSSKSSSSSWKSX Fb. . -f'Strsm f ..-'-s 8 ' ' i ' f X2. GO'S. WtYE-METEll n, Johnston's Willi which to test jour eycH, thereby liiHiiring accuracy c. - : orrirM ?! r i-JT?vp; W,' The St. Liouis Globe Democrat Twice Every Week, : : THE RED CLOUD CHIEF $130 per h jrear N. E. ROBINSON, PAINTER & PAPER HANGER First cIiuh work u specially. Prlccw reasoiialtle. See hint before giving your order im It will lie to your Interest dealers in Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. VYHRRRV B. & M. WAT0II EXAMINE!!; j. n. mcLeans Strengthening Cordial Blood Purifier. and Hestaurant CO J0 3 o mmzcxmssssxx&aznBaaK Byes r . , lluvc been rulnril tlirougli iiCKllgcncu iiutl iiroernttllnalloii. If your ttluht Irouhlcs you In Hie IciihI, consult us ut "'' ws imvo ono r Eye-meter, M immjmzEzzz&xzitt'ZSjrsm&ztxszmx and : : Vance, The Jeweler ! BED 0L0UD, NEBRASKA. 8 M ifo ews." ' T! Hf-fS-f" ( - f y arjrjuar -.Tzzzfc t3SSS!S'RU