The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1895, Image 1

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r-ALL Home Print.
For Twenty Years
Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of tho
wliolo world. Thero is no secret about its ingredients.
Physicians prescribe
Scott's Emulsion
because they know what great nourishing and curative prop
erties it contains. Thoy know it is what it is represented
to be ; namely, a perfect emulsion of tho best Norway Cod
liver Oil with the hypophosphites of lime and soda.
Tor doughs, Golds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump
tion, Scrofula, Anosmia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Rickets, Mar
asmus, Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting.
The only genuino Scott's Emulsion is put in salmon
colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes !
Sett J for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE.
Scott low no, N. Y. All Druggists. SO cents and SI.
Snow Is the order of the day which
v ' is very hard on tbe stook in this lo
cality. Mrs. Houchin of McCook was vis
iting R. L. Scaggs of Garfield last
G. W Prake closed a deal with H.
0. Wolf for one and one-half acres of
ground, for which ho paid $100, and
,will soon move his house on it.
Tho school in district 3G is pro
gressing rapidly under the skillful
care of Geo. Springer of Bladen, who
l v is i iricnu iu evci
feV NiOUae.' ma ?orgo IS
is a menu 10 everyone, ana maiccB
le goes
lit uraico is Duuaing a new
m jorgo is one of Garfield's
rustling farmers.
We understand that Doc. Wolf of
Garfield and John Young of Smith
county, Kansas", will soon jjo to Den
vcr,awhcre they will sty nest, summer
Rev. Wagoner and wife were guests
of Mr- Wolf last week.
The needy of Garfield aro in good
spirits at there is hope ot speedy aid,
which will be appreciated by certain
Wo are patiently listening for tho
wedding bells of Mr. John Miller and
.Miss Bertha Swcaringen.
Chris H unpen had the misfortune
o lose one of his horses last Sunday.
We were puzzled the other day to
acaount for tho dirt storm, but we
found it to bo Charley Ailes in a new
sleigh ot bis own make.
Poor ink, poor pen,
Poor writer. Amen.
Tho joung son of D. H. Robinson
Jiss been fjuito sick.
f Mr, Miller suffered tho loss of a
chimney during the blizzard, tho sec
ond one blown, off in a year,
ij. R. Crozier is sponding tho week
inWeeping Water, where he hasgono
to see his brotlier-in-Iuw, Mr. D. olf,
who is very ill.
Andy Guy Jr., who kept' his wind
mill wheel in the house nil summer.
I had tho satisfaction of having it
blown down in the blizzard.
Died, at tbe homo of her parents,
on February 11, 1815, of scarlctinn.
Ola Bennett, aged 14 years Miss
Ola is tho youngest of the family.
Sho leaven her parents, two sisters
and two brothers to mourn her dopar
turo. They havo tho sympathy of tho
,jvholo community.
Uuckleirs Arnica Halve.
TJie best salve in the world for oute,
bruises, sores, Ulcers. Salt rheum, fever
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chillblnlns,
corns, and nil akin eruptions, and posi
tively cares piles, or no pay required. It
is a unranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or monev refunded. Frloe2fl cents per
box. For sole byCotting. tf
. i
State Creek
Weather is cold and disagreeable.
h. M.
Haskins has nut up 20 loads
put up
of Rcpublioan river ioe. Says we
havo got no corn to gather and have
to havo something to cat.
The stock in this part seems to
stand tho winter real well without
grain, except some shoats that are sup
posed to bo dying with disease, and
Lon Francis lost a fine cow and colt
tho day of the dust storm.
George Stcffcn has sold out and
will ctart to Missouri soon.
Ghas. Arbucklo sold a load of hogs
last week in Lebanon tor f J.Ju per
Wood Stevens lost a fine horse last
Miss Lizzio Barret, who has had
siioh o serious time with tho rheuma
tism, is convalescing.
Mrs. Graves is getting over her ser
ious fall on tho ioe.
Saturday, March 2d, Is the time set
for the wolf and rabbit hunt. Every
body invited to meet on state line at
10 o'clock, from northeast corner of
Logan township to tho township line
on tho west. Several wolves havo
been seen on this creek recently, and
can bo found any day.
Pralrlo Gem
A number of the boys went out
last week and had a jolly time besides
getting their ears frozen.
John Boomer was called to Boatrioe
to attend the funeral of his mother
who died Jan- 27, of heart disease
He was aocompanied by bis wife
and sister Mrs. Bodley.
Grand-ma Frame returned from an
extended visit in Republio county Kan
She is making her home with her
daughter Mrs. flogate.
Our Supervisors aro man who have
hearts as large as pumpkin SEED,
Thoy havo enough to live on. Thoy
rooeivo a salary from tho
taxes of the poor farmers, and yet
when their constituents have been
burnod out by tho hot winds and neod
aid, they aro told that thoy do not
need even the necessaries of life.
Such is lifo in the far west.
Question for discussion Friday: Re
solved that cattlo have been more
beneficial to man than horses.
Prario Gom will givo a sohool ex
Friday evening Feb. 15,
Snowballing and Russian baths are
forbidden by order of tbe board,
A number of the soholars have been
reported seriously ill on account of
vitiating tbe laws of health. The
largo boys think they are imposed up
on because thoy are not allowed to
to wash each others faces, One of
them was heard to remark: "I don't
like to ask permission from the board
of Hotith to make my toilet".
Sam Boomer has just returned from
the eastern part of tho state,
Sohool has begun in Cloverton with
Miss Lewis as teacher.
Red Ci.otjd. Webster County. New., Friday. Fkhruauy
On account nf tho txtreme en d
weather, Prarie Gem has not rrprcsin
ted at the Disr. Lodge(I. O. G. T.)
held at Nelson last week.
Tho Y. P. S.C. K. of Prairio Gem is
doing good work for Christ and tho
Churoh, and descrvo tho praixc and
patronage of all the young folks within
thoir jurisdiction.
F. W. McLaughlin was doing busi
ness at Red Cloud the fore part of the
Mrs, Aokley of Juniata who spent
several days at the home of L. B.
Thome returned homo Monday morn
ing. R. Spooknall is attending thnG. A
R. cnoampment at Hastings this week.
Steve Weokle started Tuesday
morning for Missouri.
Eli Cox was doing business at Blue
Hill this week.
Curt and Earnest Reed returned
Monday from a trip throngh Oklaho
ma. Rev Alexander of Hastings preached
at the Baptist ohurch Sunday night
and morning, rendering a very able
disoourso each time.
There seems to be quite a division
mong the people on tho bond ques
tion in these parts, the renters being
very enthuastic for tho bonds, while
the land owners take a different view
of it, and oppose the bond on account
of the time they run after those te
ceiving tho feed and seed pay a five
year bond with an option of two years
would carry without any trouble.
Mrs. James Brewer is quito sck.
Mr. Cobb who is past 90 is confined
to his bed.
Mr. Kylo has erysipelas in the faco
which keeps him in tho house.
Take a dose of De Witt's Little Early
Risers Just for the good thev will do yoa.
These little pills are good for indigestion,
good for headache, good for liver com
plaint, good for constipation. They are
Windy Point.
Windy Point is a fine oountry.
Mrs Gordon is very siok.
John Havens and wife are on tbe
siok list,
Mrs Sagar from Lebanon is visit
ing her parents in these parts.
The daughter of John Shagloy, liv
ing near the stone church died last
Tbe M. E. elass praotioed singing
at Mr Sattley's last Tuesday night.
Singing sohool at Mr. Gillette last
Friday night.
"Bacteria do not oooor In the blood or
is the tisanes of a kealtby living body,
either of man or the lower animals." So
says the celebrated JJr, Koch. Other
doctors say that the best medicine to Ten-
dor the blood perfeotly pare and healthy
is Ayer's Satsaparilla.
Weather oold.
JeffBeaobem and John Fox aro
cuttiog wood on Stato creek.
Mr. Grewell and Maynard aro tryiug
to make an irrigating ditch to irrigate
next years crop.
Mr. Guthrie is hauling feed from
Oliver MoCall's.
Stork is looking fine considering
the feed,
Quito a blizzard this week,
Frank Vandyko has gone back to
Russoll county, Kansas.
Through the kindness of Duglas
Davis, E W Anderson was presented
with a new overcoat,
Tho spelling Bohool at Pleasant
Dalo was a buoocsb
F. W. Woaso of Rod Willow county
Nebraska is visiting his father-in-law
William VanDvke tbe week.
How tho fanners are going to got
feed and seed is tbe question to be
Crooked Creek
Quito wintcry weather at present.
Ed Dixon and wife were visiting in
Red Cloud Tuesday.
Chris Hoihcr has taken an agency
for hardware.
Mrs. Ton u ant has bouuht a new
stove, she don't believe in freezing.
Miss Hcilicns having a serious time
with a felon on her thumb.
CIisb- Tcnnant spent this wcok at
Tho farmers aro all very anxious to
havo tho beet factory oomo to Bed
The wind last wook did a great
deal of damauo to tho winter wheat.
Mr Elliot Hughes was calling at
Mrs Tcnnantii last week.
Tho Soys and girls aro making good
use of the ico during their leisuro mo
ments. Mrs. Emily Thome, who resides at To
ledo, Washington says she has never been
able to procure any medicine for rheu
matism that relioves the pain so qniokly
and effectual y as Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and that she has also nsed it for
lame back with great sooaess. For sale
by Deye & Qrloe.
Tho weather still continues cold.
Who says it can't blizzard in Ne
braska. Some of tho wind mills bowed their
heads during the storm of lust week
Charlie Lingrene was around over
the prcoinot on business last Monday.
Great excitement prevails over the
results of the wolf chase. Ask Osoar
Rumoy for particulars.
Mr Payne's granary was blown
from its foundation during the storm.
Farmers are getting thoir stock
through tho winter so far in reason
able good shape.
Tho winter wheat is not damaged
in theso parts as yet although we havo
had some very trying weather.
Yum Yum.
xverybody said it was tho worst
they had ever seen in this country.
John Brown wants to know where
he oan get a good fox hound so he can
track some board bill jumpers. No
free lunches any more at the Central.
Jaok Waller froze his feet at the
round-up Thursday.
Mary Latta returned from Franklin
last Friday.
Earl Paul was home on a visit
What might have terminated quite
seriously in the way of a "scrap," was
prevented by Doo Harris, Last Sat
urday two of our young men eagaged
in some very loud talk in the store
during tho absenoo of Mr. Harris, as
usual, quite a crowd had oongregated,
and it began kto look as if thoy really
would fight, when Jim stepped around
bohind the counter and in a trembling
voico, said that George didn't allow
fighting in tho store, and he would
rather thoy wouldn't Ight too. This
quieted thiugs a littlo and they
agreed to finish it at some future
Lee Berteh, formerly of this place,
but now of Omaha, was shaking hands
with the boys Sunday.
A young man of Cowles would like
to havo tho president of tho senato
explain what is meant by tho word
The postoffioe will be found in the
north part of John dtorov'a drug
store hereafter.
"Polly" Hall was visiting with his
brother last week.
A Cowles Bum.
You ought to know this: DoWitt's
Witch Hazle Salve will heal a born and
08 pthe pain instantly. It will core bad
ly chapped hands, ogly wounds, sores,
and a well known core for piles.
15. 1895.
Crooked Creek Items.
1 soo by tho items in the Belt that
tho boys aro getting quito newsy out
our way so 1 think I will fall in line.
Wo hear our old time friend J.
l'opo is going to be with us tho com
ing season. I would advise all tKa
old politicians to look n little nut.
Mr. Gurnoy buried hts little babe
last Monday.
Chris. Reihcr says ho oan't tell
whey he can't find a girl. Ho says ho
thought tho girls would Qbe
plentiful when ho got his new buggy
but he thinks tho girls don't bito like
thoy used to. Port and Oliver Hedge
say thoy will stand baok and see
what success Chris will havo.
Mr. Ilolsworth is vory jubilant
over the coming sugar beet factory.
Ho says it will give employment to
many who would othorwise hang a
round tho stroti corners. It will not
surprise us if Mr. Holsworth plants
ten acres of beets in the spring.
Wo will not mention the weather
for fear of offending some one. Vahden.
The wind of last week wrecked both
of C. F. Cuthcr's windmills,
The Surgenson boys were grinding
corn on last Saturday.
Claudo Wilton of Otto was in our
vicinity on business Monday.
Alioo Remsburg was visiting at Mr.
Marker's Sunday.
John Brethauer wero'visiting at F.
Lambrcoht Sunday.
Mrs. Emory Bean was visiting in
tho vicinity of Cowles the foro part of
tho week.
Lock Gravos spent a fow pleasant
hours at G. W. Matkin's Tuesday
E. Bean and wife were visiting at
his father's Sunday.
John Sorgonson from Farmer's
creek was in our community on busi
ness Saturday.
Olive Foo from Elm creek was vis
iting in our looality last week.
Yanoe Sorgenson and Chas. Hansen
were near Conies Sunday.
Mr. Hanson and son from Red
Cloud were in our looality last Thurs
day. Laretta Thomas of Cowles was vis
iting her sister Mrs. E. Bean.
The Brethauer boy's are patting up
ioe. Nothing like keeping tool in the
Mr. Johnson who has been visiting
the Anderson boys returned to his
home in Iowa Monday.
Annie and Lena Lindquist started
for their home in Iowa Monday.
Jo Jo.
Who over saw so much winter
weather in Kansas, Tho Cth will
long bo remembered by many and es
pecially Wm. Barrett as it was his
birthday and the wind blew so hard
that his children could not get heme
to dine with him.
Mr. William Ryan is staying in
Red Cloud with his sister Mrs. E. Pul
sipher. He is under tho doctor's ear
and we hopo will soon be ablo to re
turn home.
M. Myers' two brothers Frank and
Eraest of Burr Oak are spending a
week with bim.
Mrs. Sapp and children spent a few
days with her patents Mr. Serivner's.
Chas. Hooper camo home Friday
to spend a few days with his parents,
He is one of tho Btudent at tbe North
Branoh aoademy.
Mr. Myer's wife and brotbors visit
ed at F. L. Smith's Saturday.
The Stcffcn boys expect to go to
Illinois this spring.
Some of tho farmers lost consider-
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Government
Fond Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co.
Ion Wall fit., N. Y.
ablo stock in tint blizzard. Mr.
Mountford lost some hogs, L, Franois
a oolt and cow and we hear J. M.
Browu Inst a colt and 12 hoad of cat
tle. Mr. Barrett is kept busy tending
post-office and selling groceries.
P. Leaderbrand in not working in
his blaoksmith shrp now.
Pleasant Prairie
Spring will be a welcome visitor.
What would we do without the
country schoolhouse.
Preaching two nights in the week.
Lyceum oVory Wednesday night.
A week from SunJay a lady will
preach at 11 o'olook. All aro invited.
Wo have a sample ef the Into storm
left. Tho oldest settler says he nover
saw a colored storm be foro
If tho lyrcuui gols any more inter
esting then it is now, e shall have to
hunt a larger house. Dixxr.
. .
The way to reach catarrh is thrsogh
the blood. Hood's Sarsaparllla, by pari
ty ing the blood, remotes the aanse of tbe
disease and permanently cores catarrh,
Take only Hood'a
Hood's Fills aot easily, ytt promt tly
sad tffeotively on tbe liver and bowels.
25 cents.
State Line
I guess Hicks struck in right when
he predicted rough weather for Feb
Reviowing is the order of the day
at the aoademy.
Messrs Hoopor and Graham went
home last Friday but they were baok
for sohool Monday,
We understand that aid has btea
sent to tho U. B, elass at Maple
Most every farmer is wonderlsg
where be will get feed for his horses
duing tbe spring work.
Miss Kenney was at Mr. Toland'l
last Friday evening.)
Wm. Wright from St. Franois; Kan.
has been visiting bis brether-in-law,
Mr. Arrants. He expects to return
home the latter part of this. weak.
Next Saturday and Snadsy will bo
quarterly meeting at tho Friend's
ohurch in North Bran oh.
The junior olass of tho academy
will give an entertainment Friday
night Feb. 22nd. The entertainmeat
will be freo,
Se the World's Fair for Fifteen
Upon reeeipt of yonr address an fif
teen oenta in postage stamps, we will
mail yoa postpaid onr Booveulr Portfolio
of the World's Colombian Exposition
the regular prioe is fifty cents, bat as we
want you to have one, we make tho pries
nominal. You will find it a werk ot art
and a thing to be prized. It oentalna
nawtusM m
fall page views of the great buildings,
with deseriptions'of same and is executed
in highest style of art, If not satisfied. -with
it after yon get It we will refund the
stamps and let yon keep tbe book, address
n. E. BUCKLEN k CO., Ohieago, 111,
Dr. Price's Cresaa sklnf
A Pare Ores Crssss el Tarts?
i -
. ,-