rv , All Home Print. J nelson. I'nriner arc busy sowing oats and 60IH0 spring wheat. S. Hillings end wife were visiting their old friend: and neighbors here last week. Mrs. C. W. Curt Im is very sick. S. C. Johnson has rented M. 11 a Bentloy's place this jonr. Tlierc wni n daneo at John Peter son 's Fridav night. Miss Mny U trrrtr is visiting Miss Lulu Chamberlin in Hcd Cloud this week. Kd Mountlord w.aa kicked by one of his mules thr other day. D1 F. L Smith pill, his oats in with the press drill, winch is the proper way. Last Thursday tlio wind yecred and brought back 'omc of the soil that went Bouth on the Gib of February. Mr. Withiuuton, county surveyor, was in (ho north part of the county last week, surveying for J. M. Brown and others S. V. Scrivnor has made a roller. He intends to have his ground in good oliapo this year for eroding. Mrj. Davis' brother is hero on a visit. School in Dist. No. 90 will closo a seveu months' term next Friday, with 4 a spelling lohuol in the evening. Sunday-school at Mt. Hope every Sunday and League in the ovening. Chintz Bun. '?;: Two Live Saved. Phoebe Thomns, of Junction City 111., wni told by hur doctor elio I mil con sumption nud that thoro wns no hopo for her, bnt two bottles Dr. King's Now Dis covery completely cureel her nnd she Bays it saved hur life. Nr. Thos. I'(jjors, lJlli Florida St. Sun Frnnciaco, suffered from H dreadful cold, approaching consumption tried witliont result everything cist' than bought one. bnttlo of Dr. Kind's New Discovery nnd in two weeks was cured. He in naturally thankful. It is such re sults ns these that proo the wonderful eflicnoy of this medicine in coughs nnd colds. Free trial bottles at C. L. Cotting's drugstore. Itcgnlur size JiOc. nud $1.00. Itoeky Ituu. Farmers are busy propnring for a crop. Mr. lloaton has erected a tank and proposes to raise a garden, rain or no rain. i There was a basket supper in Dist. Mo. 9. for the benefit of tho Sunday school, Mrs. Kay ha3 somo vegetables al ready up. Tho new owners of tho Skein farm have given their tenants instructions to plow up part of the orchard. Mr. Walters, from near Bclviderc, 1' has moved outo the Bcelcr place. The grip is abroad and there ate a great number or people suffering its dreaded terrors. A few of tho friends of Mr. Smith assembled at tho Ranch the 2d inst., it being tho 52d anniversary of that gentleman's birth. An cnjovablo tlmo was had until tho weo small hours. Among tho guests was Kd ward lleaton, it being his 21st anni versary. ii i- i m Crooked Creek. Elliot Hughes has moved to Hardy. Mr. Deno was visiting at Mr. Har ris's Sunday. Karl Tcnnant spont Sunday at Lome. Mr. Chapin was visiting at Hardy this week. Mr. Burdick and wife were visiting Lt Mr. I'lolsworth's Saturday, Kmmct Tennant is learning tho photo business, Mr. Kudina and family were visit ing in this neighborhood Sunday, Mrs. James Holsworth was visiting it her parents' Sunday. Emmet TonBant has traded for a . ' t ' ' ' '. . ' - .,--- buguy, and now I Mipposo he will wan' notiio of our young damsels to go riding with him. I 'al I pram is looking line in this neighbnihood. Guy Tennant was in Cowlcs Fiiday. We understand ihcio is to be a doublo wedding in our neighborhood. Mrs McCuno was visiting at her parents' lust week. Jin. Tennant and sons were in Guide Hock last week. There was a party at Mr. Hedge's Friday evening. A largo crowd was present and all report a uood time. North hide Elatlii. Some of tho farmers are through sowing oats, and somo will not -sow until It rains. Mr. Harvey is very sick with the fever. Preaching at Pleasant Prairie every Sunday by Miss Bon. ('omc and hear her next Sunday at 11 o'clock. The poor farm school closed Mnreh flOtb, Miss Maud Orchard teacher. Frank Bean Sundaycd at Emory Bean's laH Sunday. IIonhv. i m ii i School Itepot-t. Report of school in Dist. No. 70 for March: Number of dnjs taught. 20. Aver.tce attendance, 14. Total number enrolled, 18. Number not tardv, lit. Not turdy or absent: Mollio llcesc, Alfred Hcp.hu. Deportment, 90 or above: Mollio Reese, Phobo Wolford. Frank Sibcrt. During the last week there wore 17 names on tho roll, IIS oi whom were compelled to stay out on account of la grippe. N. L. D. Smith, Teacher. ill - .!- I I I Ainuoy. Quite chungablc weather. There is several sick at present. Mies Itessio Cookrall was visiting her sister near Cowlcs last week. Anthony Green and another gen tleman from near Bluo Hill arc baching in tho littlolog cabin near tho mill. Sylvester Frisbie canto homo Satur day and was taken sick and was un ablo to return to his school. Jessie Cockrall is visiting near Blue Hill. Mrs. I. Frisbio is not much hotter at present. Mrs. 6, W. Baker has been suffer ing with la grippo and neuralgia for tho past week but is slowly improving at this writing. Tho Amboy Sunday-school is still progressing nicely. Frank Frisbio was in Red Cloud Sunday. Mrs. Fraso is on tho siok list. John Holcomb and wife havo moved out on tho farm again. !-. Thero is more Catarrh iu this section of tho country than nil other diseases put togother, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years dootors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constnuMy failing to euro with local treatment, pronouncod it incurable. Science bus proven aatarrh to be a on Btitutionnl disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment, nail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &. Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only eoustitution- al euro on the market. It is taken inter nally Iu doses from 10 drops to a tea spooHfnl. It aots directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Thoy otter one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure, Sonel for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CI1ENEY & CO., Toledo, O. tarSold by Druggists, 7. Ntlllwater, Warren Denny is on tho sick list. Ed. Goble is working for C. Molly. Geo. Barnes is baching with Dave Fisbcl. Red Cloud. Wkhstkr County. I). II. Robinson is ejuitu poorly again. Itojd Vance has lrul tho scarletina but is improving. Mr. Huntington late of Guide Huck will farm the Wilson place. Miss Day will teach tho Pleasant Ridgo school the spring term. Mrs. Oijilvie Ins been quite sick. Mr. Grccnalgh has had the scarleti na but is on the road to recovery at present. Mary Croier spent a few days near Rod Cloud visiting her sister Mrs. J. Konzack last week. Sam Guble will soon go to Sracuso this statu to visit his sister. Mr. IjC from near Guide Hock was visiting his friend D. II. Holinson Inst Sunday and attended churoh at KtAly. Mhs Iinhoir a returned missionary from Japan will lecture at Kcklcy Woduesdiy evening this week. Died, at the rcsidenco of. his par ents, of inll dilution of the bowels, on April 2, 1811.), Willie, only son of Mr. aud Mrs A. H Sprachcr aged about 14 j ear. Willie was a favorite at school and the pridu of his parents. Ho was converted to Christanity last fall and united with thu M. K church at Kckley. His parents aud three sisters who are left to mourn his sud den departure havo tho sympathy of the cntiro community. The funeral was conducted by Hey. Seymour at Maple Gtovc Slrii'dON. i e i i I'ruirlu ein. Farmers are bus sowing oats. Rev. J. T. Milncr of Lincoln is back to his old homo again. Ho is going to mako his home with his daughter Mrs. Kcrshucr. Tho Good Templars of this place gave an entertainment last Saturday night it was a grand success fully two hundred people attended. The char acter.1) all acted their parts well and received hearty applauso, especially Pete. Rev. J. T. Milncr preached Sunday morning at cloven o'clock. Rev. Hummel is still holding meet ings at Plamviow. Tho house is crowded every uight, about forty havo been converted. Rcubiu Hanks visited with friends on Oak creek Sunday. Tho Y. P. S. 0. E. will hayo caster exorcises consisting of eastcr songs readings and recitations instead of the regular Endeavor meeting, Mr. Herman Bloom was thrown fram a horse and rjuito badly hurt. Jimmv. 4Jowlcs. A small sprinkle of rain blessed the peoplo north of town one day last weok. D. R. Carpenter is moving into the house recoutly vaoated by Mr. Mor gan. D. J. Best is recovering slowly from the effcots of a surgical oporation. A, Good was in town last week vis iting friends. Wo admire the poot on Elm creek. He is a modern Bobby Bums. A tine program at tho lyceum wob enjoyed by all Friday evening. Polly Hall will now be found among the renawned Cowles brass band. Brown says ho thought Friday night was Hallowe'en, This section of the world is in need of a good rain, Wo woider how a young man at Gardenvalo fan remain in such obsou rity when ho has suoh literary tastes. Any ono wishing horses broke can do well to call on J. H. Brown pro prietor of the Central houso, Otto. Catherton Sunday-school organizes next Sunday. Nkh., Friday. Ai'rii. Sowing oats and talking of the sur vey seems to ho tho order of the day. Rev. T) sou preached a very inter esting sermon on Tuesday evening, his text being ''Looking unto Jesus " Lizzio Marker closed n very success ful term ol school in district 2S March 22. Sheriff Hunehu made a lljing trip through hero Friday last. We are glad that spring has come as the farmers arc beginning their spring work, expecting a good crop. Statu Creek. Some State creeker with out a sig nature was wiitiug items lately and did real ell. Ike Grewell lus gone to Crete on a business dip. Mrs. Potter is improving iu health. John Ilorton is on the sick list. Thu meeting at Mt. Hope Sunday was a grand success. C. Stevens commenced planting corn last Wednesday. Mrs. Waiington's children rccoived a telegram recently that she wns not expected to live. Mrs. Arbuolc of Oklahoma formerly of this place sent for her son Charles to como at once as she is very sick, Geo. Ilorton, Al Scrivner and Clark Stevens are our horse jockeys. Mr. Brudshaw raised 100 bushels of corn on thirty acres last year. Thomas Kralio on the Miner & Co , ranch raised 1000 bushels nud euveral toriB of beets. Occassional Illadeii. Build fence or have hogs root out your gardon. The town nicotine was held at tho G. A It. hall. J. R. Ilonio is putting a board fence around his lot. Mrs. Jatites Tooley was at tho county scat Monday. L. K. Spcucu and wife are at Edgar with friends this week. Mr. Thome shipped a car of hogs to Omaha Wednesday morning. F. W. McLaughlin was transacting business nt Bluo Hill Tuesday, Mrs. Orchard is visiting with her parents A. Cauffniam nnd wife. Friends from Franklin stopped with Mrs. Monroe Wednesday night. Miss Lottie Doylo is spending a woek with her brothor at Upland. A basoball team wob organized last Saturday F. W. McLaughlin manager. Rev. Buzzcl is expected to preach at the Baptist ohuroh Sunday April 7. C. Keith and wifo of Holdrcge wero amoug friends tho latter part of tho weok. Some ono poiBoncd F. W. MoLaugh lin St. Benard dog Hector last Wed nesday. F. W. McLaughlin was attonding to business at tho county Boat Wed ncsday. James Burden who Bpent Sunday with his family returning to Lincoln Monday. Why is it somo people will let their took ruu at largo to bother their neighbor, Ruv. Davis is homo from Upland where ho has been holding very suc cessful rovival moetinps. Mrs D. Apley returned Wednesday from Thajor county where she has been visiting friends. Tho county sheriff and Roy Hutchi son of Red Cloud wera looking after business in these parts Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Thou. Snyder attend ed the funeral of htr attp-mother who diod very suddenly laat Thursday, II, L. Rcohendiffor is fenoing bis rcsidonoo lots with six barbed wires to keep hog and pigs out of his gar den, Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Fur Qrtp Croat 9t Tartar Powfer. 5. 1895. urlleld. Cap Houchiti returned last week with a carload of aul for the farmers of Garfield. The state relief came on also, so now wo will havo corn to sell. Albert Me fiord was united in matri mony to Mrs. Fannio Potts of Hod Cloud on last Tuesday. Tho boys call li i in dad now. A good many farmers havo in their small grain already and tho acrcago this j ear will not quite equal that of previous years, but most oT tho farmers have in just a few aores of oats for corly feed. Tabor A nine is vr luw with n par aljlit) stroke Vers little hope is en tertained for his recovery. Mrs. T. Kmerton is leoovering Troiii an illness ol several weiks duration. JlMMV. It will hn an ugrteiiblo surprint! to per sons Hiilij ct to iittneliH of bilious eoliu to learn that prompt rtlief may hu hud by taking ClwuiiljorliUiiV Colic, Cholera line! Diarrhaia Remedy. Iu muny iugtiuru tho attack may lie prevented by Inking this remedy ns soon ns the ttrst symptom of thu disease appear, '.'.'i nud M cent bottles for sale by Dejo A-Orieo driiiKt. Ititfin Otto (Jensen has eon.niencee list ing. Olo Oleson his moyed on a farm near luavalc. Mr. Kelso has moved on to a firm near Campbell. uiauue wnson nns in red io uueio Diek Payne for the summ i. Kverett Bean aud Lunily were call ers at Kd Sherer's near Iuuvale last Sunday. Miss Alico Rtmsburg was veiling in this vicinity the fiist ol the week. Ovcy Anderson has onuiiuenced breaking prairie on the poor furm. Davo Itrooks has gone to his homo in Fiontier county. Mrs. Wiscoar"or and Mrs. Iloau wero guests of Mrs. Claude Duval Saturday. Miss Laura Orchard began her school south of tho river Monday. John Sorgeusou of F.mnci's Creek was in our neighborhood last week. Road- boss Sorgcnson of Hed Cloud township was having tho roads work ed tho first of tho week. Rev. Bean wifo and daughter, dined tt Jerry Oinduil's Sunday. The exhibition at Mt. Hopo school houso last Friday ovening was a grand success. The tcaohcr and scholars did their part well, and tho songs and guitar music wero boautiful. Stunner. A Clianee to Make money, I saw ono of your subscribers tell in your colums a few weeks ago how she made money selling Dish Washcts I wroto to tho Iron City Dish Washer Co., K. K Pittsburg, Pa,, and obtain ed ono of their Dish Washers and tried it myself first. It is just lovely yon oan wash and dry tho dishos for a family in two minutes, without touohing your hands to a dish or put ting thorn in hot water. I mado tho first day $5 00 aud everybody wanted a Dish Washer just as soon as they saw me wash thoir dishor. Since then I havt mado as high as $18.00 a day, and I believo that I oan get enough money to keep my brothor at sobool this winter and havo money in tho bank too. Any lady or gentleman can do as woll as I am doing, I am sure, as I had no exporionot, Whon everybody wants to buy it is hard not to sell. Anyone oan get information by writing the abovo firm and I am glad to add my experience, because I tbink it is my duty to others to help them over the bard timoB. VIRGINIA HEBNE. Vol. 23 No. 14 Slate l.tne. Farmers are very busy with their spring work. The full wheat that was sown on corn stalk ground last fall is looking nice and green Hcur) Gr.ihniu and Arthur Clino attended meeting nt Maple (J rove last Sunday. J. W. Heenian our postmaster nt North Hranch is on tho sick list. Six persons were examined for com mon school diplomas last Saturday. Illeelrlc Kilter. This reined) Is becoming ho well known and so popular as to lit id no speoial mention. All who huso lined this Kleotrlo Uittrrs Hlng tho Haiun seme; of prnlnc. A purer medicine dncx not exlrt and it is Ktiarauterd to do nil Unit is claimed, r.leetllo llilteril will nnri nil dlneaxeH of tho llM'l'nnd Kicltii'X i, will Hiuovo pimple imiIIi", hU rheum, nud oilier nITectlonH catted hy impure liiood. Wil' drin Ma laria from (ht Njftom anil (invent it well UK cure all in iliiHnl ftmoH Tor cure of litmliu'lie, c(nivtlmtlon mid I ml Inert lion lr) Kltetrii) Hitter.-. Hutu? filltifnetion nunrnntuil, or money refund' d. Prion no cin. mill Si 00 per liottb at C. 1.. tot- tinn'rt ilruustiiri'. ECeal IMale Trannferi Kurnishiil by .1. 11. Uuiley, bonded (OhI meter. S A Keiltlen to .1 A Dnltoi:, set III 1 !), wd WHO 00 , 1 1 (i ii mil t Johnson unil liii-lmml to Arvillu Sleiuin, hw-1 swl, lis :t io r.oo oo John II MeiCo) anil wifo to Co himliia National bank, so I u I SO-l-lU, wtl 1125 00 Min .1 lieeeo unil htislinnil Io A K Unas-, lot 7, block 1.1, Koso moiit, wil 225 00 Sarah M lliekfotil to Nebraska Nutienul lmnlt,Hv4 12 .'J II. nil .T2C0 00 Total.. 89S.11 00 Itiu'Uien'H Armt'ii iiilve. Tho IwHt salve in tln world for cute, liruihoA, no res, Ulcers, Halt rlieii n, fever hoiih, tetter, ohuppeti IiuiiiIh, ohillhlnlns, corns, and wil stem eruptions, ami posi tivolyouros piles, or no pny rtquiiod. It Is Kuuiiiulnul to uivo perfeiit satisfaction or inoni'V refunded. I'riet '2r cents jer box. Forsulo b) CotMnir. tf A Volie rrum urUi'l(l. Mr. Kiliior: We had a mooting at the Hull shool-house Friday night. S. Martin was chairman, and Frank Ailes and Bort King secretaries. Cap. Houchin made a speech which was tho effort of his lifo. Ho said tho state had appropriated 1200,000 for relief, and ho was in Lincoln whon tho governor signed the bill. About b'2 prcoious poor honest men camo forward and signed thu paport o securo them aid. Somo had nothing in shape of feed nnd others had just a little. I think wo oould got every man to sign it if it was not for tho d d measly oath to it liko thoic was with our aid, Garfield was tho banner townslip in taking aid, and in every contest wo expect to scoro a vtotory Now wo want to do away with all t oaths mortgages and back taxos, and havo Dr. McKeoby get a bill through making them unconstitutional. I'KTER COOPEU. The rapidity with whioh oroup develops calls for instant treatment; and yet few households are prepared- for its visits. An admirable remedy la Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has saved hundreds of lives and should be in every home where there are young children. Greeting to My Old Patrons and Friends, Having accepted tho furm agenoy for the Old Continental Insurance Co., in Wobster and adjoining counties, am pre pared to furnish liberal and reliable in surance on tho most favorable terms, lOSm J. II. Suitii, Agent. Children Cry for, Pitcher's Castorl. t i rb( MJ J-J- jJf A'-ftini fry