THE WED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1805. El ' r en n Sufi m BLOSSO Acts like a noultiee. dmwino out fever and pain, and rcinvig. orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes all obstructions and creates a healthv. nntnrnl 41mow of all accretions. ii is uic one natural cure lor female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased narts. Don't take internni rrm edies for Female weakness, com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. p "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and Hrnnsv of the wnmh. nrnfnco difficult, irregular menses, leu- corrncea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. Orange Blossom" is apastilc easily used at any time. Every ladv can treat herself with it. ' HK ftfiilnrt n nni rArrncc - n ceiptof$i.Dr.J.A.McGill&Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. I'or Siilc by . I.. Colling Red C'lOtld. EtiTriE Book of "Tin; Fair." fly II. 11. ll.innnft, "Tlii! Illsturl.ui." A work of Ono Thousand Imperial Folio pages, twelve by sixteen Inches, printed oti the llnest onumolcd paper, on tlio Miohlo press, tis ex hibited in Machinery Hall. This work contains Twenty-five Parts Forty Pages Each. rhev e will bo over 2,r00 SUPERB PIC- uros of all sizes up to n full page. 'A chapter on Fairs ot the Past From the Crystal Pulneo of 18.72 to the Paris Exposition of 18S0. The Exposition was but for a moment while the book is for all time, and Should be in Every Home Sold by subscription only, on easy pay- meats of (!' cents ti day. For further particulars apply to C Ij OOTTINO-, l)rnist cVj liooL'seller 2?Agont for this company. NEW AnVHKTIKKMIlVrK. DEAF A HFAD NOISES CURED ...fill. n. i. In.. i M In !ti,f.- WM.. iwuiar UMiiim iniiwiiuai Tiers lirard. No pain. IkI.iUf. llNiix,dfJ3 ll'way new ) cm, iul ileiioi, Benu lor Uuok ua (iruon t-Ktt. PAHKKft'S HAIR BALSAM Cletxiiej ami lauiillc the Iitlr, Victut,p a. luxuriant irroutn. Hover Ffiila to llcatoro Orcvy uair 10 us youiuiui ioior. CuriJ) calp lir&ff & liatr tailing. 6Qc.ndHQiU UniHtUti pArkor'uUliifTcr'J.onlo. It currit tJuTwnrit CVuiOit L .... 11. I.ll.i.. I.,,ll,p lnn Pa 11 TiIm llttllll&.(ll.fA. HINDERCORNS. Th. r ''' WW- 6lQW IIn.u. Re lit DiUijjiiU, v: liisCOi. u CO i H. v. BREAKFAST-SUPPER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. rcocoA BOILING WATER OR MILK. WANTED T fco!KSJ: in tills and hiIJoIiiIiik counties lor Our Journey Around the World. A liratr now liook liy Itev. Fiuiim K. Cl.uke. I'res. of tlm llnltt'il Hoc. of Christian KirJeuvnr. Tliu lest dialled to make mnmy ever ottered to nil who Hunt piofllalilo work. A unuil Afjent .V In tills viclnltv ran rarn $100 it month. Dig. talico iinhlmliniico, for wo I'av KrelKht, tllto rreillt, rri'inliiin Cniilci, I'rt'B Outllt, nliil Kx cliisio lerrltmy. For pat t Iculat s, urltnto A. I), AVurlhlncton A: ., llnrlfortl, Con it PCklrhratrr'a KnclWh Illauionit Ilraail. ENNYROYAL PILLS ilrljrlnul ami Onlv Clrnutnr, Bkrti 4vlwjr rilUU. ladiii tik thohJ Hmnd In Hril nd fvU mfullla I'm, irtvlf-J wliu tlu Htlwu, Tuko no ul tier tiffu d-ittutrouM mbmtu I'rusiltt for VkitktUtrt Knalnk it a ftnmanHmit4iiunt. At IUuci(liU,or ! If. ' lu tamp fur tllcuUri( ttrttltuoQUlf in I "itriivr mr i.Hiir."iiicucr, i rrttini ..-.-. . . 1 i- ----.-.- II MIL. Iir.lllfli I fDIIIIIUIIIBIB AllHI lutur. 'nii nifii u iiiit U'ult'tf.Miii1UiinHiuurft 1'iaiAtkr., 1'u vu y m ivcm yrucKuti. m. u t-.. -A S Yii A Fr P HlST0IHAXJt. NYE. HE QUOTES FROM AN ARTICLE IN THE ROMAN PUNCH. In Willi It Mm Soimlc or old , tM,i lll( Cotil In Miutrrly WuriU Tlntt Stir tfir Ileort I)oc IIMory l'.rn-at Itrir. (Copjrlylit, 1SP5, liy IMcar W. Nyc.l Wasiiinoto.v, 1). C. Thirty-four years ao Albert IMward, holr to tho throim of Great Hritain ami craporor of India, paid tt visit to this country mid was entortuined in n mo-t hospitablo manner by tho president, who Invited lilm to tiring his trunk to tho Whitn Hnuio mid remain a louj ni ho could bo spared from homo, It is said that Mls Harriot Lane, tho president's beautiful niece, was a blond, with deep violet eyes and golden hair. Her features woru purely classic in out lino and her expression perfect nml cap tivntiitg. Shu was not only beautiful, but her nature '"crons and candid in Tin: si:sati: am.i:iiv. mid her heart full of ftcmiinu kindllrio-i and benovoleiiee. Otico as n little t;irl her uuelo, .Tames Ducliauan, in tho vil lago of Lancaster, surprisert her in n back alley pii-liini; n wheelbarrow load of wood and coal which she had cap tured from his wood Fliod and hoped to smuggle to ii poor family near by who were suffering from cold. Tho pritiQo was charmed with tho sunny hospitality of Miss Lauu and tho president and so impressed by it that ho was very enthusiastic in describing his visit to his mother. Shu also appre ciated it fully and sat right down to wrltu tho following lcttor to President Buchanan: 'Windsor Castli:, Nov. 10, 1800. "My Good Fnir..Ni) Your lettor of tho (ith Inst, has afforded mo tho great est pleasure, containing as it docs such kind expressions with regard to my son, and assuring mo that tho character and object of his visit to you and tho United States has boon fully appreciated. "Ho ennnot sufllcieutly praise- tho great cordiality with which ho has been everywhere greeted in your country nml tho friendly manner with which you liavo received him. And while, as n mother, lam most grateful for tho kind ness shown him, I feel impolled at tho same timo to express howdeoply I liavo bocu touchod by tho many demonstra tions of affection personally toward my solf which his presence lias called forth. "I fully reciprocato toward your na tion tho feelings thus mado uppermost and look upon them as forming an im portant link to connect two nations of kindred origin and character, whoso mutual esteem nud friendship must til-, wayshavo so material tmintluenco upon their ro-pectivo development and pros perity." This lottcr is so genuino and so hearty in its general tono that ouu is naturally impellod to forgivo tho grammatical construction of tho opening seuteiico. Of course wo in tho raw, crude nud neb ulous condition of a now nation, just sprouted into tho great universal garden of nations, n tiny bud that had barely brokon ground, as it wore, at tho feet of tho gigantio forest of sequoia princi palities, n timid little jonquil in tho shadow of patriarchal empires, natural ly looked toward tho greatest of English speaking or civilized kingdoms, tho par ent of our own prattling republic, for tho purest of English, for whithor should wo turn unless to tho sovereign of that proud nation which gave tho English lunguago birth? But wo will lot that pass. Only wo would liko to havo our Eng lish brethren of tho pen and press treat us in n lenient and gentle maimer when ever reproof may bo hereafter necessary. Wo know that our early advantages havo boon fow, and most ot us nro Folf mado moil, unless wo happen to bo women, and early associations nro bound to havo their effect upon us in later years, so that when unduly excited wo often re turn to tho crude expressions wbiob per meated tho atmosphere of our ohildbood, and so wo feel cheered and gladdened at heart when n monarch who haa nooeed od for over half n century in baroxnla lug bolligeront nations faila tohanao nlzo her verbs nud nominative. Tho sonnto chamber is to mo this win tor rt most restful and roposoful spot I know of no placo where ouo may go and secure better results if Buffering from brain fag, resulting from montal strain. I lovo to too Senator Quay pull his Dick Turpin popgun on tho sonato nnd shut up his adversary llko a reticont clam. Ho has in his desk tho manuscript of it four day speech, with a broad olastio bund around it, nud when ndlsogreoablo motion is mado by a sonntor on tho oth er sido of tho aislo ho a'.ks to bo hoard on that qtiOiHioii, nnd having scoured tho floor ho pulls this magazino gun. Need I add that tho motion Is gonerally withdrawn by his frightened ndversary? By getting on the good sido of n pago tho other day that is, by giving tho pago a slight margin 1 was enabled to glauco ovor this Quaker gun speech nud discovered that It Is only an address on horticulture and perfectly harmless. 1 am sorry to reveal this gaum of tho sen ator's, but by the time this is printi no doubt It can do him no harm. Senator Quay Is in sonio respects t senatorial end man of this congressional olio. Ho is the gravest looking man on tho Hour, and a stranger expects to hoar tho deep bas of Daniel Webster when Mr. Quay rises to address tho chamber, but Instead of that it little thin Punch nud Judy voice squeaks out upon tho still air like (ho spontaneous statoinont mado by u mouo with its tall shut in tho door. Whllo still referring to tho senate, permit mo to clinu with n copy of an editorial taken from Tho Iiomtin Punch and read before tho (Irldlron club last month before Mgr. Hatolll, Into of Homo. It Is against tho rules of tho club to re port tiny of tho speeches mado there, but n special penult has been Ksued in this case by President Htovom, and It is published at tho request of Mgr. Satolli. It shows conclusively that tho press criticised tho Roman sonato as freely ns our own newspapers crlticisu tho con gress of today: Ktmoiit.U. IN Tilt: ItllMAV rt'Ncn. It is duo tho enormous nrmy of read ers who look to tho editorial columns of this paper that wo speak today calmly but frankly of tho financial condition of Itomu nml tho general apathy and in dolence of tho Roman senate. Wo havo before taken occasion to speak our iiilnd upon national affairs, and tho free and full indorsement of tho people, as shown by our increased cir culation and tho tworago number of waiitadvertSeinentH, which havo grown from l.:i por week to ltifi within tho past three yeais, has been our reward. Sinco the publication of Tho Roman Punch began tlueo years ago wo havo repeatedly aborted without successful contradiction that thu Roman senate is falling off year by yoar, and from an exhibition of forensic olmiuouco it has become simply n social gathering of pe tered out politicians, who meet, smoke, swap immoral storic, collect their mile ngo and go home. Where are tho silver tongued orators whoso speeches havo ornamented tho Fourth Readers for centuries before Christ? Where nro thu men who placed thoir country first and thoir pocketbookslast? Whore are the senators who onco held the attention of all Homo, yet never bad more than ouo toga in tho wash at ouo timo? Thoy havo given placo to ordinary business men, many of whom do not ad vertise. Tho Roman Punch has always bcon fearless and hewed to tho line, let tho chips fall where thoy may. To thnt wo owe mi increase of circulation which is phenomenal, and a growth of tho num ber of our want nils, from 153 to ldfi average per week, nnd nil within tho brief period of throo yours. Tho latest indignity offorod to tho pooplo of Itomu comes in tho shape of Aqueous Aurelius, tho manager of tho Coliseum, who nspircs to a scut in tho senate. , Is it surprising that at such an insult Tho Roman Punch should assert itsolf nud say to all Romo this is tho timo to call a halt? Also, diuua yo hoar tho slogan, nud other statomonts of a liko character? Aqueous Claudius Quiutius Aurelius has no more idea of states manship than tho subconscious wild nss of tho deport 1ms of molody. And in what way, forsooth, hath ho succeeded? Hath ho not perverted tho groat amphitheater of tho Eternal City and turned tho mighty Colisoum under his management from a moral zoolog ical exhibit and congress of wonders to a rudo aggregation of living pictures at 3 sesterces admission to nil parts of tho house? And beeauso Tho Roman Punch saw fit to hew to tho lino, let tho chips fall where thoy may, did not Aqueous Cla dius Quiutius Aurelius take out his two column display ad., and with flashing eyo and quivering breath not only re fuse n box to our editor, but hurl do fiance in our teeth, nud later on, at 14:i:J Appian Way, northwest, with haughty mien nnd with wicked utter ance hissed through hisolinoh-od teeth, bid us ayo, oven ns to go to? 'Tis thus wo hurl defianco at this man, who asks that ho may sit whore statesmen sit ho, oven he, who when AT THE aitimoN CtUI). ho smitos his palms together doth think that ho can make us hop around liko 6onatorial pages beforo tho holidays. Ayo, wo whoso circulation is indeed phouonicnal. This ono time sticker up of uuclmsto bills upon tho dead walls hero of Romo; this common, vulgar business man who sold his lions off, nnd from tho treasury department hired his girls to poso ns living pictures after hours ho beckoth now to inuzlo usl Us, with our now perfecting prtss! Us, with our oditorlal wo and massivo pull I And now, forsooth, ho Ecokotli famo, and iu thu scat of somo historic) man whoso bouos aro dust would liko to rattlo to ami fro. O Rome, thou tender nurse iu fnrmor times to men of giant mind and m&ssivo ' "huumii "SKW" mold, aro wo nbont to witness thy do clinn? No senator of tliino declines, 0 1'oiuol And why shouldst thou? Again wo say that it Is timo to call n halt. Wo say it not nlouo in "lower pae," but with Italics and iistoiitshrr. Aye, e'en ourwholo job outllt, double leaded uvorywhoro, wo utillMi to state that up and down thy rushing Tiber every where Wo violate no confidence to say that it is time to call a halt. Arise, yo men of Rome, nnd on theso soveii historic hills snow under Mr. What's-hls-name, nnd 'neath his mass ive, over moving jaw bestow a Homnn punch. 'Tis sad to say, but Romo Is poor. Our sesterces are lonesome in thu pub lic vault. Tho woods aro full of Havngo, armed constituents. Each voter hath n dagger up his sleeve, and while ho kuowoth not what 'tis ho wants he'll kill somebody if it isn't done. It is n time for introspection ami for tears. AlntiK tlio Tltirr'n dark, fnrMiMlm: nhore, Darker than niiy twilight liiTi'tnfonv III thu Imelc ynnl of kIunvitIiik ooti'tltUPllti, Tlio Itotnan Hriiatorlat prlthaniM on tho fi'iino. ltn who lii'Ktlllrtl lis with Ills kIIvit tollKllo AjiiI to tlm liriT.o lilt lirltiht Kentucky h tnnor limit. Upon tin- lootiiro platform tosrd, Is cri'i'teil I'Vrry cvhiIiik liy n froit. And when pcrehanen mi iiiuIIi-ihm mrets Siiimi'lMidy Kolihli'M nil tlmliox ritvlil. Ah, whom hIimII ltoinn rlwi up to thank, Preserver of her eiutlllirluin lit thu bank? Who chilli lirliiK hetter ilnyw to Hnuio Or comfort tlumo who ulny nt home? juLf Ho WiiHii't Tlntt. Ho was nn old follow past -10, and lo was trying to win a girl of SM under tho direction of tt lady who loved better than life to make matches. Ho hadn't mot with marked success, however, and tho lady was taking him to task about it. "What tho mischief," sho said, "did you insist upon telling her that you wore at thu ago you are, nud furthermore try ing to impress it upon her that that was very old? You might just ns woll havo said you were tho Ancient Mariner and boon dono with it." - "That's it. That's it," ho said hope lcssly. "It was tho ancient marrying her thnt knocked tho whole business sky high." Detroit Froo Fross. u-iiii iww,m remain j.ri ! Cures Breast. Rislna n, pothers' Friend" Tu tint iriimtni.t. lilnHttlir ever offered clilld-bearine; wo man. 1 navo neon a iiiiu-wuu for many yenrs, and in each case where "Mothkim' Fieni" was used It accomplished won- dors and relieved miieii hiuicr inp. It is tho best remedy for rising oi me urcasi Known, nnd worth tho prlco for that alone. Mns. M. M. llm:VHTi:it, Montgomery, A In. Snnt hT HxDronn or Mull. on nvclntof nrii-n. ILMItiertiiiltlii. Hold lir nil Drtnr- kIdU. Hook "To .Motlipn" ninllcil f reo. '. . ... t.. t. iiimif infill .v. AIIIH3IA) MA. 1 , tS.1!. C. WECT'O WIBVE AHD BSAIH TKATMEMT in null! under ponilivn written caiirantee, by iiuthorfzod iiKMitH only, to euro Weak Meinorsi Iximi of Drain mid Nervo l'owiirs Lout Manhood: OiilcknwB: NIlit Ixikhcs; KtII Ilrriuii: l-ackof ( onhdmico; NervoiiAnms; Infinitude; nil Priilim; lyoiaot Tower of the (lonorativnOrtfiinH in either mx, canned hyovnr.pxnrtion, Youthful Krrorii, or hzecHKivo ouo of Tohucro, Opium or Liquor, which leads to Misery. Connnmptlnn, Irmanity r.nd I)nnt h. Hy mail, SI a box; nix for $.1: with written cuaruntoo to cum or refund money. Wttt'i Liter mil euro Hick Headache. IlilioimniwH. I.Ivor Complaint, Hour Htomarh, DyHiiepnia nml t iiiHtibttUon. UUAltANTEEB iiumed only bv Soltl liy Ueyo Jk iivivv, Itt'd Cloud $500 Reward! WR rrlll pay the above reward for any circ o tiver Complaint Dyspepsia, hick ltcailach'.' In- tllKestiim constipation or costiwMiCfcS wecantici cure with West's Vegetable l.iver rills, when wie directions arc sinewy compui'ii wiin, iney , arc purely vcRcianic. ami never lau iocivc.jii , ififnetion SttKiir Coaled Larc boxes, 25 cents 1 IJeware of counterfeits and imitations. Tfieiren- nine manulacturcd only by THU JOHN C. W1JSI COMPANY, CHICAGO. 11,1., For ealo by Doyo &. Qrice, Rod Cloud "The" Watch. For timokooplng and darubility nothing boats tho Boventoon jewoled Dkuiikk IIampdkn Watch. CALLONpENMAN nnd examine thom. Also hia lino of Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles, Clocks, Plated and solid silverware, souvenir spoons, peHi I liitmlled knives mid forks, curving sets, callintrcard cases, lion bon boxes and other noTfille. A lino line of spectacles and eyo 1 climes wllh IntcrchaiiKiihlu lenses. steel, nickel suver una t:oiii intuits, nprciai nun careuu hi tentlnn paid tn tlttliiK tho eyo. My line ot mid hand watches Is (pilta lat,'u. I wllfruti them off lit less than their itctiml vtnrtli. ttyilriiiKyourwatch, clock and Jewelry re pair work, oiirciiKtaviiiK und your old gold nnd silt er to me, . TIIOS. PK.MH1AN f h. WINFIIBY, Auctioneer, llED UI.OU1), - NEimASKA. Will utti'iid sales nt reasonable figures. Hatls factloiinuarunteed. LutZrxajamtair-i n.ii- j. fm NEW JMLLIFIl YOU CANT LIVE & WITHOUT A LIVER! DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? ARE YOU WEASANOTHIN? MARVELOUS SUCCESS has attondetl tlio use of Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S J&v BALM. All who use it say II I The PccHcss Remedy forcurlnR uitnilmenU OF THU LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, FEMALE TROUBLES. RHEUMATISM AND BRIGHT' S DISEASE. For Sate by all firtt-class dealers. PRICE. St. 00 A BOTTLE. The Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co., st. Louis, m& fMjlrtfU.. I Lost, Strayed i 0 lime liMt hiuiii'V by 110I iMiylitur our llnriit;iN, SiuhllvN, llrhlH'M, 1VIiIm nml llnltt-rs. rrm .1. O. Iliillcr. I!) i) 9 6 6 i Strayed from Hie piillt r cconoiny iy ikh liiiyln your Collins anil Nwuul INuIn IVoiii .1. O. Itullcr. Stolen 1 11 Kllt'ii opiiorluulty from you by not buying ' your lluriic'tN ooIm or .1. O. Ilullvr. I llu U Hli'lclly in tlio lliirnos III. HiIh irliii(. He I will mcII )oii a iinlr or I'iuN Tor rtOo, or 11 Tvuiii llur. , 1WHH Tor. i'il, In l"uc I, cvcrylliliii; in N unit at lied rock prk'CN. Trimming ami repairing on hIuhtI Xollcv. ' I j. o. iiltm:ic, I'ltoi'icir.roit, , Ki:D CI.OVU, MCIIH. ' rcQ-G..SQ..j PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard ItED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, JJmc, Coal and Cement. noss & RIFE, Proprietors op rati hay linens, Ordora Ordromptly flllod. "Sour patronago eolloltod B. & M. WATCH EXAMINElt; C. M. Webster SEE? Stable RED CLOUD, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable, Finest Turnouts in the City. Your patronage solicited. First door south Marblo works Grfat "Value For Utile Money r " mi ion wiif nie, it twenty pogo journid, Ib tho loading Repuldicnn family paper of tho United Stutee. It in u NATIONAL FAMILY PAPEK, and rIvcb nil tho Ronernl nowa ot tho United Stutee. It given thu events of foreign Innds in a nutshell. Its "AG RICULTURAL" department hna no nuperior in tho country. Kb "MARKET REPORTS" nro recognized nuthority. Separato departments for "THE FAMI LY CIRCLE," "OUR YOUNG FOLKS," nnd "SCIENCE nnd MECHANICS." He "HOME nnd SOCIETY" columns command the ndmirutlon of wives and daughters. Its general political news, editoriuls aud diBcuesionB are comprehen sive, brilliant nnd exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables CHIEF for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.25 4MMII l. ADVANCE. (Tho regular siicscription for tho two papers is S'2.00.) HUCSOltll'TIO.N MAY IIIHIIN AT ANY TlMtl. ESrAddresB all orders to THE CHIEF, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Wrllt) your iiiiiiiu and addretii on a poHlal earl, nvuiI It to (auo. V, ltcl, Itoom ti, Tribune Itmldliiu, Svw York, and Mimplu ropy or THU XTAV YOI5K vi:i:iii.i' tuiishm; MtU bo mailed lo you. z.rTF',. .-"..sanxz:. . :z ''j-jffifflfci .-r. --,s HOWS YOUR LIVER? AnsYoUR KIDNEYS ALLRlQHT? DOES YOUR SLEEP REST YOU? ARE YOU DULL AND BILIOUS? and Stolen. I 6 Vance, The Jeweler ! BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SMITH, NEBRASKA. Weekly News or I lie World ForuTrlflc. us to otlcr this splendid Journal und THE T 1 TTT 1 1 m '1 n iiwiiwi 111 1 111 1 Mm , i T - ""'W"""!!!! i iiwiini huwtiimMMmmmmmZLr'i?r.r Jl