' I'" v f' h, I V ' ' " - ...r-..,.. All Home Print. rltlon Sctltt Ku 0. Tb ftihlon llluitrMlcni In toll advertisement, drawn b) wall-kaon u ertlet, ibow tte very latent tyles lit mu tad women's autre, aud may be to ;i.d upon for absolute cemotness and accuracy of detail; tne womin's styles ate drawn from models by tli wcrliMmoue Worth and Felix, ol Paris; the tfltn's trora actual garment, re ado by th. celebrated loaders ot men's fashions In America, tlatr, fcct.aili.er & Muri, of Chicago. The Power of Price in Connection with Trustworthy Goods is the Great Lever that Swings the Trade Our Way. Vlhe "Strong-arm Man" .t the Clothing Business "oday is th J Value-giver, UK 1 Promise-keeper. Somehow People find out the Store where their Money Goes Farthest. We Want the Trade of the Man who is Not Above Saving a $5 note when he can. He will Appreciate What We are Doing for Those Who have Clotlng to Buy. Ji$XBRAND OFTAILORJLCp It is not ff on Clothing Alone That we are Saving Money for Our Customers, but oui Men's Shoe Department, our Furnishing and Hat Departments Offer Buyers Such Low Prices as no one Dared to Expect. Xf Established 883. Stillwater. The cold wavo has checked the early birds on the farm. Mr. Felix Killough has ceased crowding the sraeon oud has conclu ded to leave the remainder oT his oats in the granary until spring. Mrs. Geo Hoffman and daughter Pcurl, arc again in Firth, visilini: her father who has been ill for some time. Rev Shirely of Fairfield delivered an excellent sermon at the Lutu school house Sunday. Walter Taylor, Minnie Nowman and Maude Archer, le't Monday for au overland trip to Geneva. James Doming and several of tho Mt Claro Nimrods spent Saturday and Sunday on the river hunting. One of the bo)8 after emptying (JO shells returned without a feather. Mr. Killough'fl were favored lust Sunday with u pleasant visit frmu Dick Smith and family, Mrs- Brad shaw, Bina Blaine, Fred Newman, Sol Taj lor, Mrs. McNew of Lawrence Mr. London, lumberman; Mr. Feny teacher; and Mrs. Richardson mer chant all of Mt. Glare. The youngest daughter of Joel Christie has been quite sick for the past week. Mrs. Bradshaw who has for some time been engaged in matrimonii difficulties, will return tli's week to Powhattan Kan., to attend court where sho has arraigned her husband for bigamy. Mrs. Finnoy is still quite low with few hopes of her recovery. In order to correct an erroneous rumor whioh has reached the cars of many and led them to believe that we aro in such dreadful ciroometaNces all paupers, asking alms from the hands of chanty, I will merely rofer the many readers of TllK Chief to the financial condition not ooly thoso among us who have baok-bono and energy enough to provide tho neces saries of life and believe that ''Heav en holps them who help thmselvcs," but to our supposed paupers, who are grappling after every rag, hat or crumb that have fallen as manna to feed and clothe the suffering citizens. It is a mystery how some people with proyisions at home can sign the application for aid and yet retain their reputations as being honest christians who never tell a lie. Many who are receiving aid are, I will assert, better fixed financially than tho donors, Yet instead of "Standing up for Nebraska" they will do all in their power to make a pauper state out of a self supporting country. It is sad, yet somewhat laughable, to seo some farmers, whoso credit is good, don an old suit of clothes which makes the wearer resemble the ban ner tramp of the world and with head erect, conscience gone follow the "ra tion trail" like a blind dog alter gut wagon. It is true that a fow and and a very few need aid in our neighborhood. Those who need it should bo looked after, but the unprincipled parasites who suck tho very blood of obarity should bo choked off. I will find out how many are worth $1,000 over and above indebtedness that aro desirous of seed up hero and sand to This Chief soon, The writer knows of one caso where a citizen is worth between $0,000 and $7,000 who would liko a little seed corn. Do you know of any ono who wishcB to donate. The sooner you begin to tight the fir, the more easily it may be extinguished. The sooner you begin taking Ayer'a Bar saparilla for your blood-disease, the asier will be the cure, In both oasts, delay la dangereus if not fatal, Be sure yoa get Ayer'a and no othtr, Red Cloud, Webster County. A mho j-. Quite changeable weather. Quito a number sick at present. Mr. Carmony of McCook waB visit ing at 0. C. Cox's ono da; Inst woek. Mr. and Mrs, lLismussen wcro in Red Cloud Saturday. Dr. Moranvillc was culled to G. W. Baker's Monday, to wait upon Pearl Fras" who was quite sick, but is much improved at this writing. Mrs. I Fribio is not muoh better. Mrs. Hurd and daughter Emma were calling in tins vicinity Friday. Misses Susie and Alt B.tker wcro shopping in Red Cloud Satur day Miss Jcnnio Carpenter of Red Cloud whs the guest ot J. W. Sa'adeu Sunday. Mr. Cox is expected home this week with a car of aid, C. L. Lewis sold a load of hogs last Mundav. C. II. i'risbio and wifo and Rissie Mullock spent Sunday in Guide Rnck Al Mcrrit spent Sunday in Bluo Hill. Harvey Cox left Saturday for OrlvanB where he will attend college. Uo will be greatly missed by his associates. Daisy Frisbiu Alta Bukcr and George Fraso arc on tho sick list. Tho La Grippe is raging in this community. Deafness Cannot bo Cured. by looal applications, ns they cannot roach tho disensod portion of tho car. There is only one way to oure deafness and that in by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by nn inflamed condition of tho muoous lining of the Eustrachtan Tubo. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfeot hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness Is the result, and nnless tie inflamation can bo taken out and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo des troyed forover; nino cases out of ten are causod by catarrh, whioh is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous cur faces. We will give on hundred dollars for any case of deafnesB caused by catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. tSf Sold by Druggists, 75o. State Creek. Several from this part attended quarterly meeting at Highland. Tho Judson post offioo southwest of this creok about three miles ib going to be a town. Wm. Barrett is the main merohant on the main street and Jos. Graves on the corner will soon build an addition to his hotel. The farmers are getting in their grain and commencing their spring work. Miss Mollio Stevens was in Iuck last Saturday while she was in town she ascertained that sbo had tho koy that unlocked tho $25 silver box at Duokcr's store. Grandma Provalt camo homo Mon day from her visit in Missouri and says times aro very hard. Mr. Barrett will hero after run a boot shop in part of the post offioo and now all wo need is The Chief to move over hero. D, H. Fair is toaohing a very sue scsBful term of sohool at tho Mt. Hope sohoolhouio, Mrs, S. Potter is in very poor health again She had to bavo a bono taken out of her ankle. Albert Scrivner and Geo. Horton traded teams. Tho wolf hunt was a failure and there haa been four wolves soon on the orcek uinoo the hunt. Let us all turn out next Monday, Maroh 18, and form on the state line or one mile north of that at 10 o'clook and go south Wo Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Hlgbeit MtdalarU Dlpteau. Ner.. Friday, March want a lot ol the boys on tho south of us to form on tho tkreo mile line south of State line and move north at 10 o'cloek and not let tho wolves and j ck rabbits have any show to escape By order of Capt. Cbns. Arbuoklc Occasional. Cure ol llciidnchc. As n remedy for all forms of headnehe Eleotrie Bitters has proved to bo tho very best. It t-ffeots a pormnnont euro and the most dreaded habitual siok headache jollda to its influence. Wo urgo all who aro b filleted to procuro n bottle md give this romedy n fair trial. In chkpb of ha bitual constipation Kteotrlo Hitlers cu'es by giving the needed town to the bowels, and few canes long resist tho use of this medicine. Try it onoe. Largo bottles only Fifty cents at C. L. Cutting's drug store. m . Rocky Run. Mr. Ray has returned irom Illinois He reports lots of mud, so much that roads aru almost impassablo. Ho also says that the refugees from drouth stricken states are worso off by half than thosd who remained horo, Mr. Sibort was uufortunato enough to loso another cow. Tho ohiof thing in these days is the scramble for aid It is said to lay thickly strewed all around. J. M. Scoles and Alva Sollars was visiting W. C. Sown last Friday. Mr. Smith is hauling hay lo Red Cloud to sell. Mr. Hcaton has commenced plowing Tho Bachelor Hcaton's aro increas ing their wood pile. Mr. Parkcrson has returned to his farm. Mr. Smith will farm tho ranch again this summer. I I in Creek. Morgan Davis was out driving Sat urday afternoon. Bessie Godwin and Maud Hurd were in Cowles Stautday. Mr. Dell and his best girl attended the exhibition at Willow creek last Friday night. Mr. Boner was in Cowles Saturday. The Pleasant Hill sohool will be out this week. Alta Baker was in Red Cloud Sat urday. Bart Morgan is eutting posts on the old Mooro ranoh. Albort Kinney has gone to farming. Polly was out riding last Friday evening and succeeded in getting his neck tangled up in Fred Good clothes line. A eouple of the young men thought they would be inspectors of a bieyelo club last Saturday evening but they got badly left. It is getting pretty warm to play frcczo out now boys, better wait till next winter. Tom Beal and Doo Paul have gone into tho bicyolc training business. Lew Fuller left for Kansas City last Tuesday where ho will work in a wholcsalo clothing houso this summer, Senator Nelson wbb absent from tho last meeting of the sonato. Wo understand that somo of tho little boys got suspended from our sohool. D. J. Best has been on tho siok list for the last two weeks but is some better at this writing. The dootor has advised his father to take him to the Hot Springs bb soon as ho is able to travel. They expeot to go through on bioycles. John Story and W. A. Davis were in Blue Hill Saturday. Tho youig bloods had a very pleas ant time last Tuesday evening at the dance given in honor of May Bell's fourteenth birthday. Polly Hall says be is learning to waltz. Some of the Christian"" Endeavor's r had a social time last Saturday. Saturday? ' ' Chum Cuo.no, 15, 1895. Hal In. Miss McCill spent Sunday at her home. Win. Andrews has hired to Mr. Kntn i! y for tho summer. O. E. Ramey has moved onto his new farm. Lilliu Holmes from Red Cloud is visiting at A. Wilson's Nulso SorgetisDii has purchased n riding plow and a disc. Mr. Boynton returned to his liouir in Illinois last Saturday. Nick Surgonsnn in having a well put down on one of his farms. Mr Hanson returned from Nuckolls county Saturday whero ho has been on business. Several of tho young sports went to the river gunning lust Saturday. Charley Waro has his new houso completed and will move into it sunn, Wsdo Kouuiz started for his old home in Indiana Tuesday, to sco hi father who is sick. Miss Dora Jensen from CowIoh was visiting in these putts last week. YancoSorgcnson has repaired Iho windmill on C F Gather's lanoh. Thoro was a spelling school atDist. 14, last Friday night. Tho champion spoiler was Frank Bean. Olive Foo from near Cowles is in thcBO parts visiting at present. There was a danco at tho Eusticc Griffith ranch last Friday night all re port a good timo. John Pioklor was married Saturday by N. E. narvoy wo cxtond congratu lations. Somo person broko a window pano in district 33 recently. Stunner. tntc Line. Mr. Arraxts is hauling hay this week. Mr. Ratcliff has moved into Mr. Rinard'a houso near North Branch. J, M. Watt's mother who is siok at his houso does not get any better, she seems to bo growing weaker rapidly Emma Toland is on the sick list. Mr. Osborn's visited Mr. Arrants ono day last week. Albert Perry has moved onto Mr. Foot's place. Arthur Cline oommonoed working for Charley Edgcrton last Monday. Some of Miss Hattie Cline's friend gave her a surprise party last Friday night. After pulling taffy until the wes small hours of the night every body went home having had a good lime. . For seven years or more Mra. W. D. Louder, of Qoinoy, Ky., was subjeot to vers attacks of oramp oolto. Mr. 8. R. Morse, a druggist ot that plaoe, reosm mended Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrheea Remedy, whioh has affect ed a permanent euro, saving her muoh Buffering besides the trouble and expense of sending for a dootor, whioh waa often neoessary. For sate by Deyo &. Urioo, A Chance to Make Money. I am dolightcd with my success selling Dish Washers; in the last six weoka I made $534, and was siok part of the time. 1 think this is pretty good for an incxporicnocd lady. I am aurprisod thero has never been a good Dish Washer put on tho market before, as everyone seems so anxious for one. It eertainly is a papular de mand that is un8upplied and that means big money for the agonts that supply the demand. I believe any woman or man can make from $5 to $12 a day anywhere in this business, and by addressing the Iron City Dish Washer Co., E. E Pittsburg, Pa., you oan get full particulars. It simply requires a littlo push. You oan't ex peot to mako inonoy unless you try. I would liko to have tho experience of othors of your readers in this business. M. FRANCIS, Vol. 23 No. 11 tnwacr m Absolutely Pure A oreatn of tartr baking powder 1 1 it'll st of i.ll in leavening strength LMost United StatPH Govurnmont Food Ri'port. Itoyal HnkliiK Powder Co. IOO Wall M., N. V. 4Sardcnviilu. Oh! son the Immbln furmer IIih liaelt ii bonding low, Planting littlo onion seeds Praying that they may grow. Several or tho Ganlonv.ilcrd havo been pliiniini: minion and onions, Mr. Ro" Houer tnkiui: tho lead. Mr. Ili'bert Ogdou was sowing oata last. woik. G. A Latin was in Kansas City this week. Harvey Cox left Gardcnvalo lait Saturday forOrhana whom ho will attend poll"gn. Mrs John Waller and Mra George llagrr of Cowli'H wcro visiting in Uar douvalo last. week. Mr. Horton of Jewell and Mr. Stiickhniisn of Smith county purchased a load of onions of G. A. Latia last weok. Thero has bcon pretty good hunt ing in Giirdenvitln during the last week and hunters liavu takon advantage of tho occasion. Several of I ho young pnoplo attend ed the social at tho Congregational at. Cowles last Thursday evening, and enjoyed a gnrd timo. Now itontlcmeii aniJ Inillcslf jrotiwl Iho patUnt and iy An anecdote I'll spring on yoiMt'.-i Interesting sure, Onco upon a time. I'll tr; and mako It rhyme There camo n cur ot hUI to Amlioy to the poor. I'.very follow aud lilt neighbor came and slRUedi a littlo paper Aud irm everything ho wanted and perhaps r HUIe more, Oh, yei I li'K your pardon there wer some I had forgotten Who didn't get a thing but they felt most awful sore. And In that car was everything that wauld make a poet sing There were loavos and little nsbes until the peoplo cried aalorr, nut they didn't teed astaanyaad they didn't rtacbtbe needy As they did in old Judea a thousand years aco or more. There were coats toe numerous to mention aad to these I would call your attention Becauso It Is th praises of one ol them I'd sing, It'a a One three button cutaway ot tho stylo. that's come to stay Hay now my friends and neighbors I'll be with you In the spring. Cut-aways were always my ambition, I was plunged In deep contrition When George Mann wouldn't let me wear his on any more, Hut confound his measly picture I have cms now that's for better Than any cut-away that fellow ever wore. Ah, the boys will rag and tear perhaps they'U curso aud swear Whon tliev seo thoso charming ladles smile on me, rUsmussen's face will pale when he looks at my coat-tall And he'll wish himself beneath the deep bluo sea. TOOLIPB. - . Bucklen's Arnica Naive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, Ulcere, Salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chlllblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively ourea piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or momy refunded. Price 26 cents per box. ForMltevbyCotting. tC F. L. Ames has been elected captain of tho Harvard freshmen crew. 1 - . Whatever may be. the eause f blanoh ing, the hair may be restored to its origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sieiliam Hair lUnewer. Kansas City is to have an electric lighted track for night racing, ! 1 i Ki i ....i',,... .,' ,-r, ;;;Mr;-k,trt:i&&Xti W-VA nMeMniiiBWMrririMiiMnffl wmmmmmiu,ii,J1,miKe!C!" "3S5J! F!?33E ii ijunswuri sitrrT r frfrinnr'TfrT1" mnl.j w m.4JiiniVfiaiii ws rrW .wwJW M