.H yrv ' ? H jm,7" THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, BED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, FRiOAV, Jj'Klf. 22, 1895 "l ' -wSSijpv .' lw w BBBefcV n"M -CViId. o BLQSSO Acts like a poultice, drawing out fever and pain, and rcinvig orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes all obstructions and creates a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Don t take internal rem edies for Female wcakncss,com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief find permanent cure. "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, lcu corrheca, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. "Orange Blossom" is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re ceipt or $i. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. tor Stile by C. I,. Coltln lied Cloud. Unlhcr Bulletin. tCopjrluhted, 189S, by W.T. Koeter. St. Joseph, Mo, Fob. 23 Mj last bulletin gave forecasts of I lie storm wuvo to cross tho continent from February 23 to 27 and tho next will reach the Pacific coast about Feb, liSlh, cross tho western mountain country by clo'o of Mar. 1, tha great central valleys from 2d to 4th and the cistern states about tho 5th. This disturbance will bo a contin uance of the severe storms of Febru ary, and prcoip'utiou will bo about an average. Warm wave will cross tho western mountain country ahout February 28, tho great central valleys about March 2, and tho eastern states about March 4. Cool wave will cross tho western mountain country uliout March 3, tho great contrul valleys,, ahout the fth, and the eastern states ahemt 7th. MARCH WKATHF.R. Indications nro that tho tempera ture of March will average below nor mal cast of tho Allcghanioi and north are inoro dr finitely loeatod by meter ologists but probabilities aro that they havo locttid tho centers of tho semi- annual hih and low too far to ''hnv. Amtioy. Quito n change in tho weather. Mr. Warner hpent Sunday in Am- southwest in northcustcrn Asia. 'J h theory would piano tho centers at i It center of tho north magnetio polo near where tho (i.uh parallel of latitude crosses tho Lena river Another fact beats out this theory. On and north of tho 40th parallel of latitudo in tho Chineso empiro and eastern Siberia the- winters aro vastly more severe than in tho saino latitudes in America. This can bo accounted for only on the theory that tho north Magnetic poles in America and Asia form high barometers in winter and tho Asiatic polo being live or six de grees further south than ours in Amer ica would account for tho old of northeast Asia extending further south than on this continent. Tho reader will bear in mind that tho central portions of the transient, the semi-annual and tho perpetual low btrometers aro ccntors oT warm and I... I....I,., ..... l,.. ,wiiilrj nf nnlil ol Richmond, Virmnia; above nor 1 ' . , ttml l.i tlin Atlntihrt Dt.llnil nrilllll til' ' ...... Hit ini'Uiiv t....w .... Richmond; below in the Ohio vlley 'The Book ok "The Fair." tly H. II. llAiicinn, 'Tim IIIMorlan." A work of Ono Thousand Imperial Folio ptigcc, tweho by sixteen inches, I printed on tho llnost enameled paper, on tho Miehlo press, ub ex hibited in Machinury Hull. ThiB work contains Twenty-five Paris Forty Pages Each. Tharo will bo over 2,500 SUPER!! PIC- tttreB of all siA'S up to ti full page. jk A chapter on Fairs ot the Past Prom tho Crystal Pulaco of 18T2 to tho Paris Exposition of 1889. Tho Exposition wna but foru momont while tho book is for nil timo, and Should be in Every Home tSold by subscription only, on easy pay- tnonta ot GJ conts a day. For further particulars apply to C Ij COTTING-, Druggist Jkliookseller EETAKunt for thia company. -Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the now firaous i a. -B l' L!l Ml LLm BOW, the only bow (ting) which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Can only ue had on cases contilningthU trade mark. uaui; ii v Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, larger, and most complete Watch Case factory in the world 1500 employees j 2003 Witch Cases daily. W v JllK Ul 119 JI1UUU113 l lUCWtUUrtUM Filled Watch Cases which arc jiiit ns good as solid cases, and cost about one half less Sold by all jewelers, without extra charp,8 for Non-pull-out bow. Ask for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. KTlaHf B.laATninpTTMBfl ft mrcAVtAIO.MAULMAKKSi ?? CUPYKKaHia. WAN I OBTAIN A PATENT For Vrnropt answer and an lioiicrt opinion, wrlto to MUNN Si UO., wbn havo unit nearl J ilftr TeiuV experience In tho imtcnt buflnros. Coiumunloi ttonitrletlycxml1iomul. A llanilliookof In formal Ion cont'iTiiinu t'nlrnlH anil now to CD- tain mem nvnt m c. Also a caiaioguo ui uiiumw leal and ncluntlHa Ixmkn emit free IIMM thus aro brouulit nldclr bornrotlio inilillowlth. atunta taken fbrnush luun k Co. rcCOlTO dal notlcolntho Hclnitllin Ainnrlrnn. and 1 (iiu iiivuiiiur. iitp rii,.-.."i .!.' Ivucil week r. e ooant v I uttratcsl. Iiaa br far uio luejt rireulation or nny Mlcntltlo work lu tbo out onat to tlio Inrontor. Hlnalo contalni beau. VjIdf.S.I nruar. bauipln uuainu 1 muni), montnir, 1 J. 'i!i cvnla. Kvery iimu . oumH AJIj;ii anil fcciini ctintriicta. AiMrca nvH & tu., Nlw Vouu, UUl llnuAUwAY. l,uf.W' a Tear, tampin niniiaacni. htw. uuuaing iiiuinu, montblr. I it hum- icv.rv iiiimli, r III rolnra. uml nliotnuranli of now Ith flam, onubllnu liulliltra io ahow tlio aii'l tho upper and lower lake'; below normal in the Missouri and upper Mi'-sif'sippi valles; bolow in tho Hod river country; above in tho lower Mis sisbippi valley and cast gulf; below average in tho nrid distticts cast of the lloikiep; below averago on the north Pacific blopo and above on the south Pacific nlopu. March rainfiill will bo wull distrib uted and about normal throughout the country oxcept a probable t-xcess on tho Middle Atlantic coast. Tho unusually aovcrc tropical storms first part of February caused more rxtrcmo cold on tho continent than was cxpootcd. CLIMATE. Lit us again cxamiuo the north magnetic poles for further informa tion as to climatic changes. Tho writer docs not claim that tho sun, moon and planets originato storm cen ters, or tho various transient and local high and low barometers. Theso be longs to the earth's magnetic system and their force and movements arc affected by planetary magnetism. Tho old orthodox meteorologists claim that a perpetual low barometer surrounds tho geographical north polo, covering au area three to four thousand miles in diameter. They havo probably been misled about this from tbo fact that all rotio voyages must bo made by passing through tho Icelandic or Bering sea perpetual and stationary low barometers. Explorers' havo not gono near enough to tho north polo to determine whether it has a perpetual low, and thoy havo only inferred that it has. Thcro aro reasons for believing that tho north polo country docs not go to either txtremo of tho barometer, but tends toward a low in summer and a high in winter. This brings up tho important points for discussion in this bulletin, the barometers of tho north magnetic poles. Meteorologists havo determined, in a general way, that low barometers cover North America and Asia during our summer seasons, or when tho sun is north of tho earth's equator, and that high barometers cover about tho saino land surfaces during-our winters As to what part of North America and Asia tho centers of thoso alter nating highs and lows occupy there aro differences of opinion and a the ory will not bo out of place Tho theory is this: Tho sun's mag netic influences on tho earth trans form tho magnetic north polo into a low barometer about tho first ot April whon tho sun has fairly crossed to thu northern side of tho earth's equator and again to a high baromotor about tho first of October when the sun has crossed to tho south side of the earth's equator. All known facts are in aoooid with this theory and if futuro discoveries confirm the theory it will beoome a matter of great importance in meter ology. Ono faot in support of this theory is that a high baromotor covers three- fourths of North America during our winter and is contral near Salt Lako City. Nearly the same territorv is covered by a low during tho summer months, It is not reasonable to sup poso that these semi-annual changes could occur without similar changes a little further north at tho contor of tho Amnrioan inagnctio north pole. Theso changes in northeastern Asia I near the Asiatic north magnetic polo decends and in tho lows ascends Tho onl pormamcut and perpetual barometers iiro the four highs that coyer I ho north and south Atlantic and Pacific, tho lows, that lio tilonc tho cqintnr on tho great oceans und and tho Ict-lundio and Uhcriug sea luws. Asia, Africa, South America and North America each have lows during their Minimi 1 ssasmiH und each havo hiuhs during their winters. The lows inllow the tun and tho highs take tho npposito ht'imsphrro. Walter Clx oatuohomo tho 11th to ppoi d tho Hummer with his parents, Miss Carolina linker was visiting hor undo G W. ILkcr lait week. Mr. McKinmy of llildroih, is vis iting his ton Will .McKinnoy. Tho hkatini: party waM wtll attend ed Saturday night, and all 1 report a good time. lloo Boner is the Jhnppy papa of'a ten pound hoy. Wo understand tli.it Miss Stella Dcbbins leaves for her homo in Iowa Friday. Miss Stella bus mado man) friends hero who will regret her de parture and wish her success wherever alio goes. George Heed of Red Uloud is visit- ing his uncle Gcorgu Law. Anthony Green of ISIuu Hill was lino Sunday. A oar of aid has ariivid 11 1 Amhiiy. Mr. and .tiro. Knutson wermisiting their parents in Ainbny Suuda. Mrs Sim Itriunr was visiting at Mr. BikrV Friday. J. W Siiliidou and wife spent Sun day in Red Cloud. Ilonry Dicdericb whs a pleasant caller in Atnboy Sunday. V J II BACKACHE. WHY ? Bocuisu your Liver ami Kidneys are out of order. For years and years housewives all over the country havo used with best results Dr. J. H. McLean's " Liver Kidney Balm. Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it is the "PEERLESS REMEDY" for curing ailments of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright' Disease. For sale everywhere at JJi.oo per bottle. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS. MO. 1$ O'O " G9 &&&& 4jo.a. sOO-CV As a rule, Foster's predictions for 1 ho laiter part of January and tho Grst work of February havo been ful filled with remarkable accuracy, nnd his rcputHtion ns the most reliablo weather prognnstioator aud greatest livit.g scienii-t of the present ago is daily gHining hticngth among tho peo ple of this country. Abilene (Tcxae) Reporter. Tho wenther of the past week has verified Foster's forecasts as printed in this paper Dallas, (Texas) Farmer. EXPECTANT MOTHERS. Thutourwotitlortul mnetlv "Motiiehs Fim'Nh" wlilili nmUfH clil!Mlrt!i rasy nny bu wttliln the ruicli ot nil wo havo rciluccil tho jirlco to ONK DOLLAR per bottle. ...linWARU olfroudi, count. crfclt.4 and substitutes. Take nothing but M others Friend SOLD BY ALL DRUOOI8T8. rWWrlto for book "TO MOTI1UIIS" mailed frop. THE ORADFIELD REGULATOR CO., fiolf Pmiirlf ton, ATI.AM A. (U. Two Lives Saved. Mr, l'lioobe Thomas, of Junction City, 111 , was told by her doctors she had con Hnmption and that thero was no hope for her, but two botllef. of Dr. KIor'b New Disoovery completely cured her and b'aO Buys it Bavod her life. Mr. Thos. Kggers, i:i'J Florida St. San Franolsco, suffered from ft drradfnl cold approaching con hnmption, tried without rosolt everything elHe than bought one bottlo of Dr. King's New Didcovery and In two weeks wna cured. Hois naturally thankful. It is such resnltit m these that prove tho won derful tnlciiujr of this medicine in coughs colds. Free trial bottles at O. h. (Jotting's Drugstore regular size f.Oo. and $1.00. It is tho close observation of little things which is tho eecrot ot business. Mr. II. Kennedy, mining broker at Los Angoloc, Cal., knows what he wants aud is booud to kavo it. He writes: Ilaller Proprietary Co., Gents. Will you kindly direct mo as to where in Southern California I chu procure a bottle of yonr excellent remedy nt Norfolk, Neb., some three weeks ago whito passing through thero from the Dluok Hills. I think it tho best cough rtmedy I havo ovor used, It works liko magio in oasos of croup." A large bottlo can be had for Mo nt Deyo & Orice's drugstore. Rulllory is a mode of speaking in favor ot one's wit against one's good nature. Shlloh's cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures inoipient constipation. It il the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts., CO ats., and 81.00, In that sweot mood whon pleasant thoughts bring sad thoughts to the mind. Unay people have no time, and sensible people have no inclination to up a slow r,mdy. One Minute Cough Care nets promptly and gives permanent results. A mind conscious of integrity scorns to say more than it moans to perform. Most people can not afford to experi ment. They want immediate relief. That's why they use One Minute Coagh Care. Believo mo, ftxary heart has its secret sorrows, whichVfc world knows not, When Baby vns Blck, wo gao her Costorla. When alio was a Child, bIiu crlod for Castorla. When hlio becamo Ml, bIio clunj? to Castorla. When blio hud ChllJreo, &I10 yiuu them Castorla, lllllllllllllllllllllll t THP Alliunil I lzz UJLUrVDIA PAP CALENPAR ! For emS-, m4 1895 A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind ol Morchome lor memoranda. 'I ho Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest of nil full ol dainty kilhouetlcs I ami pen sketches and cntcitaining thoughts on omnnor exercise nun sport. Occasionally reminds )ou ol the superb quality ol Columbia Hi cycles nnd ol your need of one. You won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will 1 mailed for five 2-cent stamps. AiMrcss Calendar Department, POPE MFQ. CO., , Mention thliptptr. Hartford, Conn. T lllllllllllllllllllllll ( pJ2f L, Ch-vx "The" Watch. For timokenping and durability nothing boats the seventeen jowelod Dkuiikk IIami'dkn Watch. CALLONpENMAN and examine thorn. Also his lino of Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles, Clocks, Plated and solid silverware, sonveulr i"oon I'fai I liamlled knives and forks, cirvlnu set calllnircard cases, lion bun liojres unci olhei nurrlllft.. A lino Hum id SiiuetHcleN and eyi Classes with Inti-nliaiiKHlilolt'lixus. steel, nlcke sliver and uold frames, Hpeclal and fareful hi teiitlon nuld to titling Hie too. My line of 2ml hand watclioa Is qulto lurj;e. I wllliun them op at less than ilielnictiini iMirtli. CryllrniK jnurHl''li. cluck mid Jewelry r pair work, our niiuianim and your old roI and silver to me. THOft. PRMMAK i,L,r:.,i,,.:r;.,Aoent8.$75 a wrk K1mtr irrrttorjr. Tfc IttbU DUhU.krr. W ftib IUU dUbinrur aftruli lovnnilai Uubfi, ilttwi nl drln Utrn iltbui -wvlilojl Ui I tod oa I titi the Imiiwn, iti mwtiliidM lid fbfffM wlTfl MMfj .Ougrr koolln))tulirclutbloft .Nubrohftlillalltl DuumLlUriu. durkU,rrutrl Irculwtfrc W. I. UAUHIHUNJL CO., CUrk M. !, ColuMbui. O, 0 0 uitch vn Hut liuforc yiui lo Hint, cumo round Io J. O. Ilutlcr's Iliirncas Sln 0 0 1. Y And buy 11 set of Hand Made IlurnvM or u huddle, ( ' Wo havo on hand n large stock und must soil it. Ply notn nnd (U inp iJustors in Boason. Trimming niul rojiainng on short notice. J. O. UIITI.CIt, IMtOPIlir.TOK, KltD Vf.iiVn, NKIIII. w 5s0r--prO c 'Vlmt is tho population of I'asndena? Oh, hero is tho Rand-MoNnlly Guide I will look it np. That book is full of val nablo information. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Oil PC" ITCHING PILES IIsiImW .. niMTUENT ABBOUTTBI.T OOSSS. Wlllliniilli IIYMinUMA-MoUlarai IdUbm I(cM u Uastaf I ml bi lall wrw b ruttklmt.lt PLATT & FREES CO, Chicago Lumber Yard RED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. ROSS & RIFE, i'BOPBUTOBS OF crrx brat ijiia. Orders Ordromptty filled, four patronage aoliolted Wmtm9WtLWLmmWmW Vance, The Jeweler ! B. & M. WATCH EXAMINER; RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. A. H. CARPENTER, PROPRIETOR OF IL I L1BY STABLE lied Oioutl, Nehraeha, NOUTll OF HOZ,JLANI nOVSE. I keep llmt'Class livery und pay strict attention to Commercial men. Your trade solicited. A WINTER'S ENTERTAINMENT Great "Value Weekly News For I.ltllo Money Or the World For a Trlfl e. ft Id Yin! ii Tnlni, n twenty page journal, in the lending Republican fomlly paper of the United Stales. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and uives all the general nowsot tho United States. It gives tho events of foreign lands In n nutshell. Its "AG niCULTURAL" department haa no superior in tho country. Its "MARKET REPORTS" sre recognized authority. Sepurato departments for "THE FAMI LY CIRCLE," "OUR YOUNO FOLKS," nnd "SCIENCE and MECHANICS." Its "HOME nnd SOCIETY" columns command tbn admiration ot wives end daughtors. Its general political news, editorials und discussions are comprehen sive, brilliant and oxhauativo. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables ub to offer this splendid Journal and THE CHIEF for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.25 whuk blr4iiig.bMirl.lbetilMorfc 8 I by druigt.u.rbv AMI l. ADVANCE. (Tho rrgulnr sucecription for tho two papers ifl 92.00.) SUOCIll I'TION MAY IIFOIJ AT ANV TIME. t5TA(dreBs nil orders to THE CHIEF, Rod Cloud, Nebraska. Write your ntiiiie and Hdilrt'kM on u poKlttl card, Mcud.lt to Geo. W, llcut, lCuoiu ii, Trlhtiiie lluildlutr, Sew York, und sample copy or i in: i:w YOltK AVLIUB.V TJUIBVME vtll bp iimllcd to )oti. 'A 1 i i y Al t, ,. 4 &1 J.,4. MVi?y