The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Acts like a poultice, draving
out fever and pain, and reinvig
orating the entire Female Sys
tem. It removes all obstructions
fend creates a healthy, natural
flow of all secretions.
It is the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied right to the diseased
parts. Don't take internal rem
edies for Female weakness, com
mon sense requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
ajnd permanent cure.
"Orange Blossom" is a sure,
painless cure for falling and
dropsy of the womb, profuse,
difficult, irregular menses, leu
corrhosa, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal
low complexion.
Orange Blossom" is a pastile
easily used at any time. Every
$dy can treat herself with it.
Mailed to any address on re
ceiptof $i. Dr. J. A. McGill&Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
Ior Sole by f?. L. Coiling lied
The Book of
"The Fair."
fly H. II, Il.uieiott, 'The Historian."
A work ot Ono Thousand Imperial Folio
pages, twelve by sixteen inches,
printed on tho finest cnamolod
paper, on tho Michlo press, as ex
hibited in Machinery Hall. This
work contains
v ijenty-five Parts
Forty Pages Each.
Thr V will bo ovor 2,500 SUPERB PIC-
ifcs of all sizes up to a tun page.
ccj)tor on
11 s' ''Fairs ot the Past
From tho Crystal Palaco of 18."2 to tho
Purls Exposition of 1839. The
Exposition woe but for a moment
while the book is for all time, and
Should be in
Every Home
SoaI by subscription only, on easy pay
ments of Gi cents a day. For
further particulars apply to
Miruggist &ltoohnel1er
tSTAgent for this company.
" .- vr- r I f e
mrompt Btswor and an boneat opinion,
Si ll SNA: CO., who havo Imd nearly lift
Sifn&tntno patent , taslyeu. 6omi
Voraatlonconreinliw 1'ntrnln anil linw fob.
iSlntbem aent tree. Alao a catalogue ot niitnan.
,cai!.B,V'nt taken through Muun A Co. riol
aneclal notice in tbo HcjentMlo Amrrlf rii, and
fEua are brouubt widely beforotho publlcwllb.
out nft to tho inventor, Thin nilendld pr.
.sued weeklr. elouantly Illustrated. ha by t t ho
laruCTt t irculitlon of any aclentltlo work tho
iinrld :i T''r Mtiiplo copies sent fret
Bui idltoKdltlon. monthly. ti-Wa year, tfnglo
rnoiet "l.l couta. Kvcry number contnlns jeau
tifiil nlatw. In colora. and iihotwrapha ofnuw
houMia, Willi Plana. eiiabllnii Widen to aliol tho
r.tSii ilea una and jiocura eontracla. .Addrvk
riie Story of tho Brnrrh For It Daring
Two Centurion Lake Itasca and the Lit.
tla Stream That Nicollet Christened the
"Cradled Achlllei."
"I havo stoppod ncros tho Missisiippi
river, " said Dr. Couos. "It was easy, for
Iho stream was only about 8 inches wldo
kud 3 inches deep. I havo seen tho Fa
ther of Waters where ho rises literally
out of tho ground and starts as an infant
rivulet.dostiuuiltocut tho United States
lu twain with tho uilghty volurno of his
adult flood.
"Tho story of tho search for tho source
of tho Mississippi reads liko a romance
After tho discovery of tho uppor river iu
1073 by Jollot and Marquotte, and tho
discovery of tho falls of St. Anthony iu
1080, by Hennepin, littlo moro was
known of tho Father of Waters for near
ly a century. In 1700 Captain Jonathan
Carver ascended tho stream as far as tho
mouth of Rum river. In 1708 tho fa
mous English astronomer and survoyor.
David Thompson, iu tho Bervico of tho
Northwest company, reached Turtlo
lako. This lake, which Bonds n tributary
to tho Mississippi, was for souio tiiuo
supposed to bo tho source
"Tho first whito man known to havo
visited tho noighlorhood of tho actual
source of tho Mississippi was William
Morrison, n fur trador, who wan cortnln
ly at Lako Itasca iu 1803 or 1804. Ho
never published anything on tho sub
Joct, and it is only very recently that
his priority of discovery has been known.
Tho noxt explorer of tho sources of tho
river was Lioutenaut Zobulon Mont
gomery Piko. Ho was tho first American
citizen to carry tho flau of tho United
States into northern Minnesota. Ho was
sont by tho government to treat with
tho Indians and stop tho salo of liquor
in that region. Incidentally ho purchased
for f 2fiO and boino whisky n tract of
land nino miles square, which included
tho prcsont site of Minneapolis. Con
gress subsequently voted an additional
payment to tho Indians for this tract of
"Lioutonant Piko procecdod by boat
to tho vicinity of tho present Littlo Falls
in Morrison county, Minn. Ho got no
farther with boats, and ho continued his
journey through thowiutorof 1805-0 on
snowshoes nud with sledges northward.
Ho finally reached Loech lako. This lako
ho mistook for the sourco of tho Missis
sippi, aud his report on this subject was
hold to bo correct for somo years of tor-
"In 1830 the Hon. Lowis Cass, ac
companied by Henry It. Schoolcraft, tho
historian, wont on an exploring expedi
tion up tho Mississippi as far as Cass
lake, so named at tho timo by School
craft. In 1833 an Italian traveler, J. C.
Beltrami, went over David Thompson's
routo to Turtlo lako and loportcd that
lako to be tha truo source Evidently,
howover, ho heard from tho Indians
about Lako Itasca, for ho mapped it with
approximate accuracy, though he was
never there and did not imagino that
the Father of Waters sprang thence.
"Lako Itasca was rediscovered in
1833, when Schoolcraft, accompanied by
Lioutenaut Allen, United States army;
tho Rev. Mr. Boutwoll and others, was
guided to tho lako by a Chippewa In
dian, known as Yellow Head. On this
occasion Lako Itasca received its present
name, which was mado np of parts of
tho words Veritas Caput, signifying tho
truo head' of tho river. Tho Latin was
bad, for it ought to havo been Verum
Caput The lako had previously been
known by tho French namo ot Lao n la
Blches, meaning Elk Lako. This was n
translation of tho Chippewa Omoshkos
"Schoolcraft's party mado an exami
nation of Lako Itasca, being satisfied
that thoy had found tho truo sourco of
tho Missisiippi. Not again until 1830
did any scientifio man visit tho spot.
This was a Frenchman, J. N. Nicollet,
who tried to ascertain tho sourco of the
feeders of Lako Itasca. Exploring south
ward, ho reached tho springs from which
tho infant river takes its rise. It should
be understood that the Mississippi runs
from its sourco dirootly northward for a
distanoe of CO miles beforo turning about
In a sort of fishhook bend and storting
southward. To the baby stream, before it
enters Lake Itasca, Nicollet gave the po
etic namo of 'Cradled Achilles.' He es
tablished ita course in connection with
three small lakes, since named Upper,
Mlddlo and Lower Nicollet lakes that
is to say, he found that the little river
ran through two of these small lakes
and connected with tho third. This ex
plorer mapped the whole of the Itoscan
basin and determined the latitude, lon
gitude and altitude with such accuracy
that subsequent surveys havo only con
firmed and amplified his observations.
"Tlio wholo subject of which I havo
been spoakiug was befogged aud thrown
into dispute recontly by a certain Cap
tain Qlazier, who, apparently for no
othor parposo than to advertise himself,
published his alleged discovory of anew
and truo source of tho Mississippi. By
reduoing tho slzo of Lako Itasca, ignor
ing Nicollet's Cradled Achilles, magni
fying a small sldo lako which ho called
Lako Qlazier, and by stretching out ono
of tho feeders ot tho latter, be produced
a distorted map which actually imposed
on tho Royal Geographical sooioty of
Groat Britain. Many of tho errors thus
originated have crept into tbo standard
maps of the United Statos.
"It may bo said that thero is nothing
farther to bo learned about tho truo
sourco ot tho Fathor of Waters. As a
matter of essential fact, tho truo Upper
Mississippi is tho river called tho Mis
souri. Tho stream that flows frqm Lako
Itasca is merely a tributary, I ought not
to forgot to mention that I walked along
tho bed of tho stroam tormod by Captain
Glazier tho infant Mississippi for n con
siderable distanco dry shod. Tho littlo
brook was dried up. Lato measurements
havo roducod tho length of tho Mihsis
sipoi from 8,181 wiles to 3,1350 miles."
Don't Tobncco Spit or Smoke
Your Life Away."
The truthful, startling title of a book
about No-tO'bao, tho only harmless, guar
anteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want
to quit and can't, u "No-to-bac
Braces up nicotinizod nerves, eliminates
nicotine poisonn, makes weok mon gain
strength, weight and vigor. Positive
euro or money refunded. Sold by C. L.
Boole lit druggists, or mailed free.
Address Tho Sterling Romi'dy Co.,
ChicAgo ofllcp, 45 Randolph St., New
York, 10 Spruce St.
M. BourjcoisH him not jot comploted
tho formation of n cabinet.
A proslMent tmiu in Ui bnok indicates
troublo In the Kidney. To stay tht pro
gress of (lififlnse, um Dr. J. H. MoLHti'ft
Llvor & Kidney I)nltn.
Mority Carriers, a
died nt Munich.
Prussian of note,
Karl's clover root, tho great blood pari
fled gives f reiihneiis nnd clearness to tho
complexion and cares constipation, 25
ot., GOots., 81.00.
Through our commons lies the path to
the uncommon.
Shiloh's core, tho grent Congh and
Croupe enro is in urent demand. Pocket
bIzh contain twenty-flvo dose only 2."o.
Children lovo it. Bold by druggist.
A moto in tho eyo makes tho whole
world look wrong.
Huy penplo hnvo no time, and sensible
jibophi have no inclination to u a slow
remtdy. One Mlnnte Cough Cnre nets
promptly aud gives permanunt results.
Tho tirst Btcp toward being u happy
old man is to bo n useful joung one.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
blood clear jour complexion, regnlate
your bowel and make your skin (ear a
a bell. 2r.o., COo., Sold by C L Cot
ting. After all, lifo is little moro than a short
time given a man in!which to tapor off
Knr.u.MATiRM Cubicd in a Day. "Mystlo
Cure" for Rhfaumntism and Nournlgin,
radically enres In 1 to 3 days. Its action
upon tho system is remarkable and mj'H
torious. It removes ut onco tho cnuso
and tho diseaso immediately disappears,
ho first dose greatly benefits, 7ftots.
sold by Dej'o it Grlce, Druggists, Red
Coud. tf
When a young women has received a
diploma from a cooking school sho wise
ly conceals it from hor prospective hus
band. a ii i a
Peter h. Raben, residing at Montrose
P. O., Sioux Co., Neb-, writes under date
of date of Jim 22, 1894: ''Haller Pro
prietary Co., Dear Sirs: Please send ma
price list on jour remedy called Halter's
Sure Care Congh Syrup. I have used
this remedy for over one year and found
it worked wonderful results in oases of
croup, coughs and lung troubles. I want
to soud direct for the medicine to save
going so far to get it." 25o and COo
sizes. Sold and guaranteed by Ddjo &
The Waco World is of this world no
more. The town is hardly largo enough
to sustain a newspaper in dry years.
i a
Is your llvor torpid and in consequence
do you ftel tired and sluggish. Apply a
few doses of Ealler'a 8arsaparills to the
liver and convert it Into a state of activ
ity. Make the blood flow more rapidly
through the system and you will no long
er fetl half dead. It will give you iu
sreased energy by building up your gen
eral health. We sell aud guarantee this
remedy. Deyo & Orioe.
a i m
Lancaster county is figuring on a new
and costly jail.
Private Money to Loan.
On good furms for 1, 2, 3, 4 or G years
time at reasonable rates. Money always
ready, one mortgage, and no commission.
Write to Geo. W. Barker, Erie, Penn.
no 1-tf
JTheMerchantB hotel at Warkefield,
thaThas been closed for some time, will
shortly reopen.
Observe the corn upon thy foot "that
is where the shoe pinches." Tbe tight
hoe says eome, and it cometh. Haller's
Com Cure says got and it goeth. This is
the only absolutely guaranteed Corn
Core on the market, and Deyo Orloa
will refund money in every case ot failure
Make your feet easy on that soore.
A Bohomian dramatic society
been organized at Schuyler.
"Orange Blossom" is a painless cure
for all diseases peculiar so women. Sold
fresh by C. L. Cottnlg.
Denver has donated 100 tons of coal
to tho Nebraska sufferers.
Mrs. P. P. Reed is now prepared to do
all kinds ot dressmaking in tho most
faBhionablo manner. Sho usee the Mc
Dowell cutting system which is porfect.
At Miss Porry'a resdence north Wobetor
street. .
Good Farm Loans Wanted.
Low interest, with option to pay all or
part ot principal at any year. Writo, or
call and see me. O. P. Catiieh, lied
Cloud, Nob.
. .
Medina; National Cycle Exhibi
tion Company of CIiIcuko.
Tickots to Chicago on sale Jan. Mb to
12th iuolosivo, on certificate plan. R. M.
Jaffery Secretary 1)00 Isabella Building
Chioago, will slgu certificates. Joint
agent of the Central Unfile Association
will stamp certlflcatos, provided thero
aro 100 or moro in attendance holding
full faro receipts. Going trip will bo
returned at ono third fnre.
A. Co.novkb, Agent.
With The Chief
lOl iliSi'
m CO zwm
E3 We afe continuing to give
2S: our subscribers who renew
S2 new subscribers who pay for
rdH: advance, one
S3 Books, worth almost the value of the
S5 subscription
An intensely interesting story,
full of thrilling' adven
tures and dramatic
Read the First Chapter
An Interesting Situation
Taken from our New
Author ot ' Chattanooga' and other
popular War Stories.
The interesting situations in
this story are numerous, the
dialogue is delightful and the
characters are engaging and life
like. t
I F RRllil'R u"'' 'Mii tltMly la th mm A
lata WllVn WthMadU.uMolibaUinita-UrlD.rr9r.
gaus, rjulrH Ita fUiif or dttt or
otuttoui.iuircurUlor puUonou iu4
Icint.lo t Uita laUtilly. Watto
tv eltlitr It U tinpotsitla toeontrtut
ftnjr vnir m! rtl4i? i l"si 13 th c of
tl40aure4ruiioTav4tiv Arrucrsa
fVTTYS VJWlaCJra.l'rlarnill.rHUaial4
ar ' mwnmimm
I icr Ux, cf tf Wie Ut f k
J v '$
of those Fine Cloth Bound
price. Get one.
We are still In taeawlm
And are selling . . .
Blankets and Robes
At a reduced price.
Here aro a few of our prices:
I 1.00 blanket for t .90
1.25 " 1.00
l1'v .... .... .... .... 4t)u
2 no " i in
w ................ 1.IU
mi .... .... .... .... A.IAJ
2.00 " 2.30
Fur and
Plush Robes
At reck bottom prlcea.
Repairing and TrimmiBg
on short notice.
J. 0. Butler. Prop.
The Sweetest Music
requires a
Guitar, Mandolin,
Banjo or Zither.
They sre the product of the Largest
Musical factories In the world and arc
unequalled lor tone or finish. Send to
the makers,
Lyon & Healy, Chicago,
for a Ileaullful Cataloguo (I'KKK)
conlnlnliift poitralta of ninety attista.
Wash burnt are sold by all hrst-clais
Mnalc Dtalera.
link r urrliorjr Tbe
liM m...i. a.r. Mtite .llil.
tHiiii-.fjf aUiutljr luiu lu.itute,
Vtwf, ritinr aiivl tlrltt ihriu
ltbuut (()( IU tilbl. You
I ul lti lmitu, ili iiiMtiln dt i
.... n.i.i.1 ...ti.i. t ji.i...
tuvirit, iiiaua hiutm aiixaoi
an) rhfrtful attr. M actvllei
knfiri iiOHiictlbtuiJircioil'lsgt
'N j Lrtikfti dlabei. bo touai. I'Lcan.
IIAUHIiUNLCO.. iUrk . IS, Culuiafcut, O,
'em M
l W
3 J
i O
i en
to each of
and to all f3
one year in gbg
Sucrlfl'a SHle.
ttntleu U hereby given, that iinilrr an by
Virtue ut Hit order of hIh Ixtueit fiom the offlc.
or V, n. t'rone elerK ot Ilic Olitrli t ptirt of the
tentii judicial district, wltliln uml fur Webster
count), rebrkH, upon nilrrreo In mii action
ueodiou, thrrelH, wherein Wyler Ackerlmid ft
'o , in plitlntllT and narslint J.w Snrrls lefend
unt. I shall offer to.- mile at ititi vendue, to
the hlitheit bidder (nr i anil In limul. ntibeast
doorot the Court huiine.Ht itel t'lmi'l. In ild
Websle- county, Nebniakn, (llnit IicIiik the
bulldlim wherein lh hint term of mid court
wn luildrn) on llH'V'il day of Krliriixry JA. U.,
ISStt at one o'clock l m. , of nitlddnv, tha follow
Idk described prtipertv, to wit: l.o' .inn (I) and
east hl nf lot two (K ii '-) Iu JH.irfu uddltlon
to Ullie Illll Welmter county. elnairt.
(Ihen under m linni! tels u;th Uuy ot De
cember A. I)., I8M.
J.W. HobciiKv.l'.herlfr.
A. M, Wai.trks, I'lHJniirf's Attorney.
Notlee It berehyBlven, tbtt under and by vir
tue of au order ol sole laiuecl from the offloe of
O. B. Crone, Clerk of tbe Oittriot Court of tha
Tenth Judicial Dlitriet, wltblu and for Webster
county, Nebraska, upon, decree lu to aetloa
pending, tuerein, wnerein. jonn b. Hoover aaa
H. a Kotuier are puintiDt ana sninit J,
Amoiu, ouuormicK
lot If aobine Companv, defendants and wbereln
JobnH Hoover la plaintiff and against Frae
mont Arnold. Jennie Arnold, John ri. Arnold,
lAvlnda Arnold, Dawes A ross, Faratln I. Fosi.
O. H. Maattna Co , II. Bnow, MeCorinIck Bar
vesting Machine Co.. dafandanta. Vhn two
above rasas naving baan catolidated by order
ot court. 1 shall offer for sale at publlo vaadua.
to tha highest bidder for cash in band, at th.
ut door of tha court house, .tiled Cloud, la
said Webster eounty, Nebraska, (that being th.
building wherein the last term ot laid aourt
waa nofden on tbe 3d day of February A.-D;
189S at ona o'clock p. m. . of said day, the follow
described property, to-wlt: Tha northeast
quarter of eectien seven (7), Township thre. (J)
north of range Ten 110), west of tha Oth P. M.
ih Webster county. Nebraska. . . .
Given under my hand this 87th day of Cntera
bar, A. D. ISOi. J. W. RCVCHKT, Sheriff,
A. M. Walteri. Flalntllf'a Attorney. M i
"The" Watch.
For titnokeonlng and durability nothing
beats the seventeen jeweled
Dkuiiku Hasipden Watch.
and examine them. Aleo hie lino of
Jowolry, Diamonds,
Spectacles, Clocks,
l'lated and solid silverware, sonvenlr spoons,
peai I handled knlvos mid forks, catvliy sets,
calllriK card cases, bon bon boxes and other
noveitlfi. A II m line of sncclacles and eye
glasses with liiterohansable lenses. steel, nickel
silver and nold f ramts, Hpeclal uml careful , at
tention paid to ntilnu the eo. My line of 2nd
hand watches la qiilto larce. I will run them oft
at less .than, their actual worth. ,k
PtrlimiK uur watch, rlock aud Jewelry re
pair work, joiiraiiKravum nr.d your old nold
atursuvertome, Tiog pENMAN
bold ly Bcj o & Grlco lied Cloud
s V
t7yaaJrtyiigfiawarrtr ir