--"-it L yt"--VyHwyiSri? 77" WfcsVieV""eJa 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOCJD, NEBRASKA.FJUDAV. FEU. 1, 1895 -. ft I f - it ) .3 Palpitation of hc Heart 4 Shortness of Breath, Swelling ol Legs nnu Feet. 'For nboub four ye&ra I was troub jlcd with p;illtnttu:i of ttio heart. Mioriucss oi rtrcutu nnu swelling or tho letrfl and feet. At times I wonld J f ulnt. I waa trcttocl by tho best phy- lief. 1 then tried various Springs without beiiollt. Finally, I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure , also his Nerve ami Liver Tills. After licyinning to ftifoj Vicmlfclt better! I continued taking them and I am now In hotter health than for many years. Klnco my recovery I havo gained iirty pounds in weight. I bono this state ment may be of valuo to sotuo poor bullercr." E. n. 80TT0N, Ways 8tatlon, da. Dr. Miles Itourt Onro h sold on a positive f-aarantoo that tho tint buttlo, will tiunoUt. AlldruKslstoVIt Itatll, 0 bottlc'i for M, or Jt will iKjBcnt. pro-ialtl, on rvcvlpt of price fcjrthoUr.Mlit. Medical Co., Klkhmrt, InU. fltopsufrorlruj! Try Dr. Mllrs' Pain t'llli Dr. Mlloe' Pain I'lflicuro Nuuratgla. Tho BrantlM of tits Allrghanlsi. Tho AUcfiliniiionnrofcrtiloto the very etnnmitH, -and not tho least of thoir glo jrios nrotholr magnificent forests of oak, hickory, 'chestnut, mnplo, plno mid oth car nohlortroert, in tho Hprlng when thoy nro budding forth, in the stuntner whon thoy nro in tho fall bloom of maturity .and whon tho laurol is in blossom, .and 'in tho fall, whon tho brilliant tints of red nnd gold and grcou nud purple over whelm ono with hoiiso of Mother Na ture's iwithetio genius in always har monizing such n profuflion of colors. After all, it is tho thoroughly satis factory nport to bo had with tho gnnio .fholtorotl in thoso mountains that anost rodoars (thorn, to tho man who has nny ttnsto vliatovor for that sort of tiling. 'Tho conditions aro perfect. Tho gamo (tangos from qnnil, or, no tho Virginians call it, partridge, to deer nud boar, nnd especially this is ouo of tho last strong 'holds of 'thnt noblo gamo bird, the wild turkoy. Alngnzlno of Travel. XboTfonproft-iMlonal rrollln IIeal. "I don know how many times I havo toon people I don't moan nrtisttt, but nil sorts of people, iuolnding children draw prolllo heads. It Is common ouongu .for anybody to draw thorn on a slato, scrap of paper, anywhere," snld Mr. Hilltops "but rdou'trenuitnborovcrto Aavo ficen any of thorn draw a right handed prolllo I moan ono facing to iho right. I snpposo thoro is sonio very hnplo reason for this, but I am ac quainted only with tho fuct." Now York Baa. A IIhiI IlreBlc. , "l"ou brought all thatbeautlfulchina tmck'with y:u?" oxclaimed tho callor.' "Didn't yon broak anything?" ' "Nothing but tho customs laws," ro piled tho yomig lady, who had just re turned from Europe. Washington Star. Jt Iflrwl'oli.ti For Tinware. When tho kitchen tango is cleaned eat, thoro will bo found in tho fluo un der the ovou noouHiderablo quantity .of gray dust. Ikiiu not ashes oiaotly, not ijrtt eoct, bat a Aiuoko deposit as soar Ifikin to lampblack as n coal flro is ablo to produco soft-, light, impalpable finer than the flBMt flour. Not many Among vthoso who throw this into tho sh blmoro probably awaro that this ds tho bost thlug in the world for polishing tinware, far sarpasalng all tho preparod powdont .and pasta sold for thnt pur Ioso. Apply it to tho (in with n damp cloth, and a few strokes will produco noh a luster as is onuewwaroor as too engraver puts upon ibis zlno plates by 'tho uso of .charcoal. Exobangc, Tatomph of Dal Spelling. Mr. R.E. Dart lot t, Chelmsford, writes: "I can boat the achievement of Charles ". Edward, who, by spelling box 'botsk,1 tanado moroanistakos than tho letters nd- limit of. I havo iu my possession a letter i addrcesod many years ago to my father, Jin which 13 mlstakos are nindn in n. ',,. WO' ,Vrfl word of Aro letters. Tho word '. was meant to bo. nsnere: tho Hnnlllno i-isyowzitch. Thoro nro ithus flvosius f omission and eight of .commission; total, 13." London Nowi. Unconscious Citndw-, "Somowomou can't .bolievo a word iholr husbands say," she Tomarked. "Well," confided tho o.Uioc"I'm not -inito so badly oflf m that. My husband jtalks in his sloop occasionall.r." Wash tnston Star. Kor Ront . A good hoiuo wiih burn -U. W. Knley Klnrkvt Report. (CorrecteU Weekly.) neat ,. ...9 Corn O.Uh f J tOpHf t w Htoclc hogs g oo!t latcows '2 gutter r!KH rntnlcnH i 03; CliiuUetiH lb 1 crku)'u ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, lb II Atlantic Liner Elbe Lost With Nearly All on Board. HUNDREDS WERE DROWNED. About Twenty Survivors Landed at Lowestoft by a Fishing Smack. SLEEPING PA38ENOEH8 OAUOHT. Nclirmku Mun Aiiiiiiik Iho Sni-ilvoM Itr. Kiin to Sink Immnlliitely Aflrr tli Col lltlim anil Went Dihtii In Titenty Mln ulrn HurlMm 'r Nearljr I'rotan Whin Picked irp. London. Fob. 1. The North Gor man Lloyd steamer Kllx Captain Von DoRiot, from Bremen for New York, via Bouthampton, bus been sunk In collision with the British steamer Crathle, bound from Rotterdam for Aberdeen. The disastrous collision occurred before daylight Wednesday morning at a point Rome !S0 miles from the Hook of Hol land. Tho first intimation of the disas ter camo from Lowestoft, Suffolk, ono of tho chief English fishing ports. Tho -first dispatches stated thoro had .beon 350 persons on the Elbe and thnt only 10 had boon saved, the rescued having boon landed at Lowestoft by fishing smacks. Later dispatches confirmed the report of the loss of tho steamer and it was learned the Crathle, tho steamer that sunk tho Elbe, had put into Mam Luis, Holland, iu a damaged condition. Sho reported sho hud been iu collision with nn unknown ocean steamer. Majority of PtutMinueri (Im-inann. When tho nows of tho disaster bo came generally known in tho clubs and places of publio resort, the excltomont was intense Cable dispatches were at onco forwnrdod to the principal Euro pean cities. The dispatches from Ger many showod that the nows causod the greatest excitement and sorrow, almost all of tho ofllccrs uud crow of tho lost steamer and a majority of tho possong ers lieing Germans. It was at first hoped tho roorts of the disaster had been exaggerated and thnt mast, if not all of tho passengers and crow had es caped either by moans of tho ship's boats or by Iwlng picked up by passing vessels. But, as time wore on, it wns appnrunt that tho first reports of tho sinking of the steamer hud minimized the horrors of tho dinnstor. Many dis patches wont forwarded to Muas Luis to tho commander of the Crathle, asking him if he hud rescned any of tho Elbe's passengers. However, no answers have beon rocei veil to theso dispatches and the belief in general that tho Crnthlo, after tho accident, had rather sought her own safety than to rescuo tho people on the doomed Elbe. IlfKan to Sink Immediately. From tho details now at hand it is lenrned tho Elbo was proceeding along at her usual rate of Mieed and koonim: tho ordinary lookouts. It was dark, but there was no gale. Suddenly tho for ward lookout on the Elbe reported to tho officer on dock that tho lights of steamer was oloso aboard over tho port bow. Before the course of tho Elbo could bo changed so ns to sheer off from tho approaching steamer, tlio latter struck her just about the engine room, going through her plates as though thoy wore pasteboard and sticking her none almost completely throngh the hull of thoEUtfl. Foratimf) tho Crathle hold tho Elbo on her now, but then hur en gines were rovtirsml uud sho backed out of tho np.irturo sho had mntlo. As she did so tho water rushed into the Elbo in a torrent nnd slut began immediately to settle. Tho ollleer iu chargo;of tho ship at onco saw she was doomed and gave hurried orders to clear awny tho life bouts for launching. Threo of the boats were cleared and lowered, but ono of them shortly after it got clear of the steamer capsized aud it is thought all tho occupants wore drowned. The first boats contained tho third officer, chief engineer, purser and about 20 -of tho passongers. Those are the persons who were picked up by tho ibmlng smack and takon to Lowestoft. Saloon IMfenr AU Drowned. The shock of tha collision was com paratively slight, but this is explained by the fact that it was a direct cutting blow. Nearly all the passeugors were asleep at tho time, but many of them wero awakouod by the shock. They could hoar the rush of the rapid inflow ing water nud with orlos of terror sought to make their way to .the upper decks. The steamer being .louded at the stern, watar naturally rushed aft and this allowed many of the passongers forward to raach the deck. In rthe caso of tho saloon passeugors, however, the Tosult was fatal. As they rushofi from their state roams into the saloon they wore mot by t&o torrent, against which it was impossible for them to make headway Thftywere caught up aud swept aft toward tho cockpit, whore they wero probslly drowned before tho hiploundered. WIM ltiuUct For the llimt. Altogether nboat 50 of the paspongern roadbed tho dock, where the wildest confusion existed Wild rushes were made for tho Iwats, 2mt tho terrible ex citement prevailing impeded tho efforts of those who were tryiug to clear away. Many heartrending scones wero wit nessed between pareuts and children during the few moment preceding the sinkiug of iho vessel. There is somo disagreement among th survivors us to the number of bouts that vero launched. One survivor, Carl A. HuH'uinu, declares only two boats wero launched. Ono of these was swamped instantly and only ouo of its occupants, a girl named Anna Buocker, who wits bound for South iimpfou, was rescued. Sho olung to a piece of wieckiige, which she gr;ispod so tightly that it was only with difll culty that sho was dr.ujged luto the sec ond boat. Sho was just ruturiinirC n the deathbad of hor fathor and inotlu Meauwuile tho cry was ralsod o:i I doomed vessel for tho womon and clii ron to go over to tho other stdo of t steamer, away from tho port sido which was the great gaping holo can' by tho CruMirio. Tho half faint women nnd terror stricken children liu ried to tho starboard, but thoy ! scarcely reauhod tho boats when t huge vessel lifted her how high In tl air ami then slowly and silently s.tn stern forrmost, beneath tho waves, 1 1 Ing with her her human freight. Sin vIviiim Were Nearly I rnren. Barely 20 minutes claps d hot we the collision and tho biuking of t i steamer. A heavy sea was running int I tho wind was bitterly cold. Tho sm ill boftt containing thu survivors tos.nl about until 11 o'clock In tho morning. Several vessels were sighted in tho meantime, but thoy mndo no replies to signals thnt were set for thorn. The sur' xlvors wero nearly frozon, having hardly nhy clothing and thoir sufferings wore intense. Eventually the flshim: smack Wildflowur saw tho signals and bore down on tho lxat. In a short time tho survivors wero taken aboard hor where overy thing posslblu was done for thoir comfort. I.l.t of Hurvlnm, Following is a list of tho survivors: C.iut. Hoffman. KlIOKNi: SCIILKOKL. John Vkvkiia. Ansa Kokckkii. llOTHK.V. A N'ku.iFKLL, nhtef englneor. Stolmikiio, third officer. Wkstbh, purser. IlKim Dkfakiik, a Uromcrrmvpn pilot. UmiKitT OiiKHVUAM, an Eiigllsh pilot, and ten of tho crow. Thoy arrived at Lowestoft at 6:80 o'clock Wednesday evening. MImIiik I'ltMenKern. The following is a list of first and sec ond class passeugors who are supposed to havo Iwen drowned: KitlTZ Aitkl of Munich. Huoo IlF0KF.il, Chemnitz. A. JlAUMANN', Berlin. LouiSK 110HSKFF.KI., London. Fiiau AsmtKW BittsiiACH, Amsterdam. FitAir M. C. Con'Xokh, South Dakota. IlRNIiV N. CASTI.K, Honolulu. Doiiatiiy Castlk, Honolulu. Du. .1. C. Dettiucii, America. DoMiNito FitiuiKii, (hiutumala. FlIAULKIK FlIAKK AND JAC01I FlUSK, America. Anton Fisciikii, Washington, D. C. J. F. Ukiimciikii. Winona, Minn. Tiii:oi)oi:k Geis-cxiikiimkii, Now York. EitNicsT Hkkiii'V, New York. Anna Hoffman ax Hi:niiy Hoffman, Grand Island, Neb. Mas. Hkuminr Sanhbus, Falmouth, Mass. John II. Vinokk, St. Charles, Mo. CHAHI.F.S Wix, Now York. Mils. KMI'FKLL, Ilradenhurg. Louts Tiikwitt, Vienna. Waltiikii Hciinki.l, Dueren. Kiinkst llKUKN, New York. Mits. Ltns Kkiink, New York. Mits. Soimiik ltiioni:s, Wushington. EiroKNK KitoiiKs, Washington. Anou'ii IsLAUn, New York. Kahnt.st Masrhuiui, Louisiana. KuiitKlkinsciimidt, Helena, Mont. Mas. Lockiiaut, Now York. Ono report has it that there wero nbout 400 -Mtmons on tho Ellw, 240 of whom were passengers, 100 ofllcers and crew and a number of cattlemon who wore returning to the United States. Honry N. Castlo of Honolulu, who Is among the list of first cabin passengers, was ono of tho committeo on annexa tion sent to this country by the people of Hawaii iu 1802 to obtain an audience with President Cloveland with a view of annexing the islands to tho United States. SPAIN COMES TO TIME. United Mute Again I'laeetl In the Favored Nation Column. Washington. Feb. 1. Tho state de partment has boon informed by United States Minister Talntor at Madrid that tho Spanish senate has passed a modus vivendi placing tho United Statos again in tho most favored nation column as to duties on imports into Cuba aud Porto Rico. The bill yet remains to be signod by tho queon," but it is believed that two days will sufllco for completion of all formalities, aud that the United States will ibo given tho advantage of tho old rates Immediately. This restores tho customs rates under which tho United S.tate. has onjoyod alarge trade in flour, brendstuffs. lard and other products with Cuba and Porto Rico. Wakiunoton, Jan. 31. Tho Amorican grain growers aud mill owners have received another severe blow from an European country, in this case Sweden, a country which is iu no wiso affected by our sugar differential duty. Tho United States consul at Gothenburg, Mr. Boyesen, In a report to tho state de partment, shows that by n royal ordl nauco tho import duties on grains have boon greatly increased, in cases more than 100 per cont. Family of Four Cremated. Uismakck, S. D., Fob. 1. Poter Olson, wife and threo children, living noar Sterling, lost their lives by fire last night. Olson was manager of tho farm of Judgo Dwyer at Dayton, O. TELEGRAPHIC MAnKETREPO RT. Chicago drill n and I'rotUlon. OHlfMOO, Jim. UJ KiicuurnKud by the hope ot u Mjioinly relief of the primont Htrulnnd tluim olal romlltl'm, board of trortn njHteulutorN to day oliMt'.l their heavy liquidations aud all tho Brain markets oluncd hlt-her. May wheut gained 'o, May oorn JJe, and May oats Jic. l'rorUIonx finished with but llttln clmuifd. (-IXMINO -IIICIS4. WHKAT-Jannary, S0'i$"OHi; May, :aGi 63n: July. 51!i?. (OKK Jaiuury, 4l'oi May, Uu; July, tTJUIJio bid. OATrt-Jannarr.aojrebruary, STJ'iu; May, !! June, 21e. POKK-January, CJ.771;; May, 10.0.''$. LAItD-Mny, I.V(t."ibld. lUUS-Janunry, ttt' South (hualtii l.lvw Stoeh, KotiTii Omaha, .Ian. . OAWlsK-Heeeipt, UUOhwul; l.U) to l.VM lbs., l.iV 1.75; ItUOto lOlbs.,J0'(vl.i); Wt to U0J llw., .IU-i:i.7.i; rlmli'o u)rs, fi-.v:j.l"i; .nininou i-owa, Jl.iVg JOU; (Kxl fmnlert, J.7l)''fU.-.'0: eiirauion feedors, I.' MWl.W. Market l'i low er. HtHlS-ltwIpts, U,t)iJU Inwl; Unlit, W.'iVTtaiW ; miked, 130((a.tnj heavy, WtlXi-tl.iSJ. MurUet 'J) lower. tHKKI'-eeelpt, '00 head: inuttons,42SOJ aW; ImiuIm, t ) 'JOal.lu. Market stiady, TOLDJNPAItAGKAPHS EVENTS OCCURRING IN ALL SECTIONS SUMMARIZED. Happenlnirs at Ifmnn nnd Abroad Ite dticed I'roin CoIuiiiik to I.lucs livery thine but I'lieta eliminated Tor Our Headers' Convenience. I'rlday, .tan. 2,J. Tho Osceola county farmers' Instltuto Is bell ik held at Slhlcy, la. Thomas CUrchan, a farmer, was killed by a falling tree at .ftiuksonvllie, Ills. A new artesian well near Ciiamberluln, S. I)., throws a 11-Inch stream of water !M Inches nliove Its top. Gold has been found In a creek at Mary villi', lu. Tho Inhabitants aro much ex cited over the discovery. Judgo Hustisl of Duhitipie, In., divided a Chicago bucket shop was not u iilldeon shleratloii for a ,fi0t) mortgage. Frank Ilurgcss, n laborer of Hamuion ton, N. J., Iwcomes heir to a fortune of millions by the death of an undo lu Aus tralia. The government of Newfoundland will send a delegation to Canada to negotiate terms for confederation. Destitution Is on the Increase. Tho Italian onglneers who wero pent to Africa to Impilru as to tho feasibility of a railway from Mussownh to Kassala hare returned and reported strongly In favor of the scheme. I). Catternl was killed at Durango, la., by his horso running away. Ills wife was Injured, probably fatally. W. D. .Siencer was sentenced to five years In the -wnltentiury at Devil's Lake, N. D., for killing Archie Melntyro. Resolutions favoring reciprocity, sub sidized shipping aud government control of tho Nicaragua cunal, wero adopted by thu national convention of manufacturers. During services at a church near Ingalls, O. T., thu wife of Itev. Mr. Johnson horse whipped Hov. Mr. Tally, aud was In turn beaten by his wife. Tho Hov. John E. Massey of Richmond, Va., has sued tho Hov. Sam Small for $Ti0, OUO damages on tho basis of an alleged IIIkjI Iu Tho Pilot, edited by Small. W. U. Grlscom, a stock dealer of Han dolph county, Intl., left a ool;otbook con taining J1.0U0 on a Panhandle train. It was found and returned to him by Dr. W. J. Young of Fort Wayne. By command of the czar the Women's Institute of Medicine In St. Petersburg Is to be reopened. Former students who havo obtained their degreo will Iw allowed to practice as doctors, a privilege hitherto refused them. The Burlington fast mall has just made record time Ix-tweon Burlington and Ot tumwa. Tho 7(1 miles was mudo lu 80 minutes, Including three stops. Tho dis tance is all up grade and tho trtdn was made up of five heavy cars. Hatnrday, Jan. 30. Tho American Baptist Missionary union conference began at Kalamazoo, Mich., to last two days. J. K. Hannegan has boon appointed Ren oral passenger agent of thu Indiana, Illin ois anil Iowa. Illinois agriculture loard accepts pluns for now stute fair buildings, which are es timated to cost t-M8,OU0. Fishermen nro combining at Muskegon, Mich., to fight the state law prohibiting spearing on Inland waters. Over 100 graduates of tho Iowa State uni versity held a banquet at Algona and or ganized mi nltimul association. Illinois Statu Bar association, in session in Springlleld, suggested many nuw laws and discussed tho railway strike. Investigation shows that tho Knights of Pythias lu Wisconsin aro making great gains in membership anil prn-Hirty. More wreckage from tho steamer Chi corn was found at South Haven, Mich. Officials admit that tho vessel Is lost. Labor Commissioner Morse of Michigan states that farm laborers in tho state aro poorly paid and oppo-io Immigration. Coal minors of St. Clair county, Illinois, decided not to go on a strike, owing to u lack of funds to maintain tho struggle. Senate committeo has decided to report adversely on tho proposition to allow Keeker Island to bo used ns a cable station. Imhcrund Crawford, liquorscllors, wero fined f'100 at Washington, In., and Kleiner was left In Jail. Mrs. Ira Uussell was sen tenced to tho Anamosa penitentiary for six mouths. Postmaster Watson and Murray Bent loy, a merchant of Rhodes, Mich,, aro under arrest for defrauding tho govern ment. Mayor Hutchlns of Rockford, Ills., has boon invested with power to inako re movals at will by an appellate court de cision, Charles Martin of Elgin, Ills., has sued the Plnkortou agouoy of Chicago for false Imprisonment lu connection with tho failure of tho St. Charles Evaporated Cream compnuy. Goorgo Hunter, superintendent of tho watch factory at Elgin, Ills., was ac quitted of the charge of employing women more than eight hours a day. The law was held to I hi unconstitutional. Monday, Jan. 98. Matthias Jutto died In jail at Indianapo lis from taking rat poison. Ono man was killed and flvo others In jured in a trolley car collision at Wllkcs barre, Pa. Commander-in-Chief Lawlor and staff expect to attend overy state encampment hold this year. Alexander Poloandor's legs wero crushed by falling rock at mi Albla, la., coal mine anil ho will probably die. An elevator owned by tho Omaha Eleva tor com'Niny burned at Barnuston, Nob. Loss, f.S,000; fully Insured. Samuel Burns, a Burlington railroad engineer, was run over by his engine and killed at Paclllc Junction, la. Speaker Ferry and Senator Woodruff have resigned from tho Wyoming legisla ture iH'catiso their constituents upolntcd a committeo to lobby for a state college. Four Warren county, Illinois, prlsonors escaped through tho roof of thocounty jail, but two wero recaptured. John L. Martin, Vn invert, O., pension agent, has lavn held to tho grand jury for alleged obtaining of false pension affi davits. John Baldos was killed at tho Wilming ton aud Springlleld coal mine, Springlleld, Ills., and two other miners Injured by a falling cage. It is estimated that mom than 200 per sons lu Dnbmpie, la., aro subject to tho In romn tax, and blanks have Imh'ii received there for tho suspected. Receivers of tho Lombard Investment company, St. Ixnils, ivart that of f.11,000, (K)luilchtLMlncs.sf3,0O0,(Hl has been paid since Nov. 1, Charles Smith hits beuu sentenced to I eight years penitentiary Iraprlsonmont for i murderous assault on tho Boone, la., Jail er's daughter whlto trying to e-cspe. Ira Newell, a Juror lu tho Hayward trial, was ousted when It was discovered ho was opposed to capital punishment. Gabriel Thomas was run over and killed In the Burlington yards at Hannibal, Mo. Peter P. Powell, boot and shoo dealer at Sprlngfled, failed. Asucts, r.-.'.OOO; liabili ties f 18,000. Six Kronsnra now known to have been killed by thu explosion at Muudota, Ills. Two others are missing. Daniel J. Kennedy, assistant postmaster nt Stillwater, Minn., was urivited for robbing tho mails, but escaped fr mi tho oflicer. Alliert Hotting swallowed nn l't."li sword while practicing for an onto i incut at Muskegon, Mich, lie will ptoba bly die. Tuesday, Jan. 3f. Lewis Liter, founder of Lltershurg, Ills., Is dead. Tho Dally Sun suspended publication nt Ottumwa, la. Tho steamboat J. F. Joy sank with a cargo of staves at Helena, Ark. '1 hero was a blinding snow In Texas and snow and sleet storm lu Louisiana. Georgo W. Smith, editor of a Loulsvlllo A. P. A. pnper, was arrested on a chargo of criminal lllxil. A letter from tho Mafia demanding (2,000 has been received by a wealthy Italian resi dent of New Orleans. The recent fall of snow has caused re newed activity In the logging camps In Michigan and Wisconsin. Tho mother of Wheelman Frank Lenz, who was lost In Persia, Is trying to collect a $10,000 Insurance policy. Tho Guatemala colony' In New York Is said to 1m preparing to furnish their coun try Its sinews of war with Mexico. Six constables arrested Charles Bucks and Will McLehull, charged with the Cot ton Belt hold-up nt McNeill, Ark. Flro at Pittsburg destroyed tho Wllklns burg Presbyterian church, valued at $25, 000. Ono of tho firemen was fatally frozen. The Missouri reform school at Boon vlllo was Inspected by a legislative com mitteo aud found to be doing a good work. Bishop Cosgrovo of Davenport officiated at the dedication of the now St. Paul's Roman Catholic church at Burlington, la. J. W. HolTmnn, Jr., of Aurora, Ills., has begun suit to establish his title to most of the laud on which Hebron, Intl., Is situ ated. Clans Sprockels, tho Hawaiian-American all-round sugar king, has branched out as nntlmouo'iotlst, and Is lighting thu Paclllo railway. At a meeting of strikers and their sym pathizers lu Brooklyn Honry Goorgo and Congressman Simpson advocated munici pal operation of street car lines. For preaching n sermon In favor of cre mation Pastor Muller of Rostock, Ger many, has Ikx'ii suspended from nil eccles iastical functions. He has also been olted for trial by tho German Evangelical church. Wedneaday Jan. 30. Tho steoragu rate of transatlantic steam ers has been cut from (15 to (10. David Hampton was executed for mur der lu tho electric chair at Slug Slug prison. Nino coasters wero seriously Injured In a collision between a bobsled and a cable car in St. Louis. The supremo court has decided to hear arguments on tho income tnx cases in March. Tho agricultural department has Issued a bulletin to farmers Informing them how to feed stock. Mrs. G. C. Heard of Sednlln, Mo., sister-in-law of Congressman John T. Heard of Missouri, Is death Tho first Croatian church In tho country was dedicated In Pittsburg by Bishop Phelan. A man named Dorsoy slid over a 400 foot precipice at Pittsburg, fell 200 feet on to a nnrrow lodge of rock and was rescued. Thu Colombian government has Issued a decree authorizing tho erection of a statue of tho late M. Do Lesseps at Pa nama. "Morris O'Connor, county surveyor, was arrested at Albla, la., on a chargo of sell ing whisky unlawfully. Six sloops capsized near Galveston, Tex., and threo persons wero drowned, tho re sult of a terrible storm. Ernest B. Studur of Peoria, Ills., eloped with Amanda Hobcrror, and his fathor hreatens to sh ot him on sight. Flvo men wero scalded by tho bursting of tho valve of a steam pipe In a mine at Hougkton, Mich. Two will dlo. Henry Meyers was awarded (15,000'dam ages against the Illinois Central railroad at Dixon, Ills., for Injuries received In a wreck. Tho executive committee of tho Central Trafllu association ordered a reduction In Chicago-New York grain rates to 25 conts a hundred. Receivers huvo beon appointed for the Buoyriw Steam Shovel and Dredge com pany of South Milwaukee. Liabilities aro (250,005, and assets (101,841. A substitute for tho Rollly Paclflo rail road bill, which provides for munagonunt by a government commission when de fault Is made, was offered in the house. Joseph Conrotl was sentenced at Le banon, Intl., to 11 years In the peniten tiary for shooting John Martz at Zlons vlllo Nov. l!l. Thursday, Jan. 31. A Harrison telephone oxchango, to rival the Bull, is to bo established lu Dubui-uo, Iowa. . John Flngorstlno, a peddler, was killed by John Usury In a quarrel nearShclburn, Iud. Tho now coal shaft at Mascoutah, Ills., was damaged to thu extent of (5,000 by quicksand. Leroy Bush, 10, nnd his brother Wllllo, 9, wero fatally burned by gasoline at Logansport, Ind. A plan was started at St. Paul, Minn,, to consolidate tho colleges of MoAlostor and Albert Lou, A wholesale grocery house with a capi tal of (200,000 is to begin business Feb. 15 at Mason City, la. Four colored mon havo lieon transferred to tho city hospital tit St. Louis afflicted with smulliox. Omaha has leen flooded with Ixigus sil ver dollars so finely counterfeited as to de ceive oven tho bank tellers. Tho Law and Ordor Loaguo Is to be re vived at St. Joseph, Mo for a special oru sado against tho liquor dealers. John Bovlns, 05, was taken to tho ponl teutiary at Anamosa, la,, on a two years' sentence for tho murder uf Patrick O'Dou null. An appeal for aid is Mng sent out from Cranberry Ceator, Wis,, a station nn 'tho Northwestern rood for tho relief of fami lies of ownois of cranberry marshes which were destroyed by forest Urus last fall. mimmm Scow mi,,.. tsaIIa clAAt.cf rt Tlnafnn. TkfftvdVl g writes: 1 havo always suffered froms 3 hereditary acroiuia. ior wuicu i iru-un i various remedies, and many reliable) ((Jliy.SltlUIlD, UU.UVHH .v..wM.w. ....u.M (itaKUlRO IKHUU3UI , p am now wcu. i jam vory grateful g3(to you, as I feci 51 that it saved mo lUUb II. Oti.m niu m rm n llfn nf Itnfnlrl Bffnp.v Rhfl ahnlllt taito pleasure In spcaklm only words p: of pralBO for tho wonderful medicine. .iiau iu njuouiiucuuiii it iu uii. Cured " Troatlo on Blood w s BiiaHmn i ii -coses ii'dllod froe. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, 1 ATLANTA. OA mm ) mmmmmmwmw h OLDEST and ORIGINAL Dr.WHITTIER 10 WEST NINTH STREET, (NEAR JUNCTION.) KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Regular graduate authorized by a state, and conced ed to be the lead ing and moat euo oeaaful Specialist In BLOOD, NEWV. OU8 and URINARY DISEASES. Nervous Debility With lu Many Qloomy Symptom Cured. Lost Vitality . Ptrttctly and Permanently Restored. ' Syphilis Cured tor Lite Without Mercury. Urinary Diseases Quickly Rellcwd mud Thoroughly Cared. Why is Dr. n. J. Whlttler invar iably successful? Because bo makes no promises that ho cannot fulfill. Avoid cheap cure-alls and unskilled physicians, an consist) Dr. Whlttler fa person or by letter (giving symptoms) and reecho tho candid opinion of a physician of long nxpnrlcnce, unquestioned skill nnd sterling Integrity. MEDICINES from our own laboratory fur nished at small cost and shipped anywhoro sccuro from observation. TREATMENT never aent O. O. D. FREE CONSULTATION. URINARY ANALYSIS. Ofilco hours 0 to 4 and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12V, IBIirlA iTo Health and EmorR-enclea. Jt U I U t3 t 'or O cts. stamps to prepay. Call or address In strict confidence DR. H. J. WHITTIER, 10 Weat Nlntn street, Kanaaa City, MO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l I I2E COLUMBIA , PAD CALEHPAR , For 1895; A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind of storehouse for memoranda, The Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest of all full of dainty silhouettes and pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise and snort. Occasionally reminds you of tns superb quality of Columbia Bi cycles and of your need of one. You won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will be mailed for five 2-ccnt stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MFQ. CO., T Mutton thu piper. Hartford, Ceaa. ' lllllllllllllllll -MH The Sweetest Music requires a .Washburn' Guitar, Mandolin, Baniri or Zlther. ?,heyrehe product of the Largest Musical Factories In the world andare the makers, Lyon & Healy, Chicago, for a Beautiful Catalogue (FREE) i containing portraits of ninety artists. Washburn; are sold by all first-class Mlttr l)atra ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Btf.d.0&,.TlS'' "-iff.?--!"? "JM'j. A-?? hoiirn, ihon, atora nd otBc. OrealMt coaTtn lonce nnd bnt Mllnr on etirth. Aavnunaherromsstoasopertlay. 1 nkkLn a 'S'idunca moam a uli to all toe unrwhern, Bnj rtl.tunco. Oampint. rMdr for uwhnthlip.l. Can ba put np br nr on. ne?r out of onljr, no repalrlna, lutu a IU lW.P.HirrlsonaiCo.,Cltrk IQ.Columluia. 0. ntf-n-atsataM iWAYHE't 0NTMENT tnUwitaay iatarull I k'.WM, llek. till i UaiMa, .- taajM a aUaV.-afalaaatBJkZatakJ 'unarfc Ar,ZtAZm2: m aael tM.n an - , NEW LIFE Coa.Up.tliu. OaiilJ'uitebVi olU by Doyo CJrlce Ite.l Cloild w tWmWWmmiuiaw j. 1 ggfttSrt-X : M ! You -"jtfgH 'Need Wggggggt Cff-sB glsPv2V aaaWt.M nlggM?ari KtM sH apwwuinn IUeamaakla a.ii.-2.MM.. a.mio.l I t. lw I ft V.