The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 01, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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thc6RCat kidneuivers2 mi
The Sprint?;' Tonic
Makes tliln, pule, clt' 'opl( well nnd struiii?.
La iipc
Cures f he luul after eifi-els of this trj Inir epi
demic mid irtoirHlut ilitoi'iintl iltullly.
Impure Ifclood
Kczeina, scrofula, iimlnrlii, pimples, blotches.
Cicncrul Won k lie s m
Constitution nil run down, loss of niiiblllnn
iindnpiollti iicriDUsnesi, tlrwl anil sleepless.
At DruuclMlH iiO ii-iilM Mini $1.00 Mxe.
"Juiuli.K llulilii li llrnlcir' Int. Coiuniltnllun tnx.
1)11. Klt.MMl & Co., I1IM1IIAMTON, N. V.
A lilt or Illlirrlii irtipultlUtiril History of
dm War or 1HIS.
This is n chapter of hutiiionicinl, semi
domostio lilHtory, ami It Is vouched for
by n RrnndduuKhter of tho lioro'H fam
ily lino, a Chicngonu who now lives on
Dearborn nvcnuo.
I'roniincnt in Mr. Madinon'fl cabinet
rot, fonrscoro years ago, Hecrotary of
tho Nnvy .Tone, tlio Hon of a famous
shipbuilder, n man gallant not only in
spirit, but in dross nnd manner. Ills
Utticsi for bis ofllco is ntttstod by tho
nnvnl histories of tho war of 1813. But
tho successful sccrotnry had moro wit
than hair, and u wit; wm a sino qua
non of bin political and social life All
wont well with this ndorumont until
tho lneklcss August day in 1814 when
tho DritiRh mnrchod from Bladonsburg
upon Washington.
It will bo remembered that President
Mndison and bin cabinet stood not upon
tho order of tholr going on that occa
sion, but went at once to u very re
tired summer resort. Every ono known
how Lody "Dolly" rouminod behind
long enough to save Homo valuablo
Whlto House portraits from having their
eyes put out by English bayonets, but
fow have hoard how colleotod Mm, Sec
retary JonoH was in this national crisis.
Presumed of mind is Bald to bo promot
ed by absouco of body. This lady dis
played in tho faco of danger prosouco of
both mind and body. As tho scorotnry
emorgod from his doorway, his hands
full of such family valuables as his agi
tated condition had allowed him to col
lect, Mrs. Jouos ooufroutod hint with
tho appalling words:
"My doar, you havo forgotten my
lilippors. Yon must go hackaud get
General Ross was almost at his door
bringing imprisonment or doath, but tho
vuhappy man turned back to hunt tho
llppors, which, it is only fair to Mrs.
iJonos to add, woro ndornod with din
inoud buckles. In his headlong quost for
'theso treasures which ho hoourod his
wig dropped otf in a dark corner, and
ho did not daro to tako time to hunt for
it nor to attempt tho purchaso of an
other. Tho shorn appearance of the sec
retary, hithorto faultless in all appoint
ments of dross, is .said to havo very much
lossonod thu molaucholy of the cablnot
jouruoy. It is further asunrtoil thnt 1iir.
log tho timo of retirement, no inattor
how dopressed any member of tho presi
dential party folt over publio and pri
vato woes, if ho but glanood at Secretary
Jonos poal upon poal of lrrorifltlblo
laughter was sure to follow and that tho
despoiled Adonis cordially joined in
theso bursts of uiorrimont Chicago
Take Notice.
All porsons who have books belonging
1o the city reading rooms will pleueo re
turn tho sumo as soon as possible, for
tho reading rooms havo been closed.
Thoso who havo bookB in theso roomB
may call and got the satno.
itrl orTliunkN.
It is with profound sincerity that I
take this mothod of thanking all of tho
Yery kind friondi who so lovingly and
itendorly cared for my bolovod wifo dur
ing her painful illness and subsequent
death. Tholr kindness will always bo
romemborod by myself and children.
Adam Morhakt & Ciiilduf.n.
On and utter March 1st, 1803, wo will
be doing business at tho old stand, in
rear of post-oHlce, whero we will bo glud
tosoo all of our old customers and as
many now ones as can make it conven
ient to call on us. Wo will keep the
Jiost hay and grain, tho prico will bo re
4lucod, and stock laft in our care will re
ceive tho host of care. Hoarding horses
ft Bpeciulty. Lli ory In connection.
F. N. Kiuiiakiison & Son,
lliuklcn' Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for outs,
brumes, sores, Ulcers, Salt rheum, fevor
tiorvo, tetter, cbnpptd hnnde, chillblnins,
oprna, and ull sktn eruptions, nnd j)oai
tivoly cores piloa, or uo pay required. It
is guaranteed to gio perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box, Forsale byCotting. tf
" i
Several business houses in Vork
remained closod during tho blizzard.
Thoso who hopo for no other life uro
dead oven for this.
Necessity is cruel, but it is the only
teet of inward strength.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
XJP -!
Afttor nml n Vnnderbllt Hno 1'rac-
tlcnlly Unit Tlili Country,
lly n strnngo coincidence two repro
scntntlies of the wealthiest of Amort-
can families families that used to be
antagonistic, but now uro friendly
nailed for Huropo from New Vork re
cently, with tho purpose practically
of expatriating' themselves. William
Waldorf Astur had been in New York
city just n week.
Something that Mr. Astor wild or
did caused tlio report to bo spread
about the clubs and In business cir
cles that when ho departed from
America ho departed for good, nnd
very likely would never return, ex
cepting under stress of business
engagement. Exactly what tho chief
inllueneo ulileli led to thlsdotormlnn
Hon of expatriation was nobody
seems to know. At ono time It was
thought to bu anger at his political
failure. Hut that Is Impossible, slncu
his fallur.) to 1m elected member of
congress occurred some time before
ho was nominated minister to Italv
by President Arthur. Tho reasons
probably aro partly social and partly
family ones. Mr. Astor Is said to bo
very much pleased with his oxperlenco
ns if newspaper magazine publisher,
nnd stories wero told of his intention
very greatly to enlarge his editorial
William It. Vandorbllt, who sailed
on the same day will, It Is believed,
spend hereafter very much of his
time in Europe, lledoos not pronoso
to expatriate himself so completely as
Mr. Astor docs, but ho has given over
his Now York nnd Nowport houses to
tho uso of his wife, hns sottled u largo
sum upon her and It Is now cloar Unit
thero Is to bo voluntary If not legal
Reparation. Ho reserves for himself
luxurious and yet uftcr all compara
tively modest apartments In the
Metropolitan club, kcoplng them year
in mm year out for ills uso wheuovor
ho happens to visit Now York. Hut
his friends think his coming will bo
ns infrequent and bis stays as brief,
perhaps, ns aro thoso of James Gor
don HcnnotL
A Hotel Guest Who Had for Hoars lleem
1 bought a Hleepar.
Tho corpse of Thomas J. Ho Puy,
nn nttornoy of Seattle, sat bowed In
tho attitude of sleep nearly all day In
tho busiest pnrt of tho ofllco of
tho Ooldon West hotel, In San
Francisco tho other dny, and nono
who jostled tho dead or sat down
close besldo tho rigid forirf know that
It was u dead man until 3 o'clock in
tho afternoon.
Tlio man sat down In a stupor
about 7 o'clock in the morning, before
tho bustle of tho day began. His
brain was benumbed with drink, and
probnbly also with poison taken to
head on his breast, wont to slcon.
Ho must hnvo dieddurlng tho morn
ing, and wlthout,'ntovIng.
Night Clerk Hlldcbrnnt saw him
thero and lot hira sleep on when ho
wont off duty ut 3 o'clock, Hy 0
o'clock nnd during nil tho rest of tho
day the placo was crowded with guests
and others. Tho chairs on cither
sido of him were seldom vacant Men
stumbled against his feet in sitting
down to read tho morning papers, but
it was nono of their business If somo
guest had been up drinking all night
ami was iasi asleep in tho chair. So
tho corpso sat there nnd grew rigid
hour after hour near tho big front
windows. As tho afternoon was
wearing away somo man who had
loafed there somo time thought ho
would do a neighborly act by rous
ing mo man asleep.
"Partner, hadn't you bettor wako
up?" ho said as ho gavo n shoulder a
slight shako, but tho form responded
strangoly to the touch. Ho gavo tho
head a push, but tho neck was stiff
and tho head did not move. When
tho morgue wagon came rigor mortis
was far advanced, and it was plain
that tho man had been dead for sev
eral hours.
Itemed for Dirty Street.
Mayor Strong of Now York has not
only a pronounced opinion in favor of
Mrs. Eleanor Kltnlcutl's pluns of
street cleaning, but Is quoted as fol
lows: "I believe," ho said, "tho
streets of Now York could bo cleaned
by a woman at tho head of the street
cloanlng department. I don't know
that It would bo u popular appoint
ment. I do know ouo thing, that all
of us aro Indobted to our wives and
our mothers for clean homes, and I
don't know any class of persons who
would bo so likely to clean our streets
thoroughly nnd for loss mouoy than a
woman at tho head of tho depart
ment." Alij Keep to the Itlght.
f The pollto dodging that somotlmos
occurs botweon passers In a narrow
passage wns happily solved onco by
a tall, ungraceful, bulky Vcrmontor,
who extricated both from tho position
by saying: "If you will stand still,
madam, I will go home." Josoph
Ultchio of Hoxbury used to tell an
experience of his in tho days when
ladies' gowns trallod on the side
walks and in t,troot cars, nnd their
tempers Hashed out If anybody trod
upon them hooking straight at the
Hushed cheeks and wrinkled foro
head, "I excuse you mn'ain," said Mr.
Ultchio, with old school politeness.
Hone Nmnente.
First Horse If I wero you I'd be
ashamed to show myself nt tho horso
show another soason. Second Horse
Why not? First Horse Your mis
tress woro nn Amerlcan-mndo dress,
and your groom did not drop his h'&
All tho respectablo hones wero
laughlug at you. i
escape from n troubled (life. When
ho sat down ho crossed ft Is hands In
his lap, pulled his hat dj&n over his
eyes which wero closed JMl n hadowed
by heavy eyebrows, amVilronnlni? his
Unildojcrt liy tho Old .linn to Henrt HI
Dnuelitrr'K Ileati Homo.
A young man stood In tho portico
of nn npartmont house In Washington
park, Ilrooklyn, tho other evening,
nnd on the step abovo him stood a
pretty girl, says tlio Now York Sun.
it was Into and tho street was de
serted. Despite tho darkness It wns
npparent to thu occasional passer-by
that the young man had tho daintily
gloved right hand of the young woman
within his own, while his left hand
rested over It like u cover to keep It
guarded. Tho young man wns ap
parently trying to say good night and
the young woman evidently could not
hear him, for she was bending her
head close to his. Thov stood In that
attitude for nearly fifteen minutes and
ir.ignt imvo been discovered In tho
samo poio by tlio gray dawn of
the morning had not something inter
vened. That something was round
and bright and it came out of n
sixth-story window. It descended
slowly, the moonlight shimmering
on its silvery stirfco and making It
conspicuous. Soon It could bu seen
that It wns on a string nnd wns being
lowerod by nn elderly man. Whon It
dangled over the portico thero was a
sudden bur-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-rlng und tho
young man and young woman parted
llku an overstrained hnwsor. Tho
young man sei.eil tho round and
bright object, which was still rlnglug,
and hold Its faco to tho oleetrlo light.
Tho hands on tho alarm clock wero
clasped at midnight. Ho raised his
hat to tho young woman, murmured
two words in a low tono and disap
peared. Tho alarm clock wns hoisted
up, but tho young woman wns up
stairs before it finally reached tho
open window.
Untownril Hernia of Subitltuttng- i Holt
for Hone In "MAieppn."
Jim Larkin was n noted character
of Cheyenne in tho '70s. Lark In was
one of thoso hnrmless,ofllc!ous fellows
nnd had his nose into ivnrvtlilno-.
Thero was novor a dog fight but In
somo way ho got bitten; never a flro
but ho got burned, and never an ac
cident but ho was thero In timo to
got hurt. Larkin was something of a
showman. During bis rcsldcnco
in Chcycnno a colored tragedian
tilled an engagement in tho city,
playing "Hamlet" and "Othello."
Larkin saw in tho colored man a
great opportunity to mako money and
induced him to play "Mazeppa,"
using a wild bull instead of a wild
horse. Tho tragedian fell into tho
Idea and rehearsals for tho great
event were had. The performance
was given In a largo hall, which was
crowded to tho doors. The play went
off lovely until it wns time for tho
wild bull of Tartary to bo brought on
and then thero was a slight hitch.
The bull had suddenly become re
luctant about going on tho stage.
Manager Larkin got behind him and
gave tho animal's tail a twist It had
tho desired elTect. The bull rushed
upon the stage and tore out every
foot of scenery nnd then jumped off
into tho orchestra, landing on top of
tho slide trombone player. The audi
ence stampeded and jumped through
tho windows und doors, and in u very
few minutes tho bull had everything
to himself. Tho "Mazeppa" engage
ment closed that night.
Her Hair Turned White.
A Portland young lady rccolved a
few days ago a letter from u friend
who appealed for aid in finding some
thing to restore the blackness of her
hair. Tho friend had suffered almost
unondurably from neuralgia in tho
head, and hnd tried many vaunted
remedies. Finally sho wus advised
to havo her hair shaved or cut ex
tremely closo, nnd adopted this des
perate measure. Tho result of tho
experiment has been that with Its
renewed growth tho hair is appoaring
perfectly whlto, though it had bcon
previously very dark, and tho woaror
Is terribly chagrined at the unex
pected change. Tho effect upon tho
neuralgia was favorable.
Imprisoned by Dumb Walter.
From Uoxtor, Malno, comes tho re
port of tho painful experience of Mrs.
William Wagg recently. Sho hnd oc
casion to go to tho dumb waiter which
lowers Into tho cellar by means of a
ropo running ovor a pulley. As sho
had hor arms between tho sholvcs
tho ropo suddenly gavo away and sho
was caught by both arms coming In
contact with tho casing on ono side
and tho sholf on tho other. Tho
waltor boing hoavy, sho was obliged
to remain in this painful situation
fully twenty minutes until her cries
for help attracted tho uttontlon of
some ono passing by.
How Mr. Cirnean reels,
"01 wud like to bo up n nice, quiet
alloy for tho spneo nv ono minute or
so," ronuirked Mr. Grognn, "wld tho
felly 01 slnt a quurthor to find out
how to mek mo wages last." "Fwat
did ho tell ye.?" asked Mr. Hogan.
"Ho slnt mo a postal earrd tollln' mo
thot tho way to mek tho wages bo
Inst was to do tho worrlc for them
Once More.
Sho shook hor linger at him warn
lngly. "Papa haw you when you
kissed me." "Oh, indeed," replied tho
other. "Is ho still In tho reception
room nnd is tho door open?" "Vos
yes," sho muttered. "Tell him" (tho
form of tho young prixo lighter innao
u quick movement forward) "to look
Why Tunnel Hall Wear Ont.
Stool rails aro known to havo a
short llfo In tunnels and other places
into which tho fumes of locomotives
nro discharged. This appears to be
duo to tho conversion of tho sulphur
In coal Into sulphuric acid, and tho
subsequent ehomlcal action of tho
acid upon tho steel.
Two Alrteti DuoKonm In a Now Jonnjr
I'rlion Heine D.illv tuoil.
In tho county jail In New Ilruns
wlck, N, J., thero tiro two dungeon
cells tho llko of which cannot bo
found In tho prisons of even darkest
Siberia Theso dungeons are entirely
underground. They tiro stone cells,
bare of all furniture save a lllthy
mattress. An Iron ring Is fixed in tho
lloor, to which tho prisoners who aro
unfortunate enough to be eoullned
there aro chained. The stone dun
geons In the Wcathorslleld. Conn.,
stato prison, which, heretofore hnvo
been spoken of as tlio only lemainlng
relies of barbarism in this eountrv.aro
palaces of luxury when compared
with tho damp, dark, underground
holes of tho Middlesex- county jail.
The jail Is under tho chin-ire of Sheriff
Ulchnrd Servlss of Mlddlesev county.
Ho is u kind, easy-going, fatherly old
man. who was elected to tho olilce n
year ngo. Ills residence is in the jail.
The care of the prisoners has been
intrusted by him to James tlrady, n
well built, middle aged innn, who
tries to do tho best ho can, but be
lieves in putting men Into tho under
ground dungeon to "keep things quiet
liner p. m., ns nosalil ton reporter.
There is absolutely no ventilation in
these dungeons. Thero aro throe
steam pipes overhead, and tho trap
door Is closed, nnd even whon It is
open, the atmosphere is deadly. Tho
dungeons havo been In uso for many
the Strategical
I'urctinned hy
"An extraordinary treasure. Illus
trating tho successful manner in
which gems can sometimes bo pro
cured by tho 'strategical process,'
was lntoly shown by tho Smithsonian
institute. This was a pearl, tho slzo
of a pigeon's egg, of exqulslto roso
color, and tho receptacle containing
It was tho original fresh water mussol
in which It hnd been formed. Tho
nuclous of this wonderful stone was
nothing moro nor less than an
oval lump of beeswax which had
been pluccd and left for a fow years
between tho valves of tho mollusk,
which hnd at onco proccedod to coat
it with tho pink nacro it scerotod for
lining Its shell. Tho mussol was
kept In an ncquarluin while engaged
in its lengthy task. It belonged to a
species common in American rivers,
and it is suggostod that tho rosult of
tho experiment opens to everybody
the possibility of establishing a small
pearl factory for himself, by keeping
n tank full of mussels, and humbug
ging them Into making great 'pink
pearls' for him. Hut tho Intending
experimentalist is cautioned against
avaricoj tho 'nucleus' must bo Intro
duced well under tho mantlo of tho
creature and. abovo all, It must not
be too arge."
A Onrmnn Inrentor Able to Travel
Woven Allies an Hour oil a lllvor.
A tricycle which can bo mado to
travel either on land or water is tho
invention of a Hamburg genius
named (Jeorgo I'inkert. Tho machino
Is so large and heavy that no such
apecd can bo gotten out of it as is
mado every fair day on city boule
vards, but Herr Pinlicrt thinks ho
has accomplished much in doing nine
and one-fourth miles an hour on land
and seven and one-half on the smooth
surface of a river. His tricycle has
motor wheels ilfty-throo Inches in
dinmctcr and nearly twenty inches
thick. Thoy nro mado of sheet Iron,
and nro divided into three water
tight compartments, which aro fillod
with air. On tho outside of theso
wheels aro flangoboards about four
Inches wldo by seven and one-half in
length. Tho steering wheol is about
a yard in diameter and sixteen inches
thick, and has two water-tight com
partments. The wheels havo rubber
tires which allow them to run on
land. Tho wholo machino weighs
about 210 pounds.
llnblntteln anil Munkiiciy.
Of all tho anecdotes of which
Rubinstein was thohoro nono amused
him moro than tho following: Whon
Munkacsy's "Christ lloforo Pilate"
was shown in Now York u reporter
called on tho picture dealer to whom
it belonged to interview him on tho
subject of tho painter. Ho wns re
ceived by a clork, who remarked
among other things that Munkacsy
was tho greatest painter "slnco
Rubens' time." Now, tho reporter
wns grossly ignorant of art, had ro
contly been writing on Rubinstein
and accordingly tho interview, when
it appeared, contnlnod tho btnrtling
statement thnt Munkacsy was tho
grcatost painter slnco Rublnstelu.
Kvery Wunt Anticipated.
"Moro persistent travelers than I
may havo seen toothbrushes In tho
toilet-room of a sleeping car," said a
woman a day or two ago, "but until
I took an all-night rido last week
thoy wero unknown to mo. They
wero stnckod In n rack and were of a
cheap variety, as suited tholr brief
uso. Heueath them was a second
rnck, with a card appended: '1'loaso
throw away hero after using,' and I
wondered what further convenlenco
managerial generosity and fore
thought could contrive"
Night Caps and Ureanu.
Many persons dream a groat doal
at tho beginning1 of wintor nnd won
der why thoy do so. Tho answer Is
simple. Whon cold wcuthor sets In
suddenly and is much folt at night
tho hoad, which is uncovorod, has
tho blood suppliod to it driven from
tho surface to the deep parts, not
nbly tho brain, tho organ of tho mind.
Tho results nro light sleep and
dreams. Tho obvious romody Is to
wenr a nightcap or wrap the head
warmly, nt least while cold weather
What is
Cnstoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH.
It is Pleasant. Its gunrnntco is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
fevorisluicss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Dlnrrhcca and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
" Castoria Is an excellent medietas for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. 0. C. Osoood,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castoria U the best rumodjr for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho day Is not
far distant ben mothers will consider tho real
Interest of their children, and uso Cantorla In.
ctead of the rarious quack nostrunuwhlch aro
destroying their toyed ones, by forclngoplum,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature griyea."
Da. J. F. Kwcmn),
Conway, Ark.
Tk Oeatomr Compaay, TI
Caticney Attendant "on tlio I)oorM Mako
It 1' For Visitor.
A notlcoablo featuro of tho Ancloma-
nia which provaila in somo parts of Chi
cago is tho employment of cocknoy at
tendants by somo of tho clnbs. Thoy
mauago to surround tho admission of an
unlntrodncod stranger to tho clnb pro
ducts with nn amount of ccromony
thnt would sufllco for tho vostibulo of
tho Grand Llama. A gentloman from
Boston called to seo n friend, who is n
mombor of ouo of tho swoll establish
mont8. "Is Mr. F in?" Iionskod of tho
brass buttoned flunky who sat in nn elab
orately upholstored armchair noar the
"Hi cawn't say, sir."
"Can't you find out?"
"Hi was not 'ired to mako hinquirics
hoTO tho sort. "
"Can I go up stairs and find out for
"My hordors is, seo that no strangers
goes hup stairs. "
"Has tho club any snporintondent?"
"Hit 'as, but 'o 'shout."
"Woll, what does a strangor do who
wants to soo a member?"
" 'E waits until a mombor of tho
'ouso commi ttco comes, or 'o calls ngln. ' '
"Porhaps you'd condoscond to tako
my oard and glvo it to Mr. P. whou you
oe him?"
"Hit's not my plnco. Hl'm not con
descondin to nothink."
Wboroby tho oxnsporatod caller mada
bis final appoal.
"Can I sit down on tho curbstone
outsido and rest mysoif?"
"You can bask tho portor. 'E's a
good 'artod chap, an porhaps thoro'H be
no iiobjoctton. "Chicago Tribuno.
A llump For Locality.
A small boy from Lansing was in
Dotroit not long ago with his mother
for tho first timo. It was also hor first
visit to tho city, and sho was almost
as much interested in tho sights and as
confusod by tho bignoss as tho boy was.
Thoy had been out with tho hoad of
tho family and had roturnod to their
hotel, and tho boy was looking out of
tho window with unabated dolight
"Say, momma," bo said nftor some
timo, "if I should go down this stroet
sovon squares and up tho next ono
throo squares and out tho noxt ono six
squares, then go ahead flvo squaros,
whore would I bo?"
"Boally, Prank, " sho replied. "It's
moro than I can toll you. You'd hotter
ask your father."
"I don't hnvo to, " said the boy proud
ly. "I know."
"Oh, I guess yon don't," sho smiled.
"But I know I do," ho porsistod.
Sho was a littlo enrious to loarn if
tho boy had pickod up any idea of tho
city, and so sho humored him.
' Whoro would you bo?' ' sho inquired.
"I'd bo lost," and sho boliovod him
thoroughly. Dotroit Froo Press.
Lcgitl Not Ice.
Notice Is hereby Ken that under and by vir
tue, of an order ! sale lsued from tho ofllco of
U. H OrniiH. clt-rk ot the, district cou.-t of the
tenth Judicial district, within nnd for Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decree in an action
peiiilliiB therein, wherein Hose II 3. Duplu'liao
and W. K It. Mills, recelirr of tlio HHiniitin
Uun and Trust Cnmiuiiy, are plaintiffs, and
iiKulnst (leoree 1'. Watson, Oliver I. Hails and
Davis, his wife, Charlos I,. Meshler and II. Davis and Minnie
. Davis, and tlio AmsrleaH KxcIiiwko National
Hunk, defendants, I shall offer for .sale nt puli
lie vendue, to thu liUliest bidder tor cash In
hand, at the east door ot tha courthouse, nt
ltod Cloud, In said Webster county. Mibraska,
(that belui! tho btildlni! wherein ihu List term
of said court was holden) on tlio
(Mil dny or April, A. I. 1805,
at one o'clock p.ui. or said div, tlio following
described property, to-wlt: Tho east half t
tho northwest quarter, thu west halt of tho
northeast quarter, the west half of tho south
west quarter, thu quarter of tho
southwest i nailer, and the northwest quarter
of ihu southeast quarter of section tlilny-four
(,) In township ono (I.) north or raiL'ueJein
ill,) west of tno Cth 1 M all In Webster com"
ly, Nebraska.
(ilicu miller my baud tills 23lli day ot I'ebru
ary, A. D, IBM,
J. W, ItuNcur.r, Sheriff.
Case & Mc.NItt, ruintlll's Attorney.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I n-coniuiend it as superior to any prescription
known to me."
IT. A. Ancnss, M. D.,
lit So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside pracUco with Castoria,
and although wo only hare among cuff
medical supplies what U known as regular
products, yet wo aro free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with,
faror upon It."
Unitsd HoarrrAL axo Dismcsiar,
Boston, 1
Aunt c. Surra, Pre.,
If array Straat, JCaw Tork City.
Xotli'u to Tcuclicr.o.
Notice is hereby pven tbat 1 will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers oftho public schools of this
county, nt Red Cloud on tho third
Smurdny of each month.
Special examinations will bo holfl
on the Friday ;rco:!cding tho 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The standing desired for 2d and
M grade certificates is tho same no
grado hclow 7(1 per cent., average 80
per cent; for first grado certificate
no grado below SO pur cent., sverago
flO per cent, in all branches required
by law.
1). M. HiiNTKii. County Supt.
I.CgHl otltO.
in mo of VtVustot Couii'",
Unl'ili Trust (mi4'iny
of JM'w York, Trui:
ruitce, I
HiiKh i.iiilifuril ot nl
Htuik lliotheiB, 'Hi,. .Jnii.-t KlrontirlthroConi
I'aiiy. I lie Vwfhliiun nml Moen Mmiufactur
iii: iniminny, I). ('. llun.'ilonl, The t
KllL'uy ( 'onilllillX. Tim I'iiiv li ,,,,,r. ...,i,. ljr,
Company. Henrce I.. (iu!lllid, (iiilllfbrd:
mucin neurit? i liMIII'irl, (Ills! imine un
w.'."V",l Il.l'f,l,'!1,'l'l,."'i' Iwi'liMiled with satf
lltlllll V. ClllllfllUl,
will t:iM noMr-r Unit nn tlu 'ill ilsy of .Innu
.ilalntlir. herein nicd t it In thu distilct
?!."irt "f. ',,",,.cr c""'t.. .elira-k.i, niralnst
ald iMciulnnls, Hie ol'Jecl and iprsiyer ot
which an' to fjireeloHHiiicitiiln nmriiMKt) exo-
imJVL1'.1! "i'.1-'11 m (,,"l"'or,1 "'"I -ov Oulll
lori to lid Hamilton l.oimmil Innu'onipany
and Mslisiirii tn il.iliiil!T, upon the northeast
iiiuirter i.f section nine (i.) tmwi two (.'.) mtiKe
e even Ml.) In ui U',.i,li..n ..,,.,. ;.. V.X
the paiiientof ii,roiiilsory note, dated May
Al.lwo, for the sum in si.-eii. with coupons for iiiiereil attached, which cnupoiiii,
uer.) for S etch, three, of which r.ccimie.ievV'
eriilly ilnu .November 1st. iku,.M,iv 1st. law, No
i ember 1st. I3j that IhvieNiiuwdilu upon
Mid prliiclpa imtu .md coupons Urn sum of
fMIMJ, with Interest ut leu er lent irom Feb
fi'.?F l'V?'s.' 'v lilol sum with Interest
from .ild date, plalntllt pias for a decroe
that defendants ho reimiied to pay tho name,
nnnllmVfl'ira'ef U' ""l' h "U ,0 sut,8fy U,
beYMo mffi Jr?chr..,,Ct,tIOn n r
Dated January Mill. ihm.
By Wharton & Ilalrd. Attorneys,
Of Now York,
Sliciiir'a Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven that under and by vlr
!0,Pr,,,miirUerc".8',Ie! I'stied from tho
l II. I.TOIlft. rlrl lit flu. .llutvlnt nnurt nt
the tenth Judicial district, within and for Web
ster county, Nebraska, upon u decree In an
action penil ok therein, wherein I,. W. Tulleys,
vln,i. US ",'; V,- Wei Ms Plaintiff, and iicalust
Will lain r, Ilallnin, .lobii N. Itlckards, William
n7,.,,.u-i.kM,,,l' sJr?; Wlllam 0. Jackson and Burn
nam lulleys & Co., defendants, I shall offer for
sale at nubile vendue to tho hiKhest bidder for
cash lu hand, at tho east door ot
w?h.S,ourt ,l0U!!e t I'"'! t'loud. In sal.rU
Webster county, Nebraska, (that beliiR'
the . ImlldltiL' .ihcreln tlm lust term
the bulldliiK Ahereln the li
of said court was holden) on tho
March, a. . m ut one uVlui k p.
day.thufollowlntr described proper!
Tho east half of tlio southeast nuar
4th dayot
in. of said
ronertv. to-wlt:
thin thlrty-two (3J.) In township one (.) north
winiluo tk'ul" (l!'i w,",t of t'10 cth p. in., lu
Webster coiintv, Nebraska,
dlveii under my hand this 31st day of Janu
ary, A, D, 1S93,
,,.. , . ,., J- W. huNciiKv, Sheriff.
McmJny, ruintlll's Attorney.
tmiltliunfi, ni.uH,.. m! uu
Leirul Notice.
in the District Court of Webster county, No- 4M
William II. Mann, plaintiff,
Kdttlnlt.Fiiy.etal. j,".,,,nvo.l."u"t','.'lefcn,lnl9 will take nc
tlco that on the isth day of June, ikii, tho
JH?,,rIlM?h;P'l.,,.fl,od ,U ',;t1"0" '" 'ho district
S?uirti?fieb.,,ur K.mmy Nebraska. iiKalnst
said defendants and others, thu object and
L'ari77,f.lll,;h,',.J0 "cover of and from tho
said defendants, W.idsworth Holllsteraud i:d
W,V'V' ,Vtt': ",IU of ono thousand, nine
hundred ami nlnciy.ilio dollars duu aud ovUnK
? ,ll from said dufondaiits, Holllster
i w" v" ij-ret foro inadc, executed and do
llicred by said defendants to p aintlff, and lor
!fo,V.sV!"tf bel!nt f. I'taHitltt laa su there
toforo lieiulliiK n said dlstilet court ot Web-
5 !nHiiUn y x?.',','!!'a',k'J.V ?I"me,l Wndswortta
i. u, ?iSr iJy"lln",' " Mtt,m ot' "I. ""'I tlufc
Plaintiff heroin sueks to subject to the nay-
;''"' ' Ml;! claim aKalnstJ lou. tlio non?.
,H',r(,i) "'. Slinl"n thirty-live (.15.)
,,: ;rJ. I )S 0,Mvr l'(!11,"'i uraskn. which said
infi ",, ' ,i,'u Um ''''"'d In atlachment In this
?.,,. ,'t .i"lu , iro "'"y ot.Wac swortli nolllster,
on" of thu titan o named defendants.
p'nm.',Tm ' ?"'