The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    nwwBsnfBa?.-imJi fcI
THE RED CLOUD CHIE F, 55 D CL 6" TO, NEBRASKA, 7ttti)AV, FEW. 1, 1895 -
t r ;? Br m
bwofk cir:uiatioi: 1,3:0.
A. 1 . IHiH.MHt, I'.illlur
i.Alim Iait. ,Wt IhmI Kitltnr. I
CoillO let lift rrUKlll ttHlltlllr Siilliui
things tire nuccBBiiry for comfort, health
uid happiness. This oar wo nro going'
to do without many of tho necessities i
and nil luxuries of life liut wo intend
to huvn what is idisolutuly necessary
i0f) tbte jour to huetnin lifu nnd Utop in
I, health to nid us in our bnttlo of tho
your. Our wives and children must at
least liavo food to eat and shoes to wear.
Tho hitter will not erst j on much, but
will help to preserve their health and
Wo havo mado arrangements with J.
13. Lowifl it Co. of Wear Ueaistcr f nmo to
supply us with n medium priced lino of
I boots and shoes that will meet with
your approval, and come in reach of
your pocket bonk.
It is our wish to supply every family
in Webster county with theso goods for
wo beliovo it will bo to their advantage
Another advantage you gain by deal
ing with us is tho largo amount of Una
work wo do for jou in sowing up rips
k and nailing soles and repairing at actual
cost. You will lose nothing by dealing
with us and will wish you tiad it you do
Aitorxi TO WW.
Yours respectfully.
Bi.aiu.hi.kk A Kai.kv.
IMiyNlrimi and Murueon,
City nnd country calls promptly ans
wered. Moon Dlock, linn Ci.oun.
Prof. Jenkins was in Denver this week.
Cham Evans of Naponcc, Nebraska,
was in tho city Monday.
Real cstnto loans mado by C. W. Ka
ley, payable horo. Money furnished at
Miss R030 Green of Republican City,
was tho guest of Miss Cora Kaloy this
Rov. Father Snnterroof Campbellheld.
services at tho Catholic church in this
city Sunday.
L. r. Albright returned this week
from an extended visit to tho eastern
part of tho state.
Mrs. Dr. Damorell nnd littlo Mary
Stewart roturned Sunday night from a
visit to Owquaka, Illinois.
Sonutor McKeoby aud wifocamohomo
from Lincoln Saturday night. Tho Sen
ator returned Sunday overling.
Miss Daisy Garner aftor n pleasant
visit with friends at Cowles returned to
Inavalo via this city Saturday night.
M. R. Bentley roturned Sunday night
from a lengthy trip to northeastern Iowa,
Ho says it is bitter cold in that country.
Tho Red Cloud Benevolent society will
'tifll Thursday afternoon of each week
during tho month of February with Mrs.
R. M. Martin.
.Wo.aro in receipt of an olaborato cata
logue nnd note book from tho School
Furniture Co.. of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
whore our friend A. C. Sanford is em
ployed as an advertising ngont.
Red Cloud lodge No. 70 D. of II., will
havo un interesting mooting next
Tuesday evening at 7:!!0 at A. O. U. V.,
hall. It is requested that all members'
bo present as mattors of importance are
to bo discussed on that occasion.
llorr Wilholtu Liobknocht, leader of
Mia BOQinl-democrats in the Gorman
Reichstag, has written for tho February
Forum, a full oxplination of "Ttoe fro
.gram of German Socialism," and describ
ing its wondortul growth in Germany.
In tho same number of the Forum, Mr,
Honry Holt explodes sorao of the "Falla
cios Underlying Social Discontent," in
tho United StatoB.
Tho Misses Mary and Margaret Miner
.served a delightful luncheon to ten of
their friends Saturday afternoon in lion
irnf mIrh Doll Dolton. A novel and
pleasing feature of tho ovent, was the
hand-painted china ware on which tho
eatables wore eorvod. The china
painting was the work of the china class
of this city composed of Mrs. J. L. Mi
nor and daughter Mary, Mrs. Sherwood
and MIbb P. D. Yoiserj and their beauti
ful work was not at variance with tho
table docorationagonorally. Those pres
ent wore, tho Misses Miners, Doll Bolton,
Cora and Nollio Knley, Graco Fort, Trix
Mizer, Lois Pope, Retta Ayre, Jonnlo
Bell, Ray Letson and Helen Roby.
Ono of tho roost onjoyablo dances
ever givon in tho city was tondored
Earnost Bolton and his eistor Dell on
Tuesday night, previous to their depar
ture tho following day. About 70 peo
ple wore present, and tho best social
feoling prevailed, Buch aa has alwaya
charactizod tho dances at the Bolton
house. Tho muBic which wbb most ex
cellent was furnished by Messrs. Thad
and Percy McNitt andL. M. Vance, and
the promting was admirably executed
by Mr. John Walsh. A substantial lun
choon was Borved at an opportuno time,
n.,t.i rnvivnil tho merry dancers and
wrninntrml Mm nntertuinment until noar
II a. in., nt tho conclusion of which tho
guests bid thoir young friends good-by,
in a manner which plainly showed their
high esteem in which they wore held by
tho young people of this city. Earnest
and Doll will remain for some time in
Omaha, Mrs. Bolton will visit at longth
in Colorado Springs and her husband
will probably seek a location.
Help the lirenien tomorrow.
John Winters is homo again.
Wall paper cheap at Cottlng's.
'J'ako dinner nnd suppor with tho lire
boy p.
Ho'p our lirenien tomorrow by taking
Don't forgot tho lire boys' dinner aud
See Dr. CulHnioro's February ditto in
lied Cloud.
V. L. Cutting is nelling window shades
away down.
Mrs. S. F. SpokoBtleld is seriously Ml
at this writing.
Don't overlook Cutting's siiio of wall
paper remnants.
Glaus Dusbo marketed sovernl loads of
fat hogs on Monday.
Cotting is giving low prices on window
glass theso days, try him.
(!ivo W. II. Roby your order for need
corn. Ho will havo a cur In. this week.
Tho Misses Altn and Susie Baker of
Amboy were visiting in this city Thurs
Real estate loans inndops able horo
Money f urnished promptly. C. W
Mr. Watson of CowIcb wasvisitlng tho
A. O. U. W., lodge in this city Tuesday
W. C. T. U., will meot ench Tuesday
afternoon during Februnry with Mrs. F.
S. Sherwood.
Revival meetings will begin nt tho
Christian church in this city about tho
1 1th of Fobruary.
Go to Roby's west of post ofllce, for
Hour, feed, grain, hay, Ac. Best quality
and reasonable prices.
V or dofective vision, consult Dr. Culli
moro in Red Cloud, Fobruary 23th and
20th, Dr. McKeeby's ofllce.
Spectacles fitted for defects of vision
by Dr. Cullimoro Fobruary tilth and
2Gth, Dr. McKeeby's ofllce.
EYE and EAR SURGEON, Dr. Culli
moro, in Rod Cloud Fobruary 25th and
2'Jth, at Di. McKeeby's ofllco.
Harry Goblo Iiiib stopped into tho are
na of legordemain as it wore and juggles
hot stoves with npparcnt ease.
Mrs. Dr. McKeoby journeyed to Lin
coln Tuesday for n short visit and will
return with her husband Friday.
Curt Evans will add a stock of cloth
inu to his second-hand goods. Anyone
having nny old clothes can sell them at
his store.
Don't forgot that I nm prepared to
cany passengers to all parts of tho city.
Leave orders at the Holland House.
L.LOT1) Cuaiiill.
Tnko your wagon work to Stapleton.
Ho forges nil irons for buggies out of the
host Norway iron, uses no maWeablo iron
in repairing buggies.
Remomber Stapleton puts on plow
shares. 11 inch, 1; 10 inch, 83,50, nnd
warrantB overy ono to run. Lister lays
tho same. Bring in your plows.
All who nro indebted to M. B. McNitt
on account of Hour, foed, hay, etc, will
pleaso call nt his old store and eottlo
Tno accounts havo been left with W. B
Roby for collodion.
Goo. B. Holland who has been in Rod
Cloud for tho past week has returned to
Hot Springs, Arkansas, to look after his
interests there. Wo are pleased to note
that he is doing a tine business there.
Wiener baa filled ono of his windows
with shoes ranging in prico up to $3.50.
You can havo your choico for 81,25.
He also has a counter full of better
grades which he is offering at $1.60 por
Fred Blakesleo was elected Master
Workman of Red Cloud lodge No. CO,
A. O. U. W., last Tuesday night, to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of
C, F. Cather. Mr. Blakesleo will mako
a most oxcellont officer.
A largo number of Max Mizor's young
friends gave him a genuino surpriso par
ty on Tuesday night at the handsome
homo of his parents. Music and games
were indulged in till a lato hour, and all
present enjoyed tho event hugely.
Mrs. Grides who has beon making an
oxtondod vioit to her parents in this
city, Mr. E. Rifo and wife, left for homo
in Lincoln Tuesday. She was accom
panied by her siator Miss Lydia Rifo,
who will remain with her for sometime.
The nhvelclans report very little ser-
Ioub illness in the city and surroundings
at present. There are several sore
throat, bad colds, but the usual malig
nant epidomica so prevalent during the
winter months are conspicuous for their
Our correspondents are doing some
excellent work und we are glad to know
that thoir itoms are ono of tho most val
.miilo features of our paper. Thoy are
not only read in tho country but the
peoplo in town read many of them with
much Interest.
Do not forget tho the fireman's benefit
dinner tomorrow. Every man and wotn-
.. i t?,i n nnii nuuiit to maKo u a
un i -
point to contribute their might to tno
Rroboys, who glvo thoir timo und energy
to subduing tho tlroy elements when
such is domanded.
rilir, M'MIIMt TWO.
The Viiltnnl
I il't'llll'll i!HCUl
A one story friiino building near t'
round hotur, north of tho rmlfir
tracks, caught fire this morning
brought out tho tiro com puny on a nu .
Tho building belonged to B. F. Mizer,
and was occupied by Adam Allis, an old
German-Russian, who works on the
soctloB, The fntiily consists of tho old
peoplo nnd four children. The lire
caught from the file while most of the
family was at lititut. Abont two tuinln
of tho household goods were paved, and
tho house was left n black shell. The
building j fully covered by insurance
Tho hoso Whs frozen when the water
was llrst turned on. and this fact lends
tho llromoii to suggot-t that tho t:it
fathers arrange for them a placo to drain
thoir hoso after each tire.
Tho lire aarm brought out the fir
boys early Monday morning. After go
ing to tho south part of town they dis
covered a coal shed and chicken coop to
be about fanned out. 1'liey squelched
tho remaining Humes and wotiril.t
dragged tho heavy tiro apparatus bnck
to the llremens hnll after da light.
Verily tho way of the llrontsn ii hard.
Tho property burned belonged to Ernst
omm am r.ynn.
Mr. VanRlher of Ruthorford, N..I.,n
brother-in-law of Mrs. J.S. timlgli died
tho forepart of tho weok aftor a linger
ing illness.
Romrmbor tho dinner and supper for
tho riremen will bo served one week from
to-morrow. Don't fail to attend and
dmo to tho health of tho llrebojii,
Subject for morning sormon nt M. E.
church "The Transfiguration." Even
ing "A Living Church." Tho Epworth
Lenguo dovotlonnl meetings increaso in
interest and numbers.
Yon onght to know this: DoWitt's
Witch- flnzln Halve will henl n bnrn nnd
08) pthe pain instautly. It will cure bad
ly chapped Imiidfi, ugly wnnnds, sores,
nnd a well known euro for piles.
The Rr.o Cloud Ciuei is twenty-three
years old, and is ono of tho very few pa
pers that continue to print nil at home
in tho faco of hard times. It carries a
lurgo line of what appears to bo prollt
able ndvertUing Nebraska Editor.
F. V. Taylor, C. B. Crono and J. S
Whito havo been duly appointed a com
mittee on music for tho M. E. church.
At a mooting on the 22d of January
they 6olected Henry Clark us louder nnd
instructed him to organize a choir.
Mr. J. V. Hill of Juniata, this week
purchased tin Jens' meat market and
will continue tho samo, retaining tho
services of Johnnio Wilhelmsou. Mr.
Hill was the populist senator from
Adams county in tho 1)1 Bossion, and is
well known nnd respected in that county.
Ho is u pleasant buisnefs man, will
doubtless make tho moat business a sue
cos inasmuch as ho is n competent nnd
exporiencou man in mat uusiness. ins
family consists of n wifo und :hild. We
are glad to welcumo the family to this
The Senior and Tenvhcrs
Th' I'oor.
The gooil book fut- mint' Where tfli
in its holy coiillne. winds to t?ii itlects
"The poor jo haw willi oit aw js."
Wo do not uototlils 1'iisKitfe of smpturo
with tiuv intention nf wiitiiiL' a hook or
a column nrticlo on the subject, bit d r
tho purpose of i'iiIIiiii iho iiitentini of
tho charital-Iy lin-Inul eoplc io- tho
fact that the.'e an some peopio l tho
county who im in want and m ' bo
aiiled. Wo do nm ihiIiIihIi lliem 'iioIMo
tlu uorlil for tb? .l(o nf HM'tirum i.-
Bidf aid for wo an- n 1 mi ml n tit I ublo tli
help Jho poor for i)r simple leason tlia?
durirvr aiiv seasoo of nlent or drouth .
l'he joor jo lime "vnh o iilwny," mid
especially is this the caw this jear.
Wobstj? county is wi-ilaide to iih-ih all
of. the indigent iieoii'.i1 within her bor
dors, bo they few or man). Hot il'ls
fact aloni without eifort nti the part of
tho well to do people, will not avail any
lldliir to those who ai in nrcil. if such
there be, and such there art- will
out doubt if no elTort'lt rimIo to
liovo then Ench IovmihIiIo
visor should mnltean extni elTort
to relievo tho watitn of nnv in
the township who may bo in mud. It
should also bo remembered that there
may bo peoplo on tho verge of pci ury.
that would rather stiller tho r'KH of
hunger than to become public charges,
yet Tun Cnif.r does not preoumo that
thoro are many such In tho-jounty, but
that should not release thoetiargvtie ef
forts of tho public officers who hare that
matter under their special, supervision
Lot's milieu good our chimin "that Web
ster county does not need aid' by seeing
that tho tieonlo who ret.idu in itllriaonntv
who need aid got it without mtbjrcting
them to tho annoyance of lomg com
pel led to mako it more public than is
necessary. With Si'i.OOO lying in tho
treasury of tho comity thoro is no reason
why any that must bo helped should not
get it. Big sounding resolutlomi with
ont any further elTort don't aa fur
towards helping those who nro in need.
Tho condition of our people is about
uh follows as near as can be glbanod.
There ure somo who need local aid und
foed und seed, and others who will get
along all right as fur as living is- con
cerned, but will want seed aud food for
teams whon spring opens. Tho-!ocial aid
will bo furnished but ut to tho sood wo
cannot say nt this timo how that' will bo
supplied. Thoso who hayo corn should
bo generous and not exact' tho pouud of
llosh for the sake of gain.
cTtiif.r.ON. in Red Cloud, February
l.ivh mid ''(ilh. at Dr. McKeeby's office
In II.
Prof. Caster ontortained his Senior
cluss, togother with the public school
teachers of this city ut tho Holland
hoiiBO Tuesday niuht in royal stylo. An
elegant supper was served, und the toasts
tho merry making and all wbb not over
until 12 o'clock.
Several games wore played, eoveral
musical selections both vocal and in
strumental were rendered, and the hon
ored guests were shown all the courtesies
possible. Some vory polished addresses
wore delivered, and impromptu speaking
waa indulged in by those accustomed to
that very embarrassing style of public ad
dress. Prof. Caster served with dignity
and credit as toast master, and the ex
ercises wore naturally entertaining and
instructivo to all present. Those pres
ent of tho Senior cluss were: Tho Misses
Daisy Plumb, Emma Cook, Grace Gar
ber, Mayo Pope, Lois Pope and Marga
ret Minor, and the Messrs. Goo. Overing,
Roscoe Cather, John Potter, Henry
Newhouse, Wm. Helllobouer. Tho tea
chers were: Ralph and AlvinPopo, Miss
es Llllio McClelland, Maggio Delo, Dora
Hendorson, Bello Spanogle, Mablo Nye,
Trix Mizer. Mattio McCall, Bertha
Brown, and Mrs. Robt. Martin,
Those present and they were all pres
entare vory liberal in their praise of
Prof. Castor's efforts to mako the occa
sion onjoyablo and profitable, and Bay
the Prof. IB n very auuuio entertainer.
Such evonts are conducive of much
good, and tho class of '05 will always
bear fond remembrance oi me tesiive
occasion named above
Subject (f)
Well, never mind what the subject of
address will be, only you just get up and
get to Masonic hall in tho Moon block,
Wednesday cvoning, February Cth,
when the Woodmon will throw the doors
wide opon to ovory body who may caro
to listen to an address by u gontloman
who will make you laugh and cry all
at the samo timo, 'Remembor this is a
freo entertainment, nnd worth your
whllo to be on hand. Doorsoponat 8:.'I0
sharp. Free to ovory body. ThkChikf
lllina In irlvn Mm IKlfffl Oil tllllO. Und
uhoad of timo, if possible, but can't on
nnnnfin uirnrn llllllll 111(1 llllll Ot 1MB HI1U-
ject nor tho name of tho gontloman who
la In firlflrnea tiki rmmifi ILL niHHniiiu llllll
next Wednesday night, given under tho
managoraont of tho Modern Woodmon of
America. Doors opon at 8:30 o'clock
shnrp. Freo to ovory body. Tub Oiiikk
advises you all to bo on hand, Wednes
day night Feb. Oth.
The Kiigur licet Fitctorjs
Do wo wuut it? That will bo tho
question. Can wo tako caro of the
boot proposition is another question!
The Chief is in favor of doint every
thing possiblo to secure tho enterprise
from tho fact that it wo secure this fac
tory others will follow, and we all know
that tho city of Red Cloud noeds tho
factory and ull others thut will locuto
hero. Wo ure in tho midst of u fine boot
raising country nnd tho procpectors
know this as well as wo do, henoe it will
be as much to their Intorcst us it is to
ours to get und give tho host proposi
tions that wo can socuro. Tho factory
would bo of incalculable bonollt to this
city and county, furnishing as ib would
n ilno homo market for tho best raising
product und tho most prolific ruanoy get
ter thut wo huve ovor attempted to pro
duco in Wobstor county. This fact hue
beon easily proven by Anthony Sohaefer,
who raised 200 tons of boots in 18!) t mak
ing a clear profit of $900. If such an
amount of monoy can ba cloared on 30
aores of land in a droutby oeasoa what
ceuld bo obtained in a favorable season?
Mr. Schaefor had to pay freight to Nor
folk. It the factory should' be located
in Red Cloud, the freight ooetwouid be
obviated. Those are two roesous why
we ought to work for tho factory. In
tho mountimo let our business men uso
their beet endeavors to soouro th best
possible contract with tho Drm, und at
tho samo timo loavo no loophole for
failure to operate. We beliaw the gold
on opportunity is at hand farRbd Cloud.
Lot's grusp it.
Hay and grain for sale by oar or wag
on load at lowest prices. S. 1'. Gather
Red Cloud.
Cupid porforms some very, quoer an
tics. Tho other doy in Now York City,
Miss Piatt, a vory dolicata- woman, only
weighing 405 pounds marriftd a very ro
bust gontloman namodl Coffee, who
tipped the beam at 5& pounds. The
New York Journal docs not say whether
Miss Piatt roasted CofTae or not, but if
wo should be allowed to. remark on the
Bubject wo should fool! Impelled to say
that that "ColTee" wbb delightfully groon.
Cheaper . .
Prices are
All the
Time . . .
H have not the time to give you
full history of the changes in pri
ces this week, but don't fail to
Iseep a close watch next week.
I will give you a surprise.
www ii f ir v v w mi
Better - Bargains
Than ever to make room
Spring Goods.
for our
Highest Honors WorM' Fair,,
A puie Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frej
'mm Ammonia, Alum or any other sdulteranl
Special Bargains in Dress Goods,
Special Bargains in Blankets,
Special Bargains in Flannels,
Special Bargains in Underwear, ,
Special Bargains in Hosiery,
Special Bargains in Cloaks,
You cannot afford to miss the bar
gains we are making in the above
mentioned goods We have never
offered them as cheap before.
We are expecting our new spring goods in a
few days and must make room for them.
G. A. Ducker & Co,
r m