The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 15, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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I .-
: f mX
re You Fortified?
"When you nro in a low fltnto of licnHli, find on tlio vcrgo of
illnesB, thoro it no nouriahincnt in tlio world liko
Scott's Emulsion
to roBloro Htronctb. Scott's Emulsion nourishes, Btrcripth-
Scott ilowno, N. Y. All
VT.ntlicr Hiillvtln.
ICupytUlitoit, 183S. hr XV T. KoMer.1
St. Ioski'H, Mo, iMr. 10 My
last bulletin gave forecasts of tlio
Htorni wave to cronH tlio continent
from March 18 lo 2'J and the next
will reach the I'ueilic about the
23d, cross tho western mountain
country by clu'o of 'Jltli, tho great
central valleys from 2ftli to 27th and
tho eastern states about tho 28 ih.
This will be a revere and what is
often termed tho equinoctial storm.
Tbero is no regular dato for these
equinoctial storms and they may oc
cur at any time fsom 10th and 27th of
March and September. Planetary in
fiunnccs must bo taken into tho csti
mato in order to ascertain the true
dato of thu equinoctial f-torm.
This strni will occur during a cold
period of March, aud although mild
weather will accompany tho storm, es
pecially on its south side, tho temper
aturo will drop back to cold following
it and a oold wave, approaching to the
blizzird kind iu the ucrthcrn state?,
may bo expected to fellow tho warm
wavo of the storm date5- L'ivcn above,
TliiH storm will cause heavy rains
in many parts of the country and fol
lowing those rains frc'-t will go un
usually far southward.
Tho warm wave will cross tho west
ern mountain country about 23d, tho
great central vallep aliout 25th, and
eastern states about 27tL. Cool wavo
will cross tho western mountain coun
try about 20th, great central valleys
Ub'tli nud caBtcrn state lOiIi.
Tlio lust hulf of March is expected
to bring unusually heavy rains in
many parts of the country and proba
bly tho heaviest of theso rains will
itceoiiipauy the storm described above.
HKATII .m ' sv.,
Inyo county in southern California
is blessed and curbed by as great a
var'ety of weather ai can ebewhoro
bo found on the globe and cno of its
extremes is found in the noted Death
Valley. This valley is in tho Mo
liava desert and attracted special at
tjtitisn in 1S.)H when a party of im
iniirauts peiished from thirst on its
burning sands, and from tho molan
iholy fato of these peorle it received
itc signilicant name.
Ths valley lies cist of tho Sierra
Nevada mountains iu tho northern
part of tho desert and not far from
tho stato line of Nevada. It is tho
bed of an ancient lake, lies bolow sea
level, tho surrounding mountains are
from f 000 to 9,000'ai.d somo of tho
peaks 11,000 feet high. Tho valley
is 75 miles long, its most elevated
portions 20 to 2.ri, and its deep bed
12 to 15 miles wide.
This Death Valley has tho most
inhospitable, wretched elimato im
nsinublo aud might he mistaken for
the burned out laku of lire and brim
Htono into which Milton's rebellious
anirols fell.
No vegotat'on can exist, not oven
tho cactus, in itn l.ivtor parts des i
cribed as 12 to 15 miles wide. A few
Mlwd nnltft Htav.. . nt fl.ll-nn. Mn&a
vrrltea: I have kv.i auiTeml fromi -;
hereditary HcrofuU tor vhich I tried
various remedies, in' I nuny reliable: H
physicians, but m-n J ivttu? ja mo. After zz
lUKHlKO IK)UI03 0: .... i- , ' -
II ..m very gnUcful
. uiii nun mm,
m vmi. nK ii-i
from a life of untold UL-onv. unil Mlinll
tnai 11 savcu me amBBaisseamikS:
S ' prnlao for tho wnmlerf ui medlclne,'5
anu In rceoiutneuiltuii it tuaU. ifc:
fnlii, nlfMlRtlrn In Mr.ttfirt. .iIm i.n.iuC-
Troatlio nn llloot
auaskin liueaaot
D'nlloU free.
iS I
ens, iroiiioten tlio nmkinir. or hoiiu
flesh, enriches tlio blood nud toneH up
Iho wholo bj stein.
For Coughs, Oolda, Soro Throat, Bronchitis,
Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Anxmia,
Low of Ecsh, Thin Babies, Weak Children, aud
all conditions of Wasting.
Buy only the genuine! It baa our Irrulo
mark on salmon-colored wrapper.
Send for pamphlet en Seott's Emulsion. FREE.
Druggists. BOoonto and $0.
horned loads, lizzards, snakes, and
millions of pestiferous gnats whose
favorito sport is to enter tho eyes,
cars and nose of tho traveler, aro all
tho forms of animal lifo to bo found
and these conic out only at night.
Death Valley is the hottest nnd
driest county known to civilized man.
In 1831, May to September, tho
weather bureau kept a station there
and for theso five months scientific
observations wcro recorded.
July was tl.o hottest month and
tho daily avcrago in the shado was
102 1 degrees, the highest being 122
which was reached on several days
and tho lowest 72. The next highest
temperature ever reported by tho
weather bureau was 1 18 at Vuina.
In the San Joaquin, Colorado and
Sacramento valleys temperature has
been known to go to 110. July 18,
ISM, tlio lowest temperature at Death
Valley was !)! and the highest 120.
Iu cdiiparisoii with the above, the
highest temperature at Washington
is 8'J and Chicago S7.
The daily avcrago for May is 87.7,
Juno U2.1, July 102 1. August 100.8,
and September 00.2. Tor seven days
July 17 to 21, tho daily average was
107 5. Tlio total rains for these five
months was 1.4 inches or an average
of .28 of an inch for each month, less
than .01 of an inch for each day.
July is tho hot month on the north
ern hemisphere mid January for the
southern hemisphere and tho monthly
averages at tho other hottest places
on the earth aro 07 for tlio central
Sahara, 01 in tho interior of Arabia,
other parts of southern California 01,
India !).", and Australia for January
Death Valley's daily avcrago for
July goes 7 degrees higher than the
hottest of the hot countries mention
ed abovo and added to this terrible
heat is tho frequent blinding sand
storms that sweep tho valley from ono
end to the other.
Tho abovo description pertains to
the summer season and it is claimed
Chat tho winter elimato is more pleas
ant with porhnps two inches of rain.
Tho weather bureau, after careful in
vestigation, hns gathered facts from
which tho following statement is made
in its official report:
"It is said that tho thcrmomctor has
sometimes rcachod 1110 in tho shado
and once touched 1117. Men exposed
to the sun's rays in summor aro said
to frequently bo driven insano and
tho story is told of ono man driving in
on a, load of borax who Med suddenly
with tho water canteen in his hand.
Moat slaughtered at night and cooked
is spoiled tho next morning; cut thin
and dipped in brino it cures in an
hour. Tables warp into curious
shapes, chairs fall apart, and writing
desks curl, split and fall to pieces."
"Tho most terrifying aspeiit of na.
ture in tho valley is reported in tho
oloud-bursts, striking and frequent
phenomena oyer tho dry southeast for
which the conditions at Death Valley
I aro especially tavorablo. They aro
small and concentrated storms of the
utmost fury which gather about tho
mountains in tho hottest weather."
"An ominous oloud forms with
great spoed, grows black and full of
lightning, sags down to tho mountains
and releases a flood of water. Tlio
tales of tho height of tho resulting
waves of water which como down tho
cnon arose marvelous that thoy bor
eer on Iho mythical and need not bo
- -
IlilkliiH on Nugtir IloclN. -
Well, hear i um ni-in. nn i am tor
Uuk 8llug0r J0W0( Hl0V
bin livin' in Nowbraeky fer ncarli 21
this, tliot i don't no so mutch crbowt
shugcr beats az wot i duo crbowt uthcr
beats, fer instants, ded beats. Them
air heats scam tcr hav a fcpontainious
growth in mostc ov'ry kentry, an i
hcv hcarn tell of 'cm in knuckles
kounty. Them air last naimcd beats
wont dow tu maik intwo shugcr, an
nro tew luizy tor groo uthcr beats tcr
maik white shiigor of. in awl ther
historic of this 'ore kounty, imo told
tliet most ev'ry aker would maik cr
man konfownded rich cf ho would
kultivato tho silo. Hill Barleycorn
sed ho waz'unkommonly sartin thct
(rum tew to forctecn tuns of beats
could bco razed on cr aker, peryided
a feller would bco industrious. Ho
scz thct a feller could most allcrs git
fivo doiler fer a tun, an if ho wurked
like tho devil an saved awl ho got, he
could maik morc'n ho could at mosto
cnn thing else, an that iz wot i think,
i hcv powndered this grate problem of
ngirkulnirp oyer in mi mind, an i
think nz how wo bed better hcv a d)c
vcrsit) of farmiii', iustcd of goiu' awl
tcr koru and cattail. Cattail hrz
kinder run down tcr tho heal an it
don't paigh two razo 'cm fer spcckula
shun enny tno'c. Durn mi skin cf i
don't beleavo that shugcr beats and
laisin'corn would beet awl tho uthcr
djeversity fartuin' thct iz bcin' dun,
except tho f'irmiii' that iz dun with
the mouths of u grato menny poaple
who komplain of the Kentry knot be
in' prowliliek 'iiough with wattcr, an
sow fourth, i'vo notiscd thct the fel
ler wot komplained the most waz the
tho feller tint didn't wurk hard an
wanted uthcr fellers two ado him. Of
koarse, Miings arcdillrent wen drowth
per v.iids getierallie, but i mean the
feller thct iz a giocral komplancr.
Nowc, shug'.r beats, alfalfcr, kain,
korn, flaxx, wheet, pcrtatcrs, & sow
fourth, ken awl bo rnzrd in Webster
kounty in a favcriblc yecr, an i kan't
sea whi a feller woi's got a farm don't
razu 'iiugli of theeso crfourmentioncd
articklcs two lied him over the brink
of sutch as ockurrcd this
'ere season, i think, mister cdatur,
that a teller could razi! enough of awl
sutch things tcr uinik 'nough raunny
ter kcap him an his familiofcr nycer's
distress. Give us more Industrie an
less knmplauin', moro wurk an Icsh
stand'ii' arovnd on korncre, and when
hard times kum, awl of us poor dovils
will bco hct'er fixed to stan ther
drowth. Poor' putts mo in
mind of the injiin and tho layman
when thu kollcckshun waz small. The
la) men sed, tcv. he, d d poor kcrlec
tin' ter-dar, when the injun rcplide,
"d d poor pi each." Sow thu ono
off-set the tuthcr, an that is the weigh
nl poor farmui , yer net poor results
i ma kum aiien it Judge Duller don t
bawl mo up for this effensc.
Hii.kins, tho Beator.
Tho sugar beet project for Bluo
Hill is net yet dead, and farmers who
aro putting alfalfa in their subsoilcd
sugar beet fields wilt do well to take
netioo and govern themselves accord
ingly. Uluo Hill Loader.
Why Was It
that Ayor's Marsapaillla, out of the great
number or similar pieparalloiis inariiitac
cured throiiKliout the world, was tho only
tiiedlciuu of the kind admitted at the
World's 1'iilr, Chicago? Ami why was It
that, In splto of the united efforts of the
manufacturers of oilier preparations, the
decision of the World's Fair Directors was
not reversed?
AccordlliR to ItULE 15 "Artlclea g
that are in any way dangerous or or
otienaivo, alao patont medicines, ol
nostrums, and empirical propara- j
tions, whoso insrodionts are con o.
cooled, will not bo udraltted to tho Oj
... ..... . r
ttxpouuon," aim, rnererore
flecauxt Ayer's S,iM.i:irlll.i Is not a oj
p.-rii'iu medicine, not a nostrum, aim nut
a secret preparation.
FlMil4 It lirfitirlntiit-a tin ,1 n11ilii( in Ol
-!" " Q
conceal when iiiuMioncd us to tho for o
inula from which it Is compoiunled. oi
IltctiMt It Is nil that It is claimed to bo o
a Compound Concentrated extract of o
Sarsap.irllla, and Iu every sense, worthy JJ:
the liiilorsemcnt of this most important o
committee, called together for passing i
upon tho manufactured products of tlio ,i
entire world. o
Admitted for Exhibition
I I wdn ittod at tho I
O, dour huBbpud, wo no'or know
Tho love wo had for you,
Until your oyes wore- closed in death,
Your form was hid from view.
Loved ono, we can never meet you,
In thin vnlo of tearn,
IJut it will not bo forovor,
Parting onils with coming yours.
Hest, dear father, rest,
Your tolls unci carers aro o'er:
And sorrow, pain and milTering
Cannot distress? you more.
"Peaceful bo your Hllent slumber,
Peaceful in tho gruve so low;
You no moro will join our nurnlior,
You no moro our sorrows know."
Yut again wo hope, to moot thee
When this weary lifo has Hod,
And, clear oved one, thero to greot
Where no farowcll tenrs nro shed.
Ciiiiiiriintevtl Cure.
Wo nnthorizo our niivertlseil druggist
to sell Dr, King's Now Olscovery for con
sumption, cougliB nnd colds, npon this
condition. If yon nro nlllicted with n
cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest
trouble nnd will use this remedy us di
rected giving It n fair trial and experience
no benefit you may return tho bottle and
havo jour money refunded. Wo could
not mako this offer did wo not know that
Dr. King's Now Discovery could bo relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles
free nt C 1. Cotting's Drugstore. Largo
sizo r.Oo. aud 81.00.
In this world it is not what wo take up
but what we give up. that makes ub rich.
' -' i in -
A preslstent pain in thu bnok indicates
trouble in the Kidney. To stay the pro
gress of disease, use Dr. J. II. Mcl.-iauV
Liver & Kidney Halm.
Wedding outfits can be hired in Now
York for bo much nn hour.
It curea piles, it cures obstlnn'u sores,
chapped hands, wound. It does this
quickly. Is thero nny i-ood reason why
you should not ugo DoWitt's Witch Ilnzel
It is said that tho rido from Cannes to
Genoa is tho finest railroad journoy iu
tho world.
The namo Ono Minute Cough Cnro sug
gests n medicine that relieves at once,
nud quickly cures. Its Use proves it.
- -
Tho shako, or soldier's hat, is almost a
think of tho pastin tho French army.
- ii
A Heyero rehumatio pniu in tho left
shoulder had troubled Mr. J. II. Loper, u
well known druggist of Dis Moines. Iowa,
for ovtr six rn'inths. At times tho pain
was so severe that he could not lift any
thing. With all ho could do ho could not
got rid of it until ho applied Chamber
Iain's Pain Halm. "I only made threo
applications of it," ho sajs, "And have
niuee been free from all pniu." Ho now
recommetds it to persona similarly
nlllicted. It is for side by Deyo & Grlco.
Wyinoro wants tho oncampmont of tee
university cudote this spring.
Tho fond mother cannot bo too vigil-
nut in guarding against an attack of
Croup, or iu curing cough or cold upon
their littlo onos. Thoy may bo the fore
runner of morn serious ailments, Ho
promt in giving Midler's Sure Cure
Cough Syrup, nnd this important step,
if taken in time, inny save you much
worry perhaps a doctor bill and possibly
tho lifo of n little one. Sold and guaran
teed by Deyo is, Orice.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
ritoM our i:xciiacji:s.
Wo notioo that tho young ladies
who did tho reportorial work for the
woman's edition of tho ltod Cloud
Argus refer familiarly to Mr. W. T.
Auld as "Tom," just as his mala ac
quaintances do. Superior Sun.
Wm. Lindsey of Red Cloud has
rented tho lower rooms of tho Mason
io building for a restaurant. Leba
non Journal.
Mrs. Lindsoy, of Red Cloud, was
tho guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mader, this week. Suporior
S. S. Bolohcr was an old soldior in
Crawford county (Kansas) whoso pen
sion was autoff by Hoko Smith, who
did not beliovo ho had heart diseaso
as his papers olaimed. Whon Belch
er rccoived tho news of tlio loss oi
his pension ho fell dead with ono
great throb of his poor old suffering
heart. Tho Kansas Broeze, in com
menting on this case, says: "If
there is a boll (and a good many peo
nlo think there is) and Hoko Smith
goes there (as ovorybody thinks ho
will) and he suffers roraorao for evil
deeds performed (as tho good book
says ho must) our prayer is that his
keenest pang may bo tho memory of
this poor old man who ho murdered
with his cruel ponsion stopping."
Suporior Sun.
When jitby was pick, wo fjavn bor Castorln.
When "ho was ft Child, bho cried for Castorlo.
When riio becumo Miss, tJio clung to CiistorU.
When bb lud Oilkuvu, hht g o them Cattorla.
lh VZ,
Ocr Spring Stock
Ami will he sold at tht
k' A fT w-
Beautiful Patterns in Browns and
Whites from 9c to J8c.
Gilts from 15c to 40c,
We have ceilings, side-walls and bor
ders to match in old grades. No
old stock.
Try us. It will pay you.
Deyo & Geice.
-5--5-Gr-CJ'5-'C&'sS $&-&r$i3r?-&srh&1
Building Material, Etc.
Insist on
2ca h .--
Costs no more than inferior package soda
never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni
versally acknowledged purest in the world.
Made only by CHURCH fc CO., New York,
Sold by grocer everywhere.
Wrlta for Arm anil lUmmer nook of nltublo Recipe FREE.
l.cgul lVutlcv.
Notice Is hcicfcr Riven that under ami by vir
tue of an ortler or lo lsu(l trom tho otllce of
('. II Oroue, cluk of the illitriet eiiu.'t of the
tenth Judicial district, within Hint for Webster
eounty, Nobrasku. upoimileeien In im action
peudliiK therein, wherein lton II S. Duplmuic
ii nd V. V. It. -MIIN, receiver of the llHinllwn
l.o:in and Trust Company, urn plitlntllls, nud
HKiilnst (leorue V. Watson, Oliver I'. lUvlsand
Davis, his wife, CluuUw b. Mcshlir nnd
Meahler. his wife, U. II. Davis and Mlnnlu
It. Davis, and the AinerleiiH KxelmiiKo National
Hank, ileteaduuts, I shall oiler for sale nt pub
lic endue, to tint htuhest bidder for cash In
baud, at the enst door of tho cuurthousr, nt
Hod l 'loud, In mild Webstur county, ellraka,
(Hint bolnc tho bulldliiK wherein thu last term
of said eouit was bolden) on tho
(Jill day or April, A. I. 1NI5,
at one o'clock p. m. of said ilv. tho follow Ins
descrllird property, to-wlti Tho east hiiif ol
tlie iiorlbwest piarter, the wist h:Uf of tho
northeast quarter, the west hall of the south
west quarter, thu iptarler ol the
snulbwcst iiuaiter. mid the unrthwest quarier
of tho Kfliitlienst qii'irler of siviloa llilny-loiir
(31,) in township ono (I.) ninth nt rnnno eleven
(II,) wesi ol tiioGih 1'. M,,nll in Webster coun
ty, Nebraska.
(liven under my baud this '.'Sth day nt Febru
ary, A. D. ibW. . ...
Case & McXHt, rialntlU'B Attorney.
following low price.
ak (T3A1
of Imitation
trade marks
and labels.
m m m - at.
l.i'Ktil Xotlcu.
it) the District Court of Webster county, Ne
braska. William II. Mann, plalHtilf,'
Kdwiull.fay.ctal. j
.iTJl0 "1,ovo tmiiiea Uert-ndanta will take no
',CS V.'i11. " til", istli day (itdune, 1891, the
', '.'.'i'.1"1,1'1'1," .n,e(1 llN ''"" ."iho district
i 'irti(1J ,('lj.',t-'-- 'ounty, Nebraska. UKUlnst
f.i ,.l Jilr ,.,,,.u." Is . n ntl otlu'r8' ,llt, ouJe "n1
!,.i1?!w.f'f..,i,"Sh ,,..,. "cuver of mid from tho
S.i.11 ,1,Ie'l'l"'l. Wadsworth HollUter aud Kil
iHm,.V'i1'a'.', !""! "f.-'ae thousand, nlim
i T ' i?. V ' ''"""y-nvo flpllars duo nnd owinn
hi.1 k1;.1;1!,n .Krtl( l'-'..'lants, Ibdllster
! ?..V.i i vli..i,V,!'V,or.e ma,!o' ""ecuted unit do
iverpd by said defendants to p uintllf, mid for
n'fnJ TT, l'"lm "'Pjnlnfln Ina suit I ore
it,.?r ,., SVi'"8 " Si1'1 ,ll,t,lct court " Web
i HUt. p"!5 A-V,,i'PlHki!v 'L,,lllw' Wadswortli
1,1 hit ir h.ini,im "' ,,um vt ' nl iat
! i !r.dl, s!''',k'i to subject to tlio pav
!h i III l,wltl f1"1,1" '' V"". tbo norifi.
J. V,l'',lrr,,7, l ". sft'tbm tliirtv-llvo (33.)
1' Vr ' i'WmI Ji ",,!0 ,l'1.' (l?.-' west f f'o skin
wenisi s im h, Sri,01",,ViNi'brasl.a1MileU sribl
lut is ii, ,?,8r.l..;",'l,..ll,i,i,,lll,1,"lt '" tl
on, orii, ,t.l.r, '.ufly ll1Wu,,Httor"' itullltter,
mm or ihe abnw named defendants
(ir Vo nrMnf,1,".,'1.!0 an.'Vcr w'l'' Vetltlnn oil
or uuore .Moudaj.tho 1st day of Atirll. m.
llVJninesMnvn,.,. ,., V.."'.'" ' ".
jecrp, but if i ever tould a fakt it iz
- ..,..., .na miuuiey,