Hw? ' -v rr& .. . , fc- 1-AJ... THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, F1UDAV, FKK. 15, 1895 1' T- I W Wruthcr Bulletin. J "H-Si''rW,,''(,',8W,,y w T. Foster. ' ', L? Joseph, Mo, Feb. 10 My lust bulletin gave forr'nts ' t lie ptortn wave to crn?-. the continent fiom February 17 10 J1 anil the next will reach the Pacific coast about Fi'b. ,'2'2utl, cross the western mnuntnin - Atetitry bv olo'o of 2!U, tli grunt central vnllvya from 24th to !2Gth and the custom males about tlie 27tli. This will be ono of the most noted and severe stortM ol the yenr and d".strvi" pncuial i-t em ion. l'rn'a. blv two iTitTi-lv distinct ditttif Ijhiici h will ilcvelii nil bin tho week tit' 'J 2d 1o 2Stb, wt.t of i Im Mi.i"R"ppi tivur, oni of wlnuli 1 have described nbovc and which will probably enter the continent between Vancouver's Island and tin; mouth oi the Columbia river about 22(1 or 2!U, move directly to ward Kansas City, thenco between the upper and lower lakes, near or iforth of Albany, New York, and then down the St. Lawrence river. Causes itiat lead o destructive Btornis were similar February 21st to 2Gth 1887 when tornadoes occulted in California, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana and West Virginia causing great destruction of propeity. Wo have no means of knowing where the tropical storm will be from 21st to 27ih but it will probaply be within thu Gulf of Mexico, or on 801110 of its northern coasts. Usuully tho tropical storms of February are mild, Causing heavy and long contin ued rains in the gulf states, but tli 8 .Rtoriu, wherever it may be, will come iiear developing the force of a hurri cane. The overage path of these February tropifiil storms is to strike thu con tinent south of thu Gulf of Califor nia, then by way of El lo, Texas, Toledo Ohio and the southern purt of Newfoundland to the Uritiih Iiles, ' but probabilities are that from 21st to 27tn this tropical storm will take a more southern route. Probabilities favor a sovoro cold wave in the northern part of the great cmitr.il valleys about tho 25th lly watching thu national weather bureau reports about that time the v location of the tropic 1 storm may be learned in time to bu of great value. If that Htoim is on the gulf oast moving eastward about 2lth to 26th the cold wave will do great damage jrflhe southern states about two days ' 7n '""d 00 ver' severe in the uortb crn states. But if tho tropical storm is moving westward on the Gulf of , Mexico tho cold wave of the 2."tli to 2ilth will not enter the southern states. An expert. cn locate tho tropieal storms by watching the movements of tho cold wave on the continent and along this line is an excellent opportunity for our national weather bureau to improve its work, Tho warm wave will cross the western mountain country about 22d, the great central valleys about 21th and tho eastern states about 20th. The cool wavo will cross the western mountain country about 2.")th, tho great central valleys about 27th and the eastern states about March 1st, Tho storm preoecding the one de scribed above will bo a terror on the north Atlantio which it will enter off the ooast of Maino about 22d, mov ing eastward along the usual steam shin lines to tho British Isles. 1 ad- vise all to not undertake any plets uro trips by ocean steamers irom -u to 27th inclusive QULF STORMS. Tho features of theso (ropioal storms that is of most importance to North America is their movements about tho Gulf of Mexico. In Au X gust. SeDtcmbor and Uotouer oocur most of the tropical hurricanes and thoy are carefully mapped but during the other nino months ol tho year this class of storms, being of less force, aro not so carefully mapped. 1 hold that nearly all the low bar ometer storms thnt pass through Tex as, averaging about ono a mouth, are tropical storms which havo passed slowly westward aoross tho north part of South America or tho south part of the Gulf of Mexico, across Central America into the Pacifio ocean turning oastward by way of 'the north, cntoring tho Pacifio coast about or south of Los Angeles and thenco eastward traversing tho south ern states, Tho high barometer stormes, or bllmrdi-, or only waves as they aro variously called eomo out of tho win- tcr high that surrounds tho mognotn north polo and are induoed or caused by tho tropical storms, The latter, liko the water spouts, gather the atmosphere in vast quantities and throw it to great heights necessitating downpours at otliT points and the uolil waves or hi zzmls are tho results. Our transcontinental storms do not bring thn t xireinely low tomptr mure and if w Hro ever to under stand tlua blizz ird there must be bet ter records made by our national weailur bureau, or by the navy weather bureau, of thrso tropical stoi ms, Oar national weather bureau must got thn -oil's from its uvi'b in order to sio tli wt storms are perpetual me teors that never dio but move on for ever in iheir alloti'd toond, now in ureu.ini: and then decreasing in oree thr.iuih thn electro-magnetic iiifluetices as mm, moon and planets. Then we may induoo them to mako better records of the tropical storms. Those tropical storms make it much moie difficult to cotredly forecast tic weather at long range for Texas and iho countries lying oast of the Mis sissippi river and iho upper lakes. About ince a month the tropical storms comes into the pioblem and being nf greater force than the storms that cro-s the continent furthor north tho latter storms oro knocked out of time and -ometimes absorbed by the tropical lows or almost destroyed by the hiuh that are induced by iho tho tropical lows. The national weather bureau peo ple sy that these tropical storms are organized on tho Atlantic some where east ot the Windward islands. They may learn their mistake some thy. Not long ago they claimed that our trans-oontin -ntal storm were organized in the northwest part of tho United States and later they conclud ed they were organized at some un known point in Alaska. They are now about convinced of what these bulletins have claimed for many years that these storms move entirely around the earth. The writer also hopes to convince those orthodox gentlemen that the storms of the north Atlantic ocean constitutes a complete system, that the; move with thu trade winds and gulf stream sometimes passing west of Central America before they turn east and sometimes into Asia Minor before turning to the south and west. The Pacific ocean storms move in a similar manner, as I am thoroughly convinced, and constitute the ty phoons, or hunicans of the Kast In dies. Their paths in the vicinity of tho East Indies, as mapped by tho navy weather bureau, give very strong evidenco that they move around the center of the north Paci fic ocean. 0. W. O. Hardmsn, Sheriff of Tyler U!o., W. Vb., nppreciato u good thing and does not hesitate to nay bo. He was al most prostrated with a cold when he pro eared n bottle of Cm mborlain's Cough Remedy. He says: "It gave me prompt relief. I find it to be an Invaluable re medy for conghs and colds." For sale by Deyo A Qrice. Our dissatisfaction of any other eolu tion is the blazing evidenco of immortal Ity. Emerson. Karl's Clover Hoot will purify your blood clear your complexion, rogalate your bowels And make yonr skin tear ba a bell, sua., duo., anavi.uu ooiu oy j u wui ting. The seed dies into a new life, and eo doea man. G. Macdonald, - i - A prMi,,tent pain In the baok indicates frnnhln in the Kidney. To stay the nro Kress of disease, nse Dr. J. II. MoLaan's Liver & Kidney Balm. Deceivers trifle with the best affec tions ot our nature. Crabbe. Karl's clover root, the great blood purl tier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cores constipation, 125 cts., Mots., 81.00. Labor to show more wit in discourse Ithan words. Spencer. Rheumatism Cubkd in a Da v. "Mystio Care" for Rhbnmatism and Neuralgia, radically enrea in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the aystem is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears, ho first dose greatly benefits, 75ots. sold by Deyo & Qrice, Druggists, Red Coad. tf Tho wealth ot u man is tho number ot things which ho loves and blesses, which he is loved and blessed by. "Don't Tolmceo plt or Smoke Your Life Awny." The truthful, startling title of n book about No-to-bac, tho only harmless, guar anteed tobacco-habit euro. It you want to quit nnd can't, u "No-to-bac Braces up nicotinl.oil nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, inukes weak mon gain strongtb, weight und vigor. Positive euro or money refunded. Sold by C. L. 'Sotting. Book at druggists, or mallod free. Address Tho Storling Remedy Co., Chicago otllco, 45 Randolph St., Now York, 10 Spruce St, HEART DISEASEI Fluttering, No Appetite, Could Not Sleep, Wind on Stomach. "For a long time I had a tcrrlblo pain at my heart, which fluttered al most incessantly. I had no appetlto and could not sleep. I would be com pelled to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stomach until I thought that every minute would bo my last. There was a fcclllng of oppression about my heart, and l was afraid to draw a full breath. I could not Bween a room without resting. My hua band induced me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and am happy to say it has cured me. 1 now have a splendid appetito and sleep wclL Its effect was truly marvelous." MRS. nARlW E. STARR, Pottavlllo, Pa. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a poaltlv Juaranteo that tho first bottle will neneflt. .lldruKRlstssollltatll. o bottles for IS. or ft will boBcnt. prepaid, on receipt of prk by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind. HEADACnEcuredlnMnilnutos by Dr.MlloV 1'ain Tills. "Oneccntadaic." At druggists. riton ouu r.xciiA.u:s. Hed Cloud papers are "gone daft" over a proposed sugar faciory for that place. It semis (-tranire ihit they have not tumbled to the I not that theso sugar factories proposd for most every town in 'ho stato this fall and winter, arc a blind and for the purple of securing the aid of the legislators from the districts in which i hey aro propo.sed to work to have the sugar bounty restored, under the im pression that it will bo a stimulus to ward the securing of factories fo the state. 1 ho projector of the scheme at Red Cloud was here but our people wcro onto him and he did not propose. Superior Sun. , Kd Lewis was nrrested at Red Cloud and taken to Nelson and lodged in j.ul on an affidavit ol bastardy, sworn out airainst him by ono Augusta Krokson of Superior. Augusta claims sho loved tho cur, not wisoly, but too well; ho promised he would marry her tho same old ruse sho fell. State Jour nal. A foolish man over at Red Cloud stole a horse, aud now ho can't pur chase his liberty for less than $500. Fiuuro tho herd of horses bo could have bought with that amount of money. Smith County Journal. A Red Cloud maiden who considers herself an undeveloped Patli, has written to Charles Fair, son of tho lato millionaire for $10,000 to help her o'nain voice oulture. Modest maiden, that. Syracuse Journal, Mesdames V. 11. Soliday and Ed. Beyrcr arrived home on Sunday night from a visit to their old homo at Red Cloud of a few days. MoCook Trib une. Yon make no mistake when yon tak DeWitt'a Little Early Risers for bilionss umb, dyspepsia or headache, because these little pills onre them. ...........................y......... BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Bnlil outright, no rant, no ronltr. to (llty, VlllwworOounlrr. JNwlei horns, .1)011, nor una olflca. Orwla AdaoUd it In et.rr reate.tcoQT.n- in. in . rMMiilnnM niHAna & ula to all t! MManMl. ffrom ASIA COO MM neighbor, rlno liutrumanu, no tor, for anrwharo, anr dUtanca. Oomplete, rottdf (or im when .hliii"!. Can be put up lr anr on, netor out of order, no repatrln time. Warranted. A mon? nal ny, u lasm in W. P. Harriton C., Clwk 10, Csiumbut, a writ. vHJ Books! Books ! p Yifif" A NEW INVOICE. You pays your Money and Takes your Choice thje: Is giving away hundreds of fine books to its sub scibers free, for simply paying up or subscribing for one year. It is the Golden Opportunity ! To get some excellent reading FREE. 3jM B Closing Out! 1 IF YOU WANT TO GET Wall gl Take advantage of our clearing sale of S; Remnants. ZZZ You will be surprised to see how cheaply you can gr paper a room. Come now while there is more S to select from. 8 C. I. The St. liouis Globe Democrat Twice Every Week, AND THE RED CLOUD CHIEF $1,50 h- per h year N. E. ROBINSON, PAINTER & PAPER HANGER First clnss work a specialty. Prices reasonable. Office first door south ol Chief with W.F. Hull See him before giving your order as It will be to your Interest . mmmmsm CHIEF Paper Cheap 3 COTTING. 3 ? mmmmmz G. F. Stapleton, Blacksmith, MnkcN a uprt'lnlly or ItcpHlrlng BiigKh' nnd Carriages. Horso.RhooniR nnd I'low Work prompt ly attended to, nnd ttkca pains shooing Trotting and Kunning Horses, And all work expected of a first class Smith Shop Worth of ltfnrble Works. GEORGE'S -Baeber : Shop- Over Dtyo A Grics'fl. Themost fashionable work donet rem sonabla pricss. GEO. FENTRESS, Prop. The Advertisers For 1895. ' MORNING, EVENING, SUNDAY AND WEEKLY EDITIONS. Aggressive Republican JourMli of the Highest Class Commercial Advertiser. Established 1797. Published overy evening. New York's oldest eveniag newspaper, Subscription prico, 10.00, Morning Advertiser. Published ovory morning. The lead ing Republicon newspor of tho day. Clean and fearless. Subscription prico, $3.00 per year. Suiitday Advertiser. New Vojk'e most popular Sunday nowspaper. Tho only Republloane 2 cent Sunday paper in the United States- 20 to 30 pages. Subscription prices 11.00 per yoar, As An Advertising Medium The ADVERT1SER8 have no super iors. Samples free. Agents wanted every where. Liberal commissions, Address, THE ADVERTISER, 29 Park Row, Nsw York J Ut ft ' ! m V. U L.jw.tt UJ - utt vztw u