The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 15, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    wt i 'i m jyi,, .'i..'.rt
Di4NolvcH travel
flail stone, brick ilnt In urine, pain In tirotlirn,
training after urination, imliilii tho buck and
blps, sudden Hopi'imu or whi.t with prvwure.
llritflit's Disease
mim nuts In urine, scanty urine. .Simmp-ffriot
curw urinary tioiihlesiiml kidney dlltlctiltlcs.'
Liver Coin ila i nt
Storpld or enlarged liver, foul lirciUi, hlllotn
Iiobs, bilious headache, ponrdlucMinu, gout.
Catarrh of the Rfiladdcr
Inflammation, Irritation, ulceration, drlbbllag,. I
ircqiieui runs pafl wood, mucin or pus.
At UriiKKlftta SO rriiln ami I.OOMc.
Inllil' (luldn to itraltli" iir mailutlnn fni'.
Dll. Kii.mkii Si Co., IUnuiiamtov, N. V.
w.... ..,imMw..
Ha nil or.)-.
U!V. J. V. Grt!H iimvoil en A. 1.
Caldwell's farm last wool..
I). Ilito lost ooo of Inn l.est horse
Sunday night.
Some of tho farmers are beginning
their spring wook.
Herb Wotiou nnd Steve McCoy
made a trip to Blue IMI oiturday.
I'rcd Clatty expects tu go to Otto
county to work thin summer.
II. Gross and H A. U'chason at
tended tho literary Friday night.
Mr. Sliurkio had Iiih host horse kill
od by tho train Tuesday niht.
Mr. White and wire viotted rela
tives at Bluo Hill StunUr.
Mn. Moore of Swanturt vras in Bla
don Friday.
Mr. Tooley is not expected to live.
Mr and Mrs. .Tatac Smith lost
their throa year oM child Saturday,
by a plow falling acrosa it neck and
brosst killing it almost instantly.
I'linrnil services were conducted by J
"W. Gross.
Mr. Iliimilton has moved on the
Payid farm four miles uorthwest ol
(reeling to My Olit SMtroii and
Iluving ncceptctl tho farm agency foi
tho Old Continontul Insurance Co., in
l fit tarns iiml il !.vt,.u - .. i
........ ,,u ujiiiiniiK counties, nm pro
paroil to furnish liboral and reliable in
buranue on tho most favor.iblo tortus.
u;," J. II. Smith,
a si:vi:ui: wimter,
The Ciiiiso or Hullerfuj; mnl
llU'l'l'.IHU ur OlNCIO..
This winter has been the most so
vero for many jears. North. South.
Kst and West intense cold and bliz
surds have prevailed. This will sureh
cause a great increase of sickuess an'j
death. Chronic catarrh snd consum
ption always begins by catching cold
Thousands havo started on tho road
toward a lifcfmo of mnery from
chronic catarrh or a sure death from
consumption. It is not too late yet
to bo saved and restored to a life of
ncith and activity. e rua will do
it. It never fails to quickly cure
chronic eatarrh less thin two years
old. Of courso I'oruua oures thous-
ods and thousands of oancM of chronio
catarrh that havo run for many years,
Imt in cases that aro of more recent
origin it cures, quickly, oerlainly and
permanently. Kvcry ease of cold or
ougn that has resulted from tho
effects of our sovoro winter could now
lo cured in a short time by Te-ru-na
Kot a single one ncod fail.
All thoso taking l'e-ru na who do
wro the advice of Dr. Hartman about
their cases should write
grmj age,
viouitBo anu utuo oi siokneHs, and ho
will answer froo. A few weeks' troat
aent now will prevent yoavn of suf.
fcring and in many oasoa death. Ad
dress Tho Pcru-na Drug Maoufactur
ing Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a
frco book on catarrh, oolds. cough, la
grippe and oonsumptinu.
For frco book on ancer address Dr.
Hartman, CoIumbus.Ohio.
j: .. ...
On and after March lal. 10M, we will
doin b"inM at the old etand. in
rear 0f poat-efllce, where we will be glad
to eee all ef our eld cuaUmere and as
wanr new one ae can make it cenrea
feat to call uf w Will keep the
beat hay and grain, the price will be re
dncod, aad atook leit iu nr care will re
ceive the beat et care. Iiaiiiag horsea
specialty. Livery in connectien.
V, N. RiuuAitiHeti & Son,
, IVoprietora.
Children Cry for
Flume Slnrt In tlin I.iihliy of it Hotel
In Mnclujmlllc, Y. n., mill Sprniul
Ituplilly I'onr of (he dm-fila
I'rol.nlily liitnlly Injured
Kiuum VMy'n Hip I'lre.
t Paiikoss, W. Vn., Murch 1.'). A fatal
llotol Hie, in which thrco persona lost
their lives mid four may dio, occurred,
nt Mnukoysvllle, six miles north of hero,
at 1 o'clock this morniug. Tho dead aro:
l'Umi: COIU.KY.
The following were severely and prol
ably fatally burned:
J. E. Wll.UAMH,
Jamfh JK.Mtt.VS.
Jacoii Co.srKii.
William Wilho.v.
Tho iceno of what came noar being a
wholesale holocaust was in the I. D.
Junklns hotel. Tho flro started in tho
lobby and Is supposed to have originated
from a dofectlvo fluo. The flames spread
o rapidly that the guests had scarcely
any time to escapo. The watchman was
awakened by tho smoke and tire and
made hasto as best he could to glvo the
alarm. Klftoon of the guests managed
to reach tho windows and then jumped
to tho ground, receiving but alight in
juries. Tho thrco mon burned to death prob
ably never awoke, or If thoy did wero
immediately suffocated. Tho loss will
reach $3,000, with no insurance.
rroporty Valnod m 91100,000 Do
atrurcd In an llour.
Kansas City, March 18. A fire which
destroyed over 1300,000 worth of pro
perty in an hour broke out at 0:80 this
afternoon In the big four atory building
at 410 West Fifth atreet, occupied by the
English Supply company, dealera in en
gine supplies and wrought iron mater
ials. The fire spread with almost In
credible rapidity through this building
and In twenty minutes after It started
the whole interior was one mass of
flames. The wind was blowing a gale
when the flro broke out and the
flamea were carried to the top of the
fifth atory brick building north of the
English building occupied by tho West
ern newspaper union and the Grea
eatern type foundry.
At 0:40 that building waa practically
destroyed. In it was a great quantity
of type and typo material, besides six
cylinder prosaos. The Western News
paper company printed "patent insides"
for i!00 western woekly newspapers nnd
employod a big force. Tho loss in this
building alone will oxceed $175,000.
The English building was owned by the
Keraey-Coates eatate and the destruc
tion of tho building and ita contents in
volves a loss of about 230,000. It is es
timated that a little more than half the
loss ia covered by insuranco.
As Omaha l'rlatt anil Kicommanlcatad
rolai t la-tit During a Matt.
Omaha. Neb., March 13. During
tho early morning mass nt St Paul's
lloinan Catholic church to-day a party
of Polea, formerly members of the
congregation, but ousted by Bishop
Scannell, entered and attempted to
take possession.
Father Karmlnstri, who was saying
mass, resisted, and one of the invad
ing parties opened Are.
Father Karmlnskl at once drew a
revolver and flrod Into the attacking
party. After a long fusllade the in
vaders withdrew, leaving the follow
ing wounded in the church-
P. Dargacsewskt, shot through both
John Kozicaka, shot through the
Joseph Inda. one of the priest's sup
porters, stabbed and beaten over tho
The polico were at onoo summoned
and after a hard fight they took pos
session of tho church.
Several people we-e arrestod, among
them Father Karmlnskl, and they are
now In JaiL
i no trouble was the outgrowth of
dissensions whVh havo torn tho
church for two years.
MUiourl LcglilatDra'i Icvanty Day's
I.lmlt Explret Much Vt ta Ha Dona.
Jeffebson Citv, Ma, March 13
Tho "halo" surrounding the position
of members of the Thirty-eighth gen
eral assembly was dissipated to-day.
Hereafter members can draw but SI
per day for their services to the state,
and this dlsagrceablo fact strikes
thorn most forcibly, and the interest
2inmai1.y ?' .tl,ft,n ,alHe'1- U wl, b"
dlnloult to keep a quorum present
much longer, although the date of
adjournment cannot yet bo fixed.
The houso has been In session sev
enty days and tho genoral contingent
appropriation bill U still pending.
P .dai '18 leRlslature has ooit
the Mate 8140,000, which, considering
the amount of work transacted, Is a
tidy hum of money.
Inturcnt Victory In I'cru.
Hitxnos Avers, March 13. Lima ad
vices are to the effect that an engage
ment has been fought at Cahanallis,
Piru, between government troops
and the insurgent. 'I'lm ,r, -., .....
orc.p wero defeated, with a loss of
OOO killed.
Arguments on the Income tax law
Wore mndc before the Supreme court by
Assistant. Attorney-Genera! Whitney
and Mr. Edmunds.
The postolllco department (s appoint
ing 400 mall weighers for tho middle
. western states
J Manuel dp Almngro, who It In said
robbed the Argentine minister, wuh dis
charged from custody, the United States
aavlng no Jurisdiction.
Three hundred nnd fifteen tons of
Hnrveylzeil nrtnnr, made by tho Car
negie compuny for the battleship Oie
ron, have been accepted.
Government oMlciuls ure not satisfied
with the Chlcngo couiicII'm permit to lo
tnto n temporary postolllcc on the lake
.'rout, and may seek n new site.
Secretary .Morton 1ms presented to tho
Nebraska Historical society the original
miuttiHerlpt of n noted speech by l'resl
Jent Cleveland.
Dockery Joint commission has sub
mitted u review of Its work, showing u
Brent Having In various government de
Consul Uruhl at Catnlonta, Itnly, has
disco vcied a market for rcady-mado
Amctlcau houses among the earthquake
Class leclslntlon nml hi ilemnnetlzii-
lion of silver are Riven as the causes of
he agricultural depression by the spec
ial house committee.
France, Ilussla, Japan and Hawaii
may Join with the United States in lay
ing u Pacific cable.
oeeremry or stato Grcsham is con
fined to his room with a severe cold,
which has brought on neuralgia.
Assistant Secretary Curtis denies
there has been a failure In tho gold de
liveries under tho recent bond con
tract. Arguments In the Income tax cases
were continued before the United States
upremo court. Attorneys Outhrle nnd
Seward declared tho law was uncon
stitutional. CASUALTIES.
Twenty diggers In the Sultana mlno
In Manitoba were suffocated. An acci
dent shut off their air supply.
Fire, started by an Incendiary, de
stroyed the court house nnd u business
block at Murfrcesboro, Ark., causing a
loss of 116,000.
Hoisting house of the Old Abe mine
at White Oak, N. M., was destroyed.
Imprisoning eight men. who, It Is
feared, have been suffocated.
At St. Joseph. Mo while returning
from church. Mrs. Thomas Allen was
Instantly killed at a grade crossing.
Two girls with her w.ere fatally Injured.
Two men were recently killed at tho
Mrs. Ellen Leyden, aged 26, was fatal
ly burned while heating a cup of alco
hol at a neighbor's house In East Liver
pool, Ohio.
An express train ran Into an open
switch at Scotland, Oa., a woman and
tier child being killed and five persons
Injured, Including lloland Heed, tho
The steamboat Longfellow ran Into a
railroad brldce at Cincinnati and snnk.
Twelve of those on board were drowned.
A cyclone passed over tho northern
part of Georgia. Great damage was
done In the vlclnltv of Cednrtown.
Two boy h at Los Anneles were nolson-
ed, one of them fatally, by cakes con
taining strychnine, given by a neigh
bor. Three members of the Detroit fire de
partment, while responding to an
alarm, were run down and injured bv a
Eastern officials are planning to form
an agreement based on a division of all
through business nt present rates.
In the suit of tho Westlughouse Com
pany against the Uoyden for Infringe
ment on a brake patent, decision was
given at Washington in favor of the
vtestlnghoust) people.
l-attier Noenan of Wilmington, 111.,
claims to have been wronged by Arch
Rishop Feehan and a fellow priest and
has brought three aulta for damages.
In an Interview Pope Leo exDressed
his approver of the appointment of
Father Mahone oa regent of New York
Ex-Ffresldent Harrison la better and
may be ablo to leave his room this
Antl-Trust Distilling company has
determined to erect another mammoth
concern. It may be located at Terre
Gov. McKInley hoa started on a trip
to the south which may have political
Cltiiens of Spring Valley. III., in mesa
meeting, demanded the resignation of
the mayor, attorney, treasurer and al
dermen. Six members of the Teutonlc'e crew
were given medala for bravery In rescu
ing nine men from a foundered v!
In roldocean.
Cattle Common to prime. II 60
Hogs Shipping grades... 4 oo
4 CO
V4 15
06 40
it 62
Sheep Pair to choice 3 15
Wheat No. 2 red....
Corn No. 2.
Oats No. 2.
live No. 2..
ee ee ee
ee eee
llutter Choice creamery
CO if
CKK vrean...
Potatoes Per bu,
e e e ee
Wheat-No. 2
Corn No. 2 yellow
e ee ee ee
Oats No. 1 white...
e e e ee
Rye No. 2
Corn No. 3 white
Outs No. 2 whlto
C3 9
41 u
31 K
Cattle 3 CO
Hogs 3 90
Wheat No. 2 red
Corn No. 2 41
Oats No. 2
Wheat No. 2 spring
Corn No. 3
Oats No. 3 white 8
Parley No. 2
Kye No. 1
Cattlo 1 $0
nogs ................ 3 00
9S 00
iti 05
5 00'
T3 83
it I 90
Hheep 2 00
Wheat No. 5 red
Corn No. 2
Oats White Western
uutter 11
Wheat No. 1
Corn - No. 2 mixed
i.Oatn No I m!vrt.
i en ffiH i ins
Italian Sinprrtrcl of Mnrilrr M,ot Wlillt
lleliiR Tnfn to rrlnon Am.tiiII the
Jail AinRlng linnet (IhIim Ac-
ce mid Contlnum It Work
of tllmighter IlntnlN.
Dn.vvnn, Colo., Mnrdh 13. -Mob rulo
has reigned among tho minors In the,
coal camps of Huerfano county slnco
Sunday night and seven of tholr vic
tims, all but one Italian, have been
alaln by bullets from tho mob's Win
chesters. Four of the Italii. is were
killed from ambush yesterday whilo bo
Ing taken prisoners in a wagon to tho
Jail at Watsenburg aftr a coroner's
commitment for complicity in the mur
der of Abner J. Hixon, a tomperanco
aloon keeper at Rouse. A boy who was
driving the wagon was unintentionally
killed by the fusllade of bullots. Uoforo
daylight this morning a mob of miners
and cltizons of Watsenburg gathered
outsldo tho jail where tho two Italians
wore confined, got inside by a pretenso
and killed both tho prisoners. It is ro
ported that tho samo mob, thirsting for
more bloodshed, later took out of jail a
uerman charged with rope and killed
him. During the oxcitemont two other
prisoners escaped.
Tho names of tho doad so far at
known aro ns follows:
JOSEPH WELSBY, boy driver of prl
onors' wagon.
LORENZO DANINO, killed iu Jail. H0
Doat iiixon to death.
PETEIt JACOBINI, killed In jail.
The names of tho four Italians killed
on the road are unknown, l'ivo other
suspects had been releasod from custo
dy bofore tho mob arose. All of thorn
lived at Rouse, where the Italians far
outnumber tho Americans.
Governor Mclntire telegraphed the
state department at Washington that he
had instruoted the sheriff of Huerfano
county to give him particulars and pro
tect the Italian miners from further
mob violence. lie stated in his dispatch
that from information he bolievcd the
Italian miners were American citizens,
but he was not certain. He further
etated that the militia nearest tho scene
could be forwarded at short notice. To
night he received meagre reports from
Sheriff O'Molley, who said two wero
killed on the road, tho others escaping.
He has Instructed the sheriff to call for
assistance if necessary in doing his duty.
A report from Watsenburg tonight
states that three of the Italians who
wero being brought hore from Rouse es
caped, their names being given as An
tonio Uobotto, SUnislo Vittano and
Francisoo RoBetto. It is also stated
there wero eleven Italians in the wagon.
Today's attack upon the jail was the re
sult of the extreme excitement provoked
by the summary vengeance of Hixon's
friends. Three other Italians who were
in custody as possible accessories to the
murder of Iiixon were overlooked by
the mob.
The killing of tho men from ambush
.vas evidently well plaunod, with the ex
ception of tho killing of the driver.
Four of those killed bad been held for
trial by the coroner's jury. It is openly
asserted that Welsby'e death was acci
dental. In order to be certain that the
fifth Italian held for Hixon's murder
should not eecape the mob today did
not stop to identify the two prisoners
found in the jail, but riddled both wltb
rifle balls.
The motive for the murder of Hixon
la the suoj. v. of much speculation. The
deceased was thirty-six years old and a
native of Arkansas and was not of an
aggressive or quarrelsome disposition..
It ia thought that he was attacked last
Sunday while on the road from Watsen
burg to Rouse, a coal mining camp six
miles distant, and iru knocked from his
horse by a blow on the head. Work-
ingmen going to the Rouse mine die.
covered Hixon with hU skull fractured.
The injured man was unconscious and
died two hours liter. Thero was nc
clue to the perpetrators of the crime,
but J. S. Brewer, superintendent of the
coal mine, solved this difficulty. Hast
enlng to tils home he secured a trained
bloodhound and put him on the scent
ineuog strucK h trail that led the
pursuers to the rear of a salmon a
half mile away. The Intelligent
bruto bayed and rushed to an old UtU
standing in the rear room. An examln
atlon of tho tsblo revealed fresh blood
stains. Lortnzo Danino and Jobattc
Antonio, whe were found in the room,
were Immediately arrested. The dog
continued to a neighboring oahin, where
Peto Possetta and Frank Aurlco wen
found. Toe quartette made many dam
aging admissions of knowledge of thi
murder ar.d upon close questioning the
names of Uvo others Implicated were di
vulged. Danino waa charged with be
ing the chief conspirator. Horsemen
scouted the surrounding country and by
4 o'clock in the afternoon all the sua
pectod Italians ware under arrest and
lodged in jail, where they remained un
til called to attend the inquest
Charles Davidson, a vrmnr. m.. n
ing mar Stanton, has been arrested ,
charged with being the ruin of Mist '
. 0 , rf n .IT'
Abbw llolmcs.
for Infant
uatemon s Drops, Godfrey's
most remedies for children nro composed of opium or morphine f
Do Yon Know that opium and morphine ore studying narcotic poisons f
Po Yon Know that In most countries druggists are cot permitted to sell narcotics
without labeling them tolsons 1
Po Yow Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child
unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed t
Po Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of
Its Ingredients is published with every bottle 1
Po Yon Know that Castoria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That It has been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is npw sold than
of all other remedies for children combined I
Po Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
Castorl " and Its formula, and that to Imitate them is a state prison offense J
Po Ton Know that ono of tho reasons for granting thU government protection was
because Castoria had been proven to bo absolutely harmless?
Po Yob Know that 36 average doses of Castoria aro furnished for 35
cents, or one cent a doso r
Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest T
Well, these thlaga are worth knowing. They are facts.
The fao-abnllo
algnataro of
Children Cry for
March lljth, is a iilustcrv day, al
most as bad us tho tiili or Iiih month
Only one team seen on tin; road
today and that was Tom Hitchcock
hauling corn.
The jounj; people hero aro right in
irfor having parties. Last Thursday
night J. Billings gave the young pen-
plo a party, and on Friday (, W.
uarrett gave a party.
Charley HunUr, brother of Mrs. F.
L. Smith, is here on a visit and he got
up a party at F. I,. Smith's.
Mrs. J. T. Stoma, hai been quite
sick for sumo time with sore eyes and
other troubles but wc aroglud to learn
she is getting better.
It. Itiig's baby has been quite sick.
Mr. Leaderbrand's little boy Harry
has been quite sick.
Klder Ilaskings of Guid Kock hold
meetings at Ml. Hope last Mondav
and Tuesday nighis. He will preach
next Sunday at 11 o'clock.
.Millu utcr
Wm. Tsom Jr. will farm with J. W
Smith this season.
Kd. Goble has sold one of his
houses, to Chas. Mollo), and will work
out by the month.
Capt. Hlaino Geo. llama tnd John
Brown of Cowl.-s, were iu attendance
it tho funeral of Mr. Wells.
Geo. Wells and wife of Lawrence
attended tho funeral, al.o stajed over
a lew days and visited relatives.
Mrs. Sarah Blaine Bradshaw has
returned from Kansai recently and
-ft her daughter, Bird, with her
rand parents, Capt, BUmo of Cowlcs.
virs. B. will return to Kr,m norm to
to attend the tri! r,t htt haaUrid pro
Wc find thr. aM h, ,if,r,t, uuc thirty
if nothing the. h f, iftd yj,u,
sized rum pr. ft w the nrno way
when it wa w.i Jr. tars in i1 .1,
K. W. VVeJN. vhr, dtf, wa
mentioned Jat veti wm jfj f0 ff.t
inThumpf.r, emrfifittrj t.t, Thnrsday,
Jiarri . fhft fnrnl nnt.b
I,M C.U... .t...i .... '.
" VJ w"of. r.u wero
ducted by ;,, Hjmum of Guido
Iiei. ft wa if, ftf-gnei funeral we
titt atMf.dvl in tkeso parts. Mr.
Weill wa one of the oldest settlera
also au old soldier, having sorved in
lLi2Tirc8mjeDl was loving bus
band and father and a good neighbor,
also a devoted Christian, having bcn
a church member since ho was thirteen
years oiu. now he is at peace.
Market Report.
,ln . (Corrected Weekly.)
jyht :.'.i
y ''i- ,
riax,.,,, ,,,,,,
1 in
i"Kr', 2 ?n :i 15
FntCcow78 2 006;' 00
rnicowe gy
uttor 10
""I 1 "
Chlckana 11 e""5
Turkv .l1'
f 'hlftlfiinn
I ii..i.f fi"' v
M ;1 h
and Children,
You Know tut rarcgoric,
Cordial, innny Bo-called Soothing Syrups, and
Pitcher's Castoria.
HU Trouble.
First Student How is it yon pay so
littlo nttcntiou of lato to your porsonal
appearance? You should remomber,
"Clothes mnko tho man."
Socond Student Yos, hut I can't find
n man to inako tho clothes. FHogondo
Good Itenson.
"What is tho uso of yon saying that
you wish you wero i barefoot boy again?
You wish nothing of tho sort."
"Iudeod I do, though. When I was a
barefoot boy, tho weather was endura
bly warm." Indiannpolls Journal.
Wlicrn Money Talks.
Binkcrs Look at that blinbby mil
lionaire. You can't judgo a man by hia
Winkers No, but you can judge
oy ins wiio'h. now York Weekly.
All Out.
Trnvclor (inquiring nt famous castle)
Can I Hco tho antiquities today?
Sorvnnt I am nfraid not, sir. My
lady ami her daughter havo gono to
town. Household Words,
A Talo Willi a Moral.
Mrs. Murphy Yes, sonny, I'vohad n
frnit htaiid on this block for 30 years.
Tim Ryan If you'd havo ndvertisod,
yon might havoowued tho block by this
timo. Boston Globe.
Alnrayn Willing.
Tho woman who is proud of hor back
hair does not require muoh urging to
play something ou the piano. Boston
Tho birda with tho brightest feathers
do not sing tho sweetest.
To restore gilt frames, rub with a
npong moistened with turpentine
No 1 1 00 10 'readier.
Notico h hereby given that 1 will
examine all persons who may doBiro Vs
to offer thonmelvcs as candidates for
teachers ofliio public- sohools of this
county, at Bed Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examination? will bo hold
on tho Friday proceeding the 3d Sat.
urday of each month.
The standing desired for 2d and
.Id grado certificates is tho earne no
grade below 70 per cent., average 80 l
per cent; for first grado certificate
no grado below 80 per cent., average
00 per cent, in all branohos required
by law
P-M H"NTKrt. County Supt.
Lcfriil Notice.
coa-.inti.o District Coi.rt of ivhm r v..
brasko. -. c
UHlllll fTHM 1.(111111 UIT 1
of Now York, Trustee
.. . vs
nuKii w. (.'ulllforil et nl
kiirmn) ii.r..n.i,,.,t. " , . !.. T?1 ".'".-' up-
11 liir...., ... . -""inviui
liueli W. ciiil iroVu. ' ""'"liu,c "' ahl
wlll tnko notice that on tho zwiiuv f i,.
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)f Now York,
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