THJbJKEDOLUUli CHJLijIF, JKliD ULOUD, JNEBKASKA, FRIDAY, FKB. 1, 1895 41 A 14fr VffT fc t jam fc WOWk & B HM M& , SLA &'fj ' i' am' n Bilbsso l Acts like a poultice, dravine Out fever and pain, and reinvig orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes all obstructions i and creates a healthy, natural . flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem edies for Female wcakness,com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. .'! "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, f'iiimcult, irregular menses, leu- i.eorrnoca, ulceration, tumors, tick headache, constipation, sal llow complexion. "Orange Blossom" is anaitile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. I' Mailed to anv address an re. ;ceiptof$i.Dr.J.A.McGill&Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Por Stile by 7. L. Cotllnif Red Cloud. RAk. JIThe Book of "The Fair." By If. II. l!:iiiciot, "The Historian." A work of OnoThouBiind Imperinl Folio tiamta tu.fll'u liv alvtpan InphnB q,V, ItV - - -v --- -- i ia printed on tho finest enameled paper, on tho Mielilo press, as ex hibited in Mnchinory Hall. This wort pnntnina ll Twenty-five Parts Forty Pages Each. There will bo ovor 2,500 SUrERD Pic tures of nil sizes up to n full page. A chnptor on Fairs ot the Past Prom tho Crystal Palnco of 1832 to the Puris Exposition of 183!. The Exposition was but for a raomont L- J.hile tho book is for all timo, and hould be in Every Home Sold by Bubscription only, on easy pay ments of & cents a day. For further particulars apply to C JL COTTING, Druggist &BooI:fteller ESfAjjont for this company. What is this anyhow 7 It is the only bow (ring) winch cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Uoss Filled and other watch cases t!jS stamped with this trade mark. O Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. KraiaHRM .IHva Tn i np TTIBal I CAVtAld.irmULMAKKS COPYRIGHTS. iiK 1 nnTaiN PATENT? For I OBTAIN A PATENT Bromrit answor and nn lioneat opinion, wrlto to I II N N A: f :.. wlio have bail nearly fifty jeura' eipeiiencoiniiie rait-m. uujiiirro. iinuuuuiui. , lions nrlclly cniifldentliil. A llniiilhook of In. f formation roiirernmit I'nlrulN nnil now to on VJtaln tlirm tvnt fn'. Also n catalogue of methan 'leal uwtHclrntlflo books font tree. ratfiita taken tbmiivli Munn & Co. rocclvn api'clal iioucolntho Mrli-ntlMc Anicrlrnn. and Ibua are brought widely before tho public with, oat rout to tho Inventor. This tplenrtld iaper. laauivt weekly, elegantly llluatrntcd. baa by far thn laivi'ft rirculatinn of any tclt'titltlo work lu tbu world, S.'t a year, t-ainpln roplea ecnt free. . Unlldlng tiditlon. monthly. fiJoa year, rilmilo conlea, -J.lci'nt. Kvcry number contains beau tiful platea. In onlora, anil ibntiHiranhs of new homes, with plana, enabling builders in show tbu latent ilealirn ami oieurn eontrarta, Aitilreaa .VAIU.N.N & W .NfcW i'OHK, Util BiioauwAV. jHSSj Weather Bulletin. ICopyrlRhted, 1395, by W. T. Foster. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 2. My last bulletin gave forecasts of tho storm wuvo to cross the continent from January 1 to February 4 and Ftlrinry Gth to 10th. The nest will reach the Pacific co.tst about Fob. 1 1 tli, cross tho western mountain country by do'c of 12th, thn great central valleys from 13th to 15th and the eastern states about the ltith. This disturbance will be at its greatest force west of the Mississippi rive and the greatest precipitation will occur east of tlint river. The wtirm wave will cross tho west ern mountain country about the lltli, the great central valleys about 13th and the eastern states about Kiln, The cool wave will cross the west ern mountain country about 14th, the great central valleys about Kith, and the eastern states about 18th. SPRING DROUTH. The sprint; drouth will begin a lit' tic later than it did in 1894. All the country east of meridian 100 and north of tho 40th degree of north latitude, aUo the country cast of tho Missicsippi and north of Tennessee and North Carolina will experience) a drouth in April and May, Not every locality in the country will be dry, but a largo portion of the country mentioned. In a largo portion of the country east of the Mississippi river and south of Kentucky and Virginia an excess of rainfall will occur in April and May. lloadnrs must not construe the above to mean that a universal drouth will occur in the north and a univctsal flood in the south. It sim ply means that a deficiency will occur In the northeast as a whole and an ex cess in the southeast as a whole. I have not yot determined what will bo tho rainfall for April and May between tho Rockies and parallel 100. That country is in doubt. Tho above forecast is not relitblo for any one small locality and it can only serve as an indication as to what the general effect on crops will bo from a deficiency northeast and an excess southeast. Farmers and plant ers can make their own estimates and determine what crops will pay best with t-uch weather conditions in the two spring months. Tho crop season of 1895 will be one of the most remarkable and uncom mon that has occurred for years, Cor respondents should always enclono stamps. THE DIP NEEDI.I. Another very important evidence in support of the theory that the North American north magnetio pole is moving westward is tho record of tho magnetic dip ntedle, and this rec ord is of more imprrtanoo than that of the mariner's or surveyor's com pass, because it indicates that tho north magnetio pole is moving almost duo southwest. If, as the writer believes, the North Amerioao north magnetio pole con trols tho climate of North America, the movements of that pole is of vast importance to the American people. . The prevailing winds are certainly controlled by that mtgnclio pole, and as these winds in the northern Rooky mountain country are now from west to east, the heaviest precipitations are on tho west slopes of the Rocky mountains. Should the magnetio polo change its position so as to cause tho prevailing winds to be from east to west, the heaviest precipitations would bo on the east side of the Uocky mountains and the olimate of tuo great central valleys would be ma terially changed. In order that readers of popular literature may better understand this subject it beoomes ncocssary to ex plain the magnetio needles, They are eleotromagnetio and the same force acts upon each. Tho difforenco is that one is swung horizontally and tho other vertically. Tho dip needle is so arranged that it can only swing verti cally or up and down. This needle may point straight upward or down ward, or in any direction between these, and is so nicely balanced that a very weak force will change it or hold it steadily in one direction. Tho horizontal needle is the samo as tie common surveyor's or mariner's compass and it is so swung that' it can movo only horizontally, or liku tho hands of a watch when the latter is placed face up, except that tho noedlo 'may &wing back and forth or move jouud either way. It oannot move up or down, Km I W l 'lit! V J B foul V i V Ir PRAISE, ONLY, FROM ALL WHO USE AYER'S HairVigor "Ayor's preparations art! too oj well known to iuti! aiivcoiiiiiicii- oj tlntion from me : but 1 foci coin- x; pfllcri to state, for tho henetlt of oj Diners, linn six years ago, l insi o nearlv half of my hair, ami what g was left turned pray. After g using Aver's Hair vigor several o months, my hair began to grow o mill tl'l4ll4llll I,ilttl,l1 f'filflt O Ulllll, fIIV ...III Kit, 1IIIIIIIHI ll'lt'l q restored. 1 recommend it to all 0 my friends." Mrs. E. FitANK- oj iiavskii, nox au., siauon v, J.os Angeles, Cal. g Ayer's Hair Vigor Fnr.rAitr.n nr of DA. J. C. IYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. S1 peoooooooooooooooocc-ooo Tho nstatio needle is hung by a thread fastened to its middle, perfect ly balanced and its points may movo up, down, horizontally and in every other direction. This needle, how ever, does not snem to have been used in tho geodetic survos from which theso magnetic records aro obtained. At San Francisco, 1783, the dip ncedlo pointed 12 91 decrees below the horizon and at tho samo timo 7.73 degrees bi-low at Aoapulco, Mexico. As the needle stands perpendicular at tho magnetic polo, or points DO de grees below the horizon, San Francisco was nearer the polo at that time than Acapulco was. In 1SS3 tho dip at San Francisco was 1C.G1, or an inoreaso of 3.73 de grees, acd at Acapulco the increase was only .17 of a degree, showing that the north uiaiinctio pole is mov ing moro toward San Francisco than toward Acapulco. At Sitka, Alaska, the dip increased, during about the same time, 5.C& de grees, and an this is the greatest in crease, it being less as wo proceed northwest along the AlasKan coast, we may conoludo that tho north magnetic polo is movimg toward Sitka, situatud near 57 north and 135 west latitude. Fifiy years ago tho north magnetio polo was near 70 north and 95 wost, making its course almost duo south west. No survey at tho center of the magnetic polo has bcoo made since about 1835, when it was on Boothia Island, and therefore wo cannot de termine how rapidly it is moving to ward Sitka, Alaska. But if it should continuo ita course southwestwaid our climato will grow warmer in the lake region and colder on the Pacific slope. With tho mag netio polo at Sitka the climato of Alaska and California would exchange, the former bocoming warm and tho lattor cold. Tho Pacifio gulf stream has some influoncs in making a warm olimate on our Paoigo slopo, but the prinoipal 01.U90 is tho prevailing south winds that aro controlled by tho magnctu north pole. In tho Missouri and up per Mississippi valleys wo got prevail, ing north winds that come from the cast side of tho north magnetio polo and as tho latter moves westward theso winds will loso force and tho olimate of tho great central valleys grow warmer. GooU Farm Loan Wanted. Low interest, with option to pay all or part ot principal at any year. Writo, or call and eeo mo. C. b Catiikii, Kod Cloud, Neb. i i ! ii m John T. Wnterhouso u millionaire nnd tho oldest merchant in Honolulu, iidoud. Tho nssessed vnluution of Red Willow county for last yoar wbb $1,330,181. Two Swedish lady mlcBionnries aro do ing rovival worlt at Oakland. ii i .. i R. H. Fulton, liro and lightning insur ance, Western White Dronzo, monu inents and comotory goods. Seod oats and choico upland pralrio hay. Ofllco with Tradors Lumber Co. arowmrnnmn?!, ciuiiiiuiiiiuuiiiiiui;:; If not, why YOU And Why -3 This proposition is worth your while to rgs investigate. rS: We are continuing to give 3 our subscribers who renew gf 3 new subscribers who pay for 52 advance, one 523 Books, worth S2 subscription v t HftWAY&CO,, SPECIALISTS- (UcBiilar Graduate!.) Arc 'lie tcril'nvr and incit iicccilfulpeclQllJtiD(l ''.ilL"ivo Julhciii. Younic and mid dle aged men. nemark'i rr ulti huie folluw cil uur irvaiinuDt. Man, jrnurs of experience liilhc u.fof run tlu meilKKli iliat e alii lie own nnd cmiirulfiir nil dli- t i ruumunienwno ts lin weak, undo- eaied nrirana. or who ire audorlni nun crruri ui ouili and vxceu jrwliunre:i,,nou ana impotent. the irnrn nr thrlr ifclluwa anil the conlrnipt of their frlrndi and com nanlnni. learia ua tnnnitrnntnetotll patient. If tier can poialblr t rrainred, our own exelaalve treatment 111 uUurd ucure. VOIEJft Pon't yon want to get cured nfthat wcakncai vrlthB treatment that ron can nae at hon.u Klthoui initrumenia? Our wonderful treu Ui'if.Uai cured otben. Whrnotrour Trrlt. r.VT.vnnn, and dlteue of tba Skin, Blood. Heart, Liver and Kidney. HTPriiXTS-Themnitniild.iare and effectlTe rcjLC Jy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. KTtrV DISEASE of all kind! cured where nuayotticranavo (tiled. CXSATtHAI. DUCnAROEl promptlr cured In a few daya. Quick, aura and iife. Tbli Include Oleet and Uonorliva. TRUTH AND PACTS. We have cured enact of Chronic illienei that ht o failed to get cured at the hand of other pedal Uaand medical Imtltutea. aoa.REMr.MnEB that there ft hope for You. Coniuit no other, a you may watte valuable, time. Obtain our treatment at once. lie ware of free and cheap treatmenta. We Bite tho beat and moat teleminc treatment at modertte prlocn-ailowm ran be done for aafe and tktllfnl treatment. FKEK ronaultntlon at theomceor by mall. Thoroimh examlt stlon and careful dlag nol. A home ireatment can lie Riven loa majority ofcaiea. Hend for fiymptoni lllank No. Ifoi slent No. a for Women! No. arurBkln Dlaeaaet. Allcorre- lonarncennawcriii promptly, iiuimeaa tiricny con fidential. Knttro treatment acnt freo from olnent tlon. Itefcr to our patlcott, boaUt and builnett meo Addrenorcallon DR. HATHAWAY & CO., .i.E. Comer Sixth, nml Felix Mta., Itoomt I and a (UpStalra.) NT. .KIHFl'll. MO. PARKER' , HAIR BALSAM Clianut and Urautina tha hair. 1'romotei a luiurlank rrowth. Mover Falls to Heatore drcjr ur .u i.u luumiui uDior. Cuxca icalp dlwaici b hair ItUlnK. iOc.aDdlliUat DniKr'rta lie Parker' dinner Tauto, ll rurr. ih worn CihikS, VieU l.uni, lkbllltr. Induction, l'uln.Take Intinie.Mcta, HINPrtRCORtJS. The onlrauw cure forCo Ctvpt kUmuu, Cc. at OjluIiU. or UlbCOX CO-, H. Coma, y. DEtAF & HFAD NniSFS rilRFH uhular I'ushloii. TkIiiwIih ul. ". "r eiier-illi, aKii'ealirlpe)i-. V peralirar.l. No rain. 1. .1.11.1.. F. Illm o,t)a3 Ii Itework.xilutlipot, Html for bout and prwiti FRI elae falll, a iflioea hrlp r p. W'tAf prboti FREE. BREAKFAST-SUPPER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING 'WATER OR MILK. N 'yJ fayHLwi r aaaiM mrmmmmmmmmmte .iiiiiJiiUiiUiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiUUiE: .lttlitIllJiitiiii)ll'',, iiz " - - HAVE YOU PAIDT For The Chief ? 11 Do you take it ? 3 CAN GET IT I a Fine Book for $1 r not do so? of those Fine Cloth Bound almost the value of the s price. Get one. XV o nrc si III In tlicNuim And nrc selling . . . Blankets and Robes At n reduced price. Here aro a few ot our prices: t 1.00 blanket for I .00 1.25 1,50 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.00 1-35 i .... . t 1.70 2.00 2.30 t t.aa t Fur and. Plush Robes At rock bottom prices. Repairing and Trimming on short notice. J. 0. Butler. Prop. tl2k. BEST LINE ri 'TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA not? 53 STTTSg to each of S and to !! all jj one year in sgbg Sheriff Sale. NnllrtMa li9rt-liy mIvcm. ih:it tiiiilcr nnd by vlittiti oi hii uidi-r oi Mill! IihumI (nun tliri office of l!, It. I'lniirflerk of tlii'ilMilit r-mri of tha truth Judicial (llatrlrl, "llliln nun fm Wi-lmter '.'iiniitt, .oliiimkii, iiiioii it itrripo In mi Hctlun I'cmlltK.', Hit-rein, whi-rolii Vlt-r xiketlaiul li i 'ii , it nlHlnllir nml iiL-aiiist J. v N.. rlH -lofend-inil, I aliitll offer fn Mill at ititii' xinlnt-, to imc iiwnt'ii niiiut'r iur ciii i it ikihi. iiiiiiipaac iliinrot Hit t'liiirt iKitiHi-, iti linl I'minl. Ii mild Vi-hiti (-i)iinl)-, Neliiiiikit. ( liclut the Imllillnu' wlierrln Hi" hut tiiin ul inld court liiildfii) mi thir.'il iliiy ul l'i-Liriiiir !. I),, IKO tltotien'clnck i III ,nf iiilil iln, the follow IHK ili'ctll)i'il prnperU, iii wit: Ijii (iliiiii titKi lii'l of Ini two (K 'i v) In .Mori " inlifltloa to IIImp lllll SVcImIii imiuiy, m-Ihuii. (Urn umlrr my limn'. illn 'j;tli iIhv of I)c comber A. !., ihui. i. w. ictiNCHK,riiicriil. A. M. WAf.TfKx. I'lHinlin'H Allurnev. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notlrn It lirrnliy rjlvrti, that umlrr nml liv vir tue of nn onlt-r of mUilbiimil from tlioofflcBot C. H. Croiin, Clirk of tlm District f'ourt oftha Tenth Judicial Ulatrict, vritlilu and fur Webttar county, Nftlirntkn, iiioti n ilecron lu an action liendltiR, tlicriiln. wlmmln, John 8. Hoover and H. (J Koeiilnr are tilnititlfft 11 ml nuaiuat J, H. Arnold, Lavlnda Arnold, McUoruiick Barrett Inc Machine Companv. defendants and wherein Jonn H Hoover Is iilaintitf and agalntt Free mont Arnold. Jennfo Arnold, John It. Arnold, Lavlnda Arnold, Dawet Si r"ot, Fayetto I . Fots. O. H. MatUnt A (Jo , M Know , McConnlok Har. vetting Machine Co., delendanta. Tho two above ratet havlnlt been consolidated by order ot court. I thai! offer for tale at publlo veidae. to uie uigUHit uiuaer tor cam in nana, w tue east door of the court houte. at Red Cloud, in aid Webater county, Nebratka,(tbat betngtha building wherein tha latt term of said eoort was liolden on the 2d day ot February A. D, 1895 at one o'clock p. in. , of said day, the follow described property, to-wit: The northeast quarter ot section seven (T), Towmhlp three (3) north of range Ten 101, west of the 6th P. M. lb Webster county. Nobratka. Oiven uuder my hand thlt S7tb day of Decem ber, A. D. 1891. J. W. ItUMcnKT, Sheriff, A. M. Waltert, I'lalntlff's Attorney. 62 S "The" Watch. For tinitilteojiiDR anil dnrnbility nothing bcutfj tho Bovontoon jewolotl Dkuiikk IIampdex Wathi. CALLONpENMAN anil oxumine thorn. AIbo his lino ot Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles, Clocks, Tinted and solid silverware, souvenir spoons, pem I handled ktiht't nnd forks, carvlnx sets, tnlllnK card cases, bon bon boxes aud other novelUet. A lino line of spectacles and, tyo KlBsat's with Inti-rcliatiKHble louses. steel, nickel silver and uolil frames, Special aud careful at tention imltl to lltiltiK the f o. My line ot Sod hand watcliot Is unite lane. I will run tuem off at Ims tliaiilhelr actual worth. ., Or-llniiK your watch, clock and Jewelry re pair work, jonr oimruvuiu aud your old gold aud silver to me, . TIIOS. PENMAN rJSrjTwIlm m- TJwt h" 1 IfHafiffMH'" Jl'1W-'5-I