The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 01, 1895, Image 4

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The Only
Great and thoroughly re-
i liable building-up niedicine.
nerve tonic, vitalizer ana
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
It has won its hold upon the
hearts of the people by its
VM U llUWUUk Mill 111311. lilUlllu'
It is not what we say, but'
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story:
Hood's Cures
Even when all other prepar
ations and prescriptions fail.
"I used Hood's Barsaparllla Innt
Klntor when I had a bad cold and
hctdacho b pells for eoven days. It did
mo good. My father was taken with
rheumatism In his arm and ho took
ono bottle, nfter which tho pains loft
his arm." Gcbtavk Stone, arcehara,
Hnnrl'c Pill arc taMolm, mlltl. cfTc
live. All ilrilKKts.
lihtokiil xotus.
FosTMAsrhit General Hisfol has re
Bignod and tho president tins accepted
Iiih resignation.
In nil probability thu liionninl census
of thostitto will not bo luken this jenr,
although lliu law seems toboimporutivo.
There Ih no need of it.
A iii.ini) iniiii hi California hasinvont
cd an electric railway on tho cublo sys
toni Hint will run at a speod of 100 miles
por hour. Tho cam will bo run on a
cublo suspended from friimo work.
Si.Ni'K tho iIhoii bill wont into effect
tho prominent countries of Europe havo
given Undo Sam a black e)o in tho way
of retaliation, by forbidding tho impor
tation of American cattio into Europe.
Franco is tho liiht country to do ho.
Livr every fanner, who can, try sub
nulling tliiH year. It may botbo panacea
that tho went ban been looking for to
tide them over hot winds and drouths.
Road tho articles in Tiik Uiiikp, by
Younger Ilr(M., now running. It will
pay j on.
Wii.u'h becniuu of tho Omaha llee?
Hardly ever see it in thin nock o' tho
woodfl any moro. Tim State Journal Iiiih
taken itH placo. Tim .lournal sond.sovor
lirty dailies, while the Hepawater has
only three or four. It lined to bo tho
other way.
Tin: legislature is drugging along.
Several good lawn have been intiodticed,
and one of them in to have tho t.ession
lawn published thiough tho newspapers.
Another good law would l that of com
pelling township oIlieeiH and other
functiotiaricH to publish teportH of the
doings of their respective olllces. Ah it
if, tho people have no way of telling
what condition the llimneeH of school
and township treasurers are in, as well
no all other disbursing ullleors. Givo
lis good Iiik'h and the peop'ewill rejoice.
On next Monday the democratic side
Bhow at Wushingt jii will close its careor
amid tho contempt and dorihion of its
own constituency, as well as the entiro
country, for having willfully blundered
in legMution affecting the nation's in
toreat and othonvise proving recreant to
tho trusts put into their keeping. Every
department has beon in tho hands of
tho democratic party for two j ears, and
in that time the country has gono to tho
iloninition bow-wows. For moro than it
quarter or a century tho republicans
had beon paying oil" millions of dollars
fronted by tho late war, brought on by
people who aro largely prominent in
mnnaging tho ship of stato todny. Hun
ureus oi millions or war claims were
paid otr and tho best govornmont on tho
fnco of tho onrth was re-established and
placet! upon a pormunent foundation.
Two years ago peoplo wanted a change,
and they got it, and as a result of free
trado whims and other noneeuse, thoy
will havo tho plenauro of paling off
8103,000,000 moro, besides making tho
Rothschilds a present of about 610,000,.
000 proiit in tho last deal. Tho people
of this country will not bo as foolish
again as thoy wore two jeais ago. Wo
noticed for nearly twoscoro jeara that
"domocraey and hard times woro eynony
Tho bltio-bird i hailed as a harbinger
of Spring. It is alno it-reminder that a
blood-pnrltlor Is needed to propnro the
system for the debilitating weather to
come. Linton nnd yon will hear the birds
Hinging; "Tnko Ayer's KurHUpnrillu in
Mnrch, April, May."
Tho Degree of Honor A. O. U. W. will
givo a supper Thursday, March 7. 1S93,
from 5 to 10 p. m, ut WilliuniB'oldetund.
Supper 15c.
No school last Friday nftornoon.
II. C. Cutter mndo a call Monday.
Miss McCnll hna the bannor this week.
Uatlier muddy around the school this
A number woro nbsont Tuesday after
noon. Whcro was tho laboratory koy Mon
day morning.
flrorgo Overing presided ovor tho Vir
gil clnss Monday.
Ilcv. Maxlleltl visited tho Fchool at
tho close of Tuesday,
Tho phjsics clncn is taking n gonoral
review preparatory to nn examination.
Tho smiling countonnnco of Miss
Kale Roigle wns again scon in our midst
this weok.
My, whnt was that smell coming from
the chomistry Tuesday; almost ns bad
as a tannery.
Wednesday D. M. Hunter made hie
nnnual call and Inspection of tho school,
giving thorn n short talk at tho closo.
It costs about 87000 per year to run
this school. Thoro aro f23 scholars at a
cost of SirLWif per scholar. Think of
this, scholars, when out of order; whore
is tho profit?
J. F. Wintors stnrted for tho fifth
room, but, running against the Virgil
clnss, concluded ho had bettor not go
nny farther, so rotircd tojtry again when
circumstances wore moro favorable
Washington's birthdny was honored
by tho schools in a vory patriotic way as
well as goneroiiB. Euch scholar brought
Bomo food for the poor, consisting of
chickens, potntoos, bread, etc., whllo tho
klndorgnrton had a few exorcises mem
orable to those times.
Diod at her rosidonco in Rod Cloud,
Friday at 2:.'10 p. in., Fobruary 22, 1895,
Mary A. Morhnrt, wife of Adam Mor
hart. Showasll years, 7 months and
15 days old; mnrriod to A. Morhnrt April
7, 187.'$, nnd lived in Rod Cloud over
twenty years Sho wns unlvorsnlly
loved and was entwined doep in the
atrections of the people Sho leaves a
husband, throo sons, niothor, five broth
ers nnd a host of friondB to mourn hor
loss. Hor illnoss of only ono weok took
hor away so unexpected to every ono.
Moving horo in tho early sottlomentof
tho town, sho underwent many priva
tions, but nlwnjs bore up choorful and
strengthened hor husband in many
ways, giving him that conlidenco thnt
caused him to succeed in many under-
takings. She is gono now and sad will
bo his journey, yot hor life will ovor bo a
strength and of precious memory.
Funeral services were conductod by
her pastor from tho church of Christ of
which sho bad been a member from her
early daj s. A large atulionce was pres
ent ut the church and a long procession
followed her remains to its Inst resting
place in tho ceniotory.
Her life has ended. Its lepsons ro-
main to speak to us "Death is swallowed
up in victory, O death, whero is thy
sting?" O grave, whero is thy victory?
May truly bo spoken of her. "lilessed
aro llio tleatl which tho in the Lord,
yea Baith tho spirit from henceforth
for they do rest from their labors and
leir works do follow thorn" is again
true of her. Sho gave horself unselilsh
ly to her children and home, granting
ovory desire and trying to load them to
t noble ami pure manhood, making
homo tho most attractive placo for them.
Sho was deeply impressed with the
truth and purity of Christ, and in the
church over sought to hold them up, and
when sho orrod it was of tho head, and
not of tho heart. Limit of knowledge
wns tho bounds of her actions. Sho
did all things to tho best of her light of
duty. Sho felt hor duty of responsibili
ty, nnd hud a doop nnxioty for tho wol
faro of hor brothers nnd sisters in Christ,
nnd sought to havo thorn to live pure
and intluentiul lives in Christ. Sho was
a loving wife, a faithful niothor, a true
christian and a sincere friend.
Sho has left this inheritance ns a gift
to her children far more prtcious than
gold. Hor pluco can nevor bo tilled,
She will bo missed in nil her chosen
places, but what is our loss is her gain.
She is now free from tho pain nud toil of
this life with nil its cures and anxiety,
and is rendering to tho delight of her
soul that perfected praiso and udoration
of u redcomed soul to its savior.
Life's toils aro o'er, tho battle Is ondotl
tho nrmor is laid down and the crown is
tulcon up. Weep not dear friends for
tho resurrection morning will open to in
the graves of Christ, nnd if wo aro faith
ful in n fow days wo will meet her nguin
uovor to part. Shall not her lifo load us
into u more porfect lifo in Christ, and
have stronger bonds in heuvon. Shall
not nil hor friends iruitato hor exuniplo
in life, and in death tint! u rowurd in
Christ ns sho has found.
"On thtoO our (Iot we rest
Letting lite plow calmly on,
Alii! wo know tho last U beit,
Wten the ciown ot Joy Is won,
la thy mlKlit nil things mi bear,
In tliy lova II ml bitter sweet,
Ami with all mir Krli-f ami uaio
Kit In patience at thy feet. '
Take n dose of UoWitt's Littlo Early
KUors just for thu good thov will do you
These little pills nregood fur indigestion,
good for hendnehe, good for liver com
plaint, good for constipation, They aro
A noynl Meeting or tho CSrand
Army or the Republic at
The organization, known as tho Grand
Army of tho Republic is too woll undor
stood to noed any explanation ns to its
objocts. Suffice it to say that it has
probably reached its largest member
ship, for tho boy soldier of .10 years ago,
is tho old man of today. Not bo old in
yonrs, but old becaUHo of tho hardships
and privations ho suffered, which hns
onnblcd you and I to enjoy tho blessings
of n frco country today. Tho mombor
ship of this department, according to
Inst published report is 8,020, n loss dur
ing the year of 1893 of 1,193. 127 of
this number havo answered tho last roll
call and joined tho silent majority.
Tho Grand Army of tho Republic has
in tho past assisted its unfortunuto com
rades in this depurttnont to tho amount
of 972.28 in 1892, 8178G.KJ in 1893. You
can seo tin increuso in '93 of over $813 53
caused In somodegreo by tho increased
disabilities of tho boys, but tho grcntor
part of tho dilToronco wns on account of
tho suspension of bo tunny pensions. Hut
horo wo must ppeak of our auxiliary
tho Woman'fl Reliof Corps. Wo aro
woll awaro that but for "tho most noblo,
grand and patriotic band of womon over
organized" probably one-halt of our posts
ut least, would havo had to sont in their
charter and disband. Many of these
noblo women gave thoir services to this
government to save tho boys; nnd tho
writer can testify to tho fact that had it
not beon for ono loyal woman, who hud
no noor rolntivefl in tho eorvico, but who
enlisted as n nurse, and served faithfully,
ho would n)t bo horo to writo today.
"Tulle of loyolty nnd patriotism" theso
women nro among tho grentost tho na
tion over knew or ovor will know.
The encampment of tho Grand Army
of the Republic und convention of ita
auxiliary, tho Woman's Relief Corps waB
hold in Hastings Fobruury 13 and 11.
On account of the depressing times the
attendance was not nn largo us usual.
Grand Army boys convened about 100
and Woman's Relief Corps 220.
Tho business of tho encampment was
hurriod us bo mnny of tho boys folt they
must return homo Boon us possible. It
was a very ploasant und also a sad gath
ering of tho boys. Pleasant because tho
bo)8 nro standing closer togothor. Sad
becuuso of the reports of utter destitu
tion among some of our comrades in tho
western portion of this department, bo
cause ot drouth, nnd increased bv sus
pension of pensions.
Too much cannot bo said in praiso of
the hospitulity of tho good people of
Hufltings. "Talk of loyalty." why, the
soldior and citizeup, both ladies ami gen
tlemen, and those too, who hud no near
relatives in the army, were viewing with
each other in tendering the hospitalit)
of their homes to tho comrades who
mndo it possible for tnem to onjoy the
blessings of today and in a freo country.
Ma) or McHliieny of that beautiful little
city gave us tho freedom of tho town
while there, anil in his hearty welcome
milled by the citizons, a tender chord
wiib touched in tho hearts of the boys
that will not bo forgotten.
There was no competition for location
and us Oiuahu was the only bidder it
was located thoro for 1S90. Thoro was u
sharp though pIoiiHant strife for tho lo
cation of tho reunion, which was located
at Hastings. 1 think tho most access
able on account of tho condition of
western portion of department. The
business of tho session being complete,
tho order of business, fur tho ovoning of
tho 1 It It. was installation of ollicvrs; and
the bo)B appointed a committee to ex
tend ucordiul invitution to its aiixilinr),
tho Woman's IJolief Corps, to hold joint
installation with us which was accepted,
Mrs. Gertrude Horr Connell, past de
partment president, then installed the
olllcers of tho Wnmun's Reliof Corps in
a vory able manner. Tho following of
tlcors woro installed:
MrB. Emily Dillworth. Dpi. Piob.
Mrs, Rose Condon. S. V. Dpt. Pres.
Mrs Fuxton. J. V. Dpt. Pres.
Mrs Alico Dilworth. Dpt. Sec.
Mrs Anna F. Church. Dpt. Trens.
Tho ofllcers elect of the Grand Army of
the Republic wore then installed by com
rade H. C. Russoll, Poet Dopt. Com.,
C. E. Adnins. Dopt. Com.
J. II. Culver. -S. V.Com.
JohnErhurdt. J. V. Com.
I.E. Arnold. -A. Q.M.G.
Comrnde Bunwell. Med'l. director.
O. H.Beeby.-Dept.Chap.
Aftor which n camp tiro was hold. Ro
mnrks weromudobytho following mem
bers of tho Relief Corps Mrs. L. A.
Dates. Mrs. Helen E. Cook and Mrs,
Abbio Adams. Tho last named boing
tho wife of our depnrtmont commander,
and a noblo woman whom this depart
ment will no doubt hoar moro from in the
future Theso remarks were followed
by comrnde Church Howe, II. C. Russoll,
O. A. Heeby department chaplain und
C. E. AdiunB, depnrtmont commander.
Wobolieve that Com. Adams from his
remarks nnd from what wo knew ot him
porsonully, will not disappoint tho boys,
if times and means with a dovotion to him
who knows no defoat will bring attontion
or relief necessary to thoir comfort.
Tuesduy evening tho Woman's Reliof
Corps and tho Grund Army of tho Ro
public woro tondered a reception nt tho
court houeo when soverul speeches woro
mudoby tho boys und uleo ono by Mary
R. Morgan, past department president of
the W. R. C, which woro interspersed
with oxcollont music rondored by the
good ladles nnd gontlomen of Hastings.
At tho installation ot ofllcors Thursday
ovoning, Judgo Ileal nnd wifo and Mrs
W. E. Andrews rondored somo excoliont
musical tluots. Tho ladies. Mrs. Judgo
Ileal and Mrs. W. E. Androws nro both
members of Silas A. Strickland Corps
No. Oof Hustings.
II. E. Pond.
Pure rich blood is tssentlnl to good
health, beenuso the blood Is tho yltnl fluid
which supplies nil tho organs with life.
Hood's Sarsnpnrllln is the great blood
Hood's l'lll nro purely vegotnble, harm
less, effective, do not pain or gripo.
Fob. 21, 1893, Mrs. Elizaboth Holcomb
nt tho residence of her duughtor Mrs.
Arnoson on Wulnut Creek.
Eliznbeth Crnwford wns bom Murcli
17, 1818, in Ashtabula county, Ohio und
was Almon Guyott Holcomb
Murcli ft, lu,'19, at Lima, Indiana.
Thoro uro four children who eurvivo
hor. Harmon Holcomb, J. C. Holcomb,
nnd Mrs. Mnry Arneson residing hero
nnd Frank Holcomb in Oklahoma.
Mrs. Holcomb had been a widow a
great many yenra. Sho wns among tho
oarly settlors of this county, and had
mndo her homo hero most of tho timo
sinco. Sho had ondourcd herself to the
peoplo of this community by her kind
christian character, her pleasant social
ways ami hor Bympnthy for those in
trouble. Sho hud beon nn invalid cover
nl years and bore her suffering patiently
and always expressed a willingness to go
whon tho call should come.
In Memory of Mrs, Tulleys.
Mrs. Tulleys was ono of the pioneer
women of this vicinity. Sho was not
among tho first female settlers, still there
are only a half dozen living near Red
Cloud who have lived in the neighlior-
hood longer than tho deceased, and they
are younger in years nnd moro nigged
in health, for she was a confirmed invalid
before her reiiiovnl to this county.
With Iter husband and two children sho
settled on tho old homestead just east of
tho city twenty-three years ugo and be
gan tho lifo of the pioneer. The first
homo was n dug-out and the buffalo
threatened to break in its roof in its reck
less run down to the river 6ide. The
dug-out liccanie a log houso and the
Indian peered in nt the windows, and
knocked ut its doors and yelled "How."
She saw the sawmill come to make
lmards of tho cotton wood that fringed
tho river, and the logs of her house were
covered witli the cotton wood siding.
She saw the grasshopper pestilence of
1ST I and sho coveied tho young tices
nnd llowei-ri sho hud set about the house
with rags and straw to protect them
from the Egyptian plague.
Sho saw the terrible prairie lire light
it) theawful gloom of night nud rush with
iiiiiuo of smoke and tongue oi flame from
thenoithern sky. With her littlo oius
and her husband she tried the long hours
of the April evening to keep the furious
enemy at bay and sat the long night,
waiting for the smoke to lift und thu
dawn to show whether people still lived
in her midst or whether she was. iilono
upon the prairies.
One awful night she, heard the wind
arise in fury nud felt a darkness us of
death, save when the fierce lightning lit
up the gloom. In its vivid gleams she
saw the new built bum. sheds and fences
Hung by the i oaring wind past tho win
dows of the old log house. She saw the
tenant hou-o upon the opposite hill
dashed ucio-s the road. She saw that
where her daughter's house had stood
no house was there. Sho heard tho solid
timbers of tho old log houso quiver and
groan beneath the awful blows, but her
children were all with her and the house
withstood the storm.
Tho railroad came. Tho logs and
cotton wood iKiards woro replaced by
pine lioards and lumber. A neat frame
cottage succeeded the dugout and log
house. Then near by a promising littlo
city grew into being and it fell to her lot
to dwell in ono of its stateliest mansions.
Yet htrungo to say she never was in
better health and spirits than whenshs
bravely struggled with tho privations
and hardship of tho pioneer days. To
tho lust, tho friends sho then made, tho
lifo sho then lived rcninined her happiest
memories. Tho vanities nnd frivoltica
of city lifo made but littlo appeal to her.
She hud no ambition to lead society or
thu fashion, and bo far as she followed,
she followed with reluctant bteps. To
tho last sho preferred tho conipnuionship
of those whoso plain and simplo living,
whoso frugal and industrious lives were
calculated to help their hubbauds build
homes nud maintain them.
In ono respect her fortune wns excep
tionally kind. She biiw her dnughters
huppily married and settled apparently
for lifo on farms adjoining tho old home
stead. She saw them each give birth to
children who seem lwrn to comfoitablo
homes and happy surroundings. She
was an earnest hopeful christian al
though not connected with any church
organization. A faithful wifo, a fond
mother, she passed away having been her
children and grandchildren in comfort
and peace ubout her, tho lifo work was
finished and the wearied bpirit bank to
A woll bred und will truinod dog
tho best iuyostment on the farm
Coughs and Colds,
Soro Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, General Dobility and
all forms of Emaciation aro speedily cured by
Scotfs Emulsion
mmmmmmam mmmmmmmammmmmamr
Consumptives nlwnys find great reliof by taking it; nnd
consumption is often cured, No other nourishment restores
(strength bo quickly and effectively.
Weak Babies and Thin Children
aro mado strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion whon other
forms of food socm to do them no good whatever.
Tho only genuino Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon'
colored wrapper. Refuso cheap substitutes!
Send J or pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE.
Scott & Bowno, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 oonts and $1.
Comprising all Varieties or
Two kinds Criih Apple, Elms and oH Maple Shade Trees.
TIicno trees are from three to Tour years old nnd aro first-class
trees, l'ou ean ct your elio'ec Tor 5 cents per tree, Terms cash,
They must lie sold,
E. B. SMITH, Red Cloud.
The City Bakery
Oar motto, Live and Let Live.
At tho City bukorynnd restiurnntyou
can got tho best square meal or lunch
in tho city and tho cheapest, and keep
on hand fresh bread, buns, pies und
cakes. All kinds of bread stuffs at 32
loaves for 81.00, special rates on turgor
lots. You will II ml us prompt, neat und
cloan and first clnss. Accommodations
for boarding nnd lodging. Fresh oysters
nnd ice cream in season.
Joseph Herburger, Proprietor.
Work of the Heller Commission.
At tho last mooting of tho County Cen
tral Relief Committee tho county wns
distributed ns follows und nil aid reccivod
at Hidden will go to Harmony und Glen-,
wood; at Hluo Hill, Potsdam; at Cowles
Him creek and Pleasant Hill; at Ciuido
Hock, Heaver Creek and Cuide Hock; at
Iuavulo, Wulnut Creek, Iuuvnle und
Catherlon; ut Hed Cloud, Gurlleltl, Lino,
Hutin.Red Cloud, H C City 1st nud '2nd
wurtls, at Rosemont, Oak Creek and Still
water. When notitled by tho secretary
each precinct will net its pro rata from
tho distributing coinmittoo in it district
unit distribute snmo among its own peo
ple taking their application und receipt
for articles received.
Remember tho County Central Reliof
committee hns an itemized account with
eecli person getting aid in this county
und tho public uro requested to inspect
them, now is tho time to make your ob
jections. Helow is tho number that has
received nid in each precinct up to Thurs
day Feb. 23 roportcdntmy otllce;
Rutin 12, Heaver creok 7, Kim creek '.'1,
Gurtield 11, Harmon) !KI, Iuavale 7, Lino
7, Ploasnnt Hill 20, Retl Cloud 0, 1st waul
UC 2.1, 2nd ward R C 10, Stillwater 18,
Walnut Creek :. Totul 218. Total No.
orders tilled 22'J.
Cms. SciiAiTNtT, Sec.
"A crick in the bnck," a pain under the
shotilder-blndes, water brush, blllionnnunB
and constipation, nnd symptoms of dis
ordered stomnch, kidneys, liver, und
bowob. For nil i ilmonts originating in
n dernngment of these orgnn,tnko Ayer's
llevltal Meetings.
Tho 6ories of meotingsnt tho Church
of ChriBt aro still drawing lurgo nudionces
every night nud confessions ut almost
ovory sorvico. Tho following subjects
will bo discussed tho coming week.
Saturday, Mnrch 2, Anuthoma Murun
uthu. Sundny,Mnrch3,The Lord's Supper.
Sunduy ovoning, What must I do to bo
saved .
Monday, March 4, Saved by a rod ropo.
Tuesduy March 5. Chungo ot hourt
Wednesday, March C, The foolish nnd
wise virgins.
Thursday, March 7, How to got thoro.
Friday, Mnrch 8, Christ the door.
Don't fall to hear these Bormons overy
night beginning at 7:30. All questions
pretuining to christian duty und godli
ness, unswored.
. . - -
You ought to know this: DaWitt'a
Witch Hnzle Salve will hcnl a burn nnd
os) pthe pain instnntly. It will euro bad
ly chapped hands, ugly wounds, sores,
nnd u well known onro for piles,
Go to Kob)'8 west of post otneo, for
Hour, food, grain, hay, Ac. Host quulity
und reusomtblo prices.
Many English sparrows uro said to huvo
frozen to death during tho blizzard.
and Restaurant
Home Ncckera i:cnrsloii.
Mnrch 5th and April 2nd tho Missouri
Kansas nnd Toxuh Ry. will sell tickets to
all points in Texas at greatly reduced
rates. For further information apply to
your local ticket agent or uddrees G. A.
McNutt Dp. A. 1011 Union Ave, Station
A. KanBns City, Mo.
I'rivale .tlone) to Loan.
On good farms for 1, 2, 1), 1 or f )oara
t!hm ).l ....r. I. I . .- t ,
iiiuu ut ii-iiBuiiiiiui! iiiicH. .Honey itiwuyH a
ready, ono mortgage, and nocouiuiission
Writo to Geo. W. Hurker, Krio, Penn.
no 1-tf
Seed t'orii.
Go to heudquarlerh for your seed
corn. I havo it car load of ear seetl
corn. Itwillpa ou to see me. las.
Peterson. ut
A 42ood linnee to iivt Work.
I desiro to trade a work team of horses
for it good fitrni hand for tho coming
Benson of lSiCi. Apply to
E. H. Smith.
Stf Red Cloud.
I huvo n thoroughbred Poland China
boar (registered). Services 61.00.
S-lt Hiiow.n.
Wiener hns tilled one of his windows
with shoes ranging in price up to S-'l.O.
You can havo )our choice for 81,23.
He also hns a counter full of better
grades which ho is olloriiig at l.r,0 per
Tho sharp wind blow,
Tho lino snow How,
And sifted down his neck;
A cold ho nursed,
His s) stem was n wreck.
For doctors' skill
Ho got a bill
At which ho was surprised;
Ho wondors why
Ho didn't buy
That cont wo udvertisod.
An ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of euro. Hotter pny Wionor 52)
for un overcoat than give it to the doo
to.r,1 V'onor B0s ovorcouts now at
wholesnlo cost, and thoy rungo from 62
to 812.
For Rent. A good houao with barn
-C. V. Kuley
Attention Old Soldiers.
Thero will bo a mooting of tho old
Boldiers, nt tho court houso, in tho city
of Red Cloud, Nob,, Suturdnyut 2 o'clock
March 2, for tho purposo ot considering
tho distribution ot tho relief needed.
Como prepared to report all casos thut
uro in need of hoi p. Uy ordor of com
mlttoe. Tako your wagon work to Stnpleton.
Ho forges nil irons for buggioaout of tho
boBt Norway iron, uses no malleablo iron
in repairing buggioa.
There is ovory whero tho working of tho
ovorlasting law of requital; mun ulwaya
gets what ho gives.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure drape Cretin ot TurUr lm der.