The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 29, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Tired Feeling
Moans dinger. It ia a serious
condition and will lead to disat
trous results if it is not over
come at once. It ia a sure algn
that the blood ia impoverished
and impure. The beat remedy ia
"Which makca rich, healthy blood,
and thui gives strength and elas
ticity to the muscles, vigor to
the brain and health and vitality
to every part of the body.
Hood's Sarsaparllla positively
Makes the
Weak Strong
"I was completely run down.
Had pour stomach and was tired
all the time. I have taken Ave
bottles of Hood's Surflaparilla
and now I feel liko living once
more. I have taken Hood's
rills and found them excellent."
Lauha E. Shaw, North Platte,
Only Hood's
Hood's Pills r&&&foSFJg!
i:riToitii, ti:n.
Tin: city ot Lincoln assumes activity
ouco u j our, and Unit, !m whon every man,
woman and child becomes crazy over
niuuicijml politics JuHt now everybody
is running for mayor.
Oun representative T. O. Wilder hna
succeeded in Boeing his bill declaring
sugar factories internal improvement
and authorizing communities to vote
bonds for their establishment, recom
mended for passage in tho house by tho
committee on tho whole.
And still tho timet desperate attempts
to impeach President Cleveland are bo
ing resorted to, both in Washington and
elsewhere. Wo understand that Hon. T.
J. Ward of this city is circulating a pe
tition to have him removed, and JofT's
strenuous efforts in that direction will
doubtless enhance his own likelihood
for oloution from tho suth ward.
Gov. IIoi.comii yesterday honored Dr.
Robert Dainorell ot this city with tho
appointmunt ot superintendent of tho
Hastings asylum for tho chronic insane,
vico Dr. JohiiRon resigned. Although
tho Fonato ban not jet actod on the ap
pointment, there is said to bo little
doubt of its speedy continuation. Tho
Hasting!) asylum is one of Nebraska's
largest public buildings, and now has
about 500 inmates, which is conclusive
evidence that tho physician assuming
tho suporinlondency of that institution
must bo (inalilled to an eminent degree.
Dr. Dameroll 1b exceedingly populur in
this county, both sooially and profession
ally, having a lucrativo practice and ex
tensive acquaintance up and dwn tho
valloy. Tin: Ciiibi' felicitates Dr.
Damerell upon his distinguished ap
pointment, and while wo regret his de
parture, wo also congratulate Hastings
upon tho advent of n typical gentleman
and tboroiiKh physician.
Kx-Cr.MiitnssMAN MuKi:ioimn, having
concluded his labors in tho national
city, returned homo to tho shades of
privato life last Friday, much improved
in health and vory bright in spirits.
HIb eyes however Btill trouble him and
.one tf those orpins will bo forever use
less. On his way homo Mr. MoKeighan
attended tho reception given Senator
Alton, and won tho laurels of tho even
ing in tho most brilliant extemporaneous
otTortof hlBlife. Mr. MuKeighan was
certainly feeling well, for if correctly re
ported, his speech was ono profusion of
glittering sentences, favorablo to tho
ladiea of tho event. At any rate it
obcited moro Mattering compliments
than nny member on tho program, and
the fact that tho speaker camo accident
ally, is conclusive evidonce that it is
wholly impromptu. Mrs. W J. Uryan
and others complimented Mac on his
spooch, and Mrs. Bryan was heard to
remark: "Well, Mr. McKoighan, wo al
ways knew you were familiar with the
tariff, tlnanco, oto., but wo didn't know
you could handle other subjects so
gracefully as you did tonight" Mr.
McKeighan is again iu Lincoln and will
visit other custom points beforo return
ing home again,
If you ore weak and worn out, or have
that tired feoling Hood's Uarsnpnrilln. it
jutit the medicine to restoro your strength
and give you a good appetite, Hood's
makes pure blood.
For a dinner pill and general family
oathartio we confidently recommend
Hood's Pills.
No matter what kind of a house truth
bulds it always puts it on a rock.
m.i m !
A llo knows that it must either dio or
bldo whon truth gots on its track.
First lovo your onomy und you will be
eure to treat him right.
A lnirlt'H Btcwurd.
When tho low rumblo of wnr was
hoard away back in the beginning of
1801, Sylvcstor Day wns a young man.
He was tlrod with zeal for tho protection
of Old Glory, and whon tho buttle be
camo iloreo and tho domand,for men be
camo more imperative ho enlisted and
followed tho flag with all the
patriotism of a nativo born. Ho
was a good soldier und always ready
for duty. Tho active, vigorous young
man of 18(11 Is now almost a physical
wreck. Not long ago n bonovolont gov
ernment gavo tho brokon down old sol
dier the munificent pension of six or
eight dollurs per month, Ho expoctod u
holier rating, for his disabilities do
munded it. Uut the domocratio congress
made six dollars tho minimum, and then
Hoke Smith began to cut off all tho vet
erans who wero drawing that small mini,
Mr. Day'u name was in the list, and this
week ho received n notice from Hoke
Smith's department that his namo was
Donnis, und that this grout government
could not olTord to squander its money
on tho ftllows who had "fit ngin tho
stars and bars." Mr. Day will havo to
wait and pray for tho oloctlon of n re
publican president in 180G. flio pen
sions of many other old soldiers have
been disallowed or cut down, and in
many instances loppod off. If The Chief
had its way every old soldier would
hare a ponsion, whether he wns worth
much or little.
A portion of the high school graduat
ing cIubb which has been studying Ger
man nro up in arms again bocauso tbreo
ot tho clnss wero pormitted to drop tho
study at the beginning of tho term on ac
count of other und numerous studies
that they wore compelled to mnko up in
order to graduate. The parents, accord
ing to a decision of tho supremo court,
have a right to havo their children ex
cused from uny study tnnt they desire.
So this class failing to havo tho board
decide in favor of discontinuance ot the
study had their parents order tho Pro
fessor to discontinue tho study. A moot
ing of tho board will bo hold Monday
when it is expected that they will docido
that the class will havo to study tho
courso or fail to graduate Tho board
and the professor thought that tho Ger
man was a necessary study at the begin
ning of tho term und do not seem to havo
altered their opinion ia any way. Thero
seems to be various opinions on tho sub
ject as to the whys and wherefores of
tho class in refusing to study German.
Some don't like tho teacher, some don't
liko the study, and eome don't liko it
becauso three ot tho class were excused
from taking it at the beginning of tho
term, A seeming diulema with three
horns. The board Bbould put asido till
personal feelings, animosities or prefer
ences that they may have and sift tho
matter thoroughly und thon put their
olllcial foot down hard, and decido the
muttor without fear or fuvor, onco nml
for all.
Some twenty-threo years ago Mr. E.
13. Smith, our popular townsman, erect
ed tho old stone building on Fourth av
enue just west of Stern's saloon. In
those days the building was n tlno struc
ture, and as tho people look upon its
growth, und as ono stono wns luid upon
the other, and as the massive (?) walls
roached tho dizzy hoight of ten feet,
John Willcox stood in nwo ot tho im
mensity of tho thon ponderous building.
In tho early history of Red Cloud, the
building was considered very oluborato.
In tlioho dayB tho buffulo would como
thundering across tho plains, now Red
Cloud, und would occasionally run
amuck ot I'd Smith's repeating, double
barreled, buck action Winchester, und
perhaps before the body was cool the
red skin, who then infested this section,
would mnko an application far tho
choice bite, such as tho ears, tail, etc.
Time wore n und soon tho little store
gavo way to the more modorn brick and
it j day of usefulness wob at an end. und
this week the old land mark was torn
down and carted to tho country, along
with tho cobwobs, tho dust of yours and
the wasps nests that havo beon hidden
in tho secret plucos of tho old rookory.
' ' '
Slilloh'H euro is sold on n gnnrnntoe. It
mires mciphmt constipation. It isj th
best Cough Cure. Only one cent a doe.
M cts., r,0 cts and 31.00. Sold by C. L.
Diod, nt hor homo in Cowles, Nebr.,
March 20, Mrs. Winfleld Scott, ago 39
years. 6 months, aud 13 days.
Fannio A. Crab tree was born October
ICth, 1855, in Tuzowoll county, Virginia.
Here sho spent her youth and young
womanhood. She was converted to
Christ at the Methodist quartorly meet
ing in 1874. She was married to Win
fleld Scott March 13, 1870. They came
to Cowles, Nebraska, in 1880.
Sister Scott bus over proved hor
Christian life, and the Christly example
lias boen felt, not only in the homo in
the roaring of tho five little ones that
blessed their union, but by every
ono that knew hor. The funeral was
held at tho M. E. church Wednesday,
March 27, and was perhaps the most
largely nttonded funeral over hold iu
this place. Tho churches, the A. O.
U. W.,tho D. of H.. and the friends
all unite in fraternal interest and sym
pathy with tho boroaved family.
Her entry was triumphant. Worthily
'sho-"won-tho plnudlts. "Well done
good and faithful servant, entor thou
into the joy ot thy Lord."
Clvuk P. Mltcali'.
A tnerchaut may be 6tlngy,
This is not at all unwise:
Uut he's a confounded suckor,
If ho docs not advertise.
C II. Crone was in Omaha this week.
Hammocks and croquet at Cotting's.
Miss Stella Duckor is home for a
shcrt vacation.
Mrs. M. Lester of Rivorton was in
tho city Monday.
Mist Thcdu Viers ot Quldo Rock was
tho city Monday.
Mrs. Frank Lindsey and child re
turned home Monday.
E. J. Ovoring was in Hloomlngton
this weok on business.
Mrs. Thomas Wilson nnd son of Deal
rico nro visiting relntlvcs the city.
Lincoln mixod paint is made especially
for this climate. Sold by Cottlng.
J. A. Tulloys loft Inst night for Mo
Cook, whero ho will do somo work for
tho Masonic fraternity.
The bnrn of Frank HulTer near tho
mill was destroyed by flro lust Tuesday
attornoon. No insurnnco.
Mrs. Nicholas nnd Mrs. Durham from
Oak Date, Nob., tiro tho guests of Mr
and Mrs. E W Ross this week.
W. H. RoBoncranB of Lino township
did things up in stylo, and brought
homo from Illinois a full carload of
Shoritf Runchoy's trip east was re
warded with n car-load ot outs and Cap
Ilouchin got a tlno load of corn ull for
Garfield township.
Tho books belonging to tho public
library havo been placed in Cottiog's
drugstore whero they can bo obtained
by nny ono wishing to uso them.
"So you're hero begging uro you Cap,"
said u prominent Illinois farmer to Cap.
Houchin. "No sir, no sir, not hoggin',
not hoggin nt all sir," said Cap, "I'm
just solicitinV
Mass moeting of the W. C. T. V.
will be held nt the Christian church
next Sunday night. Address by Rov.
Maxfleld. Special music. You aro
cordially invited.
Shea A-Tumuro Bros, recoived n car
of tho finest early Ohio potatoos ever
shipped toWobstor county. Anyone in
need ot puro northern grown seeds
would do well to call on them quick.
J. W. Wegemunn Iibb ro-opened his
photopraph gallery sinco tho tire, and is
now getting out tho handsomest cabinet
pictures at 93.00 per dozen. Mr. Wego
mann does oxcellent work and his busi
ness is increasing rapidly, 12-tf
Miss Edith McKoighan, accompanied
by Mary Stewart, hor charming little
friend from Washington, who visited
bore during tho wintor, arrived homo
Thursday night, after a sojourn in
Washington and a visit with friends in
Joo Wurnor arrived homo from n visit
to Fred Howard in Iowa, Thursday, on
the Hastings train. Ho was accompan
ied by his eon Chancoy, his daughter,
Mrs. Fred Peuso, and Mrs. R. M. Mar
tin, who hnd been visiting tho lattor
nnmod lady in Hastings.
A meeting of thoso most intercoted in
in bicycling mot at The Ciiif.f oflico
Wednesday evening for tho purpose of
effecting n permanent bicycle club.
Frank Cowdon was mndo chairman nnd
Hugh Minor, Jr., secretary, permanent.
Other measures will bo published next
No criticism is so sovoro us tho pres
onco of n good oxnmplo. The ono thing
that competitors cannot forgivo about
the"H.,S. it M." clothing is its por
fection. It sets n murk so high that
they cannot reach it. The prices nro ns
low as for inferior goods. Seo them at
Wiener's store.
Tho rnco for tho mayoralty botweon
C. 11. Potter on the republican ticket
and M. R. Dentley on tho citizon's ticket
becomes qulto interesting with ench day
nearer olection. Both nro old settlors
and havo their friends who are using
their best efforts for thoir respective
candidates. Howevor, unless party
lines aro greatly ehattorod, tho republi
can nominee will bo elected.
On next Tuesday will occur tho city
election. Wo must havo good business
men ut the head of tho city government
and on tho council for the ensuing ycur.
We must havo mon there who will ad
minister tho business of tho city with
out being afraid to incur tho displeasure
ot uny ono. Tho nominees on the re
publican ticket are such mon. They
will muko good representatives for the
people, and will bo olected.
Citizen's City Ticket.
For Mayor M. R. Bentley
ForTreasuror Fred BlakeBleo
ForClork O. C. Teel
For Surveyor C. S. Bennett
For Aid . 1st Ward Jeff Ward
For Aid. 2d Ward D. J. Myers
Board of Education J. S. Gilham
" " HonryCook
' " C. B. Crone
Jury List.
Following is the list ot jurors drawn
for the April term of the district court,
commencing Monday, April lCth:
Wm. BurrottSr. A. Pardun
J. II. Crary T. T. Lacy
J. S. Rothroch S. F. Spokosliold
E. W. Coplon EdFunko
Georgo Payne Frank Ailes
Chas. Schnffnit Isaao Myers
E G. Solomon R. Armstrong
J. F. Rich Thomas Fisher
P. Sailor Frank Smelser
E. M. Letnor W. 11. Norris
H. Rlchondirer D. J. Myers
W. A. Howard Wm. Ouy.
(Under this head we Invite the ministry of
lie city to contribute freely at tny and all
church news of Interest to their various ureal.
zatlo is.)
M. k cuuncn
The M. E. pastor preaches nt tho
Chapol ovory Tuesday night.
The M E. Sunday-school people are
using thoir new singing books,
Tho quartorly meeting was a success.
The P. E. Rev. W. B. Alexander preach
ed two good sermons and addressed tho
Epworth League ut 0:30.
Tho temperunco sormon is to bo
preached noxt Sunday night by the M.
E. pastor at tho Christian church. This
is a union meeting and nil aro cordially
invited to attond.
Tho Epworth League entertainment
was a groat BUt-cess. Tho program com
mittco did their work well. Tho eight
little girls drill was n most pleasing part.
Sherwood Al'. right was tho successful
boy nnd orated iu u very patriotic and
satisfactory way. MIbb Dora Ward
mnkos a lino uppetiranco in "yo olden
tyme" coBtumo. All who attended went
homo saying thoy wero well pleased.
CONOItr.dAllON.M, Cfll'llCII.
Tho subject of tho sormon Sunday
morning at tho Congregational church
will bo "Unuttaincd Idons," in tho even
ing "Hatred of tho Truth."
Next Friday afternoon nt 2:30 will bo
the usual preparatory lecture at tho
church und nt 3 tho regular quartorly
meeting. Let every member bo prosont.
No school next week.
Miss McCall holds tho banner again
this week.
J W Winters called on tho fifth room
lust Monday.
Pearl Ludlow conducted the Caesar
class Tuesday.
J M Scoles visited tho south ward ono
day this weok.
Mayo Pope listened to the chemistry
recitation Friday lust.
Heat contrary to tho laws ot nuturo
has contracted our attendance this week.
Bessie Duckor and Adair Galushn
gavo recitations in tho fifth room Thurs
day. Rapid adding for opening exorcises
waB introduced in the fifth room this
If malversation was not troatod as a
study Borne yearly grades would be much
Nearly all tho branches aro having ex
aminations this wook but none are tinal
except physics and general history.
Scholars wore excused Thursday after
noon to study at homo on uccount ot tho
sultriness of tho air in tho school room.
Boyd Smith nnd Crabill favored
tho high room with n speech nnd a song
Friday morning. It wus quito n treat.
Como again somotimo.
Miss Josie Norris of the 4th room was
taken sick Sunday compelling herfnther
to take her homo Monday. Wo hope
she will bo hotter soon.
Tho tlowors brought and sot on the
desk, with the smiling features of tho
toachcrs as u buck ground wus a very
beautiful suggestion of tho dawn ot
Misses Day and Kennedy called on
tho south ward school Monday nt Mr
Pope's room. Miss Kennedy also visited
tho fifth room Tuesday and wub greeted
with familiar smiles und faces.
The chemistry class came vory near
having u serious accident Thursday
through tho thoughtlessness of its mem
bers. Another on Friday aroused tho
lowor rooms to a pitch of excitcmont.
Two months more nnd tho bell and
tho school. houso will bo ns silent as the
grave, tho books laid asido awaiting the
noxt term of school. Looking buck to
the first of tho year it seems but yestor-i
The fifth room indulged in a little
recreation in the shape of somo music
by Messrs McN'itt nnd Spanoglo togother
with other ihubIc by tho school. All
wore delighted especially with guitar
and mandolin.
Last Friday nftornoon two of tho
seniors gave a littlo talk on high school
work und somo chemical experiments at
the two fourth rooms. It was tho tens
ors' aim to stimulato their soholars with
a desiro for higher work.
Ralph Popo was awny Monday from
his school, at Lincoln taking his physi
cal examination for Annapolis, Md. If
a story is true told on him in the coun
try whon ho went out for a fair damsel
last fall, we dont think he would be able
to pass anything. Inquire of tho gentlo
man himself for particulars.
In the Horns Inst weok wo said the
graduating class was in a stato ot uproar
this does not express it, Matters seem
more complicated and it has beon said
with impunity our class of '05 will hang
itsselt. All but throo ot the class have
taken Gorman without a murmur until u
fow having beon engrossed in a difficulty
with tho toucher suddenly revolt und
tuke it upon themselves to discontinue
that study. Their tlrst actions not hav
ing uny effect, thoy grow doflunt until
brought beforo tho school board wbore
their courage faltore, thoy look about
for some means ot oscapo, and liko u
drowning man grasping for nstraw, turn
upon three ot thoir comruds as victims
; Iteinember
Special Sale Tomorrow, 33
The noxt stab we will mtvke nt prices
will hit a Garden Rake and on Satur
day, April 0, we will sell a 14-tooth
Remember these tire first-class goods
and are a bargain. This price will be
good for Ono Day Only, so, if yon
want to take advantage of a bargain,
come in, We havo just received a
new line of m
Thoy aro beuuties nnd need no comment. Como
in one seo thorn if you don't want to buy. No
trouble to show our goods. New goods are arriv
ing every duy. It you need hardwaro go to the
old reliable stand r mm ..
j A. Moehart & Son. 3
und heap coals ot abuso upon them and
the study. It seems time for the school
board to set down upon this rebellion
and assort thoir authority. Tho fact
cuu not bo donied that thoir chief
griovunco as stutcd by themselves is tho
teacher. Why not put tho blnmo where
it belongs? Will thoy in lnttor years
look back on this action with fuvor or
will thoy shrink from itn memory. But
is this tho reason or do thoy uso th
teacher and study as a hidden weapon
to striko a blow thut thoy aro nshamed
and duro not ucknowledgo. Now tho
goal which thoy havo striven so, long for
do they think it will bo tho less sweet
if tho partakers uro more. Can it bo
possiblo in tho last momont selfishness
bo characteristic to tho human race has
closed up their hearts, which ought to
booponod up with friendship and regard.
Thoy havo toiled togother up the ladder
now standing on tho topmost round all
abora about to bo a thine of the nast
und thoy will havo reached tho goul
shall they now turn and crush tho ladder
and givo up ull when so noar the end, be
cuuso some one has mounted faster thnn
they or one tottered and ubout to fall
but reguining foothold strugules on.
The list of letters remaining at the
post oflico uncalled for up to March
23th., lfc.93:
Hnlm. Millln TTiintnnn Hm.
Jocos, Mrs Hunter Lamborn. J J
McuinniB, xuomui.
Thn alinvn lntturn will )n ennt in tl,
doad letter ollice April 11, 181)5. If not
caueu ior. -i hank cowuk.v, Postmaster.
Lots go into Cot
ting's store und get
somo ot tho wall paper
ho is selling so cheap.
Card orThuiiks.
To tho many friends ot this vicinity
who so kindly renderod my family so
many attentions and care during the re
cent sickness in my family, I wish to
tender my groatful thanks and appre
ciation on the part ot myself and family.
W. Scott.
1 am now ready to do all kinds ot dress
making. Prices reasonable. Three
blocks west of Miner's store. Mrs. F. P.
Hudloy. 1 1
Don't forgot that I am prepared to
cany passengers to all parts of the city.
Loavo orders at the Holland House.
Llotd Cbauill.
All kinds of sewing dono nt Mrs. F. T.
Hadloy's. Three blocks west of Miner's
store. t f
tor the description of nil important
cities, time of all tralus, population of all
railway station, etc., see the the Hand
McNully Hallway Guide."
chas. KciiAFi'rr.
iisuraiii'u tency.
Represents tho following ffc?B.
See card iu this pnpor. Farjjperty,
olovntors, nnd all kinds of mercantile
Risks, insured in reliablo companies at
lowest rates.
For rates un terms writo or call and
seo me. Oflico over Mizor's irrocorv a
storo, Hod Cloud, Nob.
On and uftor April 1st tho barber
ehope of this plnco will closo ut 8 o'clock
p. ra. except Saturdoys. Open Satur
days until 12 o'clock p. in,
Hutchison &: Hiatt. & Zf.lcff,
C. T. Hayi.. y
Pie I'ltint ItoutH.
I have for salo at my plnco an excel
lent variety ot pio plant roots.
13'-w I.H.Loudlow.
Private Money to ILotiii.
On good farms for 1, 2, 3, i or C years
timout reasonable rates. Money alwuyB
re adv. ono morlfTllLto. nml iuirr.muiicoinn
Writo to Geo. W. llarker, Erie, Ponn.
no 1-tf
a i
Tor Kent.
The A. A. Popo residenco in tho west
port of tho city. Must bo ranted soon.
A. H. Carpenter.
Uood Hay lor Sale.
I have for nalo on tho old Sam Gurbor
pluco In tho north edjjo of Rod Cloud
Bovoral tons ot bright bottom hay.
IMw C. W. licMiBi:.
A Cioml Chance to Get Work.
I desiro to trade u work toam of horses
for u good farm hand for tho coming
season ot 180j. Apply to
E. B. Smith,
81' Red Cloud.
Home Seekers Incursion.
March fith and April 2nd tho Missouri
Kansas and Texas Ry. will soli tickets to
all points iu Texas at greatly reduced
rates. For further information apply to
your local tlckot Bjent or address G. A.
McNutt Dp. A. 1014 Union Ave, Station
A KunBasCity.Mo.
i a i
For Sale.
A span ot four year old mulos for salo
for caBh or on time. Geo. Winton.
M Y?
Seed Corn.
Choice, sorted, yellow eeod Corn for
sale by A. L. Hildroth, Cowloe, Nob.; or,
O. C. Tool, Red Cloud.
- li ...
Iced ollce.
Horoufter William RichardBon will
feed ull loams at tho Tato ot 10 contB for
huy. Uarn oast of Holland House.
Dr. Price's Cream flaking Powder
World's Fair lllghcit Medsl and Dlrkm
, . leo.
" . u tgUfotofe, w-r- -v-r
1fi n.rn 'ttnr,r m w.. w .