SrlV THE CHIEF SWORN CIR3ULATI0N 1,300. A.U. Hohmkh. fciHUir. I.AIIOYTAIT. Ajst. UH'lll Kdltor. Observe Tlicnc Feature. In making your I3oot and Shoo pur chases. Style, Fit, quality, l'rlcc. Tlio above and innny other dceirnblo foatures you can obtain by malting jour purchases of Rl.AKK.BLKK .V, KaI.F.Y. pltEI) K. MoKKKBY, M. I). IMi)lclan ami Surucoii, City and country colls promptly ans wered. Moon Rlock, Rr.ii Ci.ot'D. 850,000. I luivc $50,000 to loan on good farm at lowent Intercut rntCN. It' I make your loan you will not have to wait iiioiiIIin three iiioiiIIin, one month or ten day for your money. J. II. BAILEY. ICcd Cloud. CITY NEWS. Come yo that advertise, And let your wants bo known; For in these columns alone, Tho golden need is sown. Miss Lucy Parker is on tho sick liat. Mayor Roby Ib on tho sick list this week. Len Aultz has been laid up with asoro hand. Mrs. G. E. McKeeby is visiting in Lin coln this week, Miss Grace Guilford expects to visit in Iowu in a few days. Mrs. Ives of Burr Oak is visiting ihe family of W. H. Thomas. T. J. Ward has been nominated alder man by petition from tho south ward. i Lost a black mitten, with fancy wristlets. Finder please return to this office. M. V. Dickerson has boon quito sick recently but 1b convalescing at this writing. Poter Sailor and Harry Pounds of Bladen were in this city on business Wednesday. C. C. Cox is homo from Illinois whoro ho went in search of seed. Ho camo home with about a car load. Perhaps Bro'r Willcox would feel bet tor it he too had soma "soothing syrup" administered in small doses. C. II. Balliot, a prominont attorney of Omaha, Nebraska, was in the city this week on professional business. Last week Will Parkes wont to church to hoar tho noted African missionary npoak. He will tell you the rest of tho joko. Last Sunday was St. Patrick's day in tho morning, and a fow of our young folks donned tho "greon" in honor of tho evont. Ed Parkes and family, who havo been in old Missouri, hare returned to Neb raska fully satisfied that it is tho place to livo. Mrs. W. B. Thompson and daughter Fannie, of Hastings, wero in tho city last week, tho guests of W. B. Roby and family. A. A. Popo has laid tho foundation for a now dwelling having lately dispos od of his former residenco to A. II. Car penter. Geo. W. Lindsoy has returned homo. He says thoro is likely to bo a beof fain ino in this section. Fat cattlo aro very ecarco and quite high. Lew Stapleton, the handsomo and ac complished tonsorial artist, and late of Plymouth Rock pants fame, during the summer for a will leavo visit with frionds in Iowa, GusRydon has gone back to Wyoni- ing, but if wo mistako not, be will bo back whon the Mowers bloom snrinff and take unto himself a in tho Kansas Sunflower. Gus is all right. We have beon informed that somo of the surrounding towns have been ship ping paupers into Red Cloud. Now this city has all the poor that she can care for and it the etatomont is true the city ought to ship the parties back to tho town that sont them horo. Marshall Roby, who has boon night operator at tho B. & M. depot at Hast ings for two years paBt, has accepted a lucrative pssition at Colorado Springs. Ho made a farewell visit to his parents in this city on last Friday and Saturday botoro leaving for his now Held of labor. I Hi i & AKOI'.VI) TOWS. if candidates dtsiru hucccss, Tbolr only sure salvation Is to slyly conio and see "us boys" And talk up irrigotion. F. K. Goble is in tho city this week. 15. T. Potter was in Lincoln this woe k. For sale, good corn for seed, C, L. Cotting. Cham Kvnns of Naponeo was in the city Monday. F. C. Johnson of Uosomont was a pleasant cnllor this weok. Miss llliuieho Shcrer has returned home from a visit in Inavale. Georgo Harris of Cowles was doing bosinoss in Rod Cloud Friday. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot every Tues day during April with Mrs. Rife. Mrs. II. M. Mnrtin was visiting with frionds in Guide Rock this week. Mis? Christio Weideman has returned homo, hor school having torminntpd. County Treasurer Wlilto was in Lin coin and other points east this weok. Charley Fort has a now kodak and now look out for a lino "picture gallery." (Jivo W. B. Roby your order for seod corn. Mo will nave a car in. una ween. Seo our ad .'12 full wolght loaves of bread for $1X0 at the Bon Ton Bakery Mrs. J. C. Warner returned Tuesday from a visit with her daughter in Hast ings. All kinds of sewing dono at Mrs. F. P. Hadloy's. Three blocks west of Miner's storo. t f Reed Bcfbo arrived in tho city Friday evening from tho northern part of Maine. Go to Roby's west of post office, for Hour, feed, grnln, hay, &c. Best quality and reasonable prices. N. K. Robinson and wife returned from Hastings Monday, where they havo beon sojourning u fow days. Mrs. Chas. Teel of Cowles was in tho city Thursdoy with her husband, who is on hid way for a visit in Frontier county. Tho Sunday Stuto Journal was deliv ered Sunday by railroad volocipcjle, and handed to us several hours earlier than usual. Mrs. S. R. McBrido returned Tuesday from Sheridan, Wyoming, whore she had beon visiting with hor sons, Rob and John. Rev. Spelman was in Alum Wednes day, being ono of tho council that re leased Rov. E. A. Rickor from duty in that placo. Kaloy &. Campbell, our enterprising restaurantors, aro now delivering bread, pies, and other fancy doughs, with a highly colored broad wagon. Mrs, Talbot and daughter Bortho havo moved to tho building formerly oc cupiedby J. C. Reed and family, oppo site Henry Cook's residenco. A. D. Green of Republican City was doing business in Red Cloud this weok and paid theso Groot Family Weekly headquarters a friendly visit. J. O. Lindloy was in Lebanon Wed nesday looking aftor tho interests of his son William who is flourishing in tho restaurant business in that city. Bro. Willcox of tho Bolt has really blossomed into a "pote." His etrorts are what aro termed us spontaneous combustions of "lyro-poeticuee." Mrs. Ed. Lindsoy and child, who havo been visiting at Geo. Lindsey's for somo ttmo, departed Monday evening for Cali fornia, whoro she goes to join her hus band. Miss Maggio Campboll will return to Red Cloud about April 1st, and would bo ploasod to havo any and all of hor old pupils who desire to take IcssonB to call on her. County Clerk Fort who is in Lincoln under treatment for somo facial troublo, is gotting along nicely and will soon be home fully recovered. Wo aro pleased to noto tho fact. John Wright, proprietor of the second hand furniture Btore in the Moon block was called to Missouri this weok by tho serious sickness of his mother. In his absonce Allen Ayers will look aftor his business. These aro closo times for all tho farmer, mochanic or merchant, and it is well to work hand in hand. Wiener, tho clothior, is trying to do this, for he is selling goods at the smallest margins possible Jos. Horburgor has boon painting and paporing the interior of his bakery and othorwiso giving it a gonoral renovation. J. C. Myers did an artistic job of in graining in tho dining room, which gives it a handsomo appearance. Tho boys have boon marveling ovor tho improssion of a man's form In tho mud along in front of Dioderich's boot and shoo storo and Stoffor's barber shop, Somo say it is whoro it horse fell down; others think it a peculiar sign or omon, but most all ngreo that tho impression was made by u follow falling oil a bicycle. Whon I Invoiced my stock February 1st, I valuod tho goods at tho present low prices, regardless of thoir cost. Tho loss was mine, tho gain yours, for every stitch of clothes in stock will bo sold at presont low values. My stock is com plotoj tho now goods havo noarly all ar rived. I want your trade, and my prices will induce you to buy. Chas. Wiener, Tho Clothier. OIIIKH AND UXDS. II B Simons of Inavale was inthe city on business Saturday. It seems all most soon enough to ti k about tho sweet girl graduates. J. A. Damn has accepted a posltn.ii with C. L. Cotting as pharmaceutical artist. Do not forget that W. B. Roby has a carload of bran for ealo by tho hundred pounds or by tho ton. Mrs. Grico, mother of Bert and Flave Grico has been seriously ill thii week, but is imporviug at this writing. Sovoral communications havo boon Btipprossod for want of spaco this wook, but will appear in our noxt issue 1 am now ready to do all kinds or dress making. Prices reasonable. Three blocks west of Miner's storo. Mrs. F. P. Hadloy. t f Wm Roberts of Gartlold township has a Jorsoy cow that gavo birth to twin calves. Who sajB thero's a drouth in Nobruska? Don't forgot that 1 am prepared to cany passengers to all parts of the city. Leavo orders at tho Holland House. LloydCiiaiiili,. Toko your wagon work to Stapleton. Ho forges all ironB for buggies out of the best Norway iron, uses no malleablo iron In repairing buggios. Our your friend Joe Nau, lato editor of tho Bluo Hill Loader, was a pleasant callor this weok. Joo is ono of our brightest newspaper men. When your piano needs tuning, call on Prof. Jenkins, who is now prcparod to do this work in n satisfactory man ner. Kooiub over lurst Mtt I lianK building All who oro indebted to M. 11. McNitt on account of Hour, feed, hay, etc, will plearo enll at his old storo and sottlo Tho accounts havo boon left with W. B Roby for collection. Special attention is colled to tho bar gain shoe counter at Wiener's store. He has placed all odd pairs on a counter, rcgiudlrss (if cost, and ie giving you tho choice for SI fit) por pair. R. B. Fulton, tiro and lightning insur ance, Western White Bronze, tuonti monts and cemotory goods. Seod oats and choice upland prairio hay. Office with Tradors Lumber Co. A man can moke himsolf mighty in the postoffice by getting n part of his mail and turning 1i!b back to the anxious throng, rends a long frindship lotter, whilo older people and ladies uttompt to got by him to thoir box. J. W. Wegcmann has roopenod his photopraph gallery since tho tire, and is now getting out tho handsomest cabinot pictures at 511.00 per dozen. Mr. Wego mann does excellent work and his busi ness is increasing rapidly. 12-tf The Masons held a delightful bunquot at the Masonic hull last night, nt which Grand Custodian J A Tulloys. of this city and C D Evans inspector, of Colum bus, wero present. The work was of a private character and a very refreshing time wus enjojed. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon wero mar ried twenty livo years ago today, and tho ladies society of tho Congregational church, of which Mrs. D. is a worthy member, wont out to their resi dence this morning to spend tho day in honor of tho ovent. Attenticn "Basballors" and "bicyc lers" tomorrow (Saturdoy) evening ull gentlomon interested in tho organization of a baseball und bicycle club in Rod Cloud, aro requested to meet utBentloy's hall for that purposo at 7:30 p. m. All young mon interested in bicycling or baso-ball are earnestly requested to bo present. Wo would liko to compliment tho S. of V. band upon their delightful opon air concort Saturday afternoon and would do so but for the fact that tho names of tho piocoB thoy played aro to largo to get in this paper. Tho concort was how ever ono of tho boy's best efTorts wo over heard, and wo know of lots of peoplo coining to town Saturday just to hoar tho bund. Following aro tho numes of persons taking examinations ut tho otllco of tho county superintendent last Saturday. Miss Blancho Sherman, Emma Graves, Viola Hubbard, Mrs. Flora Buum, and Messrs. Daniel Gurhor and D. J. Pope, Red Cloud; Mrs. Ella M. Johnson and the Misses Mary E. Henry and Cora Kaloy, Guide Rock; Hopo Lawronco and Ethel Brubakor, Cowles; Abbio Larick and Dora Marker, Otto; Nellio Reed, Blanche and Carrio Cuther, Bladen; Laura Orchard and Edith Davis, Ina vale; and Nanoy Lewis and L. B.Green lee of Blue Hill. Remember that you can got ono of thoso handsomo world's fair portfolios valuod at ono dollar, with Bixty-four fine illustrations, bound, by subscribing or paying for The Chif.k. For 15 cento extra you con got tho portfolio and ono ef thoeo olegant cloth bound books thut wo aro giviug away. Theso offers will not last always so don't dolay. Now is tho time to pay up or subsaribo. Re momber that no othor paper in wostern Nebraska or Kansas oilers such vuluablo premiums, besides you got a first class nowspapor, eight pages, all homo print, filled with stuto, local, miscellaneous, and all kinds of interesting roading matter. IteptililU'iin City Cuih'Un, Tho republican electors met lost Fri dny evening at tho court house for the purpose of putting in nomination candi dates for city offices. The caucus was called to order by R. B. Fulton and on motion ho was mado chairman and A. C. Hosmor, secretary. Aftor some spirited sparring a motion prevailed to allow all republicans who participated in the citizens caucus to vote in tho republican caucus, provided thoy signified thoir intention of voting tho republican ticket. Voting thon commenced, the first ballot being in formal, and dovolopcd quito it number of candidates, among thorn C. II. Potter, M. R. Rentley, R. B. Fulton and numer ous others, On tho second ballot Mr. Pottor received sovonty-llvo votes and Mr. Bontley fifty-three, and tho llrst named gontloman was declared the nominee of the convention. On motion G. W. Dow und Will West wero nominated for city treasurer and clerk in tho order mentioned which nominations wero duly concurrod in by tho caucus. C. S. Bennett was chosen as tho can didate for city engineer by acclamation. On tho ballot being taken the follow gontlcmen wero nominated members of tho school baard, viz: J as. S. Gilliam, Henry Cook and C. B. Crono. Tfco joint mooting then adjourned and wnrd meetings convoned. In tho First ward D. L. Groat was chosen an alder man, and in tho second ward J. S. Emigh, and upon his refusal to accept, R. B. Fulton was chosen to till the va cancy. Tho following named gentlemen wero chosen ns city central committee: R. B. Fulton, chairman. Second word-R. T. Potter, G.J. War ren, J. R. Wilcox. First wardMel Sherman, W. B. Roby and C. SchafTnit. Tho candidates selected are well known Red Cloud citizens, nmt will m ake good officers if elected. It is said that it follow living in Kan sas or somo other state drow a good slice of aid from a town not over 1000 miles from Red Cloud, who was ablo to buy his own grub. Ho got tho truck on Saturday and on Sunday following a wedding occurred at the Iioubo and tho aid was mado to serve as provindor for tho wedding feast. The result of that feast it is said, made each and every one sick. Our reporter could not learn whether it was a joko on tho wedding or tho aid. John Husolbachcr, Frank Smith and Mr Lippincnt of Gurtlold township, threo prominent und industrious farmers each detorminod in their own minds to try tho elTocts of sub soiling. Thoy believe in putting thoir shoulders to the wheel, even if tho work is irksonio, provided it will onhanco their land, and prove it sat isfactory solution to tho vexed problom that has agitutod tho fertilo plains of Nobrasku, viz: tho hot windsand drouth. Each havo sub-soiled about ton acres. Thoy first plowed tho land about eight inches deop using three horses, following it up with four horses and it sub-soiler that piorccd tho ground eight Indies moro making a total depth of sixteen inches. The gentlomon beliuvo thut they uro on tho right road und that the sub-soiling question is of vital import ance to our fnrmors. It should bo thoroughly trlod in Webster county. On last Sunday was Lew Albright's 1'Jd birthday anniversary and on the following day occurred tho birth day of his wife. A number of thoir friends conceived tho idoa of giving thum a hearty and old fashioned surprise party, just to make them fool thut although ago wus making inroads upon their lives yot that thoy hud just passed tho "rubi con" of lifo and had in fuct just common cod to climb the hill of lifo. About forty peoplo gathered at their handsomo residence in tho west part of tho city, nnd with sweot uuiBio and exhiloruting umusomonts, spent un evening long to bo remembered by ull presont. At n proper period on oxcellent lunch was sorvod and enjoyed by all, Tin: Cm F.i' takes groat pleasuro in wishing Mr. and Mrs, Albright many occasions of tho samo character, and as their anni versaries como und go that each ono will bo filled with u rodoloncy that will per- inoate thoir lives and mako thoir natul dayB resplendent with numerous joys. Joo Saladen roturned Tuesday night from Iowa, whore ho has boon soliciting seed grain and feod for somo of tho farmers in Line township where ho lives. Mr. Saladon shed no crocodilo toars but told people tho truth, and so cured about 75 buBhels of corn, for which tho poople of Lino are very thankful. Most of tho aid was secured in tho vicinity of Glonwood and Perci vol, Iowa. At the farmer placo the gon ial Mort White, a brother-in-law to Goo. and Low Hummel, assisted greatly in securing grain, and Joe says that Mart is a stunner nt gotting the peoplo to open their hearts and do tho right thing, not withstanding sovaral solicitors preceded Mr. Saladen in that neighborhood. Murt is prospering nicely and is the samo jolly good follow as over. At Porcival, Mr, Will Stubbs, who is also a brother-in-law of the Mr. Hummel, took an ac tive part and helped Joo in gotting corn. Mr. Huladon thinks thoro aro many moro desirable jobs than going cast aftor aid. it w Remember Our Motto: Quick Sales d Small Profits Wo have just received another invoice of Jellies fresh from the factory. Call and get a pail; thoy aro very lino.; Yon can get livo Jib packages of Sweet. Lotus Smoking Tobacco for 25 cents. Come iuiok; this is a stunner. One pound of Model Smoking Tobacco put up in nice cloth bags for 15 ots a lb. Ono package of Parlor Matches, one do.en boxes to the package, for 15 cts. 1 largo Willow Clothes Uaskot for 75e ' 1 medium " " G5c This is a big bargain. 25 pounds nice Prunes for $1.00 25 pounds nice Raisins for 1.00 :iO Hi N O Sugar, nice, lry, light color, for . . -' 1.00 ill lb V Sugar Tor . l.oo Wo will well you 1 lb or I lie licit Ten ever came to Hie elly for 515 cIn, When you are in tho city call nnd get fi lbs of our looso roasted ColTeo for $1.00. Try it; you will find it it great saving to your pocketbouk. ajmmmmmmmmmmmwmwttK The Bon "Ton 9 W W W f ?? We started our Bread Wagon A.D AIll! DIIMVERIKG jE BREAD, CAKES s& PIES 2E: Tuesday?, Thursday? and Saturdays, fr: Remember we sell 32 loaves for $1. rUF.SH I IHII ALWAYS HAND. ?iiiiiiiiiiUiiUiUiUiiiiUiiiiiUiiiUitiiiiK A sad evont occurred in this city Mon day, Chester Young, u school boy fa miliarly known bb "Chot," tho oluvon year old son of Mrs. Nora Voung, was sufTorinu front it necrosed liniicr bono and rcsolvod to havo it scraped or ampu tated. Accordingly he wont to tho ofllco of Dr. Datnerell and acceptod a mild ap plication of etbor to resist tho pain dur ing tho operution. Tho operation was Buccossfully porformod by Dr. Damoroll in tho presence of Drs. Hock and Emigh. When tho patlont was recovering aftor the operation, there was a sudden cess ation of pulsation, rospiration was fuint, and with all tho best olferts of tho doc tors tho little follow could not be rosua cltatod, but died of heart failure in tho oporating room. Tho amount of other administered him was very light, and the doctors remarked during tho oper ation of how easily ho hud succumbed to ita inlluonco and yot respiration waB natural and all was woll until ho began to arouse from his stupor, when he sud denly wont into tho sloop from whonce ho could not awaken. It was u sad blow to tho mothor, but she bore it bravoly and dooB not consuro tho doctors, nor their mothods employed in the opera tion. Tho funeral services took placo from tho Christian church Wednesday and the church was crowded to its ut most. Chester was n bright and nmiablo boy and his schoolmates wore ull per mitted to attend his funeral, us a murk of the high esteem in which ho was held, ft. f . lizer, proprietor. nmAB Tuesday, March 19th, 'Kaley & CaiiiffoglK 2M To Whom It .Hay Concern. Rkd Cloud, Neb., Mar. 15, 1803. All persons who hold cortiflcatea of titlo, issued by tho original Red Cloud cemetery ussociution, tho books and vouchers, (oxcopting old stub of titles) which have boon lost when tho Mid original association became defunct, and in ordor to protect the holders of old titles and avoid confusion in tho future said old titles should be recorded, if old titlo is lost, obtain duplicate, in the only books of record that now exist. R. H. Fultoh, Clerk. ............................... ..v Awarded Highest Honors Wtrld'f Fllti DR, CREAlW BAKIN6 PWDffl MOST PERFECT MADE. ' A pute Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. fat nm Ammonia, Alum or any other aduHMfjf 40 YEARS THE STANDAIO. i . J. .-wyjaowcwy r- TBvjpjWJ"iHtwn . -&, fi MidiB,jW K-U-).rkM,tf, MMMUil t