The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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- .-
Intra at tlnm. ninl Abroad lie-
MM I rum Columns ! Mm', Kerry-
rnr ips 't
"tfv He1"' C'
thin-; but Furl Klliiilii.itcil 1'ur Our
Friday, Jnn. If.
Herman Holt of- l)iivi'iiiirl, ngodr.2,
ftangcd himself, being diw'iouilwit ovor 111
Jnopcr.Clmplh accidentally shot hlsB
rcarild son ntltlckc'ry Grove, Ills., whllo
carelessly handling 11 ruvolvur. k
O. H. Dlckcritmii, a traveling salesman,
wasfmmdjgullty of bigamy nt l'corln,
Ills., nndJrttituuccd,to IK months In tho
Jnooli Krtlicr, a urktuwu,
...I ..II...1 tun ffiA
Kt. Terfsn's aciMJkjTnjrailCiiiisiis City has
I., .nun. l K7,V .
ticon closed on 119601111 1 of inullguaut diph
theria. Gcorgo Clifford and his wlfo worn Iwund
ever nt Puoblo, Colo., charged with horao
Mm. J. O. Sower of IVrry, O. T was
tnirncdto doathnstlio result of a lamp
Miss Olga Kucchlcr of Oruntwlck, Mo
rescued four young men from drowning
whllo skating. ,
Trustee of Ifololt oollogn dcoldod unani
mously to admit woman Ut thu present
eurscs of study.
William Duffey' left Salliia, Kan., Doo.
4, for Manhattan, Ki.u., anl liiw not been
ifcnard from slnco.
A bill to mnko train rolitxiry n capital
erlino was' Introduced lu tliu Missouri
Tioutwliy Speaker Handnl I,
Appraisers of tho asset of Klllott & Ho
Koinu'of Mexico, Mo fouiitl $7,W worth
'gainst liabilities of taO.tMI.
Mlunlo Smith got 18 yoani lu tho pcnl
cntlary for tho murdor of Western B.
nomas at IndlnnniolU, Inil.
A resolution looking to abito control of
ttoljincoln monument nt Hprlngflold wm
adopted by tho Illinois houso.
The Iown Trust find Swings luinknt
Jhibtiquo ro-elccted Its nlUoon nnd dlrect-ars-and
increased capital fnnn 1200,000 to
The directors of tho IiHldjMiidcnco, la.,
Driving club re-elected Iti old oflleers. In
ddltlon to tho 910,000 mtvtliig, a spring
'tuoctlng will ul so Iw held.
Daniel lliuigh, who llvui u;vtr Jofforaon-
rtllo, lad., will lw 100 yenrn old April 1.
Illla win, gntudsou mid gnvtt grandson llvo
K. K. Roynolds, grocor, ICokomo, Ind.,
jcapUsed D. K. Downey for t smiill bill.
SDowney on trial produced it receipt nud
'1m sued IteynoldH for 110,000 damages.
Tho largest monument ovor mado In
tHloneJotti If completed U ciinmemorato
. ke Indian miusacro ut Hnlrit Iiako. la.
It ta 65 feet high In obelisk sluipo with
ut 14 feet squiiro.
Colonel Dradloy D. Stnalloy, colloctor of
port or uurllngton, vt and member
twDeiuocratlo 1mtl011.1l corumltteo, U
ttcallT HI of pnoumonla.
. Thedlrcctoniof tholllliiiils Cnntral Rall-
y Md ooiApnuy have docl&rod . soinlnnnual
i' mirtdendlpf ii per cent.
J- Dr. P. F, llolltn was nrrt-vl at Charles
" .iClty, !,, on iv charge of Hwliullliiir J.N.
Aurora, Ills., out of I50 by
sell him 1111 Interest In a
;t i latortUy, Job. 19.
', CuLtUnVfi O. Allen of Wapello, Ift.,
dleffil Ht Hprlngs, Ark.
WTtip Christian Kudeavor (vmontlon will
1 held In UoMon, Muss., July 10 to 14.
ThoUatoof tlio Confodi)r.ti ruunion at
tpTfotutoB, Tex., luis been fluid for May SO.
ivouert ninun 01 Ainu, iigua in, was
licked In tho huul by a cxdt and fiitiilly
3A?Bw.iJteset tnnnufacturlng company
1 nien'Mnne(i at Auror.i,
III 4. with
-- - , -T. f ,, . VH
Clinrles Shirk was scntoutxvl to seven
an atr Wabash, Ind., for hurtling a pro
itioinst s utvrn.
A memorial itatewav will Im erected at
Vln fvillaMi l1. I.AUkllihl l..ffc I... Win
'11am. Widter I'helps.
I Striking miners In thu Mivwllou, O.,
MUtrlct aro wild to bo dostituUt and have
Appealed for state aid. -
' !Tho post6flloo at Nauvlltt la., was rob.
il ny two unknown men,. who took J30
m1i uud Homo letters.
Two mskod men boanlod a (look Island
In near Wichita, Kan., and forced a
ger u Imiiil ovor .
Gmnor Kvans of Houth Carolina.
rentens to hcIjw an Italian shin In ths
harleitoaJiarbor for selllug liquor.
Miss Kllxalicth Dray Downing, tho
,wirkcttrt,of Pout Whlttlor, died after a
er HJuess at west Nowlmry, Mass.
Charles Johnson of St. Paul, has boon
'JtUnllon of
ilwrweoaing ti
. j. ..
1 1
Mati'hed to tight Cook Kohlu In JLondon
for l,0. Mitchell Is booking tho Amort
an. Tno'Iowa Association of CUll Knglnocrs
. t t Dubaquo elected ProfftMor It. lllinrins.
.,," proldetitndC. R, Allua rioeretary and
, r Abrsiim Holdontft, tho wotlthlest for-
t tm merln Clinton couaty, Inil.f is dead at
")- Klrklln, Ind. Ho leave) u citato valued
- tovcr fJHO.000.
1 Mrs. Aunlo 1). Bolkth, Iiiim fm sont to
. Sail to await trial at KituW City, Mo.,
charged with nwlndllng Ituuol Llnooln
ijraforguCdriift. 1
; " Maury Floroo of Klrhyrlllo, Mo., and
Craorgo Jonos of Princeton, Mo., were ar-
ferifcu orn.o charge or hlowtng open tho
MBOjOi uiopostomcont Union Castlo, Mo.
1 Jertlo Dotr. nn 10. w hold nt Du.
1Ufliio to tlo federal grand jury on a
krgo of oxtnvctlng mouty from a nclgh-
;s man, vftucn siio hadtskon irpm tho
acjuokota pofitotllce.
Mmlr.y, Jstu,.St.
H. J, Phillips, under sentonca of death
Uutiirlo, Ok., dlod lu his r-ill
Gonuin PrrahrtorlniU will build a 20..
OOctiunch in Dubuque, l.i
XjOs UmkiMl oit tho St.Giv;x river, It is
fttaiated, will mich nof.iNi.K) fwt.
. V Ab IntoncollcgiiKo gyinn'wtlorontest has
iwcn armtigi'l between Vitlo nnil Prince
, Aon to take plueo Feb, :)7
I ACIevelHBdlrinlui-t ruruvHred nearly
tf vt,iw imiu gauiiiier witji wlioui Its cle.
faulting rashlers sqtuudnMl Its money.
A Missouri Piieldo tv.ilu striuik n wagon
at Qujudnro, Mo kiUJng oim of tho occu
pants nud fntnlly lujurjng thriM othew.
.Kiiromd beUiio hU wlfo hud sold
ehleken8obuyugnr Jauuw O'Brien of
ChllUeotbe. O., futuWy woiiudod her unil
aen Miot hlniM'lf.,
VllllumFrni6rno,Df tho first whltn
.taon to loonto lur'teprtir (vuml.y, Intl., is
Wfd. Ho anno fmiit Ohio lu 18.11.
w,KJJwlthrjwsliury, wbiidlvA !
t 4.".iS V v-
Masslllon, O., has been married (VI years.
Hor hUHbtnd survives her. They were
thought to havo been thu oldest marrlod
couple In Ohio.
Tho "Wood heirs' suit In tho Kmma mlno
caso ha4 been nettled by defendants agree
ing to convey to tho heirs an undivided
half Interest In thu AsjM'n, Colo,, mines.
ltellef workers at North Ijiiwrenco, O.,
found 4H fimllh4 who havo been subsist
ing on dry bread nud pais for weeks. Tho
children wen without clothing.
Tho American Tin Pinto company will
plucu their new Hour mill addition to their
plant (it Klwood, Indt, In operation Tues
day, nud !!0O additional men will be put. to
lllhhop Hhcvelmch of LnCrosso, Wis.,
says tho ruin of tha Honuin Cathollu
ehurch ngulilst secret societies will affect
only L'OO parishioners In his dloceso and
5.000 In tho entire. Mute.
Tiirmlny, Jan. "2.
Tho Into czar left $50,000 to tho Princes
of Wales.
Arkansas pcoplo aro discussing the ques
tion of a new constitution.
Tho forgeries of Kdwnrd O. Qulgley of
Now York foot up IOO,W.
A commltteo has lieen funned In London
to purchaso Carlylu'H houso in Chelsea.
Glmlstono has announced that he will
resume his tcat In tho houso of commons.
People of western Kansas arc being sup
plied with oonl from tho stoto mlau ut tho
Lansing prison.
' John Snocd, claim agent of tho Missouri,
Kansas and Texas lUllroatl company,
died nt Sodalla, Mo.
It Is reported that Bishop Donaoum of
Lincoln, Nob., will lio transfemd to tho
dloceso of .Sioux Falls, S. D.
A colony of 100 members of tho Itoor
gnnlzcd Church of Latter Day 'Saints hrui
located at West Day City, Mich.
Tho trlnlo alliance treaties will end noxt
year, and negotiations for their runnwal
aro In progress between tiennany, Austria
and Italy.
"Parson" Show and five other moon
shiners were captured In a raid by federal
officers In Plkn county, Arkansas.
Employes of tho Homestead Steel works
secretly organized a lodge of tho Amalga
mated Association of Iron and Steel
William Wolkle of Vtncenncs, Ind., re
ported to havo been killed lu St. Louis,
and after whoso remains an undertaker
was mutt, is lu Cairo, Ills., ullvo and well.
W. A. Clarke, thn Montana mlno owner,
is building a million dollar paluco In New
York. Ills fortune is estimated ut from
190,000,000 to 110,000,000. Thirty years ago
Mr. Clarke arrived In Montana with a pick
on his shoulder.
Henry Kaab, ?x-npcrlntcndcnt of pul
Ho Instruction of Illinois, denies that ho
was discourteous to his successor.
Six army officers havo refused brevet
ranks tendered them during tho post year.
J. D. Wagstaff, spoctal agent of thu
treasury department ut Kt Paso, Tex., has
been removed.
Wedaesday, Jan. S3.
Frank Klllott of Mocking, S. D., was
killed by a gun which H. C. Taylor, hit
undo, had net at his store for burglars.
At Manlitlquo, Mich., Celln Nlles wits
given a verdict of $7,000 against tho Soa
railroad for the death of her husband.
Tho Iron ore men In session at Cleveland
raised the price of standard Bessemer
from fc).7S to .'.B5 per ton and adjourned.
Kx-Qovernor Horace Doles of Iowa and
his brothers aro visiting sisters at Kings
ton, Ills., Mcsdntucs Green and Blckslor.
Major Henry fSoodspecd died nt Salt
Lako, whore ho founded Hammond Hall
to counteract tho Mormon doctrine.
Joseph Broghanter's saloon was robbed
at Chudron, Neb., of K100 in cash and $U0C
In bonds.
Resolutions expressing sorrow nt the
death of Vice President Stevenson's daugh
ter were adopted by the Illinois houso.
A bill to prohibit gambling of every
description In Wyoming has been offered
in tho legislature and will probably pass.
Ono of tho gas wells near Klwood, Ind.,
has cousod yielding gas and is now flowing
"oil at thu rate of several barrels a day.
Tha story that the young bride of Gen
eral Casslus Clay had deserted him it
denied at Richmond, Ky.
Interstate commerce coranilsilonors be
gan the hearing of charges of discrimina
tion in grain rates made by Milwaukee
Kxcluilvo of warships 814 vessols ol
1,040,608 tons gross were launched last yeat
in tho United Kingdom. Slxty-flvo wen
sailing vessels of 8l,6Ht tons nud 549 steam
ers of UtH.ftfl) tons.
The six $10,000 damage suits filed against
tho Alexandria Natural Gas company as
result of the gas explosion which occurred
at fclwood, Ind., lost March aro to come
up for trial before Judge Ktrkpatrlok,
Virginia will not surrender F. L. Smith
to Springfield, Mo., as he Is wanted fot
several "gold brick" charges in Virginia.
G. K. Tuoker was Indicted at Docatur,
Ills., for tho murder of Loali Wilson. He
will plead self-defense.
Thursday, Jaa. .
Aid Is asked for 100 destitute families in
Yuma county, Colo.
Sugar is solllng-for IX cents per pound
at Glasgow. Several of the refineries arc
running at a loss.
Tho Iowa SUto Matter Plumbers' asso-.
oiatlon met at Burlington.
-Fanner Potor-Dclaney.was found frozon
to death on tho rood near Fillmore, la.
Corea Is exactly tho slxe of Kansas, &.
000 square miles.
Sonator J. II. Harsh of Cretton, la., hatf
announcou nimsoit as a candidate for gov
A bill forbidding display of foreign flagt
on publlo buildings has passed thoNew
York assembly. '
Tho Missouri houso bill to mako train
robbery punishable by death has been fa
vorably reported.
Silver men 1 11 tho Michigan congressional
district mado vacant pf representation by
tho ejection of Burrows senator will hold
n convention Feb, 13.
Tho Michigan supremo court affirmed
tho eonyletloii of Fuhrman, Grossman,
Vogoloriind Jacobs, participants in thu
murder of Albert Mollltor of Presque Isle,
CO Hld years ago. ,
Tho supreiuu court of Iowa has decided
that divorce proceedings cannot lw lieguu
by an lusano persoh through his guardian.
A. T. Hay, lawyer nud Inventor, died nt
Uurllngton, la. Ho built tho first all
uteel bridge lu thu world.
Lemuel Tjum-Ii, barlier, committed sul
cjdo by hanging at Kenkuk, la. ,, w
Albert Stratton, im alleged eountei
felter, has boon ara-sted nt Kisikuk, lu.
Thodepariinentstoro of A. Straus &
Co.inllw ut Anainosa, In., for $30,000,
Mrs. L'ii-miu wnsnnvsttl at Fort Dixlgo,
lu., charged with polsonlug her husband.
The Iowa Kvenlng Newspaper nsEocln
tlo8'vns urginl.eil ati Cedar Haplds, wltL
John Mnhlu, Jlusi'iWlno, president.
Wyesnlng IKls1atur Klwli Two Unltfd
States Henators-
Cnr.VENNE, Wy., Jan. 33. Tho Wy
oming legislnturo voted for two United
Btntes Bcnntors ht noon today. For the
six year term com
monclng Murch I,
180.), FrnnelH K.
Wurren (Ucp) ro
ceivod :!! votes In
tliu mid 14 in
1 10 NilllltO. W. II.
ceivuil 3 in tho
I1011M) mid ') in the
HOIllltl). To fill
t. jt. fajtraot tlio meaner caused
by fnlluro to elect nt tlio lust hchsIoh,
Cliirenco D. Clark,
(Rep.) ree'oived DIJ
votes in tlio homo
and 14 in tho bou
nto. Samuel T.
Corn (Dcm.) re
ceived three in the
houso and throo iu
thu Honnto. Tho
election of Warron
mid Clark will Im
ratified in joint
session tomorrow, when thu members
meet in represensativohnll to canvass tho
Knnte Nelson Succeeds Washburn.
St. Paul, Jan. 25. Tho legislature,
in joint Bcssion nt noon. votol for Unit
ed Stutes. ncimtor to succeed Senator'
Wnuhbum. The first vote resulted in
tho oloctlon of Governor Nelson tw fol
lows: Nelson, 103 j Washburn, 80.
llciubmlsslon In Honth Dakota.
PlEitiiK, Jan. 23. The voto on United
States senator was: B. F. Pettigrow
(Rep.), 100; J. C. Crawford (Pop.), 21.
Tho Buuate passed tho resubmission bill
by n voto of 26 to 17.
""" "" " .
Senator Cnllom lle-Kleeteil.
Si'itiNOFiELD, His., Jan. 23. Senator
Cullom was re-eloctcd in tho senato ou
tho first ballot on n strict party voto.
Chilton to Succeed Coke.
Austin, Tex., Jnn. 23. Iloraco Chil
ton was elected as United States sonator
to succeed Senator Coke.
Corpse of Kz-Treasurer of Holt Comity
Iteravered from the Niobrara lllver.
O'Neiix, Neb., Jon. 21. Barrett
Scott's body was found about 10 o'clock
Saturday night in tho Niobrara river,
about 300 feet below the bridgo, on tho
Boyd county side olo&o up to tho bonk,
and in about seven feet of water, Ho
was in his shirt sleeves, but had his
watch and chain and other personal ef
fects on just as ho wore thorn in life. A
new hempen rope, about one and one
half inchos in diameter, was around his
neck and the end, about three foot long,
was dangling in the water. Evidences
showed that ho was hanged by the vigi
lantes before being thrown over tho
bridge into the water. There was a
slight wound in tho right wide of his
neck, where a bullet had grazed it, cut
ting through the lobe of the right ear.
The body was found by Dell Akin,
Jnke Hersheiser, Sanfonl Parker and a
half dozen others. Anton named Hud
sou, who lives near Dorsey, was tho first
to discover the object of their search.
Sanfonl Parker assisted him to bring tho
body to tho bank, when a messenger
was dispatched for tho coroner of Boyd
county, who had jurisdiction at that
Now that Scott's sad fate is fully
known the hunt for the inurdorers takes
on fresh interest. Now warrants were
sworn out for the arrest of Mulllhan,
Roy and Elliott, 011 the chargo of mur
der, and a warrant was also sworn out
for Fred Harrison a similar charge.
Harris is a f ormevwho lives about throe
miles f ronxParkor, nnd the senrchors now
claim that they have absolute proof that
these four men are among the guilty
parties. Officers left Sunday ovoning
with the warrants.
Bodies of JTie Sliaars Recovered.
STtmais, Ky., Jan. 30. Tho bodies of
; five miners killed by an explosiou of
powdorin the Trodewator coal mines
hut night were recovered early today.
Mia BUveasoa Is Dead.
Astikvillk, N. C, Jon. 10 MIm
Bteveuson, daughter of Vice President
Stevenson, died at 1:15 p. in.
Lord Churchill Is Dead.'
London, Jan. 25. Lord Randolph
Churchill died at 6 o'olock this morning.
Chicago Grain and Provisions.
Chioaoo, Jan. 23. Wheat bobbed about un
certainly todar- Pushsddown by free selling
and shoved up by short .covering, It finally
,mI,h1 Un InurAr fnr Mf&v. rVira Hfnut . Al.
low wheat and, aldod by better shipping de-
ihuiu, kiiivu 71U. uaui(uuutauio amount,
but provisions closed lower all around,
WHEAT Knsy. January, 81ic;May,B4Jfc;
Jnlv. fXMn-
f COBN-Hlgher. January, 43io; May, 4S)ia ;
I July, 4&o.
OATH-lUgber. January, Sato; May, 29 i
PORK lower. January, 110.00; May, 110.83.
LARD-Lowur. Jannury, W 60; Mny, $0.07 W
Itms-Jnnaary, it.47' j; May. K.Vi.
Chicago Uve Stack.
CniCAOO, Jan. ISJ.-XJATTLE-So weak was
thu demand that tho best sullers could do was
to hold tho market steady. Tho bulk of the
steers sold at W.'i'SS.OJ nnd I20O3U.00 wore
popular prices fur cows nnd bulls.
HOUH A fairly steady hog markot was ex
perienced today, light going largely at W.8S
405 and ItJOiM-tO buying most of tho hiavy
sad nuHlium weights.
1 SlIKKP Tnulo was uneven, but prices avcr-
aged ulxmt steady. A few wiles at a 10a decllno
worn reported, whllo others sold at strong
prices. Common to oxtru nhtop wero tuleablo
at fJ.UX4U.b5 nnd lambs of corresponding qual
ity went minted at t3.0Of5 J.IVJ
Ueeelnts Cattle. 11.000 head: cnlvni. iM:
hogs, 34,000; sheep, 10.UOO. -r
South Oinalin l.lm Htock.
, Bourn Omaha, Jnn. USI.-CA'lTLK-Reeelpts,
2,UX)heud;l:iUU to 1500 Uh., ii.4O((p5.0O; 11(A) to
l.luUllM.,Uta!t.40;liOO toltOOlbs., $J00k3.IOj
cholcocows, f'.2X(3.40: common cows, 1.0Ua
200; good finders. l.'.TOa 23; common foodon,
;axU60. Mnrk.'t Steiuly.
HO(lB-rtielpt8, ajtOO head; light, 13.5033.80;
mixed, W.7y(3."; heavy, taSXiJI.15. Market
tja to lUo higher, closed weak.
8UEEI'-Rece!pt,l,200 head; muttons, 2.60i
aJluiuKia.(iil.lJ. Market stAdy.
Sf SKnbAjrVy Q
MmL J1
ill ifMia mfl
o nuu tii si a Tj y yisy 5
Chronic Nervousness
Could Not Sleep, Nervous
Gentlemen: I havo been taking
your Restorative Nervine for the past
three months nnd I cannot say
enough in its praise. It ha
Saved fly. Life,
for I had almost Riven up hope of
ever being well again. I was a
could not sleep. I was albo troubled
with nervous headache, and had tried
doctors in vain, until I used your
nervine. lours irtny,
MRS. M. WOOD, IUucwood, IU.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
I)r. Miles' Ncrvlno Is sold on a positive
guarnntco that tho urst bottlo will iicnoflt.
AlldruRglstsscllltnttl. 0 bottles for IS, or
it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind.
NF.nRAT.niA cured hv fir. Mlt' Paim
Pills. "Ono cent a dose.rt At all druggists.
m Dwells ob an Irish Island and Hole
m Mayo Tribe.
About 10 miles from Dugort, in Achlll
island, out to sea, looking lileo n thin
line of sand in tho wnves of tlio Atlan
tic, is tho island of Iuuishkcn'. Ono fine
morning our party started to visit it in
a trusty hooker. As tho hooker enmo in
sight of tho shoro groat excitement was
visible among tho islanders, nud it was
very hard to realizo that wo wero still
but SO hours' journey from London.
Tho inhabitants turned out en masse.
Tho women and children in thoir scanty
garments of red flaunol crouched outside
their cabins, whllo numbers of tho men
ran down to tho boach and put out in
thoir coracles on chance of rowing us to
land. It was a strango scone and curi
ously liko a picture platoin n boy's book
of adventures. We know thoro was a
king of Innishkoa, and soon a tall,
bronzo faced man was pointed out to ns
as his majesty. On landing all tho party
wero introduced nnd conducted by him
to tho palace, where tho qneon dowager,
With her daughter, bado as welcomo in
rrno Irish fashion.
Tho old lady was in hor picturesque
nativo costumo red dross and plaid
shawl over her head. Tho princess, how
ever, had ovidontly on first sight of the
hooker arrayed hersolf in modern fash
ion to do us honor, and wo wero amused
on penetrating into the rccoption room
to find advertisements from shops in
Buckingham Palace road and St. Paul's
ohurohyard hung up to embellish tho
wall, though only by a favored few
could they be read,
Tho island was destitute of any school
or means of instruction for tho children,
a very small proportion eithor under
stood or spoko English, and thero was
noithcr wntah nor clock among tho peo
ple, who had a happy go luoky idea of
time and troubled themselves littlo as
to Greonwioh regulations.
Thero were no church bells to ring, no
trains to catch, no oflloo hours requiring
punctuality, so when tho sun was high
in tho heavons they would get through
their not arduous farming dutlos, and
when he sank in tho great wasto of
waters they could sleop. The king's
word settled all disputes. It was a
hereditary monarohy, and his people, o
far as he waa concerned, were nntaxed.
Happy those states, thought somoof the
visitors, where royalty could bo main
tained with' so little grandeur I How
ever, I am in honesty bound to add we
f onnd King Philip bad other means of
filling his coffers besides levying taxos
on his faithful subjeots and learned the
art of making good his opportunity
whonovor the Saxon strangor Ventured
to land oh his shore. But Innishkea has
an interest altogether apart from its sit
uation, surrounded as il is by lovely
views of mountain cliff and rocky head
land. On this spot, hundreds of years
ago, early Christian missionaries land
ed, and on top of a shelly mount, half
a mile from tho beach, aro Christian
remains of great antiquity. West of the
island thoro stand also the ruins of a
church said to havo been built by the
successors of St. Columba. Leisuro
' Jenny Und.
Jonny Lind must have boon tho most
simplo, uuprotondingprima donua that
over lived. When sho first came to Eng
land sho was bound to sing only at the
Royal Italian Opera House, and when
commanded to sing nt the queen's con
cort sho was obliged to refuse Very
sorry to bo compelled to notify this, sho
ordcrod her carriago uud drove straight
to Buckingham palace She haudod her
card to an official, who, not unnaturally,
doolinod to tako it iu. A higher author
ity happened to pass and took it upon
himself to prosout it Assoonashorniuj
esty hnw it sho said, "Admit hor, by all
menus." JcnuyLind appeared and sum
imply that Bho was so very sorry to bo
uuablo to slug nt hor majesty's concert
that sho thought it bettor to call hersolf
and explniu. Tho queen was charmed
with her natural mnnuor, gavo horn
cordial recoptiou nud promised to bo hor
fricud. Today.
How tha Trees Aro Tapped nnd tho lies
Inous Oliin dithered Departments and
Divisions lu tho Work All Under tho
Keen Eye of tho "Illiter."
Dialect writers find n fruitful field
among tho "Tnr llcols"of tlioCarolluos,
Alabama and Georgia. In tho cool
depths of tho turpentino woods, with tho
gashed trees' yielding up their unions
gum, tho balmy uir and tho pictun -yj
"hnckcrs," "dlppors" and "scraper, '
with tlio ever vigilant "ridor" wntcli
lug everything, is n phase in southern
lifo which hr.s long been tho dolight of
authors nud tho pleasure of artists. Tlio
crudity of thu Implements nud tho utilla
used in making turpentino and rosin
lend additional interest to this old in
dustry, and tho gypsyliko habits of tho
turpoutino makers udd to their ragged, ,
illiterate- charms. 1
Turpentino is tho distilled gum of tho
pino trees of North and South Carolina,
Alabama, Georgia nud part of Florida.
Tho season begins when tho first spring
eap risos and ends when cold weather
checks tlio flow of tho trco's blood. Iu
January or February tho "hacker,"
with his keen blndcd ax, begins tho
round whicli euds'with tho season. Ho
is tho expert of tho woods and knows his
trees and just how much hacking they '
will stand. His task is to cut tho
"boxes" iu which tlio thick gum of tho
wouuded trco will collect. A box is n
wido incision nbont six inches deop, n
wedgo shaped cut in tho trco, and ho
hacks from DO to 100 boxes a day. Tlio
first boxes aro cut near tho roots of tho
treo, and they aro cut ns closo togothcr
to the height of n man's hoad as can bo
done without killing tho pine. Tho
hacker leaves n width of bark botwoon
each box so as to prosorvo tho vitality of
tho treo. When tho trees aro lcabed to
tho turpoutino makors, tho tonus of tlio
loaso limit tho number of boxes to each
trco, but when it is desired to work tho '
pino to tlio fullest extout thn gashes aro
carried up to a height of 20 feotormoro.
After tho hacker comes tho man who
"corners" tho boxes. This "coruor" is
a out in tho top of tho box to guido tlio
sap into tho cavities loft for tho gum,
and tno man wno "works" tuo "crop"
goes systematically from box to box,
starting tlio sap nnow with fresh inci
sions, working iu this way 10,000 boxes
during tho season. Tho sap or gum fills
tho boxes with a clear, sticky, thick
fluid, and this is romovod by tho "dip
per. " Scattored through tho woods aro
barrols iu which tho "dipper" deposits
tho gum, whicli is thon haurod to tho
still. About a quart of sap is takou from
oaoh box by means of tho trowol shaped
scoop used by the dipper, and then tho
hacker comes along and starts tho flow I
afresh by wounding the trco again. The
turpoutino maker watches his men close-'
ly, for tho Tar Heels aro an easy, going'
pooplo and roquiro to bo urged by the
Tiucr," wno goes tnrougn tho wooubou
horseback examining tho crop, hurrying
tho dinners and hnokors and sondintz tho
barreled gum to tho still.
- - -
Tho first or "virgin" sap which flows
in tho spring makes tho beet rosin, and
tho poorest is tho product of tho harden
ed gum which is loft ou tho sides of tho
boxes when tho sap "turns down" in
tho fall. This is removed by tho
"scraper," who moves through tho
woods with his scraping tool, gnthcriug
tho loavings.
Tho still is a largo copper vat hoodod
with a oloso fitting cover in whicli is a
funnel whicli in turn is connected with
tho "worm" of tho still. This worm
runs down .into auother vat near at
band, and in this vat tho fumos or vapor
of tho heated gum is distilled into tur
pentino. Firo under tho copper vat heats
tho gum, and tho volatilo parts riso to
tho funnel, pass into tho still and aro
condensed by tho water in tho socond
vat into spirits of turpentino. Tho resid
uum loft in tho vat is tho rosin of
commorco, which is passed through a
series of strainers and siovos to tho bar
rels, whioh aro mado on tho spot, ffho
turpentino, howovor, cannot bo bandied
so easily, for it will work through an
ordinary barrel. It is placed in white
pine barrels whioh have been coated in
side with sovoral coats of strong, hot
glne until tho barrel in impervious to
the Bubtlo fluid.
The trees aro worked for five or six
seasons, aud then tho turpentine maker
moves to nnothor part of tho woods. He '
startod in North Carolina, crossed over
to flnnth Carolina and is still movins
toward tho gulf. Forest fires dostroy tho
pines faster than tho hackor docs, for
tho flamos swoop ovor large areas before
they dio out Careful owners of turpon-
tino woods havo tho pino straw and
fallen uudorbrush rakod away from their
troes boforo tho soason begins, and col
looting this material in somo safo spot
wait for a qniot day when no wind will
cool tbo wot fingor, and then thoy burn
tho rakings.
Nogroos aro commou laborers of tho
turpentino woods, but whito mon aro
plentiful. Thoy livo in rough shanties
in tho woods, with tho stables for tho
mules and horses near at hand. No
work is moro honlthful than turpentiue
makiug, for it is all out of doors iu the
depths of tho balmy, hoalth giving pines,
froo from tho malaria of tho swamps
nnd from sudden changes of wcathor.
Chicago Record.
' Horsepower,
Tho dlfTeronco between nominal, in
dicated aud effoctlvo horsepower often
puzzles peoplo. Nominal horsopowor is
au assumod quantity, usod 1'or tho con
venience of makors aud buyers in de
scribing tho dimensions of tho enginos.
Indicated horsopowor is tho "amount
shown by computations of the,indicator
diagram. Effuotivoor actual, horsopoy
er'nis. tlio work au cugino caudo or tho
difforeucb betwoen tlio indicated horsp
power and tSo horsopowor required to
drivo.thu cugino wheu unloadod. New
York Ttflmuo. 1 , ,
' " " "RES fN JAPAN
Bnt For Oinn Spaces thn Japan
ipaaMe CHt
Would lliirn UP.
Ono of tho quaiutcst slghtsTln Japan
iu n firo. Hundreds of houses aro often,
bnrned in tho spneo of a few hours, nnd
littlo or nothing can bo douo to stop the
progress of tho flames, especially oua
windy day. If you except tho roof TfmM
is mado of tiles, Japanoso housos nttf -?.
andpapor. In tho poorer districts housco ' Wj
aro packed closo togotner, nun mereiuru
if ono linppcim to catch fire eomotiiucs
tho wliolo street is buruod down with,
incredlblo rapidity, ami tho firo only
ttops nt porno open sp.ico whero it can
not possibly spread further. It is not uu
usual iu Tokyo or &01110 of tlio larger
towns to hoar of it thousand or oven
moro house having been destroyed in
nu nftcriioou or during tlio night.
No 0110 is moro afraid of fires than tho
Japanese, nnd high ladders nro posted nt
short intervals nil over the towns and in
all tho lnrgcr villages, on tho top of
whicli ladders a watchman sits nil night
nud in case of firo rings a largo boll
hanging from tho top. If rung at loug
intervals, tho 'firo is distant, and ono
nood not worry onesolf about turning
out of fine's fountaugs. If mug a littlo! 1
quicker, tho firo is not far, but thoro
need bo 110 apprehension. But if tho boll
is vigorously nud quickly tollod then
you may ns well say goodby to your
houso, bocauso in perhaps" n few minutes
it will bo roducod to it mass of ashes.
Tho .Tapaueso aro wonderful nt turn
ing out at nil hours of tho night, ovon
forgoing to look at a firo, and mon, wo-
niou and children in tho coklost nights
in winter think nothing of walking five j
or six miles to go and look nt a big
blazo. If tho firo hnppeus to bo near, tho
oxcitcmout increases iu proportion to the
probability of one's houso boing burned
down. You seo pooplo half scared nnd
screaming, gotting wutor wherover they
can in palls, wasli basins, tubs or any
thing they can lay hold of and throw
ing it nil over tho woodwork so as ta
diminish tho chances of its catching firo. 1 1
Then as tlio firo draws nearer, and the
only water nvailablo has already been,
consumed, tlio process of saving what
ono can is put into practice. Tho amido,
or woodou shutters, and tho sholjls, pa
per walls, nro quickly taken down and.
brought into a safo place; tho mats ore. 1
lifted out of rmiir places, nud with the
few articles of furnituro aro quickly ro
movod. So thnt wheu tho fire comos it,
only destroys tho wooden the;
houso and tho roof. That is nlL, It is 'v
seldom that lifo is lost in theso fires, ex
copt sometimes when children or old
peoplo aro uuablo to move, and on
surrounded by flamos they cannot be
reached and often perish. Tokyo Let
The Britom Complains, Prates and Scatda
In Ilis Dally Joaraal. fi
Tho n6wspapor 1b a member of' the''
Tatsuy in England and regularly
to broakfasWlPith tho other members.
Tho Lodekmvnmes akind of old
sou among JMmmmtn, ana i.'on
jolly baohdnt?
sional visits, englishmen
- : "
llfUVsrmnprH'infn rhnir rnnfldnnJi J91B j44
into thoir confident
havo n half way of writing to thumon5L
all borts of subjects. If au Englishman'V
rows down tho Thames aud stops for
luuohoou nt au inn and is overcharged,
ho writos to hisnowspapor, just as a lit- 7
tlu boy runs in to complain to hii
mnmma of tho rough trontinont of bis
playmates, aud later on tho first 1 otter'
is followed by others, in which tho com?
pnrativo merits and cost of light lunch
cons ou thu continent, in Soringapa
tarn, in Kamchatka and ovorywhore
else whero Englishmen havo eaten and
drunk and whoro have they not done-
fllfvn?!a fllanneanil nrt atc Y Uaw.. .
8tumblonud fall in Rotten row, there 3H
nro letters on tho eubjout which go' into- J:
iuu uiuvivr ui xuauuniiuing, moaern
horsemanship nud tho liko, with quota'-
tious from Virgil and aneodotes of aooi '
donts that happened half a century ago.
Not only tho moro serious weekly, but
also tho daily newspapers, give ono tho
impression that thoy feel themselves to? -
somo extont responsible for the content- ,
porary auditing of, , the 'accounts of the
day of judgment On the other hand,"
tho better class of English newspapers
do not indulge in rash suppositions; "
una. Buueraiizaiions, nnoorttun fjl units ,"
at probablo f uturo happenings and tha J J
daily exploitation of tho personal affair " 71
of UOtorions nnhniMna Anil . .. ? i-VJ
be permitted to say diffidently that per
baps this is proforable. If Mr. Balfnnr.
for example, were to go abroad for" a
holiday, it would bo oonaidaral vnlomv
to ohroniclo his dolngsand dinings and
nimninrniv tiriirfti a. ivft.iu ak
nusoiutoiy brutal and boorish to write
particulars of the dross and behavior of
bis sister, or his wife,, if he had one.'
Tho sense of fair iriajyof a nation of
sportsmomdocs not 'ponnitfiJn editor to
tormeat ovon his ouoiiiy from behind'st
woman's pettlcoats,MPrioo Collier in
A Question of Recognltloa. A
Miss KittyMamnja, will wo know'
folks in hoavon samo is wo do bore? -Mamma-V-I
think thlre is no doubt of,
that, my doar, I
"Will Ikn.ow JaudGoppllns?"
"Who is Jano Gopilins?" ),
"Sho's tho'bigfrcoiled girl that Uvea
ovor tho grocery stordown tho street "
'-- ------ uun -t -m
heaven, my, doar, A-ori will cortainly , ?
know hor." , v f
j vi muvukduu nil tin 7 n man n r
(After SOUO mmontS of nrntnnnA Tw
AAU...ln..l I T .. . f. ;,,
tuKuuiiuu; i wort nave no speak to V
liny ,u1ll T m.....-4f rti'i . .. 1 'i?.
..v., ..... , uiuuuuuf.- unicaao 'rrih-i!
, , v
a vin& rw . r
IP1. .1.1., .1 ... M '
" uui. V .
uiih:, f gwiueman was gotting a Tt
pair of. shot , aud tho clerk was striving yHl
I'Vnn l.n n .. l ii.... .. ..
-w.. .,., ,, u,uKmil loorBir," no'
said as ho moothed tho leatlior down
across thn" 1 isfnn I
(ITT... II Lb.'i .1 . . . . , t
ui, . iiuieu
tllOold pntif. nvtni'wr
him 11 arm
l.V. "I L'llPRq villi nil. If fl.r.
chiip that as coming to seo my daugfcr I
. m
1' l
BTDK.9 JfJTK'Sd-. .f i- ,ll
. VI
v .