1 THE ltED OI,OrjJP CfllEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FiU'lUt. Fttlt. 8, 1895 7 9 1 5 , W-B ; I 0 BLQSSO Acts like a poultice, drawing out fever and pain, and rcinvig. orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes all obstructions and creates a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem edies for Female weakness, com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, leu corrhoea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. "Orange Blossom" is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re ceipt of $i. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Por Siile by . I,. Cottlnu Red Cloud. The Book of "The Fair." Ily II. II. llnncroft, "The Historian." A work of OnoThouHiinil Imperial Folio pngee, twelve by sixteen Inchon, printotl on the linest onatuolcd paper, on tho Miclilo presB, as ex hibited in Machinery Hall. This work uontainB Twenty-five Parts Forty Pages Each. 'There will bo over 2,500 SUPERB PIC turos of all sizes up to u full page, A chapter on Fairs ol the Past RAMr-r- W ,From tho Cryatnl Pnlnco of 1832 to the runs Exposition or ibsu. xuo Exposition was but for u motnont while the book is for all timo, und Should be in Every Home Sold by subscription only, on easy pay ments of G conta a day. Por further particulars apply to C X DOTTING, Druggist &lioo1incller HSTAuent for this company. Going to Buy a Watch? If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. The only thief-proof Watches are those with BOWS. Here's the Idea: The bow hai a irroove on each end. A collar yV ff,t ' I run VC3 us run down inside the endent (item) and its into the eroovei. -0- firmly locking the "L-CTV. bow to the pendent, x", M i 'f ao tnat ii cannot do &' VJ" Pu,Ied or twlMed "IT. To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, see tint the case is stamped with this trademark, It cannot be had with any other kind, Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send for one to the famous Boss Tilled Case makers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. Arnold's Bromo-g. HplendM earatira asent f or Nrrroaa or 61ck Ilaad&cliA. llraln Lihatiitton. HImuImsiimi. special or geiier! Neuralgia! ulko for Ithmi. inauiiu, tioai, iviaoar iJituruars. iipm wt. papda. Anemia. Antidote for Alvolioll and other excotaea, fries, 10, 2& and WoeoU, EBorvuacont. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 61 3. WeiUrn Avenut. CHICAOB ' XI BRUM'S rim MTiizimrx. 'fh.. rmj torn liul4 rtlrwil, lo t tut Jl thou dltcun of ll,o U.alto-Otiiurr Or. I tni. requmi no chtrif of diet or iiAnMous. utrourld cr ixjlwnoui rnu. Irlnti to bo Ukea iutetiilljr. Uluta lued AS A PREVENTIVE I v clttiu It I Inirxiiiiu taocntrut it TfntroO dlMti) j i. r tie cu of. .Ma a- i ..... .-.!..- .....I 7l. ........ thnfcifetay utrTtititt Arrucnt tu For sale by Deyo & Grlco, Rod Cloud BJLJU51k1M trS AN uM Weather lliillctln. lCni)rUlihil, K5, by W.T. Punter. St. Joseph, Mo, Fob. D. My Inst bulletin uato forecasts of the storm wave to cross tho continent from Fobrunry 1'J to lfi and tho next will reach the Pacific const about I-Vb. Uitli, cross tho western mountain country by clo'c of 17th, the -rent central vallcya from 18th to 2()tli and the cistern states about tho 21th. This storm wavo will initisttu n most remarkable period oi weather and tho country will experience almost every tiling from the tornmlo to tho bliz zird. KxtrcmcH of weather in near ly every respect may be looked lor, but tnoro cold than ho.it, moro rain and snow and sleet and hail than drouth. In tho north, particular attention should bo given to the protection of live stock during tho Inst half of the month, aud in tho south tho rarly crops, particularly of gardeners, will suffer troin ould rains, sleet and hail. Tornadoes may he expected in tho southern states and severe cold waves in tho north. A cold wave of soino importance will al."o cross tho conti nent from Dili to 11th. I caunot an swer correspondents unless they will enclose stamps. The warm wavo will cross tho west ern mountain country about tho Kith, tho great central valleys about ISth, and the eastern sUtcs about 20th. Tho cool wavo will cross tho western niountnin country about tho Iflth, tho great central vidlcyb about 21st, and tho cas'tcrn states about 23d, and will give the eastern states a blizzard. The unusual weather of tho 181)5 crop season will take farmers and others by surprise, especially those who do not carefully read and study these weather bulletins. Intelligent farmers and dealers will study tho future of tho weather, the former planting that which will best succeed in yield and prico and tho latter arranging his stock in trade to correspond. CLIMATOLOdV. In previous bulletins tho effoots of magnetic north poles on our olimato were, discussed, and now lot us look to tho south and seo if anything there has an important hearing on tint cli mate of North America. Over tho Atlantic ocean north of tho equator is located one of the earth's principal respiratory o-gans through which it inhales tho ether of spaco, and this ether brings down tho puro air from our upper atmosphero causing it to spread out over land aud sea. This north Atlantic high has a reg ular pondulum-liko swing cast and west, now causing a drouth in 1'Jurope as it swings eastward, and then a drouth in America when on its west ward Bwiug, When tho suu is north of tho earth's equator in July, tho barometer registers about an average of 30.05 on our southeastern coast and in Jan uary when tho sun is south, abont 30.15. Thcso aro about tho general averages, and when tho north Atlan tic high swings west, causing drouth, the monthly baromotrio averages are higher. The center of this north Atlantic high is west of tho Azore islands and the water and air currents circulate around that ocntcr so as to eauxe tho wind to blow westward south of tho center, northward along our Atlantio coast, eastward between Newfound land and northern Europe, and south ward on tho central European Atlan tio coast. ThcBo winds are called the trade winds bocauso when sailing vessels wero used exclusively they came west by tho southern route in order to get tho west winds and returned to Eu- ropo by tho northern route, thereby catching tho cast bound breezes. This north Atlantio high has a oorapleto sjstom of storms that ia of vast imporjanco to the United States, southern Europe, northern Afrioa, and the north Atlantio shipping in terests. Our weather buroau is tire Bumoly slow in grasping new truths. In fact it seldom catches a new idea till forced to do so by public sonti uicnt and tho publio must Grst be moved through the press by somo in dependent meteorologist. Thojiydrographio ofiico of the na vy department which wo may lairly call tho navy woather bureau has mapped this systom of storms from about tho West Indios to where they join in trans-continental lows and from where thoy luavo tho trans-Atlantlo storms near the British isles, through tuuthiTii Kuropn to tho black son. There they aro dropped for wnt nf records to indicate their furtln r course. Three fmirihs of thcso trans-Atlni; tic storm puss north of the 15ritli Isles, ajroM notlhcrn Europe and (Hstward through Asia, while one fourth of them tako tho southern route ending in tho Muck sea, The t topical siorma that pins tip our Atlantic coast take about the Biiiio route across tho Atlantic, north east oT New York cit.that is trav ersed by our noithorn trans continen tal storms, u i id no effort has yet been made to ascertain whether these trop ical storms turn southeastward near tho Rritish Isles leaving our northern storms o puss into northern Europe, but it is known that tho number of tropical storms passing up our Atlan tic coast is about tho snmo as the number of trans Atlantic storms which turn southeastward through southern Europo and tho writer behoves them to be identical. If, as the writer believes, our trop ical storms turn southward near the Black sra, in southern Europo and then wustnanl across northern Afri on and thw southern part of tho Medi terranean tc, rccrossing tho Atlantio movinn westward north of and near the iquatnr and again becoming our tropical stuttiis, ono of the most im portant events would bo to ascertain these facts. There aro numerous rcootds of atorms moving westward over Greece, Sicilj, southern Italy, northern Africa and southern parts of the Mediterran ean and these storms can bo account ed for on no other hypothesis than that advanced above. How Is tlie Time. Tht benefit to bo derived from a good mvdiolne in tarty spring is undoubted, but many puopln neglect taking any un til tho approach of warm weather, when they wilt like n tender (lower in n hot sun. Something must bo dono to purify tho blood, overcome that tired toiling and glvo necessary strength. Vacation la earnest ly longed for, but mnny weeks, perhaps rnoutliH, must i-lapse before rest can bo indulged in. To impart Btrength, and to givo a feeling of health and vigor through out tlio system, there la nothing equal to Hood's Sartuir,rilla. It seems perfectly adapted to ovurcomo that prostration caused by ohnngo of season, climate or life, and while it tonea and sustains the systom it puiiflca and renovates the blood. Tho following potition addressed to tho Hon. T O. Wilder, and Hon. Ran dolph MoNitt state representatives and the Hon. G. E, McK.ccby. our state sonator at Lincoln, was circulated among ouroit-zens, and pretty general ly tho fore pirt of this wcok. A copy of the same was sent to each of the above named gentlomen last Thursday, It is hoped that our senator und representatives at Lincoln will carry out to tho letter tho contents of this petition, and will not do (an it has been conclusively provon to tho satis faction of tho taxpayers in this neigh borhood) as Judge Deal of Hastings, his done i. o., give our taxpayers, citizens and roprcsontativo farmers tho "cold shoulder," whilo pretending at the same timo to be their warmest friend. Below wo givo the petition and tho names ef the signers: "We tho undersigned, citizens, voters and taxpayors of Webster county, Nebraska, do hereby respect fully request that you veto for and tho following bill, now before tho leg islature relating to Telcphono Companies. Telegraph Companies. Express Companies, and Sleeping Car Companies, and tho bill providing for township organization, giving oaoh county not mora than Ivo supervisors or commiss ioners; also any bill to abolish the office of county attornoy in eountits of leas than 25,000 papulation. We also respectfully request that you oppose and voto against any bill establishing a sugar bounty, or that creates any now statoor county office, and to especially opposo and voto against tho bill establishing tho ofiico of stato game and fish wardou. Wo also respectfully request that you support and voto for any bill the object of which is to abolish tho office of railroad commissioner, as now provided bylaw, and to support any law maicing tho samo elective by tho people. Tho petition is signed by a large number of citizens, Blue Hill Lead cr. -i ! '-' (ooil Farm I.oiiiih Wanted. Low intorcst, with option to nay nil or juirt of principal tit any j ear. Writo, or call nntl seo mo. C, P. Cathf.ii, Red Cloud, Nob. ri2112ISII13ffl!IllIlffiIS10!lll!IlI!IIS!Sli e"--'- ?- - -"' nr ,m . , ' . a .m. .aawWaTaaw a ---SO It" Mi i i1 il iii 'Hi, ; aw. mi If not, why not? YOU CAN GET IT And a Fine Book for $ 1 Why not do so? s25 This proposition is Avorth your while to S3 S2 investigate. 3 2 e are continuing to give 2 our subscribers who renew j3 new subscribers who pay for one year in sgSS 3 advance, one of those Fine Cloth Bound 3 23 Books, worth almost the value of the s3 22 subscription 8R. HATHAWAY & CO., .SPECIALISTS.. (Kcgutar Graduate.) Aro I lie Irnilliia and inoit inccciif at ircclolliti txA "lllKltojuulielp. Young and mid dle aged men. RemnrkaMa re nil hat a follow ed our treatment. Many, yeura of varied anil mceeji Jul experience. Inlticuioof cura tive method! (hit weuloaeownand control for all dla prilcriofmenwlio havo weak, unde veloped or dli cued ormni, or who aro tulTcrlns ifrom orrora uf outn and ixceti TKrhnarentTVoua and Impotent, the rum of their Ifellowi and the contempt of Ihrlr frlrndi and com- nnnlnnl. tparia na onnnranteeioau ptucni". u iner can poMimir r rvatnred. onr own asclnalve treatment t'lll afford a cure. WOWESft Pon't too want to get cured nf that veakneawltlia treatment that jrou can uia at mum ulilmiit Initrumcntar Our wonderful treat enthat cured others. Why not your Try It r.lT.lltKII. and dlteaiea of tba Skin, Blood, Ii'irt, Liver and Kidneys. ft YPniLIH-Themnit rapid. Me and cttectlre eiuc Jy. A completo Cure Guaranteed. NTCIV DISKAMFM of all kind, cured when iiW other huvu failed. HVVA.TTTUAI. IHRriIAHOF.it prom Mir .urcdlnafuw day, iulrk, ture and aafe, Thfi jUuclca Qleot and (lonorhtca. TRUTH AND PACTS. Wc have cured caiei of Chronic tXieaica that a failed to tret cured at the band 9f other ipeclal- suand medkal Intiltntc. . , m KKMBMBERthatthcra la hope for i ou Uniuuii no other, a you may wuto valuaulo Hue, Obtain our treatment at once. Itowarenffreo and cheap treatment. r7 give tliobeit nndmott aclemlflo treatment st moderate lr er- lor in lio done for afe and aklllful treatment. PKKH conmltutlon at thaotllraor hy moll. ThorouKli rxunlnatlon and careful rtlaa njle. A homo ireatmrnt ran he g en Inn majority 'J case, send for Bymntoni lijank No. lfinlrn; No. 1 ifor Women ;No. SforBkln HUeaie. Allcnrru jlKindencoaniwored promptly. Iluilnesotrlctlvcon Cdeutlal. hnttrotrraimentent freo.from ohten Hon. Itcf or to oar patleati, bauks and hutlnci met. Addrcuorcallon DR. HATHAWAY & CO., .I.U. Corner Mlslli und Fell Hta., Itoomalauda (Up Blair'.) NT. .lONRHlf. HO. .. .....- m i. - -..- BREAKFAST-SUPPER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WftTFR OR MII.K. npflcs h HEAD NOISES CURED ir ( uttilou brlriwhtn ult " aaal a tt fall, oj glK.e liclo ei en. WW penlijarj. Nopln. I..uiu,. ,K. lllcox,883 llw.y twYor,uluiklKit. rJroJ tor boot anU proof FREB. lobular PAttKCirS , HAIR BALSAM Clcjr.io and. Unuilfk tb bilr. Praniorc a lui.tiptift rrnu-th. Nvcr Folia to llcatoro Orojl llatr tolta Vouilifiil Colon! Cure flp ditttiie t hull UUmz. I tfvt bii'hi.v., ..m.-gwa (k KUiin AUI.IIJ( IUU)i(MUiiilMi krM)iiu l-'HW HINnilRCORNS. Tic onlr .urn cure rnrfVn", WUMMMMWmm nHu Wila I I .LK bHSSH El V l'.irUi)r'q (JtnifQrloiiiO, It tu.tu ttiti yont O urr. IVaal !... .t.ltii f.. ,11. .!, !,., T.l i,Ikii (lull HAVE TPAIDT F6r The Do you take it ? ss3. price. Get one. W o lire Hllll In thoiwlm And aro tolling . . . Blankets and Robes At a reduced price. Here are a few of our prices: alllllllllllllllll0lmt77m. 1 nM t 1.00 blanket for $ .00 1.25 " - 1.00 1.50 " 1M 2.00 " 1.70 AiA3 .... .... .... .... mW 2.50 ' ' 2.30 Fur ard. Plush Robes At rock bottom prices. Repairing and Trimming on short notice. J. 0. Butler, Prop. BEST LINE 'to DENVER AND ALIFQRKIA YOU f - ajw . .') - iva, ) i i- . n ra--- i ---.ay - . .- - - - vl Chief ? II to each of ESS and to" all 3 i n i ri i ili rffl mriV ? ia COLUMBIA PAD CALENDAR A Desk Calendar ii n necessity most convenient kind cl storehouse (or memnrand.i. The Coluniliial'kxk Calendar i brightest and liamlsonict ol all (till ol dainty silhouette and pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise and aport. Occasionally reminds jou ol ' tfio superb quality ol Coluniliia Ui- J cycles and of your need ol one, You won't object to that, ol course. ' The Calendar Hill lie mailed for five 3-cenl stamps, ( Addrcu Calendar Departancnt. POPE MFC CO., Mmlon thl piptr. Hartfertl, Coaa. ' lllllllllllllllllllllll f a ESS Cwi aa afaaBallHsBaVKBBKfLitVCr W " Thew Watch. For timokoopintf nntl dorahllify nothing beats the eovonteon jowulod Dkuueu IIampdkk AVatch. OALLONpENMAN I anil examine them. AIbo his lino of , Jewelry, Diamonds, Speclaeles, Clocks, Platcil anil millil sl'verwife, minlr oon, eal ImiidlU knives oinl furks. Cuvln.K et, cuUlnircurtt cases, (ion lion Ikixiis mm otbrr norelilfs. A fino line nt HpiM-lHcIra und eyn Kitusei with Intun liantrnlili iKimea. strel, nlcktil all yijr unil colli I rami , Hpt-cUl hii-I v u-fiil nt tentlui) iiiild fo (itiluu llf t Mj lm o' ?ud liiiml wntcliis l8iiiltn lnw. 1 will tun ttitiii ort ut lesstiiiin tiirlructuiti uorili. Cr7llriiiumirwH(cii,i'liick and Jawei'r. ri--ji.nr "rk.MMir iMiirHViin ai:il rn'ir l"l fiml uiutblivur t me, TIIOS. ITAJIIN tif, i i r't & ' -'Vf. h ii X' . t-,'J! 5tl fWvif A'eWl 'W II L 1- I' , "A ' -i 'i-M fa ,,'WV, .M 2: j$Jj?j$4i Chii v k AiO-Vt ." ETZZTrvTTH BBBBBaBHiBkjBatUiaaaauaBamBB