The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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I .swurTja'aTawwMHrflwgtAsujimijii'jtiiaB)
' SB
! B IT company ' rtiMnc I IU
81 ii arlcl pRivA'rE r uiNuo I , jg
I , II To - Loan - on - Farms II
1 ml For One to Ten Years. Ji
f US I or urter particulars ccill on or address 1 iP
I i D. J- MYERS, I
) li I Red Cloud, Nebraska, h ll
11 1 I - OVER ROST OFFICE. J 1 1
Lr .Jlllt...-,............. ............. ............. ................ .................................. .................................. ,...,.................y.................i............. ....................
... . ! I ati rvn'frs Icnlv Futhor keop nil switches closed! RnUMATiiMCuuDiN a Day. "Mystlo I EMlniittc of Eutcnteft.
eii ik. . nsi r - a 1 mwvum uun MiAvii;miuiRii7i 1 1
vrtiiii 1 1
.... iiM.ntinrimck.brickdustin
urine, frequent culls. Irritation, Inllamrautlon,
gravel, ulceration or catarrh of tho bladder,
Disortlei'eti liver
nilloucneBS, headache, indication or pout
RWAITIF-ItOOT InvlBoratcs, cures kidney
difficulties, BriKhfa dlscusc, urinary troubles.
Impure Blood
Pcrof ulo, malaria, general weakness or debility.
gwamp'Iloot build up quickly a rundown
constitution and makes tho weak strong
At DriiKRiatafiO cent and $1.00 Slxe.
'lnnUldt' UulJo to Hialtb" free- ConiulUUlou free
I)1U 4: Co.. IllNOUAMTON. N. Y.
llcnl Estate Transfers.
Geo Chaput and wife to Napoleon Barry
nn,?2 4.15.0Cd 8 100
Gea E Coon sheriff to Jas Peter
son, d2bw1 7 Ml, Bd 800 00
Jas Peterson and wifo to Olivor
McCall, n2 swl 7-1-11, qcd .... 1 000 00
Nob Loan and Trust Co to M
Thompson, nw4 0-2-10, wd . . . . 1 00
J S Hoovor to Wm Balster, lots
3-4, block 8, Hoovor's add to
Blue Hill, wd "0 00
Lincoln Land Co to Jacob Spoor
lot 21, blk 17, Bladen, wd . . . . 75 00
a T Ormabv and wife to A W
Downor, lots 21-22-23, blk 2,
Richardson's add to Red
Cloud, wd 7CO0O
A V Downor and wifo to Lillian
M Blakesloo, same, wd 800 00
Elizabeth Besse and husband to
Cora E Kaley, no 27-2-11 and
nelHMl.wd 1000 00
Loan & Guaranty Co to M II
Whaples, n2 se4 and e2 ne4
2G-1-12, wd 1000.00
Loan & Guaranty Co to M H
Whaples, nw4 20.1-11, wd.... 1000 00
Loan & Guaranty Co to M II
whnnlfts. w2 nw4 and w2 sw4
32-1-11, wd W 00
Jonnle Burgess and hUBband to
Chris FbsbIoi, lot 2, block 1 1,
BluoIIill.wd 1000 00
W B Prathor and wifo to Martin
B Cornor, sol 17-:M0, qcd....
1200 00
Total .
.19577 00
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World'! Flr Highest McdaUod Diploma,
Tho relief department of the 13. & M.
company has paid to Mrs. Frank Thorn
ton tho eum of $T00 in full of lite policy
cf her husband, Frank Thornton. Re
publican City Democrat.
Mesdamos Cummins and Buster, of
Red Cloud, whoso husbandB weio killed
upon tho Waunottu branch, by tho en
gine backing into a horso while going nt
a high rato of speed, and becoming de
railed, havo sottled with tho B. & M. by
accepting the insuranco money. Mrs.
Cummins received 81,000 and Mrs. Bax
ter &J00. Republican City Domocrat.
Tho editor was dying, but
when tho
doctor placed his car to tho patient's
heart and muttored Badly: 'Toor fel
low! circulation almost gone!" ho raised
himself up nnd gasped: "Tis false! we
havo tho largest circulation of any pa
per in tho county!" Then he sank back
upon his pillow with a triumphant smile
upon his features. He was consistent
to the end lying about his circulation.
J. L. Greenlee, tho formor editor of
the Courier, who has been sick for some
time, expects to make a trip to Califor
nia for the bonollt of his health as soon
as ho is able to travel. Blair Courier.
Red Cloud hns received a proposition
from an eastern eyndlcato to establish a
beet sugar factory thero. In their prop
osition they ask Red Cloud to vote
twenty-five thousand dollar bonds. The
way the business men and citizens are
working for tho euccoes of the scheme
ehows that the people nre not disheart
ened because of their recent failure of
crops. Tho Courier wishes them sue
cobs in thoir efforts. Blair Courier.
J. A. Boyd wbb up from Red Oloud
Saturday and placed monumonts at the
gravos of Mrs. Frances Briggs, tho
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jenkinson.
and Mabel E., daughters of Mr and Mrs.
J. W. Robinson. Franklin Sentinel.
A man named E. B. Millikon took
himself to the Leavenworth penitentiary
last weok. He was a defaulting city
clork of Guthrie, Ok., carried the proper
commitment papors, and said himself
and sheriff were good friends and tho
sheriff did not think it necessary to
come along. Lebanon Journal.
An old railroad engineer who had
boon converted worded his lirst prayer
In this wiso: "Oh Lord, now that I havo
llagged thoo, lift my feot oil of tho
rough road of life und plant thorn safely
on dock of tho truin of salvation. Lot
mo use tho safety light known as pru
dence mako ull couplings In tho train
with tho strong link of thy love, nnd lot
my hand lamp bo tho bible. And Hcav
only Futhor keop nil switches closed
that lead off on tho sidings, especially
thoeo with a blind end, Oh, Lord, it it
bo thy pleasure, havo every somiphore
block ulong tho lino show the white light
of hope that I may mako the run of lifo
without stopping. And, Lord, give us
tho ten (MwiuiundmcntB bb a schedule,
and when I havo llnishod tho run and
have, on echedulo timo, pulled into tho
great, dark etal ion of death, may thou,
tho superintendent of the universe, Eay
with a unilo well done, como up and
sign tho pay roll and receive your oheck
for eternal happiness." Clinton (III.)
M. R. Bentloy of Rod Cloud, Nebraska,
was n Dccorah visitor the past weok.
We leurn from him that whllo bin section
of his stato la suffering from drouth tho
peoplo aro able to caro for thoir own
needy, and aro doing so. Ho brought
to tho Republican kind regards ond an
annual subscription from Levi Moore,
who, though verging on four-score years
is still an active business man of Red
Cloud. Mr. Bentley haa proeperod
greatly In the twonty odd yoars ho has
lived in Nebraska, and ho is now one of
the "solid" men of that part of the
state. He still retains the ownership of
the Ivor Larson store building, in Do-
corah. Although offered a hotter price
for it than ho has ever recoived ho ro
fuses to Boll because ho has faith in Do-
corah real cstato that is now paying a
good interest on tho Investment Do
corah (la.) Republican.
Cure for cadnchc.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Eleetrio Bitters has proved to be the yery
best. It effeotn a permanent enre and
the most dreaded hibitual siok hendachu
yslld to its influence. We urge all who
aro nfllleUd to procure a bottle and give
this remedy a fair trial, In oases of ha
bitual constipation Kleotrlo Bitters cores
by gtyfcig the needed lone to tho bowlee,
nd few eases long resist the use of thia
medicine. Try it onco. Large bottles
only fifty cents at C. L. Cotting's drug
store. The sharp editorials are absent from
tho Crete Vidotto since Editor Chapman
went to mako law for the people.
"Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke
Your Lire Art ny."
The truthful, startling title of a book
nbout No-to-bac, tho only harnilcsa, guar
anteed tobucco-hubit cure. It you want
to quit and can't, u "No-to-bac.'
Braces up nicotinizod nerves, eliminates
nicotino poisons, maken weak men gain
Btrongth, woight and vigor. Positive
euro or monoy refunded. Sold by O. L.
Cotting. , .
Book nt druggists, or mailed free.
Addrega Tho Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago olllce, 45 Randolph St., Now
York, 10 Spruce St.
Caro'' for Rhbumatism and Neuralgia,
radically onrea in 1 to 3 days. It action
npon the Hj-stem Is remnrknblo and mys
terious. It removis at onco the cause
and tho disease immediately dlsappcfcrs.
he first dose greatly benefits, TKctR.
Bold by Dejo fc Urico, Druggist)), Ked
Coad. tf
The Stanton county touchers' useo
elation will meot at Pilgor February 23.
Mi' hat is the population of I'asndena?
Oh, her is tho Hand-MoNftlly Guide I
will look it up. That book is fall of val
uable, information.
Tho ocean hydnu havo no heart, no
lunge, no liver, no bruins, no norvous
systom, no organB puvo mouth and skin.
Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tenn,
Bjb, "Slilloh's Vitalizer 'Saved my Life,'
I consider it th best remedy for A de
bilitated systom I ever nsud." For Dys
pepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it cxotls.
Prioe 75 cts.
Target practico in the army has been
suspended on account of lack of ammu
nition. "Orange Blossom" is a painless oare
for all diseases peculiar so women. Sold
frtBh by C. L. Cottnlir.
Observe the ooru upon thy foot ''that
is where the shoe pinches." The tight
shoe sajs come, and It oomelh. Haller's
Corn Cure says gol and it goeth. This is
the only absolutely guaranteed Corn
Cnre ou tho market, and Doyo & Orloe
will refund money in every case of failure
Make your feet easy on .hat score.
. .
Joseph Nance was killed by his son-in-
law, Jesflo Sevior, ut Cowdcn, 111 , tho
rosult of u family row.
Petec L. Raben, residing at Montrose
l. O., Sioux Co., Neb-, writes under date
of date of Jan !'., 1894: ,,Haller Pro
prietary Co., Dear Sire: PIoubo send me
price list on yonr remedy called Haller's
Sure Cure Congh Byrnp. I have ustd
this remedy for over one year and fonnd
It worked wonderful results in capes of
croup, coughs and lung troubles, I want
to seud direet for the medicine to save
going so far to get it." 2Go and M)o
niztH. Bold and guaranteed by Ddyo Ss
urn -
It Is estimated that moro geld and fill
vor have been sunk in the sea than are
now in circulation on tho earth.
Is your liver torpid and in conBeijuonce
do joo feel tired aud sluggish. Apply a
few doses of Waller's BarBaparllla to tho
llvor nnd convert it iutn n state of activ
ity. Make the blood How more rapidly
through the sjatom and you will uo long
er fetl half dead. It will gite you iu
sreased energy by building up your gen
eral health. Vu sell nnd guaruuteo this
remedy. Deyo & flrioe.
I, I,. II. Kort. County Clerk of Webster coun
ts, Nehraika, do hereby certify. Hint nt ;i
mertlnu u( thu Hoard of County Hupervlstir of
said county held on Hie l.'lli duy nf January
lew. The following estimate of expeues were
iniide for thu jcar MOto-wIt:
Superintendent of schools.. . ?I1M(0
Court of eieni"t vjik) M
Con! and Court llouso ftndi
llountlrtoii Anlumh lis to
county Hnpiinlior lew) no
Hooks Stutlunury and printing 1I5UHI
Aswtiors 1810 to
hpeclal Coinmliteoi
Coroner 1HIW
County Attorney tcooo
Incidental KS10
llullillm.'. I'oor llouso '.-okiOO
County I'oor Hio to
County llrlclget 3nou to
Insitnn liwco
Kail Komi Uoud '.8UIIO
County l'alr WOOD
Jailand .lallor vliwci
Holdirr Itelitf BOO to
County Hoard Kiiuullzatlon wo to
Hoard of Klecllou 701(0
Total i,r.'.1(0
Witness lay liiiinl and Nral nf said rounty ut
IteJ Cloud en this 10th day of January 1WJ.
J.. H. Koiit.
il (ikai-) County Clerk.
Notice It buret) given that urnlor and by vir
tue of an order of tale issued train the nfflco of
C. II. Crone, clerk of the dlstrlot court el tho
tenth Judicial dittrict within and for WebtUr
county, Nebraska, upon dterte in an action
pending therein, wherein Alison l.ton It
plaintiff, ami against Mantle Garner, John J.
il truer, Trailers Lumber Co, and John I) Myert,
dofenrtonti, 1 shall offer for tale at public Ten
due to tho bltihett bidder for oath in band, at
the eaat door of the court bout, at Ked Cloud,
in laid Webster county, Nebraska, (that beina
the butlillnx wherein the last term of said
court was rjolden) on the second day of February
A. 1). 1HU3, at one o'clock p in. of laid day, the
following described property, to-wlt:
Ixits numbered ten 1) eleven ill) and twelve
(l'i In block ikcn (II) in the city of lied Cloud
Webster county, rteuratKa,
(liven undtr uiy band this 27th day of Decem
ber, A. D. ib'Jt.
J. W. IIonciiky, Sheriff.
Case it McNItt, Plaintiff's Attorneys.
To WHOM IT max Cokckiih:
Thu commissioner appoluted to locate a road
commencing ut tho southwest corner of section
eleven (II) . town two (2) north ruiiRo eleven ill)
west Utb P M. and running thence east en the
lection lino one utile and lennlnatlud at tbo
southeast corner nf section eleven (II), town two
(2, north, range cloven (II) west Uli V M, lu
Webster county, Vebraska, has reported iu
favor of the establishment thereof, and all
objections thereto , or claims for damaiies must
bo filed in tho county clerkiotllcoou or before
nnnii of the !A1 iloy of March, 1035, or such road
will bo eitnbllsbed without reference thereto.
Ked Cloud Nebraska, December -IA. le'Ji .
4 I. II. KonT, County Clerk.
Notice to Teachers.
Notice is horeby given that 1 will
examine all persons who may desire
to offor themselves mb candidates for
teachors ofthe puhlio Bohools of this
county, at Red Cloud on the third
Saturday of eaoh month.
Special examination will bo hold
on tho Friday proceeding the 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The Btaudinc desired for 2d and
3d grade certificates is tho suuic no
grado bolow 70 por cent,, avorage 80
por eent; for first grado oertiDcato
no grado below bU per cent., average
90 por cent, in all branches requirod
by law.
1). M. HiiNTKR. County Supt.
A lodge of tho order of tho Tribo of
Bon llui'r hue been organized ut Fremont
G. F. Stapleton,..
Milken n specialty of Repairing
Bugglcn nuil CHrrlauci.
Iforsoshoenig and Plow Work prompt
ly attended to, and Ultra
paitif shoeing
IVottiDg and Running Horses,,.
And all work expected of a 11 ret
clutu Smith.
.Shop Morlli f marble Ufarkiv.
-Baeber : Shop
Over Dejo ,t (J rice's.
Thojmost fashiontiblo work dono'at roa.,
sonable price.
GEO. FK TRE8S, Prop.
For 1895.
I?? i
A(,(.;rHlve JRcpitlitlvun Journal
of the lllKtsot CltsM.
CeiiimcrclRl AdvcrUiev.
Established 171)7. Uubllehcil every
ovoning. New York's oldest svening
newspaper. Subfcriptioo yrlco, IC.OO,
Itfornlnir Advcrllacr.
rubllshed every morning.' Tho lend
mg Republicon newsper of tho day
Clean and fenrlets. Subicrlptioa
price, $3.00 per year.
Siiiiidny Advert lacr.
New Yoik's most popular Sunday
newspaper. Tho only Republicans 2
oent Sunday paper In tho United
States- 20 to 30 pagos. Subscription
prices 11.00 per j ear. '
As An AdverlUlitff Medium
iOI 8.
Samples free. Agents wanted
where. Liberal conuniesionB.
29 1'ark Row, Novv Xwi
- mm ' -nft wr " ""
mnrwitniritLV.rir7t ; iJftp'-'aU&T"IS'KgiM
wm. wwn,a