The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 29, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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tw :HrTaMKifixr.ii.LXtim-mBVjM.ii.jjiz rtoiirtnsrirrf Mtamxr-re.r.2CT--rirv7Viinti''
Jura Yow Back 3
hh i.xnw.
SW0R1 C.iCULA'.IOM 1,300. I Hay l.j the halo or ton tit HobyV.
To the mirror in one of our -suits
and see what we mean
by a perfect fit." Not a1
wrinkle in the coat; the collar '
sets perfectly. Our suits will
hold their shape and the cloth
will give you better service
than any you ever wore.
A. ( . llnsMKll, hilltiii
i'.aiiov tai r. AxM 1 ... hI Killtor.
V V I I (M
Xo Trnlt.
Hut bettor goods, cheaper than ovci.
For spring wu have,
Men' Fr. cult congress hand sewed
worth . an:,
Men's calf congu'ss, hand sowed
worth 81 IJ 00
Monti' genuine Kangaroo congress
anil law, worth SI .'I 00
Tlio uliovo aro tho host goods In our
stock hut we have also,
Men's bull congress and lnci for.. $1 2fi
Men's hull enngrets and laeo for. . 1 00
Men's calf congress ami laco for.. - 0()
A full line of working shoes.
ThoBU priceu are aliout ono third
cheaper than other deidurs ask.
In ladles shots correspondingly low
prices exist.
U'oinens hand sowed, turned, hut
ton, worth !."0 S '1 IK)
Women's hand sowed, cloth top,
button shoes, worth 1.10 2 'JO
The best i'l fiO shoes in tint market.
KIio best 61 o0 shoes In tho market.
The best lino of cheap and heavy goods.
Seek no further for the best place to
purchase your footwear.
1!i..i;i:m.!:i: & Kai.kt.
To wear
to wear
. . Si $1.
them Is
the best
Ready-Tailored Clothing
Our reputation, our big
trade, our position as the lead
ing clothing house, could
never have been built
Upon High Prices
We will sell you the very best
clothing In this country, but
first, last and all the time
You Get Low
Prices Here
This is also
the Case
with Shoes,
$c se-l
t i
If you want
Hat or Cap
come and see
our display.
were never as low.
Shirt Departmet
offers you
real bargains in
make and fit.
Wilson Bros. Shirts
are known
all over the U. S.
We offer a genuine
French Balbriggan
at Fifty Cents
p:r garment
and guarantee them
to outwear any other
at the same price.
IMij'ftU'iuii hikI Nunrcoii,
City and country calls promptly ans
wered. Moon IJlock. Kki Clou.
.ffirORAND 0FJAIL0R,(5
;1TV xr.w'.s.
.Established 1883.
W. X. Richardson it) to Omaha.
Dick Gray was in Superior Monday.
Jus. MoKeny is in Omaha this week.
X. V. Kingfland was in Heatrico Sun
day, Karl Tenuant was in Franklin Thurs
day. tiverctt Dyer hi on a plcnsuro trip to
Lincoln and Omaha.
M. C. Shorman was doing business in
Guide Hock Tuesday.
A.M. Johnson and Dr. Sponcor of
Hivorton wero callum this w:k.
Mrs. H. M.Martin, Sr., is visiting in
Hastings with Mrs. Fiod 1'oiieo nco Lulu
Mrs. T. B Penman haa been suffering
with Jth grip for several days, but is
S. V. Drake of Juniata was in the
city Tuesday, tlio guest ef J. C. Hill, the
mi at market man.
Kev. Matto.v, of tho Christian church,
is in Fairbury this week attending the
state preachers' at-Fociation.
Jako Nustein was looking after his
cigar business in Blue Hill this week.
Jako is working up a prolltablo trado.
Henry Ilolsman, who has been em
ployed in Diederich's boot and shoe
store, left this week for a visit in Fre
mont. Will Ducker camo homo Wednesday
night, and will visit relatives a few dajs
before returning to his duties at the
state university.
Miko Kilroy was in Lincoln the fore
part of the week, and attended eonio of
the hot political meetings now waging
in the capitol city.
A. J. Cnroy roturned Tuesday from u
trip in Ksneiis to the Solomon rivor. Ho
sas farmers are putting in iaimonse
crops in that country.
Mrs. Wulhiiuist, wife of editor and
postmaster WulhquUt uf Hastings, was
in this city last week, tho guest of hor
parents, Mr. and MrH. S. C. Dilley.
Mrs. O. V. MeKceby roturned Satur
day night from n week's visit in Lincoln,
accompanied by tho Sonator, who ro
turned to his legislative duties Sunday.
Mrs. Thorns?, mother of W. II. Thorn
as, accompanied by her daughter, came
down from Aurora Monday. Thoy will
mako their homo on tho John Wilhclm
son place.
Row W. B. Alexander, presiding elder
of tho M. K. church, preached morning
and evening in that church in this city,
last Sabbath. Tho elder is a very able
and logical theologian.
Capt. Houchin and John Runchoy
have returned from Illinois. John
brought bncU a carload of oats and Capt
Houchin b carloud of corn. They wero
in different parte of tho state.
Miss Hattio Itunney was accorded a
dollghtful visit from a coterie of her
most intimate friends Sunday, that bo
ing hor 17th anniversary. She was also
tho recipiont of some handsome gifts.
A. II. Hoffman, chairman of the board
ot supervisors, returned Friday night
from Essex, Illinois, where ho has en
joyed a long visit with relatives and
friends. Mr. HolTman says freoly that
tho section of Illinois in which bo visit
ed it in but littlo hotter iinancial condi
tion than this country.
A mngnlltcont and appreciative audi
ence filled tho Congregational church
Sunday night, tho ovont of interest be
ing a song sorvico and kind of quarterly
roviow of Sunday-school work. Somo
most oxcollont numbors woro admirably
rondered, and tho music was, as usual,
tho most delightful. The verses quotod
by the children wero also attractlvo and
Choice onion Mtn at Roby's, l." cts p"r
Mr, llullms. father of Loa llellon-' .
in it iM-itj.
Will Harris and wife were in l."d
Cloud Sunday,
Mr S F. SpoUvstlold is regaining her
health rapid y.
Sen ItovH lltnl Kifo if )Oll Wllllt jour
Harden plowed.
'J'lin theimometer stood DO in tho
shade Wedne'day.
From 50 to lf0 tennis wero after tlio
aid that come in Wednesday,
Mrs Alfred Hadell, who him boon
iiuit st-rioiiHly ill is convalescing.
Miss Jennie Fitzgerald of Guide Rock
visited at Alt. Chnllln's Thursday.
Chiiri'iiee Kisor has returned homo
from an extended visit to Missouri.
TIik St. lntls Mercliants F.xchange
sen c"'d to Red Cloud for tho benefit of
the poor.
Mrs. Capt. Jim. Hlalno of Cowles was
thocucstof lier dauuhter, Mrs, Tims,
I'enman, this wook.
Mr Oscar Yarunr has a now Monnreh
safety, and feels as bit; out it as if it
was a littlo red wagon.
Mrs Caiolinn Catlier nnd Miss Rotta
Ayro leave next, Wednesday for n six
month's vNit in Old Virginia.
Mrs. D. F. Parker of Ogdon, Utah,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hacker,
is visiting her parents this weak
Mrs. Snpp and son Julian and T. J.
Ward and wifo attended tho funeral of
Mrs. Scott, in Cowles Wednesday.
W. G. Wolf is homo from tho east
part of the state whom ho procured a
car load of seed for Plonsnnt Hill.
Miss Dtiru Henderson, tho accom
plished third room teacher has roturned
from a t-hnrt vacation nt homo in
Womer, Kansas.
Miss Nora Humidors aged 10 had n
very utiFoemly tumor removed from
under hor left eye, last Wednesday by
Dr. Robt. Damoroll.
Tako jour wagon work to Staplnton.
Ho forges all Irons for buggiesout of the
best Norway iron, iiBesno muUeablo iron
in repairing buggies.
T. G. Wilder was up from Lincoln this
week. Ho will move his family to Red
Cloud soon. They havo leased rooms
over tho marhlo works.
Mrt-. Garlinhouse, of Ohio, is visiting
with Mrs. J. II, Smith. Sho has bsen
in Heaver City visiting and is now on
her return tiip homeward.
When your piano needs tuning, call
on Prof. Jenkins, who is now prepnrcd
to do this work in a satisfactory mun-
nor. Rooms over first ;saii 15 linn
Tho Kpworth lenguo entertainment
was one of tho best ovor given in Red
Cloud. Tho "Good Night Drill" wbb
an excellent featuro as wero all tho
other featiites.
R. It. Fulton, tiro and lightning insur
ance, Western Whito Bronze, monu
ments and cemetery goods. Seod oats
and choici) upland prairio hay. Ofllce
with Traders Lumber Co.
"Oh, promise mo," tho maiden sang
(A tear was in hor eyo),
"That when you got a suit of clothes,
"II., S. ,v M.'s you'll buy."
Ho promised, and was last scon look
ing for Wiener's store.
Mrs. Walter Sherwood has n very lino
collection of rare coinB that represent
nearly every nation on tlio globo. Tlio
money value is something like $W) but
tho value as a relio far exceeds that
liguro. It is worth looking at.
This is n year of plenty, Tlio farmers
should not got discouraged. Tho rain
will como and corn hard, so get tho
ground ready for an abundant, hnrvost.
Whoop 'cr up bojs. Nebraska in all
right und wo will bo on top this year
and will soon forget tho trials and vex
ations of '91.
In tho last isauoof our ablo and es
teemed contemporary, Bro. Willcox, said
that "wo had used enough soft soap in
twelve j care residence to start a soap
fautery." That is ono good thing wo
havo dono then, but wo havo causually
noticed that our good brother, up to
date, has not patronized tl.o in
dustry by using any of tho product. Ho
soems to havo a great disbko for soft
Mrs. O. J. Piatt is visiting with hor
parents in Long Island, Kansas, this
week, and it's moro fun than anything
to watch Charioy about threo times a
day. He walkB rapidly up the street,
smiles his sweetest "smote" on all the
girls ho meets, and stops suddonly every
fifteen paces to remind himself that
dinner is cold at homo, or at least things
wont bo just right unlesH the better
half is there, His tin til conclusion
usually takes him ti some hotel.
Chas Pottor, accompanied by Dr.
Damorcll went to Lincoln Monday and
on Tuesday at St. Elizabeth's hospital,
Mr. Pottor undorwont a vory dolicuto
and difllcult surgical operation, romov
ing u bowel troublo that had nlTootcd
him painfully sinco Soptembor. Dr. H.
B. Grlflln of Lincoln performed tho op
oration in tho presenco of several other
physicians, including Dr. Damoroll, Tho
operation was thought to bo entirely
successful und the patlont will bo well
in a fow days.
Fresh garden seeds in bulk at Ruby's
J. A ll.iuui is now located with C. L.
Lew Vance has boon on tho sick list
tli is wook.
Chop corn or oats and bran by tho 100
lbs. or ton at Ruby's.
Don't forget to look ovor Wiener's
bargain shoo counter.
J. A. McArthur's family havo boon
sick this week with grip.
Lloyd Richardson and Oscar Potior
have gone to Crawford, Nebraska.
For salo or rent A livery and feed
barn. Apply to D. J. Myers, Red Cloud,
Mr. and Mrs. Waldren of Norton, Kan
sas, are gucBts of J. II, Smith and family
this week.
Head on pago It of today's paper tho
law in relation to tho distribution ot
money for seed.
Go to W. It. Roby, ono door wont of
tlio post olllco for fair dealing, ou get
tho worth of your money there.
1). R. Carpenter and family of Tecum.
soli arrived in tho city Tuesday night,
and will move onto a farm near Cowles.
Tin Bon Ton bakery has the llnest
lino of choice candles ever brought to
Hud Cloud at prices that will sell tho
Tho annual town meeting of Red
Cloud township will bo held at tho fair
grounds Tuesday, April t!d, ISSfi.-W.
M. Orabill.
Tho annual mooting of Lino township
will bo held Tuesday, April 'Jd, 18'.):., at
tho Coon school-house. W. C. Kainin
sky, Twp Clerk.
Tho family of Hon. T. G. Wilder havo
moved to this city, whoro thoy will re
side in tho future. Wo welcome tho ad
vont of this most estimable family.
Miss Nellie Honnott, who has boon
teaching school in Vinton, Iowa, return
ed to this city Saturday night and will
spend the summer with her parents
Chas. Itcsfio is making somo valuable
and oxtonsivo improvements on his farm
north of tho city. Last week Mel Sher
man erected a lino windmill for him and
Ckarloy is teoring up tho earth general
ly, preparatory to tho care of tho 15
Ralph Pope, principal of tho south
ward fcchuol, and recently appointed by
Congressman McKoighan as cadot to
naval military school in Annapolis, Mil.,
was in Lincoln this wook visiting friends
and attending to some business there.
Ho will start for his school tibout May
Tho last ot a series of dances given
by the club nt Guido Hock occurred in
that villngo ono week ago Thursday
night, and ended in a groat big tight.
Several young men wero seriously hurt;
tho musicians wero scared ofT from tlioir
roost, nnd tho largo crowd prcsont stam
peded in great confusion. Bad whiskoy
nnd tho presence of numerous toughs
was tho direct cause of tho troublo.
About ono J ear ago. it will bo remem
ber oil Deputy Sheriff John Tomlinson
arrested ono Lois Donno for tumporing
with tho mails. John took him to Oma
ha, in company with John Martin, tho
prosocuting witness. Martin was held
sb n govornmont witness during trial,
and wan niiido to help work about tho
jail. Ho has now brought suit against
Douglas county for 810 per day for ovory
day he worked, and in all probability
will win the suit.
An exciting tino wob had last weok
in a littlo town of Colorado, whilo Sher
iff Taylor was tuking n prisoner to the
stuto penitentiary, Thoy wero sitting
close to each otuor on tho train, and tho
prisoner, realizing that bin happy hours
ot freedom wero about ended, suddenly
sneaked his hand into tho Abend's pock
ot, and seizing his rorolvor aimed it
fairly at tho olllcor's head, whereupon
Mr. Kistner, tt brother in-law of tho
Wright boys of this city, lurched for
ward and wrenched tho weapon from
tho dfsperado's hands. Other strong
men piesent pounced upon the bold had
bandit and soon hud him securely hand
culled. A clear cubo of sheer carelessncsp, was
exhibited by a Red Cloud man tho other
day, when ho wont into tlio postufllco,
throw down his wallet containing JH00
took out a two cent stump, laid tho
pockatbook down again and wont away,
leaving the precious contents exposed
to the tontlor morcies ot a hard up com
munity. Tho pocketbook, however, fell
into hontst hands, nnd ho received his
manoy and boing gonerously inclinod
handed tho gontlomnn a cigar for his
trouble. No danger of enlargement of
tho heart in that case. Hud tho wallet
and contents fallen into less honest
hands the fellow miKlit have considered
himself lucky in getting the pocketbook
C. S. Meredith, u vory popular and
wealthy gentloman, of Clinton, Illinois,
wus in Red Cloud this weok, for the
purpose of purchasing n largo tract of
land on which he proposes to grow
alfalfa, He is groatly tukon up with
that product und wo boliovo he will
mako n success of it. Tin: Ciiif.k man
has known ot tho gentloman for about
thirtoon years, und we know him to bo
thoroughly enterprising nnd a very con
siderate thinker alonir tho lino of nun-
agricultural pursuits. Ho left for a trip
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
west ovor tho Burlinuton Wednesday,
and will roturn tho lust of tho weok
when ho will join a party of railroad
gontlomen on a (our of inspection in the
vulley of tho Big Horn in Wyoming,
Remember Our Motto:
Quick Sales
" Small Profits
Wo luivo just voooived another invoice
of Jollies fresh from tho factory. Call
and get a pail; thoy aro very iiin'.-
You can got livo Xs packages of Sweet
Lotus Smoking Tobacco for U5 cents.
Come ijuick; this is a stunner.
One pound of Mode Smoking Tobacco
put up in nice cloth bags for in eta a 11).
Ono package of Parlor Matches, one
dozen boxes to the package, for lfi ets.
1 large Willow Clothes Basket for
1 medium " " " " G5e
This h a big bargain.
25 pounds nice Prunes for $1.00
lJ.r pounds nice Kaisins for 1.00
.10 IIin IV O Sugar, nice, dry, light
color, Tor .... $1.00
til IIin Sugar lor . - I.OO
We will mcII you 1 lb or thu heat Ten
over fc'iinio to tho clly for lift els
When you nro in tho city call and get ." Ibti of
our looso roasted Uotlee for $1.00. Try It; you
will tlnd it a grout saving to your pocketuoolc.
Finest - Candies a
In the city. 3
B f restJ ab, pies, Cakes,
and Fancy Pastr).
Try Us !
g: Kaley & Campbell.
Somo pcoplo aro novor happy unless
thoy aro "roasting somo ono." There
aro always a fow pcoplo who want to
rule or ruin others. Borne of our con
ti'tnpornrioB havo boon "roasting" Prof,
Castor, becauso ho has not alwajs ad
vised with them, or perhaps bocaiiHo ho
has not obeyed somo ot their wishes.
The professor may hnve his faults, wo
prcsumo as much. Havo those who
aro shouting thoinsolvcs bourse against
him none, and could or would
thoy hnve bettor served tho poo
plo had thoy boon placed in his stoadT
It is vary easy to throw stones at a fel
low and then dodgo behind n shield,
knowing that you have the vantogo
ground by boing entrenched behind a
nowspapor. Tiir. Ciiikk has not always
agreed with Professor CaBter, but
notwithstanding that fact, wo must
give him credit for boing the most suc
cessful ollicor of that character that has
boon at tho bond of our schools for any
longlh of time. You may call it soft
soap or tuffy, as you please. A personal
warfaro on the head ot tho schools is
both detrimental and injurious to the
best interests of tho school. It is easy
to profor charges but docldodly another
thing to prove thorn.
j Ilvpulillcim Clly Ticket.
For Mayor C. II. I'ottot
For Trenail ror Ct. W. Dow
ForClerit W. V. West
For Surveyor C. S. Honnott
For Aid. 1st Ward David Groat
For Aid . 2d Ward It. U . Fultou
Uonrd of Education J . S. Gilliam
" O. IJ. Crona
Now tho winsome blooming dnmsal,
Looita for hnndsouio blooming HoW
And in "safety" takes a ramble,
During springtime's happy hours.
Q. W. Dow has mado n very accept
able city treasurer and will succeed
himself ut this olostion. Ho is cnrotul,
honest and attentivo to business ut all
Highest Honors World' FaW1
A putt: Grape Cteam of Tartar Powder. Frae
jrmi Arr.'onia, Alum or any other idulteunfc
, ,..! sr,frMne'&Wsi
--v.' V -? '
ivsji.'. m, .m'fv1
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