NIWttfcgWMMiuWWJteMMw5iSMaMg!SWI aosu nnu Jijyjvv UijAJai?', UUP ULUUJL), NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, PrB. Iu, 1895 I i ' K n CARDINAL ANTONELLI. Thn llroat lapat fltatrsman mi lie Ap peared to 1'alnter. Rudolph Lohmanu's visit to Homo in 1657 led to tho painter's introduction to tho great papal statesman, Cardinal An tonolli. Hn Hays: Boforo mu cat that execrated states nan, "tho lent hated mail in Homo," in tho most nfTahlo of moods. IIIh bronzed and somuwhnt oriental features Worn certainly far from handsome, but thoy wore full of clmractor, energy, mid, Recording to some, cruelty, with tho large, dark, plorolng eyes overshadowed by n heavy brow, tho strong auilitiu noso nnd tho full sensual lips. Ho was in a tnlkativo mood and Npoko freely of tho difficulties that besot his onerous ministry, of tho position of tho papacy becoming daily moro threatened through tho over increasing energy of its wicked enemies or what ho called "tho modern hpirits." "Out," lio rnldcd, "history teaches im that it hits always triumphed in tho long run, and it will do mi now." Ho nlso told mo that tho worldly inter cats of tho brothers Antonolli had nover been scparntod; that they possessed all their worldly goods in common, ono brother being director of tho Dancn lio niana; ono, tho Con to Gregorlo, taking caro of their vast possessions in tho Pon tine marshes, a third being syndoco of Romonud tho youngest boiug omployod in diplomatio missions by tho ticcrotury iof statu. During a short rest ho showod me, with ovidout pride, over his elegant apartment, furnished with all tho latent modern comfort. Hut tho crowning cli max was tho bodroom, combining with i tho polcmnlty and mystery of tho nbodo of a prince of tho church nil tho luxu ries of tho boudoir of n potitomaitrosse. 'Tho walls), tho curtains, as woll as tho 'hangings round tho spacious fonr poster, wcro of tho heaviest crimson damask, Hooped up with enormous tassels. Boa Ion Herald. life In Japan, "It is n curious, but accoptod truth," oommciiU tho wifo of a naval offlcor who has rcsidod a number of yoars in Japan, "thnt Americans, as a class, do ,jiot long stand up against Japan life. (There is something in tho air, or some thing lacking iu it, which is peculiarly trying to us. So many uaval oflloors nerving a thrco or hix years' duty there hnvo oomo homo with an iucnrablo com plaint that it is common talk iu tho serv ice Two admirals havo died of nbcess of tho livor after sevoral years' resldonco there, nnd other ofllcors havo had their fiaalth seriously impaired under similar conditions. I nover was seriously sick tin my lifo till I got out to tho island empire, and throughout my wholo stay 1 fought something. Tho English resi dents do not seem to suffer as wo do, which is also a commented upon fact." New York Times. Hastings has hud but ton ensee of Bcatlot feior and four fatalities. Polk county bus two hundred families dependent this winter upon charity. Ono nhould believe in marriage as in the immortality of tho soul. Uulzac. To love ono who loves you is stealing llrofrom heaven. M mo. do Girurdin. Bvory production of gonitis must bo tho production of enthusiasm. Disraeli. No longer talk about tho kind of a man that a good man ought to be, but bo such. Canning pajs no reward to virtue, and is but tho low mimic of wisdom Holing broko. Tho virtuo of tho soul does not consist in Hying high, but wulking orderly. Montaigne. The highest knowlodgo can bo noth ing more than the shortest and clearest i odd to truth. Colton. Eve, with nil tho fruits of Kdon blest, rather than leavo thut ono unknown, li st all tho rent. Mooro. Tviit'liurs' meeting. A teachers' mooting will be hold at Uowlea, Saturday, February 23, '&", com mencing ut H o'clock a. m. I'HOUUAM. Opening Ketcles. 1 Ten iestlorn on ItelRii of Mellaril the First, Lulu I'otter. Ten questions oh llohjii of Kdward the First, .1. n. Htrmler. . T"ii fiuestlons on ltclgn of Hoary the Fifth, 1C.T. Foe. Manic, the "Itojal Incentives" to study and good conduct, l'rof. J. J. Tooley. Mnilc. l.o e and Fear as Incentives to study and Itood conduct. .Mrs. Uzlo K. 1'ost. Music. Class drill la rcaillng, II. Id.i SavsRo. Music. Query-box. Adjournment. Teachers should road Whitn'n Snhnni Manngemout, pp. 151 to 189, nnd Dick on's Childs History of England, Chupter XIII, to XXII, to get some information in regard to tho subjects on tho program. No teacher who can possibly uttend should bo nbsont from this meeting. There will be a general discussion of each Biibjeut on tho program. All in torestod In educational work are invitod to bo present. '. Respectfully yours, . , , D. M. llUNTKIt, Co. Supt. Kd Cloud, Neb., Jan. 18. 1895. ' Market Itvport. euorreoinj Weekly.) Wheat GO Corn,'. CO Oat. :jo A wy w t uO -Mux..'. itjr, Hog 2 75 II 15 Stock hogs oo6:iQO Fat cows 3 Oo Iiutter io Hgga 15 . Potatoes r 100070 .Chickens lb 4 (Turkeys lb 0 TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS EVENTS OCCURRING IN ALL SECTIONS SUMMARIZED. Ilappenluas nt Home nuil Abroad He. (Iiil'piI From Column In Macs Kvery. thing bat Facts I'.lliiilu.ttrd I'ur Our Header' Cotitenli-nre. Friday, Feb, H. William I). Primer of Mexico, Mo , wns struck by u Wabash train and will die. An unknown horse disease Is reported from .Stark and Bureau counties, Illinois, Klghly-slx trotters sold fir20,000 at tho Ijfxliiftton sale. Burmudu Girl, B:'-'IK, sold for$i,:ioo. J. i. 1'lckett of Oskalonsn, la , has been conllrincdns a member of tho statu pilar many board. The board of education of Dubuque, la , has decided to adopt thn kindergarten sys tem In the public schools. Pirn destroyed the business portion of Jamaica, n town In Iowa. The postofllco Was among the buildings burned. Knsteru and Iowa lines threaten to be come embroiled In the coal rate war be tween Illinois and Indiana railroads. Tho retail lumber dealers of Michigan, now In session nt Jackson, will go on an excursion to tho south. John Leak, colored, has been nrrcsted at Battle Creek, Mich., charged with tho murder of Georgu Arnold, Republicans In tho Illinois legislature oppose tho military bill of tSO.000 for unl- lorms Tor tho state mllltla. C. O. Templo, Wabash aRont nt Contra Ha, Mo., shot himself In the head with suicidal purposes. Ho will dlo. (tanvoreau & Bcrguron, Hastings, Neb., grocers, made an assignment with assets of $1,000 and liabilities of fcUHX). Stella Winn, aged 17, committed sulcldo nt Cnrrnllton, Ills., It Is said, because of disappointment In n love affair. Tho grand lodge of Illinois of tho Inde pendent Order of Mutual Aid Is holding its eighth annual sesslou ut Qulney. Masked men robbed Jacob Kngel and wife, living near Bromon, Ind., and tying them to a Itcdpost left them to freeze, At Indianapolis the Condo Implement warehouse and several smallor stores wore consumed. Tho loss will reach 1100,000. John S. Stevens of Peoria, attorney for tho whisky trust, says tho members, with one exception, tiro brokers nnd gamblers. Charles Perry has been sentenced to hang at Pocatello, Ida., March 27, for tho murder of Patrick McXumurn last Juno. Judge Clenienson gave Kmcllne McCoy n judgment for .',000 against tho North western Mutual Relief association of Mad ison, Wis. Village of Leipzig, Putnam county, Ohio, was visited by a flro which swopfc away the business district. Loss aggre gates f 100,000. Katurilnjr, Feb. O. Kdward Sehumaker, a farmer near 9a Una, Kan., tried to commit sulcldo by drlugltig carbolic ucld nnd will probably dlo. Single men have lieen barred out of tho Wisconsin veterans' homo by tho Iraurd of trustees. Uradstrcot's rejMirt on tho visible sup ply of Rraln shows a decrease of l.lKlfl.OOO bushels of wheat; 1,000 of corn, mid 717, 000 of oats. Henry Davie, mayor of Cowichan, B.C., Is sued for f 15,000 dninages In n breach of promUu case. Lincoln's birthday has boon declared a legal holiday In that statu by the Minne sota legislature. Ono man was killed and a number of others Injured by the caving iu of a coal bank at Belleville, Ills Six thousand dollars In purses has been hung up by tho Detroit Driving club for Its blue ribbon meeting. Charles V Copoland, who built tho first Iron hull In the United States, died at Brooklyn. He was M) years old. John Trumbull, who was the first man ufacturer of Mlks iu tho United States, died ut Caledonia, Wis., nged 7V. Milwaukee brewing companies have suf fered heavily from the frcerlug of Iieer in transit and have stopped shipments. United States Consul Jones denies tho report that olllcors of tho Concord had iK'i'ii seled by tho Chinese at Chin Klang. Herman Thlelo was convicted nt Ilock ford, Ills., of killing John Van Valken lierg and sentenced to four years' Impris onment. Judge Toney of Louisville, Ky., has de cided that the directors of tho Masonic Savings bank are not responsible for tho losi, of troWO sustained by the bank. Governor Jackson named James Wilson of the agricultural roll ego at Ames and J. C. Baker of Kmmettsburg as commis sioners to the conference In Minneapolis, Feb. 14, to devise methods to deal with the Kusstnn thistle pest. Mrs. Nellie W. Pope was arraigned at Detroit, charged with murdering her hus band, Dr. Horace K. Po)H. Shu pleaded not guilty and her examination was set for Feb. SI. Monday, Feb. tl. Colonel Cody Bourne, nged 03, was mar ried to Hosu Brown, uged 10, nt Lawrence burg, Ky. Tho buggy In which Catherlno Glng wns murdered was on exhibition In the court room nt Minneapolis. A bill was Introduced In tho Arkansas legislature prohibiting the manufacture ami sale of liquor iu Arkansas. A bill to prevent corrupt practices at elections was presented In tho Illinois house by Representative Klncheloo. Samuel Doss escaped from tho sheriff at Murphysboro, Ills., a few minutes after ho had received a llvo years' sentence, Mrs. Abner Johuson of Kay county, Ok lahoma, was pursued by wolves. Tho timely arrival of a neighbor saved her. Charles Payne and a companion named taws wore struck by a Viindnlla train near Brownstown, Ills., and Instantly killed. Missouri Pacltle hasdotermlued to stand by tho Union Paclllo and has withdrawn from the local association ut Kansas City M. M. Tucker, his wlfo nnd thrco chil dren were murdered near Ardmore, I. T niiu ineir nousu utiriicil over their bodlos, Jim Price, who killed Marshal Beard of Claremore, I. T llireu months ago, sur rendered and was taken to Fort Smith, Ark. Ann Arbor ferryboats Nos. 1 and 2 nro still fast In tho leu off Manistee. An effort will bo made to convoy coal to them by sleds. Albert Shields has convicted at Jefferson, la., of manslaughter in caus ing tho death of John Fraukliuukur ono year ago, A bill was Introduced In tho Missouri house providing for tho creation of a stat ute rovlsl in commission, to preparo for tho revision legislature of IS). Miss Jenulu Hughes put gasollno Instead of petroleum on wood Iu a stove and was terribly burned nt Seilalla, Mo. Harry, idlas "(lo )c," Garland wns fa tally shot by onircr Knowles while resist ing arrest at Spilng Valley, Ills. William Holland shot at tho president of tho Nevada b.tnl. of Sun Francisco, but misled him Holland then shot and wounded hlmelf Tuesday, IVb, 19. The new St Anthony s hospital nt ltock Island, III , was destroyed by lire Fire destroyed the general merchandise store of 1). B Grlhhlu at Hubbard, caus ing a loss of $1,0 f) The Identity of the Captain BoganliM who died at Austell, Ga , has not been cer tainly established. China telegraphed to her peace envoys full powers to iif-t In tho negotiations with Japan for a settlement of thn war. At Birmingham, Ala.. Young Stovall, who assassinated Wiley Jordan, starved to death In jail, Two masked men hold up the operator nt Falls City, Neb,, anil robbed tho Missouri Paclllo safes. At Hlchburg, Ky., Henry Benson was murdered by his stepson, Jean Burke, as tho result of n family row. KlX'kff lift Id tlFlltlltrlllic i filial I witt slit tin .......... ., jr( . ' ti( r fi-t iili viiillll for tho new normal school, should tho measure pass tho legislature. John Wnro shot n wildcat near Ogalalla, Neb., measuring thrco nnd a half feet from tip to tip and weighing 14 pounds. Jnmes Urnybenl was sentenced nt La PortO. 1ml.. til 1!1 vnnfii In tirtarm ftit ttmc derlng William Jones Juno 6, 1804. uno Hundred nnd twenty-four entries hnvo lieen made to the La Bcllo stakes, for 2-yoar-olds, to bo run at Hawthorno. uver l.'.'OO.OOO In stakes and purses will bo distributed by western and southern race tracks during the coming season. Banning short of coal, tho steamer Maverick abandoned her barge with Its crow of 10 men nnd inndo Bayouno har bor. Seth T. Knwwpcllral nk AUnn 1l nd 88 years old nnd had boon n practitioner before tho Illinois bar for more than fifty years. C. A. Spaur and S. J. Jolsnin wcro at tacked by hungry tlmlier wolves near Albla, la., but drove them off after killing three. Theodore Rlgg died near Lcavonworth, Kan., leaving $700 to a llttlo nephew In Indiana, saying that ho had years ago de frauded the lMiy's mother out nt It. Wednesday, Feb. 13. Albert Ireland, living near Elliot, In., was killed by a falling tree. A division of the Daughters of tho Con federacy was organized at St. Joseph, Mo. William Cook, resident of Dubuque County, la., for U0 years, Is dead at Du buque At Lincoln, Neb , the drug store of W. G. Scrlbnur was gutted by tiro. Tho loss Is r.,ooo. Northern Pnclflo recclvors havo received several good otfors for tho express busi ness of tho road. A motion to request tho British govern ment to dlssolvo parliament wns defeated In thu house of commons. Representatives of Interested lines havo decided to rebuild tho St. Joseph union station, recently destroyed by fire. A bill aimed at tho St. Louis Bridge company, which Is accused of extortion, was presented In tho Illinois senate Georgo W. Stout's wholesale grocery establishment nt Indlaiintiolls mu lu. stroyed Tho loss will roach tir,000. A Kentucky judge said tho Nelson Dls tilling company and tho Anderson Dls tilling company of St. Louis wore frauds. Republicans of tho Tenth Illinois dis trict will hold a convention at. Galva Feb. SO to uomluatu u candidate for con gress. A. C. Dunn has la-cn nppolnted travel ing freight and passenger agent of tho Union Paclllo. His hcmlmmrturi will I v.. nt Sioux City. C. A. Mntkln. ngod 43, n real estnto dealer at Wichita, Knn., was found dead In his cottage, where ho lived alone. Ho had lieen sandbagged. Montgomery (Jorse, who was a brigadier ceneral In thn ConfiHbtriiln nr. ill.l nt Alexandria, Vn. Ho was 70 years old. Tho preliminary hearing of Frank Bate man, tho alli'mnl trnln r,al.r. was continued at Ottumwa, la. Charles Gayarro, historian and lltera teur, who Introduced the culture of Indigo and sugar corn Into Loiitstntni. ilia nt New Orleans, nged IK) yenrs. Thursility, Feb, 14. IlotirV Hllllllllinil- vnl tflliriiniitn.l In - bin of malt ut ButTalo, N Y. Christopher Hurmsou, a farmer, com mitted suicide at Clinton, la. Kx-County Clerk Tut tie's liooks were fouud short 13,200 by experts at Danville, B. O. Kvaus, dlspensor at St. Matthows, S. C, Is said to bo &,i'a short. Ho Is ar rested. Frank N. bmlth, a prosperous farmer at Phoenix, Arlr., was murdered. Threo tramps aro suspected. Tho Wisconsin convention of county superintendents of schools began at Osh kosh, Wis. Alien Fair and Samuel Klklns were sen tenced at Lebanon, Ind., to eight years In the lumltentlary for burglary. Thu National Bank Manufacturers' nsso clntlon Is In session at Cleveland, O. President Aslip of Chicago Is In tho chair. Congressman Tom L. Johnson has paid 1100,000 fori handsome residence In Clove land, O. J. W. Todd was killed In a Carbonado, Ia mlno by falling slato. J. B. Gllsey, editor of tho Mlnbiirn, In., Star, accused of llliullng Perry Kellur, was held to thu grand jury. Twenty-six of tho IV) members of the Burlington military company have ne- tltloned tho governor to disband their company. Five hundred delegates attended tho Convention at Columbus of thu Ohio Tieaguo of Republican Clubs A freo silver resolution presented In thu Michigan honato was promptly laid ou tho table by a vote of 12 to 10 Tho bill designed to Incrrasu South Di kota's divorce business to Its former dl monslons passed tho statu senato, In a letter to an Omaha paper ox-Governor Boyd charges that for 10 years Secretary of Agriculture Morton pub licly and privately abused President Clovo. land. Tho summer hotel at Brown's Mills, N. J was totally destroyed Thu loss will nggn-gato 180,000. Removal of props in tho coal initios iu tho suburbs of Springfield, III,, have caused hugo Assures to open and rendored a uumberof houses untenantable, owdc STORY. Hoffman, tlio ebrsli .Hurt It nr. Alakrs Serious L'lmt-gv. Cl.KVnr.AND, O., Fob. i,i. c. A. Hoff man, tho Grand Island, .Nob., survivor of tho Klbo disaster, who arrived hero yesterday, visited tho county commis sioner's ofllco today iu company with Commissioner John Vovera nnd both men wcro Immediately surrounded by a deeply interestod crowd, In conversa tion with a reportor Mr. Hoffman made a sensational statement, signed by Eu gene Schlegel, one of thu three inula liassemrers who nsn.inod frum rim Kllw Mr Schlegel swears that about 0 o'clock onthudiyof tho shipwreck ho saw a uniformed olllcer of thu 1311m talto Hoff man's son from a llfoboat, in which he wns placed by his fnthur. Tho boy was plated on tho deck of tho vuwl mid went down with it Mr Schlegel nrulg oath hn believes that tho officer who took tho boy out of the was A. Noussel, chief engineer of tho steamer, who Wits ono of tho 1(1 wrilors to escape Schlegel charges Neussul with having murderod tho boy. Asked as to whether hn liitoiulml tn bring suit for damages against tho North Gorman Lloyd company. Mr. Hoffman said ho could not ilcc'iiln Mm mattor until ho had seou his nttornoy. "As soon ns I arrivo homo," ho said, "I will go before an attorney nnd make out a deposition sottiug forth nil I know iioout tuo accident una tho conduct of tho officers nnd crow." ADRY'S TESTIMONY CORROBORATED. Prosecution In the. Hnvnnrd Case. Winds Up With a Knock Out lllotr. Fob. 15. Tho stato iu winding up its coso of murdor against Harry Hayward today delivered a body blow which staggered tho defense The first witness introduced this morning was none other than Petor Vallalio, tho hackmau to whom Harry had spokon to Adry as being willing to assist iu tho DronOSOd crime. Vnllnlln'a rnar.lmnnv was most damaging to the dofenso, as it corroborated in a strong way ono por tion of Adry Haywnrd's romarkablo story and thus rendered thoroughly un tenable the dofense's iet theory as to Adry's sanity. Vallalio testified that Harry Hayward had approached him with questions as to whether lie had ever "done auything" and if so whether his conscience had bothered him. Hay ward had later asked Vallalio whether ho would drive a hack into Lako Cal horn and lot the occupant drown for a sum of money. "I told him I was no swimmer." said Vnllalio, "and that was about tho end of it." Tho Btato has rested its case. With all that mass of damaging evidence against him tho defendant himself was apparently undismayed. Not so his at torneys. They appeared worried and hold a conference as to what to put up as a dofenso. Texas Fever Line Kxtondcil. Wasih.voton', Fob I a. Iu accord ance with tho act of congress of May 29, 1804, the socrotary of ngriculturo has issuod to "managors and superin tendents of railroads and transportation companies of tho United States, btock men and others" tho usual regulations ooucorning cattle transportiou to bo iu forco from Feb. 15 to Dec. I nest. Tho prineipal difference between thoregula tions and thoso of last year lies in tho fact that tho Toxas fever line, as it has been called, has boon extended west ward to the Pacific const. (irennhut Mutt Kxplnln. Chicaoo, Fob. 11. Judge Grosscup removed tho names of Helnscheimorand Wormsor of Now York from tho list of compluiuants in tho original whisky trust recolvership action nnd entered a rule iinon President Greonluit to hlinu.- cause why ho should not bo puuishod for contempt of court in nfflxiug thu names to tho petition without authority Martin Appointed rottmniter at Omnlia. WaRHIN'MTON. Feb. 1.1. Thn riroaiilnnr. sont tho following nominations to tho senato: Postmasters Euclid Martin, nt Omaha, Neb.; John C. Curtin, Helena, Mon.; J. C. Bremcrmau, Boone, la.; James A. Jackson, Howard, Kan.; August Klein, West Point, Neb.; Ar thur L. Morse, Atkinson, Neb,. Asa F. Hollebaugh, Falls City, Neb. Woman NufTraKe In Arlcona. PiKKNix, Ariz., Fob. 14. Tho houso has passed the right of woman snffraire iu Arizona. LATEST TELEGRAPH MARKETS. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Feb. 13 Corn took tho Rroln markpts tn hand and excited thura for a while, hat whoitt in the I'lid nlinnU Itulflnmnmlllni loss for the day of o, whllo corn la H(a lustier. Tixlny'H recslpts of hog numbnnxl only SO.OOO hond and prices of pork nro higher by loo for barri'litl and from 'IWgSa for ribs. closing piiicks. WHKAT-Kebruary, BOtfa; May, (Bo; July. Sl'iio. COIIN-Flrmnr. February, 42Jo; May, 4154 OATrf-Hlghor, June, 'JSJiJc. POItK-HlRhor. LAItU-IIlRhi-r. IMW-HlBhof. February, JTJio; May, 29o; May. 110 av May, X) 05. May, li-tijj. Chlcaco Live Stock. Chicaoo, Fob. 18 -OATTLF.-Tlmra was an ndviuicii today of 5o to 16c in nil useful grades nnd trading was fairly uctlvu at thu higher prioKH. Union were princlpully at m.!iti.'i for the kluds taken by dri'siixl Ixt'f men and shljiiMirs. Cown, hilfers and bulls worn Halo able at lWr(IO0 for Inferior tnextrn, nnd thorn was Inquiry for stockurs and feedors nt HOdrt Thoy worn worth lOo more than nt the oliMn on yesterday's market and lSc to 20o moro thun nt the lowest time Momlny, Buy its were willing to pay $1 X44 15 for prlmo heavy and I1.1.V94 'JO for tho bust light weights. 8IIKE1' Cunimon to pretty fair sold about lOo lower. Hheep Hold niontly ut I3.25'4 25 nnd from 11.75(35 50 took thu greater jwtrt of tho lunilw. Ilucolpts-Cattlo, 10,000 hoad.Bhogs, 29,000; sheep, 18,000. Mouth Oinulm Llvo Stock. South Omaiu, Feb ll CATTLK-HecelpU, W0 heatl;l!MJ to 1SU0 lbs., $4.IU((4 0O; 1100 to ISO) 11m., $4.UXi4l!5;tt)0 to UOOlbi., UlWii.'lOO; choice rows, tJ25cB.40; common rows, 11.25(3 2.15; good feedurs, 2.7lXt3 20; common feeders. UOOfsiOO. Market stronger. IIOUB-Rocelpts, T.3U0 head; light. I3.SO3100; mixed, U.HKSM85; heavy, ia.H5(fll.l0. Market 5c to 10c higher. HHKEP-Rceipts. 100 head; muttons, UM3 .iUmb,B.50(di55. Market stronger. SENbA riunL AS WE SEE THINGS. INFLUENCE OF THE INNER LIFE ON THE EXTERNAL WORLD. How an Individual or n ficcno May Have an Kntlrcly DlrTeri-nt Appearance to Two 1'ersiitis tlnpplncss ami Sorrow Mado by "utmiUos. Therohnvo becn)hilosophors who do olarcd thnt tho earth on which wo stnud nnd tho stars on which wo ga.o hnvo no real existence, but nro merely tho out comes or our Inner solves. Perhaps tho best nnswer to this is that tho mind it self, nt least that of most people, n f "s to rocoivo tho idea. Tho dilVereneo i twecn tho tuo mill tho not moil im sharply defined in tho innnr cniiln,w. ucss to permit Ilishop Derkoley's notion from taking root within us. Yet wo cannot afford to overlook tho germ of-trnth which this idea contains. Though not literally tho creation of our thought, tho outer world is to each ono of uh largely that which wo mako it. Natnro herself, in nil her varied scenes, whntovor sho may be in reality, sbows horsolf to us in tho light which wo throw upon hor. Ono rnnn looks at n Undscnpo and boos land nnd water, grass and trees, hills nnd plains, nnd nothing moro. Another, a farmer, rocs tho grow inn crons. tho fallow land, tlm inrim W00(l8. tho TiroSDOot for fnhirn HMnrro I nnd tho obstaolos to bo ovorcomo. An- other, with a paintor's oyo, boos every variety of form and color, proportion and perspootivo, harmony and contrast, beauty nnd sublimity. To tho niolan oholy man nil Is tinctured with gloom a leaden nail covers nvnn tlm onvnat scenes whilo to tho joyous everything eems bright and glad, nnd evon tho droarlest of Novombcr days only sug gests tho radiant sunlight that is snro Utor on to struggle through tho clouds. Bo with tho sights of a city. For oacli of us as they tako on tho aspoct of our own mental condition. How difforontly 'thoy impress the citizen who has spent his lifo among thorn from tho foreigner svhovlows them for tho first time I What a different messago tho stately nnd mag nificent buildings boar to tho absorbed man of businoss and to tho architect who appreciates ovory detail of their construction I If thoro is sowido a divergence in tho aspOOt Which inonlmnta thini-a linvn far US, tho differoilCO is Still reenter In thn way wo regard tho mon and women by whom wo nro surrounded. Character is a complex thing, difficult to dotcct, im- DOSSiblo to fathom. VOt WO nrnsmnntn. ously vonturo to gaugo and prouounco r.nn a ...iu u ,V T ;, upon t with tho smallest modicum of knowlcek-a It is onrlnna tn nnllni. Uu. knowlcdca differently tho same person will impross various HiuivKiuais. tils friend will nor haps eeo no fault iu him, his enemy no vlrtna Ono will put faith In him; an- other will suspect his every action. Ono other will suspect his every action. Ono Will doom him cold hnartnfl- nnntlmr will think him affectionate and kind. it must bo that thoir own personalities aro reflcctod in bim, and that to a cer tain extent ho does thus bocomo for a time, whilo under thoir influence, what thoy Bupposo him to bo always. It is certainly true that tho good and gontlo find far moro goodness nnd gentleness iu tho world than thoso who aro defi cient in such qualities. It is tho solflsh man who is tho keenest to dotoct selfish ness in others; it is tho overbearing who complain most of tho nrrogauoo and pride with which thoy nro mot, nnd tho unjust who murmur at tho injustico thoy roceivo. On tho other hand, tho loving and sympathetic discover lovo and sympathy ovorywhoro; the noblo and trno bring to light nobility and truth which might othorwiso bo hidden. Thus to a largo extent wo dovelop tho character of thoso wo meet By a subtle magnotism wo draw liko to liko and ovolvo out of othor personalities tho characteristics of our own. Even tho outward circumstauoos of lifo aro largoly what wo oursolvos make them. Wo aro accustomed to consider nrosnnritv n lilnssintr nnrl nrlvnrsitv n enrse, but quito frequently thoy ohango places, it is tho spirit in which thoy aro received thnt determines thoir rnsnlt The rich and solf iudulgcnt roan, sur- rounuod by luxury nud opportunity, may bo far loss hannv than his nooror neigh bor who brings industry, fidelity and gonorosity into constant exorcise, Tho same privileges that raiso ono young man to uonor auuuseiuiuoss aro a snare and tnmntntJnn to another. Thn anmn recreation that invigorates ono eufoobles anotnor. The samo sorrow that sortens ono and loads him out of solf to works of kindness and holpfuluess prostrates Annr.hnr nnrl rnnrlnrn liim vrtlnnlnaiL Tf is that whioh is withlu a man that bo acts upon tho externals of lifo as to do oido thoir results to him, and throuRu him to othors. If this bo so, thon happiness or wretch odnoBS is largoly in our powor, and most of our complaints only bear wit ness to our own remissness. Wo may rightly rocoguize tho futility of strug gling against outward events which wo cannot control, but wo can always bring to boar upon thorn such a spirit and in fluonco as shall turn ovil into good raid bittorintoswoot Philadelphia Lodger. A Startling Announcement. An English litorary man who was on tho vorgo of bringing out n book at the Pitt Press ordered his proofs to bo sont to bim at a houso whoro ho was engaged to dino out, intending to look them over in tho half honr after diuuor, Tho print er's boy howovor, was lato iu bringing thorn, aud the gontlomon had already rojoinodtho ladies in thn drawing room scben tho company was olootrlftod by ioaring the sonorous voloo of tho butlor announcing, "Tho dovil from tho Pitt has oomo for Mr. Jones I" San Fran olsco Argonaut Th Value of m Hyphen. I recall an advertisement which actu ally appeared, sans hyphen, rocoutly in a London daily, to wit; "Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Levi, having cost off clothing of ovory description, invito an early in speotion. " Chap Book. SDR. KILMER'S, 4 oo KIDNEUIVERaW Biliousness flrndache, foul lirrnth, sour stomach, heart burn, pain Inchest, dj fpcpm, constipation. Poor Digestion nistrcs.s nrter entlns. pain nnd bloatlnK 40 tho toaineh, shortness of breath, pain in tho heart. Loss oi' Appetite A splendid feellnir to-day nnd n depressed one to-morrow, nothing seems to tasto Rood, tired, sleepless nnd nil unt rung, weakness, debility. HU'ampHoot builds up quickly a rundown constitution nnd makes tho weak strong. At DriiKslstn SO cent and $1.00 alM. . "InrMldO Onl.U to llonlih'1 frpo-Coomiltatlon free. Dn. & Co., Binoiiamton, N. Y. Intimate urRxiivnscN. I, I.. II. l'ort.Cotnity rierk of Webster cnun l, .Neliia-ka, do horebv rertlfy. thnt t i meeting ,,f tho linitid of t'o.inty Hiipervawrs of C fil i' w.,r!"1? !,',,,, " "" ,2,n ,HV "' 'InnusryS ind.'.. riipfolioliiKi'siim,ioof(xpeiics were Made for tlio XNirltnoto-wIt! Hupeilnteiideiit of schools S11S0 CO ' realtor expenses 2300 00 Com I nnd fmirt House 690 00 Itotiatlfs on Animals no oo oiinty Hilii-irilsors '. imo 00 Honks .Stationary anil printing 1160 no ."pei'lnl CommittVes'.. '.'.'.'.','.'.. '.'.','.'.','.'.'.'.' Ifsoo t'orotior 15000 loiinty Aitoiney '' pjo no Incidental C75 00 Hiilldlng. Poor House .. 2000 00 (ounty roor ' ' boooo 'oiinty II.I.Ikcs 3000 oo Insane uSaaa Hall KohiI Hond ......" .'.'.'. ' awo 00 t'oaiiiy Fair o 00 Jail nnd .inllor ."......".. 1IB0M soldier Ktiief.:: .::..::..::.'.:::'.:: oS S (ounty Himrd Kquallatlon boo 00 Hoard of Klccllon 72000. Total 22,7Vi.00 1, ,i,j!,,e8V,y J'.".1"1. "'"I s-al of said county vt lied tloiidon this loth day of Jununr 1895. il (skau) " Co'imVy cierk. Notice to TcHclivr. Notlno is hereby given that 1 will examine all persons who may desiro tn offer themselves us nnnrlidui.o tn- tenohors oftho public schools of this couuty, at lied Cloud on Mm thrA ijsturday of caoh mouth. y i"."i suiiiiiiuuiis win do neia on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat- ... i e t . "lo ou " urday of each month. The standing desired for 2d and 3d grade certificates is tho earne no- aa f rt0 ocrtictcs is tho earne no grado boIo,w 7" Por cnnt- nverngc 80 10r ecnt for first KraJo certi6cnte no CraUO DC OW SO nnr l-nnl 90 per coat, in all branches required by law. D. M. IIUNTKB.dnunty Supt. whllo spot In face, weighs about lino pouinls; imi-jou-uiii imy inure coit, one roHiiuorse, eight yesrsold, weighs about tisiponnns. Ami whereas there Is now due mo from s.lld ISOIII 1111(1 4.lltl Kfll-tl. fnr tlm ..,,u um,I L',i.n.ln r ni mid stock, the sum nf sixty-six dollar's. which thev -mil each of them lefu-,- to pay; now llieiefore, 1, the siiMBeuher, the llenhnlder of said propert). will snll thn same at public auction ntmr resldeueeon tlienW, of section -.,n,iii ,, inline 11, in enier ruuiiiy, ,e- lltllSVM. Oil tllM -pt1 tl ,1,1V flf k-nl.,l.p. IJ( ... o'clock p. in. .Mi iiillalt descrlbitiR silil stock nnd the nmiiiint Justly due for the llinllnu and keepliiK f Jim same was riloii b tun In the clerk's nfllce of j obiter couxty, Nebiaska, ou the Mill day h January, 1835. 1.A1ION AL'IIUSHON. I-cgiil Notice. In Iho District Court of Webster raunty, Ne- IIUSKII. Union Trust Company of Now York, rrusteo, i vs Hindi W. iliilllr.inl t ni htark llinthers, The Joilet HtrnnbrldRoCom pany. I ho Washburn nnd Mnen Mamdactur Iiir Comimny. I), c. HunKrlord, Tlie Case IJiWBy Companj, Tlm Terry MHimfarturinR Conipaiiy. (ieorjje h. (lulllford. (lulllferd, wlfo of (lenritef.. (iullifnrd, (first name un W'v'll, Jle'.endants, Impleaded with said HukIi W. Ilulliford, , will take notice that on tlio 23d day of Janu ary, ISM, tho Union Trust comoanv afon said ilnlntlfT liuBnl. H1...I 1... ..-.i.i ,.. .1... ..i-..- ,......,,,.., ..j..tiii nun ni iiciiiiuii 111 uie uisinci court of Webster county, Nebraska, against snld defendiuits, the object and prayer ot which are to foreclose a certain mnrtimue exe. cuted bv Hindi W. litill ford and I.ucv fluUI. fori to the Hamilton Iiaa and Trust company UMll filtmi.t tl nlul...lff ....... .,. Hn.!n.. - .r-.v y i'.i.iiiiiit, uLiun hid iiuriucaii. quarter of section nine (h.) town two (2.) rani?e eleien (II.) In snld Webster county, to secure the payment of a promissory note, dated May 2d,ls9o,forthosumof $1200, with coupons for UUIrt la... ...-. & , T. . 1 .r TT ...i-.lii,ml luiuirni Biiucnea, wnicu coupons were fnr Jjo each: three of which hecsme sev erally due November 1st, t893, May 1st, 18W, No vomber 1st. 1894; that there is now duo upon 5? ?. P,tmc.,,;R llut0 ""d coupons tho sum of 1414.11, w 1th interest nt ten 1 er cent from Ker from said date, plalntliT jiraja for a decreo thst defendants be requlreil to pay the same, nr Unit r1iI iimm .. ...u. i.A uni:. S .!.!. Tu amount found due. I.. f u ?.ro V. m,it,u msnswersald petition on or bt,'"r.e l1'!' Htnday of March, 1895. Dated January 30th. 1895. Union Tnusr companv Dy Whnrton & Ilnlrd. Attorneys. W NCW Yrk- licrlir's Sale. Notice Is hereby Riven that under aud by vlr- IL.' J!i 9ro,"V'.c,.'.,k."' "' district court or the tenth Judicial district, within nud for Web stei county. Nebraska, upon a "eVe in im aitlon peudiiK therein, wherein I,. W. Till ey" riisleo for J. K. Wells. Is plaintiff, and airaliist WHliam F, liallaia.Jonn Kr iii, ids. Win am V Jacks m. Mrs. William l .1 irkl, 11 i "u? H! hum Tulleys & Co.. defeniUnts. I shall off" for Kill'1 InUWSiJ.tnniluetf0 J!10 '"'" binder for fhl' . In. ,.lll,a' ,lt tl10 "'st dour of lw2i,c.ourt no," ' .''d Cloud. In said bst'.'r 11 f,""nt'' . Nebraska, (Hat belinl tho bnlldlnt,' .therein II e last term iiisrcili A. II, IKVi, atiilie civ urk n in nf nl,l day, the follow liar de'scrlhe.l pnifrr y,' "..."vit .'. ,'JJ','',',t,1"I1,or t'10 aouilinia q imr er ot seel I in t ilrlv-twn (S...) i towusliip one ( .) noim or rsimo eleven II. west of 1 10 bth 1 m . 1 Webster roiuitv, Nuiirask.i, ' ' ar". aIVmsm.1"1' 'm"a l,,U 3,1t (liiy of Janu- MeNKNV.' ri.d'atllT's'AtoV,'"KV' 8l,eri,r- Legal Notice. ... uinii, uiiiiie.iiiuiiaynr rsovfmwr, 18U1, . rhailes Isom and Cimrli-k Kelgle hired me to -t feed and euro for the following describe I nam ' wit: Ono black horve with white WNsl blind of ono ere, weight about 1200 prUid ,X mi Best Cough Bjrup. Tanteadood! UseH J)MlnUroa. Bold ibr rtrutgliU Bl 4 1