The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 15, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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swoan cumulation 1,300.
A.l!. Hohmph, Ktlltnr.
;ABOV TAIT. AiM lx)C!ll Killtnr.
Observe Tlicfio Features.
In making your Hoot and Shoo pur
chases. Style, ril, quality, Price.
The above unil many other desirnblo
features yiu can obtain by making jour
purchases of
Blakkslf.k &.
Physician and Surgeon,
City and country calls promptly ans
wered. Moon Block, IIi:i Ci.oun.
have 50.000 lo loan on
good furim ill iovct Intercut
rntCN. II' I make your loan you
will not have to wait wi month
three month, one month or ten
days for your money.
J. II. IMILKY. Red Cloud.
N. W. Kingeland spent Sunday in
U. G. Knight of Inavalo was in Red
Cloud Saturday.
Miss Fuller of Smith Centre was the
guest of James Swcaringen and family
last week.
W. S. Dense, tho popular baker at the
Bon Ton, leaves tomorrow for n short
visit in TecuniEch.
The Misses Hattio and Edna Varger
of McCook woro visiting their brother
Oscar in this city over Sunday.
M. R. Bentloy and wife, A. II. Cray
and George Holland arrived from Hot
Springs, Arkansas, Tuesday night.
Hon. C. W. Kaloy and wife returned
from a plonsBnt and extensive southern
visit Monday night. They saw many
things of intercut in Texas and othor
eouthorn states, and had a very enjoy
ablo time.
Sam Heaton of Walnut creek was in
Ro"d Cloud Saturday for tho first time
in a long while, and hud tho nerve to,
tell a reporter that his dinner at tho
Gardnor Houso that day was tho first
equaro moal ho had eaton this wintor.
Mrs. II. B. Musser, formerly of this
place but now of Edison, accompanied
by hor little children, Esther and Honry,
were visiting several days last week
with friends in this city and near hero
Her husband has 3,000 acres of wheat
noar Edison, and will either miiko or
Why can't wo have an olopement, or a
eonsation, or anothor "Princess Bonnio,"
or something to break tho monotony f
Not a traveling show has como to town
this year; mora than that, there ia no
dangor of any coming. If theatro lov
ing pooplo uro not ablo to go whoro thoy
can bco a good play occasionally, thoy
may as woll amuse thomsolveu with
homo talont shows.
Vnu nro not as hnndr?omo a man as
you woro when you courted your wifo
not so well dressed. Sho probably Iovob
you bettor today than she did thou, in
Bpito of your shabby appearance, but
what a nice complimont it would bo to
hor if you bought a now suit of "II. S.
& M." clothes ut tho Golden Eagle, and
tried to "spruco up" a bit. Womon don't
say much about theso thiugs, but thoy
think of them just tho samo.
D. M. StofTor and family left Monday
for Arkansas, where thoy expect to ro
Bido in the future Mr. Stoller took
with bim all his personal oirocts, except
ing tho furnituro in hiB barber ebop
This, Charloy Rayl, who haa boen con
nected with that establishment for some
time, has rontod, and Charley now hoe
full control of tho shop, Charloy has
acquirod considerable popularity as a
tonBorial artist, and has a pleasant stu
dont in tho person of Charley Whito
The two will do a successful and satis
factory business.
Doc. Boynton is n conductor on the
brnnch of tho C. B. and Q. that runs
through Amboy. Whon Doc. gets bo
twoon Shabonna and Paw Paw ho
throws off a daily daper for a farmer
living by. Tho farmor'a dog is always
waiting for tho papor and six days in tho
weok bo carries It to his muster. Ono
Thursday tho train did not run, bnt tho
dog was at hiB post and remained thoro
until dark whon the farmer coaxod him
homo.-Cllnton (III.) Publlo. This is
our own Doc Hoynton, who is well
known in this city and who owns a farm
hero at present.
1 H y
James Glass was in Superior this
for sale, good corn for seed, C, L.
And skating is a thing of tho past for
this your.
S. A. Petitt of Alma was in tho city
D. M. Piatt loft Wednepday morning
on a business trip to Ohio.
The malo quartet ut tho M. E. church
Sunday night was very lino.
Tho trovellng salesmen aro more nu
merous in Red Cloud of lute.
John WinterB camo homo this weok,
to spend a fow da8 with his family.
Marsh Parker of Omaha was tho
guest of W. N. Richardson this weok.
Give W. H. Roby your order for eeod
corn. Ho will hnvo a car in, this weok.
Wo failed to mention Inst weok that
Henry Deidirich was elected foreman of
Hobo company No ''.
Master Joe Dilley was deprived from
attending school Wednesday on account
of tho sovero north wind.
MrB. Minnio Gray and sistor, Laura
Smith, have returned from a visit in our
neighboring town of Lebanon.
Miss Georgia Bloekmore returned
Monday from a long and pleasant visit
with friends in Parsons, Kansas.
Col. Hoover and Henry Ku'lilor of
liluo Hill were in tho city on business
last Saturday. Thoy camo in overland.
Business on the B. & M. is picking up
perceptibly, and Mr. Dilly of the B. it M.
eating house is building an oxccllout
The Congregational ladies gave n very
pleasant wuulllo Bupper with maplo
molasses at Martin's Btoro room Tues
day night.
Red Cloud girls aro very funny,
That is, they are vory Btrange,
Thoy won't marry you for money,
All thoy want is lots of change.
Conductor Doc Boynton Bays that
honey, Holland gin and raw linseed oil
in equal parts will euro whooping cough.
Tako a halt to a toaspoonful, according
to age.
Geo. Hu mmell Sr., father of Rev. Geo
W. and L. P. Hummell, of Lino precinct,
arrived from Iowa Wednesday night,
and will spend tho summer with hiB
two sons.
It Sb understood that Rer. Williams
will preach in tho Baptist church Sun
day. That popular divino lived in Red
Cloud net many years ago, and will bo
greeted with a good congregation.
Seed and feed is what tho farmers of
this county are in need of ut tho presont
timo. They all think that if they can
got b crop planted they will reap a har
vest. Lot ub pray that their hopeB aro
Theso ore closo times for nil tho
farmer, mechanic or merchant, and it is
well to work hand in hand. Wiener,
tho clothior, is trying to do this, for ho
is Belling goods at the smallest margins
Mrs. A. L. Punk nnd son, Robert, re
turned home on Wednesday after n
short visit with her brother nnd wife,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W.Thornberg. Her
mother, Mrs. Thornburg, roturned with
hor to Lincoln.
Tho prizo of twonty-flvo silver dollars
given away by Ducker & Co., whb bo
cured by Miss Mollie Stevenp, tho hand
some daughter of Clark Stovons, u ro
epoctablo farmer living at tho hoad of
Stato creek Just over tho Kansas line.
Rev. A. D. Finch closod a vory suc
cessful revival in the Christian church
Sunday night. Mr. Finch wan not
known to bo unchristian-liko in any of
his dealings hero and hia kind and sin
cere manner morited tho profound re
spect of all.
Our ontorprising merchants havo
beon drawing patronngo ub fur south as
Lebanon, Kansas, within tho lust ten
days by thoir extremely low prices on
groceries and dry goods. When you
want low prices on the best of goods
como to Red Cloud.
Whon I invoiced my stock Fobruary
1st. I valued tho goods at tho prosent
low prices, regardless of their cost. The
loss waB mine, tho gain youre, for every
Btltch of clothoB in stock will bo sold at
presont low values. My stock is com
ploto; tho now goods havo noarly all ar
rived. I want your trade, and my prices
will induce you to buy. Chab. Wiener,
Tho Clothier.
Whilo tho population of Webster
county has slightly decreased, tho itablo
and substantial element still remains,
and these peoplo will seo to it that a
bountiful crop will be raised this season
if nature gives hor consent. There is an
imraonso crop going into tho ground this
spring, Farmers Boom to think that
this is tho lust pull, and thoy will
olther ralso a crop, or go broke and
Bleep in tho strcota.
The marriugoof Mies Minnio McAvoy
a charming young ludy formorly of this
city, and Mr. William Lottridgo an ex
cellent young man of Doadwood, S. D.
was consummated in Jtho lattor
named city tho 27th of last
month. Tho wedding occurrod at tho
rosidence of Anson Higby, in tho pros
enco of ubout thirty guests. Tho Doad
wood papors speak very highly of both
brido und groom, showing tho groat es
teem in which they uro hold In that
Miss Rotteman, nioco of Adam
hart has returned to Illinois,
Doc Boynton sold hia tlno farm ( wr
in Batin Township to Oscar K. Runu-y.
Seo our ad 32 full woight loaves of
breud for S1.00 at tho Bon Ton Bakery.
All kinds of sowing dono at Mrs. F. P.
Hadley'p. Threo blocks weBt of Minor's
storo. t f
Beat cstato loans mado payable hero
Money furnished promptly. C. W
Go to Roby'a west of post ofllce, for
flour, feed, grain, hay, ic. Bost quality
and reasonable prices.
Tho revival meetings at tho Christian
church havo closed with twenty ad
ditions to tho church.
Do not forget that W. B. Roby haa a
carload of brau forsalo by the hundred
pounds or by tho ton.
E. G. Moranvillo has fitted up his barn
u excellent style, and ia launching fortti
n a lucrativo business.
Call and ot a Ladies' Birthday Alma.
nau Frew with Weather ForecastB by A.
J. Do Vae, Dojo A Grico.
Tho caucus Thursday night at Bent-
ley's hall was participated in by all
shades of political poroonnges.
Miss Dora Henderson has gono to her
homo near Winner owing to ill health.
Mac Pope bus taken her place.
I am now ready to do all kinds of dress
making. Prices reasonable. Threo
blocks west of Miner's Btoro. Mrs. F. P.
Hadloy. t f
A hord of horsefl havo boon meander
ingour streets this week. Some fellow
will have porno costs to pay if ho is not
Don't forgot that I am prepared to
cany passengorB to all parts of tho city.
Loavo orders nt the Holland House.
Lloyd Ciiaiiii.i..
Tako your wagon work to Stapleton.
Ho forges all irons for buggiesoutot the
best Norway iron, uses no malleablo iron
in repairing buggies.
When your piano needs tuning, call
on Prof. Jenkins, who is now proparod
to do this work in a satisfactory man
nor. Rooms ovor First Nat'l Bank
Tho olectric lights still burn, not
withstanding tho order of tho council.
Tho business mon and citizens seem to
bo unanimous for lights on sonio satis
factory basis.
All who aro indobtod to M. B. McNitt
on account of flour, feed, hay, etc, will
pletifo call at his old storo and sottlo
Tho accounts havo been left with W. B
Roby for collection.
Lost A gold ring with garnot sot,
initials L. C. T. to J. E. G. Finder will
pleaso leave eamo with Georgo Guilford.
Tho ring is only valuable as a koop
sake. Special attention is called to tho bar
gain shoe counter at Wienor'a storo. Ho
has plucod all odd pairs on a countor,
regardless of cost, and is giving you tho
choico for 81.B0 per pair.
Geo. Lindpey loft Thursday morning
for a business trip to Wymoro and St.
Joseph where ho will endeavor to pur
chaso fat cattle for bcof. His Red Cloud
supply in ubout exhausted and ho haa to
sonrch for cattle to kill.
We not ico from a program of Iho Cen
tral Nebraska Teuchora association to be
hold at Aurora, that Prof. G. M. Caster
of tho Red Cloud public schools and
Prof. D. M. Hunter, euporintendont of
Webster county, havo prominent places
on the namo during the Bossion.
Upon retirement of Miss Bertha
Brown from the lower room in tho south
wurd school, Mrs. J. A.Baum was chosen
for that position. Mrs Baum is a most
estimable lady of (ino attainments, and
will doubtless bo a popular toacher in
our city schools. Sho hashnd experience
as a toacher also, and enters her work
fully equipped with tho knowledge re
quired to conduct a auccoasful Bchool.
Julius Wobborman living south of the
rivor had a danco at his bachelor's hall
Friday night and if tho reportor under
etanda it corroctly, thoy must havo had
a rod hot time. Several of tho Rod
Cloud bloods went out and two of tho
boys that had eohd girls wont ulono.
What was their surpriso when thoir own
Bwoet damsels arrived soon uftorwards,
just merely to find out who tho bojB
took with them. Whon they woro all
tired of dancing a large ring was formed
in the center of which two physical
giants toed the mark and boat each other
in the nose till the big draw near tho
house waa full of blood and Dennis Finn
had to ride across on Charley Turner's
back to get hia horso and go homo,
Evory day I boo him standing
Whon tho aun ia shining bright,
And in brutal tonos commanding,
Urges little boys to tight.
With him aro hie boon companions,
They'ro a protty looking lot;
Thoy would gug a moss of onions
Whilo thoy'ro boiling in tho pot.
Thoro thoy stand and tulle in curaea,
And complain about tha blues;
Whilo a lady as sho hurries,
Wudos in spit ubovo hor shoos.
Ladies blush ut their wild revels,
And their vulgar, rotten tongues,
And I think I'd shoot tho devils,
If I know tho vory ones.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1895.
Tho ladies of Rod Cloud, Nobrnska. '
got out an edition of ono of tho local
papers in that town last week. Two
former Clintonians had a finger in tho
pie. The wife of Frank V. Taylor was
nianoging editor, and Mrs. Fred Hos
nier wnn ono or tho reporters, ino pa
per was sprightly and spicy. As tho
women had only to faco a frowning
world for one weok thoy said a good
many sharp things that would bring
endless wrath on them if they wero tho
regular editors. They had a woll writ
ton obituary notice of Mra. Tulleyp, who
died recently, an aunt of County Supt.
Hattio P. Wilson.-Clinton (Illinois)
Tiif. CiiiF.r bol loves that there Is a de
mand in Red Cloud for an ordinanco
providing for n board of health with
power to net in all cases where tho
health of tho community is jeopardized.
Them is a lack of sanitary measures in
Red Cloud and nt various times the peo
plo havo been put in jeopardy by woll
meaning people who did so unthought-
edly. This is not a porsonnl articlo but
a gentle reminder that tho lives of .1,000
peoplo Bhould be taken into consider
ation at all times, and that the greatest
euro should bo taken to guard against
all infectious diseases without regard to
person or persons. This is a duty that
wo owo ourselves as well as tho
community. This should bn dono,
not only to protect our peoplo this your,
but to protect them at all times. Give
ub aboard of hoalth.
"No, ma'am," said Wallace Wright to
a young wifo who waa looking for a
picco of tinware in their storo tho othor
day, "wo have coffco pots and ton pots,
but wo haven't a jack pot in tho houso,
nnd I don't boliovo you will find ono in
any hardwaro Btoro in Red Cloud." "I
am so sorry," said tho innocent young
wife, whoso anxiety to pleaso hor hus
band mado Wallace's bacholor heart
throb as ho wished ho had a wifo who
would be aa earnest in Booking his com
fort. "You Beo," said tho young wife,
'wo have not beon marriod long, und my
husband always lived with his mother,
who ia an oxcollont cook, nnd when 1
heard him muttering in hia sleep about
a jack pot, I thought I would surpriBo
him by buying ono. Ho mentions it bo
often that it must bo a good thing. Can
you toll mo what thoy cook in it?" bIio
asked of Wallace. "GroonB, ma'am,"
said Wallace, and ho sont hor ovor to see
if Peter Shea had such an articlo an a
jack pot in stock.
i ..
In tho last issuo of tho Bolt wo no
ticed a personal fling at Prof. Castor,
that wo believo doea that gentleman a
groat injustico. Theodltor of thin papor
haa been in Red Cloud twelve years and
in that short period haa found that the
Bchoola, prior to tho coming of Prof.
Castor, had boen mismanaged to a great
extont, with porhnpa ono or two excep
tions. There seemed to bo but little
system and no government in those
years. However, with the coming of
Prof. CaBtor, the echoola took on now
interest, good attendance, fowor tardioa,
good behavior and a more gonoral inter
est was manifested in all department.
Of course a school with tho number of
pupils and patrons of our public schools
oouldnotbo carried on without some
friction, and without Borne one disliking
tho superintendent; that ia to bo ex
pected, Wo do not bolleve howevor
that tho charges made by our ostoomed
contemporary will stand to be scrut
inized. Somo of the teachers have bo
corao dissatisfied and rosignod but Thk
Ciiif.p doea not bellovo for a momont
thnt Professor Castor haa boon instru
mental in thoir resigning, unlosB ho
thought it waa best for tho schools. It
is easy for peoplo to make charges, but
not bo easy to provo them. Suppose tho
board of education should put anyone of
tho few grumblers at tho houd of the
schools, how long could thoy bo able to
do the professor's work! Not long. They
may say all tho mean things thoy deslro
about Prof. Castor, but there is ono
thing thoy ennnot Bay, und that is that
he has not brought order out of chaos
in our publlo schools and placed thorn
on a foundation bucIi na the havo novor
boon placed upon before, in tho history
or thoir establishment. This is an ago
of grumbling and people oftimea gruin
blo from forco of habit. Tho board of
education, as tho roproBontntiveB of tho
peoplo look to and expect tho superin
tendent to carry on tho achocla buccobb-
fully, nnd whon he does hia wholo duty,
somo crumble, especially if their ox ia
gored. Tho proper thing to do is to up
hold the Buporintondont and teachors in
all thoir laudiblo efforts to give tho peo
ple tho worth of thoir money invest
ed in our great and growing school in
toreste. Personal spites and potty (lings
ehould not enter into consideration in
discussing school issues. Our contem
porary should forboar.
Scrofula, lalt rheum aud all dUcnies of
tho blood, dyspepsia, headache, kidney
and liver ooraplslnta are cured by Hood's
flaraaparillo, tho great blood pnrHor.
Hood's Pills care jaundice, blllionenoBB
siak headache, constipation and all lives
i -
R. B. Fulton, lira and lightning Insur
ance, Western White Bronzo, monu
monts and comotory goods. Sood oats
und choico upland pralrio hay. Olllco
with Tradore Lumbor Co.
County Clerk Fort
this week.
waa in Lincoln
What do you
You can almost
name the pile at
The ....
Popular Grocer.
Best Can Tomatoes, 8c per can
Best Can Corn, 8c per can
Fine Prunes, 25 lbs for $1.00
The largest bar in the
market, 6 bars for 25c.
All other kinds
Everything is put
can afford to buy.
The Bon Ton
Sr We will start our
Bread WagoD
rr: Tuesday, March 19th,
E; Tucgdayp, Thursday? and Saturday?.
Remember we sell
Hay for Sale or Trado
I havo u largo quantity of hay for
Bale at reasonable prices, to trado for
cattle or any othor young stock. Call
on or address, Harry McCormal, Guido
Rock, Nob. 8-11
An Eccptlnul Olfcr
Beginning with this wosk'a issuo of
Tiik Cuiei' w. make an offer to both
now and old subscribers which we feel
sure will moot with favor. We propose
to give free to new subscribers and to
those already roadera who renow for one
year, a handsome bound volumo of
Ixty-four Bolected photographic views
t the World's Colombian Exposition.
Each one of tho viewa are 8x10 inohes in
Aizo and ia accompanied by an interest
ing and accurate description. If pur
chased as original photographs these
ongravinga would cost at least $1 oach
In order to securo this beautiful and in
structive collection it is only necessary
toeubscrlbofor one year; to renow for
that period or Bond a new yoarly sub
scriber with the proper remittance, and
and tho work will bo sent propaid. With
an additional fifteen conta you can se
curo Tiik Ciiiki', this beautiful souvonlr
and one of our tine books. Tnia is
an unprocodonted olTor. Remember
tho souvonlr, The Ciiikp for one year
and a handsomo book, all for 81.1.1.
.Tns. MoNony la attending court in
Mankato, Kuiibus, this week.
the same price.
at prices that all
32 loaves for $1. -3
"Kiey & Campbell.-
Republican Caucus
The republicans electors of the city ot
Rod Cloud are requested to moot im
caucua at the court house on Friday
evening, March 15, 1895, at 7:30 o'clock,
for the purpose ot nominating ,tho fol
lowing city ofilcore, viz: mayor, city
treasurer, city clerk, city surveyor, on
councilman from each ward, two 'mem
bers ot the board ot education for the
full term and one membor to fill vacancy
R. B. Fui.ton.
Chm. Rep. City Con. Com.
Highest Honors World' Fair;
A fiiv Grape Cream of Tartar Pcwdcr. Frss)
irr.i Amrr.cnta, Alum or any other rdulteitxsV
ewuKfXi t.JCT. Si) It t r-
v ..- X. .' A ...
mm p i . Jtk irifchWi.tiAiii
" ,",1"' ' mafnsi rfin sTl.r. l-niU-'"----'--"'' J'"-