The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 15, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Fluttering, No Appetite, Could Not
Sleep, Wind oq Stomach.
Tor a long time I had a terrible
pain at my heart, which iluttercd al
most, incessantly. I had no appetlto
and could not aloep. I would bo com
pelled to sit up In bed and belch gas
from my stomach until I thought
that every minute would bo my last
There waa 11 feellin? of oppression
about my heart, aud I was afraid to
draw a full breath. I could not sweep
a room without resting. My hua
band induced me to try
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
and am happy to say It ha9 cured
me. I now li.ive a splendid appetlto
and sleep well, ltd effect waa truly
MRS. IUIUIY E. STARR, Pottavlllo, Ta.
Dr. Miles TlcartCuro Is sold on a posltlre
Suarantco that the Bret bottto will benefit.
.11 druggists sell It at (1, 6 bottles for,or
It will iw sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by tno Dr. Mllca MUlca) Co , Elkhart, Ind.
Pain Fills. "One cent a doso." At druggists.
Regular graduate
authorized by the
ntate, and conced
ed to bo the lead,
in? and most suc
cessful Speciality
Nervous Debility
With Itt Many Symptom Cured.
Lost Vitality
Perfectly and Pttutaaeotly Rtitortd.
Cured for Ule Without Mercury.
Urinary Diseases
Quickly Relieved and Thoroughly Cured.
Is Dr. H. J. Wnlttler Invar,
lablytmcrrssful? Mccausohi
makes no promlnes that he
cannot fulflll. Avoid cheni
cure-alls and unskilled physicians and consull
Dr. Whittlcr In person or by letter (glvlnp
sjinptoms) nnd rccclvo tho candid opinion o h
physician of long rpirli'iirc, unquestioned
kill unil Htcrllnir Intrirrlty.
MKI)ICINi:s from our own laboratory fur
nished at small cost aud bhlpped anywhere
securo from observation.
TISK.YTMUNT noicr Bent C. O. 1).
OflSco hours 0 to ! and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12.
JaJTm Hcnllh nd Kmrrwncle"
LlUIUUI tar a ctH.-tauipn to prepay.
Call or aildrcs In strict conlldcnco
IO West Ninth Streot, Konsoo City, MO,
G. F. Stapleton,
Milken n specialty or Repairing
Bugglt'N and Carriages.
Horso-slioenig and Plow Work prompt
ly attended to, and tikes
pains shooing
Trotting aud Running Horses,
And all work expected of a first
class Smith.
Simp Worth of Marble Work.
Take Notice.
All persona who have hooks belonging
to the city reading rooms will pleuse, re
turn tho samo as soon as possible, for
tho roading rooms havo been clostd.
Tlioi who havo books in thoto rooms
, c tusy cull and got tho same.
fiat lie Might Itnve tlprn IteUtlve or
Soiuetlilug or Other.
Sho Hat right opposito a bashful
loolilnc yomiK iniiii in ti Jefferson nvo
nuo enr ami looked :ti lilm so steadily
for flvo minutes that ho prow impatient.
Finally the shifted tho tnnrkot basket,
two bundle? and stalk of celery to tho
seat besido her and leaned over nud
"Kxcuso tno, 6ir, but isn't your namo
"No, madam," ho said, blushing.
"Then you're not n Ron of Hiram
Hnrtley HigRS of East Saginaw?"
"I nm not."
"Not Hiram BiggV nepliow or cous
in?" "No."
"Nntno isn't even Biggs?" she urged
"It is not."
"Well, I thought lor suro you was
ono of 'out. I never saw such a family
Tho victim smiled that uncortain
smilo which is played, liko trumps,
when in doubt, and thoro was n wel
come hIIoiico (or throo blocks. Than tho
owner of tho market basket leaned over
onco mora
"It souths to mo you favor olo Mrs.
Biggs moro'uyoudo Hiram," bIio said.
"Yes. Sho was n Hlggins. You hnvo
her eyes and hair. Thoro is a Biggs
look though, suro enough," oho added
reflectively, inspecting tho young man
still niovo critically.
"Born in East Saginaw, worou't
you?" sho inquired suddenly.
"Ever been thoro?"
"Well, tnin't chance," fIio declared
emphatically, "aud if I had three
blocks moro wo'd got to tho bottom of
this. I'm sorry I havo to get off hero,"
filio added as sho gathered up tho mar
ket basket, tho two bundles aim tho Htulk
of colory and started for tho door.
"Too bad, ain't it, to leavo it unset
tled liko that?" sho said regretfully to
tho conductor as sho climbed off tho car.
But tho young man didn't think so.
Ho looked as if ho had shaken n brick
off his dovoted head, and oven tho con
ductor seemed rolioved as ho started up
tho car again.
"Hold on, conductor," screamed tho
frioud of all tho Biggscs, dropping tho
market basket, two bundles nnd stalk
of eclury on tho track nnd hurrying aft
er tho car.
"It might bn on his mother's side,"
bIio said broathlossly. "Ask him was
his mother a Popham or did" But tho
car was gone. Dotrolt Froo Press.
lluturnluir Thank.
Hero is a story of n colonol who was
much addicted to traveling and who
onco readied homo when tho houso was
full of his son's guchts aud staid to
dinner. Ono of tho company, a notori
ous drawer of tho longbow, told n story
of his being off tho Capo of Good Hopo
in an Indiamau, whon u Heating object
was discovered which proved to bo n
cask, whereon n man was seated cling
ing to a small staff in the buugholo.
"Como on board," retorted tho ocean
waif when hailed. "No, thank you.
I'm very comfortablo horo. I am bound
for tho capo. Can I tako letters thoro
for you? Don't bother about mo. I'm
all right."
Then, amid tho silonco which follow
ed this incrcdiblo yarn, Colonel G. aroso
and gravoly addressed tho narrator.
"Sir," ho said, "for yours I havo been
trying to find nny ono belonging to that
ship to return thanks for tho great
courtesy shown to mo on that occasion.
At last I am enabled to do so, sir. I
was tho man on tho cask." Tit-Bits.
Not ho Stupid.
"Thoro's a man tosco you, air," said
tho oilico boy politoly.
"Woll, you stupid, didn't I toll you
I wouldn't sco auybody?"
"Yes, sir."
"Tlien why did you recoivo him?"
"I told him to wait without, sir."
"Without what?" said tho boss, ox
pectiug to crush tho boy by his chest
nut. "Without any chance of sooingyou,
sir, " aud tho boy dodged through tho
door. Detroit Froo Press.
A Bargain In Slghtaeelng;.
"What did you glvo that stranger
money fur?" said Aunt Eliza as she and
Undo Hiram waited in tho station aft
er gottiug off tho train from Hayville.
"That's all right, Liza," said Undo
Hiram triumphantly. "That's a nico
follor. I give him (3, and he's goin to
fix it so wo can go out and soo the sky
scrapers without extra charge." Chi
cago Record.
Uncle Ebcn'a Obterrktlon.
"Hit nm er good t'ing," said Undo
Eben, "foh folks ter try tor bo satisfy
wif whut dcy kiu uu'stan. Ef dan wus
less hypnotism goin on an mo' babtism,
dah wouldn't bo so much troublo at do
presou timo. "Washington Star.
Guarding Agalnit It.
"Iaar mo," criod tho nurso, "the
boby has swallowed my railway tlckot.
What shall I do?"
"Go and buy anothor right away,"
returned tho mother. "I'm not going
to lot tho conductor punch tho baby, "
Comio Cuts.
HI Duty.
"I sut'ny am got er fine situation at
do prosout time," said Mr. Erastus
Pinkley. "1's next in 'pohtnnco tor do
head wnltah in do lcndln rcstaraut."
"G'wayl What am yoh tltlo?"
"I'sdohoad listener."
"Nobbcr hyahil ov no scch pusson. "
"D.u'rt 'cause yoli is bohin do times
Whou ebbah er outtouior klok, he's
gotter hab somebody ter kick to, uln'
"Wall, deperprletor nln'got tlm' tor
ton tor 'cm all, ner do cashier nin', nor
do head waitah nin', so doy sen 'om ter
mo. An I listens ter 'om." Washing
tou Star.
Snbttmitlat i:lclcnoe.
Saturated Sam I say, Weary, yer
ought tor git yer hair cut. Peoplo'll
laugh at yer.
Weary Ways Not much. I glvo it
to 'cm dat I'm n collego man in hard
luck, and mo tangled locks substantiate
dor story. Seo? Now York World.
Ho Was Doing Well.
Jack Negly was ono of tho mountain
eors of the Cumberland whom I had
known better porhaps than any of thorn,
for Jack had botrowod a few dollars
from mo to buy a yoko of stoors with,
and tho number of times ho cuino to mo
to got tlio debt renewed brought mo in
to vory closo ncnuaintancu with him.
Ho was n farmer in a small way, nud
ho was never known to bo out of debt.
Ho was a renter, and at least every oth
er season ho was occupying a different
farm. By my ndvlco ho had moved tho
year boforo into an entirely now fluid nt
loast a dozen miles from his usual
haunts, nud I had not seen him for sov
oral months. Whou I did sco him nt
last, it was by acuidunt, as business
called mo Into his neighborhood. As I
rodo past his placo ho hnilod mo from
tho cornfield and caino out to tho fence.
"Hello, "I exclaimed, "is this your
"Yes, and I jist como ovor to tell
you, coloucl, that I'll bo ready to pay
part of that claim uv yourn aforo
"You must bo doing woll."
"I think I'm doin fust rate, and I'm
powerful oblecged to you, colonel, fer
hcadi.n mo this nway. "
"I'm always glad to holp if I can."
"I know od that, colonol, and that's
why I como away over horo so fer frnm
home. Hit's kinder strange to mo, but
ez longez I'm doin ozwcll oz I nm I'm
a-goin to stand hit."
"Aro you making nny monoy?"
Jim'H faco brightoned percoptibly
"No.Inin't, colonel, "horoplied hopo
fully, "but I'm losiu it slowor'n I ever
dona in my lifo nforo. "
It struck mo as rather odd at first,
but updii moro maturo rofloction I con
cluded that Jim might havo reason for
his Dotroit Froo Pross.
Porsons who desiro to toboggan
should bo a littlo careful at first. You
should novor sit down on n toboggau
slido unless thcro is a toboggan under
you. Thoro aro numorons perils con
nected with toboggan. If thoro is no
slido handy, you can get a pretty good
idoa of ono of thorn by stopping on n
pioce of soap at tlio head of tho stairs.
In somo parts of tho country it is kill
ing off tho pooplo as offcotually as tho
doadly car stovo, and it has boon sug
gested that tho deadly oar stovo should
be loaded on tho toboggan and both
should be shoved down the slido into
the lowor depths ot InnocuouB dosuo-
tude. Something of tho kind is hinted
at in the following poetio gom:
Littlo Willie had a toboggan
That wan turned up ot tho bow.
Upon tho Blldo two did collide.
Willie's pants are vacant now.
Toxas Sittings.
Didn't Like It.
"Daubs is as mad as hops about hit
pioturo that was on exhibition. "
"Wasn't it notioed?"
"Yes, took a prizo."
"What's ho mad about then?"
"Well, it was a picture of oows, and
it was awarded tho prizo for the best
picture of shoop. "Tit-Bits.
The Utuat Difference.
Lady I see you advortiso "good"
buttor, "flno" butter, "extra" bnttor,
"best" buttor and "gilt edged" buttor.
What is tho difference?
Now Boy (not very well trainod)
Th' "gilt edged" bnttor is fit to eat.
Tho rest isn't Good Nows.
Getting- It Mixed.
"Whou I caino down hero because I
Aiuldn't stand tho olimato up north,"
said tho North Dakota man who was
shivering in a Goorgia winter resort,
"I soom to havo jumpod out of tho fry
ing pan into tho or into tho icebox."
Chioago Tribune.
So Fetnlnlue.
Ho Do you think blonds havo moro
admirers than brunottcs?
Sho I don't know. Why not ask
lomo of tho girls who havo had oxpori
enco iu botli capaoitios? Tomps.
From tho shop front of a Fronoh hat-'
tor: "Latest novelty. Soft folt hats for
railway collisions. "Tit-Bits.
1 ,mW3t 7L .
,-C ".L ''1
i n
, "'' ww" ' ' "3gssgssss:
No Wonilcr tlio Car Kcrm Crowitcit Now.
Now York World.
A Dangerou Topic.
Last night nt ono of tho negro churohos
in Atlanta tho preacher, who is visiting
in tho city, was painting n pictnro of
the fires of hell with nil tho vehumonoo
of his rugged oratory. Suddenly a broth
er in tho anion corner nroso and said,
"Passon, if yer keep or talking 'bout
firo on such a cold night like dis I'zo
feared ev'y ono of deso horo niggers
will bo n-wautiug ter go to perdition."
Atlanta Journal.
Uurd to Larger Onef.
"In this cage," said tho kcepor, "wo
havo a sploudid Rpocimen of tho Polo
canus nmericauus, or American pollcou.
It is noted, us you see, for tho onor
mous bIzo of its bill"
"I don't hoo nnythiug romarkablo
about it, " obsorved tho man who had
just BOttlod with tho gas company, pass
ing on. Chicago Tribtmo.
Too Open.
Doutist You needn't opon your
mouth any farther. That is qulto sufll
ciont. Ponsant I thought as how you wcro
a-going to sliovo in them pinchurs.
Dentist Tho pinchers, yos, but I am
stopping outsldo myself. Uusero Go
sollschuft. Not HBtlrctory.
"Did you manage to oxplnin to your
wifo why yon got homo so lato last
night?" said tho convivial friend.
"What did sho say?"
"Sho said sho wished I could bo n lit
tlo moro original. " Washington Star.
A Parlor Eaaul.
Littlo Visitor Why does your moth
er put such a littlo bit of a picturo on
that big easol?
Littlo Hostess I don't know, but
that easel cost if 50, and I guess mamma
doesn't want to cover it up. Good
Alwayi tho Way.
"How do you know tho noxt elovator
will bo going up?" haid tho first man
asho vainly peered down tho dark shaft.
"Because," replied tho second man,
"I'm wnitlug to go down. "Chicago
Art Up to Date.
Littlo Girl Oh, mamma, como and
look at tho boautiful rainbow.
Mamma Hush, my dear, it is vory
bad form to adinito sucli n crudo com
bination of red, yollow and bluo. Pick
Mo Up.
"Don't Tolmeco Spit or Smoke
Your lilfo Away."
Tho truthful, startling title of u book
ubout No-to-buo, tho only harmless, guar
anteed tobucco-hubit cure. If you want
to quit and can't, u "No-to-bac
Braces up nicotinizod nervos, oliminutos
nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain
strongth, woight and vigor. Positive
cure or money refunded. Sold by O. L.
Book at druggists, or mailed free.
Address Tho Btorling Remody Co.,
Chicago office, 45 Randolph St., Now
York, 10 8pruce St.
For that painful ailment known as
Neuralgia nothing will so qoiokly nnd
effectually alleviate the pain as Holler's
Pain Payalyzor. Apply liberally and
rub in thoroughly. It is withoal doubt
the best remedy known for the instant
oure of oolio, cramps and all pains in the
stomach and bowels, A big bottle for
GOo. Sold and guaranteed by Deyo &
Keep something out of each woek's
earnings and soon eomthing will koop
. .
Wo might tell yon moro about One
Minnto Cough Oure, but you probably
know that is cures a cough. Every ono
does who has used it. It is a perfeot
remedy for coughs, colds hoarseness. It
is nn espeoial favorite for children, boing
plensant to take and quick in curing.
The laborer who has enough monoy on
which to get drunk is paid too much.
You make no mistake when you tak
DeWitt'e Little Early Risers for biliouBS
nees, dyspepsia or hesdaohe, because
these little pills oure them.
The sheep that goes astray never finds
a green pasturo for itself,
"Orange Blossom" Is a painless cure
for all diseases peoullar to women, Bold
fresh by O. L. Cottiiog.
Do your grumbling whoro nobody but
yoursolf hours it.
For tho description of all important
cities, time of all trains, population of all
railway stations, etc., seo tho tho Rand
McNally Hallway Guide."
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Caetorla.
shine. Cycling is the popular
The 1094 ColiiniDias are a
realization of the ideal in bicycle
construction a triumph of Amer
ican skill and enterprise. Con
stantly advancing in the line of
progress, Columbias still maintain their proud position as
the standard bicycles of the world unequalled, un-
A Ixautltul lltustriltil catalogue free at our agencies,
or by mall (ur tno j-cenl tlanipi.
The City Bakery
Our Motto, c ami l.ul I Am.
At tho City bakery and restaurant )ou
can get tho best Hanaro uieiil or lunch
in tho city and tho cheapest, nud keep
on hand fresh bread, uuiih, pitu and
cukes. All hinds of broad stuffs nt '.VI
loaves for $1.00, special ruteo on larger
lots. You will ilnd us prompt, neat and
clean and first class. Accommodations
for boarding nud lodging. Fresh oysters
nud Ice cream in souHon.
Joseph Hcrburger, Proprietor.
Comprising all Varieties oV
Two klntli Crnh Apple, r.lnm mid Soft Ifluple Nliiulu Trectt.
Tliee trees itru from three to four yearn old mid aro llritt-ehwit
tree. You etui Bet your elio'.ee for H eeittft per tree, TeruiMeuNli,
They miiat lie sold,
E. B.
Closing Quit ! 3
TO rr
g" Tako advantage of our clearing sale of
2 Remnants.
: You will be surprised to hoo how cheaply you can
g paper arooin. Come now while there is more
5 to select from. ZZ
! C. I. COTTING. 3
The St. Lioais
Globe Democrat
Twice Every Week,
$1,50 - per -year
First class work u specialty. Prices reasonable.
Office first door south ot Chief with W.F. Hull
Sco him before giving your order as It will be to your Interest
Jafc,.,- luK.i.WA
HERE is Health
in the Wheel.
muscles, coocl complexion, tint
spirits are the result of
of out-door exercise and sun
sport of the day. -
Ride a
lloitun, New Vuil,Clilug, llulfctcl.
and .Restaurant
SMITH, Red Cloud.
Wall Paper Cheap
.. i?ili'-h,tf!i'fs -riyf&
'inr nm4uMM&
, WiWMliM
.-" MHH
&&& uM-
uijii.n iniiirTitmir tM-ir.r-4ai,rJ.a'i 'sfHI iJJ&gMB5MB