The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1895, Image 1

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All Home Print.
Blood Diseases
such as Scrofula and Anromir., Skin Eruptions and Palo or
Sallow Complexions, aro Bpecdily cured by
Scott's? Emulsion
Send for pamphlet on
oott A. iowno, N. Y. All
jjy'S ?? ? ?44$,M!)
-ww m w
Have You Friends ?
a Lovely Valentine.
We laVe 'etri,
The nicest ever came to town.
Conuc Valgqtiiies.
Well, yes ! We have taken
pains to have them here
on time.
Sfcs -
7rrJir -a
pain and inflammation, and cures quickly. Full directions with each
bottle. For sale everywhere. Price, 25c, 50c, and $1,00 per bottle,
tho Croara of Cod-livor OiL No other rem
edy so quickly and effectively enriches and
purifies tho blood and gives nourishment
to tho whole system. It is pleasant to tako
and easy on tho stomach.
Thin, Emaoiated Persons and all
suffering from Wasting Diseases r 'o
stored to health by Scott's Emulsion.
Bo sure you get tho bottlo with our
" frnrln.TTinrlr nn it T?nfnnn rtinnn niiVmtitiitpnl
Scott' t Emu! lion. FREE.
druggists. BO oonts and $1.
. -?
XI SU, IClllClIlUCi U1CI11 Willi fl
Pain from sprains, bruises, cramps,
diseased or torn flesh, aches, wounds,
Neuralgia, etc., can be promptly
relieved and cured by using
Dr. J. H. McLean's
Volcanic Oil Liniment.
various diseases of domestic animals.
It is easy to apply, relieves at once
Red Cloud, Wehstkk County. Neil, Friday. Fkijruary
Rev. Hummel was in tho city Tups.
C. E. Hicks lias purchased J. V.
Boomer's fnrin.
Bludon'rt coal dealer. V. S. Hall has
been out of coal for tho last ten days
Miss Suitor of Campbell is the
guest of Misi Mary Sailor of this
Harry Brns returned tho latter
part of last week from a business trip
to Denver.
Mrs, James Burden returned homo
Saturday evening from her visit to
Lincoln and friends in Swanton.
C. Fasslor has gone to Georgia. Ho
liar, elm rye of the oar of hordes nhip
pud by F. W. McLaughlin Tuesday
J. Burden, who is postmaster of the
liotist' of n presentation nt Linsolo,
spent Sunda) wtili friends in this oity.
1). O. Bennett and J. L Grandstaff
aru filling up their ico houses this
week, haulinu: their ico from the Blue.
P. V. Warner, who has a clerkship
at Lincoln, spent Sunday and Monday
with his family, returning Tuesday
A meeting was held at the hall Sat
urday evening to sco what could bo
dno in securing seed and feed for
tho farine h in this soction. Another
meoting will be held February 4th to
hear the report of tho committees.
. .
Pleasant Pralrlc.
We aro having a little winter now.
Last Saturday morning it began to
snow and snowed for 24 hours. We
have not heard of any osttle suffering
from tho storm.
Wo aro looking forward to a good
crop this year.
Every thing quiet at present which
makes news scarce
Several young pcoplo were skating
on tho river Saturday. Dan Garber
got a bad fall and out his forehead
which might havo proved very serious,
but ho was able to bo nt his post on
Monday morning.
Wo hoar that Red Cloud has ac
cepted the propisitioti for tho beet
factory. What is tho matter with In
avale having a branch of it as Inavalo
township has some of tho finest land
in the country.
District 41 has a full house every
Wednesday night. The people com
from all the surrounding aountry.
Thero has been several surveyors
through this section of the country,
the last survey that was made through
hero a man offered to give the cem
pany land for a depot.
Take a dose of DeWitt's Little Early
Risers Just for the good they will do yon.
These little pills are good for Indigestion,
good for headaobe, good for hyer com
plaint, good lor constipation, iney are
Crooked Creek.
The bdow makes it look moro like
There was no sohool in district 27
last Friday.
Guy Tennant was hauling corn
Henry Harris is still holding down
the fort.
Chas. Fahndriok is still trying to
start an alliance store,
Earl Tennant spent Tuesday and
Wednesday at home.
John and Wm, Burr were in our
neighborhood Tuesday.
Mr, Hoover is boarding at Mr.
Sir, MoPartland's hired man left
Monday for other quartors.
And isn't it funny that Christ
Roikor can't get a girl.
Emmctt Tennant who has boon in
Iowa for tho past three years is expeot.
cd homo soon.
Christ Reihor has gone into tho
shoo making business Wo wish him
Tho wolf hunt of last week was a
grand success. There wore about thrco
hundred people out and they succeed
ed in killing thrco wolvos.
Tho experience of Geo. A. Apgnr, of
Oermnn Valley, N. J., is well worth re
membering. Ho was troubled with
ohroulo dinrrcea nnd doctored for Ave
months nnd wnt treated by fonr diftorent
doctors without beuetlt. Ho thou begnn
using Chamberlain's Colio, Cholurn nnd
Dinrrluua Remedy, of which ono rmnll
bottto effected a oomdlete core. It is for
sale by Doyo nud Orlop.
State Line.
tho blizzird last
How did
strike you.
Lenard4Fugun is improving undsr
tho caro of Dr. Home. Wo all hope
ho will soon bo able to attend school
Mr. Toland was badly hurt last Fri
day. Ho went to North Branch to
see that his daughters, whonro attend
ing school there, would get homo al
right, his horso threw him twico and
hurt him badly.
Frank VanDyke was visiting in
this vioinity last Saturday and Sun
day and attended meeting at North
Branch Sunday night.
Mrs. D. H. Dillon is on tho sick
Miss HiUa Howard, from Cherokee,
Ok,, is attending school in North
Mr. Foot and family left Monday
for his brother's who lives about 125
miles north of here. Wo hope Mr-
Foot will do well in his new homo,
Cassius Kenney is not in school this
Cold again quito a blizzard Friday,
Tho skating party was a grand suc
cess Monday eve,
Frank Frisbio was a pleasant caller
atC. L. Lewis Sunday evening.
Alf and Dot Saladen wont to tho
wolf hunt Tuesday.
Miss Gertie Brown from Red Cloud
is tho guest ef Alt and Susio Raker
this weak,
G. W. Baker and wife were in Red
Cloud Sunday.
Sam Miller and wife were oalling at
G. W. Baker's Monday afternoon.
It onrea ptlas, it oures obitlnoto sores,
chapped handa, wounds. It does this
qniokly. la there any good reason why
yon should not ne DeWiU's Witoh Hazel
Sunny Slope.
A flurry of snow which some oall a
blizzard, not muoh of the damage
wbioh usually attends a blizzard, how
ever, appearad on the seeno last Fri
day. A skating party on tho river Mon
day night. Some of the young folks
aro going again Saturday afternoon
Mr. Raynolds is home for his health
from the seutb, Kansas dosen't agrco
with him.
Inavale will have a spelling sohool
bofore long.
Somo of tho Inavaloites went to U10
literary over in 41 Wednesday night.
Thero is a dearth of news this week.
We might tell yon more about Ons
Minute Cough Cure, but yon probably
know that is oures a cough. Every one
does who has used it. It is a perfect
remedy for oooghs, colds hoarseness. It
Is an especial favorite for children, being
ploasant to take and qntok in curing.
Quito a blizzard on last Friday.
Mr. Devinney from Smith Contro
who runs a grocery wagen was weath
er bound at Charlie Davis' Friday but
finished his werk on Saturday.
An effort is being made to eut off a
half mile from tho wost end of the
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pars draft Crtaa vf Tartar Powtor.
1, 1895.
Wnmer district nnd join it to the
Maydow district.
Will Williams started for Indian
Territory with a herd of rattlo last
It is rcpnrtod that parties from Riv-
erton will put in a stook of goods in
the storo lately vaoatcd by Mr. Strffin.
Jav Hawker.
0. K. Ramoy and wlfa wcro callers
at 0. A. Akors'.
Uolbort Andorson is visiting in tho
vioinity of Cowles.
Miss Alico Rctnsburg Sundaycd at
C. II. Wilson's or Otto.
Mr. Johnson of Iowa, a oousin of
the Anderson boys, in hero on a visit.
Tom Anderson is visiting his wife
in Howard county who is thero doc
toring. Mr. Scoli-s has started a singing
sthool at tho James Anderson school-
J. 0. Wilson of Otto is numbered
with the sick but is improving under
tho oaro of Dr. Damerell.
Meoting wan postponed at New Vir
ginia on account of Rov. Blaokwell
not being well.
John Hovel and Miko Stroble from
near CowIob were callers of Yance
Sorgcnson Sunday.
Hanoe Long is, visiting old friends
in Koarney county at present.
G Frank Pavoloek has returned from
Wymoro whoro ho has been visiting
his sister Mrs. Prypvle,
The wolf hunt in Elm ercek town
ship last Thursday was a grand suocess.
Thero woro two wolves killed and
tho numbor of jaok-rabbits killed
could not bo estimated.
A surprise party at Mr. Fog's last
Thursday evening, from all report was
a grand suctoss. Thero wero about
twenty present and on acoount of its
snowing the guests stayed all night
and went homo in the morning.
From an Arkansas Traveler.
Editoii Chief: I left Red Cloud the
15th and got to Carlisle, Ark., the 20th.
Every ono of my horses oamo through
all right and I had a nice trip. I saw
enow at West Plains, Mo., and when I
reached homo in Arkansas in the even
ing the f roga were eroaking like spring,
and tho gross was green in the woede
and it seems like summer. We have
wood to burn. It is wet and muddy
hore now.
Wo hod quite a land sale hore. Half
of the Howard ranch sold for $48,000
cash. This country is settling up and
improving very fast. I came by the way
of West Plains, and I thought I had
got about as far as I could get for stones
but wo did'pull through to Jonesburrow,
Ark. It rained hard last night and there
is plenty'ot water on the ground now if
you had some water that wo could spare
both countries wonld bo better. The
wind. is blowing a good pumping gale.
It this don't find the wasto basket you
may hear from mo again; a good word
for all. W. 11. Fuller, Tho Arkansaa
Yon make no mistake when yon tak
DeWitt's Little Early Risers for billouss
ness, dyspepsia or headache, beoause
these little pills oure them.
As soon as gold wa discovered somo-
body invented brass.
The name One Minute Cough Cure sug
gests a meaioine that relieves at onoe,
and quiokly oures. Its use proves it.
The Plattemouth News and Herald is
tho way it roads since tho two papers
woro consolidated.
1 i
Shlloh's cure is sold on a guarantee. It
cores inoipient constipation. It is! the
brat Cough Cure. Only one oent a dose.
25 ots., CO cts., and $1.00,
Evory lie haa a truth on its track that
will Borao day kill it stone dead,
Unsy people havo uo time, and sensible
people hayo no inclination to use a slow
remedy. One Mlnnte Cough Core aots
promptly and gives permanent results,
No. 5
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavoning strength
Latest United States Government
Food Report.
Royal Baking Po-pder Ca.
106 Wall At., N. Y.
No tardiness this week.
Slightly cold last Friday.
Cicero examination Monday.
Pupils aro not allowed to congregate
about tho stove.
Tho arithmetic class is taking a gen
eralreviow this week.
An examination In arithmetic in tha
whole room Thursday.
William Tulleya visited fcra. Martin's
room Monday forenoon. t
Tno Physics elate is strjiHgling with
tho mysteries of eltctrlcityt
A little rubber on the stive Wednee
day at receee made an awful stench.
A pupil apologized Monday morning
In order to redeem himself for difficul
ties he got into Friday.
Henry C. Richmond and John F. Win
ters favored the high school with their
presence Wednesday afternoon.
Miss McCall carried off tho banner
Monday, and again tho fifth room has
No. 8 hung up in full gaze of all.
Friday tho boys of the chemistry class
made somo magnet, although in not
very largo quantities. It was tho pure)
The rhetoric class have several lively
debates in their class, especially when
the subject of gopd reading la men
tioned. I
L. P. Albright and O. B, prone listen;
ed to the lively and wlde-pwke arithme
tic and algebra classes Thursday. They
seem to be well pleased with all they
saw and heard, "
Senior Cathor was on the sick list this
week, but managed to keep his attend
ance up. Some one says he swallowed
his tongue whilo declining the word
pauca (few) in the singular number.
The fact that tne superintendent ia as
good a host as he is in governing a
school waa manifested Tuesday evonleg.
His party given to the seniors and
teachers was superb. Notwithstanding
they were out until a very late hour, no
one complained of being tired.
Per Sale, j
One team of horse weighing 1200
pounds each. For further ilnformotion
inquire ot E. Lightfoot, t blacksmith,
first door south of tho Iaunfry.
True hospitality is never a temptress
in her own parlor.
Most people can ot afford to experi
ment. They want Immediate relief.
That's why they obo One Minnto Coogh
Care. t
A good word is an easy obligation, but
not to speak ill requires onfr our silence
Captain Sweeney, D. 8. A.', Ban Diego
Cal. says: "Bhlloh's Catarrh Remedy it
the first mcdiolne I have ever found thai
would do me any good." Prloe 60s.
Another bond issue may be looked for
.. .,1 .
A preslstent pain in the fa ok indioatts
tronble in the Kidney. To stay the pro
grets of dloesse, nse Dr. J. H. IfoLaan'e
Liver & Kidney Balm.
The chains ot a habit are too small to
be felt, until they aro too strong to be
Peoplo who really want to do good will
eoonor or later find out how.
Papilllon sent a earload of wheat, flou
moat oatmeal and clothing to Ogalallat
The browery at Boemor tbatvwafl rfr.
contly destroyed by ilro, will bo rebuilt.
Vol. 23
LLiw F
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